T h eLYDEN Issue 541 January 2020


In the United Benefice of Lyddington, Wanborough, Bishopstone and Hinton Parva 1 Lyden Magazine

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The Lyden Magazine – January 2020 January Diary

Event Date Page

Liddington Parish Council Meeng 8 January 10

Farmers’ Market and Café 18 January 5

PTA Film Night 24 January 12

Ward Councillor Meeng 25 January 10

Wanborough Parish Council Meeng 27 January 8 PTA Quiz Night 1 February 12

January 2020 Church Services

Wednesday 1 January No Service

08.30 Holy Communion Bishopstone Sunday 5 January 10.30 Family Communion Liddington 18.00 Evensong Hinton Parva

Wednesday 8 January 19.00 Midweek Communion Wanborough

08.30 Holy Communion Liddington Sunday 12 January 10.30 Family Communion Bishopstone

18.00 Evensong Wanborough

Wednesday 15 January 19.00 Midweek Communion Wanborough

08.30 Holy Communion Hinton Parva Sunday 19 January 10.30 Family Communion Wanborough 18.00 Evensong Bishopstone

Wednesday 22 January 19.00 Midweek Communion Wanborough

08.30 Holy Communion Wanborough Sunday 26 January 10.30 Family Communion Hinton Parva 18.00 Evensong Liddington

Wednesday 29 January 19.00 Midweek Communion Wanborough

Details of Church Services correct at time of going to press. They can also be found at www.wanborough.info

Copy date for the Lyden is 14th of the month prior to publication

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Vicar’s Leer De Fnd n Nibr, appy New Year! I say this as I write before Christmas, the General Elecon and who knows what else. Edi- tors need to have me with their families over Christmas too. So all of the preparaon for the January edi- on of our magazine takes place well in advance. With a mind to the future, and with our last twelve months as its backdrop, the line between speculaon and hope has the potenal to get a lile thin. Of course, geng thin is another topic that pops up at this me of year.

The Church began its New Year at the beginning of Advent. Like those who have received the good news that there will be an addional member of the family, the season of preparing for their appearance gives way to the reality of their arrival. This is oen filled with a combinaon of hope for the future and a lot of effort. If only to ensure that all concerned have best chance to succeed.

A Senior Sister visited me aer giving birth to her first child, having recently returned to work. She was astonished at just how much of her self confidence had diminished as a result of her lile hu- man’s arrival. With all of the gis that babies bring, especially those that need a lot of clearing up aer- wards, coupled with a very different body clock, if not me zone; hanging on to anything of their former self confidence had become a major challenge. We spent me developing a system of nocing every achievement, however small, and then had a think about what they might do that would give them a sense of achievement with no reference to their past.

Her epiphany was as different as it was ‘off the wall’. At our next meeng I was met by a very excited individual, and what fell out of her mouth was a surprise to say the least. “Belly Dancing!” she said with as straight a face as she could muster. The look on my face must have been a picture, the subsequent grin on her face soon broke into hysterical laughter. It was a real tonic, both at the me of her announcement (we’d had a tough shi) and subsequently. Convinced that if she could carry this off she could cope with anything, it certainly worked for her.

It’s amazing how the ‘le of field’ can make a dramac difference. Jesus, God made flesh and the Creator of the Universe, was born without fanfare, astonished the wise and the doubters and went on to conquer death without an army. Many difficult situaons have been overcome by simple if not radical ideas. Spending me with those who love us, just like our editors try to do at Christmas, is an opportunity both to enjoy love and learn how to love even more. And it can be catching! So if there is any New Years resoluon worth having at all, it has to be spending more me like this. Knowing Love and sharing it is our True Life in God. Enjoy!

Wi es ie n rr, B If you have anything that you would like our village prayer group to pray for please telephone 790088 or email [email protected]

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Welcome to our New Readers

This month we welcome many new readers. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine. You’ll find regular updates from many local organisaons, along with news from the villages and local features. Contribuons are always welcome, so if you are a keen photographer that would like to provide cover photos for the magazine, or you enjoy wring and could provide an arcle or two, please get in touch. As with most parish publicaons adversing is an important source of revenue - so if you are a local business and want to reach over 900 local households, please contact us for details. Email us on [email protected]

Wanborough Farmers’ Market

The first Farmers’ Market of 2020 will be on Saturday 18 January in the Village Hall between 9-12.

Following his highly successful debut at the market last month, Ken of Ken's Fish would like you to contact him on 07590 979 194 if you would like to order fish or just talk to him about what is available.

As usual, the Community Connect Coffee Morning Team will be at the market offering free refreshments (teas, coffees and home-made cakes). Buy from local producers and growers and at the same me help raise money by donang to the local branch of Headway, the brain injury associaon. The branch which has a strong connecon with Wanborough, is an amazing charity helping people cope with the devastang consequences of a brain injury. It provides support, services and informaon to brain injury survivors, their families and carers, as well as to professionals in the health and legal fields.

