URBAN FANTASY More bang for your fang, more vamp for your tramp By Pat Hauldren Fantasy, and especially Urban Fantasy, are hot genres on today’s market. In this class, we’ll define Urban Fantasy, explore the markets available and how each market expects different aspects of the same genre. We’ll also study the current publications in the genre, including adult, YA, and children’s subgenres, and compare our own manuscripts to these. At the end of this workshop, you will understand the Urban Fantasy genre and be on your way to writing an urban fantasy with flare. Throughout the class, we’ll work on improving our manuscripts to meet market needs. The audience for this workshop will be writers of Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etc. The only pre-requisite for this class is an interest in Urban Fantasy as a genre. See more of Pat Hauldren’s workshops at www.pathauldren.net Email: mailto:
[email protected] Page 2 of 35 Contents Introductions, Lesson 1, & Assignment 1...................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Introductions ....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Lesson 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Assignment 1 ......................................................................................................................................