Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 DOI 10.1002/pmic.200700948 1081

RESEARCH ARTICLE Proteomic analysis of the venom of longimanus (Asian black )

Scott Bringans1, Soren Eriksen1, Tulene Kendrick1, P. Gopalakrishnakone2, Andreja Livk1, Robert Lock1 and Richard Lipscombe1

1 Proteomics International, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 2 Venom and Toxin Research Programme, Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Venoms have evolved over millions of years into potent cocktails of bioactive peptides and pro- Received: October 8, 2007 teins. These compounds can be of great value to the pharmaceutical industry for numerous Revised: November 5, 2007 clinical applications. In this study, a novel proteomic – bioinformatic approach was utilised, Accepted: November 16, 2007 where chromatography followed by gel electrophoresis was utilised to separate the venom pep- tides/proteins of (Asian black scorpion). Purified peptides were analysed by tandem mass spectrometry, de novo sequenced and then homology matched against known peptides in the Swiss-Prot protein database. Numerous potentially biologically active peptide matches were discovered, and a simple scoring system applied to putatively assign functions to the peptides. As a validation of this approach, the functional composition of the experimentally derived proteome is similar to that of other , and contains a potent mix of toxins, anti- microbials and ionic channel inhibitors.

Keywords: Bioinformatics / de novo sequencing / Peptidomics

1 Introduction dence of co-factors and their non-recognition by inhibitors. They are highly specific in their targeting, which is useful in In 2002, more than 2500 bioactive compounds derived from terms of minimizing side effects of any new drug that might venom were listed in the literature [1]. As a single example, be developed. researchers working with cone snails (the Conidae) estimate Venom biodiscovery has traditionally utilised bioassay- that the venoms of these genera contain more than 50 000 guided fractionation, where fractions displaying the desired different small peptides, the so-called conotoxins. As of 2003, activity in a specific assay are further investigated. However, less than 0.1% of the conotoxins had been characterized venoms are widely recognized to contain many potentially pharmacologically [2]. Bioactive peptides can be of great interesting peptides with a broad range of activities. The use value for the pharmaceutical industry, serving as lead mole- of a bioassay-guided approach means that many potential cules for new drugs or as diagnostic or proof-of-concept tools. applications of venoms are not investigated, as they do not The usefulness of toxin peptides lies in their capacity to possess the particular niche of activity being researched. In evade regular control mechanisms through their indepen- this study a novel approach was applied. The venom peptides were de novo sequenced and characterised based on homol- ogy in amino acid composition with known peptides from Correspondence: Dr. Scott Bringans, Proteomics International, public databases. PO Box 6064, East Perth, Western Australia 6892, Australia The sensitivity and high-throughput nature of modern E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 161-8-9360-2856 mass spectrometers enables the implementation of a prote- omic approach to rational drug discovery. The technical Abbreviation: E-value, expectation value situation has changed dramatically over the last decade and

