Community Engagement at Rutgers-Newark 2010–2012
BUILDING COMMUNITY TOGETHER! ututgersgersinin Newark Newark is oneone ofof three three campuses campuses of Rutgers,of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Offering countless degrees The State University of New Jersey. Offering countless degrees through its undergraduate and graduate programs, it is home to the through its undergraduate and graduate programs, it is home to the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, University College, RNewark College of Arts and Sciences, UniversityCOMMUNITYCOMMUNITY College, ENGAGEMENTENGAGEMENT Rthe Graduate School-Newark, Rutgers Business School-Newark and New the Graduate School-Newark, Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, the School of Law-Newark, the College of Nursing, the ATSchoolAT RUTGERS-NEWARKRUTGERS-NEWARK of Brunswick,Criminal the Justice, School the ofSchool Law-Newark, of Public Affairs the College and Administration, of Nursing, and the extensive School of Criminalresearch Justice, and outreach the School centers. of PublicMore than Affairs 11,000 and students Administration, are currently and enrolled extensive 2010–2012 researchin a wide and rangeoutreach of undergraduate centers. More and thangraduate 11,000 degree students programs are offered currently at the enrolled in a 35-acrewide range downtown of undergraduate Newark campus. and Rutgers-Newark graduate degree is rankedprograms among offered the leading at the urban research universities in the northeast, and number one for student diversity, 35-acre downtown Newark campus. Rutgers-Newark is ranked among the leading by U.S. News & World Report. urban research universities in the northeast, and number one for student diversity, by U.S.Rutgers News University & World celebrated Report. 100 years of higher education in the city of Newark in 2008.
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