Many thanks to those who came in November; we raised a fabulous £224 for Prospect Hospice!

For more informaon about the market contact Sue or David Birley on 01793 790438 or [email protected]

The Ridgeway Link Happy New Year to everyone.

The Ridgeway Link started in March 1996 and hopefully we have provided a useful service over the years. Many new people have come into the area since then and may not know what we do.

Essenally, we provide a transport service for residents of the four villages in the Benefice who need it. Usually this is for visits to the doctors, densts, opcians and hospital, although we do somemes include shopping and we can collect prescripons. If you have a need to go somewhere else, please ask, we will help if we can. We provide the service free of charge using volunteer drivers although we do appreciate donaons. If you, or someone you know, need a li please contact our dedicated telephone and leave a message. Rachel, our co-ordinator, will get back to you as soon as possible. The number is 791192 We always welcome new volunteer drivers, there is no minimum commitment and if you have a car and feel you can somemes help out we would be pleased to hear from you. Louisa Barnes is the volunteer co -ordinator and can be contacted on 790372.

Best wishes from the Commiee – Brian, Louisa, Jan and Rachel.

Liddington 100 Club

The winner for November is Julie Bishop - congratulaons Julie.

Caroline Tams

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Wanborough Parish Council Parish Council would like to wish residents a Happy New Year. Welcome to January’s edion of the Lyden magazine. With the help of the Parish Council this magazine is now being delivered to all residents in Wanborough village. Hopefully you will find the magazine useful and it provides you with informaon about what’s happening in the village. If you would prefer to receive a so copy by email (Wanborough residents only), rather than a hard copy through your door, then please complete the “consent form” on page 9 and return to the Parish Clerk as soon as possible ready for February’s edion. The consent form can also be downloaded from the Parish website. (www.wanborough.info) Footpath & Village Maintenance The Village Handyman has been concentrang on maintenance of the play areas, removing graffi, clearing leaves and cung back shrubbery. He has also started work on clearing leaves from footpaths and hopefully you will start to noce an improvement in these areas. If there is anything that you feel needs to done, then please report any village maintenance issues to the Parish Clerk by either e-mail [email protected], by using the “Maintenance Report” on the Parish website www.wanborough.info, or alternavely text, ring or Whatsapp on telephone number 07588 769829. Planning Update

There is a considerable amount happening on the planning side within the village. We will endeavor to keep you informed as much as possible through this magazine, but also on the Parish website www.wanborough.info and on Wanborough Parish Council’s Facebook page. SBC’s Local Plan Review 2036 – Consultaon

SBC’s Local Plan Review 2036 final consultaon starts on 17 December 2018 unl 31 January 2020. Included within this Plan, Wanborough has three sites allocated for development with a total of 48 houses, in addion to those already allocated sites within The New Eastern Villages. This allocaon is the highest of all the smaller villages around Swindon. Parish Council urge residents to send comments to SBC if you have concerns or objecons. Badbury and Bishopstone residents have managed to get sites removed from their Parishes, so let’s see if we can push SBC to reconsider Wanborough’s sites, where there are a number of clear planning reasons as to why they should not be developed. Wanborough Parish Council accepts there is a need for new houses, however beer planning is needed to ensure they are built in sustainable locaons, without having a detrimental impact on the village. This is your final chance to send your comments to SBC during this consultaon. E-mail: [email protected] or write for the aenon of Phil Smith to:

Planning Policy Swindon Borough Council Wat Tyler House Beckhampton Street Swindon SN1 2JH

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The three sites allocated are as follows:- Ref S0079 - Land West of Hewer’s Close – 20 Houses To date SBC have received objecons from 12 residents, The Woodland Trust and Parish Council. Parish Council have objected for the following reasons:-  The enre site is designated as a “significant unscheduled archaeological feature”; this should be protected and preserved, not developed.  A large proporon of the site is within Lower Wanborough Conservaon area; any development of this site will have an adverse impact on the heritage of the village.  There is a footpath that goes diagonally across the site and is enjoyed by many residents of the Parish.  A large secon of the site is within SBC “non-coalescence area”, policy NC3 (new policy number SA3).  The site borders the Woodland Trust land; the Woodland Trust have previously confirmed their strong objecon to any development on this site due to the close proximity to Warneage Wood.  The site is a designated “important green space” within Lower Wanborough Conservaon Area.  Access to the site would have to be via Hewers Close; this access was designed for the houses in Hewers Close and was not designed to take addional traffic from a further development.

Ref S0221 – North of Mayfield, West of Kite Hill – 20 houses  To date SBC have received objecons from 10 residents and Parish Council have raised concerns as follows:-  Access to the site would be extremely difficult from Kite Hill due to the steepness of the road that would be needed.  Kite Hill is a narrow country road that would not cope with the addional traffic that this site will bring for 20 new houses.