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1082 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 using MS coupled with other sensitive methods, it is now 100% ACN in 10 min, to wash off any material still binding possible to identify and characterize peptides of low abun- to the column. Fractions were collected based on peaks dance that would have been overlooked previously. identified by test runs and subsequently vacuum-dried. The objective of this study was to develop a preliminary method to investigate the proteome of a previously unchar- 2.4 1-DE acterised venom by utilising the power of MS to effectively map all proteins and peptides present. Peptides derived from The alkylated fractions were concentrated by rotary evapora- the venom were automatically de novo sequenced, and tion to approximately 20 mL with 5 mL of concentrated (56) matched for homology to sequences in publicly available non-reducing SDS-PAGE sample buffer added (20% SDS, databases. When mapping an uncharacterised proteome, 50% glycerol, 2.25 M Tris-HCl pH 6.8, trace of bromophenol many of the sequences may be unique. Therefore, while blue). The fractions were incubated at room temperature for exact identification of some peptides may be possible, it is 30 min and loaded on to 12-lane 10–20% Tris-Tricine Peptide likely that most will only show partial homology to known CriterionTM Precast Gels (Bio-Rad, CA, USA) connected to a sequences. To further characterise the peptides identified, we PowerPac BasicTM power source (Bio-Rad). Precision Plus utilised a simple scoring system to putatively assign func- markers (5 mL; Bio-Rad), with a molecular mass range of 10 tions to the peptides, based on homology to known proteins. to 250 kDa, were loaded on both sides of each gel. Voltage This bioinformatic approach describes an effective method was applied until the tracking dye had migrated out of the gel to provide an initial characterisation of a previously un- (120 min). The gels were stained with “Blue Silver” Coo- studied proteome. massie stain [4] overnight and the background destained overnight in 10% acetic acid. Additional silver staining of the gels was performed with all visible bands (both Coomassie 2 Materials and methods and silver) excised and stored individually at 47C pending further analysis. 2.1 Supply of venom Excised Coomassie gel bands were de-stained by three 45-min washes with 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate in Lyophilized Heterometrus longimanus (Asian black scorpion) 50:50 ACN:water. Silver-stained bands were destained by two venom was obtained from a colony of captured scorpions 10-min incubations in a 1:1 solution of 30 mM potassium maintained and continuously milked of venom as described ferricyanide and 100 mM sodium thiosulfate, followed by by Gopalakrishnakone et al. [3]. two 1-h washes with water and one 10-min wash with 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate in 50:50 ACN:water. De-stained and 2.2 Alkylation washed gel pieces were vacuum-dried and stored at 2207C pending tryptic digestion. Approximately 0.5 mg lyophilized venom was alkylated by the standard method: 500 mL of 10 mM DTT in 25 mM 2.5 Digestion ammonium bicarbonate was added and the solution incu- bated for 1 h at 567C. Subsequently, 500 mL of 55 mM iodo- The following protocol was applied to all excised and dried acetamide in 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate was added, gel bands: 10 mL trypsin digest solution (12.5 mg/mL tryp- and the fractions were incubated in the dark at room tem- sin, 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate) was added to each gel perature for 45 min. piece and incubated overnight at 377C. The digested pep- tides were extracted by two 20-min incubations with 10– 2.3 HPLC analysis 20 mL ACN containing 1% TFA, depending on the size of the gel piece. Exceptionally, three extractions were applied All RP-HPLC was performed on a Hewlett Packard Series for large-size gel pieces. The pooled extracts were dried by 1100 HPLC consisting of automated liquid sampler, quater- rotary evaporation and stored at 2207C pending further nary pump, degasser, column compartment and a diode analysis by MS. array detector (observing at 220 nm), controlled by the ChemStation© software (Agilent Technologies). The column 2.6 MS used was a Vydac 5 micron protein-peptide C18 column, with internal dimensions 2 mm6150 mm. Two solvents MALDI TOF/TOF MS/MS was performed on a 4800 MALDI were used to elute the loaded material: solvent A: 0.06% TFA TOF/TOFTM analyzer (Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX). in milli-Q water and solvent B: 0.06% TFA in 100% ACN. The dry peptide samples were reconstituted in 2 mL The alkylated venom was loaded on to the column and standard diluent (30:70 ACN:water). The resulting solution eluted by a 2–40% linear gradient of ACN (0.06% TFA) in was diluted 1:10 with matrix solution (CHCA, 10 mg/mL) 55 min with a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Test runs using small and spotted on a 384-well Opti-TOF stainless steel plate. The amounts of venom (10 mg) indicated that all peptides eluted spotted samples were analysed using a first run of standard in this interval. The gradient was then raised from 40 to TOF MS. The system was set to perform a second run of MS/

