arXiv:2102.00624v2 [math.AG] 29 Jun 2021 qaero ftecnnclln bundle line canonical the of square-root a UFCSADQILNCNETO NTETEABUNDLE THETA THE ON CONNECTION QUILLEN AND SURFACES e od n phrases. and words Key 2010 References surfaces Riemann Acknowledgements of coincide Family torsors of isomorphisms 5. two The torsors of isomorphism 4. holomorphic A connection 3.2. canonical A torsors of 3.1. isomorphism Another torsors of 3. isomorphism space An moduli a on 2.2. torsors bundles Two vector stable of 2.1. space Moduli 2. Introduction 1. Let AOIA ONCINO UDE NRIEMANN ON BUNDLES ON CONNECTION CANONICAL A X ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics set ftemdl pc fcnetoso opc connect compact a on connections of space moduli the of aspects i ht characteristic theta a Fix Abstract. fsal etrbnlson bundles vector stable of h bv smrhs between isomorphism above The tmvshlmrhclyas holomorphically moves it yn usd h ht iio,w osrc aua holomorphic natural a construct we divisor, theta the outside lying aoia ooopi smrhs ewe h olwn two: following the between isomorphism holomorphic canonical htdpnshlmrhclyon holomorphically depends that 2 h pc onΘ ie ytesefo ooopi connectio holomorphic of the by given Conn(Θ) space the (2) 1 h ouispace moduli the (1) eacmatcnetdReansraeo eu tlatto Le two. least at genus of surface Riemann connected compact a be eto on nection on M soitdt h ht divisor. theta the to associated eivsiaetesmlci emti n lotedffrnilgeo differential the also and geometric symplectic the investigate We E NRNLBSA N AQE HURTUBISE JACQUES AND BISWAS INDRANIL and , ouisae ht ude ooopi oncin,Qilnconne Quillen connections, holomorphic bundle, theta space, Moduli C fpis( pairs of K X 1 X X / 2 usoe ooopi aiyo imn surfaces. Riemann of family holomorphic a over runs frank of on 1. C E ,D E, X n onΘ ssmlci tutr rsrig and preserving, structure symplectic is Conn(Θ) and sn hshlmrhccneto,w osrc a construct we connection, holomorphic this Using . Introduction 46,14D21. 14H60, Contents tdfie ht iio ntemdl space moduli the on divisor theta a defines it ; r ,where ), erezr.Gvnavco bundle vector a Given zero. degree K 1 X of E X M ∈ ti aldateacaatrsi of characteristic theta a called is it ; and D dReansurface Riemann ed sahlmrhccon- holomorphic a is so h iebundle line the on ns oncinon connection E metric M ∈ t M X E K . ction. X 1 / 2 be 22 22 20 11 10 7 7 7 4 4 1 2 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

X. Let M denote the moduli space of stable vector bundles on X of rank r and degree 0 1/2 zero. It has the theta divisor DΘ defined by all E such that H (X, E ⊗ KX ) =6 0; the holomorphic line bundle on M corresponding to the divisor DΘ is denoted by Θ. The moduli space M has a natural K¨ahler structure. The K¨ahler 2-form on M coincides with the symplectic form on the U(r) character variety for X, [Go], [AB], once we identify this character variety with M using [NS] (see the map ψU below). Let C denote the moduli space of holomorphic connections on X of rank r such that the underlying holomorphic vector bundle is stable; it projects to M by mapping elements to the underlying holomorphic vector bundle. This C is a holomorphic torsor on M for the holomorphic cotangent bundle T ∗M (this means that the fibers of T ∗M act freely transitively on the fibers of C over M). This moduli space C is equipped with a natural holomorphic symplectic structure [Go], [AB]. There is a natural C∞ section

ψU : M −→ C that sends any E ∈ M to the unique unitary flat connection on E [NS]. Let Conn(Θ) denote the holomorphic fiber bundle on M given by the sheaf of holomor- phic connections on the line bundle Θ. There is a tautological holomorphic connection on the pullback of Θ to Conn(Θ). The curvature of this tautological holomorphic connec- tion is a holomorphic symplectic form on Conn(Θ). This Conn(Θ) is also a holomorphic torsor on M for T ∗M. Although the line bundle Θ depends on the choice of the theta 1/2 ∗ characteristic KX , the T M–torsor Conn(Θ) does not depend on the choice of the theta characteristic (see Remark 2.2). There is a unique Hermitian connection on Θ whose curvature is the K¨ahler form on M [Qu]. Let

ψQ : M −→ Conn(Θ) be the corresponding C∞ section of the projection Conn(Θ) −→ M. Since both C and Conn(Θ) are torsors over M for T ∗M, and they are equipped with ∞ ∞ the C sections ψU and ψQ respectively, there is a unique C isomorphism F : C −→ Conn(Θ) satisfying the following two conditions:

• F takes the section ψU to ψQ, and • F preserves the T ∗M–torsor structure up to the multiplicative factor 2r, meaning F (E,D+v) = F (E,D)+2r·v, where E ∈ M with D a holomorphic connection ∗ 0 on E and v ∈ TEM = H (X, End(E) ⊗ KX ). The following was proved in [BH] (recalled here in Theorem 2.1): The above isomorphism F is holomorphic, and it preserves the holomorphic symplectic forms up to the factor 2r, meaning the pullback, by F , of the holomorphic symplectic form on Conn(Θ) coincides with 2r times the holomorphic symplectic form on C. 0 1/2 Take any holomorphic vector bundle E ∈ M such that H (X, E ⊗ KX ) = 0(so E lies outside the theta divisor DΘ). We construct a natural holomorphic connection on E; see Section 3.1. Unlike the unitary connection, it moves holomorphically as E moves in a holomorphic family of vector bundles. In fact, this connection moves holomorphically as A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 3 the pair (X, E) moves in a holomorphic family. Let φ : M\ D −→ C Θ Θ M\D be the holomorphic section given by this natural holomorphic connection.

The holomorphic line Θ has a canonical trivialization outside the theta divisor DΘ. This trivialization produces a holomorphic section of the fiber bundle Conn(Θ) −→ M outside DΘ. Let τ : M\ D −→ Conn(Θ) Θ Θ M\D be the section given by this canonical trivialization. Unlike the section ψQ, this section τ is holomorphic. Since both C and Conn(Θ) are torsors over M\ D for the holomorphic M\DΘ M\DΘ Θ ∗ cotangent bundle T (M\ DΘ), and φ and τ are holomorphic sections, there is a unique holomorphic isomorphism G : C −→ Conn(Θ) Θ Θ M\D M\D satisfying the following two conditions: • G takes the section φ to τ, and ∗ • G preserves the T (M\ DΘ)–torsor structures up to the multiplicative factor 2r; this means that G(E,D + v) = G(E,D)+2r · v, where E ∈ M\ DΘ, D is a ∗ 0 holomorphic connection on E and v ∈ TEM = H (X, End(E) ⊗ KX ). Our main result says the following (see Theorem 4.1): Theorem 1.1. The above isomorphism G coincides with the restriction of the isomor- phism F to the open subset C . Θ M\D Theorem 1.1 has the following consequence (see Corollary 4.5): Corollary 1.2. The above holomorphic isomorphism G extends to a holomorphic isomor- phism G′ : C −→∼ Conn(Θ) over entire M. Remark 1.3. We note that the isomorphism G in Theorem 1.1 is constructed purely algebro-geometrically. Hence the construction of its closure G′ in Corollary 1.2 is purely ∞ algebro-geometric. On the other hand, the two C sections ψU and ψQ mentioned earlier are not algebro-geometric. Theorem 1.1 implies that given the input of the algebro- ′ geometric isomorphism G , any one of the two sections ψU and ψQ determines the other uniquely.

