A tuhnitt.d k ol Naiat futlbn ',t hc rcquircn0ts Jol th..ktra of



, j terucwtaut ENToMoLocY


Th. Codollcr of EirDidiorE, Unilrnity of ASrlorltur.,

wc. rhc SupcNisy Cn|nhin e, crdry $$ 6r dlllnt &d imm of 0Erit lub|tried by Mr. MdlrtnrEd S..d haE bccn fould ! i!6dory.d ntomrEnd tlul n bc prs.d to cvrlurrh by dE En.'nd E'diF(r) fo. tu $ntd of 0t d.g!..





To Dy hc poftol!, rnay rorb rE3t ir p.ace ir H€lvctr!. Dar Mr, M!h!a.d Arr&S colnollcr ol Brrnin$@,

I r!ii., rb tt.D. dEi. orMt. Mtud sd b dffid.. El brd & rd o, Ii.D. d.arE, I Itt@ tb tbL, d. dd-.btl bc rt ..dd.d tu r! agrl aftb&aF. t!.rd!.q b b . F!@ wno b. $. thod t!. doidio (flEd) Enernrl E (rtrlln€r'r Commcnts

Der Mr. Muh.nnad Alhf.q Cmmlhr ol &mindid,

| [* @tutlr E:d rb. lb6L of Mr. M. S...d .d gi* oy npdt h.le,

I fild, ric dai.6lly tultlls rll ti. Eqrl!@d fa I tn.D Lwl lgd t qli|ltld I! tul, | @y ey tt:r I fi'n it d oiLidii'8 pke or wL

Mr, hs [email protected] his @nDkE uodcsludiry dtlF Dlhodt of l,Io|mic @@h ge hs .xoircd au or in ELvrr liErdoud hs nis!€d @tlln8 H. ba rhM bj! twlcdgG ol $c imporl$t cts&tets us.d ln dE l"rdmt of crickai. Thi! ir o inponam srdD of leti rol olrt b€.w ttcy cru& @Bijcrabl. dxlmic &D.a! t0 cr0p3 dd 6torql product!, u eEtully poinr.d ol by Mr, $!.d, bu1.l5o bqeE tb.y c ! ioponrn sop doluliMily. W. e jBt b.siminS to F tw l4p atd divd l[i! &op or it!.ca b. As ...d by Mr, S...{t, l6n .ndi.5 in A|6li. .nd oina rad p.r!. oa tL wld tut36a the 6lla! e I v.ry l{9. am!. Th. rumba ofw rFis {b!dib.d by Mt sd tn6lto. qaidcnbh f.@. ir P*isro.

Mr. SGd hs dcmltratld thr! lE Do$.{3.3 . Ey td!nq!. iI ttudylnS cri:t rs Tn e of m.L i.nirrlir iD dtumy ot cricL! b . Elrliwly @lt .djutr t to tndy, Mr. Sae.dt dnwin!! shor l|.|. inponet ch{a.t s much bai.r lho 3imila lllu![.doB of @v noE

I cdlntul.l. Mr. @ . beltitul !t!tl, shnn I wh h. hr!'y to h.s dN Dt*tf r *qld liL io .|Mr4! nio !o pttD$ n fo. Pbli.ri@ dd hA. rha t wlll h. .bk b "sd-" snyu3 d. odaio of P:rllr.

I n w d.d. r Gy &w @4ioal c.tMn i! dr body of tt thdit rye|t tn6. in @ sy .Lr.d nm |a inpon !@. Ako p.!c 84 w nisiIg fror nt cAy. fiow6, I u 6oi! it wlll b. of rlE se qualitt 6 thc orb.r DUq .!d do lot tr .d to !..d lr i, ord.r ro ps ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I h.v. no *ord! to cxPBs my dccFst scffc ofgl?tiudc to Alnthtv Alhn mhc Mcrcittl and Grdcious), who cnabl€d Inc to complctc thcs€ sodics-

I lrhh to cxPrcss my thttb ro my luFrviso. Dr' MunantEd Yousuf, Pmfessor of A8ricultunl ErtornoloSy, University of ASricular.. Faisalabad, for hh subslanhal 8uidancc, continuous inspiration al'd invalurble assillNrrr in bringing lhii diss.rlalro. to il3 presltrt fo.m- I am Stcdly ind€b|d to lhc mdbers of my $p€ohory comiu.c, Dr. Shamshtd Akbrr. P.ofNr of Agriculfural En omoloSy and D.- JMid Iqbal Qureshi, Professor of zoology, for dlcir valuablc su88€slio$ nd coBtucliv. criticism throughoui ihis wo.k

My since.e thrntr are dE to Dr. Dmicl Olie. Acadcmy of Natunl S.i6q of PNlad.lphia, U.S.A., Dr. A.V. Corothov, Z@logicrl ltsdaitc,

r-.ringrad, U.S.S. R. , Dr. R.B. Toru, Tmvaal Musam, Pretori|, South Arrica, D.. Yduhiro Orhirc, M&jima, Naha, Japan ad Mr. Khalid Manmood, Ph.D. slldmt at thc Na0rrd History Mueum, lrodon, for Ileir kccn int€.61 and

Scncrous hclp in s€ndin8 thc valuable lilcranlre on gryllids drinS this work. I atn ako ll)anftnrl to M.- Azlul Saed, l€t!ftr, D.paimEn( of AS.icultunl Entomolosy, UniveBity of Agriculturc, Faisalabad, for 8ivi.8 his id..tificd sDccim€ns fo. comDartuon and litemtrrrc ofl loan. lppftriitiont !o Dr' L D$utt'r- t ftd SrcNt pl..ttlt€ to c cflt my Paru snd Dr' D C F Rd ?' Grrndcolat, Mol6|n Ndrtl d'Hlsioirc Nrnltclc' fd dEir crittc'l collund s cslRo, Divtuion of Enlomolo8y, Cj!'bcn, Au'!']i$ ad kxtnical sdvicc to improvc thi! drflrlcript'

Mr' Muht nad t tm cap€ciilly tha*fuI to ny rlc5|ch collca8uc'' wilb tid' td d€rrv dt'itg |[e lqb.l !!d M. Hui|lin Z!fir' wtr 0!&Gd oc to tnv friqd Mr' Alif S'ccd' for freld co{.dhru. My rppr.ciirion tu slto dlc ' ryping thi! lttolcripa.

@ bb hnilv FiorIY, tE dhor crprt$.. hir d.cpd gdilt& ni! rdcmi(: ctrccr' m.obc$ for dEn morll |Dd fiD&cirl JjDfoit thrflS]flt CONTENTS





RESULTS AND DTSCUSSION ...... _....,..,...... t3

SUPERFAMILY GRYLLOIDEA...... 13 Family ...... t5 Subfamily Cryllirue...... -t7 AeN Ttbii*i.lha ...... 20 AcaB PhoM.Ila ...... -....22 G.not Tunlog,itts ...... 25 Gcna CallbSryltu ...... 43 C.tis ArUopsis ...... 46 G.M O/rl&J . . - ...... , . . , , . . - - .47 cFw T.l@Errltu ...-...... 50 Gav PLttrytta...... -....6E CEM PhallolobM ...... - - 76 C.nw A.heta.. -...... 83 PLb.iott Uu ...... 91 Cenlt Ctraodct ...... 94 G.nB Tat @tryut t ...... 96 AeNs 16ob1M...... 102 G.nt v.loifcrorc... -. -...... t46 G.N Modi@tryUB .. -...... l6E Subfamily Nemobiina€...... tEE A.nns Pt.tuh.n bilt ,,...... ,... 189 Diaartubi6 .,...,. -.....,.. l9l CHAPITR TITI,E PACE

Fnnily Trigodidiidae ...... - 195 GeM Anlltgus ...... l9? ctNt TnSo!,Au - . . . , ...... - . 201 CrtN Awipha ...... 206 Frtrfly Phalangopsidae ...... - 20E ca6 M.loituah4 , , . . , , . , . . . , . . . . 208 Family Eneopt€ridae ...... -...... 216 Subfemily En€opterinae ...... 216 CnNt Xdotryllu , . . , , . . , . . . . . , . . . 216 Subfamily Podoscininae. ....,...... 2r9 G.flie &.rdrr6 . , , . . , , . , . . - . , . , . . 219 Famify Oeca hidae ...... 22r ceus obamtB ...... 221 Family Mogoplisddae ...... 233 G.dB Gott'dla ...... 233 Farnily Scle.opferidaa ...... 23E Cen'rs Sclztopt M ...... ,,...... 238 Family Gryllo@lpidee ...... 2fi Gents CttUotaba ...... 240

SUMMARY . , , . . , , , . . , , . . , , . , , . . , , . , . . . , , . , , 250


v LITERATURE ClrED ,. _ . , ...... , ...... , , , . , . . .56 LIST OT'MAPS


L Con.cio6 lrcalnk of Crylloidc. of Ptisrn...... 9

DiEibltion of Grylli'|,a lPhoMnur.t, IBrrrogtUat, CaUoeryllw, CryWh, eryUllt, f.hoStrAB, Plat styutt, Phalolobow, ,rcha. aM Arylwrs) In Patirtan...... 255

28, Di'fiblulid of crylllnt lTtutuogrylrd, laobhw, v.larif4t4u d MdleoSrylw) in P*i!nn...... 266

3. Dirrributid of N.nobiin* in Pti'trn...... 267

Dtnbu*n of T.igonidiidr in P.t!lrn...... 268 5. DlEibutb of f,bhngop.i.n, Sdsqrdil& ||d Mogopliiirj& in P*bon...... _.. _..,...... ,. 269

6, Dilr.ibudon or En opErftlt. in P*h!l' ...... 2m

1, Disr.ibutlh of oo.dihid& in P*i!l!!. . , . . , . . , ...... 2?l

E. Dbt ibutio ofcrylloirlpnt. in P!kir!n...... 272 LIST OF FIGI,]RES


Prircipal trupholo8idl fcrn A of rh. dicllcr...... 12 G.ylloiiia (Diff@nt fanil'ar).

cryilida. (Diff.renr subflmrli.r). . .

