A At Appleton, Wis., Hugh Boyle wqmcom- The Hew Cabinet of France. THE feI»AXIBH THttONEv I>eserter WL _ Condensed General News. for the PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. FOR DAKOTA. mitted murder of Theodore Kndct- The new French cabinet was announced PRESENTED In September, 18GnSI I er in the town of Freedom. " “* in Gazette of tho Bth. is as , th 4 Official It DlipaUd Jtaaaai vision of the Second U MTOtfli m MAsonry. C. H. Hinger, charged with causing tho follows: Aa AcMant •( th« ”>1 1 Doa t»rlo». Some ons recently maild.i to Jefferson death of Mr. Campbell, at Scotland, Dak., PrstTF.—A communication from the M. d*» Freyclnet, pr-iident of the council Senator Harrison Submits to the Ren* and the Clntuia of near the Rapidan Rhro. l-.-cv- ;^j^yF"11*1 ¦¦¦ Ihvta, St his home in Beauvoir. Miw., a haa been held fot manslaughter. postmaster pnenil, in reference to the and minister qf foreign affairs; M. Harrien. on Philadelphia execution There ¦- •liurge that Maine been ate au Able Report the Dakota Time*. “ wer^X » » hwadfcd Summary,” containing and Mrs. arrested at postoffircs in h/id minister of the interWr; M. Sudi-t’ar- ed, both bountyj\unp\ DAKOTA. paper "A Mr. LarHway were Indore sen- The dispute tfvcr the Spanish sue* iM* jtarograph: Elk Point. Dak., charged , with nturd.-Hng bought and sold. Wm* bud the not, miuister of finance; M. Goblet, Admission BUL enlisted in a rc-dment M ft ‘mMKJ ate long political debate ensued, alter 4 Benedict Arnold, first traitor to Ameri- a son and fdrmct htlsband of Mri. Lurri- A minister of public instruction; M. cession, to which the death ot Alfonso had escaped tiffer r*«l *fo&*to aqiis'.vive ??.ovemenfc u; New whi'eh the communication »«* referred to ole, and N l£i. cau liber y, learned hi* patriotism in Hi way. Dorn minister of justice; M. Devell**, .crest, has its origin in the conuailt.c on civil serviic ri- agriculture, *»ivew» fresh in vh.ich bounty, hoping pTOfij vflijff York tn km of enlarging the docks ram Masonic Lodge No. 1, Ne* Haven. The Plates grand ha* found minister ol Fen. Houlanger, THE SENATE COMMITTEE HEPOBT. UnitcA inry ffotm. Miens. (Iray and MrPlutaon spoke of war; of by Ferdinand VII., by peat the game with som* Conn., nnd died a Free Mason in good in lictihent Against If. June* for dc- minister M. Auhre. minister ma- Waohinoton, bpeclal, Jan. 11—The sen- the abolition | . k**i AMpanittg tfk* rltauuel of the Eric and regular srtrtth- ah R. ncainat ail vet, replying to Mr. Meek; The and the Caroline*; M. Baihant, minis- Early one fine aftenf,7j| standing, Aaron Burr, ftnudiir<{ (he government While Meting as debuted, rine kte committee on territories to-day reported t tie pragmatic sanction of March 2U, ment jHp «MM)(n>m tf>« tho Hudson tr traitor to the gpvel-rtment, plotted Utah lull wits and till amendment ter of public works; M. Ora net, minister regiment man-bed out to Utan to postmaster hf DeperV, Win-. to the section the an original hill for the admission of South the Bourbon bis treason \i Royal Arch cipher, an«l ivlao strike out disfranchising of posts and telegraphs; M. Lockroy, min 1830, of the Salic law of ground and tot Med three of tho state. Commodore Ptynh and hia wife, of Chea- women of Utah whn rejected—-eleven to Dakota and the organization of the Terri- dW a Free and Accepted Mason in good ister of commcrco. family. This was done at the instiga- hollow square, the fourth sid* • ter, 111., i}barreled, and ladug Ararat, were pro- The report accompanying fjWVftv'V ' 'r V standing. Jefferson Davis, a each thlrty afvm. Bills introduced Thc#com()ositton of tlie new ministry tory of Lincoln. and insular on wile, Maria Christina, a ridge. At the foot of Free and Accepted Mason led the great re- Flynn drew a bead ids wife ami killed viding for tho meeting of congress in Octo- mates iioenthiisiasiii,notably the appoint- the bill is directed to the main quesiior tion of his little , abOPt os the venerable Emperor ot bellion, and thelnrt did Mot even taint his her, nnd then shot himself. He may re- ber; to prevent contraction in t lie currency ment of M. Harriett. a third rate politician, whether the proceedings taken by the peo- Neapolitan princess, and tfw? fesnlt were two open graves ¦¦jkfmf; YSJ4 cover. division, ogjtfljjiip Chwinany is, Mnsonir sis ndtnK, but did have much to do and increase ailver certificate circulation; to the important office of minister of int—r- ple of Houih IMtkotu whi ;’a resulted In the (••ft apart The and great as it the num- t< in< r* use pension*. ,us to make their daughter, who waC la seciirtng his pardon. Katy Welsh, the Dubuque vitro! throw- i«.r. It is s.oJ that his appoiutnm.it. wi.. adoption of a stave ocui’. *ution shall be ac- of about 8,000 men, resting ber Of stupendous wonts with which up Christmas an inmate of the The pension bill of Senator Mitchell of prove a of weakness. The cabinet born m that year,the heir tothethrone Mr. Davis inclosed the sheet to Ids friend er, Was to the source oepted npd ratified by congress and the staU until tb« notes of the dead bis reign (hi. 1/. of Jackson, Mi**., secre- Yankton poor house, where she exhibited u Pennsylvania extends the benefit of will, it is iK*liev#J, l** short-lived. shqWMHi has been associated, it was J. Power act of March MU. 1835, to all pensioners admitted to the Unlou in place of his brother, Don Carlos. heard “Attention"' was tary of the grand lodge of MiH»n».ippl Ma- revolver Imught for the purpose of killing M. de Freyclnet has organized three cabi- gives disabilities arc ampu- The report a history of the movement The lat ter entered « protest against his the bugles, and all w ns the twenty-fifth anniversary of sons, with the following letter: her seducer. whose canned by nets before the present one—those of Dee. familial the arm the of for ire uizlmr :he sta.e which is now rrVttt throne, was composed of hia succession to ths 1 hnvs received, with others of a similar at tation of or leg above point 28, 187«, Jan SI. 1882. and March 31. in the west. The autnorlty of the logtsla- exclusion the which a procession, throne of tho F. Kirkpatrick, a banker Farmington, articulation, when remaining is North ot two character, the sheet, having a wns on the stump 1885—and each time he held office briefly. ture to authorise the constitution d convention sustained by the liotfrfWnio CWlts guard surrounding _ Kingdom of Prussia which was ocle- inclosed Mo., arrested a charge of being ini to | revent passed If it did underscored to secure my at- burglary City, in midi condition na the use of This tiimnhc starts under somewhat favor- is with the comment that not Italy, and on the death hi Ferdtnfand in each of which onednßßHH paragraph in a at Agency nn artificial arm or leg, and Increasing the give the sanciiou it at lesst gave the fi-rm ol bf*t*d on the 8d inst. He was an tention, nnd I ei-nd it to yon to at tract your some he able circumstances, the Madagascar treaty, organizing 1 he Charles sat on a rougH liiirutcdown. from whence time ago moved rate of pension for aiirh disabilities to SSO Uw to the imw louery for a state- ll VII. in 833 was proclaimed culprits eld man, with