IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 1, NO. 2, AUGUST 2020 469 Quantum Discrimination of Noisy Photon-Added Coherent States Stefano Guerrini , Student Member, IEEE, Moe Z. Win , Fellow, IEEE, Marco Chiani , Fellow, IEEE,and Andrea Conti , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Quantum state discrimination (QSD) is a key enabler in quantum sensing and networking, for which we envision the utility of non-coherent quantum states such as photon-added coherent states (PACSs). This paper addresses the problem of discriminating between two noisy PACSs. First, we provide representation of PACSs affected by thermal noise during state preparation in terms of Fock basis and quasi-probability distributions. Then, we demonstrate that the use of PACSs instead of coherent states can significantly reduce the error probability in QSD. Finally, we quantify the effects of phase diffusion and pho- ton loss on QSD performance. The findings of this paper reveal the utility of PACSs in several applications involving QSD. Index Terms—Quantum state discrimination, photon-added coherent state, quantum noise, quantum communications.


Fig. 1. Illustration of binary QSD with PACSs: hypotheses are described by UANTUM STATE DISCRIMINATION (QSD) the Wigner functions corresponding to the quantum states. Q addresses the problem of identifying an unknown state among a set of quantum states [1]–[3]. QSD enables several applications including quantum communications [4]– [6], quantum sensing [7]–[9], quantum illumination [10]–[12], QSD applications. In particular, continuous-variable quantum quantum cryptography [13]–[15], quantum networks [16]– states have been considered in quantum optics as they supply [18], and quantum computing [19]–[21]. The discrimination a quantum description of the electromagnetic field and can error probability (DEP) depends on the set of quantum be efficiently prepared, manipulated, and measured [22]–[28]. states and the measurement used to discriminate among Previous works on continuous-variable QSD have devoted them. Determining the DEP and identifying the quantum particular attention to the analysis of discrimination between measurement that minimizes the DEP are difficult tasks, coherent states [29]–[34], largely motivated by the success of especially for states prepared in the presence of thermal noise the Glauber theory [35]–[38]. (hereafter referred to as noisy states). In contrast, QSD with non-coherent states has received less Understanding how the choice of quantum states impacts attention except for attempts made on the use of squeezed the discrimination performance plays an important role in states [39]–[41] and number states [42]–[44]. Photon-added coherent states (PACSs) are another important class of non- Manuscript received February 15, 2020; revised July 10, 2020; accepted coherent quantum states that can be generated in a lab- July 21, 2020. Date of publication July 30, 2020; date of current version oratory [45]–[47]. PACSs have been considered for quan- September 22, 2020. The fundamental research described in this paper was supported in part by the Italian MIUR under the Program Dipartimenti di tum communications [48] and quantum cryptography [49] Eccellenza (2018–2022), in part by the Office of Naval Research under Grant but a characterization of QSD with PACSs is still missing. N62909-18-1-2017 and Grant N00014-19-1-2724, and in part by the MIT Determining the effects of thermal noise on QSD requires Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies. (Corresponding author: Andrea Conti.) Stefano Guerrini and Andrea Conti are with the Department of a mathematical representation of the quantum states. The and CNIT, of , 44122 Ferrara, (e-mail: Wigner function of noisy PACSs was given in [50]–[52]. [email protected]; [email protected]). However, a complete representation of noisy PACSs is still Moe Z. Win is with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: missing. [email protected]). The fundamental questions related to QSD with non- Marco Chiani is with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and coherent states are: (i) which class of quantum states can be Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi” and CNIT, , 40136 Bologna, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]). used to minimize the DEP; and (ii) how does this class of Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAIT.2020.3012944 states perform when affected by thermal noise? The answers 2641-8770 c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on December 06,2020 at 02:56:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 470 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 1, NO. 2, AUGUST 2020 to these questions provide insights into the utility of non- be the unknown quantum state,2 then the binary hypotheses coherent states for QSD. The use of non-coherent states can are described by be envisioned for many applications relying on QSD. In par- ticular, PACSs can provide significant benefits to QSD and H0 : = Ξ0 pave the way for innovative applications in quantum sensing H1 : = Ξ1. (1) and networking. The goal of this paper is to establish the use of PACSs to improve