Ref S0458 – Cro Yard – Ham Road – 8 houses So far SBC haven’t received any objecons for this site.

This site is now subject to a live planning applicaon – Reference S/19/1732 – Cro Yard (land next to the Doctor’s Surgery) for the erecon of 9 dwellings, including providing 6 addional parking spaces for the surgery. Detailed plans for this applicaon can be found on SBC Planning portal by going to the website, www.swindon.gov.uk/planning, and pung the reference in the search box. At the me of wring Parish Council are due to discuss the applicaon at their meeng on 16 December so Councillors’ views will not be available unl aer the meeng.

If you have any comments on any of the three sites, please make sure you send them to SBC before the end of January 2020 (details as shown above).

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Planning Update Connued Noficaon has been received for two planning applicaons that were refused by Swindon Borough Council which have now gone to Appeal. This means the Planning Inspectorate will review the applicaon and decide whether or not to allow permission. The two applicaons are as follows:-

 Planning Inspector’s reference APP/U3935/W/19/3240758 – SBC’s Ref S/19/0477 - Land At Marsh Farm, The Marsh - Erecon of 8 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping and associated works. Closing date for comments on 6 January 2020.  Planning Inspector’s reference APP/U3935/W/19/3241592 – SBC’s Ref S/19/1135 – Land adjacent to Woodlands, Callas Hill – Erecon of 1 detached dwelling and associated works. Closing date for comments on 7 January 2020. If you wish to submit comments to the Planning Inspectorate please contact the Parish Clerk who will be able to provide details as to how to do this.

Minor Highways improvements Parish Council receive many concerns from residents in relaon to the roads around the village (separate from those received in relaon to pot holes and the state of the road surfaces). Concerns include:-

 Parking along Church Road, especially on the corner by the Church, where it is difficult to see around the bend.  Parking in front of the bus stop on Church Road, resulng in the buses not having room to stop, includes the Ridgway School buses.  Insufficient parking around the village.  Inconsiderate parking.  Speed of traffic driving through the village.  Rat running. In order to tackle a few of these problems Parish Council have had a meeng with Swindon Borough Council’s Highways Officer, and also wrien to the Ward Councillor, providing them with ideas and suggesons. Swindon Borough Council has asked that we gain support from residents as to whether you would support any of Parish Council’s ideas which include:-

 To mark out an area by the bus stop on Church Road where cars cannot park, to provide a safe place for buses.  To put a short stretch of double yellow lines along the edge of Church Road from Florence House to the turning to St Andrew’s Church, so that it makes it safer for road users.  To provide addional parking provision within Warneage Green, to help ease the problem of parking in this area.  To upgrade the vehicle-acvated signs on Callas Hill and Kite Hill to make them more effecve.  To provide designated parking areas along High Street  To look at improving the roundabout at the Roen Row / High Street juncon. Please let us know whether you support any of the above ideas or whether you have any other ideas of your own by contacng the Parish Clerk, The next Full Parish Council meeng is due to be held on Monday 27 January 2020; everyone is welcome to aend.

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Liddington Parish Council Season Greengs and a Happy 2020 The Parish Council hopes that you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable break over the Christmas Holidays. We would like to wish you all Happy New Year for 2020.

Landscape Maintenance Contract We are pleased to announce that the contract for the grass cung, hedge cung and general landscape works with Adams and Wa has been renewed for another year as we are so pleased with what they do. During the annual review walkaround that took place in October, some addional areas were idenfied as needing aenon; the sle at the top of the playing field was in a poor condion so rails and the step have been repaired and replaced. Holes in the perimeter hedge have been filled with new whips, and two new rails added to the fence on the le-hand side of the gate from the Churchyard. We hope you have also noced the improvement to the footpath alongside the B4192 that was completed earlier in the month.

M4 Juncon 15 Quesons have been asked about when the publicised improvement works to Juncon 15, M4 will be started. The works have been delayed but we don’t know why. We will update you as and when informaon becomes available. The next meeng of Liddington Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 8 January 2020 starng at 7pm in the Village Hall. Val Curs, Clerk to Liddington Parish Council

Ward Councillor update from Gary Sumner:

Next Ward Councillor Meeng :- Saturday 25 January 9-11 at Wanborough Village Hall

WARD news and other surgery dates at www.ridgewayvillages.co.uk

Happy 2020! In 2020 I will be celebrang four years as your Ward Councillor.

It’s been both a fantasc honour to represent the villages but also much busier than I probably ever expected. The role of Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning has its challenges and I already have a busy diary for January vising places like Highworth and to talk about the ‘Local Plan’ dra allocaons for house-building in those areas.

