Ref:1727 SUBMISSION COPY 31/12/18

Supporting Statement

Full Application

Excavation of part of the site and erection of general purpose/ storage building associated with existing plant and excavator contracting business.

at Bryn Islwyn, Rhoshill, Cardigan, . SA432TU.


Mr G.M Davies.

Llyr Evans Planning Ltd. Company Llyr Evans Planning Ltd. Registration No. 091226087 (England and Chartered Town Planner. ). BSc (Hons), MSc, MRTPI Director- Llyr Evans (MRTPI). Llantood 07966 450243 Farm, Cardigan, Pembrokeshire. [email protected] SA43 3NU.

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


1 General Description

1.1 The application involves excavation of part of the site to provide a level area and the erection of a steel framed building to be used in associated with an existing excavator and plant contractors business operating from Bryn Islwyn, Rhoshill.

2 Application

2.1 The application does not need to be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement as it relates to development that is not a major development; as the floor space created would not exceed 1000m² and the site area is under 1ha. Furthermore, it is not in a designated area (Section 9 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016.

2.2 The statement has been prepared by Llyr Evans BSc, MSc, MRTPI, (Director) Llyr Evans Planning Ltd. to accompany an application by Stewart Corbett, Archi-Tech. The statement is based on information supplied by the applicants, and the other consultants. Please Note: All stated dimensions and distances are approximates and based on the best information available at the time. Please refer to the submission plans for detailed information.

2.3 The application details include:  Supporting Statement,  Full Application Forms,  Full set of plans,  Planning Application fee will follow.

3 Applicant

3.1 Mr Gerallt Davies, Bryn Islwyn, Rhoshill, Cardigan, Pembrokeshire. SA432TU.

4 Site

4.1 The site is located approximately 480 metres to the west of Rhoshill.

4.2 The site is part of small holding consisting of two fields, house, yard and corrugated sheet metal building associated with the commercial use of the site.

4.3 The site is accessed directly from the county road to the north.

5 The Development

5.1 The aim of the development is to allow the existing machinery and excavators associated with the use of the site to be kept indoors and to provide covered workshop space. The building would have a floor area of approximately 185m².

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


5.2 The owner/ operator of the plant company has operated locally for in excess of 20 years and from the site subject to this application since February 2008.

5.3 The company specialise in site excavation and engineering work with a significant amount of work relating to agricultural holdings in the area.

5.4 The business is well-established and has a good local client base, but the current building is small and does not provide sufficient space for the increasing size of machinery. The value of machinery owned by the applicant is high and the existing shed is small and provides insufficient space for garaging or working on the machinery under cover. At present a significant number of machines are left on the construction sites overnight and from job to job, however, concerns over the security of the machines makes storing the machinery back at the base desirable and an increasing necessity.

6 Site History

6.1 The Authority’s website reveals no planning history associated with the site.

6.2 Whilst there is no formal planning history associated with the site, the evidence provided by the applicant suggests that the site, including the shed and yard has been used for commercial purposes associated with the plant business since February 2008. As such, whilst an application for a Certificate of Lawful Development has not been applied for, the available evidence suggests that the site has been used for commercial purposes continually in excess of 10 years and is therefore immune from enforcement action.

7 Consultation and Collaboration

7.1 Stewart Corbett- Arch-Tech has been the lead agent on the project and has prepared the plans associated with the application.

8 Policy Considerations

8.1 National Planning Policy

 Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10, 2018).  Technical Advice Note (TAN) 5: Nature Conservation and Planning (2009).  Technical Advice Note (TAN) 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities (2010).  Technical Advice Note (TAN) 12: Design (2016).  Technical Advice Note (TAN) 18: Transport (2007).  Technical Advice Note (TAN) 23: Economic Development (2014).

8.2 Local Development Plan for Pembrokeshire (LDP), adopted by Pembrokeshire County Council 28 February 2013.  Policy SP 1 Sustainable Development

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


 Policy SP 16 The Countryside  Policy GN.1 General Development Policy  Policy GN.2 Sustainable Design  Policy GN.6 Employment Proposals  Policy GN.9 Extensions to Employment Sites  Policy GN.10 Farm Diversification  Policy GN.11 Conversion or Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings  Policy GN.37 Protection and Enhancement of Biodiversity

8.3 Principle of Development

8.4 Planning Policy Wales (PPW) (edition 10, 2018) forms the overarching national planning policy document for Wales and sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government. It is supplemented by a suite of Technical Advice Notes (TANs). The main objective of PPW is to promote place-making and sustainable forms of development.

8.5 Section 1 refers to sustainable development as the process of improving the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales by taking action (p9, PPW, 2018) and identifies the contribution planning can have to goals of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, which include: A globally responsible Wales, A prosperous Wales, A resilient Wales, A healthier Wales, A more equal Wales, A Wales of cohesive communities, A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language, and A globally responsible Wales (PPW 10, p9).