QSD. The quantum states Ξ0 and Ξ1 have prior probability p0 and This paper characterizes the QSD with PACSs (see Fig. 1). p1, respectively. Under these premises, the DEP is In particular, the key contributions of the paper can be P p {Ξ Π } p {Ξ Π }. summarized as follows: e = 0tr 0 1 + 1tr 1 0 (2) • representation of noisy PACSs in terms of Fock basis, The problem of finding an optimal POVM that minimizes Wigner W -function, Glauber–Sudarshan P-function, and the DEP has been extensively studied in [1]. In the binary Husimi–Kano Q-function; case, the minimum DEP (MDEP) is given by the well known • characterization of QSD with noisy PACSs in terms of Helstrom bound DEP for optimal/suboptimal quantum measurements; and • quantification of decoherence effects, such as phase 1  P˘e = 1 −p1Ξ1 − p0Ξ0 . (3) diffusion and photon loss, on QSD performance. 2 1 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The optimal POVM that achieves the Helstrom bound is given Section II characterizes QSD with noiseless PACSs. Section III by the following expressions provides a mathematical representation of noisy PACSs.  Section IV analyzes the discrimination of noisy PACSs. Π0 = |λi λi | (4a) Section V quantifies the effects of phase and photon losses i λ <0 on the QSD. Final remarks are given in Section VI. i  Notation: Random variables are displayed in sans serif, Π1 =1− Π0 = |λi λi | (4b) upright fonts; their realizations in serif, italic fonts. Operators i are denoted by uppercase letters. For example, a random λi ≥0 variable and its realization are denoted by x and x; a ran- where |λi  is the eigenvector of p1Ξ1 −p0Ξ0 associated with dom operator and its realization are denoted by X and X , the eigenvalue λi . For pure states, i.e., Ξ0 = |ψ0ψ0| and respectively. The sets of complex numbers and of positive Ξ1 = |ψ1ψ1|, the MDEP is given by integer numbers are denoted by C and N, respectively. For    z ∈ C : |z| and arg(z) denote the absolute value and the 1 2 P˘e = 1 − 1 − 4p0p1|ψ0|ψ1| . (5) phase, respectively; zr and zi denote the real part and the 2 imaginary part, respectively; z ∗ is the complex conjugate; √ Note that, in this case, the MDEP is zero when the two states and ı = −1. The trace and the adjoint of an operator are are orthogonal, i.e., ψ0|ψ1 =0. In the case of mixed states, denoted by tr{·} and (·)†, respectively. The annihilation, the the MDEP is zero when the density operators Ξ0 and Ξ1 have creation, and the identity operators are denoted by A, A†, support on orthogonal subspaces [53]. and I , respectively. The trace norm of an operator is rep- resented by ·1. The displacement operator with parameter † ∗ μ ∈ C is Dμ =exp{μA − μ A}. The rotation operator with B. Discrimination of Noiseless Photon-Added Coherent † States parameter φ ∈ R is Rφ =exp{−ıφA A}. The Kronecker delta function, the discrete delta function, and the generalized PACSs were first introduced in [45] and successfully gen- delta function are denoted by δn,m , δn , and δ(·), respectively. erated in a laboratory [46], [47]. A PACS is defined as follows † k II. PRELIMINARIES (k) (A ) |μ |μ  =  (6) This section briefly reviews binary QSD, and the discrimi- μ|Ak (A†)k |μ nation of noiseless PACSs. where |μ is a coherent state of amplitude μ ∈ C and k ∈ N A. Binary Quantum State Discrimination represents the number of addition operations. Binary QSD aims to identify an unknown state among Consider now the discrimination of PACS in a noiseless a set of two quantum states. This requires the design of a scenario, i.e., the states associated with the hypotheses in (1) (h) (h) (k) (k) binary positive operator-valued measure (POVM)1 to distin- are given by Ξ0 = |ξ ξ | and Ξ1 = |μ μ |. Since guish between two quantum states described by the density the states are pure, the MDEP is determined by (5) with |ψ0 = (h) (k) operators Ξ0 and Ξ1. This can be formulated as an hypothe- |ξ  and |ψ1 = |μ , and its dependence on the quantum sis testing problem [1], as depicted in Fig. 1. In particular, let states is manifested by the following Lemma.

1A binary POVM is a set with two positive operators {Π0, Π1} such that 2In the following, the term “quantum state” and corresponding “density Π0 + Π1 = I . operator” will be used interchangeably.

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(h) (k) Lemma 1: Consider two PACSs |ξ  and |μ  according The Fock representation of a noisy coherent state Ξth(μ) to (6). Without loss of generality, let h ≤ k.Itis is given by [1]  k−h − 1 (|μ|2+|ξ|2−2μξ∗) ∗ k−h ∗ 2 −(1−v)|μ|2 n! (h) (k) (ξ ) Lh (−μξ )e n|Ξ (µ)|m =(1− v) e ξ |μ  =  (7) th m! k! 2 2 h! Lk (−|μ| )Lh (−|ξ| ) −(1 − v)2|µ|2 × v n [(1 − v)µ∗]m−n Lm−n n v where Lh (x) is the Laguerre polynomial of degree h and k−h (11) Lh (x) is the generalized Laguerre polynomial of degree h with parameter k − h [54]. where Proof: See Appendix A.  n¯ v = . (12) The MDEP is found by using (7) in (5). Note that the scalar 1+¯n product between the two states, and thus the MDEP, is zero The Wigner W -function, the Glauber–Sudarshan P-function, if one of the following orthogonality conditions holds and the Husimi–Kano Q-function associated with Ξth(μ) are (i) ξ =0andh = k (8a) respectively given by [55]