The Local Plan Review Consultaon runs to the end of January and I would have been happy to talk to Wanborough residents at a Public meeng but one has not been requested. I will be happy to talk to you at my Ward meeng on the 25 th January if you have any concerns on the three provisionally allocated sites in Wanborough.

WALES & WEST – GAS MAIN WORKS: I will publish the work programme on my website as this includes (in Wanborough) Church Road, Kite Hill, Roen Row, High Street and Burycro plus Wanborough Road. Look for closures/details.

SOUTHERN CONNECTOR ROAD – THE bypass for Wanborough: I spoke at the Planning Commiee meeng in December to support this essenal road and in the end nobody spoke against it and Planning was granted.

RURAL SUPERFAST BROADBAND: Come to my Ward meeng and let me know if you are having any problems?

HIGHWAYS: Consultants have been appointed to design & implement plans to minimise ‘RAT RUNNING’ through Wanborough, Liddington, Bishopstone. I hope to have some plans to share. Please call me on 790814 or email: [email protected] 10 Lyden Magazine

Our Radiators Overfloweth! Following the arcle in the December issue of the Lyden magazine on the heang and boiler system replacement at St Andrews Church in Wanborough, some of you may have wondered how they were able to refill the network of cast iron pipes underneath the church? As there is no water supply at the church, consultaon took place with the local Fire Brigade to see if they could help, but there was concern that the water pressure from their hoses might harm the aged Victorian pipe network. It was discovered that the new pipework installed in the boiler house matched that Bill and Bowser of the Queen Elizabeth class aircra carriers. Local Heritage Engineers Colin and Ian Hatch came to the rescue with a cubic metre (1,000 litre) water bowser on the back of trailer, while Rev. W. O’Connell then set up a network of hose pipes to slow fill the new boiler system and radiator network. Result! Barry Hillier on behalf of the Old Boilers .

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Wanborough PTA News Wandering around the local area we see all the Christmas lights and decoraons going up; making the houses look all fesve and welcoming, we start to wonder where on earth this last year, let alone this last term has gone. It seems like the summer fete only a moment ago. The coats and woolies are most definitely a permanent fixture now. Although we recently witnessed the youngest in our school ditch the ‘winterwear,' and don their smartest clothes as they aended, what may have been for some their first school disco. DJ Woodman was playing tunes all night long (well all evening anyway), and the dance floor was never empty. In fact, our dance floor was filled with over 109 pairs of lile dancing feet. The dance floor was almost as popular as our ‘adult creche’. The Key Stage 1 disco saw many a face painted into a ger or superhero, and sausages galore consumed. For this we thank everyone who was involved in supporng, buying, or volunteering at this event; which has allowed us to raise in excess of £1,000. I am sure you can imagine how that will help towards our aim for this year in ensuring greater access to technology for the children.

Bags2School Another big thank you to everyone who had a clear out of their wardrobes and donated their unwanted clothes and shoes to our Bags2School collecon. On Monday 2 December we had 130 bags of preloved items dropped off at the school collecon point; as well as few teddies for our “adopt-a-teddy” stall at next year’s summer fete. This has enabled us to collect a further £261 for the school. Please think of us if you are having a clear out over the fesve period, as we plan another Bags2School collecon in the spring.

Easyfundraising We now have 43 people signed up to Easyfundraising, so thank you for taking the me to sign up. Check your emails and our social media for ‘double point’ collecon weeks', which keep popping up. It’s not too late to sign up though; it is one of the easiest ways you can raise much needed funds to support your local school. All you need to do is download the app or open the ‘Easyfundraising’ website, select the retailer that you wish to purchase from and complete your shop as usual. Your basket will be the same price and the PTA will receive a donaon. Plus if you use this link we will receive a £5 bonus donaon for every support who signs up using your unique referral code. hp://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/wanboroughprimary/?invite=UXYA85&referral-campaign=s2s

The Famous Quiz Night Our famous quiz night is coming up in the New Year. It will be held at the school on Saturday 1 February. Last year 17 teams competed to become the quiz champion of Wanborough. This year could it be…. You? We are always welcoming new teams to this popular and fun event. We know that the village is full of ‘quizzers’, so pop the date in your diary, gather your team and look out for further informaon coming soon. To register your team please email us at [email protected]

Thank you All that is le is for us to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to all of those that have helped us raise money over the past year, whether that is through aending an event and spending your money, donang a prize, having a spring clean and filling a bag2school or signing up to ‘Easyfundraising,' and just doing your usual shopping; it really does help, and means a lot to the school, and the pupils. We hope to see you all in the new year. Merry Christmas!

Upcoming events 24 January - Film Night 1 February - Our Famous Quiz Night 3 April - Easter Bake Sale 15 May - Key Stage 2 Party 17 June - Sports Day 20 June - Summer Fete (tbc)

Our latest news can be found on the PTA page at www.wanboroughprimary.org. Or follow us on Facebook search for ‘Wanborough Primary PTA’ where you can find our most up-to-date informaon regarding what we are geng up to and our future events.