As mentioned before, both C and Conn(Θ) are equipped with holomorphic symplectic structures. Let Φ1 and Φ2 denote the holomorphic symplectic forms on C and Conn(Θ) respectively. We prove the following relationship between these two symplectic forms (see Corollary 4.6): Corollary 1.4. For the isomorphism G′ in Corollary 1.2, ′ ∗ (G ) Φ2 = 2r · Φ1 . 4 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

Both φ and τ move holomorphically as X moves in a holomorphic family of Riemann surfaces. Therefore, Theorem 1.1 has the following consequence (see Proposition 5.1): Proposition 1.5. The isomorphism F moves holomorphically as X moves in a holomor- phic family of Riemann surfaces.

It may be mentioned that Proposition 1.5 not immediate from the isomorphism of [BH]. This is particularly useful as one of the questions inspiring this investigation is the omnipresence of the determinantal line in questions involving deformations of connections, that is isomonodromy; this manifests itself in the role of tau-functions. The role of this line is somewhat surprising; it is as if in a linear algebra problem, the main issue was the determinant. Several papers have been devoted to this issue, notably by Malgrange [Ma]. This paper and its predecessor [BH] can be viewed as a further exploration of this issue; one is comparing one torsor (C), defined over the moduli space in terms of connections on a full , and another (Conn) which is simply the natural locus for connections on the determinant line; the first should contain much more information, but for certain things, it does not.

2. Moduli space of stable vector bundles

2.1. Two torsors on a moduli space. Let X be a compact connected Riemann surface of genus g, with g ≥ 2. We recall that a holomorphic vector bundle V on X is called stable if degree(F ) degree(V ) < rank(F ) rank(V ) for all holomorphic subbundles F ( V of positive rank. This condition implies that any stable vector bundle is simple. Fix a positive integer r. Let M denote the moduli space of stable vector bundles on X of rank r and degree zero (see [Ne], [Si1] for the construction of this moduli space).

The holomorphic cotangent bundle of X will be denoted by KX . A holomorphic con- nection on a holomorphic vector bundle E on X is a holomorphic differential operator of order one DE : E −→ E ⊗ KX satisfying the Leibniz identity, which says that D(f · s) = f · D(s)+ s ⊗ df, where s is any locally defined holomorphic section of E and f is any locally defined holomorphic function on X [At]. Holomorphic connections on X are flat because there are no nonzero (2, 0)–forms on a Riemann surface. Let C denote the moduli space of all holomorphic connections on X of rank r such that the underlying holomorphic vector bundle is stable [Si1], [Si2]. In other words, C parametrizes all isomorphism classes of pairs of the form (E, DE), where E is a stable holomorphic vector bundle on X of rank r and degree zero and DE is a holomorphic connection on E. Any indecomposable holomorphic vector bundle on X of degree zero admits a holomor- phic connection [At, p. 203, Proposition 19], [We], in particular, any stable vector bundle on X of degree zero admits a holomorphic connection. Let

ϕ : C −→ M , (E, DE) 7−→ E (2.1) A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 5 be the forgetful map that forgets the holomorphic connection; as noted above, the map ϕ is surjective. Any two holomorphic connections on E ∈ M differ by an element of 0 ∗ H (X, End(E) ⊗ KX ) = TEM . In fact, C is a holomorphic torsor over M for the holomorphic cotangent bundle T ∗M. This means that there is a holomorphic action ∗ δ : C ×M T M −→ C of T ∗M on C such that the map of fiber products ∗ C ×M T M −→ C ×M C , (a, b) 7−→ (δ(a, b), a) is an isomorphism. Any stable holomorphic vector bundle on X of degree zero admits a unique holomorphic connection whose monodromy representation is unitary [NS, p. 560–561, Theorem 2]. Therefore, the projection ϕ in (2.1) has a C∞ section

ψU : M −→ C (2.2) that sends any stable vector bundle E ∈ M to the unique holomorphic connection on E whose monodromy representation is unitary. This section ψU is not holomorphic. There is a natural holomorphic symplectic form on C 0 2 Φ1 ∈ H (C, ΩC) (2.3)

[Go], [AB]. It is known that this holomorphic 2–form Φ1 is algebraic [Bi2]. We shall now construct another holomorphic torsor over M for the holomorphic cotan- gent bundle T ∗M. 1/2 1/2 Fix a theta characteristic KX on X. So KX is a holomorphic line bundle on X of 1/2 1/2 degree g − 1 such that KX ⊗ KX is holomorphically isomorphic to the holomorphic 1/2 1/2 cotangent bundle KX . Fix a holomorphic isomorphism of KX ⊗ KX with KX . Let 0 1/2 DΘ := {E ∈M| H (X, E ⊗ KX ) =6 0}⊂M (2.4) be the theta divisor on M (see [La]). Note that by Riemann–Roch we have

0 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 dim H (X, E ⊗ KX ) − dim H (X, E ⊗ KX ) = degree(E ⊗ KX ) − r(g − 1) = r(g − 1) − r(g − 1) = 0 . 1 1/2 So H (X, E ⊗ KX ) =6 0 if and only if E ∈ DΘ. The holomorphic line bundle OM(DΘ) on M will be denoted by Θ. Let At(Θ) −→ M be the Atiyah bundle for Θ. It fits in the short exact sequence of holomorphic vector bundles

0 −→ OM −→ At(Θ) −→ T M −→ 0 (2.5) 1 over M (see [At, p. 187, Theorem 1]). For i ≥ 0, let DiffM(Θ, Θ) be the holomorphic vector bundle on M given by the sheaf of holomorphic differential operators from Θ to 1 itself. We note that At(Θ) = DiffM(Θ, Θ), and the exact sequence in (2.5) coincides with the sequence 0 1 0 −→ DiffM(Θ, Θ) = OM −→ DiffM(Θ, Θ) −→ T M −→ 0 , 6 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE where the projection to T M is the symbol map. Consider the dual exact sequence of (2.5) ∗ ∗ α ∗ 0 −→ T M −→ At(Θ) −→ OM = OM −→ 0 . (2.6) Let 1M : M −→ OM be the section given by the constant function 1 on M. Now define ∗ −1 q At(Θ) ⊃ α (1M(M)) =: Conn(Θ) −→ M , (2.7) where α is the projection in (2.6). Holomorphic sections of Conn(Θ) over an open subset

U ⊂ M are identified with the holomorphic connections on Θ U . From (2.6) it follows immediately that Conn(Θ) is a holomorphic torsor over M for the holomorphic cotangent bundle T ∗M. ∞ For any open subset U ⊂ M, all C maps s : U −→ Conn(Θ) such that q ◦s = IdU , ∞ where q is the projection in (2.7), are in bijection with the C connections DU on the holomorphic line bundle Θ such that the (0, 1)-part of DU coincides with the Dolbeault U operator given by the holomorphic structure on Θ U . This condition on DU is equivalent ∞ to the condition that DU (γ) is a C section of (Θ ⊗ KX ) for every holomorphic section U γ of ΘU . Such a connection DU on Θ U is holomorphic if and only if the corresponding section s of the projection q is holomorphic.