k−h ∗ |α − μ|2 (ii) Lh (−μξ )=0. (8b) 1 Wth(α)= exp − (13) π n 1 n 1 The orthogonality condition (8a) is of particular interest (¯ + 2 ) ¯ + 2 2 because |ξ(h) with ξ =0corresponds to the Fock state |h.In 1 |α − μ| Pth(α)= exp − (14) particular, this is related to the fact that the photon-addition πn¯ n¯ (k) operation on |μ generates a state |μ  orthogonal to the 1 |α − μ|2 {|n n ≤ h} ξ h Qth(α)= exp − . (15) span of the set : . If both =0and =0, π(¯n +1) n¯ +1 then |ξ(h) corresponds to the ground state, and therefore the n P α δ α − μ δ α − μ QSD reduces to the discrimination between a PACS and the For ¯ approaching 0, th( ) tends to ( r r) ( i i) Ξ μ ground state. The orthogonality condition (8b) represents the and the noisy coherent state th( ) reduces to the coherent |μμ| situation in which there are canceling cross-terms in the scalar state . product of the two states. It can also be observed that the exponential factor in (7) makes the DEP vanish as |μ − ξ| B. Noisy Photon-Added Coherent States increases. Therefore, in the absence of noise, the use of PACSs Photon addition on a quantum state Ξ produces a new state can provide an optimal solution to the QSD problem. given by [56] In the following, it is shown that the presence of thermal A†ΞA noise during state preparation increases the DEP. Since a noise Ξ+ = . {A†ΞA} component is unavoidable in quantum systems, it is essential tr to represent the noisy quantum states and characterize the QSD If Ξ is a coherent state affected by thermal noise, the cor- that accounts for thermal noise in state preparation. responding photon-added state Ξ+ is referred to as noisy PACS.3 Therefore, a noisy PACS is defined as k k III. REPRESENTATION OF NOISY QUANTUM STATES (A†) Ξth(μ)A Ξ(μ, k)= (16) This section provides the representation of noisy PACSs Nk (μ, n¯) accounting for the presence of thermal noise during the where k ∈ N represents the number of addition operations, preparation of the quantum states. k k and Nk (μ, n¯)=tr{(A†) Ξth(μ)A }. From [38, eq. (7.16)], we obtain4 A. Noisy Coherent States 2 k |μ| μ ∈ C Nk (μ, n¯)=k!(¯n +1) Lk − . (17) A noisy coherent state with amplitude is obtained n¯ +1 by displacing the thermal state Ξth as Note that a noisy PACS is uniquely determined by the param- † Ξth(μ)=DμΞthDμ. (9) eters k, μ, and n¯; such dependencies will not be explicated unless strictly needed. The mean number of photons np(μ, n¯) The thermal state is given by [55] in a noisy PACS is given by A†A. Since ∞  n¯n Ξ |nn| A†A = tr{Ξ(μ, k)A†A} = tr{Ξ(μ, k)AA†}−1 th = n n+1 (10) n=0 (1 + ¯) we found n where ¯ is the mean number of thermal photons given by Nk+1(μ, n¯) Planck’s law np(μ, n¯)= − 1. (18) Nk (μ, n¯) −1 n¯ = (exp{ω/kBT0}−1) 3This definition of noisy PACS is in accordance with that of photon-added in which is the reduced Planck constant, ω is the angular displaced thermal state (PADTS) in [50], a special case of a photon-added dis- placed squeezed thermal state [51], [52] with no squeezing. We then provide frequency of the field, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T0 new representations, all in closed form, for PADTS. is the absolute temperature of the quantum system. 4This result is in accordance with [50, eq. (7)] for V =2¯n +1.

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Fig. 2. Wigner W -function W (α) of a noisy PACS for different values of k and n¯ with μ =0.8.

