
Issue 2, Volume 5, 2011 82

Derivations and Iterated Skew Rings

Michael Gr. Voskoglou

Abstract Two are the objectives of the present D of derivations of R, and that is why our concern is paper. First we study properties of a differentially turned to commutative rings only. Some characteristic simple commutative R with respect to a set D of examples of commutative Dsimple rings, where D is a derivations of R. Among the others we investigate the non singleton set of derivations, are given below. relation between the Dsimplicity of R and that of the local ring RP with respect to a prime P of R and Example 1.1: The R=k[x ,x ,…,x ] over we prove a criterion about the D simplicity of R in 1 2 n a k is a D , where case where R is a 1dimensional () finitely generated over a field of characteristic ∂ ∂ ∂ D={ ,...., }. zero and D is a singleton set. The above criterion was ∂ ∂ ∂xxx quoted without proof in an earlier paper of the author. 21 n Second we construct a special class of iterated skew Proof: If I is a non zero Dideal of R and f is in I, we can polynomial rings defined with respect to finite sets of k i derivations of a ring R (not necessarily commutative) write f= ∑ i xf 1 , with fi in k[x2,…,xn] for each i. Then commuting to each other. The important thing in this i=0 class is that, if R is a , then its k differential simplicity is the necessary and sufficient ∂ f =k!fk is a non zero element of condition for the simplicity of the corresponding skew ∂x k polynomial ring. 1 I ∩ k[x2,…,xn]. Repeating the same argument for fk and Key-Words- Derivations, Differentially simple rings, Finitely keep going in the same way one finds, after n at most generated , Iterated skew polynomial rings, Simple steps, that I ∩ k ≠ {0}. Thus I=R. rings. Example 1.2: The power series ring R=k[[x1,x2,…,xn]] I. DIFFERENTIALLY SIMPLE COMMUTATIVE over a field k is a Dsimple ring, where D is as in RINGS example 1.1 . The proof is the same as above.

zyxIR ],,[ ALL the rings considered in the first two sections of Example 1.3: Let R= be the 222 this paper are commutative with identity and all the fields ( zyx −++ )1 are of characteristic zero, unless it is otherwise stated. A coordinate ring of the real sphere (IR denotes the field of local ring is understood to be a with a the real numbers). Consider the IRderivations d 1 and d 2 unique ; if R is not Noetherian, then we call → it a quasilocal ring. A Noetherian ring with finitely of the polynomial ring IR[x,y,z] defined by d 1 : x y+z, many maximal ideals is called a semilocal ring. For y → zx, z → xy, and d 2 : x → y+2z, y → xyzx, z → special facts on we refer freely to 2 ++ 222 [2],[13], and [21], while for the concepts of Algebraic xy 2x. Then, since d i ( zyx 1)=0, for i=1,2 , Geometry used in the paper we refer freely to [4]. d i induces an IRderivation of R, denoted also by d i . Let R be a ring (not necessarily commutative) and let D be a set of derivations of R. Then an ideal I of R is called Set D = {d 1 , d 2 }, then R is a Dsimple ring (cf. [38], a Dideal, if d(I) ⊆ I for all derivations d in D , and R is Lemma 3.1). called a Dsimple ring if it has no non trivial Dideals. The following example concerns a non trivial case of a When D is a singleton set, say D={d} , then, in to differentially simple ring of prime characteristic: simplify our notation, I is called a dideal and R is called a dsimple ring respectively. In general R is called a Example 1.4: Let k be a field of prime characteristic, say differentially simple ring, if there exists at least one set D p, and let R and D be as in example 1.1. Then p p p of derivations of R, such that R is a Dsimple ring. I=(x1 ,x2 ,…,xn ) is obviously a Dideal of R and Every Dsimple ring R contains the field ∂ therefore each , i=1,2,…,n , induces a derivation, say F= C(R) [∩∩ ker d], where C(R) denotes the center ∈Dd ∂xi of R, and therefore, if R is of characteristic zero, then it contains the field of rational numbers. Non commutative differentially simple rings exist in abundance, e.g. every simple ring R is Dsimple for any


