Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Journal of

SOFTWARE Open Access 3DStructGen: an interactive web‑based 3D structure generation for non‑periodic molecule and Pin Chen1 , Yu Wang1,2 , Hui Yan1 , Sen Gao1 , Zexin Xu1 , Yangzhong Li1 , Qing Mo1 , Junkang Huang1 , Jun Tao1 , GeChuanqi Pan1 , Jiahui Li1 and Yunfei Du1*

Abstract Background: The increasing number of organic and inorganic structures promotes the development of the “Big Data” in and material science, and raises the need for cross-platform and web-based methods to search, view and edit structures. Many web-based three-dimensional (3D) structure tools have been developed for displaying existing models, building new models, and preparing initial input fles for external calculations. But few of these tools can deal with crystal structures. Results: We developed a user-friendly and versatile program based on standard web techniques, such as Hyper Text Markup Language 5 (HTML5), Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript. Both non-periodic organic molecule and crystal structure can be visualized, built and edited interactively. The atom, bond, angle and dihedral in a mol- ecule can be viewed and modifed using sample mouse operations. A wide range of cheminformatics algorithms for crystal structure are provided, including cleaving surfaces, establishing vacuum layers, and building supercells. Four displayed styles, namely “Primitive cell”, “Original”, “In-cell” and “Packing” can be used to visualize a unit cell. Additionally, the initial input fles for Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) and can be obtained by interacting with dialog boxes in 3DStructGen. Conclusions: 3DStructGen is a highly platform-independent program. It can provide web service independently or can be integrated into other web platforms. Other than local desktop software, it does not require any additional efort to install the system but a web browser supporting HTML5. 3DStructGen may play a valuable role in online chemistry education and pre-processing of quantum calculations. The program has been released under MIT open- source license and is available on: https​://matge​​.html. Keywords: , HTML5, Structure editor, 3D

Background analyzing the trajectory coordinates in real time. Visual- Molecular visualization plays a vital role in constructing izing and interactively editing the structure of the mol- databases and repositories, preparing initial structures ecules can efectively reduce the simulation threshold for quantum and calculations, and and improve efciency. Recent development in the feld of high-performance computing (HPC) and cloud com- puting has led to many online computing platforms. *Correspondence: [email protected] 1 National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, School of Data For instance, MatCloud [1], rescale [2], WebMO [3], and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, 132 East Circle at and MolCalc [4], provide web services for materials and University City, Guangzhou 510006, China chemistry calculation. Tese web-based tools provide Full list of author information is available at the end of the article remotely controlling computing resources, and their

© The Author(s) 2020. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativeco​ ​​ ses/by/4.0/​ . The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativeco​ mmons​ .org/publi​ cdoma​ in/​ zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 2 of 11

