How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Introduction

How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio

Copyright © 2017 Leon Oscar Kidando

About the Author

I’m Leon Oscar Kidando Lwoga, a game developer from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. I have been passionate about making for many years. However it was in 2013 that I decided to pursue Game Development as more than just a hobby. In 2015, I released my first commercial game for windows Battle Buggy Grounds.

After learning more about game development, years later, I published a handful of other games (which you can find on myGameJolt and profiles). My next commercial game project is Battle Buggy Glitch.

I’m determined to turn my passion for developing games into more than just a hobby.

What this book covers

This book covers making 3 games in GameMaker Studio using GML (Game Maker Language) code. It does not include publishing your games in market places. Rather it focuses only making these 3 video games from scratch.

It will cover concepts and the fundamentals of developing games in general. Exploring common game features such as manipulating game images, sound and designing within GameMaker.

You will need GameMaker Studio

You will require Free/Standard, Professional or Master edition of GameMaker Studio. Any version should work but this course be using version 1.4. Users of GameMaker Studio 2.0 can also follow along. There’s a section that briefly highlights the differences between GameMaker Studio 1.4 and 2.0 for those completely new to both applications.

Who this book is for This book is for anyone ready to learn how to make games with no prior experience. It will be less challenging for those with a programming background, but this book is meant to hand-hold you throughout the entire process of making these 3 games. Even the programming concepts you will learn in this book have been explained in a non- conventional way.

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It is not a detailed guide on how GameMaker Studio works nor is it a book that teaches GML coding from top-to-bottom. Rather it is concerned mostly with the exact requirements required to the games the course will teach you to make.

The first game is simple. The next game is slightly more challenging to create. The last is the most challenging of the 3 and utilizes more of the functionality GameMaker has.

Things to note

Any text that you see surrounded in an orange box such as this, will be used to go into a deeper explanation of concepts. It will also be used to offer readers with no prior programming experience a non conventional explanation of some of these concepts.

Any words highlighted in red and emphasized will be used to mark an important keyword or phrase. It will also be used to highlight an element (like a button or icon) in GameMaker Studio.

Any text written in a grey box such as this will contain code that can be copied and directly pasted in GameMaker Studio.

This is to save you time from having to re-write on your own if you do not wish to.

Also, you will notice that I indent code sometimes. For example, instead of writing this block of code like this:

Why GameMaker? Here’s some inspiration GameMaker and GameMaker Studio have been praised by many in the game development industry for being easier to understand than many other game creation applications in the market.

Not only that, but GameMaker and GameMaker Studio is responsible for the existence of so many amazing games.

Below is a list links to games created by GameMaker.

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Nuclear Throne Ultimate Briefcase Deadbolt Psebay Classic Iron Snout Gunpoint Nidhogg Skein 8bit Killer See No Evil Maldita Castilla Samurai Gunn Death’s Gambit Hydorah Downwell Charge Shot Battle Buggy Glitch

Get in touch with me If you have any feedback about the book, please feel free to get in touch with me. email: [email protected] twitter: @kidando facebook: kidando

Final word before we begin I just want to wish you well on your journey to becoming a great game developer. More than anything, your imagination and willingness to experiment will be responsible for how well you make progress throughout your journey. When faced with challenges or concepts you may not immediately understand, experiment and seek alternative methods to accomplishing the same task.

Page 4 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents

GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0 6 A quick look at what’s different in GameMaker Studio 2.0 and why you can still follow along if you don’t have access to version 1.4.

Game 1: Chaos Disks 24 A simple game to introduce you to the game development work-flow inside of GameMaker Studio.

Game 2: Fight Space Turbo 78 A side scrolling space shooter that uses the fundamentals learned in Game 1 to build a slightly more complex gaming experience.

Game 3: Dangerous Dude 133 A platformer that teaches the basics of popular gaming mechanics like accomplishing goals, collecting items and moving between levels.

Page 5 GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0

About this chapter We will look at the important differences between GameMaker Studio 1.4 and 2.0 for this course. By the time his e-book was coming out, YoYo Games (owners of GameMaker Studio) stopped providing copies of GameMaker Studio 1.4 for free.

Users now have to download 2.0 which might give them access to 1.4 as well. The differences aren’t that extreme. Users of both 2.0 and 1.4 will be able to follow along without any issues. How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0

By the time I published this e-book, GameMaker Studio 2.0 was officially released and 1.4 was no longer made available for free download.

Although this course uses screen-shots (and work-flow) from GameMaker Studio 1.4 (the version before GameMaker Studio 2.0 was introduced), making games in either version remains fundamentally the same.

The graphical interface was overhauled, but a lot of the components from 1.4 can still be found in 2.0 if you know where to look.

