"An institution lhat cannot rally lo its fi nancial assistance the men who have taken its degrees and whose diploma is their passport in­ to lhe world, is in poor position to ask assistance fr-0m any others. It is not merely what the alumnj give, it is the fact that they do give, that is of supreme importance." OhaMOcllor l(lrkl(ln(l. of v,u1derbfU IJ,drM all'r,,. THE :MISSOURI ALU~{ NUS


Misso• uri Alumni Pin The Colurnn Pin m3de up Y.ith your cla.ss date on the base. The official Missouri Ah,mni Pin. Ei1J1er in Broo:h or Scarf $2,00, For Cham\$ $2.25. You have wanted one. Yoo need one, so seod yIISSOURI (Money refunded if you nrc not satisfied.)

• , - Alumni Business .OHIO INSURANCE and MISSOURI Professional Guide Grover C. Hoaford, LL. B. '08 Attorney and Counsellor at Law 1509·10 Union National Ba ni< Building Horace R. Davie, A. 8. '10 LAWYERS Cle•eland, Ob!O. Monthly Income and Buelness L!!e In• • suranco MISSOURI 5t h Floor, Nat.'I Bnr)k of Commerce Bldg., . OKLAHO~A St. T..ouis, Mo. Emil Roeh rig, LL. B. '07 Lawyer ENGINEERS WIison, Tomorlln & Buckholts Prosecu ting Attorney Warren County IV. F. Wilson, A.B.'98, A.M., LL.B.'00. Warrenton, Mo. 800·8 11 State N•t. B•nk Bldg., PUCE•TIDD ENOINlilll)IUNO COMPA NY 0kl&bom• City, Okin. Contult1n,g Engineers DMltl W. P l.ke, Hl!.~ Tidd, . P l'ei1denL ce-Prea. c. Ii). ' (Colby Collego) c. El 'ta ( Ml-Uri) Waterworke, Seworag-o Syatem1. :PavJns. H. w. Tlmmonds, LL. B. '07 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Lll,; hl and Power Pll\nl.8, P lana Lamar, Mo. ani.l Speclftco.Uon.a . • S\lltt ◄ 16 Scarritt BuJh11ng K&nau Cl MISSOURI AND IOWA

W, B. ROLLINS & COMPANY Walkor & Walkor Con•ulttng Engtneor1 Jno, e. Dorman, L.B., s.e., Pe.a. '91 w. B. llollln•t M:em. Am.. 8'00. M. El. Lee Walker, A. B. '10, LL. B. '12 Books, Maps, Charts, Glob,a, Optbl Mo. 1908) Water Wo1 ka, Jlectrto L!~hUaJ;• Sew Guitar Bldg. Columbia, Mo. Goods, etc. ere. Paving, lane. s·°ttc flea one, Su.pertlaton, an4 eportt. Cllnton, Mo., Dea Molnea, la . n&.1.1way .E.x:chango Bldg ~ K. c. Mo . • , THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS

[VoL. V, No. 11 MARCJt 2, 1917 CoLUMllIA, Mo.) University to Get Less T han Two Years Ago

Tho next two yenre will be lean from general r evenue tlud $l51._000 Ing cxponscs•or the school's offlclals. years for the departments or tho Unl­ trom coJla.teral tnherllancc. For main• 'I'hero fs complaint al80 concerot ng Uto verslly at Columbia.. 'l'hey are to bo ten,rnce and suppert, $100,000 Is given. vurcbase or a motor car, motor repntra, ever leaner years than tho Inst two, 1'ho npproprJaUou blll also ca.rrles traveling bags, watch revall' apf)roprlate this Your si1boonunltto-e has OJl:(10'\lned Cur, 'rho Edueatlonnl AJ)J> roprlatlon 8 111 In ordor to get a like amount. from tho lher Into the exl)t.nJ5C!21 on tllo In the ,note hna Just been reported out nttor a Joint Fedel'at government for thts purl)Ose. (111Clltor·11 oftl ce wllh resora t.o the Stnle session ot the senate and houso com­ Unh-eni:lt)'. \'\'e found Ill looklng o,·er the The rest of this agrlcultural nporoprl· o.cc•ounti, tor ,he Institution thn.l money mittees ot the Legislature. The blll atlon I• tor the ronowlng pr0Jec1•: hl\a be'f."n txpendW ror t11 e purt,,hniu:9: of on carrlN no appropriation of $1,054,500 Agricultural Ex1>erlmeot Station, $35,• kUtomobll C'. for the Columbia departments of the 000 ; soil suney, $16,000; Improving Tl1ts 1Jeema to be In vtolatl6u or Ute np­ University. which Is $286,362 leas than Missouri sou. $20,000; growing Im• riro,N'"latlon mude lwo )'t-llU ago, In Which the Board or Curators hud roquestod no provl•lon wu made ror the pu.rcbl\He proved corn, U0,000. or an autoinoblle. as being necessary. f Lese Than Junket Committee Asked In contrast to the appropriations tor We n n<1 mnny ltt m, for ro11o lrJ1 or au­ When tho Junketing Committee toe, the University ot Missouri, the Kan• tomoblle11. tor th& purchalK'l or tool boxe•. sna legislature recently appro1>r'lated for tho repalrlnlf and engraving or wa,toh .. ommended that the schools and col• $1,554,000 for the university at Lawr• e11, ror lh4') pun:.h113e ot tra'l'ellng- bagR, leges at Columbia get a total of only bAch robe-ti Bnd amo f!upplkl, 0.UlOmoblle $1,064.500, friends or the Onlverelty ence and $1,250,000 for the ngrlcullur­ rob~it:. all or which cotnJ lloC!Vernl htnHlrea round consolation In the Incl that the al college at Mo.nhn)tan. or a total ot (lf>llars. . Legislature Is not bound down to the $2,804,000 for the same work which • Your subconnnlttce cnnnot unde-ntand Is done by tho University al Columbia. why tho Stato Unlver&Jl)' or itny otl~r Jn .. ftgures ot the Junketeers. They relt 0 Tbus the departments at Lawrence tilllutlon ltboul(I flXPCCI Che l!Utte to P8,,)" sure that the appropriations commit• tor the vurchu..1:1,c; of lru,·ellng bop. bath nlon_e w l1l receive almost an even hnlf• tees would repor t for a larger sum tor robca 1tnd ror C!ntu·avtnJC tmd repairing the Onlver~lty than tbnl recommenrled mllllon more than tho dcpartmonta at wntche& by the visitors. :Out thOl!e rrtende were Columbl!l. The Kansas legislature also rt sec.ma to your commlltere thftt tl1e&e mistaken- the ao1)roprlatlons was to gives U>0 university and the agricul­ ft.CiroU nCJ.1 •hould have ootn ,,,,Id by tho tural college eneh a new bu lid Ing. f)llrtlea for whom U1e work waa (looe """ bo even less tbnn was recommonded. for whon, the ltttM were purc:ha~. Tho School ot Mines at Rolla re, In the Hst. or a,ocoun1a on Rio b)• tho celves an Increase or $8,600 over tho COMM ITTEE ATTACK ON M. U. unh'N'tJll)• we th'td that In elei'en monlhl!li npproprlatton ot two years ago. For t luu tho lnedtullon tspont. ,noro thnn $2$, this ecbool a total of $191,000 Is au• 000 tor travelln;r expcnae,4, Your comml1- t~e on Approprltitlon.i, .hu no • right to prQJ)rlnted. Misuse of Fund, Implied In Legls• doubl th!(.•80 <:!aim, but we de> rcaer,•o 1ho Or the total ot $1,054,600 appropri­ latlve Report on Oeflclta , l'IKhl co crltlcl"° the 01,1\nngeme.nt ot auy ated tor the clepartments at Columbln, In addition to the decreasing ol n1r lnttltullon tor rhc rucr,,eo(IJmro of thot $725,000 Is ror maintenance. or this umount or 1Mne)• 1bat rtio professors may J)r o1>rlat1ons tor the 11ext two years, lOU r thllJ and OLher BtUt~H. maintenance fund, $476,000 IB to come a.n unwarranted attac.k was made up0n from the General Revenue F und and SOm,o or Lh,e l'none.y WM tJ)On t In Che lhe University by a subcommittee ot 6.grlcullurnl t,xtent1lo n WOT'k, but the $250,000 from tho Collateral lnherl· t.be House • In reg.a.rd to certnln ex­ greeter pa.rt oC It M shown by their own tance Tax Fund. All other Items In penses Incurred during tho Inst bl• rePOrt, wn1:1 not. tor money 8"J>41 nt ror the the blll are to come lrom the lnherl• e.nnium. This aubcommlttee tn Its rc­ tmvelfng ell'.pan!'IE'JJ or protelltoNJ; wo rking tance ta:r fund. The Jasl Generol As· an(l doing the work, •P<>irt• nttor lm1C>11Jl!liltlng deftcl't8 entllenlllary garage ex­ School or Mines, $41>,000 Is ~ com'e sity mentioned ei,peclally Ibo travel• penses, which Including i:ho · two care

• ~ TILE .i\1.ISS01l,JR1 AJ,U l\'[~l.JS ,,. l ', I ' 1 f' n.nd a truck, aggregated more than Proreseor Whitten and his sta rr by from lite :ldlcule of Mlsso!lrl peoplf ' $11,000; for €ho 1e.1rs 1916 and 1916. forcing them to walk between t)le hor• President HUI. uvon being e hown the tlcul tural · Inboratorlea and the fruit ANOTHER GRAD TO CONGRESS report ot Repreecnlatlve Correll's fitrm. Accordingly a Ford was bought oommJ(tee, mado QXpJannttone concern­ which 18 OQ UIP1><>d With a small I ruck Romjue WIii Be New Mpn From Ing some or the Items wblc.b show the bed for transportation ot su1>.plles nod MIHourl Next Ses.alon untruth or the wl1ole cborge ot mlsap• product& to nod tram the rnllt tnrm When lbe Speaker or the House at pr-0prlatton of funds. and paid tor rrom the sale or products. ,vnahlngto n next congrefJa aonouncee, .. '11re only traveling expense vouch­ Jt did not cost the state ooo dollar. "the gentlemen't from Ml&S ourl,"' ' he ers fli ed • tor wluch rCQ ulsltlon• have Perhaps a Ca~llloc or Packord such ns may not meun a ny of the reorese.otn­ not been paJd," said P rerldent HIii. other state 1nstttutlons have 1mrchased ti ves who hflvo already nnswered to "are chargeable to U10 several nopro­ would ap1,ea1 moro to I.be comnlittee·a that address. ''Milton Andrew Rom­ prlatlons (or ~ cul"ujal extension sense or propriety," added Doctor HIii. jue o! Macon County will be the 'my..­ and eta.tton work, Sm.tt-h-Levcr oftaet, And the Traveling Bag tcrlous Rtranger/ whon lhe next con­ farm advisers, SO\l surve>•. and so11 "As for tho traveling bag and bath gresg meets," says a recent Issue or and crop ·exl)orlmcut ft elda In sever;1.I r obc-tn the spring or 1916 Miss A,•is the Ch lcago Tribune. sections of the State. These amounted L-ammo ot Urich. Mo., 11 student in the "Mr. Romjue made- tho most roniark­ to $7,8•10.66 on December 31, 1916, In• University was takon to tho University nhle rAee ever recorded In hts (lt ,;.­ cludlog only $1L81 not s 1> ent In ex· Hospital, ca rrying t heao a rticles with lrlet: · the story says. "!n tho prl­ tension work but by tho Agricultural her. When ebe was ready tor dls• mar)• three strong men wore against lll!XJ}ertment Station. charge they could not be found. As it him to other counties, and he was At:.out Travellng Expenses appeared that tho young woman wn,s opposed In hls home county by the "But the commtuee evidently did not ros l)Onstblo for their loss thoy circuit ludge." not eonftne 1ts work to nn effort to were ,paid for trom hospital fees. Tbey Then the arUclo recounte some or llnd out whether t11e Unh•orslly hod cost tho state nothing." the personal history of Mr. Romjue: created .any atate deflclen.cy bY ex• Concerning the complaint about the •~since bo was 10 years of age, Rom­ eeedlng It• appropriation• but takea engraving and repairing ot a watch. jue has bad his eyes on the great up the entire question of \raveling ex­ Doctor RIii made a turther statement white light, the source ot which WM pensee ot University omployes tor the showing \be utter absurdity ol the Washington. He mode up his mind year 1916, locludlng ngrtcultural et· charges. be wns going to Congress. For years ten.elon eorv1ce, Ca.rm advisers, cow · "I llnd," said tho pres ident, " that he fought agafasl his diffidence over testing, dtognosla of antmQI dtscaaeo, the warrant bearing this lltlo In the spellblndlng, because ho knew he wa.s lodging stock and i:ratn ·at county Curntore' r,e1>0rt cover~d the tollowlng going to Congreas and UJat thero fairs, lectu:riQll to teachers and 0U1ers Items: Engraving trophy for Corn speeehmaklng was the leading goods tn extension centers. etc., much of Show, paid tor by tho Corn Growers· handled. wbJcb le paid tor by the town!!, ooun• Association, 70 cents; ongrnvlng trophy "When Andy round n few frl~nde ties, Rod organization• aerve4, though for Bo)'11' 'nnd OJrls' clubs com11ot1tlon, b&ck ol the barn and tho Friday nlgl\l tho money all passes through the On• paid from Smlth•Lcver tunds, 65 cents; literary would stay hitched while bo lverslty treasury, and says '$01110 ol and repairing atop.watch used In ex· practJccd on 'cm be gathered courage. the money was spent to tbe agrlcultur-, perlmental work In the Engineering Finding that ho 'could talk '1n pubito, al extension wook, but tho greawr wt Experiment Statton, $U5, No,lndlvld• he studlod up something to say. . . ot It 08 sl1own by tbotr own report W'lll uni protoSJ1or got nny advantago from He never tolkod long, and ho promises not tor money f().ent tor Ute wvellng these Items out tbe B<:lontlftc \\'Ork ot to bo equally good In Congress." eXl)ffllle8 ol :ptofessore ' working and. the University, In connection wjtb r&­ Mr. Romlue received the LL.B, de­ doing the work.' ','For what then woa pail of a stop watch, cost•the Stntn ol gree tram the University lo 1905. It apent!'' said Dootor Hill. "Aside Allssour1 the extravagant sum Of one from Ute varJous form• of extenalon dollar nnd· a quarter. Two Alumnl at Spearville, Kan. wor.lt, for ,vhJch tho state makes ap• "Theso are sa~Ies of p10 exp~ndl­ Fr. LuU,er Fry, B. J . '14, Is emplo:Ve'd propl'lntlona ,to cover salarlea and tures that ?llr. Correll'• commJttoo at Spearville, Kan .• ns a llnotypo oper­ travollns oxpcosea and for whlcb com• l~und snbjecl to erltkls~" concluded ator, Between " tllkOB.'' Fry Is look• munltles •ln some cases pa,y, the pro­ Doctor HIii, "and of courae the report Ing about tor a newspaper he can tiuy. feoi&on, ot the University do not 6i19ud , of the Boord or Curn.tora aIJOunds In Thl& lnformatlon was contained In a 'Unfversfty funds ,Ito 'tou.r ,this and almllar Uenls. When the Xln!vorsllY lotter ho wrote lately io Russell Mon• of.l)er •mbls! ,,.J challenge anybody to had It• bearing before tbe committee roo, 888lstnnt publisher at tho Uni' furnish foci. to llie contr•ry." ,. on approprrauons. I ur~enUy req\Jcst• verslty. Rotorrln\ to F. ft. Tetnpleton, !n, ,ega.rd-tn the automobile, be made ed Investigation ot our expendltu·res ,, 13. S. In El. E . '14, who Is also, at Spclfl;' ~ ex-.J)Janatlon~ , , • ' , and busln06JI meU1ods.'but-"nl\ 'Ques(tons vlllo, the Jotter says: "He. Is In the 'l'lllla l)t$)11e11t bcirtlc1tllural ,,gr9und• have boon submtUed by the subeommlt­ lnsu.rallce, real estate and latru 10.1\11 of, tb,e; lie tour OJllf~ frQll! , teo whose repor,t ls now publJsbe(). ,An' business. J have known hhµ to make UA11•en1t,y ~ ,IT tb14 ,Hoct1oolturat..,,Butldlng, .,and tha· hone.et el!ort to- nn~, ov~ :t<\t wJill.t Pl!'· $200 a week Several Omo be ball r.un frulb 1110:w~ tll!JIQ\IPI,, I a,m •11~, pose Unlve~lt.Y. expenditures have been above $100. ~• g,;, la ll .¥,11¥"1~ f~onj_ , don'~ efpect:ua;,t11,owa,ete tll)l,.tlme,p.t, made wo~<\, b,~ve -,aved th,e mwnbers the word 'go\" ... ,, ' . I ' l THE .M ISSOURI AL Ul\iNUS 178

RECEPTION FOR COMPANY F ceptlon wlll be given tho soldiers at AO CLUB CARNIVAL MARCH 9 the Mll!i!oorl Union Boildlng Mnrch 6. Soldlel"f Back From Border To Mee~ Prevaratlons ore being made tor a Crowning of Queen and HStunta'.' will F'rlends at Union thousand at the receotlon. M.ako Up Program Company F, Fourth Missou.rl Infan­ A surl)rlte stunt, and the re-vel.allon try, which Includes many graduotes Schools Want University Speaker, or tl1e 1917 Carnival Qoeen will bo the nnd !armer students of the University, Unl\'Crtilty 8}.}CBkor• ror big)) school auspeMe-benrlng elements lo t11e Ad returned March 1, from Lnrodo, Tex.. commcncomonts throughout t he state Cl ub C•rnlvRI this yenr, Tbe date ts where It. was a m ember or tho guard aro In marked domnnd. 1'bls Is shown March 9: the place, Rothwell Oymon, on the Mexlc:an border. by the numerous requeal-8 received by ,slum. And dn_nctog bas be-en wen• But twcnty-tbreo or tlio men r e• UJo Extension Division or tbe Unlver• tloned on all the posters. turned,, others were detained at Fort ally, Althoogb no charge ts made ror "StunW,"- whlch may mean anY• Rtley, Knn .. where Lhe conmany was this work, the Unlverslly exp~t• the thing closely or remotely related to the mustered out. Some went dtrecUY to school recel\'lng the service to 1>rovlde vaudcvtllo category- will bo given by thofr bomea In other cities of Missouri. transportation and local entertain• the following: Th• Slgmn Della Chi, A large tatormal welcome and re- ment. national journallstlc fraternity, the Mlasourl Union, Stepbons and Chrl.. tlan colleges, R~ad nod San,paon Halls, Items of M. U. Appropriation Lile Women's Athletle Association, tho Unlve.Ntll>' oc Cc,tumbla: Ru1'nl Orga.l'\'l~atlon ~Jen's Qym Team, the Gloo Club Quor• From the Genera.I Revenue and Marketing.... to"\lttt1 ror Support ana Mnln- Engloearlng Equ1proient 10,000 tet- nnd the Surprise Stunt. The re­ tananco ...... •...... •.. . . $ <75,000 Eu,klneerln(r E'.,'(perlme.nt sult or the Carnival Queen election wlll Pn>m tho Collateral Inherl­ Stallon . .. . . • . .. .. 6.000 l1J.nca Tax. .Pu1Hl ...... • , ..... &79.600 l~ngtnet-r-lng l.tbmf')'. . 2,000 b& nnnounced nnd a silver loving cup 0qulpmont and tnel- dcntal 1i:xl)6nc11tu~• awardeool of MeOlcloe) 8,000 A lull,pnge picture or the queen will Medico.I Ubrary , ..._. • • 2,000 l~bllc Health Wonc be publlsbed In the Sovltar. • From mo Coll•tcrul lnhorl­ Sf!hoo1 ot I.Aw . •c:&00 The ;profits tho carnival wlll \o tailce 'l'a.x .b"'und: Rent nnd Jncldent..o.l ot Maintenance •••.•••• 050.000 Expenses ( School ot u.sed to advertise the Unl•erslty by Summer 8elffllon..... 18,000 Educl\CIOn) •... , • • . 8,000 P6-f~er Memorial MOl- l~xtenslon or Mn.nun.I methods to be determlne,d lete•. 0, otta.J ••..••.•.•... 10.000 •rrn.tnlng Build In¥. , M. Oehm le this year's Ad Club presl• Ge.ne:ra.l Llbr&r)' ••••. 10,000 School or 1ourn•ll-8m .. · :i:soo Sc::lentlflc Appllanoea •• 16,000 ~hool ot Comn\C·rca •• !,501) dont. Stude.nt Lal>or, •..•.. 12,000 Ora.Qua te School ..• , , 5,000 Publlce.Uont ...... 8,000 t~xten•lon l)lvtalon .• 30,000 Impro,·ebio.nt• on lUlltory Schoot ...... U.000 WILL TAKE MARINE EXAMS ·weat C&mtu• •••••• _, __ R•l':i,~,.. ~-• .0.~. ~-•.1'.~·. io.ooo 1'otal •...•.••...••$li79,600 Specitll J't.epft.lril &nd School of Mine& At Rollt: Three M, U. 8enlor1 To Try for Chemfetry 13ulldlnl( Prom the G,e.neral lleve:nije Comml111on1 In June Beat sn(I Ll~ht Sta• 1:--Und tor Support ant\ 'Main• t1on .•.••• , •• , • • • • 20,000 t8nance •••••••••• , •• , .... , •• $ 40,000 Three University sonlors wlll be Flnlitb 13.ue~nt Bi- F'rom thl'l Collate.ml l nherl­ physlcnlly exemlned ror comml1W1loos ology BuUdln_g. , • • . • 6,000 L'Onco •ro.x J<\m(] ••..••....•. , 161,000 Contingent · Fune,..... 5,000 as second lleutennota In the United College of Artil una Tot.al •••••. .••• . •• ..• •• ,. m.ooo Solonco • . . • ...... 7 ,ooo 1~m the C"ollo.terlll lnhel'll­ Statoi Morine COrps II> June. Oradu• Collea& or Agriculture: ta.uco TRx J;\md : ates or the University nnd other Short Wlottr Coune, U.000 Malnt~nn.nce •...... 80,000 Agrlct11turit1 LllbOrtl• Puel nnd Ou • , . .• , • IUOO &Chools or like rank are exornpt from torl01 , •••••• . •• , • 10,000 l,Jbmt")' .•.• • . •• .• • • . <.000 sehola•Llc examinations, and no pre­ A$rtcultunil Llbrar)~. !,000 Ex-perfnwntlll Woric. . . l 2.000 A•rlQultural fjnglneer- Turinel to M et.Allur1n· vious military training 18 rcqtLlrtid, oc• ln8' . . • • . . • • . • • . .... • • , . •• Bulldln,:r •••• , . ••. , 3.000 A.rlll)')Jll Hultb&ndry.... 15.000 Repalr!'t a.n• D1nmrtment 12.500 Fann Cro·p1 • ••••• , • • ••... <'-Ml EnJdneerlng .• . . 2,600 Garland C. Black and R068 B. :\Varron, Farm Mana;eme-nt. . • 2,000 Geotoay ..• • . .••.. , .. MOO "F'or<":fflT)' , • , , • • • • • • • • , • , , • i\f~chn.nleal 01'1Rlneer~ School or Eogtooorlng. Robert n. Mll• HOrtlC1,tll'ure •••.•• , • !.000 ln,;c Dapartment. • .. 12.000 le•, School of Journnllem. The ex• Poultry Hutba.nd.ry . . . 1,G00 • Me.ta.Uurtry and Ore Dre"'flt11t ...... 10,000 amlnatlons wlll be bold c.ltber at the t~i (;n 'J.'..ami . i.Aritii. . ·2·.000 Mtnln(( D~J)Urtm~nt , • 5.000 Marine Barracks In Washington, D. lmpro-vemonta on Physic-a Department •• s.•oo Farm La.nd and G>•mna1tum • , .••• •. • 1.000 c., or at Oen ver, Colo. Ea.It camou• 6,000 l!lxanllnatlona for commlqlons In 11:l'lRrottme.nte on Total , . : , . • , ..•... $151,000 Fruit Farro at From rhe G"enernl Revenue tbe army will b& taken A htl'd. Dulldlnp, . • • !0,000 Growing or Improved , Ropalta arid. Impro'°e,. Corn . .. , , ...... 10,000 Unlve"III,)'. ~•erat alumni or the Unt- mcnts on Dams. . • • 2.600 Total ...... u22,o,t.>,i vers1t.y,.bo1a•~omm .tsslonsttn tbe·al!my. 174, TH E iM I S S OU R,I A L U lVI ~ tJ S