accessibility and compatibility make them extremely ChemKit API provides extensions of 3DStructGen by popular. Nowadays, it is common to use the web-based integrating other cheminformatics tools. 3D structural visualization and editor tools to gener- ate the model structures and prepare the input fles for Element, atom and molecule simulations. Te parameters of elements (e.g., atom number, ele- Te state-of-the-art visualization software in the feld ment symbol, atomic mass, color, covalent radii, etc.) are of is mainly developed on defned as a list in “element ()” function. Te “addElem desktop environment, such as [5], Materials ()” function is used to add an element specifed by users, Studio [6], and VESTA [7]. With the increasing demand and the corresponding atom model will be visualized on for web-based visualization, several relevant tools have canvas. All elements are displayed in the same color as in emerged. For instance, 3Dmol [8], JSmol [9] and Web3D- the VESTA program. Te methane molecule is presented Mol [10] contain powerful visualization capabilities, but in the canvas when 3DStructGen is initialized. Te “- the structure editing function is missing. Another tools, and-stick” representation of the structures with the size such as ChemdoodleWeb [11], Kekule.js [12], JSME [13], of atoms based on their covalent radii by default. Besides, can only edit 2 dimension (2D) structures. 3D structure the “stick-and-line” models can be specifed by users as editing tools (e.g., ChemMozart [14], CH5M3D [15]) are well. also reported in the literature. However, these tools focus Te “addAtom ()” and “delAtom ()” functions are used on organic molecular modeling and do not support pro- to add a new atom and delete an existing atom in a mole- cessing of crystal structure. In addition, ChemMozart is cule, respectively. By default, a suitable number of hydro- implemented using node.js framework, and it cannot be gen atoms will be added according to the rule of octet used as a lightweight library alone. theory, and the bond angles are assigned a value based on In order to process chemical information on web orbital hybridization (sp3 in default) selected by users. server, we developed an advanced chemical visualization When a new atom is added, a bond is created within its and editor program with the following features. Firstly, value of the sum of covalent radii of the bonded atoms. both non-periodic organic molecule and crystal structure Te connection between pairs of atoms can be added can be visualized, built and edited interactively. Secondly, using mouse operations by calling “addBond ()” function, a wide range of cheminformatics algorithms for crystal defned in fles or calculated by the 3DStructGen. Te structure are provided, such as cleaving surfaces, estab- “createBond ()” function describes the detailed the bond- lishing vacuum layers, and creating supercells. Tirdly, ing rule: frstly, a list of possible bonding atoms based on it is a lightweight library implemented using JavaScript, the bond valance model [20] are built, and then the dis- and it can be easily used to provide web service indepen- tance for these possible bonding atoms are calculated. A dently or integrated into other web platforms. Finally, the bond is created if the distance falls between 0.5 and 1.2 initial input fles for VASP [16, 17] and Gaussian [18] can times the sum of the covalent radii for these bonding be generated by interacting with dialog boxes. atoms. Here, the 0.5 times distance is used to avoid bond- ing between the closed atoms (maybe overlap atoms). Implementation Te “bondMatrix ()” function defnes a public routine to Same as most graphical user interface (GUI) programs store and return the bond list. Te graph-labeling algo- for computing chemistry [5–7, 19], 3DStructGen focuses rithm [21] (pseudo code in Fig. 2) used for recogniz- on generation of initial molecular geometry. As shown in ing framework and guest (including solvent molecule) Fig. 1, the basic modules of molecule, crystal and surface are developed to deal with metal–organic frameworks slab consist of several methods to deal with non-periodic (MOF) in Cambridge structural database (CSD) data- molecule, periodic crystal, as well as surface slab system, base. Our bonding method has shown satisfactory results respectively. Te HTML5 canvas is the central module for for this task, and the visualization results can be found in displaying 3D structures and connecting all other mod- the “Structure visualization” section. ules. Te mouse module provides a number of interactive When a structure is created, an atom or a group of operations by mouse for users. Te processing methods atoms selected by users can be moved in up, down, left for general chemical fle formats (XYZ, SD, MOL, CIF) and right directions by a user-specifed distance. A crude are supported in IO module, and the initial input fle geometry optimization is supported for non-periodic for VASP and Gaussian can be produced using interface molecule by optimizing the bond lengths, bond angles module. Te explorer module prints the interactive infor- and dihedral following the same method in CH5M3D mation (e.g., fle name, lattice parameter, atom distance, [15]. An optional geometry optimization based on force atom coordinate, etc.) for users in real-time. Additionally, fled method is also provided by the using ChemKit API, Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 3 of 11