a long and stormy notice. Under the head ‘•nummary" is a to Farmington. as reported, containing points of large ad- wa» under similar territorial acts that oonveu- V., being supported by a majority entered the square at month from March 3, 1870; provider! vantage to France. A sketch of t'hurleide lions formed th* eoustltutlons of lowa, Michi- concentrated distillation of malice and At Clinton, Mo., new are of the clergy and the country people t angles and halted near public career behind him when he be- mendacity, main attack seems be developments that w hen such rale ia allowed the recipient Freyclnet was recently given in these gan. Florida and O eg..a. The provisions of the iit* The to made of the cruel of rjeited t at against the fraternity of Free and Accepted every day rascality 8. shall receive no artificiallimb or commuta- columns. He has selected for his minister ooDHtitut-iou are and in an appendix tin hroughout the kingdom. A coffin was placed the E. Check. Ministers nnd spinisters and tion therefor. In-trument in given tu full, and (or the first law, it may bo explained* Masons, ami, os many slanderers have here- of tho interior Jean Marie Ferdinand congress. The Salic grave, and the two widows in the east numerously write to Senator Manderaon’a bill confers brevet time laid »>efore The communlratloc Sail, tofore done, writer avails himself ol a Harrivn, aged forty-five, a lawyer and a of Hon. Hugii J. Campbell trt tern ttlug th( was the code established by the made to stand up hi front of the tell how he swindled them out of their sav- promotion on officers of army tWffiMS existing against to the below deputy since 1876. and constitution and the meinorla under Clovis \ sectional prejudice me ings. brigadier memorial an* or Salic Franks who, ost guard, fat ing the long linasjHHjj Yhe statistics of “newloafa” turned, against tin Erode of general who bavedia- Sadi Carnot, finance minister, was minis- are also given. The earlier eff Tt*> of Dakota foi dtVijHH point his attack Free Masonry, and gone founded the French monarchy. Coder tentive countenances of the An attempt was made to burn the jail ot tinguished themselves by heroic action ter of public works under Jules Ferrv. lie admissiea untl division are over luliv. and new resolutions adopted on the m Was than three underscored lines |wrpe- showing Salic females were prohibited the findings Of the Fast Carroll parish. La., by Rev. William against hostile Indiana. Non-com mission- 1837, is grandson‘of that as tar back as 1871 the territorial the laws while trates at least as many falsehoods. was born in and a the legslsture ruein .rialtzed oongressfor best day of the year, would * eorgs, erl oflicers ami privates who may dis- aiinusston. inherting landed and the exeent current be — from property and the orders for First l, Jefferson Davis, am not and colored, who is now under sentence famous war minister of the French revolu- that In 1*72 another memorial wa- tinguish by extraordinary to services interesting could they be obtained never havelwena Kree.ind Accepted Mason. of deat h for the murder of his paramour, themselves tion. By profession ho is an engineer. sent prarl g fur division, and again it this feature of their law continued read. After religious .Second—-As a citizen of the sovereign Peggy Johnson, and who is to lie exe< uted bravery in Indian battles shall be entitled M. Ilene Goblet, minister of public in- I*7l, 1*77. I**land division was agair prevail in France with respect to the were arranged sitting on their coflMH and still more interesting be the grade utuioud convention of would State of I obeyed her com- on the 1G inst. to the highest pay of their respective s, struction, wus horn in 1828, distinguished asked tor. The 00ns. the crown, and also in their Mississippi. and also, after passing a successful examin- I**2-3 Is recited, showing how Gov. Ordwa> inheritance of their eyes bandaged, and number of those leafs unstained and and as sovereigns cannot "rebel.” After a trial three days, the himself at the Amiens haras a lawyer, and authorizing Uorbon line, until of eaqßSl mands; lusting jury ation, to the right of promotion as com- wlthhe'd the bill a constitutlona. Spain, under the pinioned behind. In front unbroken, at the end of neither led nor followed a rebellion, gr at at iiscaitaba, Mich., in the case of the <*ity in 18dt» founded a lilmrHl journal there. He oonrcuiion, and a popular movement was inaug- the date referred to. The of, filing party of the guard resolutions missioned ollicers next after West Point was to the in 1877. which resulted the convention of I**l' transfer provost or small. Treasurer of Ish|* ming vs. Daniel F. Wads- elected chamber ural--U in the crown therefore, to the Infanta the word of this month. Let ns hope that this Third—As had no Masonic standing, worth. for embHtzlemeut, on a change of Cadets. M. Dev elle, the ilew minister of agricul- At Sloux Fall*. he fact that the press of th» position and I territory parties have been gmn rally Isabella, Maria may be a assertion that, it was not tainted by from Marquette to Delta county, re- llorsK.- Itills were introduced both to ture, was minister of the Interior on Gain- add other with the Queen Mother from the provost marshal halcyon year, to l>e long re- the venue in favor of these uiotemeitts to obtnin ad mis regent, back OH the imputed act of mine rests not upon a turned a verdict of guilty. Judge Grant restrict ami facilitate silver coinage; to re- bet tas ill starred cabinet of November, questions Christina as was a departure One of the desert ers fell MUF membered as one where good resolu- provide siou are shown. The to let decided heydH fact, but upon a misrepresentation. sentenrtd Wadsworth to a fine of SSOO or peal the civil service act; to for na- 1881. are. In ihe opinion of the committed two! First, from tradition that was opposed l>\ a coffin, but only wounded, for tions art kept to the end. Fourth —Masonry could not have had one year in thu per itentiary. tional nnnk circulation;to restore theduty The other members of the cabinet are en- Are the step* taken by the people of Dakota tc very large part of the nation. The up again. The other, wbv waa nH “much to do with securing my pardon," Neighbors, per- on wool; for a postal telegraph system; ior tirely unknown in this country. secure admission conformable to the const lid at first so successful that hurst noticing the absence of of the lion of the I’nlted Htau-s and the prcc-denU; Carlists were hit, jumded to his feet, hie M ns I have never been pardoned or upplied sons Dr. Martin White's residence the retirement the trade dollar; for around marine; regnlate and. second, do the necessary conditions exim Christina Was compelled to obtain ions, and snatched away the for a pardon or appealed to Masonry to Creek, Mich., relief of the merchant to In the case of Dakota a* to ares, pro- The bill introduced into the House in Battle broke into the h >use commerce; 's Regrets. imputation, foreign recuits for her army, but after from his eyes. secure to mo the benefit of the writ oi and found the entire with their Interstate to prevent contrac- rtiic'ive capacity, and the loyallyand good d s- handkerchief Tmtf family to establish The 17*7 Carl* iminmir disapproval . 