OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY C A T A L O G 2002-2003 This Catalog offers information about the academic programs and support services of the University. This Catalog is as accurate as possible, but the information may not remain current for all of the academic year. Circumstances may prompt changes in courses, course content, credit, fees, regulations, semester calendar, curriculum, degrees offered, and other University matters. Such changes authorized by the University apply both to prospective students and to those previously enrolled, unless the latter are specifically exempted. For information, write to Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, or call (405)744- 5000; in Oklahoma, call toll free 1-800-233-5019. Send electronic mail requests to
[email protected]. Publications concerning a number of topics are also available upon request. OSU information is available via the Internet: Admission: www.okstate.edu/registrar/admiss.html Catalog: home.okstate.edu/okstate/evp/registrar/coursecat.nsf Schedule: www.okstate.edu/registrar/scsinfo.html The summer and fall class schedule books are usually available in February, and the spring class schedule book in October, and may be obtained from the student academic services offices, or through the mail from the Office of the Registrar. An application packet and viewbook, with information for prospective students on admission, residence halls, financial aid, scholarship, and the Honors Program, is available from the Office of High School and College Relations. The OSU Catalog may be obtained by new students, free of charge from their student aca- demic services offices, at the beginning of their first semester at OSU.