Fig. 1 Overview of the core modules and functions in 3DStructGen

which is explained in further details in the “ChemKit p1 = (M/h)a = M k b API” section. p2 ( / ) (1) p3 = (M/l) Crystal and surface slab Te “buildCrystal ()” function is used to build crystal If a Miller index contains one zero, we take (hk0) as lattice structure. By clicking the dialog box of “build an example: crystal”, the symmetry space groups (230 in total), lat- p = (M/h)a tice parameters, atom types and coordinates can be 1 = M/k b interactively selected or edited by users. When all p2 ( ) (2) c the operations are fnished, a crystal structure will be p3 = p1 + shown in the canvas. Te supercell slab is a structural model used in quan- If a Miller index contains two zeros, we take (h00) as an tum or molecular dynamics simulations to study the example: surface kinetic [22], thermodynamic [23], and elec- p1 = (0, 0, 0) tronic [24] properties. Te “cleaveSurf ()” function = b p2 (3) shows an algorithm to construct surface slab with any p3 = c Miller index orientation from a bulk unit cell of any Bravais lattice. A slab with two surfaces is embedded Where the a, b and c are [100], [010] and [001], respec- M with vacuum regions in a supercell. Sun [25] proposed tively. Te is the least common multiple of h, k and l. an efcient algorithm for constructing slab surface, and Ten we get the v1 and v2 by: the same method is used to fnd two basis vectors that v1 = p − p span a given surface orientation, v1 and v2 . Te follow- 1 1 = − (4) ings are the detailed descriptions: v2 p3 p1 If a Miller index contains no zeros, we take (hkl) as an v v v v v v If we defne the v1 = ( 11, 12, 13), v2 = ( 21, 22, 23) example: v v v and v3 = ( 31, 32, 33) , then we get the third Bravais lat- tice vectors v3 that is maximally orthogonal to these two basis vectors by: Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 4 of 11

Te above styles allow users to visualize atoms in 1: bondList is created by atom radii and bond valence; 2: desired manners for diferent scenarios. Te “Asym- 3: for bond in bondList: metric” may be useful to focus on details of the minimal 4: if the two bond atom pairs contain the same atom: structure when all the copies are invisible, especially for 5: push these atoms into a group; large and complex models. Te “Original” and “Packing” 6: push group into groupList styles provide the copies of units, which demonstrate 7: for group in groupList: symmetric information of a crystal. Te “In-cell” style 8: if two group atoms contain the same atom: catches a glimpse of all possible atoms in the lattice cell, 9: put these atoms into a new group; which matches the real scene of truncating a lattice cell from the whole periodic system. 9: build new groupList; 10: 11: for group in groupList: 12: if group contains carbon and metal atoms: 2D canvas and mouse 13: push group into framework group Te HTML5 canvas is a revolutionary technology for 14: elif group atoms are all the same to solvent atoms in solventList: 15: push group into solvent group graphics and visualization on the web. Powered by JS, 16: else the HTML5 Canvas API allows 3DStrcutGen to create 17: push group into guest group visualizations and animations of 3D structures on a 2D 18: display or highlight the atoms in framework, solvent and guest; canvas in the browser without additional plugins. Te Fig. 2 The pseudo code of graph-labeling algorithm tag creates a bitmapped surface to be drawn and viewed in a HTML document. Although the canvas element is 2D, atoms are sorted by depth and drawn from v31 = v12 ∗ v23 − v13 ∗ v22 back-to-front to show 3D efect. v32 = v13 ∗ v21 − v11 ∗ v23 Users can interact with the canvas using mouse. Te (5) functions of “mouseMove ()”, “mouseWheel ()”, “mouse- v31 = v11 ∗ v22 − v12 ∗ v21 Down ()” and “mouseUp ()” are designed to respond to When the three Bravais lattice vectors of v1 , v2 and v3 the corresponding mouse events triggered by users. Te are determined, the surface-oriented basis transforma- separated “display mode” and “edit mode” have difer- tion is performed and we can get surface slab by these ent mouse events. In display mode, the structure in the vectors. canvas can be rotated, translated and the information of For a crystal structure composed of a unit cell, and a set atom, bond and angle can be selected to display. While in of atoms are arranged in a way that the atoms are peri- the edit mode, the structure can be edited. For instance, odically repeated in three dimensions on a lattice. Te the “onAtom ()” function returns whether the mouse is “displayStyle ()” function provides several methods to within some distance to the selected atom. If the function display the repeated atoms, and the relevant images are returns “true”, this atom will be assigned. shown in Fig. 3. Te following options can be chosen in IO and explorer the 3DStructGen: 3DStructGen implements a wide range of cheminfor- • “Asymmetric”: Te minimal subunit of a crystal is matics algorithms for handling chemical data, including presented, consisting of one or more atoms, ions, or non-periodic molecule and crystal structure. For non- molecules, of which geometric arrangement is not periodic molecule, several fle formats (XYZ, SD and related by crystallographic symmetry. MOL) are supported in 3DStructGen. Note that the CIF • “Original”: Using this style, each atom will be displayed fles obtained from diferent database or exported by dif- in its original location, together with copies formed by ferent software may contain minor diference, which can applying each of the operators of the symmetry group. lead to unsuccessful data reading. We have performed • “In-cell”: Te atoms are displayed based on whether a comprehensive test using data from inorganic crystal their coordinates, as well as their symmetric copies structure database (ICSD) [26], Cambridge structural are in the lattice cell. database (CSD) [27], crystallography open database • “Packing”: Te complete molecules and their sym- (COD) [28] and software. metric copies in a lattice cell will be displayed Te explorer module contains a system window to dis- depending on the geometric center of connected sets play the imported fle information (e.g., fle name, lat- of atoms. Tis gives a display of conventional cell for tice size, formula, etc.), and a property window to print most types of crystal system. the structure information (e.g., atom coordinate, bond Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 5 of 11