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Proteomics 1083

MS focused on the 15 most intensive peaks of the first MS with the highest overall score. Where two or more functions (excluding peaks known to be trypsin). The laser was set to had equivalent scores, the function was labelled as unde- fire 400 times per spot in MS mode and 2000 times per spot termined. in MS/MS mode. Laser intensity was 2800 J (MS) and 3900 J (MS/MS). A mass range of 400–4000 amu with a focus mass of 2100 amu was used. 3 Results and discussion De novo sequencing of MALDI TOF/TOF derived sequences was performed automatically by the DeNovo Nineteen fractions were collected during the initial gradient Explorer™ version 3.6 software (Applied Biosystems) with the of 2–40% ACN (Fig. 1A). Another two fractions were col- following settings: enzyme: trypsin; fixed modification: car- lected during the final gradient of 40–100% ACN (not dis- bamidomethyl (C); mass tolerance: 0.2. This software auto- played). Two large peaks were visible after 4 and 6 min of matically generates candidate sequences and assigns them a the run (not displayed) and were due to salts and the large score between 0 and 100. The score indicates the degree of excess of DTT and iodoacetamide added to the venom dur- matching between the theoretical fragmentation pattern and ing the alkylation step. The scorpion peptides appeared to the fragmentation spectrum that corresponds to the peaks in elute evenly along the gradient, from approximately 5 to the peak list. The highest scoring sequence of each peptide 40% ACN. was chosen for further analysis, and primary database The two gels were stained with “Blue Silver” (Fig. 1B) searching. and 40 visible bands were excised. A further seven bands All de novo-derived sequences from MS/MS spectra were (41–47) were visualised with additional silver staining but submitted for BLAST search at none of these additional silver stained bands produced MS/ BLAST/, using the following settings for the non-redundant MS data of sufficient quality for de novo sequencing. The Swiss-Prot database: fractions 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12 each contained one or two highly = Arachnida (taxid:6854) abundant low-molecular mass proteins whilst fractions 13 to Expect threshold = 20000 21 displayed a wider variety of sizes. From the results of the Word size = 2 gels it can be concluded that the majority of the material is of Matrix = PAM30 15 kDa or less. This is consistent with existing literature on Gap costs = Existence:9 Extension:1 the composition of scorpion venom. Compositional adjustments = No adjustment All H. longimanus derived samples were analysed by Filter = not selected. MALDI TOF/TOF MS as described in Section 2. MALDI TOF/TOF-derived data were sequenced automatically by the 2.7 Assignment of putative functions to gel bands DeNovo Explorer™ software, which generates sequences based on the ‘best fit’ to the MS/MS data after considering Following BLAST searching, the de novo-derived peptides the complexity of the spectra and numerous possible a, b, c, determined from each gel band were putatively assigned a x, y, z ion combinations. The sequence with the top score was function using the following scoring system. The most submitted for further bioinformatic analysis. common functions identified from the BLAST results were The de novo-generated peptide sequences (grey shaded divided into nine categories: K1 channel inhibitor, Na1 bars, Table 1) were submitted for BLAST searching at the channel inhibitor, Ca21 channel inhibitor, Cl– channel in- NCBI BLAST website using settings based on those sug- hibitor, antimicrobial, protease inhibitor, neurotoxin, insect gested in the help section of the website for short peptide toxin and dermonecrotic toxin. For each peptide, the func- sequences (detailed in Section 2). Traditionally, alignments tions of the homologous BLAST hits [with the three highest obtained from BLAST searches are assigned an E-value. In expectation values (E-values)] were evaluated from the general, the lower the E-value, the better the homology, Swiss-Prot entry. A score of 1 point was added to a func- however, the true meaning of this number is more complex. tional category each time this function was found in the hits Larger databases will tend towards providing much larger E- with the top three highest E-values. If the sequence match values, as the chance that random sequences will match is was to the same protein with an equivalent E-value but from higher. In addition, searches with short sequences can be different , the match was only scored 1 point (for virtually identical and still have relatively high E-values. This example, band 2 in Table 1 matched the sequence DCLPHL is because the calculation of the E-value also takes into of a Ca21 channel inhibitor in three different species with account the length of the query sequence, and shorter an E-value = 0.052, this was only given 1 point total for the sequences have a high probability of occurring in the data- three matches). Where two or more peptides were gener- base purely by chance. Therefore, for this application, two ated from a band, points were scored for each peptide as factors reduce the usefulness of the E-value scoring system. above, and the total points for the band calculated. An ad- First, the database may be of sufficient size to generate false ditional point was then awarded for each time a protein positive matches, and secondly, as MS-derived sequences are belonging to the same family was identified in a pair of generally short in nature, the E-values will be correspond- peptides. The gel band was putatively assigned the function ingly high. In this approach, we have utilised a high E-value