0f Representatives for a monument to habeas corpus that I might have ftie con- ear ear. Dr. White tion of the currency; a nation- The following letter was received from position of the jeople. ordinance of the death ofZumulacarreguy, the was a of tliXAjfili throats cut from to livestock authorising a looking to the nltlintte foimationof states out under Oeu. New stitutional right of every American citizen nnd wife were lying upon the floor ami the al highway; retired President Cleveland: ist loader, the royal troops, out thedivision at the Grant irt Yo*k appropri- list for privates airl ar- Mansion, Washington, 0., of the Northwest territory, was rei*eated:y con- to be confronted with my accusers. two children in bed. It is thought that non-commissioned Executive P. by congressional ss guaranteeing command of Espartero, gradually of the provost-guard, which was tWM ates 9200,000 tor the purpose, be my oflicers. ISM}.—Tu strued action to I exclude a poniibls inference and add they have l>een dead for some time, as Jan. 4, linn. All *n, and that Dakota, uudei lulled struggling open Mly political inachfso uncompromis- guana* fcjv, ' The wife and daurhtor ofSenator Mnhonc 1. The committee of welcom* filled with be moiit pleusod to be one of those w ho on KssdblsIs treat*. ha« tl.e light to be admitted tion of 1812. Boon after this other A brilliant idea then entered tM 1 ¦ Europe organization saysl are expected to return from short- consists of One thousand men. Albert ing adherents of a single that occasion will ‘‘congratulate the teed to her. ’1 he committee "What vci agitations arose, and in the autumn mind, lie brouHß Licttenant E. H. Taunt, of the party), that Views msv tw enteitallied as to tho strict legal provost-marshals ly and join thu senator at tho capital. Bierstadt is at the head of the art gallery (meaning the Republican and friends of good government on the success 1 HU) and one close to OR committee. claimants were often required to sup- effects or the ordinance of 17*7, and the Lou- of Marie Christina resigned up his men one by United States Navy, who was commis- Secretary Lnutar refuses to compromise of the Democratic party," for i believe treaty the power of .be people tc port the Republican party ns a condi- isiana upon left Bpain with n number of conserva- condemned to have them shoot lili the Dull River Lumber company's case, Tin; female detective who secured the evi- that the application the true and *et up governnt’m. must be admitted sioned by the authorities at Washing- po sions should issue. of a state ti tive leaders, leaving the government in successively. But for some reason tH anil recommends a criminal prosecution ol dence which I*lto the recent sentencing of tion upon which pure principles of that political faiili by all that by tb<-<« o* nipacts congress has resolution instructs committee on im|M.r oti< of the go off; merely ton to vieit and report on the politi- their agent. Munntscharoff. a Russian nobleman, to The tin* must result in the welfare of come tinder "an moral obligation” tc the hands progressive muskets would not thjd impure s ate necessary cotull dentil for nihilism, has suddenly disap- expenditures of public money to the country. proposed, admit Dakota as a if the party. The Cortes appointed cups Hashed. It had rained hard th*‘ cal condition and commercial pros- The restaurant privilege of the national allegations, Itis also I learn, lions as to area, population, etc., are found tc peared,and it is believed she wus by into tlit* truth of these and to consult together as to the in Espartero regent during the minority before, yet that w as no the bouse of repr»-*entrttivea pavs a profit ol killed to send for and manner •x.st. day excusetpi| pects of Congo region, expresses confers power persons which the accomplishment of tho "greatest TVKINO adminis- $5 ,000 a year. Dick (inthright of Jeffer- nihilists. papers. UP THE PRECEDENTS of the Queen, and under Ins the provost-guard, who had the conviction that Central Africa is sonvillo, lad., is after it. Gen. Rnznine, ex-marshal of France.who gotsl to our t*eople" can best be aided arid the cornmut-». s ivs that ••avli case or ivdmlsslon tration great advances were made in for some days what they had to dtfc assisted. No higher or more sacred has been den It with I.* it presented itself. Thor* suited for soon be entered up Mr. of Minnesota him revived the is living in Madrid, is suffering great pri- Horse.- Hills were introduced for the Is procedure laid uown in the constitution o» the internal eemomy of Hjmin, until to have had their musket! and will Nelson at follow- mission entrusted to a no nnd ought of thu hist session in nlutinn to tlu- vation, and charitable appeals are being erection of public buildings the was party In any lew for flic ixdtnl-si .u of a stat-* ('on- an was made to seize upon time, rain or no raini on by a railroad system which will Bill ing organisation, and I am convinced that enabling at tempt clean by this R»d Lake Indian reservation, also toestub- made to Ids Jd comrades in his behalf places: gre«s has iu some ia**s passed acti general eight went Huntington, W. Vu.; Oskosh, Milwaukee, it will be honestly and faithfully |ht- vnd in others the eople hr.ve taken the Inina- church property provoked in- Seven or men up one oftqf : not be much that of China in li«h English generals have contributed 1 behind the Northern judicial district ot Minne- Several In the oaso-h of Vermont, Tennessee, and in 1843 Espartero in their sota. to a fund that has been sturted for his Superior and Kau Claire, Wis., bus Vegas formed by a close sympathy with the people tlvc. surrection, the other and presented musketi opening a fresh coutinont to the com- Albunuerquc, M.; Helena, Mont.; in their wants and needs, by a patriotic en- M ono, Michigan, Argansa", Florida, lowa, Cal- for England. The the benefit. nml N. (begun no enabling sols were his turn embarked within a foot or two of deserter'! President Olevela nil is by no means sure Cheyenne. vVyo.; City, Midi.; l’uehlo, deavor to quicken their love and devotion ifornia and declared of age, caps. A lcrn merce of the world. curiosity The Irish Patriotic union intends to lay 15a> pa-sod. Nevada drew up a constitution whiefc queen was in this year head; but only to snap that he willsatisfy the of senate Colo.; Fremont, Neb., for American and by nn au enabling act wa* before Lord Salisbury an extensive report and Kalamazoo. institutions ear- t lie people relented. Then a moderate ministry was fomied, growl of indignation ran along nil ; ======committees who want to know why remov- Midi. nest effort to enlarge th-ir apprehensions pas-od and a second constitution drawn up ami upon tho enabling Christina was recalled, and soon after of he division and became fieroa v als wrrs made. He &uy* the request is the method in which recent elec- Kills were to repeal the and realisations of the lieneflts which the tiled. W isconsin, under an sc*, passed ranks t tions in Ireland were The re- introduced