Fig. 3 A crystal structure (CSD code: WAJZUE) is depicted in diferent styles. a asymmetric style; b original style; c in-cell style; d packing style. This structure is given in Additional fle 1

distance, angle size, etc.) when a user interacts with the canvas.

Calculation interface In order to facilitate the quantum calculation, we devel- oped the input fle generation interfaces for quantum calculation software, including VASP and Gaussian. For VASP, the initial fles of INCAR and KPOINTS can be created online by setting the corresponding parameters in the dialogs, and the information of atoms and lattice of the existed crystal structure in the canvas is writ- ten into POSCAR. Gaussian is a popular alternative for non-periodic molecules, and only one input fle needs to be prepared. Similarly, a dialog is designed for set- ting parameters and a fle named “Gaussian.gif” will be generated when all interactive operations are performed. It should be noted that the calculation interface is inde- pendent to 3DStructGen except for structure informa- tion. Tus, the other calculation interfaces can be easily added into this program.

ChemKit API ChemKit API is a RESTful web service that wraps the cheminformatics tools of [29] and spglib [30], and expands the capacity of the 3DStructGen. Installation Open Babel is a popular chemical toolbox to handle non- periodic molecule structures, and the spglib is a useful Te core of this program is written in JavaScript, which tool for fnding and processing crystal symmetries. Te has no special requirement for installation but a web ChemKit API is not a part of the 3DStructGen, but an browser supporting HTML5. Tis package has been optional tool. Te following code shows an example of extensively tested with recent versions of the most optimizing the molecule geometry in the canvas using commonly used browsers, namely, Microsoft Internet Open Babel: Explorer (v10), Mozilla Firefox (v19), Google Chrome Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 6 of 11

(v70) and Opera (v12). Te ChemKit API is an optional been provided. Organic molecules are the most com- tool for 3DStructGen, which can be used when the local monly used structures in the feld of cheminformatics. devices connect to the internet. Figure 5 shows an illustration of a non-periodic mol- ecule with double bonds (Fig. 5a) and organic crys- Result and discussion tal structure (Fig. 5b) in the canvas of 3DStructGen, User interface respectively. Te Metal–Organic Framework is a specifc Figure 4 displays the user interface of the 3DStructGen. structure in chemistry, Fig. 5c illustrates an example of On the left side of the canvas, there are the dialog buttons Metal–Organic Framework structure, and Fig. 5d shows for viewing and editing the structure interactively. Te the highlighted framework molecules with yellow color. separate “display” and “edit” modes can be switched by Figure 6 shows another example of inorganic compound users, and the corresponding dialog buttons will be acti- of ­CoS2. Te unit cell of CoS­ 2 and its supercell of 2 × 2 × 2 vated or deactivated accordingly. Te top side of the can- are depicted in Fig. 6a, b, respectively. Figure 6c shows the vas is the functional zone, where users can choose to load (111) surface slab with a 10 Å thickness. Te two basis vec- a new fle, build complex crystal structure, clear up can- tors of (− 1, 1, 0) and (− 1, 0, 1) that span a given surface vas or system window, prepare the initial input fles for orientation are automatically generated by 3DStructGen quantum calculation, and perform other functions. Te when the vector of cleaving plane has been conformed system and property windows are showed on the right (seeing dialog box in Fig. 6e). Finally, a new crystal struc- side of canvas. Te new fle information (e.g., fle name, ture with 10 Å vacuum layer has been created in Fig. 6d. structure formula, lattice parameters, etc.) will be printed on the system window, while the structure information, Interface for preparing quantum calculation input fles including atom types, coordinates, bond distance, angle When the simulation structure has been built on the can- size will be displayed on the property window. vas successfully, the dialog of Quantum interface can be used to prepare the input fles for the calculation software. Structure visualization To allow convenient submission of computing tasks and In order to demonstrate the capacities of our program, reduce the time cost of the calculation preparation stage, a number of snapshots generated by 3DStructGen has 3DStructGen provides two kinds of quantum interface for