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1084 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 st st st hit) hit) hit) hit) nd rd hit) hit) st st nd nd nd rd hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 35 5.4 (3 . 60 0.38 (1 a) c) venom ch. inh. 48 1.2 (2 2+ protease inh. K+ ch. inh. 60K+ ch. inh. 34 9e-7K+ (1 ch. inh. 34 0.003 (2 0.005 (3 K+ ch. inh Ca2+ ch. inh. 66 0.052 (=1 Ca2+ ch. inh. 33Ca2+ ch. inh. 33 0.052 (=1 0.052 (=1 Serine Ca K+ ch. inh. 34 4.3 (=2 Ca2+ ch. inh. 35/70 4.3 (=2 Heterometrus longimanus carinatus (Scorpion) palmatus (Scorpion) spinifer (Scorpion) carinatus (Scorpion) carinatus (Scorpion) tor (Scorpion) palma- tus (Scorpion) micro- plus (Tick) aperta (Spider) calceatum (Spider) lis & A. Opu- lenta (Spider) Organism Function Size Opistophthalmus Scorpio maurus Heterometrus Opistophthalmus Opistophthalmus impera- Scorpio maurus Rhipicephalus Agelepnosis Stromatopelma Agelena orienta- . toxin alpha- b) ch ch. toxin alpha- ch. toxin alpha- ch. toxin alpha- KTx 6.10 (Q6XLL5) KTx 6.2 (Mauroto- xin) (P80719) KTx 6.13 (Spinoxin) (P84094) KTx 6.10 (Q6XLL5) precursors (P60252) (P59868; 1IE6) (P60254) protease inh. BmTI-6 (P83606) (P30288) (P60991) Agelenin precursor (Q5Y4Y5) + + + + Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 895.27 10 kDa 1194.55 10 kDa 1877.58 10 kDa score) YGPCK K CLPH Agelenin and de novo DCLPHL Opicalcin 1 and 2 DCLPHLDCLPHL Imperatoxin-A Maurocalcin DG PCK Kunitz-type serine DYG CK Omega-agatoxin-4A Identification of homology matches to peptides derived from a selection of five bands isolated from ( RDYGPCK (83.4) RDCLPHLGAR (79.1) +CY PC ++TGC ++K K ECYGPCKEKTGCSSSK (83.2) +CYGPCK++TGC++SK K +CY PC+++TGC ++K K RDCLPHLG Stromatoxin-1 Table 1. Band Sequence 1 2

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1085 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) rd rd rd nd nd hit) hit) st st hit) nd rd st Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 1395 13 (=1 190 5.8 (=3 25 5.4 (=2 171 5.8 (=3 neurotoxin inflamma- tion microbial telet aggregation Na+ ch. inh. 39 5.8 (=3 K+ ch. inh. 23 3 (1 Presynaptic Na+ ch. inh. 69 24 (2 Suppresses Anti- Anti-pla- Na+ ch. inh. 72 5.4 (=2 Antimalarial 86 32 (3 Ca2+ ch. inh. 33 13 (=1 cornuatus (Spider) spinifer (Scorpion) mactans (Spider) (Scorpion) appendi- culatus (Tick) australis (Scorpion) moubata (Tick) phaiodac- tylus (Scorpion) cambridgei (Spider) imperator (Scorpion) Organism Function Size Ceratogyrus Heterometrus Lactrodectus Tityus zulianus Rhipicephalus Androctonus Ornithodoros Anuroctonus Psalmopoeus Pandinus ch. toxin (P84509) kappa-KTx 1.3 (P83655) (Q9XZCO) rotoxin precursor (Q1T165) hista-mine- binding protein 1 precursor (O77420) (P56684) (Q04669) and -2 and precursor (Q5MJP3) precursor(P0C201) (P59868) + Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 775.33 10 kDa 740.21 7 kDa score) AEKR A-latrocrustotoxin AEKR Imperatoxin-A GCYR K SAEK Putative B-neu- GGCY Androctonin GGCY Phaiodotoxin-3 de novo DC PHLG Ceratotoxin-3 DCLP Female-specific Continued ( RDCLKGSAEKR (64.3) Moubatin precursor KG EKR Psalmopeotoxin-1 AGGGCYR (73.1) Table 1. Band Sequence 4