You can use the course with any of the versions. Here are some important comparisons between the two development environments that will be important to know if you are going to be using GameMaker Studio for the very first time.

1. Launching the application


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GMS 1.4 (GameMaker Studio 1.4) starts up with a welcome window with tabs at the top. At the bottom of the window are a list of your recently opened projects. To create a new project you would click on the New tab.

GMS 2.0 starts up maximized. With title icons instead of tabs for actions such as creating a new project. Recent projects are listed on the left.


Page 8 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0 One particular difference when starting a new game in 2.0 is that you now are able to decide before working on your project, whether you plan to use or GameMaker Language.

We will be building games using GameMaker Language.

2. The Development Environment



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2.0 received a visual upgrade to have a more modern look to it. Something that is also immediately noticeable is the resource tree shift. In 1.4 it’s on the left, while in 2.0 it’s on the right.

2.0 also introduced workspaces. However for this course, we will not be looking at that. You can get an overview of how this works by heading over the YoYo Games websites.

3. Working With Sprites

3.1 Creating sprites





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Creating a sprite remains the same. Right-clicking on Sprites from the resource tree will display a list of options including Create Sprite.

The sprite properties / editor window is different visually, but everything you could do in 1.4 is available (and improved) in 2.0

To import a sprite in 1.4, you would click on Load Sprite from this Sprite Properties window. In 2.0 you click on Import.

3.2 Changing the sprite origin



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In 2.0 you can now select from a drop down, a list of locations on the sprite to set the origin. Note that to set the sprite’s origin to centre, you will need to select Middle Centre.

3.3 Manipulating the sprite’s collision mask



In 2.0 the sprites collision mask properties can be manipulated on the same sprite properties window. Clicking on Modify Mask in 1.4 will open a Mask Properties window.

Page 12 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0 4. Working with Backgrounds



1.4 has a dedicated game component type called background. To create a background, you right-click on the Background folder in the Resource tree and click on Create Background.

In 2.0 creating a background is no different from creating a sprite. Right-click on Sprite component in the Resource tree and select Create. You can name it the same way you would name a background if you were using GameMaker 1.4

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In 1.4, the Room Properties window has a tab called Backgrounds. To add a background, you click on it and then select a background from the drop down like it’s shown in the 1.4 image above.

In 2.0, you have to first select the Background layer in the room properties window then select the sprite you wish to use for the background.

Checking the Horizontal tile and Vertical tile option will ensure that your background graphic is repeated in your room.

5. Working With Objects

5.1 Creating objects


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Creating an object is the same in both 1.4 and 2.0.

Right-click on the Objects resource from the resource tree and select Create (Create Object in 1.4)

5.2 Adding events


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Adding an event to an object isn’t too different. In both versions, all you have to do is click on Add event. Because you had set up the project to be GML in the beginning for 2.0, when adding an event, GameMaker 2 Will automatically add in a code event.

If you have 1.4, in the course, we will be adding in code events manually.

6. Working with Rooms

6.1 Creating rooms


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To create a room in both 1.4 and 2.0, right-click on the Rooms resource on the Resource tree and click on Create.

The room properties window or room editor has been completely redesigned. There are a couple of new features but they one you will most likely notice first is the layer panel on the left. There is an instance layer (which is the default layer we will be working on in relation to 1.4).

A lot of the other functions and properties are still the same and are available in the editor window.

6.2 Adding instances to rooms


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To add object instances in rooms, in the Rooms properties window, you first select the Objects tab. Then you select the object you wish to create an instance of. Then you place it in the room.

Unlike in 1.4, to add instances to rooms in 2.0, you can drag the objects from the Resource tree directly into the room.

7. Working with fonts


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For both 1.4 and 2.0 creating fonts is more or less the same process. Right-click on the Fonts in the Resource tree and click on Create.

8. Working with sounds


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Just like fonts, creating sounds requires you to just right-click on the Sound resource on the Resource tree select Create. For this course, we will not be getting into complicated handling of sound fx.

Page 21 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0 9. Working with Game Settings



Page 22 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio 1.4 vs 2.0

The interface for Global Game Settings has changed in 2.0 but the same settings still exist in both.

Well, that’s it. For this course at least. There are a number of features and functions that we won’t be using throughout this course so we won’t need to compare them here. If you would like to know more about GameMaker 2.0, I recommend going to the yoyogames. com website to find out what’s new.

Page 23 Game 1: Chaos Disks

About this chapter On your first day working in Game Maker, we will look at getting familiar with many of the fundamental building blocks for making games.

You will learn to make a simple game that utilizes the keyboard and has simple difficulty system. A lot of the concepts learned here will later be used to make slightly more challenging games.