∂f (i.e. a localization of a finitely generated kalgebra at a di , of the factor ring R/I by di(f+I)= +I, for all f in R. prime ideal of R), Hart [7] constructed a derivation d of ∂ xi R, such that R is a dsimple ring. The above results show * * Set D ={d1,d2,…,dn}, then R/I is a D simple ring. that for a wide class of rings of characteristic zero the d Proof: If A is a non zero D*ideal of R/I, then A΄= simplicity is connected with the regularity, a property {f∈k[x1,x2,…,xn] : f+I∈A} is obviously a Dideal of which requires from a ring R to have a “special” kind of k[x1,x2,…,xn] containing properly I. It becomes evident dimension. In fact, in this case every maximal ideal M of that there exists f in A΄ with all its terms of the R can be generated by dim RM elements, where RM mm m form 21 ....xxcx n , with c in k and 0 <≤ pm , for denotes the localization of R at M. In particular, if R is a 21 n i finitely generated algebra, then M can be generated by each i=1, 2,…,n. Let m be the greatest which dim R elements. appears as exponent of x1 in the terms of f. Without loss Consider now the localization RP of a ring R at a proper of the generality we may assume that m ≠ 0. Then prime ideal P of R. Then every derivation d of R extends m ∂ f to a derivation of RP by the usual rule of differentials for 0 ≠ = m!f (x ,…,x ) is in A΄. If f is not in k, we ∂ m 1 2 n 1 rational functions. We prove the following result: x1 repeat the same argument for f1 and we keep going in the Theorem 1.6: Let R and RP be as above. Then, if R is a same way until we find, after a finite number of steps, Dsimple ring with respect to a set D of derivations of R, that A΄ ∩ k ≠ }0{ . Thus A = R/I and the result follows. RP is also Dsimple. Conversely, if RP is Dsimple with There is no general criterion known to decide whether or respect to a set D of derivations of RP whose restrictions not a given ring R is differentially simple. However it to R are derivations of R, then R is also a Dsimple ring. seems that there is a connection between the differential Proof: Assume first that R is a Dsimple ring, while Rp is simplicity and the Krull dimension of R (denoted by dim not. Let q be a prime ideal of RP, such that d(q) ⊆ q for all R). The following result demonstrates this connection, d in D. Then there exists a prime ideal Q of R not meeting when R is of prime characteristic: P, such that q = Qe r Theorem 1.5: Let R be a ring of prime characteristic, say = { : r∈Q, s∈RP} (cf. [2], Proposition 3.11). Since R p, and let D be a set of derivations of R, such that R is D s simple. Then R is a 0dimensional, quasilocal ring. is a Dsimple ring, we can find r in Q, such that d(r)∉Q Proof: Let M be a maximal ideal of R and let I be the r p for all d in D. But d( )=d(r) is in ideal of R generated by the set {m : m∈M}. Then, since 1 R is of characteristic p, I is a proper Dideal of R, Qe =q, therefore d(r) is in Q, which is absurd. therefore the Dsimplicity of R implies that I=(0). Thus M For the converse, assume that there exists a non zero is contained in the nil radical, say N, of R and therefore prime ideal, say Q, of R, such that d(Q) ⊆ Q, for all M=N. Let now P be a prime ideal of R contained in M. ∈ ⇔ Then, since N is equal to the intersection of all prime derivations d of D. Then, for all r in Q, d(r) Q ideals of R and M=N, we get that M=P. Thus N is the sd(r)∈Q, for all s in PR unique prime ideal of R and this proves the theorem. − srdrsd )()( r e ⇔ d )( ∈= Q . Thus RP is not a D As an immediate consequence of the above theorem, if R s2 s is a domain, then R is a field (since M=N=(0)) and simple ring, which is a contradiction. – therefore the interest is turned mainly to rings of characteristic zero. In this case it is well known that a Corollary 1.7: Let R, RP and D be as in the converse differentially simple ring is always a domain, while, if a statement of the above theorem. Assume further that R is ring R contains the rational numbers and has no nonzero a semilocal finitely generated k. prime Dideals for a set D of derivations of R, then R is a Then R is a field. Dsimple ring (cf. [15], Corollary 1.5). Seidenberg proved Proof: By Noether’s normalization Lemma R is an that, if R is a domain which is a finitely generated algebra integral extension of a polynomial ring, say k[x1,x2,…,xm], over a field, then R is a Der Rsimple ring (where Der R and dim R=m. Further, by the correspondence of denotes the set of all derivations of R), if, and only if, R is maximal ideals in integral extensions, the number of a regular ring (cf. [28], Theorems 3 and 5). Thus, if R is maximal ideals of k[x1,x2,…,xm] should be finite. Dsimple for any set D of derivations of R, then R is a But (x1a1,x2a2,…,xmam) is a maximal ideal of regular ring. Hart [6] proved that this is actually true for k[x1,x2,…,xm], for all choices of the ai’s in k, i=1,2,….,m. the wider class of Grings, which contains all finitely Since k is of characteristic zero, it is an infinite field, generated algebras and all complete local rings over fields therefore, if m ≠ 0, then k[x1,x2,…,xm] has an infinite and is closed under localization ([21], pp. 249257). The number of maximal ideals, which is a contradiction. Thus converse of this statement is not true in general; e.g. the m=0 and the Krull dimension of R is zero. But, by coordinate ring R of the real sphere (example 3.1 above), Theorem 1.6, R is a Dsimple ring, therefore R is a although it is regular, admits no derivation d such that R domain and the result follows. is a dsimple ring (cf [7], example iii). However, if R is a The following example illustrates Theorem 1.6: of finitely generated type over a field k


