Congressional Record- Senate. April 14
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3932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. APRIL 14, By Mr. MERCER: Resolution of the National Association of The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair hears Stationary Engineers of Omaha, Nebr., praying for the passage non€1, and it is so ordered. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings of House bill No. 3618, to organize and increase the efficiency of will be read by the Secretary. the personnel of the Navy-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro Also, resolutions of the. city council of Aurora, Nebr., favoring ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. GALLINGER, and by unanimous the transmississippi and international exposition of Omaha-to consent, the further reading was dispensed with. the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. MILLER of Kansas: Petition of Martin McDonald and PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. 500 others, of Kansas City, Kans., in regard to the Marquette The VICE-PRESIDENT presented· the petition of Rev. J. E. statue-to the Committee on the Library. Rankin, D. D., LL.D., president of Howard University, Washing Byl\lr. MORSE: Petition of the Presbyterian Church of Barne ton, D. C., praying that the annual appropriations for the sup:port gat, N.J., praying for the enactment of a Sunday-rest law for of that university be considered favorably by the Senate; which the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Columbia. He also presented a petition of Great Bridge Chapter, Daugh Also, petition of Messrs. Kasson & Palmer, of Boston, Mass., ters of the American Revolution, of Norfolk, Va., praying for protesting against the passage of House bill No. 4566, relating to the publica.tion of the records and papers of the Continental Con second-class mail matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office gress; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. and Post-Roads. Mr. BURROWS presented a petition of the board of reference Also, petition of Henry Turner and 56 other citizens of Brock and control of the World's Columbian Commission; which was ton, Mass., asking for adoption of the metric system of weights and referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be measures-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. printed in the RECORD, as follows: By Mr. OTJEN: Petition of C. C. Cole and 84 others, of the To the honorable the Senate and Mil waukee National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, favor House of Rep~·esentatives of the United States: ing the passage of an act enabling any inmate of the Home to live At a meeting of the board of reference and control of the World's Colum bian Commission held in Washington, D. C., on the 15th day of February.2 with his family at a cost not to exceed the average expense of such A. D. 1896, a committee consisting of the president of the Commission ana inmate at the Home-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Commissioners P. H. Lannan, of Utah; 0. V. Tousley, of Minnesota, and By Mr. QUIGG: Petition of Adolph ~lexander and others, for J. W. St. Clair, of West Virginia, were appointed a committee to present the following preamble and resolutions to the Committee on Ap:propriations in the passage of a bill for the adoption of the metric system-to the the two Houses of Congress and urge upon them the adoptiOn of the sug Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. gestions therein contained: By Mr. SCRANTON: Petition of Hon. J. B. Van Bergen and "Whereas section 13 of the act of Congress approved July 25, 1890, entitled 'An act providing for celebrating the four hundredth anniversary of the other citizens of Carbondale, Pa., in favor of the metric system discovery of America. by Christopher Columbus by holdjng an international to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, and products of the soil, mines, By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of Perseverance Council, No. 33, and sea, in thecity of Chicago, in th9 State of lllinois,' provides- " 'That it shall be the duty of the Commission to make report from tima Daughters of Liberty: of New Haven, Conn., praying for the pas to time to the President of the United States of the progress of the work, and sage of the Stone immigration bill-to the Committee on Immi in a final report I>!