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Wanborough Tennis Club Celebrates We feel very proud to have been awarded ‘Club of the Year, ’ by Wiltshire Tennis & the LTA. Congratulaons and many thanks to the commiee whose hard work has been acknowledged in achieving this award and to the members who connue to support the club. Some of the judges’ comments : ‘…new volunteers in their commiee have had a tremendous impact on the club and are always ready to get involved…’ ‘…a quality all year coaching programme and fantasc links with the local community and primary school.’ ‘This village club is a welcoming, progressive club that caters for all ages, backgrounds and abilies. …first class facilies and quality tennis opportunies (WTC) richly deserves this award.’ Many congratulaons also, to Theo Lewis who won the Wiltshire ‘Young Person of the Year’ award. Amongst many compliments from the judging panel: ‘He has represented the club in various age groups and is always on hand to help and inspire others whilst playing or assisng with the coaching.’ ‘He is a fantasc ambassador for the club… a 14 year old who can take on responsibilies, show leadership and be liked and respected is very rare.’ Theo Lewis accepng his award Other Tennis Club News Thank you to the Brewers who accommodated us, at very short noce, for our very enjoyable Christmas social evening in early December. A gentle reminder please to those club members, who have not yet done so, to ‘opt in’ for the Wimbledon Ballot on the LTA website. Our allocaon of Wimbledon ckets depends on every member doing this. Finally, kick-start a New Year’s resoluon and make the most of any dry weather, don some warm clothes and come along to enjoy some fresh air and exercise on court.

Wanborough Playgroup News

December saw us busy with Fesve oungs and acvies and cras. We very much enjoyed our visit to Wanborough Primary School to watch a rehearsal of their Navity ‘A Midwife Crisis’ performed by Acorn and Conker Classes. Our walk back to the Village Hall saw us learning about road safety as well as looking at our surroundings and discussing the route we would be taking and would we have snack as soon as we got back!

Acorn Class visited us the following morning to be our audience for our rehearsal of our Navity. It was great to catch up with them all.

Our main performance was held to a packed hall of parents, grandparents and friends. Lorna Davies brought a band of 6 year Sixes from Wanborough Primary School who played ‘O Lile Town of

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Bethlehem’ and ‘Away in a Manger’. All 16 children did an amazing job and put lots of smiles on our faces. Quite incredible as they were aged between 2 and 3 years old! Our refreshments, cake sale and raffle raised £208.65. Thank you to everyone for the generosity. Thank you to Ian of Take One who videoed the event for us.

Pop up Prosecco (Fesve Edion) An amazing evening was held on 29 November when Andrew Garton put on a wonderful fesve music quiz with lots of twists and turns. This me we introduced fesve Mocktails which went down well as an alternave to the Prosseco ones! The evening raised an fantasc £1,476.

Thank you to the following companies who supported us by donang items for the raffle and aucon:-

Beauty Absolute, Kate’s Ironing, The Link Centre, Primary Lengs, Styles by Charloe, Swindon Town Football Club, Yoga with Nickie, Wanborough Swim School

Keep a look out for our 2020 Prosecco Evening Dates!

A reminder that our Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday 1 February . We look forward to receiving all your items! Slips will come out through your door in January.

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

Sarah Ingram

Wanborough Show Society

Wanborough Show Dates 2020

Spring Horse & Dog Show – Saturday 16 May Summer Show – Saturday 22August

Put these dates in your calendars and keep them free to join in the fun.

Wanborough Show Society AGM

Ever wondered what it takes to run two successful shows each year? Have you got new ideas or skills to contribute? Would you be willing to volunteer some time either in the planning of our shows, or helping in other ways?

Why not come along to our AGM at Wanborough Village Hall at 19.30 on Monday, 13 January 2020 to find out more?

If you cannot make the meeting, but would like to be involved or to find out more, please email our Secretary at [email protected]

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VE Day 75 th Anniversary – 8 May 2020 Wanborough Parish Council are excited to announce that in conjuncon with Wanborough Community Trust and St Andrew’s Church PCC we are arranging a parish event to celebrate VE Day 75th Anniversary on Friday 8 May 2020. The plan is to have a “picnic in the park” style event with live music and entertainment in the open space next to the Church. We have plenty of ideas and it will surely be a great aernoon for all the family. We also plan to have a display of informaon around the Church on how the village used to look during the War, along with photos of and informaon about those who served in the war, those who remained and were involved in the war effort in other ways, and those who returned. If you have any informaon, photos, etc that you would be willing to share with us then please get in touch. We are also looking for more helpers and we’d welcome ideas, assistance and support for any local group, organisaon or charity that would like to parcipate. If you are interested in being part of the team please contact Parish Clerk or Tessa Lanstein (contact details in the back of the magazine). Please keep this date free and we will update you with further details in next month’s Lyden. World War 2 Memorial In St Andrew’s Church there is a War Memorial on the wall lisng those who laid down their lives in the two World Wars. Over the next five months we will provide informaon on each of the five who lost their lives during WW2.

