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-- \ ' W ■' :f\ \;, 'v\) \ \ A- ■ V ■\1 ^ \ V . ' ■ ;/■ V.v J ■ \^, • THURSDAY, MARCH 6,\ 1970 page t w e n t y -p o u r Mmtii^Bttv lEtti^ning lim lb ATtrage Dally Nat Presi Rnn The Weather Por The 'Week IhUM Partly cloudy and cooler to taam ry 14, 1878 Leon Zapadka of Woodland have two daughters, Cynthia night. Low 25 to 80. llomorrow Miss Nancy Elngland, daugh and Lila. He Is employed in thei fair, leaonable with high about ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gardens, who has a degree In North Named About Town floracuUune from the Univer Instrumentation and measure 46. Bunday’a outlook — moilly England, of 254 Spruce St., has ments section of the engineer 15,890 •unny, ooMer. been named to the dean’s list sity of Connecticut, will be guest Ruth Clficl« of Bhnanuel Lm- ing laboratory at Hamilton Manchetter-—A City of Village Charm for the first term at Vernon' speaker at a meeting of the High Priest thonut Church will have a BUde Standard Division of United dUcuMlon at Its meeting Mon- Court Junior College In New Fifth Wheel Club tomorrow at 86 East Center St Aircraft Oorp., Windsor Looks. <lay at S p.m. at the home of port, R.I. 8:46 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Of Chapter VOL. LXXXIX, N0X 32 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1970 (ClaeaUled Advertlalng on Page 20) PRICE TEN C8MT8 Mrs. Kenneth Bensen, 257 Lud David Carmel. 22 Bowers St. The high priest-elect Is a A t Summit St. member of Manchester Lodge low Rd. Mrs. James Stratford Miss Denise Allard, daughter Walter A. North of 28K Gar la co-hostess. Miss Mary Cutts of Mr. and Mris. Marcel Allard Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh of Masons; Nutmeg Forest, den Dr. last night was elected of AuatraUa, an ex<diange stu of 12 Jackson St., has been ters win meet Monday at 7:46 Tall Cedars of Lebanon; Chap WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL dent at Manchester High School, named to the dean’s list for the p.m. In the Fellowship Room at most excellent high priest of man Court, Order of Amaranth; will apeak. first semester at the Hartford Center Qpngrcgatlonal Church. Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma Adoniram Council, RASM of Rockville: and St. John’s Com- branch of the University of Con Miss Dorothy Petersen will be sons, at Its annual meeting at U.S, Role in Laos Government Files necticut. hostess. mandry. Knights ’Templar of CARNATIONS bund, $1.79 Manchester Junior Women’s the Masonic Temple. He suc WllllmanUc. omb handloraft group win meet ceeds Grady L. Pearson. ’The Fellowcraft degree will He Is also a member of Man tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. Polish Women’s AUlance Others elected are Norman OPEN TO 9 P JL THURSDAY and FRIDAY be conferred when Friendship chester Orange and the East Donald WolMt of 87 ’Tumbtebrook Group 518 will meet Sunday at Batch, excellent king; Harold Defended by Nixon UMW Election Suit Lodge of Masons meets at 7:30 Central Pomona Grange. Dr., South Windsor, to make 2 p.m. at 77 North St. Whiting, excellent scribe: Hay tonight in the Masonic Temple. WASHINGTON (AP)—^The government, moving into papier maohe candle holders. den Griswold Sr., treasurer; KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP)—President Nixon made The dlaconate of ’Trinity Cov the violence-marked affairs of the United Mine Work Francis Schlebel, secretary: El Chapter Plans a detailed, 3,000-word defense of American involvement ers, is seeking to throw out the election of union Pre** enant Church will conduct a mer Stone, captain of the hoet; in Laos Friday and announced he is -asking help from service at the Meadows Con- Wayne Garland, principal so- ident W. A. “Tony” Boyle over his later murdered op vaiescent Home tomorrow at Rummage Sale the Soviet Union and Britain to help restore peace in JoUrner; and Irving Mann, Roy Swim At Home ponent, Joseph A. Yablonski. 1:30 p.m. Law Partner that country. ------------------------------------- "We’ll Hght It to the fullest,” --------------------------------------- —— EMERGENCY al Arch captain. A rummage sale, sponsored Nixon acknowledged that in In combat in Laos and that our ’The high priest-elect made said the eo-year-old Boyle, who archy who admitted he had Boy Scout 133 of Second Con David C. Toomey, son of Mr. by the Eta Chapter of Beta Sig IN A recent days ’’there has been In- air activity has had the effect of two appointments, Frank Schle was having a tooth pulled when gone along for years with what gregational Church will conduct and Mrs. C. Francis ’Toomey of ma Phi, will be held Saturday tenae public speculation to the escalating the conflict.” bel was named chaplain, and Secretary of Labor George P. he considered abuses until he SERVICE a townwide paper drive Satur 23 Lyndale St., has become a from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mott’s