GR~OUJ.-TES QF,;].7, ~Qf,'IING " 1-!very ls$UO I rend mn.kett mo long RETURNS FROM. THE BORDER tor a visit to the. old cnmpus and an Cla11matc1 of Q,, w. Alllaon W ~Jtc acquotnt.ance wltb Lho new. and { suro• ,.Don" Guitar: Telle of M llltary T hey'll Join Him ly 1101,., 10 be able to be up Ibero next Experim~nts With Motor Tr'ucka June.'' Oeorge W, Alllson, l,L.B. '17, or Me• Arter &8 \'8T41 n1onths on tho border Phereon, r

88 l)OSBlblo. Men of slmll•r (Mies and Union Moulds Un iversity Men stmJlar ambitions, ot course, want to By Ha"11 Car;tarf)l,e11, '16 be togethe r, and no law or rulo cnn prevent It, ~ut with n chll!lee to be On my return to :Missouri last June, leges foster a spirit of elMs Md clique mlngled among men of different do­ was genulne.ly dellgbled to flnd that snobbery.'' One Aent.e.nce taken from al res, lhey will Inevitably fl nd tbot the embryo a college un Ion wns ll or the Metropolitan Magazine puts encb ean learn from tho other. A Uni• making unbaffied sti-ldea under tho very tersely and concisely: "You can verslty nearing a total or 5,000 stu­ gutda.nee those ,vbose determination on ly dlscovor the countcr))art the ot or dents or education and eulturo Is not was to mnko It go. ;l'he purpose or the social atmosphere or some colleges by c.ontrlbuUug Its maximum unless In Unton bas been very comprebons1vo1y going to n. womnJl•ruted prO\'lnclat aomo manner It mnsses them together. town in which lbero ts uotblng to oxplaloed through the Ml8sourl Alum­ ~rho c1Aff8room associations arc but nus nnd other university oul>Ucattona., strive ror but social advancement." miniature: the social efforts ot uni­ and It 18 only concerning the effect of These are oxnggerallona and have nev­ versity students are mo,st often exctu­ such nn organization that T beg to eon• er existed In so democratic a school as etve, tho only place or universal con­ tribute. the Uul"ers lly or Missouri. but they tact being through albletlca, nod lherc ser\'e as mustrallons to show what tho • In illo tall ot J9H, II was my pleas­ t.he epfrlt of entbuelnsm robs oven ure lo enter t.hc Utliveratty at Michl• public ls led to think. It ls sore lo man ot his tacul tlos of rece1,t1on nncl gnu ror the pur,po8e or contluulug tho aasert thl\L exoreeslons Jlke those come re fl ec.Uon. A unlve.ranl meeting ground study ot law. On my entry t oto that from Ot.her than college men. Is found In the Union, and the Untoa seat of learning, I was awed by the Few schools havo. U1e misfortune w!U have reacbod lls normot do,·elop• prevaUlng s11lrlt or domocrnc)', At that ha• berallon the TJnlveralty or Mis­ mont only when every tnembcr of tho first J attributed II lo the ract that the souri, to produco no lntell1genl soro­ student body teels that be le nlso n Law Department was rnoro or a grod• bead who goes cnlomtty,bowllng over c,omponcnt part or the Union. Tal0wer of the college union had excr- can hope to do IIllinois men to head three lm­ unit lu the sluortanl bureaus or tho blghwny com­ ,a unit In their reserved body, club or Smlt'h,_but ''Ro•y" himself they cannot mtsston. bosldes many 0U1ers who are fraternity secondly, The union doee change. I ask our tn.surgent or nny of cttvtslon 11.nd district engineers. not, however, slflnd out ngnlnet thooe his co.workers to cite one exRmvle or organt,atlons, nor does It tend to lm- where democracy has been nutomaU­ I n Corn Investigation Work 1,alr their Important po,,ltlon. cally lnJoctcd Into a student body, D<>­ Corn around San Antonio. 'l'ex., wlU There ls nt present, It SO:e.ms, a orcss• mocracy ts a constltutloonl e-onetltuent grow next summer undbr the eupervl• Ing dlscontcn't concerning the social of any body', and nrnst develop within: elon o.nd personal observation o( Ar­ life or colleges and unlversltlos-thls It cannot come from wltt1out. Upon • thur A. Bryan, 13. S. In Ag. '15. Tbnt Is eapocla lly true oul61de or college cir• renllr.oUon or the Ml••ourl Union plnn, ts to say, Mr. Dryan, who le a scienUHc c.teg. In one lsstio of the Outlook we the present abuse of college club me, assistant ror lhe Bureau ot Plant Tn• flnd the following: "The crlt1clem of If such thero be, will be precluded and dustry ot the U. S. Depart ment or Agrl• the colleges, which It must be adm!Ued democracy will govern. culture. has booll stationed for the has comJ! 1'llb lnorea&lng tnslstency Tbe great offect of t.ie Union Is to summer at R. F. D. 7, San Antonio. during the l)a&t decade, ls that, Instead give men. wbllo they are yet In college, UnUI recently Mr. Bryan has been In or broadening a young man's outlook, the opportunity to bo associated with lhc Office of Corn In vcsttgattons nt they narrow It, that 1n abort, the col• as many types, ages and temperaments WMhlugton. , .. 176 'l'HE' :MIS SOU RI A L uiI NUS

pus, at a time when tho walk around tack, l ho eommluee r,oUnced upon such The the Quadrangle needs to be replaced at Items as "'Ford automobile." "Traveling once, bavtng been ueed atnce Ute build· bag uod bathrobe,'' ''Engraving and re­ Missouri Alumnus ln&"S were ercct.od after the Ore. pairing watch." S lnco no speclfle 0,p,. 4. Enoineerfng Experiment Station. proprlRtiOn or stato moneys had been Eat.a'bUthod 1.012 l\fMle ~ml-Monthly 1016 Tbe 1Jtt1.lion at Columbia Is allowed on• made tor these lnctde.otal purpo$C8 and Publlabod th~ ClrtJt and ntte-onth ot I)• $G.000 while the 0xperlmental work 8lnce at a gJance t.bey appeared some· ta.ch month durlns tile regular seislon ot the Ufllver-alt)' or Afhsaourl by The at Rolla Sill• $12,000. The Curators had whnt foreign to the needs and purpose-a t.tls;s(uirl Union. Elghlttn l»1ues a year. or a great educational Institution. the The ontecr• or the Mluourl Union 1u-t: Mked for the 6:trne amount at Col um bin n. 8. Caldwell, '03, . ...•• Pre1ldenL and nt Rolla. In results obt.oioeelr kind do not bear the Inst ol this State and Federal govornmenl8 spend until there WIii bo no more danger of much money lo eradication and control H. H. KINYON a public Slt.e of tta many grlev• THE APPROPRIATION BILL Tho wtal appropriation Is approx!• ous handicaps, ha.a made It.self recog• Among the several shortcomings of mately $60,000 Iese than waa granted nlzed among knowing poople nll over tile Edl(caUonal Approprlatjon BUI tor the ,;nmo purJ)08e8 two years ago. tho country •• one of the bright stare with refer,,ooe to the University tho Thero was also appropriated about $30,· in the firmament of higher education, ronow\ug st.and' out a. the moet sis· 000 !or the complellon of the Library wore getting a •~uare deal trom tM nlOcant: Building tn 1915. people whom, It la trying so bard to i. Malnt~nance. This Item Ls the help? same as two ye,ars ago, With approx!• James A. Hammack, eng., ta now at mately 600 more student• to educate RIDICULOUS AT'l'ACK ON M, u. De Land, -e'(a.. the home or the John than were enrolled then, the University The thorough absurdity or the lmpll, B. Sto!flon University and lho College wlU be very hard preBsed to make ends cations of crookedness on the part ol Arme Hotel, atcordtng to a letter from meet tor the next two years. Should University officials made in a report of him ' written on tho coldeat day In coal and ot~er supplies that must be the House committee on lnv011tfgo, many years nt that place. The tom·. purcba.11<1 trom this fund be blgber In lion of State deftclta \s typical or all perature was 12 degroos. The 011tl• price tha.n formally there will be ac• such obargeo and auggeauons or fraud mated damage to orange groVes ran tually leM money for aalarles th~n and mfsmanngomont or funds In con• tnto the mtlllona or dollar•. Mr. Ham• heretofore. necUon with thle Institution. Anybody mack ta In eharge of some paving be­ 2. Scientific Labo,-ator1e1. Thia ap• who knew anything about the Unfver• Ing laid by tho 1. B. McCrary Com• proprla~lon Is. $6,0QO le•• than the alty and how t!fJ buefn""8 18 handled usual amount. With all 'apparatus and would have known too much to make pany or Atlanta, Ga. suppll'I" much more costly 1,han before auch lµi_pllcatlo)UI. the war, this meana l' decided )osa tn There la pro6abli no business con­ Another 'protest 8jl'•tnst any con• eftlcleney br an lncrcrui& to student cern In the S!flte which more carefully tomplated leglalatlve·~ctlon e,gafnst the 'iees Md' depoatt,. · checks and r,,checl Is a pe•teotlt leglUm&,te one. ix,1111. I thtnk h 'has done !,.00 much ato)l or 'renewal ol wallt•


ALUMNI BANQUET AT CAPITAL Teats Equipment of Warships NEW ALUMNI CLUB FORMED Despite the rush or preparation !or defense going on In the U11lted States Or. C. M. Jackson Heade M, U. Wa.ahlngton 'Mem bora Got Together Navy, F. 0. Hechler, B, S. In M. l!l Organlz4t1on of Twin Cltle1 to Talk February 14 '08, M, E. '10, who Is testing me<:haol­ The Twin Cities uo,v have an orga­ BV 0 . A. Briggs, '07. cal equipment or battlo ohlps In the nized body o! University ot Ml~sourl In WMhlngton, we oft.en think of laboratories al Annaoolls, Is not pre­ graduates. SeverAl o,lumnt and Corm• :Mlaaouri and on February 14 alumni vented from thinking or Mls,;ourl and er students met February 15 tor an nnd former student& met at a banquet. Missouri's uni versity at Columbia. "Jo lorormal Iuncboon at Ibo Cnmpu• at Wallts' t.o talk about It. Goldon my opinion:· he .wrlles, "Mfesourl bas Club In MlnnenPOII• nod elrect.ed the jonquils, 90mblne(I wllb the old gold greatly weakene0ndcd to the against the transfer or the Engineer• Week nt the University or Minnesota, ton&t "What Tho Wo'ro Claimed by An· Ing School to Rolla," "'RS guest of honor at the luncheon. other State, a Mlasourlan SUII tor A· Resolutlooa or confidence and ap­ That." Mr. Stout told or his days at Battery of University Men pre<:lotlon ot tho work of Prlll!ldent U!o University and referred to mnny A. Ross R Iii and protesting against episodes. Ho stated tbat he always A battery ol mounlerlaUons MW to It tbnt ln his record the fact botng organized by former gtudents or or the transfer ot any work rrom the tha\ he attended the UnlvorsllY ot M is­ tho universities or Knosaa and Ml•• Unl•erslty at Columbia were adopted souri was clea.rly brought out, but that sourt. MIiton W. Leach, who former­ •• tollows: t~o statement l\()motlmos made by oth­ nuoJced lhat we, the MlnntsOLl\ n l-. ly wru, a captain In the cadet corps ers that ho w1U1 a student there was a umnl of tho lfnlverfJ1L)' or Mluourl. be­ matter open to que8Uon. Mr. Stout re­ at tbo University, Is chairman ol the Ing (lee.ply 1Juere1h!d In th• weltar·o or committee In charge, Crosby Kem• ferred to the critical condition or Inter• our Alma Mater, do hareb~• roeor(I our­ pl'Olc.at agv.lntt An)' reduct-Ion of the Uni• national alralre ex.Isling at tho time per, · formor Tiger track and football man, J. :W. T,ongshore. and several l't-r-alt>· ftpproprla.Llon• and Rny tranttte.r and elated that everyone at tbo Capital or work to the School of M1oea. lll!li thl• other Missouri men are active In form• tell tho gravity ot tho situation and all would b6 a Jterlout • 11nd a backWIU'•, and other matters. Lucy Plcklnsoo, A. B. ·n. Mr. Collins which under hi• 1ead0r1hlt> h.aa 1u:tva.nced H. P. Davis, prcsl ary 2·1 won tho lnt.ertraternltY obuket• . ' M188 Raebel• l!ljlwarda, M,, A, M. Barry ~ l!llener, ag.. 'H la a whole­ ball championship of tbe Unl"eralty by aa.le produco dealer at Sweet Sprlnp. defeating the: ·Sigma Nu Quintet 30 to 'JO, ,la, now. In WOJlk at, tho ~\litter Set, l\lo. , • 18. • ♦ "11 Uo~ent B:ouee.- I,:no]mlle, Tenn.

, 178 THE ..M: I S S O U R I ALU 11 1 N U S

HEARD M. U. N EWS IN TULSA Into the organization wUI bo associate Gete West Point Appointment members. Former Mls.sourtal'\ff Jiving In nenrby town& wlll al!;O be ln\•lted to Thomas Gordon L.etehworth, a t:topho­ Oean Williams Spoke at Alumni Ban­ become m ember s of U1e Tulea nssocfa... more tn the University, has r eceived quet February 23 o ne of the West. Poinl oppotntme.nte Abc,ut sixty nlumol and totmor stu• tlon. Thooo who nttondoer: Dean Walter Leavenworth betoro going to the mtll­ quet and to bear Denn Walter Wll­ tary academy and will take the. en• ltnma or the School or Jouroallam tell \Vllliams, C-Olumbia, ~Io., Mr, ond Mrs. T . C. H ughes, Frank .Murl)by. Mr. and trance examinations fo r the laltor ·of t he condlUoos and needs of tho Uni• Mo.rch 20. Mr. Lotcbwortb, ·a member verslty. The meettug was arranged b)' Mrs. J. F'. Crow, Mrs. Jsaac Shuler, Miss Lee O'Neill or •raney County, Mo., of the Phi Oa.mrun Delta J.""ratcrntty, Is the Tulsa Alumni Assoch1Uou, w htch 18 years old. He ls the son of T. J. was orgnni7.ed a. tow weeks ago with T. and Now York. M r. nnd Mrs. l~ugcne Lorton, Mr. and Mr8. "E. R. Albert. Letchworth or Kansas City. C. Hughe•. ' 8 ◄ , as president. Carlos I. Harrison . .J . B, Whitney, t',l laa h WR$ decided at tho organ17.atlon. Beatrice Hothtlm. ll. L. Bohon, N. J. m eeting that active members should Cubs.er, C. " '· Hughes, R. Fleming, Class Notes Include nlumnt :.md former students Mrs. Robert J . Boone, Mias Ma~y Co,•e1·, both or the echools at Columbia ond of R. F, SchoHelcl, Mr. and Mr<,. Willis the school of Mines at Rolla. The J(. Weaver of Okmulgee, Mr. nnd Mrs. '85 wives nnd husbands or ncU,~e membe.ra R. S. Graves, M. P. Wright, Mrs. l. A That mc..'l.surcs Inimical to the Unl­ nnd such other pert1ons as 1na>• be voted Bolt or St. Louie, Mies Anne Shannon verelty would fall If submitted to n .Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J T . Horner, Mr. rorcrondum vote was lhc ho.lief ox· and Mrs. .r. A. Miller or Sand Springs, pressed by S. P. Dorman, law~ B. L., Social Stationery Mr. aod Mrs. Richard W. Burkhart. Pc. P, '89. or Clinton, Mo. "A& to ef• Miss Mary Sommers ot Okmulgee, Mr• torli; to dis member the Onhcrstty," Printed•·· W, E. White of Bixby, Mre. Mary J. be ij.lYB. '-'hc.r friends ehould not hes­ 1,ockwood. Miss Vern Owynn, Mias itate to 1,ctltloo 11nder the Initiative Is <:.he:..per in 100 lots Lh:u\ <1u irt• Nelle Schult•o of Sapulpa, Ml88 1/;lltA· to submit such an ael, along with the box plain writing papers. beth McClure or Arton, Miss Mary M. Buford Lnw. passed two years ago. Besides, lndlvlduol stationery Craig or l{noboostcr. Mo .. J . N. Wllaon which has been In court. hence right carl'les with It. the ponsonalty ot of Muskogee, Miss Juanita Fink or to resubmit ts not lostf and 8Ubm1t a ll tbe writer. Muskogee, C. 0 . Bigelow, Ml•• Oraco aucl, lcglslatlon for rallflcntlon or veto H erald-Statesman Pub. Co. MacGregor, Miss Ell•fLbetb Smith, C. by the people at the elecpon ot 1918. O. Porter of Cnney, Kan., ~rr. and Mr!J. "r om sure all such lcglelntlon can COLUMBIA, MISSOURI K. R. Farwell of · Excelsior Springs, and would be defeated If s ubmitted lo Mo., and 1f, K. Glunt. the test. , Peanut politic& would not STEPHENS JUNIOR COLL·EGE COLUM BIA, MISSOUR I Fully Accredited as a Junior College by the U niversiryof Missouri and Other Standard l nstitutions The following statistics show the remarkable ~rowth of Stephens College in resident en- rollment and educational standards since its standardization as a Junior College in 19 12: 1913- 14- lncrease in enrollment over preceding year 100% 1914-15-Increase in enrollment over preceding year 15% 1915- 16-lncrease in enroll ment over preceding year 25% . 1916-17- Registration closed August 1, 19 16, with dormitories fil led to capacity. The enrollment fo r 191/i- 17 shows an increase of over 180% over the enrollment for 19 12- 13. Eighty-five per cent of present enrollment are graduates ofaccredited four-year high schools. T he number of graduates from the literary department has increased 227 per cent. The number ofstudents matriculating from accredited high schools has increased 200 per cent. One-fifth of the students in the literary department are honor graduates from accredited four-year high schools. For catalog and information address JAMES M. WOOD, A. B., B. S., University of Missouri )... M., Columbia University ' TI-IE ~IISSOU,R•l -A L UbfNUS 179

