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659 SHACKERSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Congerstone Village Hall on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 7.30 pm. Present: Mr A Wright, Mr P Bannister, Mr M Foley, Mr S Brown, Mr D MacIsaac, Mrs J Reed and Mr I Ould for part of the meeting Apologies: none 3 members of the public were present. 808. Declaration of Members Interests and Requests for Dispensations: none 809. Minutes of the meeting of 14th January 2015 were signed as a correct record. 810. Report from County Councillor: Mr Ould will be attending various King Richard III local events. Mr Ould has written to the Chief Constable and Crime Commissioner regarding local crime and has received a reply from the Chief Constable. Investigations into social care are still continuing and Mr Ould has been working on a partnership with Leicestershire Police regarding this. 811. Clerk’s report and Matters arising: nothing to report. 812. Correspondence: The following were noted as received: LRALC Newsletter No. 1 Clerks & Councils Direct Publication March 2015 The Clerk magazine January 2015 Carlton News February 2015 Loros Matters publication Information regarding the Universal Credit from Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council 813. Community Bus Partnership and Bus Service No 7: Mr Harris gave a report on the meetings that he had attended and advised that our Parish was not on the suggested route. Mr Harris had volunteered to be on the committee and had put forward a route that included our parish. Thanks for given to Mr Harris for his continuing work on behalf of the parish. It was agreed to write to the LCC supporting the route that supports our parish as we would have a number of parishioners that would be severely disadvantaged without this bus service. Clerk to action 814. Elections 2015: The clerk reported that she had attended two information briefings and had a supply of nomination forms available. It was confirmed that all nomination papers need to be hand delivered from Tuesday 24th March until 4pm Thursday 9th April 2015 to The Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, LE10 0FR. Polling Day is Thursday 7th May 2015. 815. Allotments: Mr Foley requested that a letter be sent to The Crown Estate asking if they could identify any suitable land as there are eight parishioners interested in an allotment. Clerk to action 816. Gopsall Walk: It was confirmed that a licence for the information boards is required, the fee for this is £50.00. Clerk to action 817. Broadband Service: Mr P White advised that he had been trialling a 4G solution but it was not consistent enough to be a viable option. He also advised that Superfast Leicestershire would be announcing the next roll out phase in the coming weeks. 660 818. Parish Council Web Support Service for 2015-16: It was agreed to continue with this service. 819. Transparency code for smaller authorities: The clerk reported that it was likely that this code would become mandatory from the start of the new financial year and that we comply with all areas. 820. Donation Requests (S137 Grants) Congerstone School had requested a donation for developing sporting and community opportunities, it was agreed not to give a donation to this. Barton Fabis Baptist Church requested a donation towards churchyard maintenance, a donation of £400.00 was agreed. West Leicestershire Community First Responders requested a donation towards continuing service, a donation off £150.00 was agreed. 821. Councillor resignation The clerk reported that Mr Beadman had resigned during February. It was agreed to continue with five councillors until the election in May 2015. 822. Play Areas and ground maintenance issues: Play area Inspection Reports for January and February were noted with no issues. It was reported that replacement trees had been planted in Congerstone churchyard and avenue of trees between Congerstone and Bilstone. 823. Cemeteries: Mr Wright reported that he had spoken to Mr Mills of the Crown Estate who had given a favourable response with regard to the cemetery extension. The clerk was to make approach to Carter Jonas to arrange for a meeting to take place after the elections in May. Quotations are still being obtained for repairs to the churchyard wall at Shackerstone. Clerk to action The clerk confirmed the relevant planning application had been applied for, permission had been granted for works to be carried out on two of the trees. Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council had placed Tree Preservation Orders on six trees therefore a further application was required. It was agreed to postpone putting in this application until after August to comply with all relevant restrictions on tree works regarding nesting birds. 824. Planning: The following applications have been received: 20.01.15 14/00780/FUL (Re-consultation) Conversion of existing outbuildings to form one new dwelling at Odstone Hill House, Odstone – no comments 22.01.15 14/00165/FUL (Re-consultation) Formation of five new dwellings at Bilstone Hill Farm, Bilstone – comments made previously 2.2.15 15/00067/TPOCA Tree works at St Marys Church, Congerstone – this is a Parish Council application 2.2.15 15/00032/COU Change of use of agricultural building for the storage of farm machinery and vehicles at Ivy House Farm, Odstone – comments made 20.2.15 14/011096/OUT Demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 11 dwellings (outline – access only) at Yew Tree Farm, Main Street, Barton in the Beans – comments made previously 15.1.15 Leicestershire County Council 2015/REG3Mi/0011/LCC retrospective applications for the renewal of planning permission of timber 1 classroom building and 2015/REG3Mi/0012/LCC retrospective application for the retention of mobile building at Congerstone Primary School, Congerstone – comments made 9.03.15 Variation of condition 1 of temporary planning permission 11/000895/temp to extend the permission until 8th March 2018 in order for the applicant to demonstrate the long term viability of the business at Land off West End, Barton in the Beans- no comments 661 825. Finance: Funds at 11th January 2015 were: Current Account: £3112.51, Business Manager Account: £62211.11. Direct Debits: Parish Council Telephone line Kalnet4U Ltd £5.53 for January 2015, £4.40 for February 2015. Standing Orders: Jane Reed salary £352.10 paid on 25th February 2015. The Crown Estate for Odstone and Shackerstone Play Area Rental 25/3/15 to 26/06/15 £58.60 Cheques signed since last meeting: 3.2.15 Roecliffe Tree Surgery Invoice No 54 for £1583.33 plus vat for tree works at Shackerstone – payment terms 7 days. Cheques to be signed: Playground Inspection Training course £55.00 Clerks & Council Direct Publication subscription £12.00 Licence application fee for information boards – Gopsall Walk £50.00 Clerks expenses mileage total 192 miles x 55.8p £107.13 R P Stoney & Sons for replacement trees, repairing guards and mending fence £1262.40 Midlands Lawn Care Ltd for spring treatment at Shackerstone cemetery £30.00 Barton Fabis Barton Church donation towards churchyard maintenance £400.00 West Leicestershire Community First Responders donation towards continuing service £150.00 Total cheques £2066.53 S106 Contribution Monies: Quotations for replacement and refurbished railings are still being obtained. It was reported that the claw back time for Congerstone is 21.6.18 Deposit Bond Reinvestment: HSBC had advised that the Deposit Bond service is no longer available, it was agreed to reinvest in a Money Market Account. Clerk to action Quarterly Bank Reconciliation October to December 2014: This had been inspected by the Internal Auditor and Mr P Bannister and recorded as a true and correct record. Christmas Decorations Contribution from Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council: It was agreed that there was no action. Clerk Expenses and mileage rates: It was agreed that the clerk should be paid £18.00 per month for heating, lighting and telephone calls contribution and that the mileage rate should change from 55.8 pence per mile to 45pence. This is in line with other local clerks. The clerk confirmed that Vat reclaim had been received totalling £3089.16 826. Matters raised by Councillors and members of the public: A member of the public made enquiries as to why the Council have high reserves, it was confirmed that there are a number of projects over the next couple of years where the reserves will be utilised. The parishioners’ contribution for the Parish Council from the Council Tax was raised but the value was not known. It was requested that the village triangle should not be mowed until the bulbs have finished, it was confirmed this area is LCC responsibility. 827. Confidential Items: There were no confidential items of business at the meeting. The meeting closed at 8.50pm. Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 20th May 2015, 7.30pm at Shackerstone Village Hall. Signed: Date: .