[email protected] CHAPTER XVI. RELlGIOUS HISTORY. "The I-ighteous shall be in everlasting remembrimce."-- Psalm 112 :,G, HE authorities for this chapter are, besides per- T sonal conversations with those living in 18'77, Hol- combe's Baptists in Alabama, Lorenzo Dow's Com- plete works, Minutes of the Bethel and other associ:~- tions, Minutes of the Alabama Conference and of the South Alabama Presbgterg, and a diary kept by M. Ezell. For the first hundred years of white occupancy here, from 1700 to 1800, missionaries connected with the French and Spaniards made efforts to instruct the Indians and to keep up among the European settlers and ljojourners the observance of Christian worship. In Spanisli tiltles, before 1800, s Roman Catholic church and parsonage had been ereoted at St. Stephens. After the Spaniards withdrew, no public religious wor- ship was for a number of years maintained. " Hun- dreds," savsThe Picltett, "liornHeart and bred in theOf wilder- Dixie ness," who had become men and women, had never seen a minister ,of the .Gospel. The first Protestant preacher, who visited the early American settlers along the rivers, was the noted and eccentric Lorenzo Dow. On the nineteenth. of April, 1803, he crossed, the Oconee river, and meeting with a srnall company who were migrating thither, he sot off with them for the Tombigbee river. Reaclling the Alabama the cornpany
[email protected] 566 0liARK.E AND IT8 SURROUNDIBQS. swam that river, in order to save thirty or forty miles travel, but he passed down the river ten miles, and staid over night with a family of mixed blood, paying for his entertainment one dollar and a half, for himself and horse, and then he went to the Tensaw settlement- He made an appointment there for the coming Sunday and crossed; by the Cut Off, to the Tombeckbee, through a cane-brake seven miles in extent.