be eodor~d by vote of the people. v home addrcsi; Is now 101◄ Harriet tor, a.c., A. M. 'J5 and ,v. S. Summers, i\lr. Dorman Is president or U10 Dor• Street. Monterey, Jack.sou was Ml&­ ac., ed., A. M. '16. mnn Publishing Compnny al Clinton sourl Vnlley chumolon tor tf!e mile ,Tobu .K. nohror, eng., a member or and Pe.11 :\Joines. nnd two mites wtum he was a member the II. S. Reclamation Sorvlco, ask• '02 or lhe Tiger track team. From Kearne>•, Mo., conies good 0. N, Edgar, e ng .. Is now engineer-In• wishes and eneou rngoment for the Un• charge tor tho lnduslrloJ department Ion. \V. R .Scudder, o.e .• la sponsor for ot tho Chamber or Commerce at Rou&­ AD CLUB them. "We older alumni ore alwa>1s ton, 'fox. His re~ldence Is al 402 Hath• glnd to keep In touch with the Old away. CARNIVAL school aa mueh ae possible,'' he enys. ROTHWELL GYM ··When The Alumnus comes, I scan It '13 E. $, Delauo >•. ng., Is cni:,hle.r or Lhr• eagerly ror uewe of old ocqua.lnt.ances.'' Farmen, State Bank or Havelock, N, '04 D. Ho also 1s a married man, haa been Friday, Marc h 9 w ..r. Spalding, eng., C. E. '10, sends mnrrlcd since going to Havelock. He hie h OJll"A trom A neon, Canal Zono, that owns and 01>crate,; ts ucceasfully a 450• TICKETS AT "the day will soon come when the Unt• acre rnrm. verslty will be placed beyond pollUeal Co-op .and Mo. Store "E·ven though In Jlcasnntly localed," he writes Tho ac.. A. M. '14. Mr. Hawkins I& Instruc­ Ah1m11ue. Formerly be bad an office tor In German in tho University or at Joplin, Mo. Kansas. E. C. Constance, eng., C. E. '10, hos Ko.nnclh Seara, nc., who was eon• boon stationed at 707 Postal Telegraph nectod wtth tho nttorney general's or­ Bulldlng, Kansas City. He lo an en­ flee during tho last .Missouri admlnls­ gineer with t6o United Stoles govern• trntfon, •~ now in tho low office or Cow­ ment. Formerly he was at 428 Cus­ herd, Jogroham and Durham, Republlc 1861 or 1917 tom House Building, St. Louie. Bulldlog, Kansas City, Mo. "l aro very '08 plouanUy located, and T trnat lhnl F.nglueerlng design le the occupation whenever any ot my Missouri Unlvcr• Are you n graduate? Are or Samuel Moreen, eng. He Is In the sJty lrlonde are In Konsna City tlioy bridge department or the city or Chi· \\'ill feel comJ>-Ollod to ca.JI and Bee me," you a senior of the Uni­ cago. His btfslocss addre•s le 2001 Mr, Sears writes. versity of Missouri? City Rall. . '14 Tho request has come r·rom Web­ John c. MIiler. enf., Is an uslstant ater N. Jones, ac .. A. M. '09, tb11t bis ad­ engineer In tho department of en­ Wear the mark of distinc­ drellfl be changed lrom University or gineering of t)le J>rJsco Rol\way at tion to which you are en­ Montana. Ml860ula, Mont.. to 7 Rlede­ St. Louis. Mr. MIiler's busln086 ad• sal Avenue, Cambridge, Moss. Mr. dress In St. Loul• Is 631 Fr·laco Bldg. titled-a column pin. Jones has been assistant profes,ror of Ho expects .to be In SL. Louis pormo­ ohemtatry Jo tao University or Mon- nonUy, ~L • A little colony or three represents Don't wear just any column '09 the University ot Missouri at Johns pin, wear the official pin; Orio W. Harrah. ong.. who 101· S-Ome Hopkins Uolvenslty In Bal\tmore, ac­ official size and shape shown lime h1U1 been with the United States cording to o JettAlr from W. L. Brosius. Reclamation Service at Great FnllR, ac. Tho other men are .John M. Cor• above. Mont., ta now permanenUy located at l"oplar Blu!I', Mont. UNIVlJltBITY OF OOLOltADO, Rich "F. Olldebaus, Jr., eng., blUJ B<>JJld9r. 9010. ' Any year from 1840 to changed hie address lrom Bu6Ch Build· l;ourtocntb Summer S.,-uion June 25th 10 19 18- only $2.00 Ing, Dollair, Tex., to 3'111 Knight Street, Auau~t 4tb, J917 Dallas. · H!> ts sUJJ engaged tu en­ In ,be fQOlhlllt of the Raddrt. JdtnJ con· dhion• for l\1mm1:r study and recNiatlM. (lneor1ng, howe,•er. Cc>unct In thfrty dcl)artMt'llhl. inchtdinr ' 111 Medklne, O'{lhth11hnoJo,ry and Enrfo._~,.,. inir, Able aeullr. )::mlnifnt [.(!(tut(•~ CO-OP F. L. Jackton, ~c., teaqber Ip tho AHraciiv~ coutttll for tct~c.h"rf, 1'uillon low. LMnst ~~xl)(ln._,s rclliorlnblc. tatnloir ~Jgb sebool and champion ten,nls p\•Y· on applicnlion to Rc,riat:ir. COLUMBIA M ISSOUllt ~r at Monterey, Cal., writes that his .,...... ------··------•-.-.- ·--- 1ao 1'1-IE 1l'1ISSOURI ALU~INUS tbat his address be made "Mitchell, or University ot Missouri alumnl in TELLS OF MISSOURI COLONY Neb.. care U. $. R. S." Mr. llofirer, H. Chico.go, a body ot two hundred mem• W., Bashore. ong., '06, R. B. Diemer, bera. ong. ·u and Russell A. Seo, eng., ·10: '15 J , \//· Haney Hae M. U. Company at nre employed by lhe U. S. Co\'ernmeot f+'. €'. Williams, Jnw, Is practicing his State College, Pa. on a. large trrtgattoo project now under profession tn St. Loula. He Is at "R. M. James, eng. '13, with tho way at Llngte. Wyo. Suite 606-12 National Bank ot Com­ Weolloghou .. E lectric Company, Pltls­ Wnrren J, Vtley, la.w. fs spQClal In• merco. B\llldlng. burgh, 'Pa.. and F. L . Bentley, ag. '13, auranee roprcsontatlve or tbo National J amie 0. Welle, og., is Iocnted at with this school, took N'ew Year's Retatl Dry GOGds AssoetaUon, and 1s Canalou, Mo., wher-o he Is Interested In dinner with me.. We had n long talk stationed at 10 S. La Salle St.. Chicago. land dovelo1lment. 1'be location lK nbou l the good old days when wo 111. Re ts president of the aasoctnllon tfflrmanent. Mr. Wells writes. wero In school 8l M. U., the Kan888 Miss Sarah R. Kelman, med., ex­ game. the groat records ot 'Bob' pect• to flnlsh her work to lbe Rush Slmpson, and the Mts.sourl Union-'' Med ical College In Chlcogo the latter Just another letter trom an alumnue. part ot August. Her present addrefl8 rt wns trom J . VI. Haney, eng. '13, no,v Announcing Is 4308 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago. nt Slate College, Pa. J. A. Wisdom, ag., Is principal ol the Thero ts a. con&lderablo colony of high school al Pattonsburg, Mo. The Mlseourl peoplo nt Stato College, ac­ Early Arrival Pattonsburg school re<:eoUy gave an on• cording to tho letter. Among lbe tertolnmenl at which sUdes ot Uulver• group nre: Thomas T. Mairs, 9,g, '00, Jlty scenes wero shown. F. D. Crooks, ng. '14, F. L. Bentley, Miss Wilma Htu:el Wheeland, QC., 18 '13, E. L. Anthony; ng. '12, L. S. Klein• . :. OF ... teaching In :Webster Groves, Mo. "It schmldt, ng. '15, Mrs. Kleln&chmlrlt. Is tho nlce6t place ever. You may con­ former,_ E. A. Fe1;3enden. eng. '03, s. Unue aendlng The Alumnus to lbe old W. Haney, eng. 'lS, Mrs. I-Janey, Spring Suits nddrelll!," Ml .. Wheeland'• homo ad· forrner. dres• Is 1288a Amherst P ince, St. "Wby la It Umt wo do not hear from Louis, Mo, more engineers" asks Mi-. Haney. ''It ~'rank C. WIike, ne., la manager ot soome that each mnn could lorget Spring Hats 6,000-acre farm nt Cooter, Mo. Four about his work long enough to write

thousand acres ot tho oat.ate are clear 4 a few ltnes. at Joaat once a year. • . ed. Ho 18 kept pretty bu,y, be says, I 11m bearUly In tnvor of the Union. 'Spring Shirts In looking atwr nod Improving lbe The eonconsus ot opln.lon seems to be land. that no organlzaUon can aorve thtJ students, !acuity and alumni as the Union will, when It la ftrmly on Its Spring Caps feet.'' Mr. Haney le • teacher at State < College. The K ind That Look Births Right on the Campus

Vnlentlne•• Day brought 11 aon, Jamea Harold, Jr., to Mr. n.od Mrs. James H. Mickey or Osceola, Neb. Mrs. Mickey wae graduated from tho Uni• • eralty with the A. 13. degree In 1915. Bbe Is a member of t.bc Delta Gamma Sorority. Mr. Mickey le casll,ler of a bank at Osceola.

T H E CLA R K T EAC HER S' A GENCY OF KAN SAS Cl· T Y , • ''Tlill! £0UCATIONAL CLEARING HOUSE OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST" • SCHOOL BXEOUTYVSS-\\'rito 11t con()f;fftlng -.,~ocltt. W~ have buflt tap• lll'QDJ'llfl.Of :i.n.Uable pe6plo tn JU Unc1 of t~acbfn,- -..erk. Our office 11 :a )J'.1~1:1!1 ll1$lht1tCon but throu11h "v:L thll rcllO~tt of 1M t:flllro Clark A.((enc~ven offlciw--.rc ~t your command. 111.SSOUIU ~.B.,\GH.P;RS-Retittcr NOW. c..lJt fOr ftl!"lt't "81 am 11lrc11d1 com1nir to u._ It l>ll'f 10 bo In lino tor promot(on. Write TO-DAY for fnfortrl:.t~•nd N'_tlttratl~n bb,nb. J ' PH H. H.LJ.L. Gtoml ~lllJllll'.tr , LOUIS COGSWBLL. Mu41e M.11naf'.';r • ~ 1-tc_. York Cc., Buildhll , \J ... • Kantw1..11 Ci11. Mlaaoun.

... , - - T H 'E ' 1\11 I S S O U R I 'A".L U 1\11 ·NUS 181

A son wns born to Dr. and' M r s.: A. Arter u,o •rtgcrs re[urned from Prize for Ei:cay on Jewl1h H 1,tOry 11. R. Falrehlld al the Parker Memor• their suoccsarul ·trlp or lnva.8lon of A new prlui ol $100 for studenu, lu tnl Hospital Fobrunry 26. He bas been Kausns and Nebraska which put U1em the lJoherslty was announced at the Dllllled Arthur Henry Rolph Falrehlld, In flrst pince, the Kunsa& Aggies work­ 01>onlng convocation of the sctond so• Jr. Dr. Fairchild IIJ pl'oreesor ot Eng­ ed Into o tie with them. The recent mostor. Tho prl1.e la olrored by the lish In the Un iversity. Kansas series, however, which Mia­ I ntcrc~llcgiate Menorah A6'loclatlon eourt took, 2( to 20, and 38 to 15, Virginia Walden Is the daughter dropped Kansas trom tbe· running tuHl t;orn February 20 to Mr. and Mrs. J. pushed the Tigers two games In tho R. Keithley ol Fargo, N. D. Vlrglola'• lead. tnther Is profeesor of dnJry buebandry lt Is l)fObable also lbal Ute ,•alloy ., IVe Mid Vour Ftitlun C/"1/111" ot the agricultural collego al F•rgo. track Ong will again go to the Tiger He was gradu1-1.ted trom Lhe Univer sity masthead. The polo ,•nulters only nr(' with the B. S. In Ag, degree lo 1008 weak, and the udd1Uono1 annex1ng or nod the A, i\-1. dogrcc In 1911. Former­ two new sprlnten, of ability. may In T he clever spring modes in ly he was tn the Bureau or Anlmol ln• pnrt moko U(> for this. 'l'ho .point• dustry at Washington, D, C. winners or last y13a r·1:1 vlctorlouti team RartbSmartSuits lhls year remoln. with the s ingle ex- eepUon ol Pqwoll. , are ready now. Men who are STILL L EAD IN BASKETBA L L 'f'ho rellnble Slmt>sOO wlll J)robnbly young•in years and young at break artot.her record or so In tho hur­ T igers Aro Bidding H ard f or heart wi ll thoroughly appre­ Another Champlon1hlp dles, while Tcu WIii SUPJ)0rt him. Ren­ The present outlook on 'Nger ath• ick nlso wlll be entered In Ible event. ciate their cleverness. letl(lS le highly optimistic. Indeed Shollz has ~ n nddcil to the s printers. On ly tour regulnra wlll be ml&SCd In there seems a good posslblllty that lour champlonshlt)S wlll come to the bngebo ii. So It ls not only t.hoso un• Missouri camp during 1916•17. balanced by their enthusiasm who pro­ Style DtX>k F11r111Slud 011 RllJiust The football team ncqullled Itself diet that all tour fl ags wlll be added with nt least n tlo for the valley Ullo, this yenr to tho constantly growing Tiger trophy and nil tho "dope'' of somo of the best case. critics put the Tigers· lo flrat place aheM or the Cornbuekers. Tt I• tho most conservatlvo nuthorltlee who glvo HOT}~L SAVOY llllesourl nu oven break with Nebraska. KANSAS CITY ~l;t'flu;~ With but four games yet remaining In the buketball season, the Tiger , 18 A GOOD PLAOE TO STOP "EvuyiJl>dy's Slort." quintet bas n Unger on the flag with P opular Prices I a clean two-gamo lead. The aertea In Columbia with the Kansas Aggies, the Tiger's only dangerous competitor, lllnroh 6 nnd 6, wtll decide tho argu­ 'lllent, tor tho two ftbal gamos with TODAY WMhlngtoo, March 9 and 10', at SI. Louis, are neither • uncertain nor slg• nlflcant. Thore wlll be no doubt or . appeal to "dopo" tn tho case or the Start That Rank Account bnelrobnble that a debato with ,v1.soonsln Daily Bros. by

lts1'E~-1Jme Pr1zea for Prohibition Orations Tho oratortcnl contest of the local -and specially priced branch or lhe Intercollegiate Problbl• tlon AS30clnUon WIil be held Mnrch 1~ tickets invite you. to take and 17. Three prizes or $16, $5 and $2.50 wlll h

Hotel Kupper I flit •nd McGee Streets KANSAS CITY, MO. WALTEK S. MARS, Proprit

When rou .Are Again zn Kansas City, rou May Spend a Day With Profit zn the Big Interesting Store

Visit the tasteful French Gray Dressmaking Salon, where wonderful costumes are created .from the world's finest fabrics.

'.See the beautiful ready-to-wear apparel for women on the Third Floor. Take a peep at the charming French Millinery Room, with its wonderfully correct chapeaus.

If you are interested in Interior Decorating a visit to the Home Furnishing Studio on· the Fourth Floor will reveal a world of delight. On the Fourth Floor are also to be found reproductions of the world's famous potteries, grouped with rare art lamps and the mast exquisite of Cloisonne a11d Royal DouI ton . .

Just now the Silk Department on the Grand Avenue Floor isa riot of color-many new silks being much in evidence. ·

Shop through the Walnut Street Store for men where proper apparel for the man is a study carefully thought out.

Browse among the Books on the Walnut Street Floor. You will see them tempt­ ingly arrayed in such a manner that you may find just what you want. ' Take ' home a box of our delicious candies. These are made fresh and packed fresh- "not how cheap, but how good' and bow pure."

Lunch in the Tea Room where you will see your Kansas City friends. Here cookery is, a fine art-a fact that has made. our Tea Room famous all over the Middle West. Use the Reception Rooms at your will-telephone your friends or rest in the soothing quiet of these rooms.

A day spent in this vast ·store will reveal to you the romance of merchandising. It will be a day long remembered by you.


The Missouri Union

\ EEDS AT ONCE the information N concerning all graduates of the Uni­ versity of Missouri indicated by the coupon below. If you have not recently sent in this information, please fill in these blanks and mail the coupon AT ONCE.

A Copy of the New Alumni D irectory to Each Subscriber The . Missouri Union T he M issouri Alumnus - Columbia,.Missouri ,

Name in Fall...... : ...... pegree and Year ...... : ...... Permanent Address ...... Temporary Address ...... :...... : ...... Occupation ...... If Married Woman,Give Full Maiden Name......

186 TH E :M: I SSOURI A L U1\>1 NUS

1 lll:lllllll•.,...PPPP1 111111111aanrumnmm,1, R'lll"'llllllli11111111!'ll • THE OFflCIAi• Missouri Alumni Pin The Column Pin rn:1de up with your class da1e on lhe base. The official Missouri Alumni Pi1t Either in Droo:h or Sca rf $2.00. For Charms $1.2;. You h:w e wanted one. You need one, so send )'Ou r ~,tdcr uxt1,y 10 THE MISSOURI STORE CO. COI.UMBIA. ~lli'S<)Ulll (~loney refunded i£ )'Ou are nnt s:uiaficd.) !IU1mHlil!JIEIOWllll"... ~!10d AWIWiiJUGI u

Alumni Business OHIO INSUl!.ANCE and MISSOU R I Professional Guide Grover C. Hosford, LL. e . '08 Attorney and Counsellor ot Law 1509·10 Union Nallonal Bani< Building Horace R. D1.vls, A. 8 . ' 10 LAWYERS Cleveland, Ohio. Monthly lncomo a nd Bu!lness Life In• aura.nee MISSOURI r;tb ·f'loor, Nat'I Bank of Commerce Bldg., OKLAHOM A St. I.outs, Mo. Emli Roehrig, LL. B. '07 L:iwrer WIison, Tomerlin & Buckholts ENGINEERS Prosecuting Attorney Warren Connty IV. ~•. Wil.wn, A.B.'98, A.M., LL.D.'00. Warrenton, lifo. 806·811 State Nat. Dn.nk Bldg,, PIKE-TIDD E NGINE0:RINO COMP ANY Oklahoma City, Okla. Co n1ultln1r Enalnurt Daniel W. P ike. Barry Tidd, P ra.ldeot. Vlc... f'refJ.. c. E. (Colby College) c. E. ' U (M.I.SIKIU.rl) Wtl.lcrwork• . Sewe·mar• Sy,1em1t... Pavlo&, H. w. Timmonda, LL, B. '07 I.Ag.bl and Power P lante. t'lao1 SCHOOL EQUil'MENT n.nd Speclft callons. Lamar, :Mo. Suite ◄ U Sca..r-rltl BuUdlog K.ans&a Clty MISSOURI AND IOWA

W . B. ROLLINS & COMPANY Con1u1Ung Engl.ne,.,re Walker &. Walker Jno. 8 .. Dorma n, L.B., S,B,, Pe,8. '91 w. B. Rollins> Mom. Am. S'oc. M. :m. Lee Walker, A. •B, ·10, LL. B.1'12 BookB, Map1, Charts, , Mo. 1908) Glob••• Optl,cal water Wo1 ka, Eloct.rlo. Ltght.Jng, Sew• Columbia, Mo. Goods, et.e. era. -Paving, Pla.n,~8peClftcauona. Guitar Bldg. Superv1,1on, •and Report& Cllnton, Mo., 0ft Molnu, la, ~ U way ~:cchans e Bldg.. K. Cl :Uo.

• THE MISSOURI .ALUMNUS VoL. V, No. 12 i\Lmctl 15, 1917 CoLUMBIA, Mo.

M. U, MAY GET STILL LESS cral George \V, Coetha1.s af! one or tho MRS. A. ROSS H ILL DEAD ten rorcmost o.ngluoere In the countr:·. Revenue Shortage May Cause Cutting General Ooetbala' list Is to form a After Long lllnen, President's Wife School Budget& uuclous tor an American Academy or Passed Away March 9 With the S(We1H.y days or U10 lcglsla­ Eng1neera. The Len will select tort>' th·e sea.sfon pnaaed and flnn1 ndJourn­ more, and Ute ntty loeorporatorn will A ttor a Jong 1•erlod or HI health, MNJ, ment less than n. week off, 1t Is still un• ,;o bo(oro Cong-resa ror n cbnrtcr. Tho Agnes RIii, wire ot President A. Ros1t known Just how the University wm lntenlion fs to limit tho membership HIii. died al the Preslclenl'S House on tore ror ap1>roprlat1om:1. The Assem­ to one hundred. Mr. Wnddell was con- tho Unlversfly Campus F'rtdar nCter­ bly will gi ve most or the remaining 1:1ult1ng engineer tor the Metropolitan nooo, March 9. 1'he 1mmedlarn cauee Umo Lo npp~prlaUon btlls, which hn,•o Street RllHWAy In Kansas City. oC dealh was given aa pneun1on1n, boe.n he1d back to see whnl would be which eAme on as tho rea,1,1lt of opora­ done In tho way or pro\•ldlug more BEST ST ATE LAW SCHOOL tlons undergone· during tho long Ill~ revenue. ness. According to a dlsr,ntch from Jcffor• Though cooflrioct to her home most M issouri Insti tution So Classed by eon City a cut ot nbout 10 per ceat 1n or the time during tho period of tu~r Dean Pound of Harvard Lhe btcnn.lo.J budgets of the state mncs3, Mrs. nm bore up undor he.r schools and eleemosynary lneUtulloua Evidence thot tho School of T..a w of pain and wearlnei,a uncomplalnlngl)", la urged by the sennte and bouso np­ tho Unlve raHy ts highly ostcomed O\lt• Occ..'lslonally she went out for a rtdo proorh\tlon committees In tho ftnH I et­ sldo Lhe state Is tontalncd In a recent or nttcnsJed a concert or a lecture tn rort to keep tho o.pproprlatton within letter rrom Adrian M. LA,wlnson , A. 8. th!) Unh•ere:tty Audttortum. OurI og Mlssourl'a expected revenue. '14, lo Lue C. Lo;:ler. student president lhe last [ew months sbo hAd re.It ruuch Io a letter the committees have no­ Levinson ts a stu,lent In the Harvard Improved and as 6J)rlngtlmo aptlroach• tified the heads of tho varJous tnsUtu• Law School. ed she looked rorwnrd eagerly to the tloos to designate by Jett-era which ''It gave men great de1'1 of pleaaure," gnrden and nowera which a,ho told Hems In their requests could bo e lim­ wrote Mr. T~vlnson, to boar one ot our inated moot c.aslly. It was announced her friends she Wn.8 gol.ng to tend prorcssora cite tile Mtf;.f;Ourl Law Bul• herself. Umt. there would bo no henrlng on tho letln tho other dB.)' during fl. Cl8Sf:lroom requests or t nstltuUons. APQIOPrJn. Mrs. Hill w"" formerly Mllll! Agnes d1scuSA1on on lbe constltut1onallt_y of tlons already contemplated by the Gen• Baxter, born In Rallrn.x. Nova Scotln, oral Aasembly exceed by $1,000,000 U10 the practice or regulating procedure March 18, 1870, She got lier e"rJy anticipated revonuo, which fneludcs tho by ru lea ot court. P-rotcssor Frankfur­ edncntlon In Hntlrax and took bor Oardner revenue measures. ter referred to Profmssor Hudson'iJ B. A. de:greo from Dalbousfe Unlver­ Agrlcullural extension I& be.Hoved to nrtlcle 111 rothor complimentary terms. slll' In lhAl c ity In 1891, just a YeAr be In tor n reduction rrom the $142,· "This 1& n gre,'lt low school here." before )fr. Hm roce.lved tho samo de­ 043.45 In Ute original blll. It I• ex­ tho Jetter goe& on. "but whe.n Dean gree trom tho eamo school A fler r e­ pected th.Rt Utls ltom will be reduced Pound ot the Marvnrd Law School says ceiving an A. M. trom Dnlhooste, sho to nb011t $120,000, The bill as nrst re­ that the Jaw school or the Unh erslly went to Cornel1 Uol\'c.rstty ns a fel­ ported gavo $222,043.45 from goner• I of Missouri is tho best ala.to lnw school low 1n mathe.mati<'.8, tho last fellow te\'enue for agricutturnl projects. Two In tho country, he knows whnt he Is under the famous Professor OJlvcr, yeors ago $170,268 waa approprlnted. Lnll

