Columbus, Geo

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Columbus, Geo Columbus, Geo., FHO!! ITS H Selection as a "Trading Town . ~ . 'I> o, ';) IN N"'" "..." -..0') 1827, c.o -4 '1'0 ITS <.:) ~artial Destruction by vVilson's Raid, ~ t' IN . ~ . ~ ~ 1865. 452870 '. 't \1)"" ~ " '90 HISTORY-INCIDENrl'-PlmSONALrrfY. ~ PARrr 1-1827 TO 1846. G~N~ALOGV DEPARTMENT == cc"" . BRADLE.Y- l.1BRAR..Y-=.,_.=_,"-,,,,,.,"-,,,.,-,~__, CO~IPILE]) .BY..JOHN H. MARTIN. ==='OENEAWGrCAL AN;=~~~;O;~CA~~;OOM Bradley Memorial Library 1120 Bradley Drive PUBLISHED BY THuS. Gtt%.URil.,~{)k·(VTH~A~.r!ffl:NDER. OOLUMBUS, GA., 1874. BRADLEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY COL.UMBUS. GEORGIA Thomas Scott, 144 John, 79 t~a DAVIS, 23, 6;3 Lucy Elizabeth, 98 I DOWNING & THOMAS, 131 Thomas W., 116 D. P., 126 DELANEY I Thos. W., 45 John, 166 DAVIS Elkanah. 142 DILLINGHAM & TARVER, DOZIER J.,88 7 """"""'A":B.:37 JamesL., 113 30 Augusta, 144 DUTTON & STANLEY, 31 Lucinda, 166 Ann. 122 11m Edward M., 153 Miss Mary A., 104 A. B., 89 DELAUNEY DIMMICK i John, 103 W.J., 121 Elisha, 132 Alphonso, 54 B.C.,56 John B., 113 EALY Elizabeth, 132 Mrs., 130 Algernon 5., 122 EWS & GREENWOOD, 141 F. G.• 156 DelGADO DIMON It~ Mary, 154 DRAKE ELLIS & YONGE, 97 Isabel,142 Isaac, 2 Mary, 142 I Jane, 143 i 1.5.,45 EARLY Jno. E., 165 DELK DIMOND Piety, 132 J. M.,51 ELLISON John E., 54, 85, 98 David,71 John, 122 1(:-' R. 5., 38 Miss Margaret C., 31 [1.1J ECHOLS,128,147,158 Joshua L. 0" 143 Mary Ann, 169 : J. E., 110 DINGLE DRIGGEERS ELVIRA Daniel T., 88 Miss, 50 Miss Sarah A., 104 DELONY George R., 152 ECHOLS f ,~, Josephus, 51, 116, 119, Mrs., 16 Edward,97 ..l~ DRIVER 157. 165 EMMETT Rev. Mr., 52 DISHROOM t,t~ Simon W., 114 Philip H., 57 Mary, 131 Rhoda, 132 DENIGIN Miss Mary, 104 Thomas, 25 l., 112 I DIXON DUBLOIS ECHOLS COLQUITT & EMOTT J.A., 121 HOLT, 88 Eliabeth, 154 DAVIS & PLUME, 131 DENNARD Frederick, 114 tI~1 Capt., 65 DUBOSE ECTOR ENNIS DAWKINS DOBBS William, 132 Dr. Wiley B., 169 Haney Ann, 123 DENNIS Eliza, 114 J.,130 ,:l.~o· Dr. W. W., 166 Thos. M., 37 Miss Lydis, 21 DUCK W.B.,69 EPPINGER DAWSON Sophia, 153 ~,I··I John C., 143 E. T. I CO., 130 Capt., 65 DENT ECTOR-FLOURNOY & James T., 140 Henry C., 14, 17 Alexander, 123 DOBSON DUDLEY RAGLAND, 141 James T. I CO., 121 H.C., 30 Capt., 65 Capt., 65 Iii;· Enoch, 112 Miss Jacintha E., 21 Margaret Ann, 144 .J) ( Peter, 12, 15, 17 EDGAR ESTES DODGE P. K., 112 Henson 5., 122 DAWSON-HILL & CO., 129 DEXTER A.• 51 'f; DUFFEE M.A. A., 163 Benj., 135 Owen, 153 EDWARDS ESTES & ILLGES, 125, 126 DAY Amanda M., 123 E.H., 112 DIBBLE DOLES [i:) DUKE David B., 154 ETHERIDGE Mr., 27 Clarrissa, 153 Caroline, 131 John C.• 143 John, 154 DAY & CARY, 87 F. M., 114 Delia, 114 jonathan, 102 DICK J Elbert, 114 EUBANKS DEAN Miss Cornelia Isabella. DORFF Hamilton, 103 EFIEMATTA,36 Thos.,96 Ab., 168 113 Jacob, 152 L! Wm. J., 114 Bartlett T., 122 EILAND EVANS David,25 DICKSON DORINGER DUKES Absalom, 166 Capt., 65, 68 Jeplha C., 122 T. W., 158 Susannah,l14 It)o I., Miss Ann, 16 Capt. T. C., 59 Lunsford R., 166 [ EIUIECK Charlotte, 169 Simeon, 153 DILL DOUGLAS DUNAWAY Henry J., 114 George, 143 Augustus A., 124 W. A.• 166 l James, 143 Jane, 122 DEAN & SHAW, 21 G. A., 112 Ii' ELDER Matt. R., 37, 121 DOUGLASS Ii. {"J DUNN Hartwell, 142 Miss Clarissa, 113 DILLARD Geo. W., 104 DEBLOISE Sarah, 143 Mary J., 132 M. R., 53, 54, 79 George W., 17, 30, 51, Wm. A., 104, 116 John A., 142 M. R. ICO., 26 76 r DURR ELEY Rev. J. E., 165 G. W., 15,30, 162 DOWDELL & SANFORD, ~:1 DeGILSE & GORMAN, 87 'I.. James P., 169 Osborn, 153 Sarah A., 143 Louisa, 26 121 t Lewis M., 104 0,,100 Thomas C., 50, 97 Miss Nancy, 104 DeGRAFFENRIED Thos. C., 76 Dr., 22, 28 DOWNING DURRUM ELLIOTT T. C., 81 DILLINGHAM Lemuel T., 143 Dr. E.l., 44, 47, 144, 155 Virginia R., 122 George W., 30, 44 Geo. W., 38, 50 L. T., 121, 151, 166 E. L.. 6. 