PhoMftuB ni@t tF?dt, .lym atd gcniblia)...... 2A Tr tu try I lB s a Unat6 (EtYa\ 2E fwst 1116 pakist@N lH.d. pronoton md clyta) . 30 Ttt@tryU!.t kolawLtit sp- w. (F!... hed, prcnoilh 33

rt@eDU!4 b.!lah' .rp. mv. (F@. h€5d. Prorcom. eryua and ovrpGrtor uNat. 16

9. Iu@erytlls bdtali 3p. w. {G.nnali{)...... 36 t0. Tu@eryU!6 pndi.B sp. w. (Fe and tlyt!-a)...... ll. CdlloerJl8 ovtuaeB !p. B. (F@, hqd. prono(m. .lt,ra. ercB lnd oip6ilor). 45 t2. e'tLbt biwlatw (Giialia)...... 49 13. fcl2oery la USM6 ep. n@. (Eltr. and geni6li.). r.teotryll6 tonSiptwns lEtyra ud gcni6ti^t. 56 15. r.t osrruu toB6 !p. w. (Elrr'r.rd 8cni|.li.)...... 59 T.koeryllla ptu rB 3p. rcv. (Elyh &d gFni6iia), , . . , , . . 63 17. T.l@eryll8 laaeuid$ sp. nov. (Elyn md gcnitrlia) .,...... 67 18. PIary{rUB bMn (Gcn|hlb ard qipcilor valB)...... 70 19. PI4Ntt lttg ulqnpta .p. mv. (Fa... elym, ov'pditor larvB ao tcnMrE). 20. PhaUobb$B ad.ntibiaut 8en. a 3p. rcv. (Elyb. aJd

2t. sohdwis Een. d sp. mv. (Elyln .rd 8t FIGURE TIII,E PAGE

22. (Head, Prcrctum. dYtb and 85

27. sp. @. (H@d, Prorctum. f@ clt@ 8E

Pkb.ioSryll!4. Hn gulatit sP .ryhaJrd gcrrr.rd)...... 93 91 25. Gtylttd$ !Wu.a6 tctnibti^) . TanarosryIlut tunarLt head, pronotur, .rv(la 26. lFM, 100

27. t0l

28. r05

29. Isobt .rcabpta sP nov- (Hcad' prcnotun' and g€niolia)."n!!t . - . , . , . . . - 'lviB t0E 10. IEobIwB potohse8is sp. nor' cryn). ..,.-..-.,.,..- l12 ll. Idoblqtld doli.hory4nis sP. lt8 12. Ldobknnlt nuai6.phot)B + iot tqt?d.qrcnoun he, Itt lnt nnrl sqmlnt,.lvh and cprPh.llu,. Lotobt.MB oneubs6 sp. nov. (Elyut and S.nitali!) . .. t25 34. Idobl.nn's .o46a sp. d. {Elyr' ad 8.ni6lia) ..110 35. tdo ctturu.s .ktw,,ato sp. N. (Hod. Prcrctom, clvh andSeni6lia)...... t.ll 36. broblatu til*en6 sp. nov (Hqd, prcnotum. l$ anann l sgmc , .lyh lnd g.ni6li.). . . tJ1 17. Lotobkw h.NhMLB 4, mv. ( lst antcndl *8m.N t4t

38_ LdobkMq haruuf.t ..(tlezd. pronotum. lst lnl.nMl i.8denr, clyFa and g..irdiz 19. vclo.ifictot s atveotB sp. mv. (, pronotun, clyr. andsenii.lia), ...... 40. vetatifutorb 6pa^d lHqd. promtum aJd g.niblia) 152 FIGT]RE TITII PAGE

veloifi.ro4 Unnn66 6p. nov (Head, prcnotun clvtm and cpiphallut...... 154

42, V.brif.rotu tztittut8 tp. nd, tHad, p.onorum, .lylrr t58

43. v.loiftcnw cotun B !P. w (H.ed' prcmun' .lvda and.piph,lls)...... t62$ lall4t lE+iptatt'!s). 164 45. a. mv. (H.!d, Prcnonm, .lyt . ud Benihlia)...... t67 Modi.ogrya^ bl.nnu (Et!tt^ 8.nid,^). lr0 ^rA Motli.o8rytk( tit\tlto8. (Elyrre.d geniblh) t13

46, Modi@gty !6 .l$ar (elyo and Scnialia). 175 Modicoeryllls bo@rLtt sP. nov. (F@, elvtt.a and t79

50. MdktSttl'la ..r.t l4 @. (F&. clyra ed e. ta2

51. Mo.dicgqrtaq ry19&P9n!. sp. d. (F&, clYr.r. ovrposltor d6 M 8.nBrsr. 186 52. Dia4.refi6 didi (Elyra, P6terior femu &d post4id ribia)...... !93 A46u4"6 *trrut$ sp. rcv. (H€ad. pronoom. clv@ oviposns dd genilali!), . . . 2m 54, Tliqot4dittn cicird4gld.t (Elytr4 and g.niadi.), r. c. hunbeniM \El,JlJt). 202 55. Awipto lon$ip@it (EtrE^). 201

56. M.loiM'pha ne o^ota tp..tov. (Hed, premtun, clyr.. .rd g.nitalia)...... 2tt 51. @.(Elrra)...-...... 2t1

5E. (Elrlra, p6le iq libia and 2t1

59. E6.ynu corciM6 (Po.btiol ribia). no 60. Oeeanthlt irdi$ (Sfidrtatory 224 IIGI,RE ITI'I,B PAGE

61. Oeot hB cttut\l4t |o, N. (Gl||iuLt pit of tllc Ilr.rb$n. clyr.r id nh)...... 226 62. tud'dt"s cnmt Lt |P. rF,,. (G.nirllr) tn 63. O@tt,/,t datwmnat s. ftr. G ncr.ndun, clrr. ind rkhilttcy lilo). 29 O..afltutt d.tu p,,ttut ry. r!v. (Ctttirli) 232 65. Gar'radt otadi,natle Q. |Dv. (Fc, E d. prc!m||n, olyrh .!d $dotun). 235 6. $l],,ptctt-c. pffi,'It (rbd, p(odrE, f&, paE !. nDrr. 2t9 G,yll,el,a oda@b (Blyfr .d i.nulm, fllc)...... u2 68. C,fllelry ,rl',,,' (El'ln.d Lld'ttD.y filc). 24 69. Gtruotob. t&M rD. |!v. (Pr!|lotm. clvt t,'lcmui, tl'n"b..y |ilc rn $midr)...... u7 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I


Tlc of thc auperfanilv Grvlloidca se onnonlv 6llcd crickcts ehich de qidcly dhtribuad. mGr abu.dant and with . wide |ange ot food Plrna ln 8crcrd'

$ey ate coBidcrcd b be odnircrcls iisc.s p6ts fEld Orylloi(l3 have s@t @mnic impo !@. Sone @ impona of ard crop!, veSdabLs, l.wN, (llrjaftnlal pla s. hfsi.d gdiN bo{h at thBhing flla adul$ godowN, and hou!.-hold dicles in diffcrett Puts of $e wodd For erdPlc, $' !hr@ rprie!, vn Ach44 .lotulk4 AdUB bi@ulatt and nlnphs of ^nd Grhno|rylfut erlthrteph4Lt^, plav havo. bv fceding voracioulv on e'd aDd s'dlings il! adjoini'g ol couon. mill.$ and oil-s€€

(M!lfu'y, l9E l), wh'ch alo 6drs in &n ge ro $c bants or w.r.r chatrls .!d dcylc

(rindale. r92E).

Crick.6 e alio p€s$ of he6r.d gaiB ard c!@ hany 169 by @1ing rh.n on the rhBhing floors. For.xantqt , Ct l,la donatiN prcf.B to f..d on rhc t6iB of nal'rd, what and srshum alongwhh $e semiMting khdif crops in LrkaM,

Drdu, &.nhi (Kalar sial!).rn UsrN Muhanrud (Brluchiran) in PrtiJnn, Ir mrrully

6t! aMy 0.5-2.0 Fr cent of ghiB ud 6 Fl € of oil{ed3 pe. nighl €uing a. ov.nll ld of lG25 pd @.t pcr nonth on the thBhirg nl$ (AnDd and' l9l9).