There is a natural K¨ahler form ωM on M [AB]; this form ωM coincides with the ir symplectic form on the irreducible unitary character variety Hom (π1(X), U(r))/U(r) ir that was constructed by Goldman [Go]; here Hom (π1(X), U(r)) denotes the space of all r homomorphisms ρ : π1(X) −→ U(r) such that the standard action of ρ(π1(X)) on C does not preserve any nonzero proper subspace of Cr. More precisely, we have ∗ ωM = ψU Φ1 , (2.8) where ψU and Φ1 are as in (2.2) and (2.3) respectively. Quillen constructed an explicit Hermitian structure on the line bundle Θ with the property that the curvature of the corresponding Chern connection on Θ coincides with the K¨ahler form ωM in (2.8) [Qu] (see also [BGS1], [BGS2], [BGS3]). As a corollary, the de Rham cohomology class for ωM is integral. We note that there is at most one Hermitian connection on Θ whose curvature is ωM. In other words, the Chern connection of the Hermitian structure on Θ constructed in [Qu] is the unique Hermitian connection whose curvature is ωM. It should be clarified that this condition — that the curvature is ωM — does not determine the Hermitian structure on Θ uniquely; any two Hermitian structures on Θ satisfying this condition differ by a constant scalar multiplication. However, the Hermitian connection is unique. Let ∇Q denote the unique Hermitian connection on Θ Q ∞ whose curvature is ωM. So ∇ produces a C section

ψQ : M −→ Conn(Θ) (2.9) of the holomorphic fibration q in (2.7). There is a holomorphic symplectic form 0 2 Φ2 ∈ H (Conn(Θ), ΩConn(Θ)) (2.10) on Conn(Θ) which can be described as follows. The holomorphic line bundle q∗Θ, where q is the projection in (2.7), has a tautological holomorphic connection (see [BHS, p. 372, Proposition 3.3], [BB]). The curvature of this tautological holomorphic connection on ∗ q Θ is the 2–form Φ2 in (2.10). A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 7

2.2. An isomorphism of torsors. In this subsection a result from [BH] will be recalled. Let ∗ ∗ δ : C ×M T M −→ C and η : Conn(Θ) ×M T M −→ Conn(Θ) (2.11) be the holomorphic T ∗M–torsor structures on C and Conn(Θ) respectively. Let m : T ∗M −→ T ∗M , v 7−→ 2r · v (2.12) be the multiplication by 2r. Theorem 2.1 ([BH, Proposition 2.3, Theorem 3.1]). There is a unique holomorphic isomorphism F : C −→ Conn(Θ) such that (1) ϕ = q ◦ F , where ϕ and q are the projections in (2.1) and (2.7) respectively, (2) F ◦ ψU = ψQ, where ψU and ψQ are the sections in (2.2) and (2.9) respectively, and ∗ (3) F ◦ δ = η ◦ (F × m) as maps from C ×M T M to Conn(Θ), where δ, η and m are the maps in (2.11) and (2.12). ∗ Moreover, F Φ2 = 2r · Φ1, where Φ1 and Φ2 are the symplectic forms in (2.3) and (2.10) respectively.

There is a unique C∞ isomorphism C −→ Conn(Θ) that satisfies the three conditions in the first part of Theorem 2.1. The content of the first part of Theorem 2.1 is that this C∞ isomorphism is actually holomorphic. The second part of Theorem 2.1 says that this isomorphism is compatible, up to the factor 2r, with the symplectic structures on C and Conn(Θ). Remark 2.2. For a different choice of the theta characteristic on X, the corresponding theta line bundle on M differs from Θ by a line bundle of order two on M. Any line bundle of finite order has a tautological flat holomorphic connection. This implies that the T ∗M–torsor Conn(Θ) is actually independent of the choice that theta characteristic on X.

3. Another isomorphism of torsors

3.1. A canonical connection. For i = 1, 2, let

pi : X × X −→ X (3.1) be the projection to the i–th factor. Let ∆ := {(x, x) | x ∈ X} ⊂ X × X be the diagonal divisor. We shall identify ∆ with X via the map x 7−→ (x, x). Using the Poincar´eadjunction formula, the restriction of the holomorphic line bundle OX×X (∆) to ∆ is identified with the normal bundle of the divisor ∆ ⊂ X × X, which in turn is identified with TX using the identification of ∆ with X. However this isomorphism between OX×X (∆) ∆ and TX changes by multiplication by −1 under the involution (x, y) 7−→ (y, x) of X × X. In other words, this involution acts by multiplication by −1 on OX×X (∆) . ∆ 8 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

∗ 1/2 Using the isomorphism between OX×X (∆) ∆ and TX, the restriction of (p1KX ) ⊗ ∗ 1/2 (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆) to ∆ is identified with KX ⊗ TX = OX . It should be clarified that this isomorphism changes by multiplication by −1 under the involution (x, y) 7−→ (y, x) of X × X.

Take any E ∈ M\ DΘ, where DΘ is constructed in (2.4). Since 0 1/2 1 1/2 H (X, E ⊗ KX )=0= H (X, E ⊗ KX ) , using Serre duality, we have 0 ∗ 1/2 1 1/2 ∗ 0 1/2 ∗ 1 ∗ 1/2 H (X, E ⊗KX ) = H (X, E ⊗KX ) =0= H (X, E ⊗KX ) = H (X, E ⊗KX ) . (3.2) Consider the short exact sequence of coherent sheaves on X × X ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 0 −→ (p1(E ⊗KX ))⊗(p2(E ⊗KX )) −→ (p1(E ⊗KX ))⊗(p2(E ⊗KX ))⊗OX×X (∆) −→ End(E) −→ 0 ; ∆ ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ ∗ recall that (p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆) ∆ = OX , and note that (p1E) ⊗ (p2E ) ∆ = End(E) (the identification between X and ∆ is being used). Let

0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) 0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 −→ H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) hE 0 1 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 −→ H (X, End(E)) −→ H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) (3.3) be the corresponding long exact sequence of cohomologies. Using K¨unneth formula, 0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 0 1/2 0 ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) = H (X, E ⊗ KX ) ⊗ H (X, E ⊗ KX ) and 1 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) (3.4) 1 j 1/2 1−j ∗ 1/2 = M H (X, E ⊗ KX ) ⊗ H (X, E ⊗ KX ) . j=0 Hence invoking (3.2) we conclude that

k ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) = 0 (3.5) for k = 0, 1. Consequently, the homomorphism hE in the exact sequence in (3.3) is an isomorphism. Now define −1 0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 βE := hE (IdE) ∈ H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) , (3.6) 0 where IdE ∈ H (X, End(E)) is the identity endomorphism. ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 It was noted earlier that (p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗OX×X (∆) ∆ = OX . We shall now show that ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) = O2∆ . (3.7) 2∆ To prove (3.7), take any holomorphic coordinate function z : U −→ C on some analytic open subset U of X. Take a holomorphic section 0 1/2 sz ∈ H (U, KX ) U A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 9

0 such that sz ⊗ sz = dz ∈ H (U, KU ); note that there are exactly two such sections, and they differ by multiplication by −1. Now we have