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1086 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) st nd st st st st hit) rd nd rd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 128 0.21 (1 38 1.9 (=1 7437 1.9 (=1 25 1.9 (=1 3.5 (2 25 2.2 (3 protease inh. bial microbial microbial tease inh. protease inh. Cysteine K+ ch. inh. 37-60 1.2 (=2 K+ ch. inh. 34 11 (3 Antimicro- Anti- Anti- Serine pro- Serine Na+ ch. inh. 86 1.9 (=1 griventer (Spider) amoreuxi & au- stralis, Meso- marten- sii (Scorpion) crepans (Scorpion) quinque- striatus he- braeus (Scor- pion) variabilis (Tick) australis (Scorpion) microplus (Tick) sanguineus (Tick) mauretanicus mauretanicus (Scorpion) Organism Function Size Phoneutria ni- Androctonus Tityus dis- Leiurus Dermacentor Androctonus Rhipicephalus Rhipicephalus Androctonus ch. toxin a-KTX ch. toxin alpha- PN16C3 (P84032) 15.7, 15.1, 15.3, 15.8, 15.5, 15.4, 15.2 (Q5KOE0) KTx 18.2 (P0C1X5) (P41965) (Q86QI5) (P56686) protease inh. BmTI-4 (P83605) protease inh. (P84556) 8-related gene product 1/2/3 precursor (Q2YHM1) + + Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 971.35 7 kDa 757.23 7 kDa score) VCYE Kunitz serine CVCYTCYR K TCYRTCYR 4 kDa defensin Defensin precursor 4 kDa defensin TCYR Neurotoxin de novo STCY Kunitz-type serine Continued ( KLCVCYE (83.9) K CVCY+ Venom protein ASTCYR (61.8) ASTC K Table 1. Band Sequence

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1087 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) st rd rd st rd rd nd st nd nd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 33 3.9 (1 156 27 (2 747 15 (1 364 18 (=3 function microbial silk subunit crotic Toxin Unknown Na+ ch. inh. 58 23 (2 Na+ ch. inh. 59Na+ ch. 87 inh. (=3 94Neurotoxin 1141 2.4 (1 14 (2 Insect toxin 66 18 (=3 Anti- Na+ ch. inh. 61 87 (=3 Dragline Dermone- griventer (Spider) canities (Spider) sculptura- tus (Scorpion) ties (Spider) mactans (Spider) australis (Scorpion) gomesiana (Spider) striatus he- braeus (Scor- pion) clavipes (Spider) scapularis (Tick) Organism Function Size Phoneutria ni- Diguetia Centruroides Diguetia cani- Latrodectus Androctonus Acanthoscurria Leiurus quinque- Nephila Ixodes PN10C5 (P84015) DTX11 (P55816) (CsEv5) (P58779) DTX9.2 precursor (P49126) troinsectotoxin precursor (Q02989) (P56743) and -2 precursor (Q8I948; Q8I6R7) (Lqh IT5) (P81240) (Dragline silk fibroin 1) (P19837) phodiesterase D precursor (Q202J4) Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 690.26 7 kDa 1259.44 6 kDa 701.28 7 kDa score) G+FSSK Insecticidal toxin DI YF SK Alpha-la- DI YF Sphingomyelin phos- de novo A GGVR Spidroin-1 Continued ( NLKCR (61.8) NLKC Venom protein NL CRKA GG Insecticidal toxin KN TGY Neurotoxin 5 Neurotoxin 6 KNDITGYFSSK (71.2) K GGGGKA GG Acanthoscurrin-1 Insect toxin 5 KAGGGGVR (74.4) Table 1. Band Sequence 12

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1088 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) st st nd nd nd rd rd rd rd st Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 68 18 (=3 284 7.6 (=2 304 9.8 (=2 55 9.8 (=2 285-311 18 (=3 262 5.4 (=1 function contraction crotic Toxin tion crotic Toxin protein Allergen 141 18 (=3 Na+ ch. inh. 94 5.4 (=1 Unknown Na+ ch. inh. 94Muscle 2.4 (1 Insect toxin 46 18 (=3 Dermone- Unknown func- Dermone- Ribosomal destructor (Mite) canities (Spider) griventer (Spider) ties (Spider) inc. Dermato- phagoides farinae rentina (Spider) laeta and Loxosceles intermedia (Spider) martensii (Scorpion) laeta, L. Arizonica and L. Intermedia (Spider) ris (Tick) Organism Function Size Lepidoglyphus Diguetia Phoneutria ni- Diguetia cani- Segestria flo- Loxosceles Mesobuthus Loxosceles Ixodes scapula- allergen Lep d 2 precursor (P80384) DTX9.2 precursor (P49126) protein PNTx16C1 (P8399) DTX9.2 precursor (P49126) 6, 7, 8 (P61095) phodiesterase D and D3 precursor (Q8I912) A1-S31 and X-29S precursor (Q7Z0H5) phodiesterase D,D1,D2,D5 pre- cursors (Q1KY79) protein S4 (Q4PMB3) Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 1938.72 6 kDa 1276.45 6 kDa PWE Toxin SFI 1, 2, 3, 5, PWE Sphingomyelin phos- score) LDCR Insecticidal toxin G+FSSK Insecticidal toxin TRL+ FV+ 40S ribosomal DITG Mite group 2 +LTGY Tropomyosin 5 sp. tick/mite de novo SCT DC Non-toxic venom SCTCRSCTCR Sphingomyelin phos- Neurotoxin BmKX- Continued ( NSCTRLDCRFVVPWE (37.0) CVDLTGYFSSK (92.6) Table 1. Band Sequence