BUSTER ORABBE SWUMHIN POOL effect that the United States in Describing these reports as Shultz announced the federal William Bray, sentinel. Shopping Plaza In Wethersfield. volvement In Laos has substan challenged Boyle for the preat- day and Sunday. ’Those wishing partner In a Philadelphia law "grossly inaccurate,” Nixon court suit on grounds of wide dency. Por.any phanbins and heating repairs call na for papers picked up may contact firm, Duane, Morris and Heck- Officers will be installed In All proceeds will go to charity. tially Increased ^ in violation of seml-publlc ceremonies Satur Winner of more national awards than any other stated, ” I have concluded that spread voting violations. In the wake of the govern the church office or James Irv scher. The chapter has made finger the' Geneva accords, that Amer day. March 14, at 8 p.m. at the our national Interest will be Yablonski, his wife and ment chargee, YablonaU’e run estimates on bathroom remodeling. Gas, oil or ine, 72 Baldwin Rd. Papers Toomey graduated from puppets for Manchester Me pool—it offers Family Fun and Pleasure — The ican ground forces are engaged daughter were found toot to Masonic Temple, Stanley H. served by putting the subject ning mate, Elmer Brown of Del- also may be left In a bam at Manchester High School In 1966 morial Hospital, arranged for death In their blood-spattered diwtrk heatins’systems installed. Stelnen. of Manchester, grand into perspective through a pre barton, W.Va., demanded he be the home of John Mullens, 179 as salutorian of the class, and the Easter Bunny to visit Bunce most complete line in the pool industry — take up cise description of our current high priestc, RAM, State of Clarksville, Pa., home some named to replace Boyle ae prea- Oakland St. g^raduated from Yale Univer Center and sponsored Saturday three weeks after Boyle an Connecticut, will be Installing to 8 years to pay — no paintingf or draining. actlvites In Laos.” Ident Brown had been defeated sity in New Haven In 1960. He movies for school children. ’The The chief executive said there nounced his Dec. 9 election vic for vice president by George ’The seafood night, sponsored was an editor of the Law Re officer. chapter Is planning to show tory by a margin of 2-1. HOME PLUMBING & /, North, a native of Brooklyn, Laos Poses are no American ground combat Tltler. by the Stein Club and the Steln- view of the University of Penn movies to residents o! Mansfield N. Y „ attended New York City troops In Laos and "we have no Five persons, Including a lo Shultz aald toe Justice De ettes, scheduled for tomorrow sylvania where he received his ALL-SEASON POOL, Inc. Schools and is a Navy veteran State Training School. plans for introducing grround cal union official, have been partment suit, after 980 federal HEATING SERVICE night has been postponed until law degree in 1663. Since then, of World War H and the Ko Anyone who has clean repair ROUTE 44A — BOLTON Basic Test combat forces into Laos." charged in the triple slayings agents conducted one of the Friday, March 13, from 0 to 10 he has been associated with Boyle is toe second heir to toe rean Conflict. He Is married to ed articles to contribute may He also stated that "no Amer most exhaustive labor law 387 CENTER ST. — 649-2869 p.m. at the VFW Home. Duane, Morris and Heckscher, Tel. 649-6962 or Hi^iford 286-1580 late Mine Woriters President the former Hazel Johnson of call Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves of ican stationed in Laos has ever investigations on re co rd , where he specialized in trial John L. Lewis who died Iasi charged the ifolon permitted King David Lodge of Odd Gloucester, Mass., and they 98 Lyness St. Of V.S. Policy been killed In grotmd combat practice. operations." year after a 40-year reign over campaigning at the polls, denied Fellows will meet tomorrow at ^Ihairman of the public serv the union that sparked the na Yablonski poll watchers In some VUDNTIANE, Laos (AP) — A Giving precise figures, Nixon 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. ice committee of the Philadel tion’s industrial union move areas, refused some members phia Bar Association, Toomey North Vietnamese drive west said there were currently 1,040 ment In coal, steel, auto and toe right to vote, didn’t even MANCHESTER ADULT EVENING SCHOOL Oub Scout Pack 98 of Buckley is also a member of the execu and south from the-Plaln of Jars Americans, both service person other major industry organizing conduct elections In some areas ManciMsttr High School School will conduct a pai>er tive board of the Young Law ilillil would pose a fundamental chal nel and civilians, in Laos but Jeryle Best returns the applause received from supporters as he and three battles In the turbulent 1930s and spent union money on drive tomorrow night, Saturday yers Section of the Philadelphia that only 616 of these are direct and 1940s.