Assets that will be used to make this game Download the assets from the following link to follow along. How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Game 1: Chaos Disks

Start GameMaker Studio then click on the New tab. Select a location to save your project and give it a name (I named mine Chaos Disks).

Once it’s done creating your project, you should see something similar to the image below.

You can close Latest News browser windows by clicking on the close button on the top right corner of it’s window.

Page 25 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Game 1: Chaos Disks Let’s create some sprites.

The Resource Tree is the list of folders on the left of the application. Right-click on the Sprites folder and select Create Sprite.

You should see a new pop-up window like the one below. This is the Sprite Properties window.

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QUESTION: So what is a sprite? ANSWER: In 2D games, a sprite is a graphic. It is usually a visual representation of a an object in a game. When playing Pacman, you know where to move to next because you can see Pacman (more accurately however, you can see Pacman’s sprite).

On the Sprite Properties window, set the Name to spr_player.

It is best-practice in GameMaker to put a prefix such as spr_ before naming anything. We are going to be creating and naming different game elements. Many of these elements are going to be related to each other.

For example, we are now creating the player sprite, but we will also create a player object.

If the player sprite and object have the same name called player... it will be hard to tell them apart when we need to reference one of them when we start coding.

To avoid this, we name the player sprite => spr_player and player object => obj_ player. This will make more sense later in the project.

Next, click on Load Sprite. Then navigate to where the Asset Folder is. Inside the sprites folder, select spr_player.png sprite (It should be blue square guy that’s smiling), then click on Open to load the sprite.

Then just below, set the Origin to Centre by clicking on the centre button.

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Every sprite has an origin which is just an X-Y co-ordinate. Usually it is at the top left of the sprite (which is 0,0 or x = 0 , y = 0).

2D games use a co-ordinate system (similar to the graphs you learned in Math) to place game elements in a . Every element has a point of reference or what GameMaker calls an origin. We use this origin in many ways. One of the most popular ways is in spawning bullets from a player object that is shooting.

Consider the image above: When loading sprites into GameMaker, by default, the origin is set to the top left of the image (which is 0,0 or x=0, y=0)

When we centre the origin, it will now make sense to spawn this space fighter’s bullets from it’s reference point when it is at the centre.

One more thing to note is that in GameMaker, the Y-axis is reversed. Going down increases Y. Going up decreases the value of Y.

Okay, hit Ok to close the Sprite Properties window.

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Now we are going to load in the disk sprite and the wall in the same way. But for the wall, we won’t change the origin. We will leave it at (0,0).

Right-click on the Sprites folder (not spr_player) and select Create Sprite.

Name the sprite spr_disk and load the spr_disk.png sprite from the asset folder. Set the Origin to Centre. Do the same for spr_wall, but remember, leave the origin of spr_wall at (0,0). See images below.

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Your Resource Tree should now look something like this.

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Let’s create some objects.

To create an object, we simply right-click on the Objects folder in the Resource Tree and click on Create Object. This will open up the Object Properties window.

Question: What is an object? Answer: The player you use in a game is an object. The coins you collect, are objects. The bosses you fight, are objects. The spikes you have to avoid are objects. When you interact with objects, something happens. When you press up, the player jumps. When you stand over a coin, you “collect” it. When you touch a spike, you die.

Objects are the building blocks of all video games. They represent all those elements which you (or other objects) can interact with.

Most objects, we allow the players to see. But not all objects need to be visible to the people playing our games. We will explore this later in this chapter.

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Set the name to obj_player. Then for the sprite, select spr_player by clicking on the drop down icon like the image below.

Now click on Ok on the bottom left to close the Object Properties window.

Let’s add two more objects. obj_disk and obj_wall. Follow the same steps you took to create obj_player. But for obj_wall, we lets also make sure that the Solid property is checked.

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The three objects we have created so far will be visible to the player.

We will now create an object that will be present in the game but will not be visible. The purpose of this object will be to control the disks that spawn (or get created) during game-play.

So just like before, create a new object, call it obj_spawner but don’t assign a sprite to it.

Click on Ok to save obj_spawner properties and then proceed to the next step.

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Time to create our firstroom .

Right-click on Rooms on the resource tree and select Create Room.

The Room Properties window will pop up like what you see in the image below.

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Question: What is a room? Answer: In GameMaker, a room is a level, stage, scene or window into a game. It is where the game happens. It is the World 1-1 in Super Mario World. It is Stage 1 in Contra. It is that playground in Angry Birds. All the objects that you want to appear in that scene will be placed and manipulated there.

While the Room Properties window is open, name the room rm_level1. Set the Width of the room to 800. And the Height of the room to 608.

Click on the Check icon in the top left corner of the Room Properties window to save changes.

Now let’s run the game.

On your keyboard press F5 or click on the Play icon on the toolbar at the top of the GameMaker application.

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You should see a window pop up similar to what we have above.

Not very exciting, now is it?

We will fix that. However, keep in mind that the Width and Height that we setup define the size of the window that you see when you run your game.

Close the window like you normally would any other window by clicking on the close button on the top right (if you are on Windows). Or you can close it from within GameMaker by clicking on the Stop icon on the toolbar.

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On the Resource Tree in the Rooms folder, Double-click on rm_level1 to open up it’s Room Properties window.

After the Room Properties window pops up, click on the Objects tab.

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Here is where we will add objects to our room (or scene, or level).

Click on one of the two areas shown in the image below and select obj_wall

Next, make sure that Delete underlying is checked (see image below).

We do this because we don’t want to stack objects on top of each other. If an object occupies a space, we don’t want to place another object on top of it. Instead, we will delete whatever is already there. Play around with this feature to get a “feel” for it.

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Now I’m sure you have noticed that to the right of the settings we have been manipulating, there is a grey grid. But when we run the game there is no grid. The settings for turning the grid off and on is at the top of the Room Properties window

Make sure the Grid is turned ON.

Then to the Left of the icon to toggle the Grid, is the Snap settings. By default they are set to Snap X = 32 and Snap Y = 32.

The Grid and the Snap settings help you (the game designer) place objects in your scene more accurately.

I never mentioned this but all the sprites you imported were all 32 by 32 pixels in size. By setting the snap setting to 32 by 32, it will make it easier to place objects such as walls in our game room.

Somethings you need to know while working in the Room Editor: 1. To place a single object at a time in the editor, just left click and an object will be placed. 2. To save time, you can “paint” objects by holding down Shift while you hold down Left-click and Drag in the editor. 3. To remove or delete objects wrongly placed, just Right-click on the object you wish to remove and click on Delete. 4. To save time, you can remove multiple objects by holding Shift + Control and holding down Right-click as “paint” over the objects you wish to remove. 5. If your level is big and need more room to work with, you can resize the Room Properties window by dragging the corners of the window like you would in any Windows application. 6. You can Zoom in and out of your editor by scrolling on your mouse wheel or using the icons next to the Grid icon on the Room Properties window. 7. You can pan around your room by holding down on the Spacebar key then Left- click and drag around the room.

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Now, place the walls around the room like in the picture below.

Next, click on the Backgrounds tab just above Objects tab. Then select Color to change the Background Color. Select White and then click on Ok.

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Now go back to the Objects tab and select obj_player. Place obj_player any where in the room. I put obj_player roughly around the centre of the room.

If you have noticed. Placing obj_player is a lot different from placing obj_wall. The reason is because obj_player ‘s origin was centred when we first created it’s sprite.

Finally, let’s place in the object obj_spawner. Make sure it’s selected and then place it anywhere in the room.

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Okay. Close the Room Properties window by clicking on the Check icon on the top left. Then let’s test our game again.

To run the game, hit F5 on your keyboard or click on the Play icon on the toolbar.

You will notice that because obj_spawner has no sprite assigned, it will appear as a blue circle with a question mark. Don’t worry, everything is fine :)

Great. It’s coming together, but we still can’t do anything in our game.

In the next step, we will be diving into code.

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Let’s work with events, actions and GML (Game Maker Language) code.

Double-click on the obj_player object from the Resource Tree to open the Object Properties window.

Now click on the Add Event button and a window with a list of events will pop-up.

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Question: What is an event? Answer: In GameMaker an Event is a situation that takes place during the life of your game. Examples of events - An object is created, an object is destroyed, an object collides with another object, a key on the keyboard is pressed and many more which we will see.

Another Question: So....? Answer: So we can respond to these events by taking some sort of action. For example if the obj_player collides with obj_disk, we can write code to end the game. If the left arrow on the keyboard is pressed, we can move our obj_player to the left.

Let’s begin by setting up player movement.

From the list of events, select Keyboard. Then select Left

This will add the Left KeyPress to obj_player’s list of Events. An object can have multiple events to check for.

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Next we need to assign an Action to the event. When the Left key is pressed, what should happen?

In the Object Properties window, actions are on the right side of the window. They are grouped in different tabs based on the type of action you would like to perform.

GameMaker allows creators to develop games in two ways. 1. Drag n Drop - On the Object Properties window, when you select from an Actions tab, you can Click then Drag an Action into the Actions List Area. Like in the image below

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Depending on the Action that you drag into the Action List Area, you might get a pop up with a few more extra settings to make that Action even more specific. In the example above, I dragged a Move Fixed action to the Action list.

If Applies to is set to Self, Direction is set to the Left Arrow and Speed is set to a number like 4, the entire event would be just the same as the following instruction: “When I press on the Left Arrow on the keyboard, Move obj_player (Self) in the Left Direction at a speed of 4”.

In fact, play with it if you want to and test the game.

As you can imagine, this is extremely convenient for those who have no coding experience and are new to game development in general.

However, this course won’t focus on Drag-N-Drop. While it may seem like a better approach to use Drag-N-Drop now, Game Maker Studio 1.4’s Drag-N-Drop is very limited especially if the game your developing is going to get larger or more complex.

A lot of functionality simply cannot be achieved using Drag-N-Drop. Plus, the larger your game, the more difficult it will be to manage. Drag-N-Drop isn’t as efficient on it’s own as Code is.

2. Game Maker Language - This is the used in GameMaker. In my opinion is a flexible and easy to learn language to learn compared to many other languages.

Let’s see it in action. While the keyboard event is selected (very important), click on Control in the Actions Tab. Then drag and drop the Execute Code icon to the Actions List Area. A code window will pop up. See image below.

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Now we are ready to start writing our first lines of code.

But the way we will learn GML (Game Maker Language) won’t be like the way other courses teach. Instead, our focus will be on the game we are making. We will learn coding concepts based on how our game progresses.

You see, GML has a lot of concepts. But you won’t need to know every single one of them to make your first few games. So instead we will be building our understanding and code vocabulary as we get deeper into game development.

For a dedicated quick overview of GML, click here.

In the Code window, type in the following line of code

x = x - 1

The first thing you should notice as you type is the change in color. x and 1 are in red while equals and plus symbols are not.

Generally, all text that you type into the code window is almost always going to white (which is the default) unless or until you type in a special word or character.

x is special because it represents our obj_player’s x position in the room. x happens to be an object property. Every object has properties. One of those properties are the x and y position. Every object has an x and y position. After all, that’s how we place them in the room.

1 is special because it can never change. 1 can never be 2. 1 happens to be a constant.

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Question: So what does this line of code mean? Answer: x represents obj_player’s current position. We can change it’s current position to anything we want when press the Left key. We could set it to a number like 599 so that the line of code becomes x = 599.

Because we are doing this in the Left key event, what this means is that when we press on the left key, we will change whatever the x position currently is of the object, to 599. Once it is at 599, when we press Left Key again, it will still set x to 599. No more movement.

Let’s say instead we set our player’s position to x. So that it’s x = x.

What this will do is make sure that x is set to whatever the current value of x is. If x started at 45, then x will always be 45. Again no movement when we hold down the Left key.

Now, what if we set x to x = x -1.

What this does is set x to whatever the value of it’s current position is less/minus 1. if x is 45, it will turn x to 44. When we press left key again, it will check the current position again, which will now be 44 and subtract 1 from it again. When x gets smaller on a the x-axis, it moves towards the left. This will move obj_player to the left.

This is how we create motion in games.

Click on the Check icon to save the changes you just made to the code.

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Alright, let’s test our game and see if it works. Hit F5 on your keyboard or click on the Play icon on the top toolbar.

You should now be able to move your obj_player to the left when you hold down the Left key. Great! However, he moves so slow. Do you know how to fix that?

While obj_player’s Object Properties window is open, make sure that is selected then Double-click on the Execute a piece of code in the Actions List Area to re-open the code window for that Event.

Change 1 to 4 and test your game again.

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Did it work? Great. That was pretty simple. Now we have to repeat the same for the Right-direction, but I’m sure you already have it figured out :).

Add a new Event, select Keyboard and this time select Right.

While the Event is selected, from the Control tab in the Actions section, drag an Execute Code action into the Actions List Area.

Page 50 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Game 1: Chaos Disks Then in the code window, type in the following line of code.

x = x + 4;

You might have noticed that this time there is a semi-colon at the end of the line of code.

Think of it like a sentence period or full-stop. It just tells the program that you have finished “saying” your code sentence... in a way.

This isn’t necessary to do in Game Maker Language. You could do without the semi- colon for this line of code.

But if you have coding experience, you most definitely know why this is relevant.

I prefer to always place semi-colons at the end of my code “sentences” because it’s habit I developed. Especially because I work on other game engines like that require a semi-colon to always be there (or it will cause an error).

If you are completely new to programming, just know that you can’t go wrong by using semi-colons in GameMaker.

Okay, save changes to your code by clicking on the Check icon on the top left of your Code window and then let’s test the game by hitting F5 on your keyboard or clicking on the Play icon on the toolbar on the top.

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Did it work? Great! Now to deal with up and down. Try to figure out from the following lines of code, what will go where:

y = y - 4;

y = y + 4;

I’m sure you are used to this by now, hit F5 or click on the Play icon on the toolbar.

If movement is now working the way we expect to work, then great.

However, there is an issue with collision. Right now our obj_player can go through walls.

We need to fix this.

Now there are a number of ways to handle such kinds of collisions. Some ways are better than others.

We are going to look at a way that is very simple yet effective in this course.

Handling wall collisions can be very confusing for first-time game using any . But thankfully, GameMaker Language has got a great way to help beginners get started with it.

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While the obj_player’s Object Properties window is open, Click on Add Event, select Collision and then click on the object that you would like this object (obj_player) to collide with. In our case, we want to click on obj_wall

Just like what we did with the arrow keys, make sure that the Collision With obj_wall event is selected in the Events List Area. Then select the control tab, drag and drop the Execute Code action into the Action List Area.

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Then type in the following line of code in the code window.

x = xprevious;

Before we talk about what’s going on. Run the game and try to go through the walls by only using Left and Right keys.

You shouldn’t be able to go beyond the walls if you move to the Left or the Right.

Explanation: xprevious is a property just like x.

But, while x holds the value of the current x position of the object in the room, xprevious holds the value of previous x position of the same object (as the name of the property suggests).

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But if the player stops moving for a while, the value of x and xprevious will be the same. It might help to think of xprevious as being the value of x that is “lagging behind” or “trying to catch up”.

When I move, it moves behind me. When I stop it eventually stops where I stopped.

Now to explain whey the wall stops obj_player from moving.

In this case the Collision with obj_wall event that we added earlier takes higher priority than the Keyboard Left and Right events.

What this means that if the Left key is being pressed and it makes the object move, when the object touches the wall, the Left key event is ignored and then the collision event takes over.... until the collision stops happening.

See the illustration below.

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I should also add that these processes happen so fast that we don’t even notice them.

If that made sense to you, great!

If it did not, then don’t worry about it. For now, just think of it as a necessary step to achieve wall collision.

I do not expect you to understand every single concept in only one example. We shall explore wall collisions in a later game as well.

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Let’s update the collision code. In obj_player’s Object Properties window, select the Collision with obj_wall event in the Event List and then Double click the Execute a piece of code icon in the Actions List.

In the code window, add the line:

y = yprevious;

Let’s test the game.

Everything should be working okay now.

Time to create the challenge.

Instead of placing disks in the room before we begin playing the game, what we will do is use obj_spawner to create disks over time. So when the game starts, there will only be one disk to avoid. Over time our spawner will be adding more and more disks, gradually increasing the difficulty of the game.

Double-click on obj_spawner from the Objects folder in the Resource Tree to open it’s Object Properties window.

Then we are going to add a Create Event.

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Then to add the Code Action to this event, select Control tab from the Actions section.

Making sure that the Create Event is selected in the Event list area, select the control tab from the actions section. Drag and drop the Execute Code icon in the actions list area.

Question: Okay, the keyboard press events make sense. The collision event makes sense. But what exactly is the Create event? Answer: The Create event of an object takes place the moment that object is created when the game is running. We can actually take some action when an object has been created for the first time.

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We haven’t taken action when we create our obj_player or obj_wall objects. But we could if we wanted to.

Here’s a statement that can sort of summarize what the Create Event is all about. “When I appear on screen for the very first time, I want to be able to do something or begin with something”. And this happens once and only once for the instance of that object during the life of the game.

If you were making a game about a car, maybe in the Create Event of the car object, you could set up it’s fuel to be on 100% or something.

But in our case, we will use the create event in obj_spawener to create another object. obj_disk.

Write the following code in to the obj_spawner create code window


The first thing you probably noticed is the color. Yellow.

Functions are yellow. This is a function.

A function is used to perform a single or a series of tasks when it is called (basically, when it is written in code somewhere).

Functions often take what we call arguments or parameters. They are placed in- between the round brackets or parentheses after the function name (which is in yellow). If a function accepts more than one argument, a comma is used to separate them.

instance_create() is used to create what are called instances of an object. It takes in 3 arguments. The first two are the x and y position of where we would like to place our instance. The third is the object we wish to create an instance (or clone) of.

If you have never done Object Oriented Programming before, the phrase instance of an object will most likely sound a little confusing.

But remember all the objects we created so far?

Right now we are calling the objects we placed in the room... objects.

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But technically, when we put these objects into rooms we instead call them instances of the objects. Think of them as being clones of the object.

You see, the “real” object is actually just a blueprint. All clones are created from that blueprint. We created one obj_wall object, but played instances of that object all around the room.

So when you see instance_create(x, y, obj_disk), what this means is that we are creating a clone of obj_disk at the x and y position of whatever object we write this the instance_create() code in.

Hope that made sense.

Let’s play with this for a bit.

Save the changes you made to the code by clicking on the Check icon on the top left of the code window. Now test the game by running it. You should see something like the image below.

We have spawned a disk at the exact location where we had placed obj_spawner when creating the room. Okay stop the game and open the create code window for obj_spawner again. This time change the code to read like this

instance_create(64, 512, obj_disk);

Run the game again. You should see something like the image below.

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Okay. Stop the game. This time add another line of code so that it looks like this.

instance_create(64, 512, obj_disk); instance_create(512, 64, obj_disk);

Okay, let’s run the game. Now, it should look like this.

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Are things starting to make sense now? Okay change the create code back to

instance_create(x, y, obj_disk);

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Save the changes by clicking on the check icon on the top left. The click Ok to close obj_ spawner’s properties window.

Time to give life to our disk.

Double click on obj_disk from the Resource tree to open it’s properties window.

Next, add a Create Event.

Make sure Create in the Event List is still selected and from the action, as always, drag and drop the Execute code action from the Control tab.

Page 64 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Game 1: Chaos Disks There are a variety of properties we can access from an object (just like x and xprevious).

What we want to do is access the speed property of this object.

Every object starts by default with speed of 0 (no movement). Type the following into the code area, save changes and run the game

speed = 4;

The disk object should now be flying across the screen to the right.

Question: If speed controls the movement of an object, why didn’t we use it when creating movement in our player object? Why did we use x and y? Answer: Good question. We could have used it. Usually in game programming, there multiple ways of achieving the same goal. Some ways are more “efficient” compared to others. Some ways are a lot simpler compared to others.

I personally prefer to manipulate the player’s x and y property instead of using it’s speed property. It keeps things a little simpler in my work-flow. Plus, manipulating movement using x and y is something that works pretty much the same in other game engines. Speed may not necessarily be available in other game engines.

But the more you use GameMaker, you will eventually develop you own style.

Okay, let’s think about what we have just done. We have used obj_spawner to create a clone of obj_disk (which is called an instance). And we have made that clone start with a specificspeed . If you feel confused, just go through the steps we went through carefully.

If you are keeping up, let’s keep going.

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Our disk is moving in the right direction. By default, any object that starts with a speed greater than 0 will move in the right direction.

direction also happens to be an object property that all objects have. By default it is set to 0 degrees for all objects. It is an angle.

In Game Maker the 0 degrees represents right, 90 degrees up, 180 degrees left and 270 degrees down.

By changing the value of direction, we can change the direction of where the disk should travel

Open obj_disk’s Create Event again and in the Execute code action add the following line above speed.

direction = 315;

Page 66 How To Make Games In GameMaker Studio Game 1: Chaos Disks Save changes and then run the game.

The disk should now be flying diagonally in the South-East direction.

Now we have a problem. The disk is going through the walls. We don’t want that in our game. Instead, we need the disks to bounce off the walls.

Open obj_disk’s properties window. Add in a collision event. Select obj_wall.

Next, just like we did before, add an Execute code action to the Event. Always make sure that the correct event is select before you add in the Execute code action.

Then add in this line of code


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Save changes and test your game by running it.

Is the disk bouncing all around the room? Great!

Question: So when I add the line move_bounce_solid(false) it makes the object bounce of the wall. Okay. But what if I put in true instead of false? Why is true or false important anyway?

Answer: This would be a great time to introduce you to the GML Manual or help file.

On the main menu, click on Help then click on Open The Manual. Or you could just hit F1 on your keyboard.

Click on the index tab and type in move_bounce_solid in the text-box below it.

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Select move_bounce_solid from the results and click on it. It will show the function’s description. This will tell you what the function does.

The manual is very useful if you want to get a technical explanation of what a function or object property is or does.

move_bounce_solid accepts true or false to specify the nature of the collision. Whether it is precise or not. For the game we are using, setting to true or false will give us the same outcome. The only difference you need to know is that setting it to true will use up more system resources. Set it to false.

Okay. So our game is starting to come together.

But having only one disk to dodge doesn’t make it very challenging.

What we should do next is make the spawner spawn a new disk every 6 seconds. That will make things interesting.

Open up the properties window obj_spawner. Open up the Execute this code action for the Create event. Add the following line;

alarm[0] = 30 * 6;

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Now before we continue, we need to talk about performing standard math operations in programming.

30 * 6 is just a math operation. The same as saying 30 multiplied by 6. Which is 180. If you have a keyboard that has a numpad, it’s exactly like using it to do basic calculations.

30 + 6 = 36 (addition)

30 - 6 = 24 (subtraction)

30 * 6 = 180 (multiplication)

30 / 6 = 5 (division)

Question: Then why don’t we just write down 180 instead of 30 * 6?

Answer: Great question! Remember how we said that we want to spawn disks every 6 seconds? Well the 6 represent those number of seconds.

30 represents our room speed. Which is sort of like how “fast” our game is working or running.

From the Resource Tree, open up rm_level1 to open the room editor by double clicking on it.

In the settings tab, just below the Height text-box, there’s a value Speed which is set to 30 by default (see image below).

Change it to 60.

The run the game.

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How does the game “feel”?

Smoother right? Faster even?

This is called Room Speed. In GameMaker it is the speed of the room in steps.

Also in GameMaker steps are sort of like “moments”, when compiled together, make a running game. Similar to how frames make up a video. Multiple frames or pictures played quickly over each other, make a video.

Your game runs because there are multiple steps executed over time. The speed at which these steps are executed is called the Room Speed.

Try to lower the Speed of the room to something like 15 and run the game. How does it feel?

Typically the higher the Room speed, the smoother the gameplay feels. The lower the speed, the choppier it feels.

Change it back to 30.

Again, 30 is the number of steps that are executed per second. So every time 30 Steps are executed, then 1 second has passed.

Which brings us to alarm[0]

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alarms in GameMaker are timers. Every object has this property. A timer can be set up so that when the time runs out an action can be taken. Like an alarm clock. Hence the name alarm.

So far all the actions we have created, happen instantaneously. The moment we press a key or the moment an object is created.

We can also delay actions so that they don’t take place immediately.

But alarms don’t take plain seconds or minutes to setup. They take Steps. So if you want to know how many steps are in 6 seconds, we just have to know how many steps are in 1 second. Our room speed has the number of steps per second. 30.

Okay, now open obj_spawner properties window. Select Create event and double click on Execute a piece of code.

Let’s make a small change. Instead of writing down 30 for our room speed, let’s replace it with the room’s property room_speed.

alarm[0] = room_speed * 6;

room_speed always hold the value of the current room’s speed. It’s better this way so that if we change the value of Room speed in the room editor, we won’t need to change it here too. It room_speed will already have that value.

Okay, we have setup the alarm. But we have not yet set up an action that should take place when the alarm goes off.

Add an Alarm event to obj_spawner. You will immediately see that there are 12 alarms to choose from starting from 0 to 11. This is why we set up our alarm like this alarm[0]. The number in the square brackets represents the alarm (timer) we plan to use. So select the first timer Alarm 0.

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Next, making sure that Alarm 0 event is selected, drag and drop Execute code icon from the control tab into the Action list area.

Now in the code area, type in the following.

instance_create(x, y, obj_disk);

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Save the code by clicking on the Check icon on the top left of the code window, then test your game.

If everything went well, you should see the second disk spawn 6 seconds after the first.

But this will only occur once.

How do we get it to repeat? Any idea?

Open up the code for the Alarm 0 again. Under the instance_create line of code, add in this line.

alarm[0] = room_speed * 6;

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Yes, we can actually set a timer within the same timer. So that every time the code that executes every time the timer goes off, it can set the same timer to go off again.

This will create an endless loop where our disks will be spawning every 6 seconds, forever.

Save and run the game.

If everything worked out, then you should see the room full of disks similar to the image below.

So far so good.

However, I don’t like how the disks start by moving in the same direction. It would be great to have each disk spawn in a random direction.

Double-click on obj_disk from the Resource tree to open it’s object properties.

While the Create event is selected, double click on execute a piece of code.

Instead of setting the direction to 315, change it to random(360).

direction = random(360);

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As you probably guessed, random() is a function that will set direction to any number between 0 and 360 every time an instance (clone) of obj_disk is created. This also includes numbers with decimal points like 43.5

Now to test the game.

Great now our game is challenging and somewhat unpredictable.

One more thing to do before we complete our game. There must be a way for us to lose when we touch a single disk.

Double-click on obj_player from the Resource tree to open it’s properties window.

Add a collision event. Select obj_disk.

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As always, make sure the collision with obj_disk event is selected. Then from the Control tab on the right, drag and drop the Execute Code icon into the Actions list area.

In the new code window. Type in the following code.


game_end() will end the game if your player touches a disk. In the following chapter we will look at a better way of dealing this.

Run and test your game.

Congratulations, you have made it to the end of the first game!

This was a simple game, but a lot of the fundamentals we learned in the chapter are seen even in large commercial Game Maker projects.

Experiment with the properties and functions we have already learned. Try to explore new ones on your own. Have the Game Maker manual open during your development so that you can quickly look up interesting functions. See if you can come up with something a little different. Change level design if you want.

I also suggest that you get involved with the Game Maker developer communities online. There are a ton if you google them. If you have questions or just want to know what everyone is doing, you can go check it out. I use Game Maker a lot, so you will also find me there from time to time. I hang out at the official YoYo Games Forum. Game Maker Facebook Group.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you have question about what you just learned.

Now. If you are ready to kick up the challenge, let’s proceed to the next chapter.

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