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1089 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) nd hit) rd rd st nd st st nd nd rd rd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 88 7.6 (=2 55 14 (=2 629 20 (3 552 10 (=1 74 18 (=3 function tease inh. transport chondrial enzyme bial Unknown Serine pro- Na+ ch. inh. 30 14 (=2 Microtubule 450 18 (=3 Na+ ch. inh. 87 34 (=3 Ca2+ ch. inh. 74Na+ ch. inh. 73 1.9 (1 Oxygen 11 (=2 Mito- Antimicro- Protease inh. 25 10 (=1 mactans (Spider) huwena (Spider) limpidus tecomanus (Scorpion) destructor (Mite) exilicauda (Scorpion) hibernalis (Spider) crepans (Scorpion) (Spider) sanguineus (Tick) martensii (Scorpion) microplus (Tick) Organism Function Size Latrodectus Ornithoctonus Centruroides Lepidoglyphus Centruroides Kukulcania Tityus dis- Aphonopelma sp Rhipicephalus Mesobuthus Rhipicephalus associated LMWP precursor (P49125) (P68425) (P18927) (Q8WQ47) Cex12 precursors (Q68PH4) neurotoxin Td3 and Td11 precursor (Q1I177) (Q9NFL6) oxidoreductase chain 5 (Q9ZYM7) (P60979) cursor (Q718F4) protease inh. BmTI-4 (P83605) Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 1113.4 11 kDa 1184.49 13 kDa score) TCAKTCAK Huwentoxin-11 Neurotoxin II.22.5 +GRGK Hemocyanin C chain DL GY Peptide BmKb1 pre- LK STC Kunitz-type serine de novo VDLT Tubulin alpha chain LL +TC Neurotoxin Cex1 and Continued ( CVDL Alpha-latrotoxin- +CLMYLL TS Putative beta- NADH-ubiquinone ECLMGRGK (76.0) ECLM Toxin DW13.3 YLLKTSTCAK (89.7) Table 1. Band Sequence 14

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1090 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) st hit) hit) rd nd nd nd rd nd st rd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) Na+ ch. inh. 84 34 (=3 K+ ch. inh. 43Na+ ch. inh. 73 2.9 (1st hit) 17 (=2 Neurotoxin 43 34 (3 Na+ ch. inh. 60 4.1 (2 Na+ ch. inh. 85 19 (1 Neurotoxin 1411 25 (=2 Ca2+ ch. inh. 37 5.4 (3 Na+ ch. inh. 63 0.39 (1 Protease inh. 68 25 (=2 sculpturatus (Scorpion) elegans (Scorpion) crepans (Scorpion) raveni (Spider) occitanus tunetanus (Scorpion) tensii (Scor- pion) mactans (Spider) aperta (Spider) sculpturatus (Scorpion) microplus (Tick) Organism Function Size Centruroides Centruroides Tityus dis- Macrothele Buthus Mesobuthus mar- Latrodectus Agelenopsis Centruroides Rhipicephalus ch. toxin gamma- precursor (Q95WC9) neurotoxin Td3 precursor (Q1I177) KTx 3.2 (Q86QV5) (P61233) (P59863) TX11 precursor (Q9NJC7) sectotoxin precursor (Q02989) (P81746) (P46066) protease inh. BmTI-A (P83609_1) + Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 1062.45 13 kDa 1127.41 13 kDa 1700.65 13 kDa score) KPGR Alpha-neurotoxin YEC+ DD Neurotoxin V ICCK K ASKP Raventoxin-1 DGY CINDD Insect toxin 2 FASK Alpha-latroin- RT+GY Omega-agatoxin-3D de novo LL +TC Neurotoxin 9 Continued ( KGTF Putative beta- VNSFASKPGR (64.6) KGTFNICCK (68.0) VN FASARTDGYECINDDGQ (67.2) Kunitz-type serine Table 1. Band Sequence

