Studia Philosophiae Christianae UKSW 50(2014)1 POVILAS AleksandravičIUS HERMENEUTICS OF HEIDEGGer’s FACTICITY AND ITS RELIGIOUS ASPECTS Abstract. The concept of facticity that was developed by Heidegger from 1919 to 1923 composes the basis of all his further thought: the conceptions of Dasein and ontological temporality will originate namely from this concept. The article analyzes various expressions of the factitious life (care, Er-eignis, life, Self- Destruction, meaningfulness, death), yet the special consideration is paid to its religious aspects. Really the essence of facticity is treated by Heidegger as a temporality that is essentially correlated with the Christian experience. The influence of Saint Augustine to Heidegger and the Heideggerian concept of methodical atheism are analyzed and this analysis raises the intricate problem of the relation of the Black Forest philosopher to Christian faith and to God. Keywords: Heidegger, hermeneutics, facticity, religious, care, Er-eignis, life, temporality 1. The emergence of the concept of facticity in Heidegger’s work. 2. The account of facticity. 3. Facticity as movement: care. 4. Er-eignis and the formation of the living world. 5. Facticity as life 6. Factical life as self-destruction. 7. Meaningfulness of factical life or the hermeneutic dimension of facticity. 8. Facticity as temporality. 9. Factical life and death. 10. Christian facticity. 11. St. Augustine’s influence on hermeneutics of facticity and the issue of God. 12. Methodological atheism and the mystery of life’s facticity. Povilas Aleksandravicius Mykolas Romeris University,
[email protected] Institute of Philosophy and Humanities Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania 174 Povilas aleksandravičius [2] On 9 January, 1919, a 30-year old Martin Heidegger wrote a letter to his friend, the canon Engelbert Krebs, informing him of his withdrawal from the Catholic Church and indicating the main reason for his choice: a scholastic system, where the Church aimed to squeeze Christian be- liefs, had become “problematic and unacceptable”1 to him.