8.6 It identifies that the planning system should, amongst other things, deliver good placemaking as a means of delivering sustainable development (para 2.9) and make best use of resources, including land (figure 3, page 18). The development would accord with this aim by utilising existing underutilised land adjacent to an existing commercial enterprise.

8.7 Section 2 deals with People and Places: Achieving Well-being Through Placemaking and identifies the key Planning Principles of:  Growing our economy in a sustainable manner,  Making best use of resources,  Facilitating accessible and healthy environments,  Creating and Sustaining Communities,  Maximising environmental protection and limiting environmental impact. The development would accord with all the principles.

8.8 Section 5 deals with Productive and Enterprising Places and states amongst other things, that the planning system should help create sustainable places by: Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


 Promoting and diversifying our rural economy to ensure it is fit for the future and economically sustainable while ensuring that unnecessary development in the countryside is controlled, (p75, PPW 10)

8.9 The development of the site would contribute to the objectives of the PPW and LDP through supporting an existing rural enterprise that supports the rural economy.

8.10 Section 5.6 deals with the Rural Economy and states that “A strong rural economy is essential to support sustainable and vibrant rural communities. The establishment of new enterprises and the expansion of existing business is crucial to the growth and stability of rural areas” (p86, PPW 10). The development would see the expansion of the existing enterprise. There is no reason to believe that the economic gains would not be long term.

8.11 The contribution of micro businesses and self-employment in the area is recognised. The proposal would contribute to the objectives of PPW in this regard by strengthening the existing established business. The sites location adjoining the applicants residence is also important given its ability to provide security and efficient management of the enterprise.

8.12 PPW and TAN 23 identify the importance of the planning system to economic development. TAN 23 provides a framework for weighing economic benefit and identifies strong rural economies as a key objective, as does TAN 6.

8.13 PPW and TAN 23 discuss economic development in the context of:  Economic development is development (new or change of use) where the resulting space will be occupied by economic activities;  An economic activity, or economic land use, is an activity which directly generates wealth (output), jobs and income;  Generating jobs includes providing or sustaining existing jobs as well as creating new jobs.

8.14 Section 2 of TAN 23 acknowledges that quantifying economic impacts is not always straight forward and identifies 3 criteria for assessing economic impacts, these being:  Alternatives: The sequential test discussed below identifies that there are no alternative sites which provide comparable alternatives to the site subject to this application.  Jobs accommodation: The development would sustain 2 current jobs and allows the applicant to invest in additional equipment and run the enterprise efficiently.  Special Merit: The proposal would contribute to the objective of PPW, TAN 23 and the LDP of contributing towards a strong and resilient rural economy.

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


8.15 Given the economic benefits, and minimal adverse impacts, the proposal is considered acceptable when assessing the development against national policy and guidance.

8.16 Local Planning Policy

8.17 Policy SP1 of the LDP requires all development proposals to demonstrate how positive economic, social and environmental impacts will be achieved and adverse impacts minimised. The development would provide positive economic impacts by strengthening the applicants’ business, strengthening employment provision and supporting rural enterprises and providing on site employment during the construction period. Positive social impacts would be realised by reason of the economic benefits and through providing a functional and safe place of work. Positive environmental impacts would be achieved through locating the building close to the applicants dwelling and existing enterprise. Adverse impacts have been minimised through sensitive design, mitigation and detailing.

8.18 Policy SP16 of the LDP outlines the types of development that will be supported in the countryside and includes enterprises for which a countryside location is essential. Given that the existing business operates from the site, the location is considered to comply with this criterion.

8.19 Policy GN.6 identifies the criteria, against which employment proposals (B1, B2, B8) on unallocated land will be permitted. Criterion 3 states: In countryside locations only if no other suitable sites exist and the enterprise requires such a location; and in all cases provided no allocated sites can reasonably accommodate the proposed development.

8.20 Policy GN. 9 states: Proposals to diversify or intensify employment uses and/or extend them into adjacent land will be permitted where the scale and nature of the original development together with the extension is compatible with its location.

8.21 It is contended that policy GN.9 is most relevant given the fact that the business is already established at the site. This existing established use and the fact that the business mainly supports the rural sector also satisfies the locational criteria of policy GN.6. The table below demonstrates that there are no alternative sites available within 5 miles of the site. Details of the searches are included as appendix 1.

