Cycling in

Defy the winter chill this year by exploring search for the blue plaques of the lovely you’re feeling brave, there is even a boating London by bike. e enormous array of ‘Wandle Art Trail’ on your way. lake on which you can float and forget your parks and gardens in London ensures a city life worries. beautiful ride and the different bike serv - Hyde Park If you don’t have your own bike, don’t ices available allow anyone without their worry, you can rent one from one of While some parks discourage cyclists from own patented mountain bike to travel on London’s many cycle hire schemes. e using their paths, the 142 hectare Hyde two wheels. Here are some of the best most popular are Santander Cycles, Park positively encourages them. e places to ride in London this winter. Mobike, Mobike Lite, Lime, Jump and Serpentine Gallery is especially popular Don’t forget a hefty pair of gloves. Freebike. All but Santander require an app with tourists and locals alike and the Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain is a to hire a bike and most must be returned to The Tamsin Trail good resting place if you need a break. Be a dock or a parking zone to avoid extra is 12km trail sweeps around Richmond sure to check out the amazing view of charges. Fees differ across companies, so it Park for an easy ride almost completely Buckingham Palace at Constitution Hill if is a good idea to research the beginning free from cars. As Richmond Park is the you are looking for a longer ride. and end of your route to see which scheme largest Royal Park in London, it’s a popular will work best for you. weekend destination for those optimistic Want to cycle in London but uncertain enough to swipe a few rays of sun. e Kensington Gardens about your cycling skills? Transport for Tamsin Trail can be accessed from any Directly connected to Hyde Park, this ride London runs free courses for all abilities entry gate. Be sure to check out the view of through Kensington Gardens could be and goals that can teach you how to ride St Paul’s Cathedral from King Henry’s tacked onto the same day or saved for a safely in the city. Choose from basic cycle Mound. special occasion. Although cycling is only skills, urban cycle skills, advanced cycle allowed on Palace Walk, Mount Walk and skills and family cycle skills – there’s a class Broad Walk, you can hop off your bike and The for every level. take a tour of Kensington Palace to extend Safety obviously comes first when cycling For a longer ride, consider the 20km your outing. Wandle Trail along the . in London, so make sure you are equipped Traversing three boroughs, this trail hosts with both the skills and knowledge to make Andrew Sabin's fantastic artworks of en - Park your day-to-day travel a success. We know trances, gateways and bridges throughout. Cycle through the northern part of early dark afternoons can get you down, Attractions such as Abbey Mills, to see the River ames this so get going this winter and spite the cold Deen City Farm and winter for a lovely display of nature’s best. as you peruse the best of London’s parks Museum accompany the already impressive If the kids are coming along, you can visit and gardens. choice of pubs, cafes and restaurants that the children’s zoo on foot in the midst of line this friendly route. Remember to this beautiful greenery and wildlife. If

30 FOCUS The Magazine January/February 2020 “Get going this winter and spite the cold as you peruse the best of London’s parks and gardens .”

Before you go

A few things to keep in mind before you set off on a wintery adventure.

. Planning to be out around dawn or dusk? Your cycle must have white front and red rear lights lit. It must also be fitted with a red rear reflector (and amber 1 pedal reflectors, if manufactured after 1/10/85).

. Make eye contact with other cyclists and drivers to ensure that both parties ac - knowledge each other and move accordingly. Don’t try this on the 2 Underground!

. No cycling on pavements even if it would be faster and no one is around. 3 . Using cycle lanes is not compulsory and depends on your experience and skills. 4 . If cycling in a group, cycle no more than two abreast and ride in single file on 5 narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends. . Stay central if cycling on narrow roads; this ensures that vehicles do not attempt to overtake you when it is unsafe. London Bridge 6 . Cycling while unfit because of drink or drugs carries up to a £1000 fine.

Regents Canal 7 . Helmets aren’t mandatory while cycling in the UK but we advise you to make 8 your safety the priority.

Kay Teekell is the communication and events intern at FOCUS while she studies in London. Originally from Texas, she is completing her degree in english literature at Southwestern University and can be contacted at Hyde Park [email protected] FOCUS The Magazine 31