In houFs and e'JUorles isillatu A.hda done$ica sodwns, ^tt caw @Bidehu. dMlge to lh. 3lorcd f@d! !d orhcr mtcriah lilc whar flour, bi.rd,

Soo.iim*, thc navc allo plwd vcry @ftil du. io ihcn f..ding on impdra irs.d pesa. Fd mplc. G binwahn t hx bc.n s€.n fc.di$ on grahopp.B atd catrpiuals (Amn., Itl-73), shiL G. donEsthut ad Ary d6 tSillard f..don!henipt ls siored Snin pq! Aphand 4itto?l,lh, atd\E.Ege. A 3ingle qiclct could dr a d 25 cge! in ld rlEn ev.n hom (Cdbr, l9t6). 'fuy Siniltly, Cryllotalpo E tllotalpa ha! somctinA b.eo nocd f.€ding oa 3mall itMa dd wom3 in diffcent partr of rhe @rld. -3- Th. Eromrny of ti6. iDpod.nt lt!..t' hs bcn craEiEly crDldld ln &. Orintal Esioo includnE lldit by . nunt r of Qs*.6, bd io .vttematrc |lan96 p.uining ro th€ grylbid ftura of Prtbul hrvc bcen md. thd. of Chopdrd

(1969), Abdullah 0955) rflt S.4d (1969. Tli. fd@ id.nrift d odv la lpeict out or r r.6l of 355 ryei.! frlo P.rh.d, ehib ttE l.!a rs did ff.t of Err PcliEintv lnd nSionl ffirc l|l|t t o icded ftlan t codrnlibG. Morlovq' t ddsifE dor of this group hs und.rSoE 6!@ttdou! chDg.! rt.ulting in BhuminS of v.riou raxa in dl! rcclnt Posl In vis of tlit, d dEsitt tlrrcy w di.d ol iom 1991 !o 195 to .rploE d€ gylloid hum of Flt


Th€ nost inDorta tuomnic rlrkr relaEd io $' Grylloid'a of the IndGPa* sub@nrirent and [email protected] @unrls e Gvh*d b.l*: Walker (1E69) @hlocued and d$ribcd the sP..imcB of Dermapt€ia-$ltatoro in llE collerio. of B.itislt Musum, along*ith kevs ro vriiou |ar' Out of 3o3 3p@i€s Knbv unde. 0. faoily Gryllidte, nt rcPoned lE sp€i.s hom the Indian sub@ndMt 154 undcr thc ( 1906) published a synonynic etalogue of OrthoPl.n, mcnlioning Semh

Thc crickcl Lrommv of undividcd ltdia atd ldj@nt @untris a mtumv arcnpr.d by chop.rd tn l9l, he srudicd rhc orlhop0cra of M4opotlFh a'd P'sia d*db.d $he OnnoDlln alongwith orh.t iB.cB ftom Ass aid Buru in 1924' idc ifi.d 6l rpcciB includisg 13 ncw tp@iLt of Grvuidt from C'vlon P@ it dE in 195, Evisd the Indian Gryllid& in l92E published lbe Brnhh Mr*!m 'nd ( p@idcd lisi Tri&crylid4 lrd Gtylli&. of C.ylon ii l 96 SatnE$gtn 1954) t chat Cryllidr. of Ccyloi ftntioninS 9t spei6 in 46 lptm 12 of thc Trid&qtid& lnd 'nd subf.mili4 und.r thc l{Er. Abdukn (1955) colleEd 13 s!.chs of qict E f@n Lvtllpur (Faiel'!'d) Fernando (1957 a. b, c) d*ribil 5 iew lpcci6 of Gryllide fton @vlon Ghouri a'd (1957a, islation and sp{i{ion in McFdl!tu b) studicd tnc reproductive 'c"ro dont$i.B. rhr! d$ ery.imcnLd on thc developrcnt ot stttzt in erytud6 -5,

J!it?d6 (r95?q l958a.b) in tlE l.bontory. r:dr a|d Asght (1951") tcryld,l Aaua paristdb Gt U.psis tdU4ddr6 at rew sP6i.s f@n LyallP!. (Flielabdd), whil. ^tt Ch@ri and Ahn d (1959) ide illfd G.tnbpsis pa\isroao fd $c l6t tine frod Mdn (1959, 1960, 1962) studied thc srylliG of Id atd Afghanithn llongwirh thG of Angol.. In 1961, hc divided lhe 8.nus Ot {tr on Oe bsh of cogulnory organs and shiftld l0 Indian sp€iB ro his rcw TeLotry!tut Mali eid Or€m. ( l%3). McFdl@ ( 1964) and Mdhad ad McFdlaE { l%E) sMi.d vsio!3 f&torr.ff.ctin8 t. srowth ad wins developmc in crickeli. Rddcll (1964) revis.d th. tubfuily Cryllire o. d. bsis of mle g.niblia and arldcd orc t ib., oE sutsdbe and 6 n w screo. Wdkq (1967) rcvised $e subramily O@nthi@ of Arerica. qr6) Bhownit ( 196?, 196E, 1970, I Cll , lvls, I studied th. c.icLr fauE of Indi., Nofi B.ngal,.t.,.nd dsibed s.vcral new rp.cics frcm this Egion. Cha&d (196?) crialosu€d 7E6 spcci* in 100 gcfta and 4 Fib* under th€ subfaiily Cryuina. of rhc rcrld, ncntioninS ll 3pccies fton Pati!€r. Ii 1966, h. de etalogud 1416 spels and 20J gerca wd.. 9 subfuilia of Cryllid& alongwirh O.enhide and Cryllodpida" of ti. wld, Siving only 3 +ei4 ftoD Pttbtrn. In1 9. lE tuil.r monoglrphed 355 spe.ics and E8 gen R in 12 fmiliB of Crylloidca from Indi2 and adjc @unt a. re?onins only 14 3pei6 ircludins 5 ew oB ftom P*islan. Tandon. l Shbhodia (19?2, 1974) dlle.ted 22 speie (imluding 3 new oB) arom Northst Fronri.. As.rcy and d*ribed 2 rcw of v.lanidow trcn D.hE Dun ad UdeQ6desn i. Indh, Vblc.y (19?3) ditgn6.d a n.v Cens, Dianmbius, ot th. etbfmiry N€nobiinae *i$ En@ptcft f@ips .t ttg tW. sp.cier. VMth a al. (n5) Venrh (1978) idcndfi€d 3 ncw ipei6, ^iA vel4rtf.tow jaiktiatLt, v. kh8i.Bis T.Itoerytiut ^id Mqhalay@B ftoh, India and 3 mw f.mals ol V. j4iniM, v, klbsi.Bis ad St.phobLw hohb.niells &om Nonhsr India r.Ep@rively- coreknov (t9?8) worke4 on Tanatugryllls 'fa,n, ad Mdi.oeryU6 Ctop, of Fiddtc Ash.nd mrd. sonc i.aB6ornadoN. Kcvan ( 1980) sMicd thc orttopicreid ingrs of rhe B.rmuda lrd -6 cl^i6?dtjt:I Gry od.s swlkoLt h,r'jgtiotn, ovct c. ri8iltr6. TryMttd (l9el) clarifrcd O. @nfuion,@n two si'nilat Oricnirl sp€.iA, viz , Telzoe.rta dtatB Sunr.ister) ard T. Bnc.a (walrtt). H. prc?os.d the @. T eipiaut (Scdillc) rd rlE forcr and r drrarlt (Buroci.t r) for $.latEr' BlEsiq (l9El. f9E2) d.s.ribcd 2 rew [email protected], orc in a*n U.oN.6 ttabt M itotr ^d Nonh-w6t India. Corckhov (l9El ) rcvi.w.d th. 3ubfanilv N.nobii@ ol U S.S.R .nd the h.M.tubi4 .tikii P. taPtubMit b rk g.nls t.atuf.rcd sp4i6 ^d DioN@bi6 vi.t t\ ud alo.r€cEd a ncw genus [email protected] t6, In 19E3.h. d.*rib€d r group of 5 gercra rclattd ro Bnehliqp.t irclldiig 2 ne* 8erch !i2.. T.tbi6kiclll4 trd PlMr.UB wl:di, Acha. Ponattosaand etnrbSryu6 nn@r at rypd of ri. genera rBP@tively, TowMnd trs83, r€rB.d tn eeaos G+tbtabQ sith a lod or 12 sp;ics ircluding lhe 6 n* 06. h tni3 whion, hc.lto ovcrcd th. sP4is o' 4,!ro .nd c. on atr! fton rhe oricnal Esion. Ori! lnd Al.x.'d.r (1981) tuIbghPhcd 4q2 spccis unds 85 seGn ar{ I I subf.miliB from A$ealia. Ore and Cad. (1983.. b: l9E4..b,c) and Oi& (l9e7a) err.Bivcly sodi.d thc Afiican hu6,nd decdb.d l?0 sD.ci6 in U 8e|w, @utlom a dl. 09E?) dislsld ihe phcrctic ElatioB of 5 s.nc6 of cryllid& fton Faisl.bed. Pqjni and Kalr. (198E) desdib.d 3 w ipe.ics of Tut6osryl!6, wi$ a rey to th. Indhn€s. S..!d (1989) identifi.d 40 sp@i.!. in ludins 3 rew on s, in 17 gcrcra lndd ? Iimilis fion the Punjab (Pakttan). par6 Alcxande. ( l99l ) evis€d the genus Crr{rr .nd rcpotutd 59 sPei€s rrcn difleEfl of rhc wold [email protected] Asia. Toms (1993) proltd in th. Iabodlory oEt Crylirdrt suqllco6 A ,iSt/l!r!J mre.4!!lly th. n.mpl. ous aid nicrotl.rcs rorns ^nd of on Nnd th. sc ap€.ics. Hc, th.rcfot!, syDonymi!.d th. laner enh rn. fomf- MATERIATS AND METHODS CHAPTER UI

