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EDDLESBOROUGH {Or EDLESBOROUGH), with the Hamlets of DAGNALL, HUDNELL and NOR'l'hall DIRECTORY.) 45:3 EDDtESHOROUGH. (BtJCKS.j Gascoigne Mrs Bates Ann (Mrs.), fanner Sear John, farmer, Kingsland Ca.rm Spurrell Rev. Benjamin, A.M. [rector] Gadsden Thomas, farmer, Manor farm Smith William, blacksmith Willis Mr. William London Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker Spooner Thomas, Tltree Horsuhou, COMMERCIAL, London Thomas, beer retailer & grocer Adams William, farmer, Stoke Road Newman John, shopkeeper & beer Syratt Thomas, farmer, Dorcas farm farm retailer Toe William, boot & shoe maker Amos William, farmer Pebody Joseph, baker Willison Thomas, farmer & landowner DUNTON is a parisl1 and small village, 4~ mile8 south­ acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Carington, of Gayhurst, east from Winslow, and 7~ north from Aylesbury, in Cot­ and held by the Rev. Edward Quenby Ash by, l'ILA., of Christ tesloe hundred, Winslow union, Buckingham county court Church, Oxford. Lord Carington is lord of the manor and district and archdeaconry, rural deanery of Mursley, and chief landowner. Tl1e population in 18(H was 106; the diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Martin is a small but acreage is 1,154. neat fabric, with square tower and 3 bells. The living is a Pari8h Clerk, Richard Green. rectory, annual value £250, with residence, and including 95 Hoare Rev. Edwd. Hen. M.A. [curate] Dover William, farmer Letters throu~h Winslow. The COMMERCIAL. Mead Thomas, farmer nearest money orde:r office is at Illick Samuel, farmer Mead William, farmer Stewkley EDGCO'l''l' is a small village and parish, in the bundred Rev. Cloudesley Dewar Bullock Marsham, of 1-Ierton unioa, county court district aud archdeaconry of Bucking­ College, Oxford. Here is a small chapel for Independents. ham, rural deanery of Claydon, and diocese of Oxford, 7 The population in 1861 was 182; the acreage is 1,060. miles east from Bicester, 7 south-west from Winslow, Pttri8h Clerk, John Je:ffs. and 8 from Buckingham. The church of St. Michael is ancient, with square tower containing 3 bells. The CARR,IERS TO BucKINGHAM.-William Butler, monuay, Jiving is a rectory, value .£210, in the patronage of Robert at 7 a.m. returning sa\De day; Thomas Justice, saturday, Bullock Marsham, n.c.L., Warden of Merton College, returning same day Oxford, wbo is likewise lord of the manor, and held by the ~ COMMERCIAL. Butler Joseph, grocer, draper & baker CrQss William, farmer Butler John, farmer & carrier Cross Ann (Mrs.), farmer • Letter» through Winslow, at which Butler Richard, Three H01·seslwe3, Edmans Mary Ann (Mrs.), Fox inn, is the nearest money order office & farmer & farmer EDDLESBOROUGH {or EDLESBOROUGH), with the Hamlets of DAGNALL, HUDNELL and NOR'l'HALL. EnnLESBOROUGH is a village and parish of considerable rights of pasture. The population in 1861 was 1,671 ; the dimensions, being about I mile in width and 9 miles in length, acreage is 4,579. comprising the. hamlets of DAGN ALJ., H UDNELL, NOR- HUDNELL is a small hamlet of Eddlesborough, nearly one THALL and part of HORTON, distant 3 miles west from mile east of Little Gaddesden. Dunstable, and 3 north-east from I ving·hoe, in the hundred of N ORTIIALL is s hamlet of Eddlesborough, comprising Cottesloe, union and county court district of Leighton 1,127 acres, 4 miles from Leighton Buzzard. Here is a Buzzard, rural deanery of Murs}ey, archdeaconry of Buck- National school, with residence for the master; service is ingham, and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Mary is performed in the school room, the officiating curate being a noble Gothic edifice, standing upon elevated ground, and the Rev. Henry Housman~ A.K.c. consisting of nave, chancel, two aisles, with a massive tower National School, William Wagon Allison, master; .Mrs. about 70 feet high, in which are G bell!