sophomore. Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. ISL AND ALUMNI NEED CLUB picture manager by buying tho Alamo nnd Mrs. Robert Baxter, and a sislc.r, Theater at Fayette. Mr. Crewe wu a Miss EllzabeU1 Baxter. still 11,•o In Or. De Leon Says Phllfpplne Grads student In the University In 1005. He Hattrn.x. Because of the great dli:1tnueo, Should Get Togeth er Is atlll dotng lllustrattve work tor they were not able to come to Colum• ··The.re Is urgent need ot u M ls­ books and magazines. bla ror t'fie funeral. A brother, Nor• sourl alumni oasoclallon 0 1· elub ln man Baxter or 1-::lyrla, Ohio, was here. the Pbtllpplue Tstaud," wrlto J. VelilR.· RIDI NGS WRITES FROM JAPAN Tbe runeral tervlces for Mrs. Hill q\1e-.r, De J:..OOn. "Tberc nrc many Mts.- were held lrl U1e Columbia Presbytc, 1.-0urln11s her e- b\lt we do not know rlon Church at. 3 o'clock Sundny nfter• each other nor do we know wbe.rc ibe Tell1 of Bualnea:s Men'a PoliteneH and noon, Just a wook before the dl\le of oLhcrs are. An alumni ns.."Kl<:laUon will Official Red Tape her torl)'•t1eve.ntb birthday. 1'be serv• do much lo arouse cnlbualnsm among You may btwo thought that Wnllucc tee& were conducted by her pnator. 1he Ufl, SI lmulate whol~ henrted SUl)J}Ort Irwin's .Ja1)~.111ese Is more humorous Rev. w. \'V. Elwang, nrter which burl­ ot our Alnrn Mater and make the Old ibnn tr ue. but you nre wrong. A letter al was made ta Columbia Cometcry. Missouri spirit and tnfluenco relt In from Horry E . Ridings. a 1912 graduate The tollowlng represen1ath·es or the lbls far corner of tbc world, spirit or the School of Journolism who ht now Curators, former Curators, the adm1n• and tnnueuce Umt ·wUJ roAke ot It o bust no.ea mannger or tho• Japan Ad­ tstrntlve offlcors and nlumnl of tho h:,JJpler place to lh•e." vertiser. Tokio: otter-& pr<>ot. Along with a letter to his brother. WIilard Unlvershy, were honorary po.Hbear­ i1r. Do Leon ts a first Heuto.nant In Rldln~'f! of Colurubln, the Tokio ers: C. B. Rolllns, R. .B. Price, Sr.. the medical eorus or the Phllh>p1nc Mis• E. \V. Stephens, George D. Dorsey, J. Coo•tabular y. Ue la at Mall. 01\vno sourlan sent oxact copies or letters, re­ 0. Dabb, c. E. Yeater, ,(IJen MCROY• Pro,,lnce. ceived Crom a Japanese mcrcbont. one oC which ended os follows: W. T . 0. L. 0 nold•. Nardln and Zwick: 1 n.m strong ror lhe MtsBOur1 Un­ also the followtng deans of the Un i• ion:• continues Mr. Do Leon, •·nnd you ''We are g lad to know Urnt AdverUa­ er hus. now got such &. gentleman like verslty: J. C. Jones. Wolter M!ITer. can count l'ne as nn ardent supporler W. W , Charters, fi:. J. McCausllond. or tt. Anything that 1 personall)' can you wtth wonderful experience and Walter Wllllam•. Guy L. Noy.. , El• do for the success or this movemeot. creative brain on top of tho a lready don R.. lamea. F. n. Mumford und ISi• no matter how little, I nm more than \'Cry rich stuffs. With lbe best re-­ dor Loeb. wtllfng n,od anxtou~ to do. I know gnrdf, and greetings, we r emain, dear The active pf\Jl beare.re were the fol• thnt lx,cause of U1e distance which sir. yours u1ost truly," lowlng students: l.ue C. Lozier, stu· aeparntcs me from tho sons nnd daugh• Mr. Rtdtnga' letter ro.lates several ex• dent pr@Sldent; J. P. Honntgnn.,oresl­ lc..rs of Old ~Hesourl. nnd because or perlen ces In tho Japanese cttpltu.l, tor df'Jnt. of the studenL eenete; officers or the ract that 6 1d Missourians. alum­ Instance: the four University clas'"'s 88 lollows: · ni nod former atudcnls from the Uni­ "For red tape tbe8" Japanese officials Jo8"ph Black, freshman: MIiton FOll• versity living bero In the PhlllPf>lneo btl\'o .ony'thlng In Amorlen bcate.n to a ter, soJ)hon,ore:: Ooorge Irion. Junior; and tJ1e Far €ast are not organized. stan,MIII. Yeaterdnr T tried to gel A. Flom Baker. senior. conccntrAt.ed effort on our part In BUI)· •orue Improvement In the dollvery ot port ot 1h18 great and tml)-Ortanl un~ our papa.rs to Kobe. After tJee.lng tho Pittsburgh Alumni To Moot derlaklng I• Impossible. 8ut l RJ!• understudies at the 11ostomee. nod Ox· Through tta orestdent, Cbtl.rla.s Ar• sure you that i r my moral support. pre"8 office, I went 10 me head of the nold, the Pittsburgh ossoelatlon. ol and whnt little financial assl_st.auco J 1mvertn1 Government Railway• or thl• al11mnl of tho Unlverslt.r ha• 8"nt In run able to give, count for anything, section (nll means ot communlcallon ' a req11est ror Old Ml96o Two hundred and thirty acc•e001>!0 of bls old hon10, F')!yetle, Sorority. Tllr.' Riding, Is o me1nbor ot the lack of Unlveral1J' funds. h_ae now become a small town motion the Dana Press Club. • Tl-IE .M I SSOURI ALUMNUS 189 Why M. U. Athletes are Called "Tigers"

You studentJI or phllology,-tr you rabbiUJ or puflttY dogs, or the llke'? "Well," re.pll0(1 tho first tew ques• have anything oc value to otter on tho Why ts a J11yhawkor A. Ja,vhawker and tloned, "never thought about Jl betore. origin or tho bestial nnmoe which RP• a Cub a cub, when he walks on two Juel 3UJ>Posed they'd nlways been ply thonu,elves to modorn ncblove.ra, foot, stands-usually-lo tho uintght called 'Ttgcrs,' ever since tigers be­ trot it out. Authorltte.a tnrorm us that., 1)oslUoo and traces his auceatry back gan.'' in the Fourteenth Century, tho term LO tbe Et>lthCtunthrOl)UB .EreClus1 ' 'Since Lhe days or tbo prehistoric 80brlquet had dlstlncUy a meaning of President Wllaon's Quet:tlon 88bcr-toolh tiger," woe suggested. contemJ)t. the ehla being s11ghlly and ,v11y does M1880urt call her athlete:,,, •·N-no. I guess not." ropldly elevated. Halt a whistle and even In tho columns or the city J>aners, Many theories were ndvanced at ;:i balt n Jeor, wo are told It was. Bul bY the namo or Tigers? hazurd- tow en.re to admit they don't that connotation has slunk away. and And note the lml)resafon It aomo­ know nil about their own unlverstty. a benm ot pride and a gllnt ot admtrn• tlmos gives to Europe. Montmorency A tew re.membered, they be11evnd, ho\\', atlon wo flnd rcplnclng tho Jeer. had Just roturned to Derbyshire: a long time ago, ( probably before But trot right up With your fru its "A·Ah Fat.hob, I saw so queab an ac• either footbaJJ or the Uolverslty exlBt· ot Jingulstlc res.oarch; Lrace through coun L or a game lo t.he states." ed, tr you pinned tbam down to a. sp& lbe dialect& and quote somo psycholo­ "No?" clflc date) someone, 11eetng how madly gy, Just to provo yeu arc learned. And "Yeah. l snw where on Thanksgiv­ the 'rt-tho Mlssourt rootbnll teom • we'll toll you how wrong you are; bow ing a team or wit(! onlmols played n olayed, remarked that It !ought like una.cademtc, how purely worldly Is nook of birds." a bunch of tigers. But ot t.ba subse. the unswe.r to our It ttlo quiz. When Dean Walter Wllllarus wa& In quent 1>ro(..-cdure no ouo reme1nbered. Our question l1 this: Wby l1 • Ti­ Was.hlnglon a rew months ago al a And Pretty aooo nlong comes nn old• ger? Why lo the onme ot oil that ts banquet of lbe Gridiron Club whtch timer with • clipping trom the Po• reru:iooable should your children whose llrestdent Wttsoo attended, the latter dunk Bugle which calJB lho boys 0 Tl­ porfectly human cries yo have stllled. said to him: gers" on the eve or the Orst fooU>a.11 whoso curls have been plni5tered dO't.Jl "Why do you call your Missouri boy• game tn the history or n,e fl()hool. So with maternal Ballva- why, should ··r1gers' ?" that theory, a.tong with a lot or others, Ibey Inter run out on a football field "Why do you cnll your Princeton goes to the scrapheap. and from Urnt moment becpm<>-tlgere. boys ·Ttgers'!" Several Theories Prove Wrong Pray why, tr they must dr<>v from the NoJlhor one knew. ll wns chanced by anoU1er thot. ono aooctes or hom{nldae, can tt not be ae And so the quest began. of tbe early ooaehct came trom Prlnc-e­ ton, bringing with him that school '& MfSSOURT'S FIRST TIGER TEAM athletic sobrtqueL But nellber would that stnud tho te1L Tho Oral coach o[ MIBSOurt wa.s not a Princeton mnn and bad nothing to do with lhe 1'1gor·s ehrlatentng. Tho theory most generally believed by the atudentJI held that the colors be­ Ing chosen nrst, tho gold and black strt1,es ot the uniforms auggeeted by rescmbJance the ntckon.me. But, as n matter of fact, the cause has bet.re been contused with effect, for the colors were chosen after the name. Blue wae the tormor color. How It really happened wos thla. eccordb1g lo N. T. Gentry, '84, ot CO· lumbl•. who I~ an authority on Uni• vartty and Boone County history: Back In !be tall of 'G4, when Colum­ blru1e, In conimon wttb tho people of towru, all through this part o! tho country, went to bed with gulll! un­ der tho pillows and with valuables eewed u_p In their night clotbo1, Bill Top row (1•/t to riqllt)-Graham. L/J'M.otte. Jfo'Roe, Terrill. /Iecoml ro,o-Qoalln, Anderson, th_e guerrllla, was making Moore, D~nJI', Litten, ftecord-8, Gordon. Keith. Lower row- himself notoriously hated lo the vt. 8/uuqhan, Tllo111pk01', HUI, Bogle. ctntty or Boone County. S9'•11 towns • 190 THE l\IISSOURT ALU 'MNUS throughout the county and lodced Swltdcr prom1Hly prrestcd him nt his CROY MAKES NEW YORK PAY throughout the state bncl l~ u moletited home, J)hlce.-t blm In ehorge of two with ,•arylng degroos of sorlolJsness by men. and went off In search of 01her Scheme of Former Student Brings rnfds rrom plundering goerrlllas who lnggnrdfl. But on t..he wny to the courl~ Money Day :ind Night carried t.be favor or neither side. 'rho house, Private Dorsey broke away nnd Homer Croy. who wa,; ff. student In by-products of t.he war, apart trom dlan1>1){!nred up ao allay. Tho two men tho University or 1'.HssourJ 1rl 1905. the m&fn issues of alt.her soollon, were r eported. minus their prisoner. With hna heen vh;IUng his falher who ts tu making a mockery or civlllzatlon, nnd strict regard tor efflelenct, . $\\'ltzler at Mar,•vHle, ?ifo. Tho following cllp. conditions In Co1um1Jh1 were IO.nlcntn­ then ordered t, 1)rivnte namod Ph11Jlp 1>lng from a Mnry"lllc newsr)aper tolls blo. Westerlngo, rormorly or the Prus.,inn or Croy'(I literary worl< in Now York: The Columbia T igers army, to "get Privat.o Dorsey." Homer Croy, through whorn Mary. The town, however. bad es:cnped ac, The discipline of ''doserttng'' A.Oldlers vme clnlms a pince In the world or tuaJ rntdlog by virtue or Its known was one or the strong p,olnts or Weslcr­ literature. bas finally worked out a t,ropnrednesFi against small attacks. lngo·a foreign trnlnlng. syi,tcm whereby G<>thAm pays him tor Organizations such us temporary bis C\'ory worklug hour. "home-gunrd&" and ,,tgtlance eompa­ "Br damn, t'll git him!' ' announced It ha~ been a long Umo slnco Homer nles co-operated with t.ho small detach• tho Pru~Sll:\o, acquired n market tor nll the writing ment or Federal troori stationed hcrt", In n miraculously short time, Oor- be could grind out-nnd he's an Indus­ nnd marauders had kept l helr band!!i 1.oy APJ>eared nt heo.dquarteri; just Im­ trious grinder in tho llterary mm, off'. Tn tho tall ot u,e IMt year bctore mediately ahead ot tho muzzle ot Woat­ too. But he dlscoter ed a weak place. the cJoee ot the war. however, tbei;e erlage'.k gun, nod both were coming In his arrangerocnt-he eould write orgnn11.aUons bnd died down through quickly, only nbouL six or eight. hours each day, tnacllvtty. It was then thnt 8111 An• "Shoot him- he dosorted!'' said Wes­ and thnt left him with entirely too dc.rson thought he sow a bone wHh tA>rl«go with • Onallty that startled nu,rh lime on his hnnds. ment 011 It au() headed Ulla way. As Dorsey. What to do with thnl unprofitable protection against his expected toray, time became bis chief worry, "\Vhnl"s an armed guard "'Rl':J tormed ot Co­ And It was with much niutterlng the uffe ot nn nctlvc brain If tt doesn't lurnbla'a ctttzona, no regard l>otng held ognlnat the levity with which Amerl• hi-Ing you tn any dol1ars?" was Hom• for polftfcat pretcrcnce. A blockhouse can mllltary organh:ntlons treat tnsub• er'a lament. was built at lillght and Broadway and ordination that Westorloge. erstwhile Now ho hns It nll arranged. He the old oourtbouae-torn down tn 1909 Prussian troo1>er, reconciled blmselt d= bis writing during the day and -"'-'8..9 fortlfled and entrenched. The tAl soolng Private Dorsey stand guard at ·night he goes out nod ooterlalnk company Wl\8 called-Tho Columbia Tl• all night, but still alive. Ute Oothnmtlos !With n.n lllu•trated gera. Tho efficiency of the Columbia Tl· lecture on the JnsJde workings of a Watchmen were posted by ntght nncl gers must have send Its reputation movie ptcture company. Jto ehowa bf.s by day, nnd a dotntl of the guard slept abroad, ror Bill Anderson appeared to audience Ju3t bow tho man falls trom each night In the blockhouSd and the team tho University In 1914. The work, If Jer, a Columblo. lawyer. As fourth c heer<1d on to tts first game~ nn old losta.lled, will be modelled on the School Sd tho nams who railed to report each night for du• ' ty. of "Tlgere:" for thoao who were to de­ Ooorge C. Terhune, ag.. '14 ts engaged fend tbelr school In the realm or ath• wttb hill father In Jive stock and grain Pruulan Dlacl pllne leUca. The aobrtquot waa uonnlmoue• !arming at Foroet City, Mo. He ts On one ocea.s1on, J. S, Dorsey, n o·rom­ IY selected and haa auok deep Into spectollzlng In the produotlon of pur.. lnent eltltcn o( Colun1bla, was ar~sted hearts ot all MIJ18ourt's supporters, bred Sborthoro cattle and Duroc Jerf!ey ror not appearing for duty. Sergeant though now but few reeall Its origin. hogs. T .HE l\'l l SSOU R I J\LUl\fNUS 191

COMMISSIONS FOR 1 0 MEN nlso n composer, painter and sculotor. PLAN TO FINANCE "U" BUILDlNO in nil or which branches of art ho has Honor Graduates of M. U. May Get been ravon,bty commented upon by Magruder, '11, Proposes Ha.villi A.1\1.llllll Second Lleutenar'lclea cr1Llcs. A muntl panel which he pnlnt­ and Students Buy Stones Ton honor graduates a yenr h,1stcad cd now hang& l,n the local chapter Alumni 1uld for-mer .fit udenbl of the of ono from encb ot lho "dlstlnsulshed house or t.he Sigma Nu rrnlcrnlty of Univcr&ity, c,·en tho:\e thousa11d1 o( .. l11sUtuttons'1 nre provided tor bY n r e• which he b1 a membe r. Many ol his milea from the Old Columns, 1.u-c in their cent oraer from the' Secretary of War. 1>tttnUnga ha\'o been cllspJayed In St. imngitmlion alre:-t1,m for ftn:mciug thr tho reguJar army by tho president ot Prontlco Reovos '12, Writes or Sovcral 1,uilJiag proJ>Ol'ied by Porier 1:.i, i\ictgn.1· der, A. B. '1 1. gccrefory of Cluunber the University nod the commnodant of M. u. Meu tl1e Commerce BrllingluunJ caaets, 1nc.ludlng the class of J916. Prentice ("Pewee') Reeves, ii. 8. '12. or nl \Vn.sh. Those receiving _chis reeommenct»tton who ts In the r~earcb la1>0mtor)• or Herc's tl10 pliln: ato rC(lUlred to take only the. physical the Eastman Kodnl< Com11any at Roch• ""F igure out. ho,v mrrny 1>lonll!I will b~ oxnmlnation, tho acholasuc test being ester, N. Y.. sends thta cha.rftcterl1:1tlc in the hui1ding 1rnd thtll the rosi ot l!ftch 9,-[one, bM;cd u1>0n the cnst. of the build• onllttcd. "rhts Increase In tho num, letter trom tho Enst; ing. "l'hen he~in IL c:11n1>o ign to Aell ber or appolnle«J will probably last, "As r nm rntber rnr trom tho scene 1toncs on the ins t.nllmcnt, plnn, nnnuo.lly. according to MaJor Charles W. Castle, or action. I can do \'cry lllllc, but 1 ,strni-annu11lly or qunrt4rly pdyment&: commandant ot cadets, unttl tho grocl• wou ld certainly llko to get In •my bit' strelchiug O1em 0\'er tt pedotl of yMr.& uallon or the cJa8'1 or 1921. tor J.'r e.ldeot HIil and nlso tor the (n,·e or ten), nccording to the way they Ao "honor grsdunte" 111 one whose 'Home or St. PnL' Although I did not t hey Ogure out the best or the clato on scholastic attAlnmonta a r c snttara.ctory rcmnln lo finish my engineering de­ gree, I •m a Knight of St. Patrick and wbieh · you hope tA) b(>gin construction. to tho presldont of. the Un lvorolty and "lly hw~stiog the 1>:iy111e.ot.a in, Mre whose l)roftctency to mHttary trnlnlug t am \'Cry much ror tho Engineers. I ioU'refft..- hcAring ,n~curiUe., many of the nnd knowledge and 1nte111gent ntten• would like to sco the fnflueoUal nlum­ amnller iuchle.ntll l building ex-pen1e3 w ill t lon to duty are approved by the pro. nl do something nnd bolleve they bn.ve Le tnken core of, There a rc many of the tessor o f mnttary sclonco and tactics. started 11\ the proncr direction. J con• older President HIii one of Ml5sourl's yoongor grnd.!J. who connot ·make the Ho must bo n cJUzcn or tho United aub5edplio11 to tho building that. thoy Stal~, unmarried. n.nd good moral great08t. asscts and no ln\'nluabte man ot would like lo and [ belie\·e thn.t o. pJnn charncter. Preferably tho selectlon 18 to the Slate ae woll as to the Onlver• 30mcw-l1t1t lSimilnr lo thi.& wil1 appcnl to ~~ . made from those who are c•det officers mnny or them nnd nff'ord lhem an 01>4 wbon gradualod, but oth ers who bnvc "To a recent trl() to Philadelphia with an oxblblt !rom lilBSlman Kodak porlunity to bave a tbnre in this worthy taken tho courso ot mllltary lnstruc• underlftking. !Ion mny be cllglblo, del)Cndlng upon llesearcb Laboratory, 1 saw J. A. Reeves, 8. S. In E. E. '07, who Is In "'l'be plan ineludc11 U1e i.$1uanca of the.Ir reeorrncti<:,I wB.y to •oh·e mnny of the slu· ))rotiably last until the g raduation of heard f'rom him since and he s&.Hed for dent problems ttnd nt tl1e same time blnd the cl88s or 1921," sold i 1aJor Oaslle. Brazil Jnnunry 6. C.H. MeCoun, 8. S. In tho old gm.els closer to tbe old scbool. "wut be unusually rnpld. Some mo.n Ag. '15, visited mo on his roturn from Thero is only one suggestion I have to w)to received commissions last [all al• offer on tho plan as n whole. I would the Onlry Show In Springfield and had r eady ar,e due for promotion to Rrst f!Overa l y11 r

bear this matter again. Fot in• 111 u(l..-nt which wer(! loi,t w hl1<, tho HtU· or dcn1 w.u, In 1he h~pltal and w ere pPld The atonce here hs on extracl from a letter fol' out of lu)i,f}l t.al reea. That h, a. snm­ ple or lhe 80rt or 1M11g put out by the of o 11romtnent Kansas City lawyer who comm.ltce.e In un .-trort to dlseredlt l he Is a graduate ot the Untver$1ty: Unlveralty admlnl.-rt\llOf\, Missouri Alumnus An)'bod,y ftUnlllar wllh th4' Chllt'flCUlr ll iiet:ms 10 me t hat th" people of 1hhJ. of Pl'Nlldent HIii arad with hl8 eplendfd El\.6bUtbed 1012 Made Scml-Mont.ldy IOll.'I r«'t')rd n t 1he U nl,.erelt)' mun htu·e Stllte. who h fn'C ('rCatt'I nn,I malntnlned known In tt{t@On th.at lhe chari;cea we:~ Published the Clnlt o.n4 flflet.l'llh or t ho Unh-Cr!o!ll)", rrn() w ho~ t'hlldrc n. re­ without foundt1.tlon. 'rho U nl\'Cr<y Ill ea.ch month during the regular ,eqlon c•eh-O Lh~ b~·nc111~ then-or, ought to know 1,,rtH,mln~ntl)• the lneth u tfon In whlt h or the Unh•er11lly ot Mlaaourl by Tho tho r"c1g In rt(erenc<' 01creco. 1·11e i,on11 Lhe state can t'ltke p rlclo. And :,,11uourl U luourl Union. EIKhteen lllmes tt )'Cllr. 18 tl'lpeclntly fortun.ue In the mnn In Tho omoera or the Ml.s&Ourl Ur'llon are : ot Ml~Ourl know t lHtt U,o Unh•cr111ty Ii. ('hflrgO or It• llctlvltfU. R. 8. Caldwell. '03, . •• .• • Prtt1de.ni. c<:onornlCillly (11HI <.-O r erulli,• mannged, ond o . j_ o,•en, ' 17, , • , •• , Vl~-Presldent. when anybody who ls on officllll of the Don o. Patterson, '17 .. . nee. !:Jec'y. S1aie <-ndeJwou 10 JnJuro lhut 1n~lltutlon JAP BANQU ET FOR EDITORS H. e. Kinyon. '1%, ••• •. Cor. Sec'y. S. F. Conley, ·no, .••..•.• Tnaaurer. throuK'h ml~r-epreeenla11on. I th ink the Sublerlptlona to T ho Alumnus so with l)~()pte ()ughl 10 know who thOlfO lndl• mt mbe1"8hlpe In The Union. Annual ,,t(lunhs tl rt. Oacar RIiey, '11 , In Tokio Works fo r Trtembersh.111• are S5 tor alumni and (or­ mtr ttudtnUJ lh"lnJiC In COlurnbla. tUH) tor I luwo no (• rlllCl@Hl lO inako of any M. U. Journall1m Program nuimhers or the Unlver$lt.Y raculty: U .50 m~•n who ('rJttcl11fs u,-, Unh•er&h )' eon • r-0r alumni. ro,,mer •tudent.a and torrntr l!dCntlOu §J ly After lnvt31.lgaioo, but Wh~n A "M ndc-ln.Japnn" banQuet wlll be r.aeulty mernbera living outllde of Co• lumbla an(I ror &tut1e.m• In au.e:ndanco at m lt1r C1> reeentatlon 18 Indulged In oflhcr the cloolng feature of the 1917 .Jour• theuo. Unlvenlly. Lite membeTlhlpi are bf>("BU~P or ll!lck or ln,•u tlgl\tlon or l>e• nallsm Week at the Un iversity. May Sh.ouM a BUblCTlber desire to d litCOn• cuu11e o( any motive the portlc• may have 7. 11. •rt,e hearty .supi,ort of Jnpaneso t1nue hlfJ •ub1terlptton, JnotJce to tha.t ror thf' purpo&e or Injuring the m ost slateamen, eepecla11y Viscount Molono, etrect ahould be given betore the wt,.. useful publle lni,tltutlon which thla Slnte scrlptJo·n·• e.xpl'ttl.tJon. Otherwt,e It 11 minister of foreign affairs, and Vis­ aqumet'I thot cooUnuance t• desired. hBM. then I think It lit time to B(h•lse 1h e Change& or a(lt'lreq 11hould ht Teported chlzenit or thh, State or t.he nnmcst ot count Konoko, president of the Ameri~ promolly to aeaure delivery or ea.ch la ue. 1hose gem lemen and lhe racti, Sn the Ch~& arart.a and orderti 1hould be ca'• Friend SocleUes, acattered tnade ~yable to Ml.. ourl Alumnutt or ca•e." · throughout the Japanese Empire, I• Hlno-urt Union. and all bualness • ®fl'et.• The facts In tho caJse have been pondcnce !hOuld be 1M) addMNed. being accorded t~e proJ>O•ltlon. Thu made Plain In tho statement of Prost• Japan Advorllsor. Tokio, on the a\nff H. H. KINYON dent HIii and lbey bavo be• upend.lturea. The ract111 h Is fellow commlt~men (J. )). Bow• which tu, $6l.$ ror,h <:0Mtltute nn Indict .. )(n.. Mar@lll'eh Akc.r3, nee Jo.rdioe, me:nt agalnat the l)elC)' r,OJltlc,-e whl~ man of Scott County e.nd James A. animated U10 oommltte6 J'OJ)O.rt. wbe) wna ii student in t h~ trRining Bradley of. Dunklin, a brotber 'ot John TalRg, and Qath.robes. PJ'ffldent 1006·00, reccutly ~•nt in membel'l!hip to utlve Board tho University) may RIii's statement 3how1 that Lhe rereTe.nce ot wna to a h,g Md robe bolon,rlng to a U1e ~onri Union from Unionville-, ~to. ' Tl-IE l\{ISSOURI ALU.l\'INUS 191l