Example 1.8: Let R=k[x1,x2] be a polynomial ring over a Proof: Let t be an element of T such that d(t) is not in T. field k; then it is easy to check that P=(x1) is a prime ideal Since S is integral over R, there exists a positive integer n of R. By example 1.1 R is a Dsimple ring, with such that n n1 2 ∂ ∂ f(t)=t +an1t +….+a2t +a1t+a0=0, D={ , }. Therefore, by Theorem 1.6, RP is also D with ai in R for each i=0,1,….,n1. Thus ∂ ∂xx n1 n2 21 a0=t(t +an1t +…..+a2t+a1) simple, where D in this case denotes the set of the is in T ∩ R = P , therefore d(a0) is also in P. But n1 n1 n2 2 ∂ ∂ d[f(t)]=nt d(t)+d(an1)t +(n1)an1t d(t)+…. +d(a2)t extensions of , to RP. +2a2td(t)+d(a1)t+a1d(t)+d(a0)=0. ∂ ∂xx 21 Therefore we can write a1d(t)=Atd(a0), with A in S. Thus a1d(t) is in T and therefore, since d(t) is not in T, a1 is in 2 II. FINITELY GENERATED DSIMPLE P. In the same way from d [f(t)]=0 we get that a2 is in P ALGEBRAS OF DIMENSION 1 and we keep going in the same way until we finally find n that ai is in P for each i=0,1,…,n1. Then d [f(t)]=0 Let D be a non singleton set of derivations of a ring R, implies that n![d(t)]n is in T, therefore d(t) is in T, which and assume that R is dsimple for some d in D, then contradicts our hypothesis. obviously R is also a Dsimple ring. Using the previous lemma we can also prove: The converse is not true; e.g., although there exists a set D of 2 derivations of the coordinate ring R of the real Lemma 2.3: Let R be as in Proposition 3.1, and let d be a sphere such that R is Dsimple (cf. Example 1.3), there is kderivation of R. Then, if M is a maximal ideal of R no derivation d of R such that R is dsimple.(cf. [7], invariant under d, d(yi) belongs to M for all i=1,2,…,n. example iii). Proof: Consider the polynomial ring A=k[x1,x2,…,xn], For a second counter example notice that, if a complete then R ≅ A/I, where I is an ideal of A. Let f be natural local ring R is dsimple for some derivation d of R, then map from A to R, then there exists a maximal ideal M΄ of the Krull dimension of R is 1 (cf. [37], Theorem 2.3). A (containing I) such that M=f(M΄) and d induces a k Thus, although the power series ring R=k[[x1,x2,…,xn]] derivation of A (denoted also by d) such that d(M΄) ⊆ ∂ ∂ ∂ M΄. over a field k is { ,...., }simple (cf. In fact, if d(yi)=hi, choose fixed hi΄ in A such that f(hi΄)= ∂ ∂ 21 ∂xxx n hi and define d by d(xi)= hi΄, i=1,…,n. Then, if m΄ is in Example 1.2), there is no derivation d of R such that R is M΄, we have that a dsimple ring. Thus the “strongest” property of a ring R n ′ n ′ concerning its differential simplicity is to admit a ∂m ∂ mf )( d(m΄)= ∑ hi ' , while d[f(m΄)]= ∑ hi . derivation d, such that R is dsimple. i=1 ∂xi i=1 ∂yi Notice that, if R is a differentially simple ring (and Thus f[d(m΄)]=d[f(m΄)]. But d(M) ⊆ M, therefore therefore a domain) of dimension 0, then R is a field. On d[f(m΄)] is in M, i.e. f[d(m΄)] is in M, which shows that the contrary, they are known several non trivial cases of d(m΄) is in M΄. dsimple rings of dimension 1, such as the polynomial Next denote by K the integral closure of k and consider an and the power series rings in one over a field (see arbitrary element, say F, of the polynomial ring examples 1.1 and 1.2 above), as well as non trivial B=K[x ,x ,…,x ]. Let a ,…,a be the non zero coefficients examples of 1dimensional rings which are not dsimple 1 2 n 1 j of F, then, since K΄=k(a ,…,a ) is a finite extension of k, for any derivation d (e.g. see example of [16]). Therefore 1 j the polynomial ring it looks interesting to a search for necessary and sufficient K΄[x ,x ,…,x ] (where F belongs) is a finitely generated conditions for the dsimplicity of 1dimensional rings. 1 2 n A and therefore it is integral over A (cf. [13], We shall do this below for finitely generated algebras Theorem17). Thus B is integral over A, and therefore over a field k. In this case it is easy to prove: there exists a maximal ideal, say N, of B such that