> and a clock; it had Jane Robinson, mistress formerly a spire, which was destroyed by lightning in the DAGNALL is a scattered hamlet belonging- to the parish year 1827 : the church was erected about the twelfth of Eddlesborough ~ situated,between the Dunstable.Downs and century, and belonged to an ancient monastery established Ivinghoe Hills, 7! miles north-east from Hemel Hempstead at Ashbri!lge: the chancel contains a trefoil-headed piscina: and 3~ east from I vinghoe. A new school room has been in the nave is a stone mural monument witll brasses to Henry erected by Earl Ilrownlow, which is licensed for public ~~er­ .Brugis and wife, A.D. 1647; and there are several brasses vices on Sundays, and for the administration of the Holy of an ancient period. The benefice is a vicarage, with about Sacrament, and in which a Sunday school is held morning 9 acres of glebe land, in tlte patronage of the Earl Brown- and afternoon; a Night school is also held twice a week for low, who is impropriator of the great tithes; the Rev. men and once a week for women; reading, writing, arith­ Augustus F. Birch, M.A., of Kins-'s College, Cambridge, is metic, and plaiting are taught; the ReT. G. C. Lane, M.A., the incumbent. Here is a school for boys and Jrirls, endowed of Christ Church, Oxford, being the officiating curc~.te. Here by the late Countess of Bridgewater, and three plaiting is a Wesleyan chapel, in which a Sunday school is held. schools; tl:!e larger part of the inhabitants are employed in Earl Brownlow and Arthnr Macnamara, Esq., are lords of the straw plait bu!liness. The charities are several bequests the manor. The soil is generally poor, with a few exceptions of land, and a sum of money payable out of the great tithes of good arable land. The inhabitants are principally em­ given to the poor at stated times. Eddlesborough Green ployed in the straw plait trade. William Roberts, school­ contains several acres; the older inhabitants possess the master; Miss Water, schoolmistress. • Eddiesborough. Tompkins David, beer retailer & grocer J ones Arthur, shopkeeper Batchelor Mr. Thomas Twidell Thoma!', farmer Munn James, wheelwright Battams James, plait dealer Vasey Sophia {Mrs.), shopkeeper Rogers Daniel, shoe maker Buckmaster John, miller Wood Jesse, A.xe §) CompaSB, & corn Rogers Ezekiel, Red Lion Cheshire John, carpenter factor Stratford Edward Ginger, baker Costin Robert, carpenter Letters are received throug·h Dun- N orthall. • CutlerWm.fanner,Ringsball Lodge frm stable at 9 a. m.; no rPgular dispatch : Honsman Rev. Henry, A.K.C Gray .Amos, beer retailer pillar box cleared at 5.5 p.m. The Ashpool John, farmer Gray Ilenjamin, beer retailer& shopkpr nearest money order office is at Dun- Bates Jabez, beer retailer Uray Henry, beer retailer stable Brown Mark, blacksmith Hawkins David, farmer Dagnall. Costin Frederick, Old W1·utler Hawkins Samul'l, farmer Gray Mrs. Lydia Costin John, beer retailer HewsFranci!.l, surgeon Lane Rev. George Charlton, 1\I.A Hawkins James, baker & farmer Hutchins Reuben, plait dealer Astling Charles, sho]Jkeeper Hawkins Rowlaml, flu·mer Janes John, blacksmith Batchelar John, brewer & maltster Holmes William, boot & shoe maker :Mead Thomas, farmer Cox Jcthn, shopkeeper & beer retailer Janes Joseph, butcher Newman William, Bell, & wheelwright Cripps Jesse, farmer Janes Sarab (Mrs.), fa,.,rmmcr Partridge John Linell, farmer bean Daniel, carpenter Nicholls Robert, wheelwright Pearson Frederick, butcher Gadsden David, farmer Peppiatt Philip, farmer Peppiatt John, G1·eylwund,&brick ma Gadsden William, baker Procter William, farmer Peppiatt N athaniel, shoe maker Gray J obn, Cross Keya, & ftmner V asey John, baker Plummer Josepb, shopkeeper & beer -Horton Joseph, farmer Letters through Dunstable, at which retailer J anes J ames, .blac~mith is the nearest money order office .
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