BIG M. U.-K. U. MEET MARCH 17 Kon r:MUI . Tbc rourtlt man wm be cbo&• M. U. IN SECOND PLACE e.n from n trio ot tol)•notchera-Rldor. As In Past Tiger Victory May Depend Plttam and Bond, OtheT'8 who will Kansas Aggies Take Champlonshlp In on Relay Valley Batketball Atter winning the relay from Lhe By narrow margins, while the Tiger Mleblgno Unlvc1'8tty team at the W. rootora kept u1, a splrttrul aoplauso. A. A. U. tnvtlatlon meet In $(. Louts, the KanAA• AJ!:11•• C!IIJCbeIOll<1hlp In bt1•ketball Mnrch 6 od \!l)On to r&J)C&t ln order tor Mlaaourl and 6 by detesting ~lfssourL In both to como away victorious from tho an• games or the series on the Tiger floor. nunl tndoor track meet wltll Kansas tn Tbe score,, were 26,23 and 32-27. The Kansna City, tho night ot SL Patrick"s Tige.rs toughl ga.mel)', but they nlet a Da>', Four t..lmes to tho la.st seven better team. 'fbe macblno-work or tho years-In 1911, 1912, 1916 and 1916- Aggies on the ftoor wa.s ln each lo­ 1'.ltssourl has dor,ended upOn the relay s.tru1ce a rew point& too much ror tho tor victory. Tigers. The Kans..'\& Farmers lod In the race with ten vtctorlca and two dotcnL(f: lbc Tlgera hnd eight vlctorloa and rour de­ feats. It wa• a lead ,vhlcb Missouri could not overcome even by winning both gnme• rrom WRBblngton. This •he did March 8 and 9 on tho Pl ker ftoor-23 to 19 and' 31 to 22. Mlesourl's dream ot tour title flags (or the Tiger wvot.t trophy ca&e tbJs year Cndod out as she settled Into 11econd place. take part In the different events ot the It la tbe 6N1t Ume a V•lley Con !er­ meet are ne ronows: encc ffag has cvor gone to the Ka.nsas Bob Simpson and Enrl Rentck in the AgglQS, and greet was the Jubilee In high and low burdlo&: In thcdosbe,,, t hat school and Ila lown. All Mnnhnl• Scholz and Simpson; In tbe quarter. tan "out ttselt Into triumph," o,•or the Doggy, Wyatt. Selblc: In the halt-mile, victory, and a bo11day waa docJnred In Rider nod Bond: In the mlle and 2-mlle. Ute college. Symon, Kircher, Rall, Oabolmnn, Flint and Gearheart: Pitt.am and Dake r In Ml.. Mary A. Lapp, ed. • 'JG ls teach­ the high Ju.mp; Berry and Worren In Ing In the English Oevnrtment or the t.bo weights: Sylve,,ter and PIUam lo High school at RockpOrl, Mo. DOil/Ji/ tho pole vault. A large crowd ot supporter& ot tho Tho great Bob Stmoaoo will be at tho Old Gold and Black I• expected to go Conventton Hall meet. Tiger rooters to Kansas City tor the big moot. but have got Into the habit or thinking that the excursion, planned oarller, Jlrobobly whenever Simpson leaves town he le wlll not bo run trom Columbia. sure to break a wortd'e record OJ· two before coming back. This will bo Shnp­ Jseued 181,000 New Farm Bulletln·s .an's flnoJ aw,pearnnce In the duo.I One hundred and elgbt)•~nc thouMnd event with Kn.nan&. Ho and Ren'tck In tho huralos load tho 11st of Missouri copies of now hutlettne "'ere Issued In hopoa. In tho St. Louis meet. Slmp­ 1915-16 by lhe Agrlculturnl Experiment aon cllppo

DO THEI R PART IN WYOMING Oreheslra to Columbia, May J. 'l'ho A L UMNI TO MEET IN BOSTON nttrnctlon wlll be An extra nnmbc.r or Several Former Mluourlans Hold the regular serle&. Emil Obcrbotter. Important State Po1ltlon1 director, mado bis lat;t. l'.lJ)l),earan.ce In President HIii W Iii Be Pr1ncipal Mtasourl men are doing Lhel r 1:1hnre Colun1bta with tho orcllest.ra In t915. Speaker . Ma rch 23 or tho work ol lhe stAlc ol Wyoming, •rwo sololsllS wm be on the Jlrogrn.m. according to a rccont letter Crom Mnrk Members or t he Missour i Alumni As• tJ.Oclaliou of New Englnnd wtll gathor A. Chapman. who was n atudent In Lhe Dance :1t Ml saourl Union March 2~ Rl the Co1>ICy Squnto Hotel Onlverolly In 1906 and 1906. 'rhese 'fhc SC\'e.flth Unlpn Dance wlll o. nre soma of the !nets he mention~ In In Boston tor reunion din ner. Pr es.I• be given nt tho Missouri Union bis leller or February 19: dent A. Rol!JI HIii wi ll be g uest ol Bulldlng Frldny night, Morch 16, honor and will make Lho ortne lpal "Fr::mk L . Houx. a student during rroni S; 30 to 11 o'clock. Tlle speech or Lhe oventng, Prof. Mnnley tho SCfs. ls now serving as secretary ot ··U" dance.a are free to n.H mcm• O. Hudson, who Is on lenve or nbsc.ncc stnte nod Covernor Kendrick, aucCeeds bOrfl-·Rlumnl, faculty and Btu• from Lho Un1ve.rett.y doing graduate es acting governor, next week. Boy dent.a. Bcenuse tMvcral members work lo the Harvard Law School lbla E. 1,.ee. h,w. L907, takes chnrgc ot h is or lhe 1917 bnsket.b:tll team are yenr. will 00 tonst1uaster. It is ox• otOce or commlHlone.r of publle land going to Kansas City ror the tn• 11tlart• yells have been sen t from COiumbia tor Henry Elliott Tells of Untottnnate the Boston meet! og. nor lo Albert Chapman, LI.B. 'SJ. Washington SCbool Stniggle ..,l'he 1>ret1e.nt fJ ihrnlion in lho. Stn.te of flail ,lfluourl('Utl: The ro wlll be n. m.e~tlng ot rho alumni or thO Unl\'er1dty THREE M. U. MEN ON PAl'ER [email protected] between the StnW U 11ivcr1ti• or ll.Jl s19011rl on F'rlclny the 23rd or 'March, ly llnd the SI.Ille Agricullurol College nt ru the Copley $Qu1u·e I lotc1 In Boston. Pullm311, is a 1!trong Argument ngnin.,t D. M. Ewing Joins Graduates 011 Omaha ·rher~ wlH be a dinner which will M:glu News l he ndiOrl v.•rfle.r for 'l'ho Alumnus during "OM Ull\Orlt" Hlll nl)out the "gOOd 01d t'ontinuea Mr. Elliott, " in 11. ,•ery 1.111for• the football sea.sou. He 1a a member cllly•f'; oon10 nnd bur All lh& news nn(I tun~t(' atrugglc in tho lMt lwo or Lhn.-e of tbo Della Tau Delio Fraternity. JCO!l81p rret1ll rrom the (Jnh-er1.tlty Cnm­ vcars between Uieae two jns'tit-u..ion.8 nnd pus: eornt'I- nnd Join In on the "New J. C. -:MacArthur, 13. J. '13, I& city ~"'e luwo been Uire1,tened with lite ,prO!J• \'ell' ; rome and sing "Old ~l h121ourl" editor ot 'l'h.o Nows, and Enrl Christ­ pcct of having to su1>port two mediocre whh ufl:. You probabl.y know some M. U. people mas, D. J. 'l 5, ts nu editorial writer s t11tc uni"'-•n,iti~. 'fhis ·would be a for the samo paper. Ewing wlH be lhllt 1n-e not 'on our llats-tell llunn moAt uoforUrnnle 11itul\Uon for lfiHouri about this dinner a nd bring them with the third M. U. man on The News nnd would res:ult in c•rippling the efficien• you. \\'o n ru counting 011 YOU. staff:. cy of hoth tho Uni,•~rait.y nud the Sehool rtemembcr th& time and the 1>laco­ or Mines." Mt1.n.'.'h 23 nt. tho Copley Squore Uotcl ( not the Copley P laia). Bishop Tuttle Visited M. U. Mr. Elliott nlso writes that nn organl• Bishop Daniel S. 'l'utlle ol St. Louis, ,;ntion of nlumni nnd rom,er student.a ol presld1ng blBbop ol the Eplsoopal }L U. in nnd nen.r ~eattle is being Union Furnishes Postcards Free Church, addressed University students plnn nOO. About thirty Old Missourians To Its prlvllege or tree writing 1JOl)8r and faculty In an ~ppeal tor a re-birth lh•e there. and. free envelopes, the Missouri Union ot cl•••lcal study at an assembly lee, Ila• added troo postcards for Its mem• ture, Morell 5. He Included lo his John Le,1el, who formerly was a atu• bera. One thousa.nd card&, sbOWlng & talk a prole•t against adding suffrage dent lo the Scbool of Journnllam or the view ot lbo then Columbia Club, have to tlle already° super-sufllcJent burclcn Unlvoratty, ts now a copy-r:eador on the boon given to the· Union by the Co-Op. ot woman. Ne,., York Clipper, a tbestrlcal Journal Tbcae bavo been reprinted with the Ee was a member o! the eeventy-fir&t nomo of the Union In place or the Co· Mlnneapolls Symphony Hero May 1 Regiment of Now Yotk Infantry re­ lumbla Club, and."wltll the compHmcn)-s Tho Phi Mu Alpha mu.lea! rrotcrnlly cently released ll-om duty on the Mexi• of the Co-Op.," are telUly lo carry mes• wm bring the Mlnoespolls Symphony can border. gages or 1'U'' me.mbera to th•lr lrlcnds. T FIE :MISSOURI ALUiVI NUS 195

years ts alone WQl'lh more than the Re hos boon working In tbo bridge do­ subscription.'' Thie letter trom George partment or St, .LouJs ror aevoo years. Class Notes II. English, Jr., ae., A. it., L.L.B, ·99, Is Several viaducts bnvo been dcalgned t\•pl ca1 ot many that co1no to the by him. "'H wangh&leo, Shnntung. Chino," and '77 alumni omoo. !\Ir. 0nglisb Is a lawyer wlU1 oftlccs at 1016 Grand .Avenue lo the lino beneath ditto marks, reD• George W. Allison. law, writes that 1'emJ)le, Kansu Crty. resents the addreea. permanent and he bas he.Ard trom ench or bts clasiv '04 tcn}J)orary, or Charles Norris Hartwell, mates In law nn,1 that they aH atr From the rnr Phlllpotnes comes • ae., wbo Is teaching In Chinn. ne bru, pr0\1C or the Commenccmenl reunion letter answering n r0(1uei,t tor t.-OPY been teaching in the Orient. 'Several Idea and oxpect to Joined by mem• home In the U. S. A. Is nt Concordia. This Is ol s at :tlacolod. enroll me a member or tho Missouri un­ slty and agrtcuttural cottego than old Ro hRi; been engaged Jn educnUQnnl ion." Missouri, good old stole. but very con• work tn the Phlll111>loee Be\•erttl yoar11. '06 servatlvo, nfmld ol spending a llttlo L. '\V. Mu.rlln, ac.. la prlnctf)al or tho ·Miss Deatrlx Wtnn, ac., ed., Instr uc­ money," tho lotter concludes. high schooJ at LoulH-Ulc, Colo., where tor In l,ngllsh ot tho Maryville State A. E. Ponglll••· ac., ot 3033 Forest ho has lxlen teaching elnce 1914. Normal School, Is on o year's leave or Avenue, l(ans.ng Clty, Is desirous or FrO

absence nod t1l\ldylng at. Columbia Uul• '09 ,•crglty In New York City. She Is a W. J. Carothers. ng.. says "keep tho regular attendant at. the monthly meet.. good Aluninu.s cornlag, but nfle.r Febru• '' t/lt: $bid YoNr Fllllurt Clollus .. Ing,; ot tho New York Ae.soctnllon or ary l 1>leaso chnnge TD)' address to Alumni or the Uutversl ty of Mts-sourt. Raton. N. M.'" 'the last meeting wu.s Februnry 2l at S. N. J--:rwin. itc .. luw ' 11 , is now ~ II· the Vanity Ffllr Tea Room. 1>eri11t.t11tlent. o( the high !!<'hoot at r:rnnvill<•, K lJ. i\lr. 1-~rwin WA& n The clever spring modes in Leander C. Ornf, Jnw, ed. '09, bas returned to h1s home town. Hormann, toneber IMt ytnr in Hnmilt.on, N: D. n. B, Westover. e.ng., la now purchas­ Barth Smart Suits Mo.. after spending some time .ar. teacher In the high school at. Bntd, ing ngeot ror the Ocnera1 Roofing Manut.acrnrlng Conwuoy nt York. Po. are ready now. Men who are Okla. He Ir; msnagtng editor of the Hts addrC8k Is Larayette Club. young in years and young at Advertiser-Courier, n weekly nows• pape.r. '10 heart will thoroughly appre­ "Jn city uuor-ney race, Missouri beat '08 Kansas tn all o,·ents from daah to ciate their cleverness. Here I& 11art of a lotter from .l. marathon.'' This telegram rrom Erwin Arthur Dunn. nc.. A. M. 'O!J. who i s \V. ClauB-On, Jaw, came to Dean \\Talter boa.d or the department l,.nlfn and ot \Vtlllams or tbc School of Journallsm. Gre<1k al the Capo (llrnrdenu (Mo.) ~1arcb 7. Mr. Olausen won the el0Ct1on Norn1al : "The Alumnus 1s the m.osl (rom a Knnsaa University rival. Sty/1: Rook Furnislu:d "" Nr.9u~st tntereattng publtcaUon that comes my DR. Scott, ac.• J.• I• doing graduate way. When I can get it &WOY from work nl Rnrvord Unlverelty. He lec­ my wtte, who enjoys reading It al• Lt1red recently at thd Seminary ot though eho len't nn alumna, 1 don't Economics on "Some Crftlelame or !all to opend an hour with the t>oys. Current Theorlos of tmputatfon and either on Rollins Field or at Academic Cost." Ho was an liH1tructor tn econo­ l'l•ll or Jlmmto·•· My two llllle girls, mics at the Un1\'crslt.y or hHssourl Jasl •1:&ftn,( Bobble Emily and Ele11nor .Joyco. year. either tu.rn tho pages or chew the pieces 1:.v,rybody·, Slor,... 0. J. Raltfel~n. eng.. Is structural I .. I arter we have ftnlsbed reading. Keep engineer tor the Artzon_a Copper Com• It comJng! '' pany AL Clltlou, Arlr.. Mrs. Ra.ltfel~n. Marguerite Jackson, A. B. ·u, Is wltb btm. Both aro b008t(lra tor tho Union_. YOU SHOULD IIAVE $1000.00 nnd look expectantly toward i ts tut.urt. The spirit of tbe Ml&aourl Union hos Because business oppOrtuni1ics are coming thick and fast during ntfecled A. H. Roberts, ed., who Is prlu• the next 6ve ytani to the yc.,ung mao wil11 a Huie ready eapital. clpnl or tho high ochool nt Abilene'. Tex . .. Wlsb I could attenO &0mo or thooo THEN YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Friday evening programs,'' he writes

'Becau.Ae you will have more confidence inJoun1clf1 the bu.sint1s wletfulty. world wilJ have coofidtnce in you, an you wil1 some­ more ha,·e ""\\1ben we re.ad or some one mnktng thing to work with. good tt seems Ono to think wo wore oats· or them Just a tew years ago. U I A Boone County Trust Bank Account Is bad not eeen It In The Alumnus, I the Sure Way to Get That $1000.00 would not have known 'M, E. Rava.go' Start a Boone Count)' Trust Bank Account today and see how was Max Ra.vltch. whom we nll knew. r:apidl)' fOU c.:.n accumulate a sr,ug sum, provided you lay some• Hore·• a health to th' •u• and tho dung aside out or every l)aY check. vnrslty!., This Is part or a letter !rom D. E. \Vblte. eng., who 18 a farmer Boone County Trust Company near Norborne, Mo. '12 Columbia, Missouri George C. Wets, ed., le snperlntendcnl ' ot tho public school• at Laddonia. Mo. T HE CLARK TEACHERS' AGENCY OF KA N SAS CITY ..THE EDUCATIONAL CLEARING HOUSB OJ; TIIB GRl!AT SOOTHWEST" SCl{OOL. EX£CU1"1VE',-Wrhc 11, concernlt1f ncancltt. \V(l hue 1)41111 op a •hoi,i U11 of 11.-atlablo peoplo In all lints of 1cachlnit work. Our offic~ Is ii M~tl in•dtu1fon. but 1hrourh u.: lht: rt!tOUrfetot the ~nllre CJut: A1rcnc,-.ve:n office.--arc.at rour command. Ml $SOUR1 TKACHeRS-Rl-.ilUlr NOW. CaJll lot ll(itl year ar.;, alNiady comlnir to U.f. l1 PAtl to be in line for oromoUon, Wrl1e TO-DAY fot lnformatk>I' find rt-rl11:ra1lan blanks. JOSEPH H. HILL GeDeta1 ·~flna~r LOUIS COGSWELL. Mu4lc Mfln~~ ri 9CW; New Vorlc Ufc Bulldfnr Kan8t11 Cll"Y, llluou · T I-IE l.VIISSOU R I ALUMNUS 197

Miss Crete Caldwell and Mli!ll Verlea Hou.st-00 Harte. J. 1s owoer and editor 't6 ~lcCubbln. oolb 1916 g radun,ea or the or the Ccotral Missouri Ropubltenn, flt Edgar H. Wolfberg, com .• bas changed School or Educiulon. are members or Boonvllle, Mo. He tr:i ono ot those hi& address from 3'10 Olive Street, Sl. his teaching swfr. to whom his clasamates J)Olnt as ·10110 Loult,, Mo.• to 602 Lyceum 1'hentor of Lhe boys who Is making good.'' Thomas C. Heed, ng,, A. M. '14. " 'hO Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. He I$ tOJ>· was a mombor or the toeully of Col· Jcge of Agriculture nL Lhe -Unh•er,stty last yonr, ts now associate proreasor or Saves a day~ dairying Rt tho Norlh Cnroltna Sl,lte College, West Raleigh. R'. E. Kelm, fot1nerly eni;hler ot the Citizens' Bank or BIiiings. Okla .. re­ makes it pay to use I quests that bl,; ad°dre.s11 be ehnngoo Crom 0llltnga to Tulsa, Okla., enrc the. Mid-Continent Petroleum Cornpany. The Kaw Unity Building. between St. Lou i s '13 J. H. ward, cog.. i s 1)rlnclpal or tho and Columbia. high school at Desloge, Mo. ''Like a visit to tho old achoo!" Is the rerer­ The only through sleeping car service. ence Mr. Ward make$ lo The Alunmus. '15 For any lravcl infonnatinn. •et' or writf! Bec8U88 811 "$" looked like 8ll "8", H. L. Wilton, Acent, M. K. & ,. Ry. Columbi•. Mo. the lost fesuc ot The Alumnus lotorm­ cd Its read on, that M Isa Sarah Kelman. o.c., Is at tho wrong address. Mias Kol• mnn who ls s student ln the Ruab Med­ t~al College In Chicago, live• at 43~ S. Aohlanb Boulevard. 0 .-----'