rejected, adopted. men’s gun! Hie Railway Age, in its annual re- without prvcedtMit. conducted. tobacco tax; to tax oleomargarine; for wise and unselfish adminstration of a free a constitution that wa* snd a second the constitution of 1845 was when one of the provost port w illallege and cleri- conventl 11 was li< Id. To deny to the i>eopl* of has decided to re- that intimidation Dakota and Washington government will to them. Yours, The ups and downs of the reign of went off finally only to wound view of railway construction, state Secretary Whitney not cal used favor the na- the udmission of secure a territory tho tlgit. to propose a bn -*-*» >n is to ftwj convene court martial, in ths case of Influence were in of as lor tho coin- very truly, rights gitai.trted constitution. He Isabella If, nothing to do with fellow, sa t there on his cofllff that the total of main line, the tionalists. territories states; unlimited tfenv oy tue have poor who length not Paymaster General Smith of the navy. age of silver dollars; for the construction Ghover Cleveland. joag as such eff rts a e made in conformity to the present subject. There were sev- squirming about under the slow mur- including track, sidings, or re- will approve ths findings ot the court Oen. Stephenson, commanding the Brit- of the caiml; to establish a de- the constitution and the laws of the second Ue Hennepin are in harmony with eral Carlist outbreaks during this der. The (teneta 1 of the division was and submit the cose to the president for ish forces in the Soudan,ad vises the govern- partment of commerce; to prevent unjust territory they newals, laid in tiro United Btates dur- to strong at Foreclosure Sales and Receiverships. a't tho precedent!.. The report goes period in favor of Don Carlos, Count in a rage and sent his staff one after his action. ment either maintain a force discriminntiviii by railroads, and to sub- into these precedent*. 1885 was 8,112.* ill! the advanced on the Nile or Ago. present* a discour- hmst elhatist.vtlv do Monteinolin, known as Charles VI., the other galloping up to urge the ing miles. This is Washington Star says that the Im- positions ject them to tile control of states; for a Thr Railway 'ln the light of these precedents and author- Tile altogether aging of railway foreclosure concludes that no critl- the son of the brother of Ferdinand to do the disagreed about 700 the grains ground then* that Controll- withdraw into Assouan. He postal telegraph; to reduce drop letter record sales ities the committee Just provost-marshal Ira. miles lees than new pression says heexpeels Boudnil to resume ;ism can is.* made ofthe proceeding taken by th< VII., of Charles V. and resign po- the Arabs postage to one cent. nnd receiverships for the year 1885. I'e- already spoken us able duty promptly projmlyl mileage of 1884, and is less than in er Cannon will soon and take a country is swept ferring to people ol Month Dakota, nor ot ihe me:hod* by it their usnAuita unless the Speaker Carlisle announced the names of its tubulated statement, the pa- brought On his death, in 1801, his right de- Minutes went by and still the sition in a bank in . The posi- by the British to Dongola. per which thev have their requests to tbe repeatJ any year shies 1878, when the total tion is believed to lie that of vice president memlnTs of committees, most ol the old *ays: attention of congress." As to population, the on his brother, Don Juan, who, ed efforts of twelve It will seen that during the past volved while 187ft the of tbs Bank of thq Republic. Mr. Stead, the imprisoned editor of the members holding their former plans. The be committee says uo statesmen have ever asked in October, 1808, alsdicated in favor to kill this sitting, blindfolded,pinionn was but 2,887 miles; in Pall Mall Gazette, writes from jail to his chairmen of the respective committees are year twenty-two railways in the United that mote than the point.ation required by th< postofTlro r required 1 of his son, the present Don Carlos, ed, helpless man were all in vain. AS record ol nsw construction reached B*ventv of the 140 nomina- friends that his health is unuffrcUHl by con- as follows: Flection, Turner of Georgia; ap- States, with l. >G miles of main line, unit, of representattou should be ot in Illinois, y. Florid *. Oregon at.d Nevaoa had less tions Wiscmuin ami Minnoeota finement, that he is busily engaged in liter- propriations, Randall of Pennsylvania; a total bonded debt and capitulua- ter: Itor the titular Charles VII. This was im- superstitions feeling spread through! only 1,711 miles. During the last ten have been reported favorably to the sen- nearly ihe view of most advanced statesmen lias been the success of the in- he would not be ary labors, and that he is opposed to a ways and means. Morrison of Illinois; naval tion of $278,500,000, have boon (KM*X» nocjssxrv in fh mediately alter tiie division that ate by on postofflccs and that not over was years the railway mileage of the United the committee further prosecution of the work of taking affairs, llerliert of Alabama; military sold under foreclosure and transferred titorie* embraced in the ordinance ot 17*7. surrection in 1808 and the flight of killed, because lit*could not lie. Nearly post roads, being hardly 1G sir cent. There States has f up petitions for his release, as he desires affairs, Hragg of Wisconsin; foreign to new ownership. The result is the capi- President Huchanau's position against Kanssr Isabella from Spain. Don Carlos did half an hour of volleys and tile firing been increased 54,708 are but tour such cuses in Minnesota, and generally wiped was In '•aso of Oregon, a majority to finish out his term of imprisonment. affairs, Hdmont of New York; banking and tal stock is out entirely, muddied the make his entry into Snain in as- passed, when the provost-mar- miles, and now in of these nil have not been reported as re- coinage, and bonded debt changed into the of wli se pimple were iu accord with his admin- not had reaches, round.num currency, Hurtin of Pennsylvania; the He admission tor Ore- throne until of jected and will not be immediately. weightsand measures,Hlund of of new securities, sometimes of less isUatiou. recommended sertion of his claim to the shal, placing the muzzle iu3 bers, the grand total of 128,500 miles. Missouri.riv- form gon, as it had "alreadv fornu d Its cons'.lin- to thir- and sometimes of greater amounts. The to- legislature, 1878, the country having in the mean- barreled seven shoo*er the uil , Tho secretary of the interior sont Perxoiml Mention. ers and harbors, Willis of Kentucky; labor, tit.u, elected Us ami Is prepared tc tals Oregon v.»* adtidued while passing through a jieriod man's head, discharged a" teen timlier trespass suits to the attorney denim Free O'Neill of Missouri mat outs Mitchell oft 'onn.; of this table nre sufficient I v enter the Union. with a been fortunate of Jeff Davie twin* a Mason or of themselves, population of 44,'iJO. The committee -av 01 back, and general for prosecution. Most them Pacific rnilways, Throckmorton T • aiih; impressive in but they will aibitrsry, ot storm and stress with various the loads. The* victim fell The obituary notices of Ransom a that he was over pardoned. more so by comparing the unit of population: It la not were against lumbermen in the Mouth, and commerce, Reagan of Texas; public lands, bo found still with on It preserves an equality experimental governments. After at last all was over.