MATERIALS AND METHODS!tstr li6 in th. nonh w6t of South Ali! dd .nends m t4orth fion 2:f ' l?' N lari$de and 6l' - 75' E longnudc tt hd ! tolal arq of aboul 796 096 squst' kilometeB. ofwhich about 59% formt high nounlains and hble land! in the mnh and pldB w.!t. whil€ lhe rcoainins 4l 96 @Nist! ot sandv daens buren Placaus fenil' in $c middl. alongwidr ccitl b.ach6 and n.rshv swanps in $c aouth TlE @ltiE|!d

and fosl &6 @er 36S and oui4% of $. !o|al tr* resFclivclv Fiv'nainrivcu' i.c.. Indus, Jbeltm, Chcnlb, Ravi a.d Sudcj, flow thrcugh n and atc rhc Min slrcr of inigation in th. cuhivat d Plais of fi€ Punjab aod sindh Nat!61 veg€radoo ircludB lhe lough dry gf.s, s$ .tl buh6 and lN trs i! 16 dry dca, eldl' mnhcin mounuiE @ coletld with woodcd fordr. As Pak6bn is locaEd on de nonn ofd. Tropic of CaGr' n hs a o0Limnttl paB rrpe o! clrlw chMcl.ri4d bv eroem. vdilLioB ol EmPeralure ln @v lh' qriation slmn r tnpqarure may rcach !p o 5e c and diuhal nay b' a nucn d abou|f C in I l" C !o l? C. Wintds dc @tl vifi mininun D.'n temFdurc of

Janoarv. Nonhern mountlis e nuch @ldcr' whe@ d. t'nPc6or4 on Balwhisl4

plateau are sonewtal hiShcr. P*nlan slffe* from a geftral deficiency of tainfall. Although th€ couotrv is in rh. noMn e8on. n B c\tEmelv dd. c\c.p( for the 3ou!h'rn 3lopa of Hrmlavs and

7 -8- rh.3ub.mounhircu Ea.t, vhich a Binfall frod 76 b 127 cn. Balrchbt n is th. p.rt of thc @unry pith e av€taBc .ain of 2l cm. w6Er. cyclonic dirorba@3, origin.ring in 6c nediiemnm, ale qus. an avcrage rainiall of 27 io ?6 cn in w.$.rn nounrai Nnd dr.n inmediaE foElyins 116, ehcrd n is Edw€d io 4 cn if, he plai6. A ldgc psn ofde preipiadon in rhe nodsn sou liN is in lhe fo.m ofsnos.

Pa&islll ir adninni.ltirely divid.d inio ldr p@ifrs or PuriNb. Sindn, Bahchbi.n a'd Nonh Wd Frcnti... Aduh crickeB wcrc @lleccd duing dc y.!B l9l 10 1995 frem v{iou3 lcaliriB (Map l) of thc fouowi.S iour climatic rcgioN ot Palisbn (Ahmad, l95Dl

Makan Cos1, tab€la, Kulcli, Hydchlad dd Badin (nurpartcr). 2. Sub-toDicrl ContiEdal tir Khurd{, sibi. suklur, DGn lsmil Khan, D.a Chui Kh.n, qjrJpur, L.yyah (Thal), Midwali, Kh$hab, Muaffege[, Mullan, B.l.wdPor (Choli$an), Kharcwal, V.hdi, B.iaw.lragd, Palpatk!. Toba T.k Singh, JhdB, Fabahbad, Sargodha, Lrnore. SheikhuPuh, Kdur. Cujtuwal4 Sialkor Chakwal, Pawalpi0di, klanabad &d Pcshlwd.

3. S[b-trcpkd Conlildld Uirb r&&l Mu@, Abbooab.d, MaMhn, Zidi S*at. Kalan, Koh.t, Ztot,

Quet|!, Krrar atd P.r.,gur. 4. Chogl -Kbdn Regio!:

Th. specinens w* @llectcd ltom holes, godowN, laf litEr .M othcr d@ayirg ve!.t ble nar0er, lotting logs, bushc6, hedgs, crop fi€lds. e5p4ially at thc rimc of ir.isaion, srel ligh6, Iight uaps in fi€ ficlds, under sloN od ll.rt b.iks of p" 6II.G N .:q . ia |^J oft )' s$P 5" ii.

dY .i,^i {i tu**

M.p 1. Mlp ot PrLlru .boxbs ou..doo rFrftr.. or Grylhi&. a'9J.d 'sr.dqn,'M 29 Gtinnr. 4r. xd d. arA r2. kshd ( b .r h'jl|! -tG watcr $urc4. Thcy 9w kilted in a cranid. bdrlc, pinn d atd th.n bodv p-t3 sd on a$ropriaE ettinS-ba.ds. TheHfter. $ct *rc prcp€rlv lelEu.d dd slold in collectiotr box6 baving Mphrhalem balk lrd co.9.x Powder fo. dFir sddy frcm diffete|i pcsls like dernestid bcetl.s, an(!, erc- These collccdons *ei€ als supplement d wid sPeimeN ol lbe pr.vious workcA s {ell s th. slod.nt!'coll.ction in rhc D€partment of Agriculturai Enbmology, Uriwsitv of Agricultuc'

Th. malc gennalia wrc diss€d by Elaring lnc $aituB cith.r wirh n'aD liom a *aicr bao or by pl&ing rlEn in a d6i@tor for lGl2 hou$ A loisindiEl mid-venrnl irEision was nade and tie.ntire conrcn$ of the tat iour or fiv. abdoniMl segmenb wcr€ removed, Tle spaimeN tcrc lightlv stufied wilh @tton and $e abdodimlqalls weE moulded &ound it, with O. hclp orBlue, to d rcar thtir oriSiml shaF 6 posribl€. Afiq cl@ing lhe.€nov.d viscn iD old l0% polaiun hvdrdidc for lGt2 hous. thc scniulia vgc t fs.t d out, $orcu8l v sh.d in diltilld wt'r for $vcral dM att pr@ed in glterim in hicroviats having dB emc nunber a $c sFcimcn fron which they *ee rcnov.d

The idcntifi@tioN sere mde uing a evolvirg skge and a Wild M3B biNular micrcscope (10X x 6.4x, lox x l6x, IOX x 40X) uP to lhe sp@itic level' Thd nedurem.nh of v&ious body parls w.rc lakcn with a vernier nidG@Pc having a l6t coun! of O.0l dm. Thcn, th.n an8c, naB, slanddd deviatio6 and ntio3 wrc worLdt our. Thc fie. hand st tch6 of vdios talommkxllv importa p!ri! .ionswith thc geniblia of alnost all rhc sp6ies. *hcth.r Prcvioulv d6.ribcd or rcw, w.G d6sn' The diltibution of all dE de&mimd spei6 h6 bei mappcd out Th' charadcB of thc lamily grdp haec nol b..n 8iv.n in this Muscral duc io tncn a, availabiliry in litclalure. Ho*ver, kets for all the higher and lo*er tixa hlvc bcen consrucr.d !o m*e the luture identific.liod4siei New gemra dd spccies havc ben de$.ibed in dctsil, while onl! ll'u diif.cntial aid rew clEadeB if a,v ftom de published d6criptios hsc b€.n Sivci in c$c of tlrc.dv dsiH gcrc6 and specs' ft. ritind., longlndr, dtin dc, rlld i|cr 6nprn!|t! |'d .|| d rwr{c pEcbintior fo. dl $. colLdim d!! tuv. rt o b..|| edd.d. Th! cl.!.ifl.|lh| rld tm$nobS, Gir. t) of |tE np.rtuily cryloid.. hv. b..6F.dyftllo*cdr|rlvabrR."dc[0961),Cttoo.rdC59)!dOn .dAtluldcr (19$) itr dir onrl|crb( All dE tyF T.cio.!! hN! b€.n d.po.i!d h |h. td Muxu. D?.rtEotof Agrkolod B'nodloSr, U.itt riryof AgdcdEq hi|!!.d,

Att wi|.br urd h 6. Eri &! n ftlldt !: B.L. Eody lcrtllt H.L. Had lcolo H.W. tlad f,ldll Ada|||ll widb (ld r.$rd) F.R-W. P.L

A@ir Fmd|D r n P.P.W. prorum widrlt E.L Elytrr lcn!{r w.L. Hird sia hah M.L. Mirq lcnl

H.F.L. Hlrd ftou h!gr! H.F.W. H.T.L. Hlrd ribir lcrgih o.L. OviF.ib. l.jdh s.D. -12-



tu.r. Pri'dp.l norphototlcd f..trG of I ctklt€t' RESULTS AND DrscussloNs CHAPTER IV


thc 6icLr fau of P!ti!'rn ha vrcldcd Thc prcs.nt inv6rigltion rcgrding 'i:tlv 6E spccica and subsP.cits undd rhc slF anilv Crvlloid... Thcs' lp'cica :re $nngcd in 2E scncn udd E fa0ilks.