For a given noise level n¯,thenp(μ, n¯) has a minimum at Theorem 2 (W -function): The Wigner W -function of a μ =0. From (18) and (17) such a minimum is given by noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k) is found to be   n , n k n − . |2α(¯n+1)−μ|2 p(0 ¯)=( +1)(¯+1) 1 (19) k L (−1) k (2¯n+1)(¯n+1) W (α)=   Wth(α) (23) In the following, the Fock representation, the Wigner W - n k |μ|2 (2¯ +1) Lk − function, the Glauber–Sudarshan P-function, and the Husimi– n¯+1 Kano Q-function are given for noisy PACS. where k ∈ N and Wth(α) is the Wigner W -function of a Theorem 1 (Fock representation): The Fock representation noisy coherent state given by (13). of a noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k) is found to be Proof: See Appendix C.  (k) W α k n cn,m for both n, m ≥ k Fig. 2 shows ( ) for different values of and ¯. Notice n|Ξ(μ, k)|m = (20) that the Wigner function gets stretched and loses its negativity 0 otherwise as n¯ increases. Recalling that the negativity of the Wigner where k ∈ N, and function is an indicator of non-classicality of the state [57],  k+1 −(1−v)|μ|2 this behavior shows that the quantum state decoheres as the (k) (1 − v) e n! m cn,m = thermal noise increases. v k m k !  Theorem 3 (P-function): The Glauber–Sudarshan m−n −(1−v)2|μ|2 P Ξ μ, k Ln−k v -function of a noisy PACS ( ) is found to be × v n − v μ∗ m−n   .   [(1 ) ] 2 (21) |α(¯n+1)−μ|2 Lk −|μ| (1 − v) k L − k n¯(¯n+1) P α ( 1)   P α  ( )= 2 th( ) (24) Proof: See Appendix B. n¯k L − |μ| The probability distribution for the number of photons n in k n¯+1 aPACSΞ(μ, k) is obtained using Theorem 1 as where k ∈ N and Pth(α) is the Glauber–Sudarshan P-function (k) pn for n ≥ k of a noisy coherent state given by (14). P{n = n} = n|Ξ(μ, k)|n = (22) Proof: See Appendix D.  0 otherwise Theorem 4 (Q-function): The Husimi–Kano Q-function of (k) (k) a noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k) is found to be where pn = cn,n is obtained from (21) with m = n.Thefol- lowing Theorems 2–4 provide a noisy PACS representation in |α|2k Q α   Q α . terms of Wigner W -function, Glauber–Sudarshan P-function, ( )= 2 th( ) (25) k n k L − |μ| and Husimi–Kano Q-function, respectively. !(¯ +1) k n¯+1

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Fig. 3. MDEP for discrimination between a noisy PACS and a noisy coherent state as a function of μ and ξ, with p0 = p1 =1/2.

where k ∈ N and Qth(α) is the Husimi–Kano Q-function of Lemma 2: Consider the PACSs Ξ0 = Ξ(ξ,h), Ξ1 = (θ) ıθ (φ) ıφ a noisy coherent state given by (15). Ξ(μ, k), Ξ0 = Ξ(ξe , h), and Ξ1 = Ξ(μe , k) with Proof: See Appendix E.  θ, φ ∈ R, defined as in (16). Then, It is worth noting that the developed representation of a (φ) (θ) (θ−φ) noisy PACS has relevant special cases. First, in case of no p1Ξ1 − p0Ξ0 1 = p1Ξ1 − p0Ξ0 1. (27) photon addition (i.e., k =0) the representation of a noisy PACS reduces to that of a noisy coherent state, as described in Proof: See Appendix F.  Section III-A. Moreover, in the absence of noise (i.e., n¯ =0), This result simplifies the QSD characterization, especially the representation of a noisy PACS reduces to that of a noise- when one of the states is the thermal state for which the phase less PACS presented in [45]. Furthermore, in the absence is irrelevant, as shown in the following corollary. of displacement (i.e., μ =0), the representation of a noisy Corollary 1: Consider the PACSs of Lemma 2 with ξ = PACS reduces to that of a photon-added thermal state (PATS) h =0,forwhichΞ0 = Ξth. Then, presented in [58]. Finally, in the absence of both noise and (φ) (θ) displacement (i.e., n¯ = μ =0), the representation of a noisy p1Ξ1 − p0Ξ0 1 = p1Ξ1 − p0Ξth1. (28) PACS reduces to that of a Fock state shown in [55]. (θ−φ) † Proof: From Ξ0 = Rθ−φΞthRθ−φ and rotational invariance of Ξth, the (27) reduces to (28).  IV. DISCRIMINATION OF NOISY PHOTON-ADDED The operator Δ has an infinite number of eigenvalues COHERENT STATES that have no closed-form expression. This is a long stand- This section characterizes the binary QSD with noisy PACSs ing problem [1] and a tractable approximation of Δ is needed using the representations given in Section III. In particular, the to compute the MDEP. A simple way to approximate Δ is quantum states associated with the binary hypotheses in (1) are to use an operator Δ˜N , of finite dimension N , in the Fock representation. In particular, Δ Δ˜N where Ξ0 = Ξ(ξ,h) (26a) N−1 N−1 Ξ1 = Ξ(μ, k). (26b) Δ˜N = n|Δ|m|n m| n=0 m=0 Recall that, according to the Helstrom bound (3), the MDEP for a binary QSD depends on Δ1 with Δ = p1Ξ1 −p0Ξ0. with entries n|Δ|m obtained using (20). The accuracy of The following lemma shows that the MDEP for a binary MDEP approximation using Δ˜N depends on N .5 QSD with quantum states as in (26) does not depend on the individual phases of ξ and μ, but only on the phase difference. 5N =30will be used in the remainder of the paper.