1 ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 (p1sz) ⊗ (p2sz) ∈ H (U × U, ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) U×U ) . z ◦ p1 − z ◦ p2 1 ∗ ∗ Of course, this section z◦p1−z◦p2 (p1sz) ⊗ (p2sz) depends on the coordinate function z. However, it is straight-forward to check that the restriction of the section to (2∆) T(U ×U) 1 ∗ ∗ (p1sz) ⊗ (p2sz) (2∆)∩(U×U) z ◦ p1 − z ◦ p2 is actually independent of the choice of the holomorphic coordinate function z. Conse- 1 ∗ ∗ quently, the locally defined sections of the form z◦p1−z◦p2 (p1sz) ⊗ (p2sz) patch together ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 compatibly to define a canonical section of (p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆) . Let 2∆ 0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 σ0 ∈ H (2∆, (p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) (3.8) be this canonical section. This section σ0 produces the isomorphism in (3.7) between ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) 2∆ and O2∆ by sending any locally defined section f ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 of O2∆ to the locally defined section f · σ0 of ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) . 2∆ We note that the restriction of the section σ0 in (3.8) to ∆ ⊂ 2∆ coincides with the ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 section given by the trivialization of ((p1KX )⊗(p2KX )⊗OX×X (∆)) ∆ (the trivialization ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 of ((p1KX )⊗(p2KX )⊗OX×X (∆)) was obtained earlier using the Poincar´eadjunction ∆ formula). Consider the section βE in (3.6). It is easy to see that there is a unique section 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ βE ∈ H (2∆, (p1E) ⊗ (p2E )) , b over 2∆, such that βE = βE ⊗ σ0 . (3.9) 2∆ b −1 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ Indeed, (σ0) is a section of ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) over 2∆. Now define −1 βE := (βE ) ⊗ (σ0) , b 2∆ ∗ ∗ ∗ and consider it as a section of ((p1E) ⊗ (p2E )) using the duality pairing 2∆ ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 ∗ (((p1KX )⊗(p2KX )⊗OX×X (∆)) )⊗(((p1KX )⊗(p2KX )⊗OX×X (∆)) ) −→ O2∆ . 2∆ 2∆ Since hE(βE) = IdE (see (3.6)), and the restriction of σ0 to ∆ ⊂ 2∆ coincides with ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 the section of ((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗ OX×X (∆)) ∆ given by its trivialization, we conclude that

βE ∆ = IdE ∗ b ∗ ∗ using the natural identification of ((p1E) ⊗ (p2E )) −→ ∆ with End(E) −→ X. Con- ∆ sequently, the section βE in (3.9) defines a holomorphic connection on the holomorphic vector bundle E, followingb the idea of Grothendieck of defining a connection as an ex- tension, to the first order neighborhood of the diagonal, of the isomorphism of the two pullbacks on the diagonal (see [De, p. 6, 2.2.4]). This holomorphic connection on E defined by βE will be denoted by b ′ βE . (3.10) b 10 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

For notational convenience, let 0 M := M\ DΘ (3.11) denote the complement of DΘ in M. Define C0 := ϕ−1(M0) ⊂ C , where ϕ is the projection in (2.1). Let ϕ : C0 −→ M0 (3.12) b be the restriction of the map ϕ to C0. We note that C0 is a holomorphic torsor over M0 for T ∗M0. We have the holomorphic map 0 0 ′ φ : M −→ C , E 7−→ (E, βE) , (3.13) b ′ where βE is the holomorphic connection in (3.10). So φ is a holomorphic section of the b projection ϕ in (3.12), meaning ϕ ◦ φ = IdM0 . b b 3.2. A holomorphic isomorphism of torsors. Define Conn(Θ)0 := q−1(M0) ⊂ Conn(Θ) , where q is the projection in (2.7), and M0 is the Zariski open subset of M in (3.11). Let q : Conn(Θ)0 −→ M0 (3.14) b be the restriction of the map q to Conn(Θ)0. We note that Conn(Θ)0 is a holomorphic torsor over M0 for T ∗M0. 0 The restriction of the line bundle Θ = OM(DΘ) to M has a tautological isomorphism with the trivial line bundle OM0 . Therefore, the trivial holomorphic connection on OM0 , defined by the de Rham differential, produces a holomorphic connection on the restriction Θ 0 . Let M τ : M0 −→ Conn(Θ)0 (3.15) be the holomorphic section of the projection q in (3.14) given by this tautological connec- tion on Θ 0 . b M Let 0 0 ∗ 0 0 0 0 ∗ 0 0 δ : C ×M0 T M −→ C and η : Conn(Θ) ×M0 T M −→ Conn(Θ) (3.16) be the restrictions of the maps δ and η in (2.11). So δ0 and η0 give the T ∗M0–torsor structures on C0 and Conn(Θ)0 respectively. Similarly, m0 : T ∗M0 −→ T ∗M0 , v 7−→ 2r · v (3.17) is the restriction of the map in (2.12). Lemma 3.1. There is a unique holomorphic isomorphism G : C0 −→ Conn(Θ)0 such that (1) ϕ = q ◦ G, where ϕ and q are the projections in (3.12) and (3.14) respectively, (2) Gb ◦ φb= τ, where φb and τb are the sections in (3.13) and (3.15) respectively, and A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 11

0 0 0 0 ∗ 0 0 0 0 (3) G ◦ δ = η ◦ (G × m ) as maps from C ×M0 T M to Conn(Θ) , where δ , η and m0 are the maps in (3.16) and (3.17).

Proof. This is straightforward. For any stable vector bundle E ∈ M0 and any 0 ∗ 0 ν ∈ H (X, End(E) ⊗ KX ) = TEM , define G(δ0(φ(E), ν)) = η0(τ(E), 2r · ν) . Then G is evidently a well defined map from C0 to Conn(Θ)0. It is holomorphic because φ, τ, δ0 and η0 are all holomorphic maps. This map G satisfies all the three conditions in the lemma. The uniqueness of G is evident. 

4. The two isomorphisms of torsors coincide

The following theorem is the main result proved here. Theorem 4.1. The restriction of the isomorphism F in Theorem 2.1 to the open subset C0 ⊂ C coincides with the isomorphism G in Lemma 3.1.

Proof. In view of the first condition in both Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 3.1, we get a map 0 ∗ 0 Γ0 : C −→ T M , z 7−→ F (z) − G(z) . (4.1) 0 In other words, F (z) = η (G(z), Γ0(z)). This map Γ0 is holomorphic because both F and G are so. Take any E ∈ M0 and any α ∈ ϕ−1(E) ⊂ C0 , where ϕ is the projection in (3.12), andb also take any b 0 ∗ 0 ν ∈ H (X, End(E) ⊗ KX ) = TEM . Now from the third condition in both Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 3.1, we have

Γ0(α + ν) = F (α + ν) − G(α + ν) = F (α) − G(α)+2r · ν − 2r · ν = Γ0(α) .

Consequently, the map Γ0 in (4.1) produces a holomorphic 1–form Γ ∈ H0(M0, T ∗M0) (4.2) 0 ∗ 0 −1 that sends any E ∈ M to Γ0(α) ∈ TEM with α ∈ ϕ (E); as shown above, Γ0(α) is independent of the choice of α. In other words, Γ0 = Γb◦ ϕ, where ϕ is the projection in (3.12). b b The following proposition would be used in the proof of Theorem 4.1. Proposition 4.2. The holomorphic 1–form Γ on M0 in (4.2) is a meromorphic 1–form 0 on M, and its order of pole at the divisor DΘ = M\M is at most one, or equivalently, 0 ∗ 0 ∗ Γ ∈ H (M, (T M) ⊗ Θ) = H (M, (T M) ⊗ OM(DΘ)) . Proof of Proposition 4.2. Let W −→ M be a holomorphic torsor for T ∗M and s a holo- 0 morphic section of W over the open subset M = M\ DΘ. Then the meromorphicity of s is defined by choosing holomorphic trivializations of W on open neighborhoods, in M, of points of DΘ (a trivialization of a torsor is just a holomorphic section of it). Such a trivialization of W over U ⊂ M turns s into a holomorphic 1–form on U ∩M0; de- 0 fine s to be meromorphic if this holomorphic 1–form on U ∩M is meromorphic near U 12 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