N ∩ A=M΄(cf. [13], Theorem44 and [2], Corollary5.8, Proposition 2.1: Let R be a finitely generated algebra p.61). But d extends to a Kderivation of B, therefore by over a field k, say R=k[y ,y ,…,y ]. Assume further that 1 2 n Lemma 2.1 we get that d(N) ⊆ N. Furthermore, by the there exists a derivation d of R such that R is a dsimple Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz ring. Then R=(d(y1),d(y2),…,d(yn)). Proof: Theorem 2.4 of [37]. (zeropoint Theorem), N=(x1c1,…,xncn) with ci in K for In Theorem 2.4 of [37] was quoted without proof that the each i=1,2,…,n. Thus d(xi) is in N and therefore d(yi) is in converse of Proposition 2.1 is also true. In order to prove M for all i=1,2,…,n. this we need the following two lemmas: We are ready now to prove:

Lemma 2.2: Let R and S be algebras over a field k such Theorem 2.4: Let R and d be as in Lemma 3.3. Assume that S is integral over R, and let d be a derivation of R further that the Krull dimension of R is 1.Then R is a d which extends to a derivation of S. Then, if P is a prime simple ring, if, and only if, dideal of R and T is a prime ideal of S such that R =(d(y1),d(y2),…,d(yn)). Proof: Assume that R=(d(y ),d(y ),…,d(y )) and let M be T ∩ R = P , T is a ddeal of S. 1 2 n a prime (and therefore maximal) ideal of R such that


d(M) ⊆ M. Then, by Lemma 2.3, d(yi) belongs to M for III. ON A SPECIAL CLASS OF ITERATED all i=1,2,…,n, fact which contradicts our hypothesis. The SKEW POLYNOMIAL RINGS OF converse is also true by Proposition 2.1. DERIVATION TYPE. The following example illustrates the above theorem: Let R be a ring (not necessarily commutative) with xxk ],[ identity. In this section we are going to construct a special Example 2.5: The coordinate ring R= 21 class of iterated skew polynomial rings defined with 2 2 ( 1 xx 2 −+ )1 respect to any finite set D of derivations of R commuting of the circle defined over a field k admits kderivations d, to each other. The important thing with the skew such that R is a dsimple ring. polynomial rings of this class is that, if R is a Proof: Theorem 2.2 of [39]. commutative ring, then its Dsimplicity is the necessary and sufficient condition for the simplicity of the Remarks 2.6: (i) As it becomes evident from the last part corresponding skew polynomial ring. of the proof of Lemma 2.2, if k is an algebraically closed In order to define skew polynomial rings over R, we field, then Theorem 2.3 is a straightforward consequence extend the notion of a derivation of R as follows: of the Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz. Also, if we take k to be the field of rational numbers, then, since every derivation Definition 3.1: Let f and g be any two endomorphisms of of R is a kderivation, Theorem 2.3 holds for any R. Then a map d: R → R is called a (f,g)derivation of R derivation of R. if d(a+b)=d(a)+d(b) and (ii) A derivation d of a ring R is called a simple d(ab)= g(a)d(b)+d(a)f(b), for all a,b in R. derivation, if R is a dsimple ring. They are certainly We have studied such kind of derivations of a ring R in known examples of finitely generated algebras of [36]. Notice that, if both f and g coincide with the identity dimension greater than 1, and even of infinite dimension, automorphism of R, then d becomes a derivation of R. admitting simple derivations, typified by polynomial Further, if only g is the identity automorphism of R, then rings in finitely and infinitely many variables over a field d is called a fderivation, or skew derivation of R defined k, and by rings in finitely many with respect to f. variables, say n, over k provided that the dimension of k Let now f be a monomorphism of R and let d be a f (as a ) over the field of the rational numbers derivation of R. Then we define a skew polynomial ring is greater or equal to n (cf. [37], section 3). In particular, over R as follows: for the polynomial ring k[x,y] most of the published examples of its simple derivations with d(x)=1 are of the Definition 3.2: Consider the set S of all in ∂ ∂ one variable, say x, over R. Define addition in S in the form d= + yxF ),( , where F(x,y) is a polynomial usual way and by the rule xr=f(r)x+d(r) (1) ∂x ∂y and the distributive law of multiplication with respect to of k[x,y] with degy F(x,y) ≤ 2 (e.g. [3], [12], [18], etc) . addition. Then S becomes a ring, called a skew (or ∂ ∂ twisted) polynomial ring over R and denoted by R[x; f, Nowicki [23] proved recently that s ++ pxy )( , d]. ∂x ∂y Such rings have been firstly introduced by Ore [24] in where s is an arbitrary positive integer and 0 ≠ p in k, is a 1933 over a ring R and that is why they are also simple derivation of k[x,y]. His proof is based on the well known as Ore extensions. Initially they were used as known fact that a derivation d of k[x,y] such that d(x)=1 counter examples, but eventually a broad bibliography is simple, if, and only if, d has no Darboux polynomials was developed about them, since it was realized that they (cf. [22]). appear an important theoretical interest. (iii) It is well known that, if the coordinate ring of a Notice that in the above definition we asked for f to be a variety , say Y, over a field k is regular, then Y is a monomorphism, and not a simple endomorphism of R, smooth variety (i.e. Y has no singular points). This result, just to block the case for x to be a of S. In combined to the fact that a dsimple finitely generated fact, if there were r1 ≠ r2 in R such that f(r1)=f(r2), then algebra is a regular ring (cf. [28]), shows that, if R is the x(r1r2)=f(r1)x+d(r1)[f(r2)x+d(r2)}=d(r1r2), coordinate ring of a singular variety, then R admits no therefore we should have x(r1r2)=0, if r1r2 is in the simple derivations. In [39] we have presented some of d. characteristic examples of smooth varieties over k (e.g. If f is the identity automorphism of R, then S is denoted cylinder, real torus considered as a 2dimensional surface by R[x; d] and is called a skew polynomial ring of in 4 dimensions, etc), which admit at least one simple derivation type over R. Then relation (1) gives that derivation. We emphasize that this is not true in general, xr=rx+d(r), for all r in R. Using this equation and the typical counter example being the coordinate ring of applying induction on n on finds that the real sphere (see example 1.3 above). n n n −ini (iv) For some interesting properties of the differential x r = ∑  )( xrd , for all r in R and all positive ideals of a ring the reader may look [34]. i=0  i  n. The following example illustrates this case:


(iii) Consider the set of all polynomials in n+1 variables, Example 3.3: Let T[x1] be a polynomial ring over a ring say x1,x2,…, xn,xn+1, over a ring T. Then the nth Weyl T, then the skew polynomial ring algebra An(T) over T is defined by induction as ∂ An(T)=A1[An1(T)]. Obviously we have that T[x ][x ; ] of derivation type over T[x ] is called the 1 2 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ x1 An(T)= T[x1][x2; ][x3; ]……[xn+1; ]= ∂x ∂x ∂x first over T and is denoted by A1(T). It 1 2 n becomes evident that the elements of A1(T) are ∂ ∂ ∂ polynomials in two variables x and x over T, while =T[x; D], with D={d, , ……., }, where d 1 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂t 1 2 n multiplication is defined by x1t=tx1, x2t=tx2+ = tx2 denotes the zero derivation of T. ∂x1 Next, given a finite set D of derivations of R commuting to each other, we shall construct an iterated skew ∂x1 for all t in T, x2x1=x1x2+ = polynomial ring of derivation type over R of the form ∂x1 R[x; D]. For this, we need the following lemma: =x1x2+1 and the distributive law. Notice also that, if d is the zero derivation of R, then Lemma 3.6: Let R be a ring, let d be a derivation of R, let the skew polynomial ring S is denoted by R[x; f], where S=R[x; d] be the skew polynomial ring of derivation type multiplication is defined by xr=f(r)x and the distributive over R defined with respect to d, and let d1 be another law. Using the previous equation and applying induction derivation of R. Then d1 can be extended to a derivation n n n on n one finds that x r=f (r)x , for all r in R and all of S by d1(x)=0, if and only if d1 commutes with d. positive integers n. Proof: Assume first that d1 is extended to a derivation of Next, following [5; p. xx, 14], we define skew polynomial S by d1(x)=0. Then, given r in R, we have that xd1(r)= rings in finitely many variables over R as follows: d1(xr)=d1[rx+d(r)]=d1(rx)+ +d1[d(r)]= d1(r)x+d1[d(r)] (2). Definition 3.4: Let S1=R[x1; f1, d1] be a skew polynomial But xd1(r)=d1(r)x+d[d1(r)] (3) and therefore (2) implies ring over the ring R, where f1 is a monomorphism and d1 that d1[d(r)]= d[d1(r)] for all r in R, or d1od= =dod1. is a f1derivation of R. Then, if f2 is a monomorphism and Conversely assume that d1 commutes with d. Then d1 d2 is a f2derivation of S1, the skew polynomial ring could be extended to a derivation of S, if d1(x) could be S2=S1[x2; f2, d2] is called an iterated skew polynomial defined in a way compatible with multiplication in S. But, ring over R and is denoted by S2=R[x1; f1, d1][x2; f2, d2]. given r in R, we have by (2) Keeping the same notation let us consider the finite sets that d1(xr)=d1(r)x+d1[d(r)]. Therefore, since d1od= H={f1,f2,…,fn}, where fi is a monomorphism of Si1 and =dod1, (3) gives that d1(xr)= xd1(r) (4). D={d1,d2,…dn}, where di is a fiderivation of But d1(xr)= d1(x)r+ xd1(r), therefore we must have Si1, i=1,0,…,n (we set S0=R). Then by induction we d1(x)r=0 for all r in R, which is true if we extend d1 to S define the iterated skew polynomial ring by d1(x)=0. Sn=R[x1; f1, d1][x2; f2, d2]…..[xn; fn, dn] (in n We are ready now to prove the following theorem: indeterminates) over R . In order to simplify our notation we shall denote this ring by Sn=R[x; H, D]. Theorem 3.7: Let R be a ring, and let D={d1,d2,….,dn} be If all the elements of H are identity automorphisms, then a finite set of derivations of R. Sn is denoted by R[x; D] (iterated skew polynomial ring of Denote by Si the set of all polynomials in indeterminates, derivation type over R), while if all the elements of D are say x1, x2,….., xi with coefficients in R, for i=0,1,2,….,n, zero derivations, then we have the iterated skew where S0=R. Define in Sn addition in the usual way and polynomial ring Sn=R[x; H]. multiplication by the rules xir=rxi+di(r) for all r in R, xixj=xjxi (5) for i,j=1,2,….n and the distributive law of Examples 3.5: (i) The first Weyl algebra A1(T) over a multiplication with respect to addition. ring T (cf. example 3.3) is an iterated skew polynomial Then Si is a skew polynomial ring (of derivation type) ring of derivation type in two variables over T of the form over Si1, for all i=1,2,…n, if and only if diodj=djodi, for ∂ all i,j=1,2,….n. T[x1; d][x2, ], where d denotes the zero derivation of Proof: Assume first that the elements of D commute to ∂x 1 each other. Obviously S1=R[x1; d1] is a skew polynomial T (in this case ring over R. We apply induction on n. In fact, assume that