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−2 Fig. 4. Performance of the QSD between a noisy PACS and the thermal state as a function of np, with n¯ =10 ,andp0 = p1 =1/2.

A. Case Studies Fig. 4(b) shows the DEP of a counting discriminator as a n Ξ To quantify the noise effects on QSD, two case studies will function of the mean number p of photons in 1, for different k be considered. values of . In comparison to Fig. 4(a), it can be observed that the DEP with a counting discriminator is higher than that of the 1) Ξ0 noisy coherent state, Ξ1 noisy PACS: The quantum states associated with the binary hypotheses in (1) are optimal quantum discriminator (i.e., the MDEP), as expected. Note that the use of a PACS improves the QSD performance Ξ0 = Ξ(ξ,0) compared to the use of a coherent state (k =0), even for the Ξ1 = Ξ(μ, k). counting discriminator. Note also that the DEP of a counting discriminator approaches the MDEP for low values of np.This Recall from (3) and Lemma 2 that, since h =0,theMDEP can be attributed to the fact that, when np is low the off- only depends on n¯, k, |ξ|, |μ|, and arg(ξ) − arg(μ). diagonal terms in the Fock representation, hence the quantum Fig. 3 shows the MDEP as a function of μ and ξ, for dif- advantage, of a PACS vanish. ferent values of k and n¯.6 Note that, for n¯ =0 ,theMDEP Fig. 5 shows the quantum gain ζ, the ratio between the DEP is always greater than zero and, differently from (8a) in the with a counting discriminator and the MDEP with the optimal noiseless case, ξ =0is no longer an optimal solution. discriminator, as a function of np, for different values of k. 2) Ξ0 thermal state, Ξ1 noisy PACS: The quantum states Note that the use of the optimal quantum discriminator always associated with the binary hypotheses in (1) are allows for improvement of the performance with respect to a classical discriminator. Ξ0 = Ξ(0, 0) Fig. 6 shows the MDEP as a function of the mean num- Ξ1 = Ξ(μ, k). ber n¯ of thermal photons, for different values of k and for fixed np =8. Note that the use of a PACS improves the QSD Recall from (3) and Corollary 1 that the MDEP only depends performance compared to the use of a coherent state (k =0), on n¯, k, and |μ|. especially for small n¯. Therefore, PACSs are particularly Fig. 4(a) shows the MDEP as a function of the mean num- valuable in situations when thermal noise is low. ber np of photons in Ξ1, for different values of k.Note that the use of a PACS improves the QSD performance com- B. Application to Quantum Communications pared to the use of a coherent state (k =0). Moreover, the performance improves with the number of photon addi- A direct application of QSD is the transmission of clas- tion operations, which is inversely proportional to the state sical information. A classical source generates a symbol a, generation efficiency. Therefore, there is a trade-off between from a finite alphabet A = {a0, a1,...,aM −1}, with prior the MDEP and the state generation rate. Furthermore, the probabilities P{a = ai } = pi for i =0, 1,...,M − 1. minimum value of np is given by (19). When the source generates the symbol ai , the transmitter Consider also the case of counting discriminator, which sim- prepares a quantum state Ξi , and sends it to the receiver ply counts the number of photons in the quantum state and through a physical channel. The set of all the quantum A {Ξ , Ξ ,...,Ξ } compares it with a threshold that depends on the state Ξ1. states q = 0 1 M −1 is referred to as quantum The counting discriminator is more feasible than the optimal constellation [5]. The prepared state traverses a quantum chan- discriminator and admits a purely classical description [59]. nel, mathematically described by a completely positive trace preserving map C, which transforms the transmitted state Ξi 6While ξ and μ are complex in general, here they are plotted for real values. into Υ i = C{Ξi }. At the receiver side, the quantum state is