DΘ T U ⊂ U. Since any two holomorphic trivializations, over U, of the torsor W differ by a holomorphic 1–form on U, this definition of the meromorphicity of s does not depend U on the choice of the trivialization of W U . For the same reason, the order of pole at DΘ of a meromorphic section s of W of the above type is also well-defined. 0 Let ̟1 be the smooth (1, 0)–form on M given by φ − ψU M0 , where φ (respectively, ∗ 0 0 ∗ ψU ) is the section of the T M –torsor C (respectively, T M–torsor C) constructed in 0 (3.13) (respectively, (2.2)). Let ̟2 be the smooth (1, 0)–form on M given by τ − ψQ M0 , ∗ 0 0 where τ (respectively, ψQ) is the section of the T M –torsor Conn(Θ) (respectively, T ∗M–torsor Conn(Θ)) constructed in (3.15) (respectively, (2.9)). It can be shown that

Γ=2r · ̟1 − ̟2 . (4.3) Indeed, using the third property in Theorem 2.1 and the third property in Lemma 3.1 we have

2r · ̟1 − ̟2 = 2r(φ − ψU 0 ) − (τ − ψQ 0 ) = G(φ) − G(ψU 0 ) − τ + ψQ 0 M M M M = ψQ 0 − G(ψU 0 ) = F (ψU 0 ) − G(ψU 0 )=Γ . M M M M Both ψU and ψQ are smooth sections over entire M. The holomorphic section τ of 0 Conn(Θ) is a meromorphic section of Conn(Θ) with a pole of order one at DΘ. Indeed, this follows immediately from the fact that the holomorphic connection on the line bundle 0 0 Θ M0 = OM over M , given by the canonical holomorphic trivialization of Θ M0 (the holomorphic connection is defined by the de Rham differential), is actually a logarithmic connection on Θ over M. In view of these, using (4.3) we conclude the following: • Γ is a meromorphic 1–form on M if and only if the section φ of C0 in (3.13) is meromorphic, and • if Γ is meromorphic, and the order of its pole at DΘ is more than one, then the order of the pole of Γ at DΘ coincides with the order of pole of φ at DΘ, in particular, the order of the pole of φ at DΘ is more than one. Therefore, to prove the proposition it suffices to show the following two: (1) the section φ of C0 is meromorphic, and (2) the order of pole of φ at DΘ is one. These will be proved by giving a global construction of φ. It is known that there is no Poincar´evector bundle over X ×M [Ra, p. 69, Theorem 2]. However, there is a canonical algebraic vector bundle over X × X ×M whose fiber ⊠ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ over X × X ×{E} is E E = (p1E) ⊗ (p2E ) for every E ∈ M, where p1 and p2 are the projections in (3.1). This canonical vector bundle on X × X ×M, which we shall denote by E, can be constructed as a descended bundle from the product of X × X with the quot scheme. The reason that the corresponding vector bundle descends is that the action of the multiplicative group C∗ on E ⊠ E∗, induced by the scalar multiplications on E, is the trivial action. The restriction of the vector bundle E −→ X × X ×M to ∆ × M ⊂ X × X ×M coincides with the universal endomorphism bundle over X ×M. Let

V := E −→ ∆ ×M = X ×M (4.4) ∆×M A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 13 be the universal endomorphism bundle. So we have V = End(E) for all E ∈ M. X×{E} Let q12 : X × X ×M −→ X × X be the projection to the first two factors in the Cartesian product. Let

q2 : X × X ×M −→ X, (x, y, E) 7−→ y be the projection to the second factor. Let J : X × X ×M −→ M , (x, y, E) 7−→ E (4.5) be the projection to the third factor. For notational convenience, the holomorphic line ∗ ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 1/2 bundle q12((p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX )) on X × X ×M will be denoted by K; recall that KX is a theta characteristic on X. Consider the vector bundle ∗ E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆) −→ X × X ×M . (4.6) It fits in the following short exact sequence of coherent sheaves on X × X ×M: ∗ 0 −→ E⊗K −→ E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆) −→ V −→ 0 , (4.7) where V is defined in (4.4), and it is supported on ∆×M = X×M ⊂ X×X×M. Recall ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 from Section 3.1 that the restriction of (p1KX ) ⊗ (p2KX ) ⊗OX×X (∆) to ∆ ⊂ X × X is ∗ identified with OX ; so, the restriction of E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆) to ∆ ×M is identified with E ∆×M = V. Now consider the long exact sequence of direct images, for the projection J in (4.5), corresponding to the short exact sequence of sheaves in (4.7): ∗ 0 −→ J∗(E⊗K) −→ J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆)) −→ J∗V (4.8)

1 −→ R J∗(E⊗K) −→ .... 0 First note that J∗(E⊗K) = 0, because for every E ∈ M , we have

0 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) = 0

(see (3.5)). Also, J∗V = OM, because every stable vector bundle is simple. Consequently, from (4.8) we have the exact sequence ∗ 1 0 −→ J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆)) −→ OM −→ R J∗(E⊗K) . (4.9) Next we note that 1 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) = 0 0 for all E ∈ M (see (3.5)). Also, for a general point E ∈ DΘ, using (3.4) it follows that

1 ∗ 1/2 ∗ ∗ 1/2 dim H (X × X, (p1(E ⊗ KX )) ⊗ (p2(E ⊗ KX ))) = 1 . 1 Consequently, the support of R J∗(E⊗K) is the divisor DΘ, and the rank of the sheaf 1 R J∗(E⊗K) −→ DΘ is one. 1 Let 1M be the section of OM given by the constant function 1 on M. Since R J∗(E⊗K) is supported on DΘ, from (4.9) we conclude the following: 14 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

0 • The restriction 1M to M = M\ DΘ ⊂ M is a holomorphic section of ∗ 0 (J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆))) 0 −→ M M (more precisely, 1M M0 is the image of a holomorphic section of (J∗(E⊗K⊗ ∗ ∗ q12OX×X (∆))) M0 ); this section of (J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆))) M0 given by 1M ′ will be denoted by 1M. ′ ∗ • The above defined 1M is a meromorphic section of J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆)) with a pole of order one on DΘ. In other words, we have ′ 0 ∗ 1M ∈ H (M, J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ OM(DΘ)) . (4.10) Now using the projection formula we have ∗ ∗ ∗ J∗(E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ OM(DΘ) = J∗(E⊗K⊗ (q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ J OM(DΘ)) , ′ and hence 1M in (4.10) defines a section ′′ 0 ∗ ∗ 1M ∈ H (X × X ×M, E⊗K⊗ (q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ J OM(DΘ)) . (4.11)

0 ′′ For every E ∈ M , the section βE in (3.6) coincides with the restriction 1M X×X×{E}, ′′ where 1M is the section in (4.11). Now from the construction in (3.13) of the section φ of the T ∗M0–torsor C0 it follows that (1) φ is meromorphic, and (2) the order of pole, at DΘ, of φ is one. As noted before, Proposition 4.2 follows from these two. 

