Report of the Finances of the State of Dela- Ware
348 The above and foregoing "Report of the Finances of the State of Dela ware" is most respectfully submitted, by GEORGES. ADKINS, Auditor ef Accounts. Peter S. Parker, Trustee, in account with tlie School }'und ef tlte State ef Delaware. DEBTOR. 1838. Dolls. Cts. Dec. 14. To balance due the school fund and districts on settlement with the Auditor, December 15, 1837 15,999 85! Cash received of the Farmers' Bank at Dover, the 60th dividend on 1904 shares of stock, at $1 50 per share, due January 1, 1838 · 2,856 00 Cash received of the Farmers' Bank at New Castle, the 60th dividend on 295 shares of stock, at $1 50 per share, due Jan. 1, 1833 442 50 ; Cash received of the Farmers' Bank at George~ town, the 60th dividend on 240 shares of stock, at $1 50 per· share, due Jan. 1, 1838 360 00 Cash received of the United States' Bank of · Pennsy lvan~a, dividend on 65 shares of stock du~ January 1, 1838 260 00 Cash received of the New Castle and French town T. P. & R. R .. Co., 6 mo, interest on the Chesapeake and Del. Canal stock, at 6 per cent.' · 1,500 00 Cash received of the managers of lottery, au thorized by act of the Legislature, being the school fund's proportion .of the 8th instal- ment, due January 1, 1838 648 14! Cash received of said managers, being the school fund's proportion of the 9th instal· ment, due April I, 1838 648 14! Cash received of the Bank of Delaware, divi dend on 37 shares of stock, at $12 per share due May 10, 1838 444 00 Cash received ofthe Farmers' Bank at Dover, the 6lst dividend on 1904 shares of stock, at $1 50 per share, due July 1, 1838 2,856 00 Cash received of the Farmers' Bank at New Castle, the 61st dividend on 295 shares of stock at $1 50 per share, due July 1, 432 50 Amount carried forw(lrd, $26,644 15-l 349 CREDITOR.
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