No 8, 11 February 1960
No. 8 151 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 11 FEBRUARY 1960 ERRATU M published in Gazette, 29 July 1926, Vol. II, page 2351 , and s ct ion 15 , Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Act 1954, is required for settlement purposes; and in accordance with the IN the notice appointing Judge Eric Francis Rothwell to be a provisions of the said Act such land shall , from and after the Commission to hold an inquiry into the fire at the prem ises uay of the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional Stale of Arthur Barnett Ltd., Dunedin, published in Gazette, 4 forest land and shall become Crown land avail able for sale, February 1960, No. 7, page J3.3 , for the words "origin or lease, reservation, or other dispositio n un der the provisions spread of the fire", where they a,ppear in paragraph 3 of the of the Land Act 1948. Order of Reference, read the words "deal with the fire" . SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAN D DrsmrcT Land Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to he Subject to the Land Act 1948 PART Section 4 a nd Lot 1, D.P. 17639, being part Section I , Block VI, Mangawhero Survey District: Area, 830 acres and IO perches, more or less. As shown on the plan mar ked L. OOBHIArM, Governor0 General and S. 6/12/IA deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey at Wellington, and thereon coloured A PROCLAMATION yellow. (S.O. Plan 24467.) PURSUANT to subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor Act 1949, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, General of New Zealand, acting on the joint recommendation 4th day of F ebruary 1960.
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