Continuing with the proof Theorem 4.1, let Ψ: M −→ J(X) = Pic0(X) (4.12) r be the determinant map E 7−→ V E. The image of the pullback homomorphism (dΨ)∗ : Ψ∗T ∗J(X) −→ T ∗M , where dΨ is the differential of Ψ, has a canonical direct summand; we shall now recall a description of this direct summand. As in (4.4), let V −→ X ×M be the universal endomorphism bundle, and let V0 ⊂ V be the universal endomorphism bundle of trace zero. There is a natural decomposition into traceless and trace components: 0 V = V ⊕ OX×M ; (4.13) the above inclusion map OX×M ֒→ V is defined by f 7−→ f · Id. Let P : X ×M −→ M and p : X ×M −→ X (4.14) be the natural projections. Then we have ∗ ∗ T M = P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) , A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 15 where P and p are the projections in (4.14). Consequently, the decomposition in (4.13) produces a holomorphic decomposition ∗ 0 ∗ ∗ T M = P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊕ P∗p KX ; (4.15) ∗ we note that P∗p KX is the trivial holomorphic vector bundle 0 M × H (X, KX ) −→ M 0 with fiber H (X, KX ). Tensoring (4.15) with Θ we obtain ∗ 0 ∗ 0 (T M) ⊗ Θ = P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ ⊕ (M × H (X, KX )) ⊗ Θ . This produces a decomposition 0 ∗ 0 0 ∗ 0 0 H (M, (T M) ⊗ Θ) = H (M, P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ) ⊕ (H (M, Θ) ⊗ H (X, KX )) 0 0 ∗ 0 = H (M, P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ) ⊕ H (X, KX ) ; (4.16) the last equality follows from the fact that H0(M, Θ) = C [BNR, p. 169, Theorem 2]. We note that the inclusion map 0 0 ∗ 0 ∗ (H (X, KX ) = H (J(X), T J(X)) ֒→ H (M, (T M) ⊗ Θ in (4.16) coincides with the pullback of 1–forms on J(X) to M by the projection Ψ in (4.12). The following proposition would be used in the proof of Theorem 4.1. Proposition 4.3. For the projections P and p in (4.14), 0 0 ∗ H (M, P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ) = 0 , where V0 is the subbundle in (4.13).

Proof of Proposition 4.3. If r = 1, then V0 = 0, and hence in this case the proposition is obvious. Hence in the proof we assume that r ≥ 2. The proof proceeds by showing that the sections must vanish on the projective spaces lying inside M given by Hecke transforms. Let H : P −→ X ×M (4.17) be the universal projective bundle; so for any (x, E) ∈ X × M, the inverse image −1 H (x, E) is the space of all hyperplanes in the fiber Ex; in particular, P is a holomorphic fiber bundle over X ×M with the projective space CPr−1 as the typical fiber. Let

TH = kernel(dH) −→ P be the (holomorphic) relative tangent bundle for the projection H in (4.17), where dH is the differential of the map H. We note that V0 in (4.13) is the following direct image: 0 H∗TH = V −→ X ×M .

Given any element (x, E) ∈ X ×M, along with a hyperplane S ⊂ Ex, let F (x,E,S) be the holomorphic vector bundle over X whose sheaf of sections fits in the short exact sequence of coherent sheaves on X

0 −→ F (x,E,S) −→ E −→ Ex/S −→ 0 ; the above sheaf Ex/S is the torsion sheaf supported at the point x and its stalk at x is the quotient line Ex/S. 16 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

Let N denote the moduli space of stable vector bundles over X of rank r and degree −1. Using the above construction of F (x,E,S), we get a rational map ξ : P 99K X ×N , (x, E, S) 7−→ (x, F (x,E,S)) , which is called the Hecke morphism [NR1], [NR2]. It is known that there is a nonempty Zariski open subset U ⊂ P such that the pair (ξ, U) satisfies the following conditions: (1) The rational map ξ is actually defined as a map on U; the restriction of ξ to U will be denoted by ξ. (2) The codimension ofb the complement P \ U is at least two (see the proof of [NR2, Proposition 5.4]). (3) The map ξ : U −→ ξ(U) defines a holomorphic fiber bundle over ξ(U) with the projectiveb space CPr−1 as the typical fiber [NR2, p. 411, Proposition 6.8]. ∗ b b (4) The relative tangent bundle TH on U coincides with Ωξ ⊗ (p ◦ H) KX , where Ωξ is the relative cotangent bundle for the map ξ (see [Bi1, p. 265, (2.7)]). b b It may be clarified that the above vector bundle Ωξ is the cokernel of the pullback homo- morphism d(ξ)∗ : ξ∗T ∗(ξ(U)) −→ T ∗U . b b Take a point z = (x, W ) ∈ ξ(U) ⊂ X ×N . (4.18) b Let −1 Fz = ξ (z) ⊂ U b be the fiber of ξ over z; as mentioned in (3) above, this fiber is isomorphic to CPr−1. We b ∗ ∼ r−1 will compute the restriction of the line bundle (P ◦ H) Θ to Fz = CP , where P and H are the projections in (4.14) and (4.17) respectively.

Let P (Wx) be the projective space that parametrizes all the lines in the fiber Wx of the vector bundle W in (4.18). Let L0 −→ P (Wx) be the tautological line bundle of degree −1 −1; the fiber of L0 over any line ζ ⊂ Wx is ζ itself. The inverse image Fz = ξ (z) b is identified with this projective space P (Wx). For any ζ ∈ P (Wx), the corresponding element (x, E, S) ∈ Fz ⊂ P is uniquely determined by the following condition: The holomorphic vector bundle E fits in the short exact sequence of sheaves on X 0 −→ W −→ E −→ Q −→ 0 , where Q is a torsion sheaf of degree one supported at x, and the kernel of the homomor- phism of fibers Wx −→ Ex, given by the above homomorphism W −→ E of sheaves, is the line ζ, while the subspace S ⊂ Ex is the image of this homomorphism Wx −→ Ex.

To describe the fiber Fz globally, let Π1 (respectively, Π2) be the projection of X×P (Wx) to X (respectively, P (Wx)). On X × P (Wx) we have the holomorphic vector bundle W which is defined by the short exact sequence of sheaves on X × P (Wx) ∗ ∗ ∗ x ∗ 0 −→ W −→ Π1W −→ ι∗ L0 −→ 0 , A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 17

x where ι : P (Wx) −→ X × P (Wx) is the embedding defined by y 7−→ (x, y). From this exact sequence it follows that W fits in the short exact sequence of sheaves ∗ x 0 −→ Π1W −→ W −→ ι∗ L0 −→ 0 (4.19) on X × P (W ). The map H coincides with the classifying map x z F Fz −→ U ⊂ M for the above holomorphic family of vector bundles W on X parametrized by P (Wx) = Fz. ∗ 1/2 Now, tensoring the exact sequence in (4.19) with Π1KX , and then taking the long exact sequence of direct images with respect to the projection Π2, we have the exact sequence of sheaves on P (Wx) ∗ 1/2 ∗ 1/2 0 −→ Π2∗(Π1(W ⊗ KX )) −→ Π2∗(W ⊗ Π1KX ) −→ L0 1 ∗ 1/2 1 ∗ 1/2 −→ R Π2∗(Π1(W ⊗ KX )) −→ R Π2∗(W ⊗ Π1KX ) −→ 0 ; (4.20) ∗ 1/2 x note that the restriction of Π1KX to the image of the embedding ι is a trivial line bundle, and also note that 1 x ∗ 1/2 R Π2∗((ι∗ L0) ⊗ Π1KX )=0 x ∗ 1/2 because the support of (ι∗ L0) ⊗ Π1KX is finite over P (Wx). Since H coincides with the classifying map for the above holomorphic family of z F vector bundles W on X parametrized by P (Wx), it follows that the pulled back line bundle ((P ◦ H)∗Θ) , where P is the projection in (4.14), is identified with the line Fz bundle ((P ◦ H)∗Θ) = det(Π (W ⊗ Π∗K1/2))∗ ⊗ det(R1Π (W ⊗ Π∗K1/2)) (4.21) z 2∗ 1 X 2∗ 1 X F (see [Ko, Ch. V, § 6] for the construction of determinant bundle). For any exact sequence of coherent sheaves

0 −→ A1 −→ A2 −→ ... −→ Am −→ 0 m (−1)i on a complex manifold Y , we have Ni=1(det(Ai)) = OY [Ko, p. 165, Proposition (6.9)]. Consequently, from (4.20) and (4.21) we conclude that ((P ◦ H)∗Θ) = L∗ , Fz 0