The H ouse of Service .. . THE HOTEL SAVOY IN KANSAS CITY

EXCELLENT CAFES POPULAR PRlCES · Ir ' . ,..;. .. 198 THE :MISSOUR I ALUiINUS rt:1SentaUve or a l arge film l-'OrJ)OraUon. ot wlnt

on· a special finished paper. Eaf"n Law EditorthiptJ by Writing Views bought separately would Student editors of the bulletins of the School of Law. formerly chosen by the cost $2.00; bound in neat book­ raculty, are selected by a different method now. Any one in the uoper let stamped in gold third dlvl$1on or tllc school n1ny ho­ come o. candidate.. nnd wl1en two notes of nny candidate nre accepted, he b&­ ONLY SO CENTS comes au editor. MAIL COUPON TODAY Hotel Kupper The CO-OP, Columbia, Mo. I Ith and McGee Streets KANSAS CITY, MO. Please send me one of you r "Campus Views." WALTEII $. MARS, If booklet pleases me I'll send you 50c. Proprietor a.nd Manager European Plan$! to $'1.50 Per Day NAME ...... ••···············•·•·••··••••••·• ...... Excellent Care in Connec1ion Paniculariy Dc$irnble £or Ladies­ ADDRESS ...... Being on Petticoat Lane -the Center o( the Shopping District. Con,•enicnt to all Theatres THE CO-OP D irect Car Line to Stock Yards Take the Nonheast cars at the Cohirnbia, Mo. New Union Station and get off at I Ith Street•

• 1'IIli: 1'I I SSOURI A L U .MNUS 199

BOB BROKE TWO MORE .Russell Monroe or Columbia relate& Ji ved lo Columbia since her ralhcr·s • somo of Lhe dlmcultlos they ba"e cn­ dentb . Wor ld Records In 50-Yard H i gh and eouotcred slne-0 le,wlng Columbia lest Mr. Robinson was graduated from Low Hurdles To Simpson Rummer. Al Omaha, on the way to tho Sehool or Law In 1S09, nrter which Vnncouvcr, Mr. Hel uz was (]uarantlned bo was recorder of deeds ot Boone on account or dtobtherla. Very eooo County, After their wedding trip In It le be<:omh1g fJO common now tor nrter their arrival at Poking, their son the East, Mr. am:I Ml"fl. Rohh111on wm Bob Simpson to break worl<1's recor d8 became Ill or scarlet tovcr. Among tho retu1·n to M lasourl to live. 1 that the e,enl ts losing 1ts news voJuc. pleasurable Ualnt,"8 l\fMJ. Hchu: men­ But In passing, It lfJ to be noted that ttoncd In her letter wns the low price Mias Mary Hurt two 1nore wero added to bh1 sLrJog­ ~r rood stull'.s In Chinn. Jl'lmea M . Ambrose tho 60-yard blgh aud tho 50-yard tow l\ltsa Mary Hurt. a former etuct'ont In 11t1rdle&-ln tho K. C. A. C. JnvitaUon the University, was married Februar y Indoor Meet at l

STEPHENS JUN IOR COLLEGE COL U MB!A, M ISSOUR I Fully Accredited as a Junior College by the University ofM issouri and Other Standard J nstitutions The following statistics show the remarkable ivowth of Stephens College in resident en- rollment and educational standards since its standardn:ation as a Junior College in 1912: 19 13- 14-lncrease in enrollment over preceding year 100% 1914-15-Inc rease in enroll ment over preceding year 1 s% 1915-16-lncrease in enrollment over preceding year 25% 19t6- 17-Hegistration closed August 1, 1916, with dormitories filled to capacity. T he enrollment for 19 t 6-1 7 shows an increase of ove.r t 80% over th~ enrollment for 1912- 13. Eighty-five per cent of present enrollment are grad uates ofaccredited fou r-year high schools. The 'numper of graduates from the literary department has increased 227 per cent. Thenumberofstudents matriculating from accredited high schools has increased 200 per cen t. One-fifth of the students in the literary department are honor g raduates from accred ited four-year high schools, For catalog and 1nformatio11 address JAMES M. WOOD, A. B., B. S ., University of Missouri A. M., Columbia University 200 THE MISSOU R J ALU~I NUS •

Why Read The Missouri • Alumnus?

"Out or The Alumnus r got tho nd• dress of .A. U. Brandt, my soeon,1 l1cu­ Lenonl in t.ho University company In 11l o Spnnlah War. The renewal or ac• qunlntance with him after eighteen years ts alone worth more than the cost of subacrlt>Uon." - Vrom (l '97 l'el\1ler 111 1{11muu1 Cit)'.

'J'he Almnnns is worth no less to every g rnd1.1nte ond for­ mer student of Old Missouri. It is tho tie thot keeps Old llfis­ sour\ clns.,mates aucl friends bouucl t~gcthor, uo matter if they n1·e scnttered all tho way bctweou Columbia ar,d Calcutta. If you have a postoffice address you can l,e nssm·ed of two lottc11;1 a mouth Crom Alma ll[ata1· a ncl from a nmnbe,· of M. U. friends. ' Subscription goes with membersb,p in the :Missouri Union at $2.50 a yeor to graduates and former students living ontsicle of Columbia. Subscribe Now and Get the 1917 Alumni Directory Free

Name in Full ...... - ...... -...... _ ...... _. Degree and Yeat ...... - ...... :_ ...... - ...... - ...... Permanent Address ...... T emporary Address ...... ' ..... -...... --...... - -...... _...... Occupation ...... - ...... -...... ___ ...... _ If Married Woman, Give Full Maiden Name......

·····••1,••······················································...... ~..... ,._.. , ,...... l .

, The 6oanoial aspect of Universi­ ty affairs is bouud to be en impor• tent one at all timea. 'We shall always hear a lot about it. No loyal hear ted alumnus who has any renJ.izatioo of all tho Uni ver­ sity did for him or w1y pure sen• timent about tbe aheriahed place she should ooeupy in his life, ,vill ever tttrn away from her call." -Prt1ffl. tAe JI 1,,....,"l R•ll"1htr of tlu, U•ft:"ff'ttlV of P•m••»hianlo


111111111111111Wllmllllllllllllllllll THE OFF IClAL Missouri Alumni Pin Tl'le Column Pin made up with )·Our class date on the base. The official MisS()Uri Alum1\i Pin. Either in Oroo-:h or Scarf $2.00. For Clrnnns $2.25. You have wanted one. You need one, so send yoor order today to TlfE MJSSOURI STORE CO. COLUMBI.<. MISSOURI (Money refunded i( you arc not ,i;ttisfied. ) IIIUlllllm w

Alumni Business OHIO INSURANCE and MISSOURI Professional Guide Grover C. Hosford, LL. a: '08 Attorney and Counsellor at Law 1509-10 Un.Ion NaUonal Bank Building Hor ace R. Davia, A. B. '1 O LAWYERS Cleveland, Ohio. Monthly Income and Bue!ness L!to In• euranee MISSOUR I Slh Floor, NttVI B:mk of Commerce Bldg., OKLAHOMA St. Lou.ia, Mo. Emil Roohrlg, LL, B. '07 Lawyer WIison, Tomerlin di. Buckholts ENGINEERS Prose<:ullng Attorney Warren County w. F. \Vil,on, A.B.'08, A.M., LL.B.'00. ' w·arr enton, Mo. 806·8 11 State Nat. B&11k Bldg., PIKE-TIDD ENGINEERING COMP Oklahoma City, Okin. COmsultlnr; E:ngloeort DMlel W. Pike, Har~ Tidd, P'realdent. ce•PrH. C. 1:). (Colby College) C. E. '13 (Ml.. ou rl) H , W, Tlmmonda, LL. B. '07 Waterworks, Seworaa-o SYttoma, PavlnS', SCHOOL EQ:tJIPMENT Ll&:bt and Powe~ P lante, Plana Lamar, Mo. and ~lftcatlon._ Suite- '1EI Soa.rrltt B ulldlna Kantu CU:1 MISSOURI AND IOWA

W. B. ROLLINS & COMPANY ConaulUng ltnglneera Walker & Walker Jno. 8. Dorman, L.B., S,B,, Pe.B, '91 W. B. RoUlna Mem. Am. Soc. M. E. Lee Walker, A. B. '10, LL. B. '12 Books, Mnpa, Charto, Globe&, OpU,cal (1110. 1903) Water '\Votks, J lectrtc lA!httn~. Saw GuJtar Bldg. COIUll)bla, Mo. Goode, etc. er1, Po.vln~. l.aoa, SpeP. flcat on•. Superv alon, &.nd n:eports. C'll nton, Mo., o .. Molnea, la, -- Railway E.xcha.121• Bldg,. K. C. Mo THE MISSOURI ALU,MNUS VOL. V. NO . .ll! ..\.l:arch 31, 1917 Coc.oMBIA, Mo.

NEW M. U. ATHLETIC HEAD In .Joplin. Ho Is doing good work GOVERNOR CUTS M. U, ITEMS with the Bureau ot Standards." Thus Dr. w. E. Meanwoll or Wisconsin Ap. writes .r. AlberL Reeves. B. S. In 1-~. R In Addition to Sovera.1 Vetoes, a 10 Per pointed to Succeed Brewer '07, He continues: "My Phlladel1ibla Cent Reduction The Executive Board or the 'Uufver• Gomm.or Gardner hns votoed ttemtt slty haa atlJ>olotcd Or. W. E. Mcanwe11. amounting to $3 ◄ ,000 In the approprln­ assistant J)roreasor or physica l oduca­ llons or tho University at ColurnbttL Uon Qt the University or \\ftaconsln, and, In addition to this. has ordered director or nLhleUcs to succoeMS· ed his club In ba0ketbnll, baseball, cd ap1,roprlatlous about $4,000.000 lo track, 1,oxlng, wreslllng and other gym. oxceS3 or prosl)octh'o re.,1enues. Other naallca, Ho three times won the light educaUonnl lnsl1tuUous hn\'8 likewise weight wreaUlng cbnm1>lonshlp or Can• been denied any aoprOJ)rlatlone tor ada. new buildings and wlll also bnve to For tho last six years he has been bear slmllnr 10 per ceut cull!. Assistant professor or physlc,tl educa­ Dr. 1V. E. Meomcell, M. u:~ Nf'w A.th- 1'h e am>roprlatlon ror ngrlcultural tion Al the University or Wisconsin lethio Director extension, aecordlng to Pregldent "1111. and dJrector of the men's gymoa&ium. waa reduced nearly oue-hnlt, thu& on­ Ho has been ''•rally coach In 'bn0ket• nddross 18 33 SouLb Forty-second Slreel, dRngorlng a correlfpondlng amount balJ and hie teams have )VOn ftv& sue• where I will be glad to eee ony Mis• which t.he Federal government would cessl1•c champlonehloe In tho Western sour! grade who bappen to be tn Phil• give for this work under tho Smith• Coutcronce. adelphln, I surely wlll be glod LO 000 L.cver Aet. Unlc33 some arrangement He la u grnduate of Yale University any of them tor they nro rather scarce can be made with wa,hlngton ror thl• School or Physical Eduentlon, holds u,e nrouod here." offsot, t.he fStnto will lose an nmount degroo or Doctor or Medicine from equal to thot by which the appropria­ Baltimore Medleal College, and the ALUMNI GIVE $700,000 FOR "U" tion la reduced, The bi ll as passed by degree or Doctor or Public Health from the Ass•mbly gove $120.000 !or tbls tho University of Wisconsin. Before work. Mass•chusotta Tech. Now Hll8 Big 'J'hc Items \'etoe

GOVERNOR NAMED M. U. ALUMNI Tho other men who ho1<1 this degree ALUMNI ORGANIZE IN FRESNO are: Prot. w. H. Pago of lhO Law Thrco Got State Hlgh,.ay Job,,._ School or the Unhersily of Wlseonetn; San ,Toaquln Valley Has I'd. U. Associ­ Several Other Appolntmeut.s Robert w. Perklll$. A.saletonl AtlOl'llOY• attou C. B. n outns or c.;-01umbta. an lSH Gencri,1 or Porto Rtco~ t.nurlz Vold, An assoctnUoo or tho alumni ot graduate or tho Unlvorslty, hns been 11rores.1t0r in tho Law SC'hool or tho the Unh'eN1.ity or Missouri In the San ro--aopototed ·a member ot the norerd Unlverslry of North Dakota: M. C. Joaqu in Valle)' Wfl S rorme(J nt. n rocet• or Curato rs. Mr. Rollins is vice-presi­ Campbc11. proressor ht tho Law School Ing Rt lho IIOlCI Fresno, Fresno, Cnl., dent or tbe board nnd acting president of the Unive rsity or Jndlo.na: W. B. March Hi, Stccordlng to the Fresno In the nb!lrald. Tho 1'ollowlng offlcora wore ; state n1)polntmcots Include throe nh,m• of the University or Ohio; .r. A. Crane, olectcd: Dr. J . .1 1. Mnuplu, Fresno, nl or t.he School of Engineering. Alex• proros~r in tho Law School or Oc-orge 11residc ut: Millon Deorlng, Fresno, ander W. Graham. ot Knnsat; Clt.y was Washington University; E. C. Bollie, ,·tco president; MIH$ Alta B. Hall, narnod state high way engtuoor at a now In t11 e l>raellce of law in N ew Fresno. secretary; Roy E. MIiier. salary ot $5,000 a year. J. P. Onvls York City: J . B. Cheadle, 1irofessor Fresno, con M1>ondlng secretory: Rev. and J. Russell Ems we re named nssts• or law In tho University or Oklahomn : H. N. McKco, Fowle r, Lreasuror. Tho tant englneero nt salaries or $2,500 n o. V. Cohen, rormerly secretary to nomtnnUng commltteo consisted or year. Mr. Graham and Mr. Elll!l wore Judge Mack, United States Circuit Miss Suslo Rn~>ourne, Visalia: Miss graduated In 1908. Mr. Davis In 1905. Judge, now lo tho practice or law In Sarah B. F. Rabourne, Vlsnlla; H, N. Sover3I Unhtorsity nlumnl were Now York City: Robert M. Perkins, Mc.Koe, Fowler, and Mr. MIiier. nnmod to seno on various comn\lttecs. profeseor of Jaw tn tho State Unl\'erel• Slnco many mernber1' are teachers, Banlel. Kingsburg; Mr. Renfro, MaryvllJe Normal School. ment. Reedley: Mrs. Mprton Dinuba; Miss Mary Ellen Roblnaon. Fresno. LAW MEN ROLD IDGR DEGREE.8 John80D May Leavo Toxas R. ~t. Johnson, B, s. '85, who ls Dodaon To Bring Boutheruon to M. u . M. U. Lead.I In Number or J. 8. D. •• receiver !or the First National Bank . Wllllam R. Dodl!Oll, B. s. '90, dean From Ba"ard. ot Como, Tex.. will soon be through and dlrector or the Colloge cf Agricul­ Further evidence of the high stand• with his work at Como, according to ture of tbe Unlven,lty ot l,oul.siana, Ing or the School of Law of tho On!, a recent letter. El, addre88 will re­ will bring 100 of the most representA­ vonlty or Mlsaourl ts contained In a main 1002 Commonwealth Building, th~o farmers ot tbnt state for a. tour letter recently rocelved by the Mis­ Dallas, ho snyl. ''Wht1o I hovo been of l09poct1on of the College or Agricul­ souri Union from Dean Roscoe Pound doing work for tho Comptroller ot ture or the Unlverslt)r or. Mlasourl next or the Harvard Law· School. The letter the currenct tor the past yonr or two," summer. They will study tho methods says thnt Missouri has three of the nr­ ho writes, "nlld probably 1;baU. con­ or lnatrnctlon and research of t.he Mis­ teon mo11 In Ute United States who hold tinue, r cannot &BY deAnltely whore I souri college n.nd wlll visit farmers the dei:ree of Doctor of Juridical Sci• shnJl bo locatc(l for the next year, and breeding establishments ln the eooo of Harvard, which 18 considered probably out ot Texas. 'l'be Dallas state. The Louisianan• will travel In tho highest degree In this country In le­ offlc

regulations, and see thot tho general Alumni Influence 1n University Affai rs J)rlnclr>lcs ot llto upon which tmtornl~ tics should or>erat,c, are 1lot violated. Tht r,1U9wlng Ari lcfo ht J\MI or tltl the world forget !he college point of r regard that 1lB n ,•cry high obllgntton tUldrcsti: mnllc 1)y ('hl)ll('('IIC'lr .,. 11. J{lrk­ vie\\~, the educo.tlona1 aspect or ntb­ that college alumni owe to students lnnd M \'frn~l<-rMll Unh'Cr!llll)· h('COre letice. nnd become loterestenst ten years- and go back without saying. I never heard of any ts ctestlned lo be felt m6ro extensively twenty ycar&-ts not n11 crcdttabh;. group ot alumni who were tmlas;-onlS· than In the past. You know very well that the acUvlUe-8 Uc to coltogo requirements and were Tho financia l side or every lnsttlutton or college nlumnf hnve not ntwnn boon unappr('t(:lo.tlve or student seholarablp: In IH"@pi n,:t with tho spirit collego is one Umt is of the Orst lmportanco. ot but there ls room tor a great deal mol"e Ute. Too often m en h:we l.>ccn hired to because e,•crytltlng etso is conditioned latelllgent interest than has over been piny on teams. nnd these nleo have on thRL No one wm pretend for onf'l' manifested. Let me cite ns an exom• moment that an Income of ten thou• generally bnd U,clr wa~cs psld by vie or wbnt r regard as very Intelligent ••nremo tnct of Hto, or the ber1:1t d.rcw up " program tor eucb o Which ought to s u1>1·ome tact In college htAtory: but wo try t.o Atono ror. college os Amherst. Now T do not &OY we RJI agteo that It. 1.s one tact on However. a better Is coming, bns come, thnt e,•erytblng In lhnt progrun la and I would therefore Mk tho nturon I which fa predicated oil J'()SSlble nctlv­ right or aboutd bnve boon followed, but tty of nn lnstltut.fon, nll poBSlblo uso­ or n il of our cducatlonnl fnst1tutlons what I commend 'Is tl1e lutclUge.nt tutueas,. There ta uo u-se tnlklog about to hell) the faculties and to help the wrestling with that problem on the fntotlectunl or aplrltual values untn atudents n.nd help the coaches to main• part of a lnrge group or Amherst grad• you ba'fe c'ared tor the mnterlal side. tofn high Ideals In n!bletlcs. Io my uatea. That was highly sUmulnUng opinion, n.n Institution cannot have n Now I need not emphtu1f•o tho lml)()r· and very encourngJng. tance of Ulls side to you men of tho chorncter nny better than the eharAC· ter that Is manifested In Its aJhlotlc T ha,•o A.n Iden., gcnttemon, that tn olumnf omce: nil T wish to call to the yonre to come our lnslftutlona departmoot. An Institution thnt wlll your nttontton ts the taet that every ought to be dflferentlated more, they lnstltutloo, no matter bow small, no · permit tho hiring ot players cannot bRvo much nbtdlng authority, or nny ought to stand for some one thing. matter whore located. every Institution ,vo have too slavishly followed c.ncb fa bnaylng ftsolt with tho task or se­ great Influence o,•cr the lives or tts students. other. We hove almply considered one curing from 1110 alumni n recognfllon int1lltutlon to be Just n lfttfe bettor. of college needs. An Institution U,at J would tndfcate nnotl1or ftel(l In Just n lltlle bigger, and we bare lol­ cnnnot rnllr to Ile finnnclol oasletanco whlct, Rlumnf have been •nd st111 are Jowed rathlons, thus socurlog • uni· tho men who have token Ha degree• vory active and helpful. nnd thnt Is In rormlty thot to my mind I• not dealt· ond Wb09e diploma le lbcfr passport r elotlon to troternltles. The problem able. It seems that we are tacl