Albert Henry Gleed Albert Henry (Harry) Gleed was born in 1916 in Cricklade. His father, Albert George Gleed, came from Chiseldon and his mother, Ada Lewis, was born at Trexham in Gloucestershire. In 1939, at the outbreak of the War, Albert George worked as a locomove engineer and the family lived at Kite Hill Farm in Wanborough. Kite Hill Farm, 1922

Albert enlisted as a private in the 4 th Baalion of the Somerset Light Infantry and was killed in acon on 29 th June 1944 during the Western Europe Campaign, the Allied offensive in north-western Europe which began with the Normandy landings on 6 th June 1944. Albert is buried in France at Saint Manvieu War Cemetery near the village of Cheux, 10 km west of Caen.

War Cemetery

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Shoong, Swimming and Bag Packing November and December have connued to be a busy me for the Scouts. November began with an opportunity to do some Air Rifle pracce in Old Town. 18 th Swindon Scout group were kind enough to let our scouts have an hour’s coaching slot. For Nicola, this was her first me shoong – it turns out that she is rather good. Wilfred, James, Jack & Beck also had a go. Each of them pracced in all three key posions – standing, sing & lying down. The Scouts certainly felt beer prepared for the District Air Rifle compeon on 30 th November. Only 3 of them could make this, which meant each of their scores had to count. (we could have sent 5 scouts and the best 3 results get chosen). The Scouts have two pracce rounds and then each get to shoot twice. Two entries are seated, two standing and two lying down. Then there is one final round for one Scout. The challenge is to shoot circles of ever decreasing size for ever increasing points. 6 circles, with 6 shots. The Scouts have to hit each circle in sequence. Wilfred had the honour this year the last one and hit each of the first 5 circles and narrowly missed the 6 th and final one. Out of 12 Scout teams that entered 1 st Wanborough came 5 th with a handsome score of 262. “It was excing and I really enjoyed it.” commented Nicola aer her first experience. We will try to get more pracce sessions in across the year. The whole group also provided a guard of honour for this year’s Remembrance Service held at Hinton Parva. It is always good to see to a decent turnout. I was parcularly moved this year, when a decorated ex- serviceman, who was helping to lead the service, took the me to come and shake the hand of each Beaver, Cub & Scout and thank them for contribung to the church service. A small gesture, but it helps to remind us why we do remember. It is about real people within our community. If this is one small way that we can give back and show respect, then I hope our Beavers, Cubs & Scouts will think that it is worthwhile sacrificing that couple of hours once a year, both whilst they are with us and in later life. November also saw the annual District Swimming Gala. 1 st Wanborough Scout group run this event, which sees teams entered for both Cubs and Scouts across the District. It is always a difficult event because either any club swimmers within your troop are compeng at a club gala and are not available, or they are swimming for the different troops. Consequently, Guard of Honour the troops with more club members tradionally do best. However, 1 st Wanborough won a number of heats and got through to the final of most races. We even won some medals! Sadly, this was probably the last District Gala. The me is right for us to look for a new water based acvity that is maybe a lile more inclusive. Finally, as we have moved into December, the Scouts have been very busy fundraising and giving back to the community. Last week, along with the Beavers and Cubs we did our annual bag pack in Tesco’s along with a spot of carol singing. We have managed to raise nearly £500. A tremendous amount for a couple of hours work. This will go to support the troop with the more excing elements of the scoung curriculum. Sunday was the beauful Chrisngle Service at St Andrews. Serenaded by some fesve music, children from all three secons helped to construct the Chrisngles. The Scouts, who had planned the whole service, then performed a small play that explained the message of the Chrisngle which has been adopted by the Children’s Society, a charity in and wales that looks aer vulnerable children. The church looked beauful, with an absolutely stunning tree. Hopefully, it sparked that Christmas spirit and any funds raised all go to the Children’s Society. As I type, the Scouts and a number of willing parents will be helping to sort the Scout Christmas post. This fundraiser takes lots of hard work in preparaon, from selling stamps, to sorng at the central Scout Post sorng office each evening for the last week and finally sorng our villages into piles of cards per street ready to be hand delivered by our willing Beavers, Cubs & Scouts (&parents). However, delivering lots of messages of goodwill and loved to many of you makes it worth it. From all of 1 st Wanborough Scout Group – Merry Christmas to you all and all the very best in 2020. Many thanks to all of the parents and members of the community who help and support us to put on a packed year of fun for local young people. Chrisngle

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18 Lyden Magazine

Write Learn Tutoring English Tuion

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www.heritage-treecare.co.uk Tel: 07876763795 email: heatherhawkins@bnternet.com

19 Lyden Magazine

H B ’ S B E A U T Y

Hannah Thoburn B E A U T I C I A N

Call: 07789 005121

[email protected] The Verne, The Marsh, Wanborough, SN4 0AR

20 Lyden Magazine

21 Lyden Magazine

Coffee, Cake and Chat

Come along and meet old friends and new!