∗ 1/2 1 ∗ 1/2 because both Π2∗(Π1(W ⊗ KX )) and R Π2∗(Π1(W ⊗ KX )) are trivial vector bundles. ∗ In other words, the degree of the line bundle (P ◦ H) Θ restricted to Fz = P (Wx) is 1. Using the above properties of (ξ, U) we are in a position to complete the proof of the proposition. We have 0 0 ∗ 0 0 ∗ ∗ H (M, P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ) = H (X ×M, V ⊗ (p KX ) ⊗ (P Θ)) , (4.22) 0 ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ because P∗(V ⊗(p KX )⊗(P Θ)) = P∗(V ⊗p KX )⊗Θ by the projection formula. Next we have 0 0 ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ ∗ H (X ×M, V ⊗ (p KX ) ⊗ (P Θ)) = H (P, TH ⊗ ((p ◦ H) KX ) ⊗ (P ◦ H) Θ) 0 ∗ ∗ = H (U, TH ⊗ ((p ◦ H) KX ) ⊗ (P ◦ H) Θ) ; (4.23) 18 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

∗ ∗ the first equality follows from the fact that H∗(TH ⊗ ((p ◦ H) KX ) ⊗ (P ◦ H) Θ) = 0 ∗ ∗ V ⊗ (p KX ) ⊗ (P Θ) (by the projection formula), and the second equality follows from the fact that the codimension of the complement P \ U is at least two. −1 As before, take a fiber Fz = ξ (z) of the map ξ. As shown above, Fz is identified with b b ∗ the projective space P (Wx), and the restriction of TH (respectively, (P ◦ H) Θ) to Fz is ∗ ∗ −1 isomorphic to T Fz (respectively, OFz (1)); note that the restriction of (p◦H) KX to ξ (z) ∗ b ∗ is a trivial line bundle. Consequently, the restriction of TH ⊗ ((p ◦ H) KX ) ⊗ (P ◦ H) Θ ∗ to Fz is isomorphic to T Fz ⊗ OFz (1). ∗ Next we note that the holomorphic vector bundle T Fz ⊗OFz (1) on the projective space Fz = P (Wx) is semistable of negative degree (its degree is −1), and hence the vector ∗ bundle T Fz ⊗ OFz (1) does not have any nonzero holomorphic section. This implies that 0 ∗ ∗ H (U, TH ⊗ ((p ◦ H) KX ) ⊗ (P ◦ H) Θ) = 0 . Consequently, from (4.23) and (4.22) we now conclude that 0 0 ∗ H (M, P∗(V ⊗ p KX ) ⊗ Θ) = 0 . This completes the proof of Proposition 4.3. 

We continue with the proof of Theorem 4.1. Combining (4.16) with Proposition 4.3, it follows that we are reduced to the trace component: 0 ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ 0 H (M, (T M) ⊗ Θ) = {Ψ ω | ω ∈ H (J(X), T J(X))} = H (X, KX ) , (4.24) where Ψ is the projection in (4.12). Let ′ 0 ∗ 0 Γ ∈ H (J(X), T J(X)) = H (X, KX ) (4.25) be the 1–form corresponding to the section Γ in Proposition 4.2 for the isomorphism in (4.24). The proof of Theorem 4.1 will be completed using the following lemma. Lemma 4.4. The 1–form Γ′ on J(X) in (4.25) is invariant under the holomorphic invo- lution

ιJ : J(X) −→ J(X) defined by L 7−→ L∗.

Proof of Lemma 4.4. Let ιM : M −→ M be the holomorphic involution defined by E 7−→ E∗. Note that

ιJ ◦ Ψ=Ψ ◦ ιM , where Ψ is constructed in (4.12) and ιJ is defined in the statement of the lemma. By Serre duality, k ∗ 1/2 1−k 1/2 ∗ H (X, E ⊗ KX ) = H (X, E ⊗ KX ) (4.26) for k = 0, 1. This implies that the above involution ιM preserves the divisor DΘ defined in (2.4). Since DΘ is preserved by ιM, the involution ιM has a tautological lift to the line bundle Θ = OM(DΘ). Let

ιΘ : Θ −→ Θ (4.27) A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 19 be the resulting involution of Θ over the involution ιM of M. This involution ιΘ of Θ produces a holomorphic involution of the complex manifold Conn(Θ) constructed in (2.7). The involution of Conn(Θ) constructed this way will be denoted by ιT . We note that

ιM ◦ q = q ◦ ιT , where q is the projection in (2.7). This implies that the involution ιT preserves the open 0 −1 subset Conn(Θ) = q (M\ DΘ) in (3.14).

The involution ιT (respectively, ιM) defines an action of Z/2Z on Conn(Θ) (respectively, M). The section τ in (3.15) is evidently Z/2Z–equivariant, for the actions of Z/2Z on Conn(Θ)0 and M0. top 0 1/2 ∗ For any E ∈ M, the fiber ΘE of Θ over E is the line V H (X, E ⊗ KX ) ⊗ top 1/2 1 ∗ V H (X, E ⊗ KX ). Using (4.26) we get an isomorphism of ΘE with the fiber ΘE . Also, the involution ιΘ of Θ in (4.27) produces an isomorphism of ΘE with ΘE∗ . These two isomorphisms between ΘE and ΘE∗ actually coincide.

The K¨ahler form ωM on M (see (2.8)) is clearly preserved by the involution ιM of M. From this it can be deduced that the section ψQ in (2.9) is Z/2Z–equivariant, for the above actions of Z/2Z on Conn(Θ) and M. Indeed, the section ψQ corresponds to the unique Hermitian connection on Θ whose curvature is the K¨ahler form ωM. In other words, the section ψQ is uniquely determined by ωM. Therefore, the section ψQ in (2.9) is Z/2Z–equivariant, because ωM is preserved by ιM. Given a holomorphic connection ∇ on a holomorphic vector bundle E, the dual vector bundle E∗ is equipped with the dual connection ∇∗. Therefore, we have a holomorphic involution ∗ ∗ ιC : C −→ C , (E, ∇) 7−→ (E , ∇ ) .

The involution ιC gives an action of Z/2Z on C. The projection ϕ in (2.1) is clearly Z/2Z–equivariant, for the actions of Z/2Z on C and M. In particular, ιC preserves the Zariski open subset C0 in (3.12). Since the dual of a unitary connection on E is a unitary ∗ connection on E , the section ψU in (2.2) is Z/2Z–equivariant, for the actions of Z/2Z on C and M. Let ι : X × X ×M −→ X × X ×M be the holomorphic involution defined by ∗ (x, y, Eb) 7−→ (y, x, ιM(E)) = (y, x, E ). This involution naturally lifts to an involution ∗ of the vector bundle E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆) in (4.6). The earlier mentioned involution ιΘ of the line bundle Θ produces an action of Z/2Z on the pullback J ∗Θ, where J is the ∗ ∗ projection in (4.5). These actions of Z/2Z on E⊗K⊗ q12OX×X (∆) and J Θ together produce an action of Z/2Z on the tensor product ∗ ∗ E⊗K⊗ (q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ J Θ −→ X × X ×M . ′′ The section 1M in (4.11) of this tensor product is anti-invariant for the above action of ∗ ∗ Z/2Z on E⊗K⊗ (q12OX×X (∆)) ⊗ J Θ (meaning the nontrivial element of Z/2Z acts as multiplication by −1). From this it follows that the section φ in (3.13) is Z/2Z– equivariant, for the actions of Z/2Z on C0 and M0.