Fig. 4 The initial user interface of 3DStructGen Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 7 of 11

Gaussian and VASP (i.e. *.gjf fle for Gaussian and INCAR, General section, such as Use Quadratically Convergent POSCAR​ and KPOINTS fle for VASP), respectively. In SCF, Ignore Symmetry, Write Connectivity etc., when the this section, the Gaussian interface will be introduced in required calculation parameters are confrmed, one can detail. click the Export fle button to obtain the Gaussian calcu- Te Gaussian interface is mainly composed of three lation input fle generated by 3DStructGen automatically. parts: Job type, Method, and General, which are cor- Te following shows the content of an exported fle: responding to the part a, b and c in Fig. 7, respectively. Firstly, diferent types of tasks are available for selection in the Job type section. In addition to the Optimiza- tion module shown in the fgure, the section also con- tains Energy, Frequency, Opt + Freq, IRC, Scan, Stability, NMR, BOMD and ADMP modules, which cover almost all basic computing task types. After a specifc task type is selected, Method section shows an interface of the more explicit parameter settings for calculation. Te dif- ferent job types ofer diferent parameter settings option. For instance, in Optimization module, the calculation method, basic set used, spin and charge can be chosen based on user specifc molecule model and simulation demand. Here, we chose the DFT method and 3-21G basis set, and set the exchange–correlation to B3LYP and the other options to the respective default val- ues. Finally, several general settings can be tuned in the

Fig. 5 The images of a non-periodic molecule and organic crystal structure. a An organic molecule containing double bonds; b organic crystal structure (CSD code: PONCOL) displayed with “Packing” style. c metal–organic framework structure (CSD code: ABEXEN) displayed with “Packing” style. d The framework molecule is highlighted with yellow color. The organic crystal structures can be found in supplement (see Additional fle 1) Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 8 of 11

Fig. 6 The inorganic crystal structures representations. a Inorganic crystal structure of ­CoS (ICSD code: 86351); b supercell model with 2 2 2. 2 × × c Cleaving the unit cell with (111) surface. d Constructing the (111) surface slab of CoS­ 2 with a 10 vacuum. e The dialog box of “cleave surface”. The ­CoS2 structure is given in Additional fle 1 Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 9 of 11

Fig. 7 The snapshot of dialog box of Gaussian interface and relevant functional parts in 3DStructGen