—T. F. Galway,in large Hon. Charles K. Fitch, editor of the Roch- summary previous years, which but founded reason prominent gambler, and Davis, a not- one large suit was against Utah firms Cobb of Indiana; judiciary; Tucker of the for Of representation. It' wo go beyond this it be- the failure of the attempt to Chicago Tribune. Amongthe against ester (N. Y.,) Democrat and Chronicle, *a that during ten years caprice, w 01 ed sawdust suits were two Minneso- Virginia; Indian affairs, Wellborn of Tex- makes the assertion comes a tnat:er of arbltiar.v of wn establish Amadeus, son of the King operator of New York oc- ta parties, J. B. HubbellofHt. Paul and the dangerously ill. as; poetotiireu and post roads, liount 228 railways, with a total length of 2.000 of par v em -lgencv.” “We arc not left."thev \d 1 Henry wrote Georgia; miles, or 211 per cent of the entire railway “to con J cture or calculate ns to the population of Itaiy, upon the throne, Marshal How Single-Handed a Kobbefp, cupied mors space in the New York Dull River Lumber Company of Minncu|>- William Hurlburt the at- of claims, Springer of Illinois; last New mileage of the country at the ot Houth Dakota. A census was i>ik«»n Serrano, whose death is just announc- olis. Suits were also recommended against tack on Bayard in the North American Re- accounts, Spriggs of York; in- commence- zoponse a request for information Tied up Seventeen Men to Trees* :,v press than those of the late Professor Indiana; 1885, an aggregate capi- June. In to ed, President Thomas Wollott and Charles Northrup ol view signed "Arthur Richmond.” Bayard valid pensions, Mattson of ment of and with the following u.ts been r* c -lved from the socre- and who was elected of • From the l’all Mall Gazette, John C.Draper,whose writings have a Miles City, Mont., on the sAiue charge. neglected to give Hurlburt adiploinatic po- militia, Muller. <1 New York; war tal stock and bonded debt of $1,778,000, Un of tho intermr:" Then follows a communi- the Republic, becamethe virtualruler, oc cent of the total s of the interior, glvlnt high Chairman Ulund, of the coinage commit- sition. claims, Gethh's, of Ohio; Mississippi river. 000, nearly 24 per cation troui the -cretarv and devoted himself to the suppression The other day in one of the jail, ol position in the scientific circles of of Louisiana; education, Aiken, of stock and bonded indebtedness at the same the isipolail'-n -e -u-ding to the last census o tee, ie inclined to believe that the commit- King, D.Auur the Carlists. In this he succeeded, Zealand, a mull whe Amenta and Europe. Probably a General News Notes. (tensions, Eldridge, of date, have gone through the disastrous ex- North snd Mou'.it of New there died tee stands seven for luspension to six South Carolina; M'g. hilt seeing a Republic to be impractic- Michigan; private land claims, Salesell, of periences of default in interest, pussing in- I’opula- Kstab- for many years had been an object, „ skilled writer, with a thorough against, but tiie fact causes him no Niiecial Another suit was instituted Atlanta, knowl- at Kentucky; District of Columbia, Harbour, to the hands of receive!*, with the long t.on. Fsrms lishm'ts ably he made no opposition to the re of then of interest, to the concern. He places Messrs. Seymour, Go., relative to N. B. Harwood’s life insur- first terror, edge of the subjects which formed Scott, James, of Virginia; reform in civil service, Cox, ol list of expenses and losses involved in this, North Dakota ...,ir»M'»fi 3J,r**i (ill storation of the other branch of the years Henry Hemphill, Norwood, Rock- ance. South Dak0ta.....2113,4(i*i Ai'.vti 1 445 colonies. The early of Draper’s life-work, could a well and Little for Admitting North Carolina; American ship bui'ding, and finally forced sale, which has wiped out royal family in the person ot Alfonso. Prof. give euspension. The white girl, although dis- many of holders, Garrett are shrouded in a veil of mys- that a majority of the committee will favor Cleveland Dunn, of Arkansas. the entire interest of the 82,767 In 1 870 after a long and gallant strug- wider and deeper interest tt> a owned by her parents, still clings to her and compiled accept new ee Total 115.1M4 1.U54 tery. but in 1842 he recSeved a sentence sketch Mr. Bland says that, should the others to The coinml t ' sav liic present uni. ot repre- gle, the Carlists received a final defeat euspension, -• colored burlier. curities, and to more t in England of ten years p ual servi- of his Hie than any Ufcbl a gambler or snrn a bill be preeentod. there would be Pknatk.—Tlic senate passed the Utah generally advance sentation is l.‘t.9ll,aud add “no sta roi and Don Carlos withdrew from money in order to the uxisteucu cigaii zad fr ;.i tno übiio il'>m d had at th* Spain. tude. at that time penal servitude a minority report recommending free coin- H. M. Smith A Co., agricultural imple- bill substantiallv as reported from the maintain i 1 As confidence man <*ould command; but of the property in the future. time of admi «:on ehv:hln« ’.ike the present In a manifesto issued from Pans he ments, of Richmond, failed. Lia- committee, nnd wan published in the t also meant transportation. Henry a age. Va.Jiuve liopulstiou or S »utU Dakota A* • are* h* said: “Being desirous of putting a such sketch would call for a more bilities, $75,000. morning paper* of 22. v «• i ig.itl: v'ai* removed to the colony of The expenses of thefuncral of Oen. Grant, Dec. The committee ksv D kin •’l. 1 lie continu- was Norfolk only ehungo of consequence is the addi- 1 nl'> Ca torn . C . . «i'-, Kmi-tt*, Min- stop to bloodshed, I forbear careful readirg than is generally ac- which were assumed by the government, There were 220 failures in the United Reward of Fanalon Attornoya. In are*, island. In that Pacific revion he dis- tion of a section providing that marriage nesota. Nevada, O ego a nd T< xs • htvlng > ing a glorious but nt present fruitless been paid. They States ending oth, an I.ltnoln, 01 ported himself his full term, for it is corded to a daily newspaper. have not amounted the week January in- between persona within the bn rth degree of Washington Special:—A numb *r of pen- larger nrca, while th: t rritory of only $14,153, although pr.'ose would v be i-xcccd d in are* struggle. I willnever sign aconvenio. that he again appears. to newspapers of two over the previous week. consanguinity—but including sion attorneys have devised u new scheme N rih D.iko a. 011 1 not until 1855 have frequently estimated tJiem high as not that de- by one ddtilonal state. N> br.s .a. 1..; projiosive My ling remains furled until the mo- as South Carolina’s new lien law gives the gree-shall by which to collect advance fees nnd no- large In that year Garrett, having reached money be deemed invent, and punished sti tc w uhl Is* tw ice aa as Irt liana. 