T[x1; d] is the ordinary polynomial ring T[x1]). Si is a skew polynomial ring over Si1 for each i ≤ n −1. (ii) Set R= A (T). Then the first Weyl algebra A (R) over 1 1 By Lemma 3.6 dn is extended to a derivation of S1 by R is called the second Weyl algebra over T and is denoted dn(x1)=0. But, by our inductive hypothesis, S2=S1[x2,d2] by A (T). Obviously we have that 2 is a skew polynomial ring over S1. Therefore, by Lemma ∂ ∂ 3.6 again, dn, being a derivation of S1, is extended to a A2(T)= A1[A1(T)]=T[x1][x2; ][x3; ]. ∂x ∂x derivation of S2 by dn(x2)=0 and so on. We keep going in 1 2 the same way until we find, after a finite number of steps, that dn is extended to a derivation of Sn1 by dn(xi)=0,


i=1,2,…,n1. Let now ring R. It is easy to check that yixi=xiyi+1, while yixj=xjyi k ≠ aa a for i j , h= 21 ...xxxr n−1 be an element ∑ aaa n−121 21,..., n−1 i, j=1,2,…,n. 21 aaa n−1 =+++ 0.... Notice that, in order to have = xxxx ijji , it is necessary of Sn1, with r in R. For reasons of brevity we 21 ,.....,, aaa n−1 to have di o d j = d j o d I, for all i,j=1,2,…,n. In fact, aa )()( i write h=. ∑ xr . given r in R, we have a)( xx r = x + rdrx )([ ] = (x r)x +x d (r) = Then ji jji i j i j aa )()( aa )()( = rx x + d (r)x + d (r)x + (d od )(r) (6). x h=x ( xr )= xrx = i j i j j i i j n n ∑ ∑ n In the same way one finds that a)( a)( a)( aa )()( x xij r = rxjxi + dj(r)xi + di(r)xj + (djodi)(r) (7) ∑ n + n )]([ xrdxr = a)( and the result follows by equating the right hand sides of aa )()( aa )()( (6) and (7). ( xr )xn+ )( xrd = ∑ ∑ n However, if there exist x’s in Sn not commuting to each a)( a)( other, this does not mean that the same must happen with = hxn+dn(h). Thus Sn=Sn1[xn; dn] is a skew polynomial the derivations of D. An example illustrating this situation ring over Sn1. is the nth Weyl algebra An(T) over a ring T, n ≥ 1 (see Conversely, assume that Si is a skew polynomial ring over examples 3.5). In fact, the elements of An(T) are Si1, for all i=1,2,..,n. Then, since polynomials over T and therefore, as in example 3.8, the Sn=Sn1[xn,dn] is a skew polynomial ring over Sn1 and xi derivations of D commute to each other, while the x’s belongs to Sn1 for each i, 1 ≤ i