16. 20 EVANS & MORRIS, 38 Margaret P., 144 G. W., 27, 32, 37, 38 J, DUTTON ELLIS -9­ r') ·10· J!M,:.I< ! -----~-_._. ,,' ", 14 INCIDENTS. COUNTY OFFICERS. 16 The first steamboat that came to Columbus was in March, House, and Peter Dudley became sole proprietor of the Co­ 1828. After she had been here a week or ten days, making lumbus Hotel. Ilome repairs, the Captain arranged for a pleasure excursion r A new hotel, called "Muscogee Hall," on the corner of dawn the river as far as vVoolfolk's Mound, the next Sunday. Broad and Crawford streets, was opened in November by Nearly every body went, and a good number of them had to Nicholas Howard. walk back to town on account, as the captain alleged, not \, At the Presidential electi~n in November, the Jackson being able to raise sufficient steam for the boat to make , electors received 143 votes, and the Adams electors 17. headway against the river current. The next morning about The first bale of cotton ever sold in the town was brought daybreak the signal gun* of the boat was heard, giving notice in November from Gwinnett county, and bought by Robert of her return. Maharrey at 121c. There were no churches here during this year. There On the 29th of November the pole-boat Rob Roy, Love would occasionally be preaching by some missionary to the owner, arrived from Apalachicola with a full cargo of groce­ frontier heathen, or by some traveling minister. Columbus ries for J. Fontaine, Maharrey, Love & Co. was a pretty" hard" place for a year or two. There was not A clever local conundrum which we find in the paper is much execution of law or government of any kind. Every this: "Why is the town of Columbus like modest ladies 7" I'" II body had to look out for themselves. This being the case, The answer-" Because it is on the reserve." we are not surprised to find the files of the Enquirer for those years abounding with reports of duels, impromptu fights, and OFFICERS. duelling correspondence. llOll. Walter T. Colquitt was Judge, and Andrew B. Griffin The following, in regard to the streets and scenery of Co­ Clerk of the Superior Court this year. The following gen­ lumbus, from the Enquirer of August 9th, 1828, will still be tlemen constituted the Grand Jury at the Fall Term: E. E. of interest. 'l'he streets remain as originally laid out, but the Bissell, foreman, Jolin R. Page, Samuel B. Head, E. B. Lucus, i "romantic walks" and gushing springs are among the things Stoddard Russell, Robert Daniel, Robt. Henry, Benj. Tarver, that were: 'l'homas Rogers, Thomas Lang, Samuel E. Buckler, Joseph II "The streets running parallel with the river are nine in number, White, Hillery Triplett, Samuel Koockogy, Thomas Cox, f ~z..8 and are all 132 feet wide, except Broad, which is 164 feet wide. This Thos. Sluck, Jona. A. Hudson. street is one and a half miles long, aud is a perfect level the whole I James C. Holland was Sheriff, and P. Robertson Deputy , distance, except one depression. The cross streets are thirteen in Sheriff: number, and are each 99 feet wide. From the width of the streets an II elegant and airy appearance is given to the town. There is a wide John Townsend was Clerk of the County Court. expanse left between the town and the river for a promenade, which, Joel Scott was Coroner. 