ALUllfNI HONORED ST. PAT tlons and OlncJer National Park. "We TO GIVE LATHROP PORTRAITS shall tramp and 'Ford.' " writes Mr. Fourth Annual Ooncla ve and Dinner Bradley to a Columbia friend who may Gift by Fl1'8t Prcaldcnt'• Bon WW Held In Pittsburgh accompany him, "kec1>lng our eycg Feature Oommencement Reunions Engineers had nu Ol> J>OTtunlty to oeeled tor homestead land or pros1>ee• Pre$enu1tlon of portraits or Dr. Joh11 pay tribute to lbelr pntron su1nt whe.o tlve lo<:ntlons ror new paocrs. I have H. l.. nthrol,, nr1n r,realdent of tho Uni• the University of Missouri Alumni As• been cooped too Jong, nnd the spring vcrelty, and Mrs. Lothrop will be a aoelntloo or Plllsburgh had Ito rot1rth and open country have got me. l must feature ot the reunion or the clnss or annual St.. Patrick eonelave and dinner trAml) and wander," 1867 noxt Commencement. Gardiner tha night ol March 17 nt the Monon• Lntbro() or Chicago, son or the Unlver­ gahel,a House. Oreeu 1>cnoants. shnm­ TELLS OF VINITA ALUMNI sa y•s first president, who 18 general' rock caps and green menu curds wero counsel ror tho $nnta Pe Rsllrond, ha~ part.a ot t.ho eotor scheme. Mias Brandenburger Says Oklahoma asked E. W. Ste1)hena or Colombia to E. A. Fessenden, ·o◄ . proressor of Has Many Former Missourians m.ecb.anlct,I engineering in Penosylvan• ''l hnve found mAny rormer Unh'er- la State College, was unable to mnke 1;1ty M Missouri students In Oklahoma.'' n •r~ech bc,causc of tho critical illness wrlteR Miss Jncobblnn Brandenburger, of his mother. A, F. Poriellus, '09, "·1towe\•Cr, thero are only a rew of a1)oke ou •• Missouri Aft'ecllon for Irish \1 1:l fn Vlnltn: Mary Darrel. who wna Traditions." C. P. Meyer, '15, to\d of Al the University In tho tall of 1915, "Th~ Modero \Vays of the f>atron la stR)•lng at homo this winter: Nell Saint of Engineers." Alm0st every man Smith, 1906-08, teaches In the Vlnl13 present rcs1>0nded with a speech or Public Schools: R. E. Moss.-1890·1900. story, E. J. Mason, '69, was toast• Is In tho floral business bore; J . M. mast.er, or, In 1>nrlnnce or t11c occasion, Smith, a gTRdunte fn law with the "serpent tarue.r.' 1 class or 1880, Is pracllclng his 1,rofes­ Two n.ten a.uendod their ftrsl meeting •lon here : Or. O. Bagby, who also of the Pittsburgh alumni at this din· was graduated i.n 1880, ls one of the ner: Warren R. Jackson, secretary of prominent phyalctnns or this city." the Board or Trade ot Washington, Alisa Brandenburger, B. S. In Ed, Pn., ond n. (>, - •er. athletic director '99. Is teaching German In the high al tho Washington High School. Beel• school nt Vlnlla. It Is her first ex• er furnished the music tor tho colc­ 1> orlonco In Oklnhomn.. "You who are bratlon. In Columbia and thus wtthtn the cen• Officers or the association are: Presi­ ter or activity cannot understand what dent (pseudo-saint), Charles Arnold, the semt•monthly messages or Tho '07, '09; vloo-presldent (helr••P1>arent), Alumnus mean to a distant grndunte.'' Dr. John H. Lothrop. the U nlvrrslt11·• Mr. Mason; 80<:retRry (Blarney Stone 1 sho snys, ' 0 00 who ovc.r yearns to bo J.'frst Pre1f(lcnt engraver), L. R. ~lloday, 'l6; tre••· bnck ol tho U. or M., the greatest mnko the pre.sentatlon speech. Mr. uror (keeper of tho spuds), R. M. University In the country." James, '13. Others present were: H. Lathrop nod Mr. Stephens aro claBs­ K. Smith, Oeotire J . Walker, C. A. mates or 1867. Son ot & B _. 01\ldwell Dled Swtll, T. J. Wilkerson, R. M. Bickley. Mr. Stephens has wrlllen to each The death ot the Infant son of R. Frank Thornton, Jr., G. T, Swartz. member ot bl$ elass tn an crrort to get B. Caldwell, A. B. '03, LL. B. '07, or C. E. Betz, Harry Wilcox, F. A. Burg, a ronl reunion on the occt1slon or tho Kansas City occurred March 15. Mrs. J. J. Booth. R. O. Thompson, C. A. nrttet11 1UU1lversary of their gradua­ Caldwell was Mias Eula McCune, n Torp and G. P. Wllaon. tion. Mr: Lathrop told Mr. Stephens former student lo the University ond The association will have Its nnnual ·several months ngo that he would bo a member or the Pl Beta Phi Sorority. Founder's Day dinner tor both men In &o1umb1a tor tho reunion. and women nbout April 19. Mr. Caldwell Is president of the Mis· The Rev. A. M. Elston, pr081deot for sour! Union. seventeen yea.re of Wcsperlan College, To i'rnmp Over Western Montana Woodland, Cal., for ten years n88oclated Wnnderlust and the call or U10 open In Obarge ot Mu.n!Uona Work with the Theological School ot Berke• has been Celt and beard by Pblll1> E. Lester L. Leach, a graduate ot the loy and tor seven years pastor of one Bradley, A. B. '16 telegraph editor or School of Eng!occrlog lo 1915, Is ru,. or the churches In Berkeley, saya that tho Missoula Sentinel, Ml88oula., sletnnt foreman In charge ot for gings Columblo. 18 hts 0 old home town" and Montana. June 10, ho wlll begin a nt the Bethelebem Steel Company nt that he Is anxious to come back to the three months' tour or Western Mon~ Stealton, Pa. Munitions nro manutac­ familiar scenes nnd meet Ill• old tana. which wlU Include tho Flathead turod by this department. Paul R. h-tends. L. C. Nelson, n St. Louis cap­ Reservation and lake country, the Nolllog, a graduate ol the same cla8s, ttallat, writes Mr. Stephens thllt be wlll Coour d'Alone mining territory, the bu charge of other munitions work ln be here. Two other members of the Swan River nnd Little Bitter Root aee1 the same plant. cla8J! Jive In St. L<>uls-J. R. and Luke THE i ,rrssouRI ALU:MNUS 207

E\'ans-and Mr, Stepbena thinks they Y. M. 0 , A, TO RAISE $10,000 atudent stunt and hos been copied by wm be nblo to attend. many schools. It Is begun wllh n pre-, Next to the chl.$8 or '67, Lhe oldesl to Campaign of Unlvcmty Aasoclat.lon tenuous parade lo the morning and 1n plan tt Commencement r(l-union ls the Wlll Bo April lli-19 the afternoon 41'\d evenb1g shows and class of '77, every law 111cmbor of which The Y. M, C. A, or tho Untveralty aLunt.s are given on a "tllldway" built htti; already written Lo George ,v. Al• will make a campaign to raise $10,000 on Lhe Unh•ersity fi~arm. Uson ot Mc.Pherson, Kas., that ho wllt At>rll I 5· 19. It Is ex!klct·od to raise mako efforts to be on hond. Members half or t,hl8 aum ln ColumblR and lhO THREE M. U, MEN IN CONTESTS or the other departmental classes or otbor half from n1umnl and friend~ ot '77 are busy t rying to keep the lawyers tho lnstltuUou (!lsewhore. F ive thous• Basketball and Debating R!vslry In rrom getting a monopoly or the rorll­ nnd dollars le needed, according to the Northern Idaho eLh anniversary celebrntton. Many or Y. A.I. c. A . omc:crs, to clear UJl lndebt· Three former atudcnts or Ule Uni· tho members or '77 have not seen each cdneas whtc:h was incuried In furnish• veratty who nro teaching In three dlf, other since their graduation dny. and Ing the building, Tho re11t or the tercnt kehools In Northeru ldaho lrn ve their Jetters are eothuslaatlc about the $10,000 would be used, $2,500 tor r e­ Just com1>leted trlongulnr contests In pros1>oct. of getting together again. pairs and new rurnltur-:, and $2,500 debating and b"'1ke1ball. Tho three Be•lde. these older classes, '92, '97, ror noxt ycnr's c ur rent expenses. men .are: L. D. Vornw. ·10, prlncl1>ol T he needs and phma or tho flnancJal ·02. '07, n.nd '12 wtll hl\\'c reunions at or tho Wardner-Kellogg Olly SehOols campaign ·wcro outlined nt n luncheon tho conHng Commencement. at Kellogg; E. L . Breckner, '13, prio• 'fbc Onolel Ooonc Tavern w ill be March 26 by Dean Walle r Miller, chair• clpol or tho high sehool ot Wllllncc: completed by Commoncomont and Co. man or the campaign commlttce, tmd and n. C. Hyde, a Junior tn Agrhmllu re Iumbla will be In better shape to care \V. B. Tinker, lnternatlonnt secretary lnRL year. tlt Coeur d'Atono. Ryde'a tor the crowd or alunrnl and other vlsJ. or the association. 'T'he campaign com­ school lOOk tbe <:hanrplon&hh> ln debat• mHtee wlll consist 160 men who will tors than ever bo(ore. 1'be Mtsaou rl or Ing, according lo a r ecent Jolter from Union Butldlng wlll serve ns goncral work amoug the etudonta, racult>• and Mr. Votaw. fn basketball, however, headquarters tor a ll tormer 15tudente, citizens of Columbia. the champtonshlp wos not so easily and tho different classes will hove sepa• Mr, 'rinker Illustrated his Idea or settled, rate rooma tn which t.hey may hnve tho great potential roreo of the uni• "We took both basketball games rrom verslty center by tolling or several the Ir own meetings. Class dinners may Coeur d'Alene (Hyde's B0r• The "Breeding of Animals" by Doan In tho northern part of the sta.te and tant pRrt In tho r ight moulding or this F. B, Mumford or U10 College or A_grl­ inYlted to the state tournament held force than the Y. M. C. A,, said Mr. culture or tho University or Missouri nt the stato untver-alt>• at Moscow. Tinker. has Just been released for sole by tho Our ten ma were classed among the Macmlllan Book Publishing Company nrst ftvo or the tournament. each los, of New York. Tho book was written Makos $104 In Month on Eggs Ing to the winners. Wo were given The reading of a bullclln and putting by Dean ?-f.umford In November nnd ls royal treatment by the unt~•e.ralty [acui­ Into prru:Uee Its advice has g,lven H. one of" the Rural Science Serles or tho ty nod istude1tt.e:, reminding mo or .the F. FarnsworU1. l.'\. cattle breeder of publl&hlng company edited by L. H. high school dnys or ow at Columbia," Balley. It conatata of tourtoon chair :Blairstown, Mo .. all lhe eggs he wanted tors on t11e prlnctJ,ale ot genetics ru, a ll t.ho ttmo and 1n ono monLh made they apply to t.bc practice ot anlml\1 a 1>ront tor him or $104. He has 360 Moomaw Back to Motrta.na Leroy Moomaw, B. $. In Ag. '16, breeding. sovent.oon Hluetratlons and White Leghorn hens which tny from thirty-two bait-tone plates. eleven to thlrtoon dozen eggs clAily was tu Columbia March 20 on his woy and bring him more Lhnn his llveatock. rrom Washington to l\ltmt.ann to re­ sume his field work tn forage crop Makes Soll Survey In Mlaa!B8lppl The bulletin was one written by Prof. Investigations. Mr. Moomaw spends "At present t am oogaged In mnktng M. L. Kempster of lho College of Agrl• n soil survey or Amite Cou_nty, Mls­ culture or tho University or MIS&Ourl his wlotera In tho office in Washing­ s1&alr>t>I, but expect to complete the\ on "Feeding tor Egg P roduction." ton and his au.mmens In the field. work by May Jo and slrnll try to slot) From Columbia he went to Clinton, Mo., for a ahort visit with bis parents. for a few days In Columbia on the way Missouri Farmen• Fair May 4 to my northern assignment." So The twelfth annual Farmers' Fatr,' writes R. W. McClure. n. S. In Ag. the biggest and one of the best known Four Into Ph! Mu Alpha '15, from Liberty, Miss. Mr. McClure student stunt,, ot tho scbool8 o[ tbe Phi Mu Alpha, national musical [ra• &ays that becauge bis work nece.sltnte

Lhlrd srnte university rank. Un less TALKED "AT M. U. AND SINCE" T he Ur be.st teachers nod to SC<' More Thau Year our 11lanL dNer lor:lte. N('w bufldlngt1 By .lrlhur 0. Pay1•. '12 Ete.bUabod 10 12 Made Sen,t-Mont.bly HUG do not s1,rlng up like Tllll!!hromn?t nor Out of the wt lderne11s of l.hifl big Publlthcd tho tlru and fifteenth or do old bulldlngs 8fond ihrough lhC cltr thirty-two or us gathered March each month during the reKUL'lr aoa.,100 Of the UnlvoraJty of lflssourl by Tho a;;es like sequoiiUl-by th() grnce or na­ 7 tor n I0\'0 Coru;t. and I hnve nn Idea Allluto11rl Unlcm. Ef~ht~en luue.s a year. ture. Our rucu lty membe rs cnnnot be t!ult l:iC!'rshlP$ are U for nlumnl and for­ m~r stuhmty of vlslltng nrterw&rd. Then etrect ehoutd b6 Riven ~tore the tub• 11 "blll or exch.onxc·· roi- 150 In pa)·rnct1t ~:ripe.Ion·• expiration. Otherwlse II ls or Mr, (Uk'1)' 0 R llte menW,trtthlp. Mr. starting nround Lhe table. each told n_esumed thti.t conUnua.nc.e la dttlred, lllley 1s n. 1'1'1('in~r ot the OO h o rh\l staff Ctuln{Cu ot addreQ 11 hoold he reporttid or the Japa.n ,\1lvertJser. Tokio: something or what ho bas bcc:u doing promfltly to attutc delivery ot each taue. When I look Mc~. It ..eemt 10 m~ lht\t since l eaving the eht\dow of the col• Checks. arntt11J Md ordorl!I 11ho111d be U1a rnn.tts mee1fn.K11 did n.1ore to fu&e me tnaOc J)Rlflbla to MfMJourl Alumnu111 or l'ituda nU' enthulUa.m, lolo a lrt.esourl uruus. There were "freshmen" who lfbsourl Union. on(l all bm,lnep co~ spirit tht1n any otheir 1ne,t1um. ·rh~ b,o wore graduated In 1916, and nt least oon(l(!J'lc,e llhOuld 30 1.d(lr-,ued. mtl.88 met:tlnp C8.tUlCd tho ~lll!IOUrl spirit to burst lnto brlllln.nt f!J\tn{t3. whlC'h two old t imers. He.re nrc some of thrilled the wntchlntz Htudent bOt'li,• lnlO the r en,arks, Jotted down host.lly by H. H. KINYON tll'I lrr&Mblt1ble unit. b)t brlr1~fni;r lnlO plo.y lt.8 ltttcnt re.a;erve forcefl or wlll power, the 8eCretary betwoou apoonfuls ot tee Manag;ng Editor dtlcnnlruuton rtncd (•ar·ry O\ll tho 1>l1mq when mNhoo.8 ca."C"Atlon In Ml!tot1rl anti to the old bultdlnsr bum cd. 'Ba heui moved or 1 ll has been pretty gonern.lly con• plnec the lJnlverslt)' r11)8rt rr<>1n the to Chica.go only r-ocenU) , where he It ceded u,nt' Lho l ~t Generlll AB.. mb ly atrlfe or lescbli.\UVO hnll". prt\cllthHC I\J n.n eye anc1 4'f\t 11p~lnll1t. 1t f'! \'('r,: Ml~orl Union m"tnber wont.. Mr. Moody hf A 8\lrervllilng fl lljlh10C1', was t he best In personnel nnd in mca11. ed anrthln,: badly rnomth tor the Uni• hl,i c hief bu• IM\19 -t,el11g lhe de8lgn RY'lQ11t 1he m-eat work bthuc neeompl1flhe'1 cd with A. 18.W nnn. h eN. Ro talk.a w e.II. h)' the Unlver"hy. W e blumnl t'lave no nn(I It would httvO <.lone yout' henrt good they pralso Ila members ror onsslng ,·ery dl'flnlte l(leu oon(."Cr 11 ln1e the build­ to hr-:1.r him 1cH to,-..., r,r the uroblcm« a. ings. the (lcpnt'tm('nt• nn1l lhe. fllAn(ll·nlC' roung ln.wyot' le up n;rAlntt. Mrei. Woods mee•urce which -WIii lend to ellmloMe or Wlllh'Hns Colleef' or R9llln11 rolle,ce. we~ " Cnllrornla tclrl, 1u1. It simply suggests that the Ql'(!('U"c:t! tl'lll.l the Ooh·arJtlly eqn be lltt­ w ith the Portl6Dd <'ement A8ffOOh\l1on. ett ntrmnn,.nuy nut. of t M WJ'tl"l...i0 or 'ThJ11 le o. nn,tooill orgonbatlon which 18 Unlvcrslly now raeea what Is 1.o· be el• N'l11Lh.'.tl wfthln thf- l'l~t tw9 tt,19:1f011;11 (}( l0tt1tely a41uce.UonoJ In nnture, lntend6(1 ther tts greater success or Its doom. the L,nitlaltHU"f, T..,N'tt mAkl'I our nt>l,;h­ t-o promou, tho aqrreu nty UnlvertJty or c,em,ent. no mAllt-r ot wh11t mi'k<'. Unless the University•• friends be­ Mlttourl entl)uAJaate. Dr. l,,"'ra.n~.t R. RRlf\ff. '09. hU bC!Cn In Chloo.A'.O ntArl)' tour )"e&f"8 In ho«pf~l!, I gin right now to work \Vllh a view of work. She !imld htr r't,r\ll6r Job li, put• Ung peonle to Ateep. be.Ing: In c,h1u,re_ or Its needa two rears from now, we bad "Civil and Mining Engineer•• Is the .-notthet1cs nt St, Luke·, RolJ'r,llal b~N.'. as \VeU resign ourselves to seein.g our legond on tho let.terbe.~d of MIiton It I• .ome aa.~1,r11euon thAt If we 11.ro 1n trouble th~ro are Ml.1:tourl h~,vye,. hero old school sink down lnt.o second or Leon, oog. 1910-1~. at Cnftervllle, Mo. to l'CIC\10 u•. atld If we. get nin OTf!l' b)~

• THE :MISSOURI A L U}:t:NUS 209 n buu. wogon therc ore :\tl~ljourl doctor& SENT POUND BTERL.INO POP. "U" nQCtcd with the K:msns City oil.loo ot 10 &-(iW U8 US). AnJ preoc.Jl\Jr:c. too. "Joo" CWpcr. ·1 1, the eom1>any. Sulto 202, Commorce hs 1ttud)•lna; ut thu U nh'{H'"llh )' Qf , IHl'llgo, Building. Mr. Wilder has bee1~ dts­ an(I :iv ta J . $. ~ nek or-. ' JO. ~m:lc<'t,:1t(mH'e In ,\rkau:#LS. o 1rl1, J ohn nancock Mulunl L.He.. thr<•u,;h f!,t;)'J•l !llld ~\ \•li,lt tO l?ttlNJlhtc, .t\nother µouuert1 hl1) In tho :\1 lsaourt Union " as long Forty-on& Alumni and Former Studouta 1orle ttJwn gi,u.ne. Hhe talked as I t ahc wouh.l llke 10 ;Iv h again. He r 1)rcse11t O!J tho llOUnd l:-l$ttS.'' It took some l\gur, Attended Much 23 ,,•ork lfl teet<:hlng fresl11mu, L,1111, ~,t UI\~ Ing lO tell ju31, how lo ng Lltal wn.s, for unlvor~lt>'· 'By Paul C0 r tanl branch Is cs1,cclnlly uc­ he went. to France. <'.Ollego d:l)'S.'' 'l'o quote Adr'IRn l.-0\·ln­ th·e ttlnco the £ut'Ol)('un wu r. n• It bcnni ul)On tho problem,i; or dyeawtfs, other " I spent n cot1ple ot months In Rus• aon, A, B. '14, to whQm we wore nil in• J')roduets hitherto lml)Ort('d. And ltlUIII• sta last year oud saw Frod Dearing, A. dcbled as tbe prime mover or tho bn.n• tlon11. or. M. l\f. 'MIIIC!.r. 'I! , told Of (l much 8. '01, a.nd Mr&. Dearing at tho Amert• quet- and he In lurn wns cauoUng a dlver11flcd erlucouonnl <:Arter 810cc llll' local thentar nd,·ertlsoment- ·'1'ho tden. graduat.lon In M edicine. which hll3 n u etl can ttmba11sy tn l?etrogrnd. T alao him tor lnltructlonol wo rk. H~ 18 teiu,•h• a1>ent a very otenea.nt afternoon with was : 'No mcasnge.. nothing highbrow. Ing nntuomy nt tha NOl'lhWtlll(lrfl u,,,_ ,·ersh)' .Medfcul School. e-:o mo lter ho\,, · "Easy" Anderson, A. .B. '07, who la Just 100 per cent. ent.orta\nment.' ''; o.ud many other 1M:'hOOlt one 1Htt nd>J later. 'head OYer heels' tn Ws work In Connet• tho rorly-onc ,sopnrnted at a Jato hour he 811)'9. the rMI Ahm~ 3tnuir It 111\V$Y•· tho ono which g r a nc• tht nru ()lp1om11. Uon with tho ro.ftcr ot prlsonera or focllng 1hat Lht• worth)' Idea h•d been o. c. Collins. '16, 1\ Tiger, WM N>m,n. ·os. '09. who llau, hln'!Mlf nf n JIOC IAI worker. le 11~retor-y expect to bO In Columbia nbout tho each 1>11lte wag a cou rse card worthy ot or the Nn.tlonRI Soclt'l)' Of CMrttl~ nnd time 80lloOI Ol)· and cont1tant1y; the yella mono" which wu nn enteru1.tnmtn1 10 rn.lac the ble&chtor (uncle, Mr. Cron re• and song@ tor the Tigers cnlive.nod lon,aetl trotn cn1Hh'lly A gN"at myatery. War would Take Major o.. tle every course. Many ot tho old (ello,ve will remember this "" one or the nn-t npoearnnC4?11 or A dcclarntlon or wa.r between the Prot. Manley o. Hud1S-On eerved as ~feNOr Pommer. when the cuna.Jn In United Stotc8 and Germany the Auditorium tlnfOrtunAtcl)• (10,ictn(lPt'I would tonstm88ter. Prot. H, AL Be1dc n spoke, \IJ)()n tha 1>rotei,aor'• htod. J1 wu ncW!l' probably tako Mopor Charles W. CMtle, und told or the Jove for the 11chool nt kl'lown who 01>tmued tho curtnln, bul CfOlil eontelJIK'd th3t ho WU ~ulh)'. eommnnda..nt of eadels, r.roOl bis 1101Jt his ndo11Uon. OR. Scott. A. 8 . '10, ndded ""hl!t wholly 1nnoeent. or Any harmful nt !be Unlvcrotty. Major CosUe ex­ to U1ls tho viewpoint or one who hnd IQtentlo n, and later an Intimate frlf'nil ot 'Prote~or Pommor. l)e 110,•or dR!"fd pects that hltJ flret order Crom the War been on cnch side or t he .foetructors tel1 or thb, bofON!. Dopnrlmont tn O\'Ont ot war would be tablo ot Mt,,s,mrl. Lloul. n. W. (Red ) Any Chicago alumnue not rcoolvlng to report to some mobll1uiUon en.mi,. WilM>n, A.. B. '09, gR\'8 11a nn lnstght the notice• or meetings ehould drop a The Unlvorslty Cadet Corpo I• not tnto the hun1oroua side of school life rard to Arthur 0. Page. 30 ·North subject to cnll oxccpt aH voluntoors. or lhe old (?) doya. Mrs. F. II. Hun., Michigan Av., gMng the correct nd­ A tew ot the offlc.era. however. hold tor (Helen Sewn!!) A. B. '04. r oprosont• dre8& New officers at Chicago aro: oomrulSBlons In the Re&0-nre Corps o.nd lug tho co~d•. told how good M. 0 , }:-resident, Or. Clarence Loeb: v lee­ would bo subject to call. soemed to one who wont thero trom preeldeot, Mrs. R. S. Coulter (Valentine Maine, and who sl.nce grndunllon bns Boyce); Secretary, Arthur O. Page; Wilder Obanr es Insuranco Work bad the opportunity ot comparing tt lrea.urer, El. Harper Moulton. Merwin A. WUder, who WM gl"Bd• with the other lending unlvon>ltles. uated rrom u,o Colloge ot Art• and Poul H. Arthur, A. B. '16, told or the W. W. B•n iil, ,ng. E. E. '07, givcs hio Science In 1912, wlll tako up new work now UnJon, Its ht&tory to date. tho nur• •dd•••• ai 3229 Campbell Street, Kon••• April l, as •npervlsor ol ngent• tor poees tor which It la working, 1t.& plans Cit.y, l!o., nnd hll OOCUJ)l\tion o• su"per• Western llll88ou1·1 .tor tho Home LIie tor the carrying out or thoae purooses. vi•illg nrehitcct. lnsurnnee Company, Elo will bo con• D. Ernellt Budsoo, A. B . '16, gavo an 210 THE MISSOURI ALU?11NUS