K.Y to rh. fullL. ol Gltllold.. l. AnErid lcSt .nl$g.d, n$h [email protected] trn niddl. !P@idi"d fd diS8itg (Fi8. 2A)i c{iPdior sb$nt. . . . Ancnor let! nol .nlse!d, Eidd tio{E thrn middk M diggil!; ovip6iio. P@n|.

2. s@nd |.EI egmcnr hc.nh.p.d doB+Enrillv d'?B!d (Fi8 2D. with Premimnr adh6is Pad!. Se.ond mrsel !.srcnr 3|!dl, IaLEllv @nprci!.d (Fig. 2G). w now Prohinc

3. P6Erio. ribi.. dtrEd *ith M. $at 3 lPitr.s on @h tna8in' scrrul'r'd d bcs' and beift.n th! 3piEe (Fis 2B); aPicd sPuls 6 (3 dcmd. 3 i d l): ovipodibr cyl indrhal, E{rly 3cii8hr...... h'oP'sli'|. -14-

o t/"/7>

GrJlolde. A,.ndr L., c,rnd,Ir. toLttu q. ar (Grr&.ddedr 3, pddld dbL, L,qd!. (E6piatrb); c, rL. @, an4t tu ,rntlt 'zMq. 6f. (ftgddrlfdr} D, th mq O..N6B .hr'gbt sp. Mq (odnbtndr r, tf,. na Ob.dtr rd'iw dt *. @r. (Molo,||rn.dr r,9o.dort rE L rwe(F !.a&l; G, t|. r.a caitr ,r@d!rd (&tB&.' s, !..r!rd b6.l cj.t, o. .dnotlut $, m'. loa.dhr&.I li tL llft, n.Ioltuohn e&tu q.N. (Pll|!roIddx). m!.gi., non-smlar.d at ba. and (3 cxte.Dl, 2 ovipoirot Trlsotridlldrc

P6l.rior ribia€ wirhow spin€s (Fisr. 28.66D). 5 Pdterior ribie provided wnh spin6 (Fi8s. 2D. 3CD),

5. Eody more or l$s mvercd wilh scalcsi .xtnding oo lo the doBum of h€ad (Fis.65A): f.n ld sinsl6, nd6 Gudlt enh sltrcvd@ clyra.

Body glabrou or fe.bly pub€sn1, but eithout sls; clr?eus not.xEnding od !o the do*ud of (Fig, 55B)t borh exe3 widi tully d€Elop.d clyt6, , , .

6, without ciiulation at bdc and spia (Fi8i. 3CD). Cr!lll&. P6krior ibDe seiiulaEd at bM and beN*n the spics,

1, Slender msrB $r$ head lenSrhened. progurhous:elyta drn. das bifu@t (Fie.2H). Robusr insc$ with hcad progmrhoBi elyrra rhick, brsal das no1 bif!@tc (Fic. 2D.

Family Gryllidae

k is Gpr@ntld by 52 speics undq lE ge@rl and 2 3ubfamili6.

Key to lh. subfrnili.s of Crtllid.. t. H€d without doaal brisdcs (Fis- 3A)t p6tcrior tib@c 4me


Ilg. 3. G.} had &d !6tu. daJti.,r.d {Grilnlr A,tt.'a^, P&,u.tot/I. d..o&' lN@i||di; c,tr'n ,J,t4 calbt ,te'/,'s lcr'||ld); D. rh' l.& 2 d.,rr. lNoblrudr E, ndbv pip!' C D,e.,.d' (G.rutu Or t,, /'. @rol@ (N@b|rod 11-

H€ad wirh ddel b.i!d6 (Fie. 3B): pGarior t'bi& dmed *ith long, pub*nt

spiB (Fie. 3D); mdillary 0alpi *ith egNnt at l4r twice 4 long a thc prc.€dins o* (Fi8. lF).


It is iepreented by 49spdi.s ond.r 16 8.ncE in lhis cgDn, K.t to lh€ t€n.m ol Gryllin@ Oelli miged in a nqdy stRisht line (Fi8. 4A)r posl€rior fenora Bually d long d dbhe .nd |!rsi toge$cl...... 2 ocelli dBngcd in an obrls fianglc (Fig, 7A); Pdteiot femo6 rct Ionger thai tibia€ and bdirarsitogeth.r, ... . .l

2, Body srolt and ldg. (30 nm)r p.orcruB much.nldged in fronti ovip6itor *.y shrt, 0.3 tin6 s tong 4 pcLrior Lmon. . . . luradn&s CorDLh.v Body than lrd snall (15 mn): Pomtum m! enldg.d in ftont dip6ito. modeat ly long. 0.? rimB a long Nt pdt rior

3. sho.t, api€lly brdd (Fig, 9B): iemal6 with shon elyta. rhar oi ovipofilor lc$ dan 0.3O (eacrtt in Tuwoerrlllr

Cenialia wit virga vely long, apicrlly Miiow (Fis. l3c)i fenales with loDg

elytra, iario of iB length lo tbar of ovipNilor no.e dBn 0.55 {€xePt in 6

Femde elyFa modqatly lug. (l.ll . 3.26 tim* a long overtappi.g or Ery narrcwly scparatDd on m.did liE (Fige. ?C, 6). Male €piphzllB u'rh 3ry|| on pscirq llicr.l lobe (Fig.9A). ,18.

Femak clr'tra very small (0.38 ' 0.46 timd a lons a s.petcd on nEdim lic (i.e-, 1.6 - 2.0 tims of lolal lcnsth) (Fis. llB). Male epiphallus witout styli on posl€rior laEral lob€s

5. cylindriel ald la.Cc (l? nm)i wipGilor tong

Body d.Dr6sed lnd lmall ( 14 mn); ovip6ibr shon (0.?5

6. Eiph.llus with polt rior MgiD ml d..ply enargiEta. trEdian lobc a long or longd than latelal lobas (Fis. l2A). Eprphallus wiLh pdt4or @gin dcPly enwgin .. mcdtr lob.. if Prsnt. much shocr lhfl l&nl lot6 (Fi!s, 25A. 408) t!

7. E lopdameres with bolh ante or pojecliois ne{rly eqlal, lpicls of th. fomct fi.g.Flilc (Fig. l2B)i body and tc8! altrGt glabrcc . . ot l,6 uNr*6 _. Ectopahmcrs wi$ incnal anleid prejedoN longo $d th..xcmlom3 (Fig. l3C), rpicd of rhe former vdiabl., but nor lingcr_like; bodv and legs norc or less Dlbdsnt, , , . , , . . , , . - . . . , ...... E

L Endopaa'iers C*hapcd tFig. 20D): mMl lob6 vhh their ati45 b.$cn apGs of rhe edoparincr.s (Fie. llc), 9 €ndopuameres J.shapcd {Fig. 22E); mcaal lobes *ith rhe( apies belwen b8s or o.4!opdm6 (Fis. 24D). ll

9, EpiplElhs endiog ina single elong.te media. prGss (F'g. l3B)ralopams* v.ry long and wto* (Fis. l3C): nircr 0.93 - l.3E tins6longswide...

rilobar or roughly quaddte (Figr, l9E, 208): and br@d (Fig. 20C); nhror 0.?7 _ 0.89 tins a l0

10. Epiphallus agically trilotst , with.nt rid odEin daplyemaGiuc (Fie. l8^)i l9- eodopalaneB wnh a rtuv.M paanclal must. apodene (Fi8. l8C). . . _ . .,,,.,,,,,...... ptartq4 u, C\opsrd Epiphallus roughty qudlaD, -. wideniog, wm anEflor mrgrn nol de.ply cndgiMte (lie. 208)r cndoparanc€s withour a r.amvee pramcr.l muscre apodeme (Fig.2oD). pndloroboru, E n.nor,

qith lr. H€ad re wid.. pate, raNvee banls on do6um; prcno$m febty widcninS in front, iB tal.Bl lob.s y.low, wirh a side blwn bad ato.t @8'ni c.topMn 16 vitn €rDtanicdor prcj@tiotu ' origimdng cl@ ro thci, bd.s(Fis.22D)...... _A.t.rdFrbrtclus Hcad wirhou -. any orMn€dationr promrum dhdnclly Mro*ing in f.mnr, irs lalc.rl lob.s {holly blackt etoparah.tB widj internal mErior prcjelionr ori8inarins cle lo rhen api6 (Fis. 24D).