1\ n. I! after it shall have been properly prepared, will form one of the hand­ Edwin E. Bissel and G. W. Dillard were Justices of the I' somest and most romantic walks in the State. All along the bank of Inferior Court. II the river opposite the town, fine, pure water gushes out, which affords not only a great convenience, but a great luxury to citizens." S. J. Cooley was Postmaster until October, when Jas. Van In October, Henry C. Dawson took charge of the McIntosh Ness was appointed. At the October election, Sowell Woolfolk was chosen Sen. • It W88 a C1IlItom tben, aod to. many y.'" aIlerward, ror boatl to carry a lmal1 canooo, and ator, and W. D. Lucas Representative. on oea~ng a town or Janlling to give notice or &belr approacb by dlllCbarglng Jt. 16 PERSONAL, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. THE. reW!i UfQ9BfORATED. 17 Mirabeau B. Lamar severed his connection with the En­ Hotel Ketpe!B-Wm. D. Lucas, Nicholas ~IowlJrd" Peter Du~Jey, quirer on the 1st of October, 1830. He 'represented Musco­ Henry C. Dawson; Teacher-Jno. U. Page; Barber-Wni. Woodliff; gee county in the Legislature of Georgia in 1829 '30. Shortly BricklllaA~ers"":Winston& Alford, Zoroaster Robinson; 7hilor-J. W. Radcliff; Gin .Mab", &c.~Rhoderic MUlTaY. after his retirement from the Enquirer he removed to Texas, and there received the highest honors within the gift of the Latest quotations of prices of merchandise for this' year,. people. He was elected President of the yOUl1g and inde· Dec. 13th: Bacon 121c.,13agging and Twine50c., Cotton 710., pendent Republic in 1838. He died in Texas in December, Corn 50 io 750.; Flour 310 to $15, Molasses 50c., Salt $2 50, 1859. Gen. L. was twice married. His first wife is buried Brown' Sugar 10 to 120., Coffee 18 to 20c., Tqbacoo 250., in the cemetery in this city j his second was a daughter of Whisky 75c.
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    7QJ1F2HIVR # Impact craters on Mars « Doc Impact craters on Mars By - Reference Series Books LLC Mrz 2012, 2012. Taschenbuch. Book Condition: Neu. 254x192x10 mm. This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 50. Chapters: List of craters on Mars: A-L, List of craters on Mars: M-Z, Ross Crater, Hellas Planitia, Victoria, Endurance, Eberswalde, Eagle, Endeavour, Gusev, Mariner, Hale, Tooting, Zunil, Yuty, Miyamoto, Holden, Oudemans, Lyot, Becquerel, Aram Chaos, Nicholson, Columbus, Henry, Erebus, Schiaparelli, Jezero, Bonneville, Gale, Rampart crater, Ptolemaeus, Nereus, Zumba, Huygens, Moreux, Galle, Antoniadi, Vostok, Wislicenus, Penticton, Russell, Tikhonravov, Newton, Dinorwic, Airy-0, Mojave, Virrat, Vernal, Koga, Secchi, Pedestal crater, Beagle, List of catenae on Mars, Santa Maria, Denning, Caxias, Sripur, Llanesco, Tugaske, Heimdal, Nhill, Beer, Brashear Crater, Cassini, Mädler, Terby, Vishniac, Asimov, Emma Dean, Iazu, Lomonosov, Fram, Lowell, Ritchey, Dawes, Atlantis basin, Bouguer Crater, Hutton, Reuyl, Porter, Molesworth, Cerulli, Heinlein, Lockyer, Kepler, Kunowsky, Milankovic, Korolev, Canso, Herschel, Escalante, Proctor, Davies, Boeddicker, Flaugergues, Persbo, Crivitz, Saheki, Crommlin, Sibu, Bernard, Gold, Kinkora, Trouvelot, Orson Welles, Dromore, Philips, Tractus Catena, Lod, Bok, Stokes, Pickering, Eddie, Curie, Bonestell, Hartwig, Schaeberle, Bond, Pettit, Fesenkov, Púnsk, Dejnev, Maunder, Mohawk, Green, Tycho Brahe, Arandas, Pangboche, Arago, Semeykin, Pasteur, Rabe, Sagan, Thira, Gilbert, Arkhangelsky, Burroughs, Kaiser, Spallanzani, Galdakao, Baltisk, Bacolor, Timbuktu,... READ ONLINE [ 7.66 MB ] Reviews If you need to adding benefit, a must buy book. Better then never, though i am quite late in start reading this one. I discovered this publication from my i and dad advised this pdf to find out. -- Mrs. Glenda Rodriguez A brand new e-book with a new viewpoint.
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