For the Period Ended 31 Tteeemher 2018
The Virgin Foundation known as Virgin Unite (a company limited by guarantee) Report and Consolidated Financial Statements For the period ended 31 tteeemher 2018 Company No: 2155645 (England and Wales) Charity No: 297540 Virgin Unite Annual Report 2018 Contents Page REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES 3 LETTER FROM THE TRUSTEES VIRGIN UNITE 2018 HIGHLIGHTS FINANCIALS 19 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES Managing Director iL Gray (resigned 30 June 2018 D. Gannon (appointed 1 July 2018) Virgin Unite UK Board of Trustees H. K.T. Branson V. Branson A. Ahmed P. Norris J.A Brady Nd. Richards J.M Oelwang Secretary C.M. Howes Company Number: 2155645 —Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 297540 Registered office: Hanover House, 14 Hanover Square, London, W15 1HP, United Kingdom Auditors: KPMG LLP, 15 Canada Square, London, 614 5GL Solicitors: Harbottle & Lewis, Hanover House, 14 Hanover square, London, W15 1HP Bankers: Lloyds TSB Bank pic. PO Box72, Bailey Drive, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent, MEB OLS LETTER FROM THE TRUSTEES Message from Holly Branson (Chair of Trustees) and Jean Oelwang (President) 2018 saw some incredible highlights for Virgin Unite on our journey to bring together people and entrepreneurial ideas to create opportunities for a better world. We recognise that collaborations across sectors are one of the most powerful ways of creating solutions; sharing and learning from different approaches, sparking new ideas and driving a commitment to action. This annual report celebrates our projects, initiatives and the wonderful partners and people who we are fortunate enough to work with to challenge failing systems, address tough-to- tackle problems and deliver solutions that last for the long run.
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