12. Ant rior tibiac previded wir[. sioglc out r tl -. Anr.rior rjbie p@vi&d with horh i.Er $d t4

Fiontal 13. rosrtum ndow, $ *idc as or l4s rhan lst mtenDl segn€ntr clJ,p€F flonr.l suore very t@bly angutareicpiphaltu! wi$ b.dd p6lefior emarginrion, slighrly norhed ar middle tF18. 2tA). Frcnlal msrun widc, ducn wjder dEn lst anEnnal segne : cryp4rrcnhl suru.. stongry angula,re, turied oDlo rtE dotsun of had: epiphaltu wnh dcp vcry pct a drow .ior c@8iurion, rirhour a nedid ml.h {Fig. 2?A). Tsrummut! 'ftrblBktl

14, Face lrongly ilauened, esp€.ialy in 328): forehe.d in n.t. prcjering berween $e airnue (Fig. wnh anterior occltus on ow€r pa of dre fronEl r6trum. IdrrldM SiNun -2ll'

F..c |Er flltErEd, rFr. q lcss conwxi forcnad in nalc nol Prcjdi!|S b.t$.tn rh€ $r.nNt: fct|uL. tit|i anErior occllut on d|€ rpcr of fto .l l6tum. t5

15. Ecbp.nm6 wit|l .Pic.l cxt rut drcn Produed inlo n ditllv sr.d' h@kdt rroes (Fi8.40C)i had totrctitrcs dor$Eninllt l.n8th.n d. . . , , , V.btilfr.bnt R.tiHl vrirbtc, rcr a .bovci h..d Mnd. nor .ro|$Etrr.dly Modicogtla C@

GdG Tt r&r*Ltur$v t983. Tabirski.Uts Gqotllov, Ent Obdr., 52(2): 314_330 'f'tPc. Aclao Poacnoe Li.nwacin 'Itc spccimcN of r siiSlc @lletcd sPei.s cEtlv t llv eith dE publilh'd dasrhdon (Cmkhov, 1983) of $b scnus

L Totti,.f,utt toti.t&&r (Llc!t'r'tdn) 17 . A.h.t Dott,toto LiclrcNcin. C.t. Mu!. @1. Hrnbu4' 3: E5' l3].1. eu ts Acha &tarie Sloll, SPcfts Grvll AclEr" p 4. tSt3. GrjAB (Adtdo) luDsiaotut Stoll, Sp..E6. Crvll Aclt t.' P 5 rElg. Btuhy,tod !l,!&l&t S.dillc. lns. Onh p 326 tE39. Gtr ts uhtliet 8uftin r. Hudb. E 2: 735 |\fl1. Ittuthtt'rpts' S{6uc, Mcn. Sjoc C.Fv€.25: l2l $

All th. lp4ihens gre$ly @nforn 1o 6e published dd.rrttion (ChA&d, 1959: Taodon and Shilhodll, l9r2i Sacd, 1989) of tti! sp.cics .rc€pt rh. [email protected] or

M€doNnent! (nm): ld 5! M.L 5,O.



I d 5 9, u!L$.llcd, t*.o fm rh. s{d.nti @ll.dion in thc D.p.rurc of Agriculrural EntonoloSy, Univesily of A8riclhurc. Faisl.bad, Pakisnrn.

A snrgb role hs be.n raorded for he nrst lime fon Prtista!, Earlis, Sae€d (1989) identifEd only a singlc fcmlc fton thL cgion, -22- GdB Ptot rttt!, CoroHtov l9a3. Phowlla Gdothov, Enr. Obozr., 62(2): 3l+330 'tW.. GtMtttULt mtor ChoPard Tle coll@nd sp.cincB of a singlc sp€i4 Bmbl€ the publbhed d*ription (cookhov, 1983) or this B.nB.

l. Phor.Nllu, tkot (Chopsrd) (Fi8s. 4A-E) 1817. BMbtrtpg (qMo?ryttu.) .ryktuc.phatu (rec Seryille) saasm, Men. S@. ceNvc, 25: 130. 1959. GrwEryuB del Chopdd, Slult8. S.ilr,z Naturk , P l. !9a1. PhowlUs dr.ot Corokhov, Etrt. Otoz., 62(2tt 314'X3o. Thc aFlineN mainly @nforn io thc Publilhcd deiPtion (Chopdd, 1959; sa.€d, l9E9) or thb ipeiB Gcpi in tl|c fouowing chrtut B: Sorc speallB uc .nln ly bl&k (i'rludinS thc had) lile the veictv tulow.dtt tt ol Ancn@*ithswitndtwhnlthcclMt' Apidl fi.ld of Dlc clyns witb tF6 rci'|! (fit. 18), Sc Bu.lly l-2 bdE!.d. Ctlitrlir (Fiss. 4 CDE). MNm.nts{|m):5d 59

s.D, B.L.



t.s-g.a ,; .;,

2.36 -?x-

(Kdur) tslamabarl I 9, E-vlt-93; Abbo&bid I d l4lx-qi chanla Mdga I I, l5-v!93: Faiel.bad I 9,51x-8?; I 9, l4_vl!89: cnjd (F iola!'d) 2 d 3 9' 2& lx-88i I d 2 9,29jx-88i Llyyalt I d, t0tv-89i I ?.25'Vl-69i bnoe 3 9. 8'Vll 89i Pakpa$n I 9,9-vti-88r I d 9 9, l2-X"EEt seeodha I 9,5_x_88i I 9, Gx_88i Hqd Sulcmaoki (Bahawalnagd) I d, l4_Vl'93; I I d l8 ? unlabell€d lale' fron the sr!dcn6' cou.ctio. in O. D.tantu of Agriculnirat Enionologv Univ€Bnv or Agricuhu.e. FaBalab.d, P*islan.

This sp@ies bs bee coll€€d fron tiSht rcar cllrivated d'd of sug@n' aM vegeiables and f@m grsland3, herbs and thc fo..n planation

lr ir rdd.d for th. fiN tin ftom Abborrbad Chans. Mdga" hlsntbad' (Faielabrd) Lallore and Llyyan. Eqdi.t, Chopdd (1969) lcpon d it fon Lvallplr $d (19E9) frcm Faisalabad. cojB PakPattan. RaMlpindi Rawllpindi, *hile s@d 'nd

SBd (1989) pl@d sne speimens of fiis [email protected] under OMo8ryl'6 eDfuoc.PhalA on tlF bdis of anternae which aE *ithout a whitish ring Tlris conla'B |he ch.racre.. ho*ver, seeru to be ircoNtrnt d the preseot @llectioh in th'ir a h n'v be rurthcr sp€cim.8 whicn rc {id of wilhour a whitish ri.g 'n@ add.d rhar tn. odurcncft ofviious bodv P6.t5 in bolh ivpd of 3peim'6 Bradv t+




l|.. A...rb i.!.. nr ar l ira 6. oa arE tr c' *L. bl.r.4^,, D'1, *t...rb, r-l I diffd frcm 0Dseof e. er:/thtoeephalnt, bnreacny tally qith those of G diiri It was, rh.refof!, thought appro?riac to pl4e bolh typca of sp.cin s uldq tt. l.r|.r

G. ertth@ephtlla is coNidced to b. a sriou3 pdt ol semieting @uon (Yunus.,aL, 1980) in Pardstai. Act\ tty. it ts PhoMNllB rr'e., b@us the former sFci.s wa ncnhd found in llcld nor in thc nuscun spe.imns. P.ftap!, n Ei8;ht d

Ge!6 lurorolrrlz3 TdblNkli 1944. TrntogryIla T{biBkii, Salr. Ortnopr. IB. A4rb, S,S,R., pp, 19, ll5. l J. Pot4gtyllopsts Chopdd. Bull. R.c. ( llB/;,p. 169. T'tpet GryULt l4t.ruli. Fi.h.l Tt€ coll@Ed lFcineB of fiv. specics exrcdy rally with rh. poblhh.d d*ription (Ol!c, 198?a) of thb gen6 .xept dE clyha, which arc 1.0? - 3.64 tiru a

Ket to lle spels of TMogrrU4t f abllsU,n l. Elrta and win$ @iplellly d.vcloc.d in bod s.x6, thc mr $an 3 iims a long $ pm@om, $d,r.drd lrtlt.t Asgbd _. Elyll! @nplctcly devcl@ only i. nalcs. nuch cdlc.d i. ftftal*, l4t rhan 1.5 tihd a lons a pronorun in lhe hicr: win$ 6uch rdk d in boln s.x.s.,.,.. -....,...... ,,.....,.,.,,.,,., 2

2. Occiplt with lo.g. prohiftnr ycuow lims; prcmrun }tllowkh, wnh a dek brwn h.dian bdl dd. few brcwn spolr E{ pdErior tugin. .. -,.. ! _. O@ipu whh shon, dull yellowish lindi pronorum brownhh-black. wirh llighny liglrt pyrifo.m impr6ioN...... ,...,. ---. -. -.... 4

3. Promtun mt @inSuariorlyi minq 1.53 - 1.56(Dd 1.55) iBa si

6 lonti .ly[a in f€nalc ndowly sepeared on n.did liG (Fig, 6). , , , . . . ,.&nda6 Ctou.l d AhDrd -26-

Pronotud 3trorgly nairowine ant€riorlyr minot 1,67 - 2.0 wide a long: eltu_a in fcmale dc.latping on ncdian (Fis.?C)......