Solution Focused Coffee and Cake £3.50 Hypnotherapist

Healthier mind, Every Thursday, 10 - 11.30am happier life Nicola Cook The Harrow Inn, Wanborough 07578 591577 To find out more, or arrange a li, call Lorna Naseem at [email protected] The (Old) Post Office on 01793 791206 www.nicolacookhypnotherapy.com

22 Lyden Magazine

23 Lyden Magazine

A trip to Thailand

It’s been just over three weeks since I’ve arrived back home aer aending ‘The Personal Travel Agents Top Performers Trip' in Thailand and wow what a trip it was. For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you would have seen that I got up to some amazing experiences and bucket list moments. From ‘Bamboo Raing’ in the jungle to vising an ‘Ecological Elephant Sanctuary’ to bathe with the Elephants, it’s been jam packed and brilliant fun. As well as celebrang the success for my business, I also got to embrace Thailand so that I can pass on my expert knowledge when booking your holiday. From the perfect twin centre to experience the different parts of Thailand, to where to go for some local shopping or street food – I’m your go to Thailand expert. During my stay in Thailand I stayed at 2 hotels (The Sands Khao Lak by Katathani & Phuket Marrio Resort & Spa, Merlin Beach) but visited a few others which cater for different people (X10 Khaolak Resort & Best Western Premier Bangtao Beach). Having met with the hotel managers, I can make sure your stay is as relaxing as the views from the beach bar. This trip wouldn’t have been possible without my customers, so I want to say a big thank you for your support for my business, so that I get to go on these once in a lifeme opportunity. Make sure you follow my Facebook business page where I have plenty of pictures and videos of what I got up to as well as some more handpicked offers for Thailand. For your next holiday contact me Judi Moore your local Wanborough Personal Travel Agent Tel 01793 791238 email [email protected]

24 Lyden Magazine

St. Andrew’s Church Wanborough

Sidespersons' Roster January 2020

5 January No Service 12 January 18:00 Evensong P Troughton 19 January 10:30 Family Communion B Caron

26 January 08:30 Holy Communion T Roddy

Lesson Readers and Sidespersons needed for St Andrew’s Would you be willing to be a Lesson Reader or Sidesperson at St Andrew’s, at any service please? Helpers have become very few, so it would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to help, please contact Terry Roddy on 01793 791354

St. Andrew’s Cleaning Rota

Brass: General (on/by 2 nd Saturday) Jan : Volunteers please. Volunteers please Feb: Volunteers please Volunteers please Mar: G. Hayes and L. Barnes Volunteers please Apr: J Hales and J Hobbs Justina Lewis May: The Kosidowski Family The Kosidowski Family

There are Books of Remembrance in All Saints’, Liddington and St. Andrew's, Wanborough. If anyone wishes to have a name recorded there, please contact a Churchwarden.

Wanborough Playgroup

Village Pre-School

 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum delivered by friendly and qualified staff in a stimulating environment in a large hall with good sized secure garden. Registered Ofsted Number  Registered with Ofsted to take children from 2 years old 109096  Registered to receive Universal 15 hour and Extended 30 hours funding Registered Charity Number:  Playgroup hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-12.00 Option of additional ‘lunch hour’: Monday, 1026150 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (12.00-13.00) ALL SESSIONS ARE TERM TIME ONLY AND SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY Village Hall, High Street, Wanborough, SN4 0AD Telephone: 01793 790428 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wanboroughplaygroup.org.uk Facebook: @wanboroughpreschool

25 Lyden Magazine


BENEFICE WANBOROUGH BOWLS CLUB Vicar Hon Sec. Mags Sanders Tel. 01793 614861 Rev. Bill O’Connell T:791359 E:[email protected] [email protected]

Captain of Wanborough and Liddington Bellringers WANBOROUGH BEER FESTIVAL/THE OLD BOILERS Tony Pullan T :790904 Secretary: Barry Hillier 07443 490019 Pracce 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays Wanborough, 2nd and 4th Fridays Liddington WANBOROUGH VILLAGE HALL Lettings Secretary: Karen Hawkins 07799 856000 Liddington 100 Club E:wvhlengs @gmail.com Hall calendar on Wanborough.info Caroline Tams T: 07876 714950 E: [email protected] Chairperson: Dion Dean 07841 866773