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1091 hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) hit) st st st rd st hit) nd nd nd nd rd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 72 30 (3 600 17 (=2 58 1.2 (=1 1401 0.93 (1 Ionic ch. inh. protein function neurotoxin K+ ch. inh. 43-47 17 (=2 K+ ch. inh. 22-23 7.0 (=3 Na+ ch. inh. 69Neurotoxin/ 17 (=2 DNA binding Ca2+ ch. inh. 58Unknown 1.2 (=1 Insect toxin 46 3.9 (2 Presynaptic Ca2+ ch. inh. 93 1.2 (=1 noxius and C. Sculptu- ratus (Scor- pion) spinifer and H. fulvipes (Scorpion) australis (Scorpion) kitabensis (Spider) appendi- culatus (Tick) keyserlingi (Spider) griventer (Spider) tristis (Spider) mactans (Spider) griventer (Spider) Organism Function Size Centruroides Heterometrus Androctonus Rhipicephalus Phoneutria Phoneutria ni- Plectreurys Lactrodectus Phoneutria ni- ch. toxin gamma- ch. toxin kappa- KTx 3.1, 3.3 and 5.1 (P59939) KTx 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 (P83655) toxin pcD-1008 precursor (Q9BLM2) heli- case 2 subunit 1 (Q26228) PKTx23C3 (P83902) PNTx22C3 (P84011) (P36989) precursor (P23631) precursor (P0C2S7) + + Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) MW From gel Precursor ion mass 1748.62 13 kDa 1013.37 13 kDa LNYDG Alpha-latrotoxin score) +CCK K +CCK Oxytoxin-1 (P83288) Oxyopes N+CCK Probable neuro- F+IC ATP-dependent DNA ETCK K ETCK G Plectoxin-9 de novo GETCKGETCK Probable neurotoxin Venom protein GETCK Neurotoxin Pn3-6A Continued ( KVFGRYECLNYDGGA (69.4) YGETCKAGK (73.5) Table 1. Band Sequence

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1092 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 hit) hit) hit) hit) nd nd rd rd Swiss-Prot E-value (resid.) 143 3.0 (=3 protein Na+ ch. inh. 63 2.2 (=2 Ribosomal Na+ ch. inh. 65-84 3.0 (=3 Allergen 341 2.2 (=2 sculptu- ratus (Scor- pion) variabilis (Tick) sculpturatus, Centruroides noxius, Cen- truroides suf- fusus suffusus (Scorpion) phagoides farinae (Mite) Centruroides Organism Function Size Dermacentor Centruroides Dermato- (P46066) Css II and Toxin 2 precursor (P56646) protein S23 (Q86FP7) (P39673) Identity and accession (Swiss-Prot) Neurotoxin V MW From gel Precursor ion mass score) CLNY 40S ribosomal YECL+Y YECL Toxin CsE M1, Toxin de novo Continued ( KVF L+YDG Allergen Mag Table 1. Band Sequence a) For the completeb) table see the ch. Supporting = Information. channel c) inh. = inhibitor

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1093

Figure 1. Two-dimensional separation of alkylated H. longimanus (Asian black scorpion) venom. The first dimension (A) is an RP-HPLC with a gradient of 2–40% ACN, 0.06% TFA, in 55 min. The gradient was then raised from 40–100% in 10 min (not shown). Fractions were manually collected as numbered and subsequently run on 12-lane 10–20% Tris-Tricine Peptide Criterion™ Precast gels (B). Lanes 20 and 21 contain the fractions collected from 40–70% and 70–100% ACN, respectively (not displayed in the HPLC chromatogram). Alkylated crude venom was loaded in lane 23. Markers were Precision Plus markers (Bio-Rad). The stain displayed is “Blue Silver” Coomassie. Bands were excised as numbered and analysed by MALDI TOF/TOF MS.

threshold, which allows reporting of lower scoring matches, The results from Table 1 (and the Supporting Informa- but also decreases the confidence in the protein identifica- tion Table) are promising in that many of the hits comprise tion. proteins which would be expected to be found in scorpion The Swiss-Prot database was searched with a taxonomy venoms, such as ionic channel inhibitors and antimicrobial filter of . The taxonomy was deliberately narrowed proteins [5, 6]. The presence of some non-toxin, random to Arachnids to reduce random matches of no intrinsic value, matches, such as the spider dragline silk subunit, Spindroin- which were evident in the larger unfiltered Swiss-Prot data- 1 (peptide 11) is likely due to the lower stringency search base. All the hits with the three highest E-values for the parameters required for searching short peptide sequences. Swiss-Prot matches are shown in Table 1 for a subset of 19 These parameters were chosen in an attempt to give the different peptides. This subset was chosen to demonstrate optimal balance between finding the maximum number of the breadth of results, ranging from high homology, to those true venom protein matches, while excluding random mat- that show a greater degree of variability (for the complete ches. The total number of annotations for known venoms, Table of 78 peptides, refer to the Supporting Information). toxins or secreted proteins in the Swiss-Prot database was