Tis process of 3DStructGen will greatly facilitate users only support for non-periodic molecules. WebMO satis- to prepare their calculation tasks. fes all the previous conditions, but it requires commer- cial license and it is not open source for academic users. Comparisons with other web‑based visualization programs 3DStructGen supports for the 3D visualization and edit- For an advanced web-based visualization program, dis- ing of non-periodic molecule, crystal and surface slab, playing and editing the structure in 3D are crucial. As and the source code is free to users, which is still com- shown in Table 1, all programs support 3D visualiza- petitive compared with other web-based visualization tion but JSME, which is a 2D facilitat- programs. Te initial version of 3DStructGen focuses ing graphical input and interactive editing of molecules. on developing general functions, preparing the input JSmol and 3Dmol.js are the pure 3D representation of fles for the quantum calculations. Te implementation molecular structure. Te 2D technology can deal with of WebGL is desirable and will be considered in a future non-periodic molecule. Examples are Chemdoodle and version. Kekule.js, which contain a separate 2D editor for creat- ing the initial structure and viewing the structure on 3D Extensions for web‑based tools canvas. But these methods are inoperative for periodic Comparing to local desktop packages, the complex crystal. As a result, combining the displaying and editing software system for web-based tools in the feld of function into one canvas maybe a promising method, and cheminformatics is still limited by webpage program- the WebMO, Marvin.js, Chemozart, CH5M3D belong ing language and data transmission. For instance, the to this category. WebGL is an advanced technology by Open Babel library was originally written in C++, using hardware-acceleration, which allows larger mole- and the author of Kekule.js tried to compile the Open cules to be visualized, provides smoother interaction, and Babel into JavaScript by Emscripten to support more produces higher-resolution picture. Te WebMO and chemical fle formats and molecule force feld calcula- Chemozart are good examples equipped with WebGL. tion [12]. However, the JavaScript version Open Babel However, Chemozart is still in its initial version and is about 10 MB, and a long time is needed to transfer Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 10 of 11

Table 1 Comparisons of the popular web-based visualization programs Program Descriptions License Published time 3D visualization 3D editor WebGL Support structure types

3DStructGen √ √ ABC MIT This paper × Chemdoodle √ (2D) √ AB GPL 2015 × JSmol √ √ AB GPL 2001 × WebMO √ √ √ AB Commercial 2000 Marvin.js √ √ A Commercial – × Chemozart √ √ √ A Apache2.0 2015 Web3DMol √ √ A MIT 2017 × 3Dmol.js √ √ A BSD 2015 × Kekule.js √ (2D) A MIT 2016 × × CH5M3D √ √ A GPL 2013 × JSME (2D) A BSD 2013 × × × Structure type (A: non-periodic molecule; B: crystal; C: surface slab) all the data over the Internet. Tus, a RESTful web ser- Availability and requirements Project name: 3DStructGen. vice wrapping the cheminformatics tools maybe a prac- Project home page: https​://matge​​.html. tical solution. Te ChemDoodle tool gives an example (s): Platform independent. of accessing the ChemDoodle desktop API by using Programing language: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS. Other requirements: Web browser supporting HTML5, ChemKit API iChemLabs cloud services for additional tools [11]. In (optional). our program, we also provide a free ChemKit API for License: MIT. expanding the capacity of web-based tools. Any restrictions to use by non-academics: None.

Authors’ contributions Conclusions YFD coordinated and managed this project. PC and YW implemented the program with assistance from HY, YZL, JHL, GCQP, JKH, JT. Specifcally, SG, ZXX We introduced a user-friendly and versatile program to and QM contributed to the Gaussian calculation interface, user interface and view, build and edit non-periodic organic molecule and ChemKit API, respectively. All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. crystal structure using standard web techniques, such as Funding HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Te improved capacity for This project was supported in part by Guangdong Province Key crystal structures expands scope of applications in the Area R&D Program (2019B010940001), National Key R&D Program of feld of cheminformatics. It is well designed with numer China (2017YFB0203702), GD frontier & Key Tech, Innovation Program - (2015B010109004). ous functional modules and fexible enough to integrated with another program. Te highly platform-independent Availability of data and materials nature allows 3DStructGen to be easily installed, requir The source code of this program is available for download from page https​:// - matge​​.html. Additional fle 1 covers the structure fles used ing no additional software or any special permissions. in this article. Tis program is released under MIT license, which is free and open source for users. We hope that the 3DStruct Competing interests - The author declares that they have no competing interests. Gen can play a vital role in online chemistry education and pre-processing of quantum calculations. Author details 1 National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, School of Data and Com- puter Science, Sun Yat-sen University, 132 East Circle at University City, Guang- Supplementary information zhou 510006, China. 2 Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https​://doi. and Operations Management, Business School, Hong Kong University of Sci- org/10.1186/s1332​1-020-0411-2. ence and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.

Received: 4 November 2019 Accepted: 11 January 2020 Additional fle 1. The structure fles used in this article.

Acknowledgements We are thankful to the members of the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ) who contributed with manifold suggestions to this program. Chen et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:7 Page 11 of 11

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