_esent a full exhibit of the results of the exposition '; and gration and Naturalization. "Whereas the World's Columbian Commission. created by said act of Con. gress in order to secure in a proper and econoinic way the preparation of Also, resolutions of Eli Whitney Lodge, No. 80, Order United said final report on the 19th day of October,l893, adopted the followin&": American Mechanics, of Hamden, Conn., in favor of the Lodge "'Whereas under the provisions of section 13 of the act of Congress it 1s pro immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Natu vided that the Commission shall make a final report to the President of the ralization. United States, in which shall be presented a full exhibit of the results of the Exposition, and in order to secure the preparation of said report in the most By Mr. CHARLES W. STONE: Resolutions of the Teachers' economic and comprehensive manner, Institute of Chester, Pa., in favor of the adoption of the metric "'Resolved, That a ~cial committee to consist of eight commissioners is system of weights and measures-to the Committee on Coinage, hereby created of which the President shall be a member and chairman thereof\ l!-nd the seven remaining members shall be appointed by the Presi· Weights, and Measures. dent, wnich committee, when so a.p_pointed, shall proceed to prepare for sub By Mr. TYLER: Petition of Great Bridge (Va.) Chapter of mission to this Commission for its final authoritative action the said final re Daughters of the American Revolution, asking for an appropria port referred to in section 13 of the said act of Congress. "'Resolv~d, That all resolutions or orders of this Commission, in so far as tion for the publication of the official documents relating to tbe they may confiict with the provisions of the foregoing resolution, are hereby American Revolutionary period-to the Committee on Printing. re:\'ealed;' and Also, petition of citizens of Newport News, Va.; also petition ' Whereas on the authorit,Y of said committee on final report. a subcommit tee thereof bas already prevared so much of said final report a.s could be of George P. Dravo and 12 others, of Milwaukee, Wis., favoring done without the transmission of the report of the various departments of the metric system of weights and measures-to the Committee on the Exposition, and more especially that of the Director-General and the Coinage, Weights, and Mea.sures. committee on awards; and "Whereas the committee on awards has now finished its work and trans By Mr. WASHINGTON: Petition of J. T. Howell and others; mitted to the president of the Commission its report, and the Secretary of also of W. L. Dudley and others, all of Nashville, Tenn., in favor the Treasury has now about completed the medals and diplomas to be deliv of bill for the adoption of the metric system of weights and meas ered to the exhibitors at the World's Columbian Exposition, and has been authorized and instructed by this board to make delivery thereof to the ures-to the Committee on Coinage, Weight.s, and Measures. parties entitled thereto; and By Mr. WOOMER: Petition of S. J. Woelfly and 12.'5 other citi "Whereas the World's Columbian Commission on the 3d day of N ovembeJ', zens of Jonestown, Pa., favoring the passage of joint resolution 1893, adopted the following: "'Whereas it is essentialtotheproperpreparation of the final report of the No. 11, amending the Constitution-to the Committee on the result of the Exposition that the official reports of the various departments Judiciary. and agencies should be prepared as speedily as possible, so that the special committee charged with the duty of preparing and submitting such final report for the consideration of the Commission may have access thereto: Therefore • SENATE. "'Resolved, That when and as such official reports shall be completed they shall be immediately delivered to the president of the Commission and by him submitted to the said special committeei. and further, that all officers TUESDAY, Apr·il14, 1896. whose duty it is to make such official reports oe enjoined to discharge this duty as promptly as practicable,' which was a direction to the Director-Gen The Chaplain, Rev. W. ~·MILBURN, D. D., offered the follow eral and all chiefs of departments and other subordinate officers of the Com ing prayer: mission to transmit to said committee on reJ,>ort the final reports to be Almighty Father, we come into Thy presence with joy and made by them, respectively; nevertheless, the srud Director-Gener al has up to this time failed to deliver to said committee his report, which necessarily thanksgiving, as we commemorate the birthday of Thy venerable incorporates the reports of the beads of all the departments of the Exposi servant, the senior Senator from Vermont. We bless Thee that tionl-Tbut, as this board is informed, has filed the same with the Congress of Thou hast brought him to his eighty-sixth birthday hale in body, the united States; and "Whereas the Senate of the Unit.ed States has, by an amendment to the clear, sound, and vigorous in intellect, happy in his family, in the urgent deficiency bill now pending in Congress, provided that the 'entire warm and loving esteem of his brothers of the Senate, the people compensation of the Director-General for the work of preparing his final re· of his own State, and his fellow-citizens throughout this broad port and for all sums expended or paid out by him upon such work, and for any sums due under a~eements or contracts for assistants for such work: land.