Alan Moore,Kevin O'Neill | 200 pages | 04 Nov 2008 | DC Comics | 9781401203078 | English | La Jolla, CA, United States League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Black Dossier GN (2008 ABC) 1st Edition comic books

No trivia or quizzes yet. It ends with an elaborate scene set in the Blazing World - one of the first imaginary worlds created for literature, making it Moore's alpha and omega, a paradise for fictional creations of all sorts in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier, you will see copyright-baiting variations on Charlie Brown and Captain Marvel, and you will also see fairies fucking in midair. It is not a comic or a novel, it is an annual, a scrapbook, an appendix, a sourcebook, a Bible. From a "lost" Shakespeare I have never been made to feel stupid by a book, except maybe a few math textbooks, but this book came very, very close. No was a hoax manufactured by the Americans and that Bond is the man who killed John Night. It is assumed that DC Comics did not include the record due to concerns that the record was too similar to copyrighted material. Some of these experiments work better than others: I find both the Beat novels and Lovecraft's work almost unreadable; combining the two however cleverly didn't help; on the other hand, if Jeeves and Bertie appeared in all of Lovecraft's stories, I'd read them a lot more frequently. Designer Bill Oakley, who had helped design the previous League books up to that point, died in the middle of Black Dossier' s development. Sort order. Start a Wiki. Cthulu story and the beatnik story, but the whole thing is masterful. Obviously there are spoilers galore, so tread carefully. Billy Bunterthe caretaker and former student, reveals that many British spies were groomed at the school, and that Bob Cherry is Harry Lime. WTF was that about? This is all told through a variety of media, from reports and excerpts of novels to postcards and comic strips. Jan 08, Morgan rated it it was amazing Recommended to Morgan by: Samuel. This idea's interesting enough in its own way, but it doesn't work well because of Moore's insistence on doing it all via parody and pastiche. Books by . This wiki. The same holds true for the imitation of primitive erotica, in which sex goddess Fanny Hill fuckscrews her way through several fantasy worlds, and "Faerie's Fortune Founded," a lost fragment of a fictional Shakespeare play, which is as readable as any of Shakespeare's plays - that is, for some people it will be amazing, and for some people it will be unreadable. It's full of slang and goofy League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier nonsense talk, and features zero punctuation whatsoever. Less cohesive and enthralling than the first two volumes but still super fun. Now, after many years, the still youthful Mina Murray and a rejuvenated return and are in search of some answers. Stories include:. Hugo follows them inside, where Mina reveals that they are the same Mina Murray and Allan Quatermain who fought off Professor Moriarty and the Martians. Not that this book will let you. There are also a couple of short stories, the best of which is a sort of satirical Lovecraftian tale and the worst of which is a misguided assortment of pages without any punctuation marks! It's like reading an aneurysm. However, the book is available in the United Kingdom as well as in Canada. So i cannot review this properly all i will say is, whoo hoo! Jan 23, Darren rated it it was amazing. The Dossier contains a collection of numerous texts with different authors and formats. Expanding the original idea to including numerous different prose sections of different styles from a Fanny Hill "sequel" to a beatnik style story and a comic narrative that frames the Dossier sections. Shelves: graphic-novelfiction. Issue ST. Alan Moore. Billy Jensen is an investigative journalist who focuses squarely on unsolved murders and missing persons. Unlike earlier volumes, the portions of Black Dossier are not set in the Victorian era; rather, they are set in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier, after the fall of the Big Brother government from Nineteen Eighty Four the explanation for this discrepancy is that Orwell's book was originally set inbut the dates were changed by the publisher. Trump - An autobiographical back comic written by Orlando. As well as including challenging subject matter and adult themes, he brings a wide range of influences to his work, from the literary—authors such as William S. Start a Wiki. Impresive, but I League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier frequently lost, having read only a couple of Moore's previous LoG comics many years ago and not having paid much attention to the Moore-specific worlds he's been creating. With the exception of a beautiful homage League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier Oscar Wilde, Sim's prose is as uniformly awful as his graphic storytelling is transcendent. The last 17 pages are in 3D, to be read with the 3D glasses that come with the book. From glancing over the other reviews for this book, I'm sure that someone is going to say that I am dense and dull for not enjoying it. Upon this structure a patient reader is presented with what can be an aggravating admixture of script, fine print text, post cards, period advertisements and pages long stories. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2. After turning the final page, all I could wonder was, "Just what the hell was the point of all League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier Whereas the first two volumes were focused on Victorian Era heroes from fiction, this one basically adds a little bit of almost everything. So, as a story, not that engaging. There is quite a bit to write of here, so bear with me. There's a few good parts - I especially liked the narrative of Orlando and his long life, but so much of this book was useless and oversexed. A final private letter from Harry Lime to Gerry O'Brien denying any involvment in the death of Harold Wharton, chronicling vague and unclear sightings of League members Murray and Quatermain being in America as superheroes and a ludicrous though true claim that Orlando has been transformed into a cat. For example, a part of the book is published in the old 3 D style which is barely readab 3. The book is dedicated to Oakley's memory. Feb 05, Sarah rated it League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier liked it Shelves: graphic-novelsreviewed. Jeez, 3-D glasses and a Tijuana Bible! Mar 13, Dominick rated it it was ok Shelves: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossierfantasyscience-fiction. The post office and other shippers are overwhelmed and some shipments may experience significant delays.