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−2 Fig. 5. Quantum gain ζ as a function of np, with n¯ =10 ,andp0 = Fig. 6. MDEP for the discrimination between a noisy PACS and the thermal p1 =1/2. state as a function of n¯, with np =8,andp0 = p1 =1/2. converted back to classical information by means of a quantum evolution Υ of state Ξ results in measurement and a decision is made to infer the transmitted  2π 1 † symbol. Υ = RφΞRφdφ. 0 2π Consider a quantum on-off keying (OOK) system, which employs a binary alphabet (M =2) and discriminates between In such a case, n|Υ |m = δn,m n|Ξ|m, which resembles to Ξ0 = Ξth and an arbitrary state Ξ1. In practice, the quantum the phase diffusion model with large σ (high-phase diffusion), source (e.g., a laser) prepares the state Ξ1 when the symbol a1 for which Υ reduces to a purely classical state. is emitted, and the quantum source is turned off when the sym- We now quantify the effects of phase diffusion on the MDEP bol a0 is emitted. The MDEP of an OOK system employing as described in Section IV. Fig. 7 shows the MDEP as a 2 a PACS corresponds to the MDEP studied in Section IV-A2. function of σ for different values of k. Note that the use of a PACS improves the QSD performance compared to the use of a coherent state (k =0). It can be observed that, for V. T HE EFFECT OF DECOHERENCE small σ, MDEP with phase diffusion approaches to that with- This section quantifies the effects of a quantum channel (i.e., out phase diffusion. It can also be observed that, for large σ, phase diffusion and photon loss) on the QSD performance. The the MDEP with the optimal discriminator approaches the DEP quantum states associated with the binary hypotheses in (1) are with a counting discriminator as the off-diagonal terms van- ish. Therefore, in the presence of a strong phase diffusion, the Υ 0 = C{Ξ(0, 0)} counting discriminator is asymptotically optimal. This can be Υ C{Ξ μ, k } 1 = ( ) attributed to the fact that the off-diagonal terms in the Fock where Υ = C{Ξ} is the state at the output of the quantum representation vanish as the diffusion parameter increases. channel described by C{·} with input Ξ. B. Photon Loss A. Phase Diffusion The photon loss model [60] describes the energy loss of a photon due to propagation from source to destination, and it The phase diffusion model [55] is a purely quantum can be used to model different phenomena (e.g., the free-space mechanical model that has no classical counterparts and can propagation). In the presence of photon loss, the quantum state be used to model different phenomena (e.g., the random scat- Ξ becomes Υ such that tering of photons in a waveguide). In the presence of phase  diffusion, the quantum state Ξ becomes Υ such that 1 α −|α|2 ∗ n m n|Υ |m = √ PΞ e (α ) α dαrdαi η2 n m η −(n−m)2σ2 ! ! n|Υ |m = e n|Ξ|m where η ∈ [0, 1] is the transmissivity parameter. Therefore, the where σ is the phase diffusion parameter. Therefore, the effect effect of photon loss is a joint attenuation and scaling of the of phase diffusion is the exponential damping of the off- P-function. diagonal elements in the Fock representation. Note that this We now quantify the effects of photon loss on the MDEP model can be used to describe the reception of a state with as described in Section IV. Fig. 8 shows the MDEP as a func- unknown phase. For example, when the phase of a state is tion of η for different values of k. Note that the use of a unknown, a uniform random model is used [22] and the PACS improves the QSD performance compared to the use of

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Fig. 7. MDEP for the discrimination between a noisy PACS and the thermal Fig. 8. MDEP for the discrimination between a noisy PACS and the thermal 2 −2 −2 state affected by phase diffusion as a function of σ , with np =6, n¯ =10 , state affected by photon loss as a function of η, with np =6, n¯ =10 , and p0 = p1 =1/2. The two dashed lines for each k represent the MDEP and p0 = p1 =1/2. without phase noise (bottom) and the DEP of a counting discriminator (top). a coherent state (k =0), especially for high η. Note also that, follows from simple algebra; and the third equality follows from in the high-loss regime (i.e., when η ≈ 0),MDEPwithaPACS the definition of generalized Laguerre polynomials. From (30), approaches to that with a coherent state for all k. Therefore, and [36, eq. (3.32)], the (29) results in (7). PACSs are particularly valuable in situations when the loss is APPENDIX B low. This can be attributed to the fact that the quantum state PROOF OF THEOREM 1 loses its non-classical properties more rapidly as η decreases. The coherent-state representation of a noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k), VI. CONCLUSION defined as [36, eq. (6.1)], can be written as This paper addresses the problem of discriminating between ∗ 1 (|α|2+|β|2) R(α ,β)=e 2 α|Ξ(μ, k)|β. two noisy PACSs. First, the representation of PACSs affected by thermal noise during state preparation is given in terms of Fock From (16), basis, Wigner W -function, Glauber–Sudarshan P-function, and 1 (|α|2+|β|2) e 2 Husimi–Kano Q-function. Then, it is shown that the use of R α∗,β α| A† k D Ξ D† Ak |β ( )= N ( ) μ th μ PACSs instead of coherent states with the same energy can k ∗ k α β 1 2 2 significantly improve the QSD performance. It is also shown ( ) (|α| +|β| ) † = e 2 α|DμΞthDμ|β (31) how this advantage depends on the decoherence and the losses in Nk the system. The findings of this paper open the way for the use of where the first equality is from (16) and (9), and the sec- non-coherent states, in particular PACSs, for QSD applications. ond equality follows from the fact that a coherent state is an A APPENDIX A eigenvector of . From the coherent-state representation of PROOF OF LEMMA 1 a displaced thermal state [1, eq. (4.15)] together with (17) and (12), the (31) becomes From (6) and the normalization in [45], ∗ k k+1 ∗ (α β) (1 − v) 2 h † k R α ,β {− − v |μ| } (h) (k) ξ|A (A ) |μ ( )= 2 exp (1 ) ξ |μ  =  . (29) k!Lk (−|μ| (1 − v)) 2 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ h!k!Lk (−|μ| )Lh (−|ξ| ) × exp{vα β +(1− v)(α μ + βμ )}. (32) The enumerator of (29) can be written as From the Mollow–Glauber double generating function for the

