ON TO RALEIGH MAKING A DIFFERENCE Starmount softball beats Forbush, Nikki Johnson works to gets earns trip to 2A state champi- offenders back into society onship series See page 2 or 3 75 CENTS VOL. 118, NO. 22 • 12 PAGES JUNE 3, 2010 THURSDAY SERVING YADKIN COUNTY FOR 115 YEARS YADKINVILLE, NC • PHONE: (336) 679-2341 • FAX (336) 679-2340 Duty delays diplomas by 60 years BY TIM BULLARD “We have two very special honor the high school gradu- Staff Writer young men who were mem- ates.”
[email protected] bers of the service in World One moving part of the War II,” said Todd. “They are ceremony was when those Look around Yadkin members of our greatest gen- who have passed on were re- County, and you will find a eration, and we are forever in- membered as their names lot of patriotic men and debted to them.” were called by war. Another women who served their “This program will be an moving part was when veter- country with honor, and on on-going program,” said ans placed their flags up un- Monday, Memorial Day, Knight. “Any veteran we will der the American flag in hon- Yadkin County Park was full honor them who left high or of their branch of service. of those veterans during a school to join the military to J.D. Melton, a veteran of special observance. keep our great country free. World War II, is one of those Pete Knight is retired from If you have a loved one who men, having served the U.S.