4. Prcm$m bulging at niddle, not nalNinS anleriorly, L3? - 1.46times as wide s longtclyp@-frontal suture srongly angulaE. .. -.. -. ,ltlali sp. oov. _. Pm.orun mi bul8ing al middle. ndowing at riorly. l 52 - 1.6 dncs d *idc N longr clyp@frookl sutue sliShlly angllale. . , , . . , . . p@dtc4t sp. nov.

l. Iumnomuus rsrirx.r,irj Lldf ., A5gb0 (Fis. 5) 1957. cryUopti! rslitr.4rd Llif a Asgnd, P@, Pakist. Sc. Cont, 81 59, t 3. Pansttllopsis rerl,n.drrr Chopad, Bull. Rcs. Counc. hr&l ll B/4, p. 169. 1 7. Tuonogryllu rdlir.arid Choprd, Orth. c:r., pd 10, Gryll., p, 36- Th€ coll4tcd mtcrial la.Sely conforns to dE publishcd desfipdon (Ltif.od Asghar, 1957; Chopard. 1969; Sacd, l9E9) of thn sp@ier, but diff6 in th. following

Prcno$n wirh poscrior m&gin sligitly sinucr elyfa in mald with ninor dividcd dighdy b.hind lhe middk (Fig. 5)r api@l l'leld having 6 - E veiN: latlral rr€ld pr4enting 6 - 7 veiB, Sc2 3 branchcd. Meaurtmnts {m): Sd 59 Mrle s.D. s.D,

3.G3,t -27-


1.23 0.21

hlamabad 7 d 20 9, 8 Vll-93t R.walpiodi I d, 8-Vll_EE: I d, !5_VIII-6EI I d I 9.25-vlll 88r I d, l-lx-6Ei I d,2Jx-88i I d, 3lx-68r I 9, tlx-88: I d.8'IX_ 88r I d, gtx-8Ei I 9. lGlX-88: Fsisslabad I 9, l9.Vf93; Palealh I d. E-Vll-88; I I, qvll-88t Muafidg&h I e,20-VIl-88r Miarwlli I 9,4-X-88i kyyan I 9,29-V 88.

Th. ip@imN of &i! s!€.ies wcrc found in $c hilen l@v6 ad l@flin r unds deis plan|atioN of suflida (Ercalrptrc cMldukntis) a.d on gr.ss6.€,al light

lr h6 bcn r@rdcd for thc fi^t dmc lrom hlatilbad. Elrlier, hifud Alcl'e ( 1957) [email protected] it frco Fiisalabad lnd sa..d (1989) fron all O. abd. lqlili.s.

Chopard (1967) dcntio*d his Mm 6 lhe origilul a!$or, eho d.sib.d thir speies in 1963. But a $c sne speci* had prcvio$ly bcen describ.d in Pathtan by klif and AsBhr (1957), thc priorily gH b $eo in being thc origiml au$oB of lhis

Th. spdid.N olle.ted ar high altitude are da*d ii geenl colouraiotr and noE sPortcd al protoom than tho6! from Oc plains- -2V

rb, t ,}tst ttrAat ,rs,4.,,t *b.3, :29-

2. Turo'towuut pa*idaad Chourt.t AbMd (Fig. 6) 1959. GrtUopnt p64kkau Gh@ti., Ahmad, Pc. P.kisl Sc Corf LinoE, Il:48. 1963, Para|ryuoptit r'o*liarA ChoPld, Eull R€s. CouN. htul ll B/4, p. 169. 1.N1. T!runo|ryl\ls zalbkrst chopard, o h. c.t, pa6 10, Grvll., P 36 h g@dy agces wnh rhe Publhhed des.ription (Ghouri and Ahn€d, 1959r Chopdd, l%9: S@d, 1989) of this spccies exc€plthc followi.g ch@teB: Elytra in malc! wid nitor 1,53 - 1,56 tims s lone d widc, h.rp! wilh 3 oblique vcim (vsy nroly 2), lpical ficld wiu 5 '6 vcint' fEld with 6 _ ? veiis in mle and 5 - 6 in f!6418, S. bc.ring 2 _ 3 bhrchd. M6u.emnts (m)r 5d 29 Md.



,.;., .; "," 0.l l


Faislabad 2 d 19, l2-vl-88r I d | 9, l4.vU.EE; IslatEbad 2 d. E-VI|-91, -3!

rt,6 ?lJ[!''e,,|'/e|!, ha rt-ra Qt I, -31-

Thc apeir.B *ec collccEd in rhc lalliilcr ard oi gBs Ig . lighr $u@,

It ha been @[email protected] for the flsr tinc frcm klanabad. Eirli€., Ghouri and Ahnad {1959) a.d Sac.d (19E9) l.dd.d n f.on Mdn (K{ehi) aln Failalabad

sae€d (1989) ide.tifi.d on. fcnate 4s A. eirsukrw, but the prene of @Bpicuous longnudiml y€llow bands on @ipur, sliShtly sepdrd elyra &d ovipsnor wnh cbs.d apiol valvs rhows rhat it wa mjsideotificd and &tu.lly the sp€cinen wa

The speimcns @ll@cd at high .ltiturh rc drtd in gcE6l otouRdon and noE sporEd at prcmtum and abdomcn rhd tl$6. collc.lrd in pl|iE,

3. T4.6oeDAtt Lr64rtt 6P. mr. {Fi8!. ?A-C) MALE: siz. ncdiun (12-9 ' l5-5 nn). Body olouador brwn, tiig.d wiln r€ddi$.

Rcddish-brcwr, dd6t .! wid. a .dErior sidrh of promtun; @ipur qirh 6 very pronircnr, longirudiml ycuow lincs, inrcr two r@hing urnorly ro lle lalehl @Ui, tn. r.naining to the p60crior maBin of cyd, lhc m.did brwn band inte6a0ed by 6 very wrcw, loqiludin l ycllow lirct f@, mndibls and cn€€tl yellow, the lauer mlonr .xt€ndi.g through sidB of pdrclypcus up !o anterior Gll$; posicly?eus brcwnish at niddle below clypm-fro ial surure, rhe larter lrongly angulaE (fic 7A). Eye black. Palri yellowhh, 4tlt maxillary sho r than 3rd and 5th. A.teM.

Pomtum 0.56 - 0.67 tin sa long a wid., distirctly ndrowing ir ionr, chi.ny in nals, its mr€rior Mgin slighdy @mav., alncr sFaight, both liftd with eddisb brtdB; dis* slighdy .oovex. y.llowbh, providcd *ith scar.Gd nre brbd6 and . tw bo*n dot!, N bl.ckish-brcwtr ba d runrii8 in niddlc. broadcning toqards poslerior margii, wi$ a b.own sPoi on cilhq tidc, side brwn: lat€rd lob6

Lrgs yellow, Pubeent; an€rior tibie pcrforard, sid r ldSc oval .xtlrnd ed a small. rounded int rnal rympanusr postcrior fchoa iliShdv adqncd enh browa sri.' on both fca. 2.83 - 3.39 time3.! loiS s wid.: PosL.ior tibi!. {ith 6 _ 7 in€rol ?_ 8 exr..Ml lpiiB, th. fofi.t 3liShdy longcr lhan lanlr, borh @d.d and bownhh at aDic, ncdioinchals lonS{ $4 oilERr post rior b.si6si nodcraElv lo.8' fcblv @m083.d. .rn d with 5 - 6 inrtMl, ? _ E crEhll blowi sPiB Elyr. liSht brNn, AlMl trdpdcnr' 2 92 - 3.64 tiole a long 4 prcnoiun

| .? - | .82 n6 s lonS s widc. tlidtly shofl.. d.i .bdom.n or @hins th. b$ts or €fci: nirq noch skler O.n long. t,5? - 2 O tire 5 widc s long. wirh ml! in and .ngl* dMt ro!d.d, dividcd d@ io mkldlc bv u €in (Fir. ?B): chords .adE.3[on8ly cu^td, lst uil.d wnh thc Firor bv orc vcinlct (r@lv 2); h'rP3 with I .dly stdighr obl,q* vciN (vdy r@lv 4)i !pi6l fEld b@dlv reundeil .t aFx. brevided wi$ 5 veiB, cticulArion fom.d of n.rcw nr.8!lar @lls: ta.t 6l fcld wilh 5 - 6 almct .Gguld v.iB, S. b.aing 2 . 3 borchB. WinSs nEh tllon r th.n clvlre'

Elongal!. cylidriql, ycllowish wnh a b@d, n dian brryn band and a b'td ol $c eme @lour on ehhcr sidci epipral lon8. f!rceld. whh rceulrlv mdinS paldttdB, margiE, Cerci fltowirh, Pub*.nt. Gcnndia alnost similar to th@ ot T. with cpiphlllB d..pty notahcd itr tlic niddlc of th. p6t rior cMsination. laEhl lob€s providld whh long srtli, febly smll.n .p.xi doParaNG loiSd rhln stvl' deoricul.r.d Er b&, eilh. small r@th ttt ap.x on intehal Mgin' FEMALEI l! is samil- to n2lc, but dific6 in tic follding ch.fuLrt: Size l2.O - 16.5 nm. Bodv c.louo{on bl!.ki!h-brc*n. Prcnmd ld ttroiglv $an E owing in tront, qi$ rnor€ pronim tpo6 Ely!-a 3hort. I 2 ' I 45 timd long'r prooorum, .xEnrling a linle b.yotd 2nd abdoFinal scsn€ slighrlv o*rlaPPing on median lin (Fig, 7C), wilh intcrul oargin stoi8lv @nwx; dorsl fald ddk brown pedlcl wnh nisd v€ins, 6 fr4 v.iB, Cu divid.di larral fi.ld v.llow[h, with 5 ' 6 -1!

c B

rtr.7. nwoEtls tal6.dt {. oi. 4 ac d; E, dtf. ar C ,h-4 pFDrm ud drbr -14. veiB, sc phin or turc.E WiDgs vcry !hon. Orhocilor long,0.E5 - Ll? tiG a lont s body, !l.nd.r, iG .pidl valvs smoorh, l!r@bc. er. ar !F .

