"An institution lhat cannot rally lo its fi nancial assistance the men who have taken its degrees and whose diploma is their passport in­ to lhe world, is in poor position to ask assistance fr-0m any others. It is not merely what the alumnj give, it is the fact that they do give, that is of supreme importance." OhaMOcllor l(lrkl(ln(l. of v,u1derbfU IJ,drM all'r,,. THE :MISSOURI ALU~{ NUS - llllllRIIII THE OFFICIAL Misso• uri Alumni Pin The Colurnn Pin m3de up Y.ith your cla.ss date on the base. The official Missouri Ah,mni Pin. Ei1J1er in Broo:h or Scarf $2,00, For Cham\$ $2.25. You have wanted one. Yoo need one, so seod y<iuPorder today to THE llUSSOURJ STORE CO. COLU MBIA. >IISSOURI (Money refunded if you nrc not satisfied.) • , - Alumni Business .OHIO INSURANCE and MISSOURI Professional Guide Grover C. Hoaford, LL. B. '08 Attorney and Counsellor at Law 1509·10 Union National Ba ni< Building Horace R. Davie, A. 8. '10 LAWYERS Cle•eland, Ob!O. Monthly Income and Buelness L!!e In• • suranco MISSOURI 5t h Floor, Nat.'I Bnr)k of Commerce Bldg., . OKLAHO~A St. T..ouis, Mo. Emil Roeh rig, LL. B. '07 Lawyer ENGINEERS WIison, Tomorlln & Buckholts Prosecu ting Attorney Warren County IV. F. Wilson, A.B.'98, A.M., LL.B.'00. Warrenton, Mo. 800·8 11 State N•t. B•nk Bldg., PUCE•TIDD ENOINlilll)IUNO COMPA NY 0kl&bom• City, Okin. Contult1n,g Engineers DMltl W. P l.ke, Hl!.~ Tidd, . P l'ei1denL ce-Prea. c. Ii). ' (Colby Collego) c. El 'ta ( Ml-Uri) Waterworke, Seworag-o Syatem1. :PavJns. H. w. Tlmmonds, LL. B. '07 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Lll,; hl and Power Pll\nl.8, P lana Lamar, Mo. ani.l Speclftco.Uon.a . • S\lltt ◄ 16 Scarritt BuJh11ng K&nau Cl MISSOURI AND IOWA W, B. ROLLINS & COMPANY Walkor & Walkor Con•ulttng Engtneor1 Jno, e. Dorman, L.B., s.e., Pe.a. '91 w. B. llollln•t M:em. Am.. 8'00. M. El. Lee Walker, A. B. '10, LL. B. '12 Books, Maps, Charts, Glob,a, Optbl Mo. 1908) Water Wo1 ka, Jlectrto L!~hUaJ;• Sew Guitar Bldg. Columbia, Mo. Goods, etc. ere. Paving, lane. s·°ttc flea one, Su.pertlaton, an4 eportt. Cllnton, Mo., Dea Molnea, la . n&.1.1way .E.x:chango Bldg ~ K. c. Mo . • , THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS [VoL. V, No. 11 MARCJt 2, 1917 CoLUMllIA, Mo.) University to Get Less T han Two Years Ago Tho next two yenre will be lean from general r evenue tlud $l51._000 Ing cxponscs•or the school's offlclals. years for the departments or tho Unl­ trom coJla.teral tnherllancc. For main• 'I'hero fs complaint al80 concerot ng Uto verslly at Columbia.. 'l'hey are to bo ten,rnce and suppert, $100,000 Is given. vurcbase or a motor car, motor repntra, ever leaner years than tho Inst two, 1'ho npproprJaUou blll also ca.rrles traveling bags, watch revall'<! and tbe according to tne Educatlonn.l Appro• $222,043.46 from general revenue ror llke. On those n1at1ers the subco,n­ prlntlon BIii, which g1ve,, to tho Uni• ngrlculturnl projects. This Include,, mlttoo's report rend as tollows: vorstly at Columbia $86.673.13 1088 S142,043.46 ror agrlcultural extension. - t.bnn was appropriated two years ago. The state Is obliged l<> apf)roprlate this Your si1boonunltto-e has OJl:(10'\lned Cur, 'rho Edueatlonnl AJ)J> roprlatlon 8 111 In ordor to get a like amount. from tho lher Into the exl)t.nJ5C!21 on tllo In the ,note hna Just been reported out nttor a Joint Fedel'at government for thts purl)Ose. (111Clltor·11 oftl ce wllh resora t.o the Stnle session ot the senate and houso com­ Unh-eni:lt)'. \'\'e found Ill looklng o,·er the The rest of this agrlcultural nporoprl· o.cc•ounti, tor ,he Institution thn.l money mittees ot the Legislature. The blll atlon I• tor the ronowlng pr0Jec1•: hl\a be'f."n txpendW ror t11 e purt,,hniu:9: of on carrlN no appropriation of $1,054,500 Agricultural Ex1>erlmeot Station, $35,• kUtomobll C'. for the Columbia departments of the 000 ; soil suney, $16,000; Improving Tl1ts 1Jeema to be In vtolatl6u or Ute np­ University. which Is $286,362 leas than Missouri sou. $20,000; growing Im• riro,N'"latlon mude lwo )'t-llU ago, In Which the Board or Curators hud roquestod no provl•lon wu made ror the pu.rcbl\He proved corn, U0,000. or an autoinoblle. as being necessary. f Lese Than Junket Committee Asked In contrast to the appropriations tor We n n<1 mnny ltt m, for ro11o lrJ1 or au­ When tho Junketing Committee toe, the University ot Missouri, the Kan• tomoblle11. tor th& purchalK'l or tool boxe•. sna legislature recently appro1>r'lated for tho repalrlnlf and engraving or wa,toh .. ommended that the schools and col• $1,554,000 for the university at Lawr• e11, ror lh4') pun:.h113e ot tra'l'ellng- bagR, leges at Columbia get a total of only bAch robe-ti Bnd amo f!upplkl, 0.UlOmoblle $1,064.500, friends or the Onlverelty ence and $1,250,000 for the ngrlcullur­ rob~it:. all or which cotnJ lloC!Vernl htnHlrea round consolation In the Incl that the al college at Mo.nhn)tan. or a total ot (lf>llars. Legislature Is not bound down to the $2,804,000 for the same work which • Your subconnnlttce cnnnot unde-ntand Is done by tho University al Columbia. why tho Stato Unlver&Jl)' or itny otl~r Jn .. ftgures ot the Junketeers. They relt 0 Tbus the departments at Lawrence tilllutlon ltboul(I flXPCCI Che l!Utte to P8,,)" sure that the appropriations commit• tor the vurchu..1:1,c; of lru,·ellng bop. bath nlon_e w l1l receive almost an even hnlf• tees would repor t for a larger sum tor robca 1tnd ror C!ntu·avtnJC tmd repairing the Onlver~lty than tbnl recommenrled mllllon more than tho dcpartmonta at wntche& by the visitors. :Out thOl!e rrtende were Columbl!l. The Kansas legislature also rt sec.ma to your commlltere thftt tl1e&e mistaken- the ao1)roprlatlons was to gives U>0 university and the agricul­ ft.CiroU nCJ.1 •hould have ootn ,,,,Id by tho tural college eneh a new bu lid Ing. f)llrtlea for whom U1e work waa (looe """ bo even less tbnn was recommonded. for whon, the ltttM were purc:ha~. Tho School ot Mines at Rolla re, In the Hst. or a,ocoun1a on Rio b)• tho celves an Increase or $8,600 over tho COMM ITTEE ATTACK ON M. U. unh'N'tJll)• we th'td that In elei'en monlhl!li npproprlatton ot two years ago. For t luu tho lnedtullon tspont. ,noro thnn $2$, this ecbool a total of $191,000 Is au• 000 tor travelln;r expcnae,4, Your comml1- t~e on Approprltitlon.i, .hu no • right to prQJ)rlnted. Misuse of Fund, Implied In Legls• doubl th!(.•80 <:!aim, but we de> rcaer,•o 1ho Or the total ot $1,054,600 appropri­ latlve Report on Oeflclta , l'IKhl co crltlcl"° the 01,1\nngeme.nt ot auy ated tor the clepartments at Columbln, In addition to the decreasing ol n1r lnttltullon tor rhc rucr,,eo(IJmro of thot $725,000 Is ror maintenance. or this umount or 1Mne)• 1bat rtio professors may J)r o1>rlat1ons tor the 11ext two years, lOU r thllJ and OLher BtUt~H. maintenance fund, $476,000 IB to come a.n unwarranted attac.k was made up0n from the General Revenue F und and SOm,o or Lh,e l'none.y WM tJ)On t In Che lhe University by a subcommittee ot 6.grlcullurnl t,xtent1lo n WOT'k, but the $250,000 from tho Collateral lnherl· t.be House • In reg.a.rd to certnln ex­ greeter pa.rt oC It M shown by their own tance Tax Fund. All other Items In penses Incurred during tho Inst bl• rePOrt, wn1:1 not. tor money 8"J>41 nt ror the the blll are to come lrom the lnherl• e.nnium. This aubcommlttee tn Its rc­ tmvelfng ell'.pan!'IE'JJ or protelltoNJ; wo rking tance ta:r fund. The Jasl Generol As· an(l doing the work, •P<>irt• nttor lm1C>11Jl!liltlng deftcl't8 <or sembly gave the - Columbia depart­ A & polnled out by some ot the metro• tbo state complained that certain ox· ments $725,000 for support and main· PoJlta.n newapn.pers no r eteren c43 was pondJtures or the Unlverolty nod ot made the report Lo the 1rnrchaae of tenance. '£be Un"'erslty authorities other etaw Institutions were made lo In asked $825,300 for tbls biennium. violation ot the appropriation or two two motor cars In 1916 by the Pent• teotlary at an aggregate cost or more Kaneas To Get More Y,ears ago. tban $3,000. Neither wn• thore any O( tho U91,000 opproprlated to tho Tbe complaint against the Univer­ meutloo ot 1>entllenlllary garage ex­ School or Mines, $41>,000 Is ~ com'e sity mentioned ei,peclally Ibo travel• penses, which Including i:ho · two care • ~ TILE .i\1.ISS01l,JR1 AJ,U l\'[~l.JS ,,. l ', I ' 1 f' n.nd a truck, aggregated more than Proreseor Whitten and his sta rr by from lite :ldlcule of Mlsso!lrl peoplf ' $11,000; for €ho 1e.1rs 1916 and 1916.
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