Example 3.8: Let R=T[y1,y2,…..,yn] be a polynomial ring an outer derivation of the polynomial ring R=T[x1] over a ∂ ∂ ∂ ring T, because x1 is a central element of R and over a ring T. Set D={ , ,…., }. Since the d(x1)=1 ≠ 0 . But d is extended to an inner derivation of ∂y1 ∂y2 ∂yn A1(T)=R[x2,d] induced by x2, because, by the definition of elements of R are polynomials with coefficients in T, their multiplication in A (T), we have that x f=fx +d(f), or partial are continuous functions. Therefore, by 1 2 2 d(f)=x2ffx2, for all f in R. the Young’s classical theorem of differential calculus, the For the general case we prove the following result: derivations of D commute to each other. Consider the set Sn of all polynomials in n indeterminates, 3.10 Proposition: Let d and d΄ be two derivations of a say x1, x2,….., xn, with coefficients in R and define in it ring R. Assume that d΄ is extended to an inner derivation addition in the usual way and multiplication by the rules of the skew polynomial ring S=R[x; d] induced by an ∂h n hxi=xih+ for all h in R and xixj=xjxi, i,j=1,…,n. Then, i element f= i xa of S. Then an is a central element of R ∂yi ∑ i=0 by Theorem 3.7, Sn=R[x; D] is an iterated skew and polynomial ring of derivation type over the polynomial


n  i  * * ik denotes the center of S i−1 and S 0 =R, for all rakakr = ai   d (r), for all r in R and each ∑   * ki += 1  − ki  i=1,2,…,n , S n is a simple ring [38; Theorem 2.1]. k=0,1,….,n1. * Proof: For all r in R, d΄(r)=frrf = Obviously, if ii −1 RSCd ≠∩ 0))(( , then d i is an n * i i outer derivation of S i−1 . Therefore, if the elements of D ∑ i ([ xa r)raix ] is in R, where i=0 commute to each other, the above result is a weaker form i of the result mentioned in remark (i). Also, if R is a i  i  − jij x r = ∑  )( xrd and the result follows by commutative ring, then the j * j=0   Dsimplicity of R implies the simplicity of S . straightforward calculations. n

However, if f is a monomorphism of R and d is an outer (v) Let D be a set of derivations of a ring R. Then, we call derivation of R extendable to a derivation of the skew a D ideal I of R a Dprime ideal, if, given any two D polynomial ring S=R[x; f], then d cannot be an inner derivation of S. In fact, assume that d is an inner ideals A, B of R such that AB ⊆ I, we have either A ⊆ I , derivation of S induced by an element or B ⊆ I . n i There is a connection among the prime ideals of the h= ∑ i xa of S. Then, for all r in R d(r)=hrrh iterated skew polynomial ring S=R[x;D] of Theorem 3.7 i=0 and the Dprime ideals of R. In fact, if P is a prime ideal n n of S, then P ∩ S is a Dprime ideal of R [32; Theorem i i i i = ∑ i ([ xa r)raix ]= ∑ i rfa )([ rai]x must be in R, 2.2]. Conversely, if I is a Dprime ideal of R, then IS is a i=0 i=0 prime ideal of S [32; Theorem 2.6]. wherefrom we get that d(r)=a0rra0 for all r in R. Thus d is an inner derivation R induced by a0, which contradicts (vi) Analogous relations hold among the semiprime our hypothesis. ideals of S and the Dsemiprime ideals of R [33]. We We are ready now to state the following important recall that a Dideal I of R is called Dsemiprime ideal, if remarks: for all Dideals A of R such that Ak ⊆ I , with k a positive

3.11 Remarks: (i) Let R be a ring of characteristic zero integer, we have that A ⊆ I . and let D={d1,……, dn} be a finite set of derivations of R commuting to each other. Assume further that R is a D (vii) Let H be a finite set of automorphisms of a ring R simple ring and that di is an outer derivation of Si1, commuting to each other. Then the iterated skew i=1,2,…,n (where S0=R). Then Sn=R[x; D] is a simple polynomial ring S=R[x; H] of Theorem 3.7 is not simple, ring [29; Theorem 3.4]. aa 22 an since 21 .....xxx n S, with a1, a2, …, an non negative Conversely, if Sn=R[x; D] is a simple ring, then no element of D is an inner derivation of R induced by an integers not all zero, is obviously a non zero, proper ideal of R. element of ∩ Kerd (where Kerd denotes the kernel of ∈Dd The T of S with respect to the Ore subset d) and R is a Dsimple ring [29; Theorem 3.3]. aa 22 an C={ 21 .....xxx n : a1, a2, …, an∈N}, where N is 1 the set of non negative integers, is denoted by T=R[x,x ; (ii) Analogous results hold (although their statement is a H] and is called an iterated skew Laurent polynomial ring little bit more complicated), if R is of prime characteristic (in n indeterminates) over R. In [31] we have obtained the [35; Theorems 2.3 and 2.4]. necessary and sufficient conditions for the simplicity of T.

