ST. JOHN's ALEXANDRA 1867 to 2018
HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF ST. JOHN'S ALEXANDRA 1867 to 2018 By Maurice Pawsey C HURCH H ISTORY S ERIES HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF ST. JOHN'S ALEXANDRA 1867 to 2018 © BY MAURICE PAWSEY Photograph contributors: St. John's Anglican Church, Maurie Pawsey, Kellock Lodge, State Library Victoria, Parliament of Victoria, Sandra Cumming, Allan Layton, Wayne and Jo Miller, Kelly Petersen Early Photographer contributions: Lin Cumming, Herbert Valance, James Abomady, Messrs Martin & Cawston INTRODUCTON There have been several attempts at writing a history of the Parish of St. John's, Anglican Church in Alexandra, part of the Diocese of Wangaratta. In part this has been done by Brian Lloyd, in Alexandra & District, and this has corroborated material in this history. Parishioner Norma Miller in her Partners in Mission 1984 also com- piled a great deal of information about the Parish of her time to then. A brief attempt was made by myself, in the 2012 booklet prepared for the Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the laying of the Foundation stone of the 1938 Church in Downey Street - the current Church. With the involvement of numerous history enthusiasts in Alexandra and Allan Layton in particular during the lead-up to the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of Alexandra, the need to expand on these earlier works became essential. This work therefore borrows from all of the above, plus exhaustive research by Allan Layton and to a lesser extent by myself into the editions of the Alexandra Standard through "TROVE". Finally, reading of interminable Minute Books of the Annual General Meetings and Meetings of Guardians and Vestry Meetings by myself.
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