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1094 S. Bringans et al. Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 calculated as 1255 of 7796 entries (16%). When the identity In order to further characterise the experimentally of the top hit (by E-value) for our de novo-generated peptides derived proteome we sought to obtain some indication of the was determined, 66 of 78 (84%) matched to known venom function of the de novo-generated peptides. Thus, we proteins. Therefore, this enrichment of hits to venom pro- designed a scoring system to allow us to putatively assign teins indicates that the homology matching of the short functions to each gel band, based on homology to known peptide sequences is likely producing true venom protein venom proteins contained within the Swiss-Prot database matches, above that expected by chance. (refer to Section 2). Figure 2 represents graphically the

Figure 2. Assignment of puta- tive functions to gel bands using pBLASTand our scoring system. The peptides generated by de novo sequencing of gel bands were BLASTed against the Swiss-Prot database, and hits with the three highest E-values annotated. The hits were divid- ed into nine functional cate- gories, and assigned a point for every function within the top hits. A bonus point was scored if the same family of protein was identified in more than one pep- tide derived from the same gel band.

© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2008, 8, 1081–1096 Animal Proteomics 1095 assignment of a functional category to the five gel bands development of a protein identification algorithm that could displayed in Table 1. This shows that for some bands, such score multiple peptide matches to a protein, in the same way as band 1, the highest scoring and therefore most likely that MASCOT or SEQUEST perform protein identification putative function can be clearly determined. However, in using sequence information, would be of great benefit in de- cases such as band 4, several functional categories score termining homology and strengthening the validity of the very closely (some bands score identically), and therefore match. the putative function is more difficult to assign confidently. In these instances, it may be useful to consider the E-value and quality of the individual matches in an attempt to putatively assign a function. Although each gel band was 4 Concluding remarks subjected to two steps of purification, the possibility remains that a band may be composed of two or more pro- Venoms are some of the more interesting collections of pep- teins with similar physicochemical properties. This may tides and proteins that nature produces. Evolutionary pro- help to explain a result such as that observed for band 12, cesses have honed their effectiveness and potency and pro- where two functionally different categories show equally vided homological similarities between peptide sequences. high scores. Although much work has been carried out to analyse their Using this scoring system, we were able to assign puta- contents, there still remains many organisms whose pro- tive functions to 70% of the gel bands. The composition of teomes are yet to be examined. Here, we developed a novel the experimentally derived proteome is shown in Fig. 3. The method that more effectively maps the proteome of venoms most predominant functional group of proteins identified while providing an innovative way to derive the contents of the was ionic channel inhibitors, which represent more than half venom and catalogue the putative activity profile of each com- the proteins. Of these, Na1 channels were the most pre- ponent. The de novo-sequenced peptides of the venom were valent. This is consistent with previous reports, where Na1 homology matched against a public database and the resulting channels comprise a major component of scorpion venom matches examined for their putative function. The proteome [7, 8]. Other functional categories comprised smaller propor- for H. longimanus venom derived in this way correlates well tions of the proteome, including antimicrobial proteins and with the venom proteomes published for other species of toxins with specific activity. This is also consistent with pre- scorpions, thereby supporting the validity of this approach. vious proteomic analyses of the composition of venom [6, 9– 11]. These findings indicate that the assignment of putative function based on the homology to sequenced proteomes These analyses were performed in facilities provided by the can be effective. Lotterywest State Biomedical Facility-Proteomics node, Western Future directions for this approach include investigating Australian Institute for Medical Research, and the WA State the use of alternative de novo algorithms to DeNovo Explorer™. Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Murdoch University. The development of a BLAST scoring algorithm to allow identification of high homology matches without relying The authors have declared no conflict of interest. solely on E-value would be useful for better quantitating the homology matches for short peptides. Furthermore, the

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© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim