Marcelo Pelissioli from Allegory Into Symbol: Revisiting George Orwell's Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four in the Light Of
MARCELO PELISSIOLI FROM ALLEGORY INTO SYMBOL: REVISITING GEORGE ORWELL’S ANIMAL FARM AND NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR IN THE LIGHT OF 21 ST CENTURY VIEWS OF TOTALITARIANISM PORTO ALEGRE 2008 2 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL INSTITUTO DE LETRAS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LETRAS ÊNFASE: LITERATURAS DE LÍNGUA INGLESA LINHA DE PESQUISA: LITERATURA, IMAGINÁRIO E HISTÓRIA FROM ALLEGORY INTO SYMBOL: REVISITING GEORGE ORWELL’S ANIMAL FARM AND NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR IN THE LIGHT OF 21 ST CENTURY VIEWS OF TOTALITARIANISM MESTRANDO: PROF. MARCELO PELISSIOLI ORIENTADORA: PROFª. DRª. SANDRA SIRANGELO MAGGIO PORTO ALEGRE 2008 3 4 PELISSIOLI, Marcelo FROM ALLEGORY INTO SYMBOL: REVISITING GEORGE ORWELL’S ANIMAL FARM AND NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR IN THE LIGHT OF 21 ST CENTURY VIEWS OF TOTALITARIANISM Marcelo Pelissioli Porto Alegre: UFRGS, Instituto de Letras, 2008. 112 p. Dissertação (Mestrado - Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 1.Totalitarismo, 2.Animal Farm, 3. Nineteen Eighty-Four, 4. Alegoria, 5. Símbolo. 5 Acknowledgements To my dear professor and adviser Dr. Sandra Maggio, for the intellectual and motivational support; To professors Jane Brodbeck, Valéria Salomon, Vicente Saldanha, Paulo Ramos, Miriam Jardim, José Édil and Edgar Kirchof, professors who guided me to follow the way of Literature; To my bosses Antonio Daltro Costa, Gerson Costa and Mary Sieben, for their cooperation and understanding; To my friends Anderson Correa, Bruno Albo Amedei and Fernando Muniz, for their sense of companionship; To my family, especially my mother and grandmother, who always believed in my capacity; To my wife Ana Paula, who has always stayed by my side along these long years of study that culminate in the handing of this thesis; And, finally, to God, who has proved to me along the years that He really is the God of the brave.
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