From all these it follows that Γ0 (constructed in (4.1)) is Z/2Z–equivariant, for the actions of Z/2Z on C0 and T ∗M0; the action of Z/2Z on T ∗M0 is induced by the action 0 of Z/2Z on M constructed using the above involution ιM. Since Γ0 is Z/2Z–equivariant, it follows that Γ in Proposition 4.2 is Z/2Z–invariant for the action on (T ∗M) ⊗ Θ 20 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

∗ constructed using the actions of Z/2Z on T M and Θ (given by ιΘ in (4.27)). This ′ immediately implies that Γ in (4.25) is left invariant under the involution ιJ of J(X). This completes the proof of Lemma 4.4. 

∗ Continuing with the proof of Theorem 4.1, we note that ιJ α = −α for all α ∈ 0 ∗ H (J(X), T J(X)), where ιJ is the involution in Lemma 4.4. Hence from Lemma 4.4 it follows immediately that Γ′ = 0. In view of (4.24), this implies that Γ in Proposition 4.2 vanishes identically. Hence Γ0 in (4.1) vanishes identically. Therefore, we conclude that the restriction, to the open subset C0 ⊂ C, of the isomorphism F in Theorem 2.1 coincides with the isomorphism G in Lemma 3.1. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1. 

Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 4.1 together give the following: Corollary 4.5. The holomorphic isomorphism G : C0 −→ Conn(Θ)0 in Lemma 3.1 extends to a holomorphic isomorphism G′ : C −→∼ Conn(Θ) .

Proof. Since F in Theorem 2.1 is a holomorphic isomorphism from C to Conn(Θ), this follows from Theorem 4.1. 

The isomorphism G′ in Corollary 4.5 has the following property: Corollary 4.6. For the isomorphism G′ in Corollary 4.5, ′ ∗ (G ) Φ2 = 2r · Φ1 , where Φ1 and Φ2 are the symplectic forms in (2.3) and (2.10) respectively.

∗ ′ Proof. The final part of Theorem 2.1 says that F Φ2 = 2r · Φ1. Since F = G , the result follows from this.  Corollary 4.7. The image of the section φ in (3.13) is a Lagrangian submanifold of C0 equipped with the symplectic form Φ1 0 in (2.3). C Proof. In Corollary 4.6 we saw that G′ is symplectic structure preserving (up to the factor 2r). The image of the section τ in (3.15) is clearly a Lagrangian submanifold of Conn(Θ)0 with respect to the symplectic form Φ2 0 in (2.10) (the trivial connection is flat). Conn(Θ) Since G(φ(M0)) = τ(M0), and G is symplectic structure preserving up to the factor 2r, from the above observation — that the image of τ is a Lagrangian submanifold of 0 Conn(Θ) with respect to the symplectic form Φ2 Conn(Θ)0 — it follows immediately that 0 0 φ(M ) is a Lagrangian submanifold of C with respect to the symplectic form Φ1 C0 in (2.3). 

5. Family of Riemann surfaces

Let T be a connected complex manifold, and let

F : XT −→ T A CANONICAL CONNECTION ON BUNDLES ON RIEMANN SURFACES 21 be a holomorphic family of compact connected Riemann surfaces of genus g, with g ≥ 2, parametrized by T , and equipped with a theta characteristic L. This means that L is a holomorphic line bundle over XT , and there is a given holomorphic isomorphism

I : L ⊗ L −→ KF , where KF −→ XT is the relative holomorphic cotangent bundle for the project F ; in other words, KF is the cokernel of the dual of the differential dF ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (dF ) : F T T −→ T XT . −1 For each point t ∈ T , the compact Riemann surface F (t) will be denoted by Xt. The holomorphic line bundle L on X will be denoted by L . t t t X Let γ : MT −→ T be the relative moduli space of stable vector bundles of rank r and degree zero. So for −1 any t ∈ T , the fiber γ (t) is the moduli space of stable vector bundles on Xt of rank r and degree zero. Let ΘT −→ MT be the relative theta bundle constructed using the relative theta characteristic L. SoΘT corresponds to the reduced effective divisor on MT defined by all (t, E), where t ∈ T −1 0 and E ∈ γ (t), such that H (Xt, E ⊗ Lt) =6 0. Let r qT : Conn (ΘT ) −→ MT (5.1) be the holomorphic fiber bundle over MT defined by the sheaf of relative holomorphic −1 connections on ΘT . So for any t ∈ T , the fiber (qT ) (t) is Conn(Θ) in (2.7) for X = Xt. The holomorphic fiber bundle in (5.1) has a C∞ section r ψQ : MT −→ Conn (ΘT ) (5.2) b given by the Chern connection associated to the Quillen metric on ΘT [Qu]; so for each −1 t ∈ T , the restriction of ψQ to γ (t) is the section ψQ in (2.9) for the Riemann surface b X = Xt. Let ϕT : CT −→ MT (5.3) be the moduli space of relative holomorphic connections; the fiber of ϕT over any (t, E), where t ∈ T and E ∈ γ−1(t), is the space of all holomorphic connections on the stable 0 vector bundle E −→ Xt, in particular, this fiber is an affine space for H (Xt, End(E) ⊗ ∗ T Xt). The holomorphic fiber bundle in (5.3) has a C∞ section

ψU : MT −→ CT (5.4) b that sends any stable vector bundle of degree zero to the unique holomorphic connection −1 on it whose monodromy is unitary; so for each t ∈ T , the restriction of ψU to γ (t) is b the section ψU in (2.2) for the Riemann surface X = Xt. For each t ∈ T , there is a natural holomorphic isomorphism −1 −1 Ft : (γ ◦ ϕT ) (t) −→ (γ ◦ qT ) (t) 22 I. BISWAS AND J. HURTUBISE

(ϕT and qT are the projections in (5.3) and (5.1) respectively) that takes the image of the section ψU (constructed in (5.4)) to the image of the section ψQ constructed in (5.2) b b ∞ (see Theorem 2.1). These isomorphisms {Ft}t∈T together define a C isomorphism r F : CT −→ Conn (ΘT ) ; (5.5) b −1 the restriction of F to (γ ◦ ϕT ) (t) is the above holomorphic isomorphism Ft for every t ∈ T . b Proposition 5.1. The C∞ isomorphism F in (5.5) is holomorphic. b Proof. For every t ∈ T , consider the holomorphic isomorphism ′ −1 −1 Gt : (γ ◦ ϕT ) (t) −→ (γ ◦ qT ) (t) ′ ′ in Corollary 4.5; so Gt is G in Corollary 4.5 for Xt = X. These isomorphisms combine together to define an isomorphism ′ r G : CT −→ Conn (ΘT ); b ′ −1 ′ the restriction of G to (γ◦ϕT ) (t) is the above holomorphic isomorphism Gt for every t ∈ T . From the constructionb of the isomorphism G in Lemma 3.1 it follows immediately that G depends holomorphically on the Riemann surface X. Note that both the sections φ and τ, constructed in (3.13) and (3.15) respectively, depend holomorphically on the Riemann surface. Therefore, its extension G′ also depends holomorphically on the Riemann surface X. Consequently, the above isomorphism G′ is holomorphic. b Now, Theorem 4.1 implies that G′ coincides with F in (5.5). Hence the map F is holomorphic. b b b 


The first-named author thanks Centre de Recherches Math´ematiques, Montreal, for hospitality. He is partially supported by a J. C. Bose Fellowship. The second-named author is supported by an NSERC Discovery grant.

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School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005 Email address: [email protected]

Department of Mathematics, McGill University, Burnside Hall, 805 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Que. H3A 2K6, Canada Email address: [email protected]