(iii) As an immediate consequence of the previous IV. CONCLUSIONS AND OPEN PROBLEMS remarks, if R is a commutative ring and D is a finite set of derivations of R commuting to each other, then S =R[x; n The following conclusions, together with some open D] is a simple ring, if and only if R is a Dsimple ring. questions for future research, can be drawn from the

discussion presented in the paper: (iv) Let S *=R[x; D] be a skew polynomial ring in n • A differentially simple ring of prime finitely many indeterminates (not necessarily commuting characteristic has zero Krull dimension. This to each other under multiplication) over a ring R of means that for non trivial cases it cannot be an characteristic zero, defined with respect to a set (otherwise it is a field), while D={d ,d ,…,d } of derivations of R (we recall that 1 2 n just the opposite happens for rings of multiplication in S * is defined by the first of rules (5) n characteristic zero. only and the distributive law). Then, if R is a Dsimple • * * For rings of characteristic zero and apart from ring and ii −1 RSCd ≠∩ 0))(( , where C(S i−1 ) special cases (e.g. 1dimensional finitely generated algebras over a field, regular local


rings of finitely generated type, etc) there is not not commuting under multiplication (e.g. see known any general criterion to decide whether, remarks 3.11, iv). or not, a given ring is differentially simple. • Although it seems that in most cases there exists IV. EPILOGUE a connection between the differential simplicity and the Krull dimension of a ring, it looks It is well known that progress in mathematics is usually difficult for such a criterion (for the case of achieved in two ways. characteristic zero) to be found in future, since The first of them starts from the effort of applying there exist known examples of differentially mathematics to solve real world problems, or practical simple rings even of infinite dimension, e.g. problems of our everyday life. Sometimes however, the polynomial rings in infinitely many variables. already known mathematical theories are proved to be not On the contrary, it is possible to be found in suitable (or not enough) for solving the corresponding future new examples (isolated, or categories) of problem. In such cases the researchers are forced in trying differentially simple rings. to invent new mathematical theories in order to achieve • Some times the differential simplicity of a ring their purpose. Characteristic examples are the recently can be connected with its geometric developed theories of Fuzzy Sets [40] and of Chaotic characteristics, e.g. coordinate rings of certain Dynamics and Fractals ([20], [26]), which they have smooth varieties over a field of characteristic found lots of applications in practice (e.g. [1], [8], [9], zero, like the circle, the real sphere, the cylinder, [25], etc). the real torus, etc. It is certainly known however The second way concerns the pure mathematical research, that not all the coordinate rings of such varieties i.e. the process of “doing mathematics for mathematics’’. admit simple derivations (e.g. real sphere). But But, the amazing thing is that frequently, theories what happens for the smooth varieties over an developed through pure mathematical research, find, algebraically closed field? Very possibly, for some times many years after their development, example, the coordinate ring successful applications to real situations. The best zyxC ],,[ example for this is probably the use by Einstein of the 222 of the complex sphere, Rieman’s Geometry as a tool for the development of his ( zyx −++ )1 Relativity Theory. where C denotes the field of complex numbers, This amazing phenomenon was fist underlined by the admits a simple derivation (we have studied the great Plato, who believed in an already existing “Universe unpublished work of a colleague, who claims of Mathematics”, wherefrom people eventually find some that he has constructed such a derivation, elements. Many centuries later H. O. Pollak [27] although we have some doubts for the presenting the “Circle of Modelling” between the real correctness of the proof given). This possibility world and the universe of mathematics considered the raises the following question: If R is the “Classical Applied Mathematics” and the “Applicable coordinate ring of a smooth variety over an Mathematics” as two intersected, but not equal sets, the algebraically closed field, does R admit simple latter being topics from mathematics with a great derivations? The answer to this question is not mathematical interest, but without any visible, for the known (at least to us). moment, applications, although it is possible to find such • In section 3 we have constructed a special class applications in future (for more details and a of iterated skew polynomial rings of derivation characteristic diagram see [36 ; section 2]). type over a ring R, such that, if R is In our case, derivations and skew polynomial rings are commutative, then its differential simplicity is topics of the modern , which is certainly a the necessary and sufficient condition for the field of pure mathematical research. However skew simplicity of the corresponding skew polynomial polynomial rings have found recently two very interesting ring S of the above class. There is also a applications in real practice and that is why the connection among the prime ideals of S and the, researchers’ interest has been renewed about them. so called by us, Dprime ideals of R. The former of these applications concerns the use of • Not all known properties of skew polynomial quantum groups, i.e. Hopf algebras having in addition a rings of derivation type in one structure analogous to that of a Lee [19], as a tool over R can be transferred by induction to the in Theoretical Physics. In fact, it has been observed that iterated skew polynomial rings of the above many of these algebras can be expressed in the form of class. For example, this happens with the result an iterated skew polynomial ring. about the simplicity of S, which for n=1 is due to The latter application concerns the use of skew Jordan [11]. Therefore a future research activity polynomial rings in coding theory. More explicitly, could concern the effort to transfer other such Jatengaokar [10] studied in detail the structure of properties from S1 to Sn. An other interesting monomorphism skewed polynomial rings over activity could also concern the effort to transfer semisimple rings and showed that they are indeed direct these properties to skew polynomial rings in sums of rings. The entries in these rings came finitely many indeterminates over R, which are from of matrix rings over skew polynomial


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