'Jd.iKh (iod shall fix as the su- 9G0,000. The was advanced by expenses. Recently «> ment when According the latest official landlord the firat c-lanii on a crop, the la- aa auch. The only nays were lilair. Hump- tarial and other small niiios larger thru HI u»K '-’3.0 -quarc lullo* Australia, boldly conceit eel «nd boldly to state- Stephen Merritt, an undertaker rtf New that j.rger s It.gT tiian preme hour of redemption. borer second and the merchant third. ton, Vance, Cull, H *ar, Gibson. Morgan. the second controller made a decision than ArUaiißas; h,<» m rnli- carried out a most during bank rob- York. His bills are in the hundt of the o ~ml a half Hate . tnent published by the authorities of Jo” sues C. Mr. Hoar voted against the bill ordy be- slooj>ounty was due n very small class Missouri, or m It will be seen that the situation to- determined to carry quartermaster general ot the ny, and "Diamond Reynolds John larger Mouth Carol in 1. bery. Garrett nr Gault recover invested cause of the section disfranchising women; who enlisted previous to July 22, 18til. Ilian day is almost identical with that when Russia there are in that country not been pigeonholed four or five months. to money in u tele- out his schemesingle-handed, and pro- Y nave company, alleging but even with that section in ho would Soon after letters of inquiry, enclosing cir- grandfather of the present Don thsn 14,000 square miles of oil-- Mr. Merritt came over here last month, phone misrepresentation. attor- the ceeded with the utmost coolness to do 1 less have voted for tne bill had his vote been culars of a number of Washington WOItKIXO AGAIN T SIMIIK4. ('arlos asserted his claim to the throne. and succeeded in having them taken up, Fears nr* entertained in Florida for the neys to in from all sections of his little in broad daylight. Post- \ producing land, but of this vast ter necessary to secure its passage. began pour A KIOL’X FAI.I.H DECIMATION. job but it was discovered that there wn< not orange crop, not one-half of which is yet on the auditor's office, The proclaimed heir is a girl baby ol notice of the bank ('olumbin of Senator the country second - ing a on theoutside is money contingent gathered. At the mercury was The river bdl Mitch- Wahhumton, special Teiegriun, Jan. 11 Isabella j2j|ritory ths field at Baku the only sufficient in the fund ol fNmsncola Oregon asking whether the circulars were true. In three or four years old, just as Pullarat he had selected for his department down to lfiabove. ell of appropriates $1,130,000 to A committee can dating '!f Griggsbv, E at worked, and even this covers only the war to pay them. An be immediately available and be expended nearly all cases they were false, and were was, with her mother as regent, the operations, that the x one order will be given Mr. Merritfor a A. Hue rinan and Jnliu M Bailey. Jr , are heri establishment portion Tho presidents of ail the state normal between the passage of the act and June framed so as to induce application* from mothers have even the same (tli* limited of some three and amount,'and congress asked from Sioux Falls, Dak , to urge upon con Queen would be closed for an hour, space of the will be schools in the country and numerous col- 30, ISN7, in continuing the improvement* all soldiers who enlisted during tho first name. The difference is that diaries to make an for the balance. gresa of to hold tin he went in, shut the front door after "ono-half miles. The output is enor- appropriation lege professors are candidates for the po- at the mouth of the Columbia river, Ore- three years of the war. The following is a tb-A passage the bill contended against an innovation pine lr V. him, and, presented a loaded revolver mous, fact is stated by one In the case ot an application of a man sition of commissioner of education to suc- gon and Washington Territory. specimen: United Suites district court In four s upon recognized tradition, and the and the who has relinquished n land entry to make ceed Kuton. Pear Sir By a recent decision of the sec- that at Yankton, D ad wool, Huroi at the heads of the surprised ai.tl Senator dumb's bill directs the secreta- territory— claim of Isabella, had to be asserted . who witnessed the opening of a well in a second entry where no specefic tract wns Brsdstreets reports 200 failures in busi- ry of the treasury to pay to the Delaware ond controller you are entitled to SIOO anmui M«lom*r Sparks to troal facto queen; her son has Receiving this he quietly locked the H&ppurted to the height of 100 feet, car- simply request as to arising adjudica- to a for a decision week. 448 in the corresponding week of lh» treaty of May 13, IMffO, they were to under this decision will he the settlers of Dakota decuiTv. and to glv« facto kmg, recognized as such by the clerks in the building, and departed with it, the flow whether tho party would be allowed to 1885, 545 in 1884, and 342 in IShJ. be paid the full value. ted In the order in which they are present- them the rights they are entitled io undei of the land and the rying great stones an Hones, an early to 1* tu»r laws representa- smiling by the back door, with a prof- make such entry if it should at any time Republic* Senator Wilson of lowa reported favor- ed. reply this will the law. The committee saw Senators Ed of nation. thus continuing until a large lake of petro- hereafter be desired, and that it is there- The Fargo learns on good your best interest. FI -a«e send me tives the Charles VII. it of £6,000 as the reward ol his com- authority that there is soon to l>«a change ably from the committee on post ((dices and be to munds. CuHoui, L gau, llarrixon and oth«r*. him, and the fore a hypothetical oueetlon which the de- roads names and postotfh-e address of all of- presented case. They has tiie force all against mercial enterprise. leum was formed. The product is re- the receivership of States post the bill introduced by him to the nnd to them their lias used to answer. The com- in the United ficers tnelr heirs t hat you can. argued: sentiment of legitimacy has not the being partment rot hind office in that city, and that Harry prohibit the mailing of new spa pern and or With this sum Henry escaped to fined on the spot, the residue ir.issioncr of the general land office is direct- All who receive such circulars will save The rights homesteaders and a* power now that it hod half a century Richards will be the successor of the pres- other publications containing lottery ad- of pre-einptors England, but being followed by a & ways. to refuse hereafter to consider applica- themselves from being swindled if they will well a* purchasers are not fairly understood »>v were a little less of used m fuel for steamers and rail ed ent incumbent. rertisements. ago. IfDon Carlos tactive he was caught in the st reets ol tions for a rest oration of the right to make note that not a solitary case falls under lh<> comintmlmicr. Although individual case* House.