Secretary: Sarah Ingram 07530 451549 St Andrew’s Flower Club Chair: Kay Cullimore Tel 790458 WANBOROUGH PLAYGROUP (Village pre-School) Treasurer: Jackie Midwinter Tel 950852 Supervisor : Sarah Ingram, Tel: 01793 790428(during Playgroup hours) Secretary: Alison Carse 790858 Chair of the Committee : Hayley Armstrong-Wilde 07850 348219 wanboroughplaygroup.org.uk WANBOROUGH PARISH COUNCIL [email protected] Chairman : Bob Biggs, Wanborough Herb Nursery, Tel: 01793 790327

E: [email protected] WANBOROUGH PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP Vice Chairman: Roger Whiield, 2 Manor Orchard, 791820 Enquiries: Alicia Batty, Tel: 07895539287 E: cllrwhi[email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Clerk: Angela Raymond, Tel: 07588 769829 (Wednesdays 1.10 – 2.45pm (during school term), at Wanborough E: [email protected] Village Hall) LIDDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: David Lomax, 38 Purley Road, Liddington. Telephone 01793 WANBOROUGH THEATRE CLUB 790440 / 07931 895044 Hon. Sec .: Mrs. D. Rawlings, Tel: 01793 979170 Vice Chairman: Adrian Moore, Medbourne House, Medbourne Lane, BISHOPSTONE AND HINTON PARVA WI Liddington. Telephone 01793 790391 Secretary : Sue Reade. Tel: 710208 Clerk: Val Curtis, 4 Mallard Close, Swindon, SN3 5JQ, T: 01793 530818 E: [email protected] M: 07989 647438 E: [email protected] BRIDGE CLUB BOROUGH COUNCILLOR Jim & Joy Ball, Tel: 790293. (Friday evenings at Hinton Parva Village Hall) Gary Sumner, Blenheim, Kite Hill, Wanborough, SN4 0AW T:790814 E:[email protected] LIDDINGTON SCOTTISH DANCING GROUP Linda Clarke. Tel: 790158 WANBOROUGH PRIMARY SCHOOL Thursday evenings 7.45 – 10pm (September – May at Liddington Village Headteacher: Andrew Drury, Tel: 790269 Hall) Clerk to the Governing Body: Lana Tilley Tel: 790269 PTA : Chair: Guy Simmonds c/o Wanborough Primary School, LIDDINGTON VILLAGE HALL E: [email protected] Hon. Sec .:Alison Babbington, 10 The Street, Liddington SN4 0HD www.wanboroughprimary.org Chairman : Mr. Matthew Bowman, Meadowbank House, Medbourne Lane, Liddington SN4 0EY Tel: 791401 BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS [email protected] Group Scout Leader: Tessa Lanstein, Tel: 07795 057420 Hon. Lettings Sec.: Sarah Hill, Church Rd, Liddington Tel: 790104. (Waiting lists are in operation so please make early contact) [email protected] Boys and Girls aged 6-8 / 8-10½ / 10½ -14 meet weekly in term time. THE RIDGEWAY LINK WANBOROUGH VETS CYCLING Co-ordinator & Contact for lifts: Mrs. Rachel Hale, Tel: 791192 Secretary: David Halfhead, Tel: 790852

WANBOROUGH JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB (The Wasps) Secretary: Matthew Strickland T: 07754 978487 LOCAL WEBSITES: E:[email protected] For further informaon and news from our four Details of Team Managers U7(Year2) to U18(Year 13) at www.wanboroughwasps.com villages, visit: www.liddington.org or www.wanborough.info WANBOROUGH HANDBELL RINGERS Nicky Pullan, 2, The Beanlands, Wanborough. Tel: 790904 For Bishopstone and Hinton Parva visit

WANBOROUGH SHOW SOCIETY www.villagenewsleer.org Show Secretary: Mike Thompson M: 07768 558799

WANBOROUGH CRICKET CLUB Hon. Sec. : Andy Thompson, Tel: 01793 852623 WANBOROUGH TENNIS CLUB LYDEN MAGAZINE CONTACTS Hon. Sec. Melanie Brough 741277 [email protected] Membership Sec. Anica Alvarez Nishio - Editorial/Adversing: Andrea Jerome Tel: 790307 [email protected] [email protected]

Subscripons: [email protected]

Announcements: [email protected]

26 Lyden Magazine

27 Lyden Magazine

Meadowbank House Tradional Bed and Breakfast Resul and luxurious accommodaon in Liddington 01793 791401 www.meadowbankhouse.com

PAUL BISHOP A & B Domestic Appliances Guaranteed repairs to washing machines and Interior and Exterior Painter and Decorator tumble driers. A genuine professional repair service. Free Estimates Contact Andrew Matthews at: Competitive prices E: [email protected]

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Beautifully converted one bed accommodation.

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Wanborough, Wiltshire 07903 210505