8.22 Website Search Results Suitability On the Market General 24 commercial The units at Commercial premises mainly Pentood would be farms, town centre too large and premises. 4 Units expensive. The for sale at Pentood established use of Estate for the units at Parc £695,000, one Teifi would not be shed and yard in compatible. The Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


Llangaoedmor for site at £230,000 2 B1 Llangoedmor premises in Parc would require Teifi. construction of a dwelling for management purposes. Zoopla Industrial 1 property for rent Too small. at Pentood Estate, Cardigan. Right Move Industrial/ No Results Warehouse Welsh Industrial/ 5 results for Too far. Government Warehouse Pembrokeshire. Property Database Narberth, Brawdy, Neyland, Tenby,

8.23 Allocated sites are limited to Crymych and Cardigan, but there does not appear to be available land at these sites. In light of the above, it is considered that policy GN.6 is satisfied.

8.24 In terms of policy GN.9, the business has been established on site since 2008, when the property was purchased by the applicant. Evidence of the use can be found in appendix 2, and consists of:  Gravel Statement 31/3/2008.  Gas Oil (Diesel for the Machinery) Statement 11/4/2008.  Phone bill 1/5/2008.  Wildlife Trust Correspondence 14/4/2008.  Land registry document showing the property coming into the applicants ownership 20/6/2008.  Solicitors Letter dated 13th November 2008.  Phone Bill 1/6/2010.  Machinery Purchase invoice 17/6/2010.  Machinery Parts invoice 28/7/2012.  Machinery parts invoice 26/7/2013.  West Wales Lubricants Statement (oils and grease) 29/10/2014.  Gas Oil Statement 1/8/2016.  Sand Invoice 8/9/2017.

All items are addressed to Bryn Islwyn and the majority relate to the commercial use of the site demonstrating that the use is well-established.

8.24 The building would accommodate a number of the machines currently stored on the yard and a number of site machines. The enterprise currently has:  Two trailers,  JCB, Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


 Tractor,  Low loader,  Tipper,  Duper,  4X4,  Duper,  Two diggers.

8.25 There is a clear need for the additional storage and workshop space, which is supported by policy GN.9. Whilst the building is larger than the existing, it is justified based on the exiting use of the site and need to store existing machinery undercover. Furthermore, it is considered that the business, given its historic operation from the site with no issues, is compatible with its location as required by policy GN.9

8.26 The LDP, TAN 6, TAN 23 and PPW (10th Edition) identify sustaining and enhancing the rural economy as a strategic objective of the Welsh Government. This proposal would contribute to this objective by supporting a service business within the rural economy, strengthening existing provision and providing employment.

9 Detailed Considerations

9.1 Policy GN.1 outlines the detailed assessment criteria for developments.

9.2 Visual Amenity and landscape impact The development would involve excavation of part of the land to the east of the existing yard. The rising land to the south would ensure that building would be nestled in to the landscape and would not be overly visible from the south. The building would mostly be visible from the highway directly to the north, but the additional planting proposed along the roadside boundary and backdrop of the land to the south would result in an acceptable relationship with the landscape and existing buildings. For the reasons outlined above and discussed earlier, it is considered that the visual impact upon the locality would be low and as such the development accords with policies GN.1.

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.



Photo of the existing yard, building and some of the machinery taken from higher ground adjacent to the house. 9.4

View of the site and yard looking east towards the house.

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.


9.5 Residential Amenity The nearest non-associated residential dwellings are located opposite the site to the north west. The development would not lead to the intensification of the use of the site and could result in less noise, through storing and working on the machinery indoors. Removal of the excavated material would result in additional traffic movements, but these would be short lived. The material excavated would be taken off site and used in construction projects that the applicant was involved in. Given the existing use of the site, it is considered that the relationship with non-associated dwellings is acceptable, and that the proposal complies with policy GN.1 in terms of residential amenity.

9.6 Biodiversity The site is not known to be of any ecological value and the area to be excavated is mainly grass and immature plants atop shale. The development would therefore accord with the requirements of policies GN.1 and GN.37 in terms of biodiversity,

9.7 Highway Implications The site is currently served by an access onto the county highway to the north. The proposal would not result in the intensification of the use of the site, or a significant increase in vehicular movements and as such continual operation of the business via this access is considered acceptable, given the fall-back of the use of the site.

10 Conclusion

10.1 The development sees the extension of an existing rural business. The proposed shed would allow existing machinery to be stored and maintained under cover.

10.2 The use of the site is established and the policy context provided by policy GN.9 permits this type of development. Furthermore, there appear to be a lack of alternative premises available in the area as discussed in policy GN.6.

10.3 The impacts of the development are minimal and it is considered that the development complies with policies of the LDP and national guidance and the objectives of Pembrokeshire County Council and the Welsh Government to promote economic development and sustain the rural economy.

10.4 Furthermore, it appears that acceptable access arrangements exist and the development would not result in significant adverse impacts upon residential amenity or biodiversity. It is therefore considered that the development complies with policies of the LDP and can be supported. END

Appendix- 1- Market searches 2- Evidence of use

Bryn Islwyn Supporting Statement 31/12/2018 Ref:1727 Llyr Evans Planning Ltd.

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