h k h associated Laguerre polynomials [61, eqs. (A1) and (A6)] and ξ|Ah A† k |μ ξ|μ n μh−n ξ∗ k−n ( ) = ! n n ( ) by applying some simple algebra, the (32) results in n=0 ∞ ∞ ∗ n m k+1 (α ) β (1 − v) h ∗ n R α∗,β √ k (μξ ) ( )= 2 k ξ|μh ξ∗ k−h n!m! Lk (−|μ| (1 − v))v = !( ) h − n n n=k m=k  n=0 ! 2 n! m n ξ|μh ξ∗ k−h Lk−h −μξ∗ × exp{−(1 − v)|μ| } v = !( ) h ( ) (30) m! k 2 2 ∗ m−n m−n (1 − v) |μ| where the first equality is obtained by using [37, eq. (5.12)] × [(1 − v)μ ] L − . to express Ah (A†)k in the normal order and noticing that n−k v A|μ = μ|μ when |μ is a coherent state; the second equality (33)

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k+1 2|α|2−(1−v)|μ|2  − v e 2 ∗ ∗ W α 2(1 ) −β∗β k e−(1+v)|β| +β (2α−(1−v)μ)−β(2α−(1−v)μ) dβ dβ ( )= 2 2 ( ) r i (36) π k! Lk (−|μ| (1 − v)) k+1 |α|2−(1−v)|μ|2  − v e 2 ∗ ∗ P α (1 ) −β∗β k e−v|β| +β (α−(1−v)μ)−β(α−(1−v)μ) dβ dβ ( )= 2 2 ( ) r i (42) π k! Lk (−|μ| (1 − v))

From the relationship between coherent-state representa- APPENDIX D tion (33) and Fock representation [36, eq. (6.2)], the (20) is PROOF OF THEOREM 3 obtained. The Glauber–Sudarshan P-function of a noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k), defined according to [64, eq. (6)], can be written APPENDIX C as PROOF OF THEOREM 2 |α|2  e 2 ∗ ∗ W Ξ μ, k P α −β|Ξ μ, k |βe|β| eβ α−βα dβ dβ . The Wigner -function of a noisy PACS ( ), defined ( )= π2 ( ) r i according to [45, eq. (3.5)], can be written as (41) 2|α|2  e ∗ ∗ W α 2 −β|Ξ μ, k |βe2(β α−βα )dβ dβ . ( )= π2 ( ) r i Using (32) and (35) in (41), the (42) at the top of the page is obtained. Then, by applying a double change of variable (34) √ γ vβ From (31), = (43a) α − (1 − v)μ ∗ −|β|2 ξ √ −β|Ξ(μ, k)|β = R(−β ,β)e (35) = v (43b) and by using it together with (32) in (34), the (36) at the top we obtain of the page is obtained. Then, by applying a double change − v k+1e|α|2−(1−v)|μ|2 of variable P α (1 ) I (k) ξ . ( )= 2 2 k+1 ( ) (44) √ π k! Lk (−|μ| (1 − v))v γ = β 1+v (37a) 2α − (1 − v)μ From (39), (44) can be written as ξ = √ (37b) v 1+ v − k L |ξ|2 P α ( 1) k ( ) we obtain ( )= k 2 v Lk (−|μ| (1 − v)) − v k+1e2|α|2−(1−v)|μ|2 −|ξ|2 |α|2−(1−v)|μ|2 W α 2(1 ) I (k) ξ (1 − v) e e ( )= 2 k+1 ( ) (38) × . (45) πk! Lk (−|μ| (1 − v))(1 + v) πv where  From (43b) together with (12) and (14), the (45) results in (24). I (k) ξ 1 −γ∗γ k e−|γ|2+γ∗ξ−γξ∗ dγ dγ . ( )=π ( ) r i APPENDIX E Using [62, eq. (A.28)] and the Wirtinger derivatives7 [63], PROOF OF THEOREM 4 2k The Husimi–Kano Q-function of a noisy PACS Ξ(μ, k), (k) ∂ −|ξ|2 I (ξ)= e defined according to [65, eq. (12.7)], can be written as ∂ξ∗k ∂ξk 1 and, from the definition of Laguerre polynomials, Q α α|Ξ μ, k |α. ( )=π ( ) (46) I (k) ξ − k k e−|ξ|2 L |ξ|2 . ( )=( 1) ! k ( ) (39) From (31), From (39), the (38) can be rewritten as −|α|2 e ∗ k 2 Q(α)= R(α ,α). (47) (v − 1) Lk (|ξ| ) π W (α)= v k L −|μ|2 − v (1 + ) k ( (1 )) From (32) together with (12) and (15), the (47) results in (25). 2 2 2 2(1 − v) e−|ξ| e2|α| −(1−v)|μ| × . (40) π(1 + v) APPENDIX F From (37b) together with (12) and (13), the (40) results in (23). PROOF OF LEMMA 2