original song, dedicated to Uio OCCR• CAMPBELL CAPTAIN FOR 1018 11te audloucc. The ftret l ap began a slon. lead ror the 1' lgors which wna never Homer B. Kc.Hy, law, '12, urged tho Basketball Ttgen Elect Loader £or overcome, lhough Rodkey, runntag see• croatlon ot a 1>ermancnt organiztltlon Next. Year ond tor lho Jayh(l wke ra, cut. IL down by means or which New England alum­ J e.sa:e L. Campbell, a Junior ln tho sufficiently to 1e11 ve the outcome ever ni might n.nnually gel togeLher. web­ College of Agriculture. will ca1>taln tho In doubl. &Ler N, J ones. A. 8. '09. formerl y J)re&I• 1918 basketball Tigers. Campbell wRS Bob Simpson 1m llcd his usual stunt dc.ut ot such an organlzaUon, mo,•ed 111uullmousty elected Marth 28 by Lhe or nlutllati og world's records. He the olectlon or Mr. Kelly A.S preaidenl. letter men ot this year's team. Camp, clipped a flhh or n sccoud from the This unanimously carried. All aJurunl bell's J)lay all through tho season just prcwlous world's rocord or Loomis and coming 10 New England should get In Eller In a special e\'ent, tho 50-->•ard touch with Mr, Kelly. Mis J>etmoneot tow hurdles. makt1tg the distance In Rddroas Is 294 W88blngton Street, llOS· si x seconds flat. H e tncldcutnJly ton. C!qunlled his own world's record In the The coocludlog feature of t he enter• htgh hurdles (6 3·6), and took first In ttllnmcmt was contributed by Mr. Levin• lhe low hurdle$ In the 1>rooe88 or offer­ son-a tJerles or views thrown on a Ing thirteen polnlS as hla Individual screen showing t he carnJ)US, the build• coulrtbuUon to the Tiger end or the 1 Inga, eights of student life. and ftnally meet. Jt was Bob s last Indoor meet the Columns. A round these colunrns we In •r1ger togs. gathered, s inging P8 or tho days gone Tiger track toltowars round a ettr• by-"Old MlssourL" vrlae In the work or Dunenn, n. Tige r runner, who had eomo out ror track Following if,1 the aong written by only two weeks before the ruC!Ct. Dun­ Mr. Hudson, to the tune or Mother Ma­ can's rnce prove<\ unrortunnto In that chroo: he miscounted the taps and railed to There's a spot In l'iflaaourl so den.r l O M)' heBrt, r un the tasl one. But h e nntsbod a Th1tt . rN:1m my (CU\\IUl momor)• WIii ne\·er dlrlt And clnlm t,o l•tn.llo relay ...... , •••• _6_ TIU mtnl'r>• haa (Rd~I hawkers, 46 39 tnto Ufe'a m1•istery. 'T'he tape across tho track tn tho la.st T otals • •.• . ...••• . .. . 46 so Oh ! Ood.. b1e. )'OU tw


aongro58Jllan Stout Back Kome S. In E. 0. dogreo from tho University Tom Stout, ro1>rescntatlvo In tho last In 1911, ia aul)orvlsor of tdguals tn U1e Congress rrom M.ouurnu. hRl:I gone back Weddings elcetrlcnl division or the Panama to Lewistown t..o resume hi s business Rallroad. A son waa boru to Or. and Mrs. J . ,1u1d eerrormed u.t the bom(! or the Class Notes bride. They wl11 make. their bome nt Spearville. Kns., where Mr. Templeton Professor Elliff Elected Proe;ident ' 00 Is tn tho real estnte &nd tnsurance Prof. J. D. E lliff, or lho School or E. H. Belden, law, or Spokane. WAf:!h .. business, nrter May l. 1\lr. Tem1>lcton EdueaUon. wn$ elected cbnlrmn.n or \!l6lt&(I his mother. MNI. s. L. Belden rormerly lived nt Rich HIii, Mo. the National Board of Inspectors ot ot 110 Hitt Streel recently. Mr. Belden High Seho.ols at a rccorn meeting of IS l\ lawyer wllh offices in the Old Nat• the board lo Kirn••• City. (onnl Dilnk Building. Births '03 All englnoer-lnwycr differences were Engage1neots forgotten recently when T. J. Craig, An 8·pound son, John Edwin. wa.& born to .Mr. ond l\frs. Wllllam L .. Fowler MlJls Helen Hackney or Stlllwnter, Okla., March 14. Mr. E. W. Olausen Fowler. 8. S. In Ag, '09, Is professor Announcement has Just bee.o nutde ot animal husbandry at Oklahoma A. or the engagement or Erwin w. Claus• & M. COiiege. en. i,L. B. 'JO. and Miss Helen Finck• ney. The wedding wtll occur about I Thoma.a Henry l !I the new fl.On of May 1. Ml•• Hackney Is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elliott. Jr., or Se­ or the 13ennet.t School, Halcyon Hall. attle, ,vnsh. Weight. 7¼ Pounds, dnte, 1861 or 1917 Millbrook, N. V. Mr, Ctnu&en IS 80· March 11, aro further tact.8 staled gaged In tho practice or law at Atcbl• In the nnnouncoment.. Mr. E lllolt, A. son,' Ko.n. He wns rcco.nUy e lected Are you n graduate? Are B. '08, LL. B. '10, I• pr11etlcl11g law In city attorney at that pince. Seattle. you a · senior of the Uni- M.iaa Loretta. O'Gorman versity of Missouri? Frank Holleman The ongagcmont of Frank Heileman, A da.ughtor, Ocrtrudo Marie. was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McDonald · B. S. to M. E. '14. former asslatnnt Wear the mark of distinc­ eupcrinle.ndeot or Uolverslt>• buttdtngs, or Pedro Miguel, Count Zone, Morch 7. Mr. and ~Uss L,oretta O'Oormo.n ot St.. Louis MeOonn.ld, who receh•ed the B. tion to which you are en­ waa announced recently In St. Louis. titled-a column pin. Mr. Rellcman wm re1>0rt as second lieutenant ln the regular ar my at ForL J,,eavenwortb April 1. Don't wear just any column pin, wear the official pin; Soc ial Stationery official size and shape shown Printed--- above. ls cheaper in 100 lots than quire• Any year from 1840 to box plain writiog J>apers. 1918-only jh.oo Besides, Individual stationery carries with It U10 J)

eng., of s~attle, on a trl1) down In '07 Oregon. met Judge George w. Wrlgbt, Miss J enn Tnylor ac. ed, is leaching Ll,. O. '82, at Albany. Mr. Crnlg Is at Hoosier, Saskalehewnn. Cnna()a, this "ll"e .SOid ) Our Ft1ll1h"S C/01/u:l'' si,cclal agcn~ tor tho Wei::it.ern Asaur­ year. Sho tormerly t.nught nt Kennett. nnc~ Company nt Seattlo with offices In Mo. the Melhorn Uulldlng. '08 'O·:l Horry F. Sedwick, DC., (01'tnerly die• T he clever spring modes in lrlct quartermnsrnr nt tho Panama Ca· Curtis 'W1111ams, ln.1'·. rormc.r city not. ta now In tbc weltare dcl)nrtmont attorney or Mt. Voroon, 111., ts now Barth Smart Suits of tho DuPont Powder Company at engaged In ch~ general practt<'e of law Wllmlngcon, Oel. Ills nddress I• 038 are ready now. Men who arc 1n Lb~ same city, with offices In the 011oont Building. BIR former home Youngblood nulldlng. Mr. WIiiiams was nl Mt. Vernon. 1\1 o. young in years and youngar haa boon In Mt. Voroou over slnee grnd­ Jame-a II. Van Wa.gene.u, eng,. Is n heart wi ll thoroughly appre­ unUon [rom the Un l VM!iHY, accordlog mombe.r ot tho l.nternalionn.l (Cnnnd l­ to n recent letter. An) Doundury Commhmlona. for defin­ ciate their deverncss. ing n.nd marking tho l>Oundary between tho United Stutes nnd Conodn. oxceot on the Orcat I..akee and the St. Law~ rouco River. nnd ror marking nod sur• The best business veylng tho l)oundar~· between Alaska Si:)1/1 B""I.' F11r11i.sluil 011 Rl'f/11'11 stationery for gen­ nnd Cann.do. J.\ recent letter was re­ ceived tron1 Mr. Van ,vAq-oneu·s office tlemen and gentle­ In the Nnllonal Snvlngs and Trust women 1s Coml)Any Bulldln~. Wnsblngton, D. c. '09 ~ (i::!!tl'lff'ffl( Brother MltJs Florence Helm recentl)• sent melnbC'rshlva ot hor&alt nnd her sister, MISB Katherine, to the Mlasourl Union from Hnnnlbal. Both tbe Misses Helm "E11ery&,dy'1 Sro,·,." J onathan Bond I received lbo dcgress or A. B. and B. S. ln Eld. In '09. Francis W. Woodman. M. S. (ag.). le naslatant superintendent of the coke works or the Carnegie Steel Comp11ny at Fnrrell, 'l'n, Mr. Woodman's home ocldroBB Is Sharon, '!'a. Why Does This Lout• A. Bell, ed.. A. M. 'H, Is teacher or npplled aclence ot the David Ranken, Jr.. School ol Mecbnnical Trades, St. Bank Advertise? Louis. "I hope to sec tho Union Move­ ment tnko nrm bold on() mean to Ml•· Bocanso banks DO dlff'er in strengtb, l)Ollcles, mo, 1y11tema and di!k sourl what tho unions In other big schools ho.vo meant to them," ho \Vrltes. tlnctt vo feature• ot their service-. '10 'l'o oxpU\tn newer and better tacUittos Mre8'lnt ocoupatlon or B. B. To tell t ho psoplo or tho many advantagoa of • bMk account. McGIii, og. Mr. McGIii recently moved trom St. .Tosoph. An engineer who beenmo n rnrm e.r BOONE COUNTY TRUST CO. nnd then an engineer again I\ C. W. Brown, e,ng. now highway engineer Asaota Noazly Nine Eunclrod Thousand Dollars. 1 and sun•o1•or or Rnllo County, Mlosourt. Arter graduation trom the University,

TH E C L A R K TEAC H ERS' AGE N C Y OF K A N SAS Cl TY "'THE EDVCA1'1ONAL CL£AIUlOtb \I.$. the ~UfPI Dlt &O l)t. It pan 10 be 1n line for PTOmoUon. Wrfte ,.__V" 0 A• (or information ind rcititlrnrian l>l•n~t. JOSEfll H. HILL.. Gen•,-.1 Mo•.. •• t.OOll;l COGSWELL. Musi• Mon•~• rl ~ New Vor~ Ufo B1dldln11 Kflntu Clrr. lUuou • T li: E M:ISSOUH I ALU:MNUS 218 t\fr. Brown cngngcd in rnrmtng on Unlvcrafty aro In the omuloymcnt of Schools. Mr. Chnpman formerly 11\·ed Route 5, Vandnlln. Mo. JI Is office Is this eompnny. nt Brook11old, )lo. at New T,on don now. l)n.nltl M. N~, lnw, who tor tho '15 Inst n"e yeRra hn.s be~n football. basket• "Since grndunuon,'' writes S. F. '11 bn ll nod lrock coach nl Drury Collage, Russe11, ng,, .. , have been managing c. Jo.;. Barkshtre, ac.. sees many S1>rlngOold. Mo.. has r~i;IJ~ued t hat pool­ my tathcr's farm or G◄ O acres n~ar changes In the University since he was lion and will glvo all his Uruo to his Savn.nnnh. In that limo The Alumnus i.1 student hero. '.:\1r. Bnrkshtro was low prACliCO In Sprlngflcld. Mr, Nee luu; boon n constBnt visitor and a very cheer lender In 1!110-11 nrul tor lhreo IS n former Mls1JOurl rootbnU star. plc11surab10 one. Mrs. RusS-Oll (Mn.r• yenra mnnagcr or tho Co.Op. I le ts He is assistant pro1,ecut1ng attorney guertto l{rumback), who Is tt former now In th8' automobile business n.t or Greene County. student or M. U., Joins me lo wJshlo.g Caruthersville. ''Tho biggest change 'U t he Union 1rnccess."' Po.lace Gro,•e Stock that 1 c;;lrn i,ec lo the University Is In o. H. Banks. ag., formerly a teacher Ranch ls tho namo of Mr. RuMcll'a tho conduct ot t.he student body," says ii\ Bolton Coltc.1tc. BrunBw1ck, Tenn .. place. Registered Shropshire Down Mr. Barkshlre. •·rn Lhe dn>'B when I is now in ngrlcu ltur n.1 oxtooslon work 1:thceo nntl Du roe JorRcy boga are h la \\'8$ a. stu' of Arkansas. A re• r;peclt'llUca. I underst.nnd that a troshm:m hos pme­ <:c.n t cord from hlm ooars the lororma­ Miss Mnrguorlto McGowan. J., wm Ucnll)• his own way now." t.loo, "Oeroonstr~tlon Agent." Newport, h~ at the he.i,d or the n ow Journolfam Frank ("Pete") Burre8'J, ong., ond Ark, on lbe •r1gcr tootbnll team In '00 and Fred W. Shorter, no• • formerly a '10 was in Columbia March 17 to help 1:1tude.nt of tho Blblc Co11e.ge, a nn.Uvo welcome his Jlatron en.Int. He IB with ot A ustralla. h H Joined the Cnnadta.n the Tndln.na Stool Company nt C:,,ry, Ambulance Corps and has gone to the Ind. Burre89 also played bnskotbnll tronl 1n Fro.nee. on t.he Varsity team In 1010-11. Pnul w. Cho.pman, ag., Is s upcrlnten• Dress Up dent of tho Queen Ci ty ( Mo.) Public '12 w. O. Rend. E. E .. 18 now a...lotant for Easter UNIVERSITY OF OOLORA.DO, engineer with tl10 Kaosae Public UUI· Boulder, Colo, l tJes CommlR&lon. He mny ba address• F()uflocnth Summ,•t ~11,tOn Juno 2S1h 10 od eltbor In oore o( tho commission Auu11 -4th, 1917 at Topeka or nt 1252 Van Buren Street, In lbc:- foothills of !he ~od:itt, ld~lll <'On• dltion, f()r 11umn1t.:r 1111dy and r«rcatiori, same ctt)~. O,ul'lk."1 fn thir1y d,.~•nmcnt_jl, lneh,dlnr.: New Suits Medicin,:I Oj1l1th:11ln1ology aOO Emrinf'-:r• Oudley Sanford, nc.. formerly ot lru:t, Abo J<;u;ulty. F.mln1•11t l,.tcrnrtN:, Pnlm)'l'a, Mo.. Is now wltl1 tho utah Allntcii,l'l cour-..~, for hiach,•re. 'tuition low. Livlm;r e ~1,,•n~ •• rt'flfMibk>. Ca1a)Oif Power and Light Company nt Salt on lltlplk:itlon to R,·1ti11ar. New Hats Ulke City. Ten other graduo.te

The only through sleeping car service.

For a.n)' trovcJ infomuuinn, aee or writ• H. L. Wtll!Ori, Agent. M, K. & Y Ry. Cofombi•. Mo- 214 T H B nI I S S O U R I A L U nl N U S department which Is to be opened ot '16 wbere he will bo agrleulturat editor or lalndonwood College, St. Charles, next Dc-an KlrkenHJnger. tte., Is having the Crowley Dally Signal. Mr. Felker September. Llndcnwood will bo the UnUAlHll IHICCCSS as manager or tho St. wns the Jefferson City correspondent first women's college lo ottc.r courses In Lou Is bro nch oftlce of the Fuller Brush ror the J oplin Globe during lhc last ;Journalls:m. Co. " Kirk" lives at the Y. M. C. A. session ot the Legislature.. During vocations whUo n sLu tor this year a nd next. STEPHENS JUNIOR COLLEGE COLUMBIA, M ISSOURI Fully Accredited as a Junior College by the U niversicy ofM issouri and Other Standard Institutions . The following statistics show the remarkable ~rowth of Stephens College in resident en- rollment and educational standards since its standardization as a Junior College in 1912: 1913-14-lncreasein enrollment over preceding year 100% 1914-15-Increase in enrollment over preceding year 15% 1915-16-lncrease in enrollment over preceding year 2 5% 1916-1 7-Registration closed· August 1, 191 ~' with dormitories filled to capacity. The enrollment for 1916-17 shows an increase of over 180% over the enrollment for 19 12- 13. Eighty-five per cent of present enrollment are graduates ofaccr edited four-year high schools. The number of graduates from the literary department has increased 227 per cent. The number ofstudents matriculating from accredited high schools has increased 200 per cent. One-fifth of the students in the literary department are honor graduates from accredited four-year high schools. For catalog and information address JAMES M. WOOD, A. B., B. S ., University of Missouri A. M., Columbia University T l-IE :MISSOURI ALU?11NUS 215

teams. We make a specialty of out­ WANMRLUST OtUng acbool gymnasiums, l)loy­ Every live. vlrtle, red-blooded grouuds. and athletic clubs. young man feels hla blood 8 Ungle We boHe,·e thnt fl superior article Rt the flrst breath of svrlngttme. reOecta credit on the store carrying Tho call of the great out•doora will .,/_- ~ ~ -- ft. Therefore. we carry tn stock prove stronger and more alluring only such SPortlog gooda that hove as the spring rJpeua Into summer. been atnndordlzod by tho best sports­ You may have already noUcod U. men and recommc.nded by lending Perhn1>s, a n ow brnneh. a green gymnasts. bud, nodded to you this morning; ;f We mentlonly only a few ot the maybe a little songster floated his s11orUng goods we carry. Your per• welcoming note to you as you paas­ sonal h\spectlon or our S1)0rts De­ ed. - pnrtme.nt 11:1 ,urg('ntly wllclted.

Tf so, ft wna not hard ror you Tennis Ro.ckete-$1.89 to $8.50 to conjure u1> picas.ant aprlng'tfme SPORTING GOODS (Stnndard makes, such as Harry C. thoughts. To picture for n mQment Lee) a tramp In the woods:· a dreamy ff any one thing stands out abol'e Ten nls Racket P~l!IIC!>-$1.00 afternoon beside some shady, go,. Ibo r88t rui beftttlng Our S1lortlng eluded brook with n llne or n book Goods Store, 1t Is Its eomptete1,ess. Tc nola Rncket Covcr&-Can\'88- as eompantons; n crulso ovo.r nt1r­ Slnce moving om: SvorLJng goods do­ $1.00 nod $1.50 rorod water, smooth and buoyant oa.rto1eot to lts ucw location (Fltlh Tennis Oalle-Hnnd made Champ• tho attcr-glow of a frc,ah swim: Floor Annex) we have greatly In• tonablp 1916-26c each a. Of&ht o,·er an Inviting gott course; creased not only the noor space Small Pool Table&-$6.00 an excJtlng set ot tennfe-whatever devoted to our BJ)Ortlng gooda do­ (Compl8to with two cues., tfps, etc.) your fa\•orJte out-door n.musomont oartment-now occupying an enttro mny be, your thoughts w-nt natur• Annex 0oor-bul tbe aco1le or the Whllloy ~:xerclse... tor Arms end ally turn to ft, and nature wtll soon department Itself. Chesu,-$2.00 lo $4.00 trumpet tts ultimatum- For Instance, ,-..•o bo.ve put In a Skates (lce)- 75c to $2.25 pair, practice net for Golfers; an lnclOs• Punching BO(lll (Plgskln)-$3.00 to ure: where amateur or i>roteselona1 Get out Into the ODOII, $5.00 may 1nacttoo putting or longtben Foot-balls-$1.50 to $5.00 his drives. Closo by ts, also, The Tho simple lite •• the lndlon Kiddies Playroom. equipped wllb Baaeboll Bats-50c to $1.00 or bi s squaw know It. may hM•e been p1e'lsure-gtvtng apl)Sratus to kcop Baseball Oloves-hs-$6.60 lo $35.00 Dog Collar&-75c to $1.60 The obJecL or Ulla advortl8cment Water Wlnp-26c nnd ~6c le to J>rcach prcpare<1nees ror spring Oolr Clul-Standard Mnkes-$1.75 and tor tbG lHo out-doors. Nntllre to $3.75 per club nO\'Or docs her work hurriedly, the brnnches and buds. and tho roots OoH 8alle-60c to 85c of shrubs began thelr de\'Clopment Golt Bags-$1.25 to $17.60 lll8l October or eo rller. But are "Colon•! Bogey" Paper Welgbte­ you ore1>a.red? $1.00 each Golter's practlco Putting Dlska- We want to call your nttcnUoo 36c each to the tact that Our Sporting Ooods Store ls prepared- bas been prepar• Also a complete line or track aup. Ing tor spring whlle tho Winter's 1>1tes, ,moos, suits, aupportors, etc: snow stlll 1ny on the ground-for dumb bolls: Indl3n clubs: Brulket this titoro la ahvnrs propnrfng for 13811s; C8meras; Bathing Suits: the 8-0.nso11 nhend. Tenuta Shoee, etc.

KANSAS CITY, MO. A CommunityCenterforSocial andReligiousService

THE YOUNC MEN 'S CHR IST IAN ASSOCIATION IIUILDING UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUR I The building has furnished a comfortable and convenient meeting-place during the past year, for the following organizations: Alpha Zeta German Club Oklahoma Club Ad Club National Grange Pictured Kuowlodgo Club Aluminum Salesmen's Club Rome Economic& Club People's Home Library Sale.man Atbamellll Debntlng Club Henry County Club Play Readlng Club Ad Point Club Bolt County Club Pirate Crow Boy Scouts lntercollegtato Soclnllot Society Plko County Club Boy Scout Council lotornatlonal Polity Club Presbyterian Chrlsltan Jllndeavor Soc• Benton County Club llllul Club Ial Commltloo Bates County Club lnteroollogtnto Prohibition Assocla• Pre&b)'terlnn Freshm11homoro Pre-I.awyers Eta Kappa Nu Mississippi Coi,nty Club Short Course Rural LIie Conference Ed Club , Monroe Cou.nty Club Sigma KapplL Tbet.n Frcehmen Engtnoors Mlsaourl Valley Athletic Conference Tuesdai· Club Fnllor Brush Club Mel.h0418t University Men's Bible Tnu Beta Pt Freshmen Olscu&slon Cinb CIMS Texas Club ' Fortnlg)1Uy Club , Menorah Society u . of 111. Men•• OemocraUc Club Gamma Slll!Da Delta Nodaway County Club U. or M. ?.Inn's Republican Club Volunteer Band t hereby BUbscrlbo i ...... , , . , ...... to assist In raising Volume Library Saleainen Teo Thousand Dollars tor U10 malntenn11ce or tb