—Not in session. of fraud undouhtedlv cxl.f, verv few have b«cn a Bourbon he might very probably The trick by which he iL-.'l ¦»—=== filing homestead or timber Messrs. Bates, Holden and Smith, (leve- the derision to which reference is made in liOndon was pfctuptory of unearthed, and unlawful en'rtes are almost im- tne center of y land capitalists, have leased 5,000 acres become conservative captured was rather a mean one. culture entries, except when accompanied these cirtu’ars, where the enlistments took po**ib'ein a country w tier* non -compliance witt 'Hie expended new —Mr.Harrison, from the commit- - * but the this is The total amount for the application to make tiling or entry of gas territory in Butler county, nnd are Senate place after July 22, 1801. Iho law results Inevitably in a contest bv an in- policy; courseof country detective thought that he recocrniied by tee on territories, favorably the restoration buildings hi Chicago lost year was for some specific tract. negotiating for 10,000 acres more in Han- reported dividual. The order suspending the i—uauce ol not toward a Bourbon his man, but not being quite sure that cock county, W. Va. It is tiieir intention 1> kotu admission bdl, and adversely the patents, althomrh Jti-ilfb d in an individual ca»* even in Spain. Judge. showing, wholly he was the right one. lie gives a 910,002,570. This sum is slightly The Manitoba railway has taken the to construct a pipe lino eighty miles long resolution to inquire astotheorgamsution Insanity of a I.ate Dakota sometimes upon a proper is loud that the road does not come with- of a government in Dakota. Mr. without reason in its pr-seut. sweeping reform, “coo-ee” from the sidewalk, and the than outlay of 1884, position and convey the gas to Cleveland. state Pe* Moines () Special: Several carivfng hardship* j smaller the or language of the act of June to submit n sr at in a mid itude ol Australian, in the spirit Tongue Butler reserved the right weeks ago Seward Smith of this city, federal pun very Canadian Pacific Railway. unsuspecting doubt!#* which not to a decline in build- system reports I'aytcr, A Co., dealers in finer homestead cases, while shinu a few Tlie is due t), 1878, which requires a of goods, Baltimore, dc-d minority report, if. after perusal and con judge for tne Territory of Dakota, was re- guiltyones. I: is the undeniable law of the thinking to belli a fellow-colonist in j grant the dress made a of say Montre- ing operations, but to reduction ofthe from the so-called land roads, for ¦Uleration of the majority report, he should moved from office. He then became a can- laud a* detitied by the courts, that ths tinal re- The line, commencing at distress, turns sharply around, and i# J government grant trust for tho benefit of their creditors. ceiver's certitlvitc issuod u; final pr«>ol reason that the made its A member of the firm stated that the fail- conclude to do so. didate for Tinted .States senator to repre- on a al, and running to Port as sharply nabbed. Sent back prices of materials. Among the build- laud in this case through the state or Mr. Blair the senate on the bill operates as a transfer of title to the proof ol westward tel of was caused by tho defalcation of their addressed sent that terr Tory when it should l>e ad- from the government, and th* was were government. Mr. Mnutgoniery, ure heretofore introduced by him to pr vide Claimant Arthur, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Australia* lie tried and rtvM'«dil ings included in this segregate territorial bookkoejier, Rose, who confesses to mitted to statenoo.l. For some time a entrymsn is entitled in due course ths attorney general ior the in- W. 11. for the erection of a monument at Wash- sentence of ten years’ penal serl 2,413 other assistant huving misappropriated $15.000. but they rumor has been current that Judge Smith of business to a patent for the through t he mountains to Port Moody 842 tenement houses, decided that with- ington to and another land, good crime shown, the patent I'pon the expiration of his tern terior department, Hah believo his defalcation much higher. Abraham Lincoln was in danger of losing his mind. Re- unless for dwelling houses, and 88 factories of doubt tho statute applies to all com to Gen. Grant. definitely may he withheld. Another reluted decision ol on the Pacific is, as dearly as can now rett shook off the dust from hn out cently it was learned that the « corporations or which In the preliminary trial of Oswald in the Mr. Pugh spoke in favor silver. Bills tho commissioner is that In all ease where aii a pMiiiss, individuals of rumor was not without foundation. For Individual exercised a commuted be Ascertained, owing to some uncom- on shoes and crossed over various kinds. More than hundred of that have been justice’s court at Devil’s Lake, Justice were introduced to abolish mav have are the owners railroads thecompulsory some time he has been suffering from sleep-” homes' ead right, the same per* on cannot avail neighboring colony of New cost oxer $60,000 upon credit oi Wishart, upon n question subnutted sailing vessels; uu- pleted sections in the Rockies, 2,985 of the buUdisgi built in whole or part the pilotage of coastwise lessii-ss, i nduced bv overwork on the bench himself of the pie-rinption, but must have lived Among many well-plannediaMfcr'sJ! over l»v the aid ot nubeidies In either bonds or whether the crime was murder or man- tliorixingtlieDakota Central Railroad com- in Dakota, and aggravated by his on the homestead five years in order to secure miles long. Of this distance the first each, and two cost $500,000. daughter draft led it was murder. lltixbig the lon. This radical of a beries, with the skillful hind ol the United States, whether such | party to build a bridge at Pierre, Dak.; ap- from office by the president pre-empt reversal 3(H) exertion re- was murder, court removal policy long pursued bv the department Is uow miles west of Montreal pass The largest real estate transfer credit was loaned by sueh sultsidies given ierided the crime tho propriating sl,l 45,000 tor certain river and hi* subsequent candidacy for of which he distinguished him could not release the on bail. Os- censing widespread ft tr and apprehension as tc 213x50, for directly to the bulkier* or flret proprietor* prisoner ; and harbor improvement* in Oregon. United States senator for Dakota. This pre-emption already made, through a fairly good territory, much self, chiefly conspicuous was the corded warn of a lot which wald will have to remain in jailuntil the tltios of of tins ela»* of roods, or to their predecoeaor* in Among thd nominations reported favor- lias had the of unhing- brill another equally nonsensical decision mad* of which is now productive ofexcellent font he accomplished of “Sticking paid. Perhaps the eucii of the district to l>c held effect temporarily up" $400,000 was interest. next term court, ably to the senate were the following post- ing the judge's mini). He labors under the by Mr Sparks la thtt any conveyance, Men tin.ber, and will,with some difficulty month. t mortgage mtde after final certification, not fur from iHmediu, and relieving most remarkable item in this report is next masters from Minnesota: Alexnnder hallucination that he is immensely wealthy, or be ultimately brought tinder successful them of their valuables. The process The const ruction of the Bt. Paul ice McKennon, ('rookston; William J. Whip- in other is not but befoic patent, is void upon the of tenement houses built Casualty pol- and hi* conduct respects property: that the final certificate conveys title. cultivation. ThenextToOniilesare lo- of "sticking up” is charmingly the number lt#*eor«t. ice proceeds right along, not withstanding ple, WinCim; G. A. Sullivan. Spring Valley; ordered showing simple. like himself. Recently he SSOO They cited upward of twenty case* that wort In the third story of the weather, for the contractor* are de- .1. I’arshall, Fnirbnult; James Delaney, an store for the always held that certificate catctd through an absolutely hies#* The operator bounces out from hia WitDin vßw YWHT« Fire vm discovered R. worth of pictures from art the courts have such soil, the IlUikf’ hail connected with tho collet termined to do their best to finish by Feb. St. Peter; 8. N. Horreck, Detroit City; ft. office he ;s opening on Third street, and did vest title in the rntrvman. The policy of wilderness, where there is no and ambush upon an unsuspecting parry Ohio. The building is a brick 1. Hut it’s awfully work at 20 below F. Muckok, Moorhead; John Flynn, Du- imiignan they were not de- theooinmlnfdnncr la making c/.neella;lon of an only here and there clumps of poor of travelers, loaded Oberlln, cold was l*ecnii*e sntry rep agent, they and,with revolver high. It luth;.!. R. Smith. Kendalvllle; David Over the on the mere rt of a st>eclal “English estate” business in structure. threo stories accommo- ¦era to handle the blocks of ice and frente livered, and soon after he gave secre- •aid, was a travesty, lor the reason that the timber, nnc. nothing from which Any raised, he cries out "Bail up!” where- The male student*. together water. The mart, Marion; Denni* F.gan, Liberty. All Cottage dates ISO female and 100 them with men wear tary of the hospital a check for tame is devoid of every principle of right, and sort of local trafticcan bederived. The upon—everybody knowing what i« this country, having received a severe AM escaped. the heaviest overcoats. furcu|>s and gloves, these were to fill vacancies, except that ol SOO. The check was returned. The case that the plan of this meddling with entries in- were: persons allege prairie section Is about 1,000 miles meant—all the men instantly thrank notes; for the is*ui •ixtv day* There were plenty of senator* s - «ra. —ML. run through ' . _a. ntaij urniy in the field. Statements are made congressmen would (flat! to ap- tance 500 miles a barren ience, he emptied theirpoci jf* BWfta irfirnw tarn it waa aavod. Loss about $5,000; New Orleans, ami National Mutual of of fractional paper currency; to cncouragi a flag of tod who lot Smt to that the British violated truce; pear make an argument, and Mr. Ed- region, and the remaining 400 are pro- the kindliness of heart w no insurance. Kansas. These are in addition suits in- American shipbuilding; to divide Dakota that they allowed an enormoue quantity ana along the stituted against the Oakland Ilon-.o and and create a Territory of Lincolin; for tht munds had no doubt wbst the decision of ductive only of timber with occasion pleasing a characteristic t>f « A hurricane has prevailed of precious things to he looted from the os position Hporks heir* oUb* Merwr «t»te Britain, causing **ri- Commercial of California and New Orleans issue of the treasury certificates of deposit the court woud be, the ai stretches of agricultural lands. Me he mode a koM Oith* north coast of Great palace under the eyes of the sentinels; that uni taken untenable r . wtlt ago.’ silver bullion. was - ajwl obtain as damage to the proparty. A litsboni Insurance association several days od a order, free in- boiled a billyof water and gave ooa of Minnesota, ridiculous permitting the maapeUed in tha harbor at White I!h Dispatch of th# Bth from Knn«a*Clty, Mo., Mr. Nelson introduced hit nod egress of all women, allowed im- all tea. Moreover, knowing theß consolidate the India ns on the White gress "Kome little scandal has been caus- UMh and one of the craw drowned. Sever- lavs: Tlie storm which has prevailed all day bill to portant conspirators ample leisure to ea- Housewives at Sioux Falls arecircu- of tobacco, he filled—from their this month in reported. The gnt t ! uf plains of the wont No Earth reservation. It is the same bill in ed, it seems,” says the London Truth, wiU be held al amaM wreck# are isuus known. rn jv;that riot and bloodshed were roused for the of es- pouches—the nipes of such of the ppatiww with upabated fury. In Scot i u arrived or departed on the Union troduced by him in the forty-eighth cow all night tbs of Mandalay by latino a petition purpose Wales attendinc also » bill alter capturs “by the Prince of tv who smoked and lighted tl tli*mo* la some places haa drifts uciric or the Burlington k Missouri river gres*. He introduced appro- the withdrawal of forces, sad that the tablishing the salary of servant girls fciad $20,000 to establish an ludian on a Bun- wishing them a kindly "G Into enormous banka, and a number ot lailroad. The snowfall has been accompa- priating British irritated the people by making At $1 50 per week. some races at Buda-Pesth I'hen »«• SWported to be blocked. An un by strong winds and severe cold and model farm and normal school in Northern King walk miles about the day. But, after all, to do at Koine as night, good-night!'* Mr. Garret! teatM nied benefit of the ITirth Theebaw flva living near MSntlhNimf h#a foundered in th* Kn- will undoubtedly cause much ealtering Minnesota for the city, and then, no proper transportation Ole Anderson, a farmer Rome does is an essential to interna- mosed. •tftjfc shalmel, and a rones of wreckage ha among the cattle, entailing heavy Mountain and Red Lake Chippcwas. king, queen *' probably being provided, that the and Manville by blow- courtesies, and for the Princeol • proposition was submitted by Mr. committed suicide tional .(gin aahor*. yT,* -' losses- Th* weather hare has been less se- A royal mother-in-law were taken off in on* ng the ol his head otJ with a shot- Wales to have cone fimifa though th* mercury has been 8 deg. Henderson (N. C.) lor the appointment ol top not tother*cesat Mrs. Lei and Stanford boa fotH vere, members, to common bullock cart. Pest h wpuld have been as churl- below aero. A passenger who ram* hi over a select committee of nine b* i«un. Hnda tits committee on internal revenue, ish oh if the Crown Prince of Austria, the Kants Fsfrom Williams, N. 11., states called Moody has arrived at Washington A ild daughter of that there lean nnbgokro covering ofenow with authority to investigate the working* Judr five-year Frank on visiting London, wort tg decline U iatsraa) and is eontident bouth Dakota will be ad* Allen at l\istei City, fell into a tub of on ** the astir# disltlW of and details ol tbs revenue law* go |o church." •3 *• rmasiHnwwwKMUerw edited. jH>lUn|wate?*a4w*«*c*fcWcl todtatib jgM .- c y ¦ ' ."‘¦'Sk'-ifc't'i) VA-'fLaiL-,.,-. ..e&SS&aiL Ansi V--.Sk/ £' C -

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