∂ 1 ∂ ∂ From (16) and (9), 7Recall that the Wirtinger derivatives are defined as = ( −ı ) ∂ξ 2 ∂ξr ∂ξi ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∗ k ∂ k (φ) and ∗ = ( + ı ), from which (ξ ) =0and ∗ (ξ) =0 1 † k † k ∂ξ 2 ∂ξr ∂ξi ∂ξ ∂ξ Ξ1 = (A ) Dν ΞthDνA for k ∈ N. Nk

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Theory, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 657–668, Nov. 1978. statistical signal processing. In 2012 he has been appointed Distinguished [61] B. R. Mollow and R. J. Glauber, “Quantum theory of parametric Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. He served amplification. I,” Phys. Rev., vol. 160, pp. 1076–1096, Aug. 1967. as elected Chair (2002–2004) of the Radio Communications Committee of [62] R. R. Puri, Mathematical Methods of Quantum Optics. Berlin, Germany: the IEEE Communication Society and as Editor (2000–2007) of Wireless Springer, 2001. Communication for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. [63] M. Kracht and E. Kreyszig, Methods of Complex Analysis in Partial He received the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Differential Equations with Applications. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, Prize in the Field of Communications Systems, the 2012 IEEE 1988. Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and the 2012 IEEE [64] C. L. Mehta, “Diagonal coherent-state representation of quantum oper- Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize in the Field of ators,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 752–754, May 1967. Communications Theory. [65] W. P. Schleich, Quantum Optics in Phase Space. Berlin, Germany: Wiley, 2001. [66] U. Leonhardt, Measuring The Quantum State of Light. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Andrea Conti (Senior Member, IEEE) is a Professor and founding director of the Wireless Communication and Localization Networks Laboratory at the University of Ferrara, Italy. Prior to joining the University of Ferrara, he was with CNIT and with IEIIT-CNR. In Summer 2001, he was with the Wireless Systems Research Department at AT&T Research Laboratories. Since 2003, he has been a frequent visitor to the Wireless Information and Network Sciences Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute Stefano Guerrini (Student Member, IEEE) received of Technology, where he presently holds the Research Affiliate appointment. the Laurea degree (summa cum laude) in electronics His research interests involve theory and experimentation of wireless and telecommunications engineering in 2017 from communication and localization systems. His current research topics include the University of Ferrara, where he is currently pur- network localization and navigation, distributed sensing, adaptive diversity suing a Ph.D. degree. communications, and quantum information science. Since 2017, he has been a research assistant Dr. Conti has served as editor for IEEE journals and chaired international in the Wireless Communication and Localization conferences. He was elected Chair of the IEEE Communications Society’s Networks Laboratory at the University of Ferrara. In Radio Communications Technical Committee and is Co-founder of the Spring 2020, he visited the Wireless Information and IEEE Quantum Communications & Information Technology Emerging Network Sciences Laboratory at the Massachusetts Technical Subcommittee. He received the HTE Puskás Tivadar Medal, Institute of Technology. His current research topics the IEEE Communications Society’s Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and the include statistical inference and quantum information science. IEEE Communications Society’s Stephen O. Rice Prize in the field of Mr. Guerrini served as a reviewer for different IEEE journals and interna- Communications Theory. He is an elected Fellow of the IET and a member tional conferences. of Sigma Xi. He has been selected as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.

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