M.slrardrr (M): 5 d 59 i,t.t s,D.

2, 0,,c


E.6a t" ol "-,


iolotr?€: I d, 6VIlt-93, Krlan. AllotJFr | 9, 5-VIlt-93, Krlm. P.rdylEs: KaLm 13 d 7 C, evttt-93i RlMlpidi | 9. tGVlI-93i p.tqod.n l 9, tcvtr-88.

Tnc spc.imm lere collccti)d frcn tc tdfliler, udcr tlomr in ih. sit afil on ga$.s ne.! rh. lighr sol|6, -35-

Dlstlnguishing chortcteF: It his ! grat resenblan@ io t palir,ar6, frcn wltich ir can 6ily bc separarcd by i6 pronorum, which isdistinctly Mtwing in front, pdticuldly in ml.s, dirk hskinls, nirro nuch wid.r dan lonS and slichuy ovdlatping clyta in lhc

tl5 nnor sho*s its afiinity with l. irti4 but diffeN fiom il in the long.d prcnidnt @ipit l liH, d.riorly Mding pre@tun. 3 hdp veiN. apk l fi.ld wi'n 5 wins a.d diBhdy[a in th. fcmal4,

Th. name oi $is sp€ci4 hd b.en dcivld ftod Kalam, i(5 O?€ l@lily.

The type nallrial hd ben deposited ir the l6at Mueud, Department oi Agriclhulal Enomology, Univcsity of Agriculture. Faisalabad, PakisBn.

4. rtumuut bullaN sp. n@. (Fist- 8A_D. 9A_C) MALE:

Si4 tudi{m {14-O nn). Sody.olounrion bl&kish-bown, wi|h lcgs vcuowish.

Blackish-brcwn, shining, slighrly narower fian mdinum widot ot P.omtumi occipurprovided {ith 6longiludinaldullycllow lifts and avery ndrow obtue nedEn liDci facc, cheeks and nardibles yellow, lattcr @louradon of $e forder cxtcnding uP o arrcrior oc€llus; clyp@ffotrhl suture strongly angulate (Fig. EA). @hin8 up ro anr.onal skcB. Latlnl @lli ringed wih yello*. the ltler @lour exEndiog thtough a cnn.l sekcte rh. y.,low @lour of th! f@. Ey6 bletish-b.osn. Palpi vcllo*, Anr.n@ yellowbh brown.

Pronotlm stongty devclopcd, bulgin8 in middle. with anterior nrrgin f..blv comavc, posr.rior aln6t staighr or sligbtly sinuLi dhkconvd, bl&kish-brown. wnh a little lighter pyriforn inprasioB. provid.d with snall brislles and silky dark pubeseicei lateral lob€s yellow, with extrcmc irrterior ndgin alnGt sEaight, sliShdt I Oo D


Itt. E. 1\r6oarte,t WUin {. u. A' !t 6; & .tlt ai c, h{4 Frdu &d dtE I, d.J {t d; D' .tlpct r '37' aarding p6t riorly. lined {ith brown. trgr ycllowish. pubcs , widr b@nist hat, all fenoa t€eblv ring.d with brcwn at apist an€rior libi& eith a lugc, o6t cxt rEl and a sEdl. d'd€d incral rynpanuo: post rior ftdo6 sttiaEd sirn btosn on both f&6, 3.13 tioB a long a qErMl wide: p61erid tibiac 0-?6 tiG 6 long $ fcnora, emcd sid 6 idLrnal, 6 spind, ddkened ar bsB ard rPis, medioinl.rn l ,piql sPuB a long a or digndv longer than superios; p6t rior bdirarsi .lon8atc, a litlle mnprsed prolidcd wilh 5 i €rnal, 8 external small sp'n$. Elym dlrk brcsn, transluccnt, 2.?3 tiFe! as long N prono$n r@chin8 to dle bes of cercir miror mdly oval, l .6l times 6 widc s long divided behind middl' by . cuN€d vein (Fig. SB): clod wid lst vein teBularlv rounded united wilh mirror by 2 veinle6,2nd srongly curu.d,lrd ftarly stai8h! harps with 3 aln6t egulrobliquc veiNr apical fi€ld @owly rcund.d at.pcx, pmvid.d tirh 6 vei6 tnd rcticulttion rbrmcd of ndrow almd rcgulu cltsi lacnl icld vellow, msPaftnt rts sup'nor m&gin lim

Elongat4, cylindridt; epipret long. Mrcw. furcred. wi$ sligndv bulging rorBiB, C@i yellowbh, vilh btsn prb6@@. Ccniidlia {Figs 9ABC) sinild !o rhd! ot I' s4lt.rt(, with epiphallus provid.d *i$ stvli on the apicd of la€'al lobes, tably swoll.n lowdds aperi 40opdamcr.s elongate, povided witfi small denticles on inletul maBin ned bae and a l@tn nar ap'\ FEMALE: It ir similu to the male, eiepl ti! tollowing chu"bB: Elytra shoft, l.ll ' 1.23 tim* d long 6 pronotum, disdrcdv overla9pins on n.dia. lirc (Fre. 8C), wnn iflernal narSiB sttonglv convex; dorel ficld bl'ctLh_ licld brown, wnh 6 obliquc, f@ wiN. Co fotc.t traN€r* veinlets numrus; laEral yellowish, its sup€rid maigin bown. almd tnsparcfl witi 5 - 6 rcguldlv sPrccd !.iN, s. I bnmhed. Pstriot libi& wnh t _ 6 intc.Dtl. 6 t derMl spin6i PdEiror above' bsirrBi wnn 5 - ? inatn l. ? ' 9 cxLnral 3mall spi.B. Abdomcn bl&tish brcwn -l&


r& 9. tr tr. A-C, '+E i', dodt, -39. {nh 3 bndodilbl bh.l bt!t6, oE in middlc, otlEr ts d tolh si.lct. sE6um ycllowish-brcwn. Ovipotilor vcry lon8, slendcr, cu ed upwd, iB apicrl vdvar sndl, l.m6laE, na'lwly -u€ .r rpcx (Fi8. ED), M.e|!Mrs (m): rd 59 Mrh s.D, 12,5J4.0


2.' ,.r*., oa ";

l.t3-t,z| r.t3 0.62

solotyF: I d, 23-Vlll-9r, ca.rg.! (Ksu). AllotyF: I 9. 23-vllt94, Clunga Mansa (K8ot. P|rltJD* kldabrd 5 9, ll-lx-94: MaN.hh | 9. l5"lx-9,a; Abbotritdd | 9, l4lx-9,1: Ptshayd. I 9, !Vlll-g1.

Thd sp!.i@B of lhi! spcciB w. @lld.d frem rhc Ldlirrlr und.r dc@ fosl phtrtitioB ard on gr$!4 n@ . liShr $urc.. 4G Dlsriryun i4.narr.r6: lr hs acl* rcsemblanc€ b L r4hror6, bltdifi€s in ptomtun *nich is smnSly dd.lopcd, wilh i6 3id6 bulging at diddL, ditt bl&lish-brcwn. oc.,put eith doll lin.s, elyn in f.Mle vcty sholt and abortive wings in bo$ sexB

Thb sp4is hss ben emcd aicr rn Mne of r6t famos sai and pat Bulhn

Th€ rypc natcrirl hs ben d.p6nad io d. INdr D..p.nncnt of Agricultuol EnonoloSy, Univcuny of ASriculntr., Faielab.d, Palista..

5. T@omuat PtutEa sp. Nr. (Figs. l0AB) MALE: Sia smdl (12.0 13.5 nm). Body @louradon btownth-blacl wnh bss

Dark brcwnish-blek, shininS, slighdy wid.. thd lnt .id widlfi of prcrcruo: @iput wi$ 6 re.bly lisiblc ycllo*kh liEs (vdy rely w.llnev.loped), ffi @ching rhe a .rior ocellusi f!@, ch@ks dd nandibles yellow, $e lan r colo( ds extendiiS op to rMrior @llui clyp@Jrenbl slNE sliShdy .ngulale, tut u.hing up io pot rior margin of anl.n@l sock€ts (Fig, l0A). Larcral @lli yellow Palpi t€llow. Antn@ brcwn, wid lst *8hcnt ttuow, sliehdy !n8.d with brownish.

PrcmtlD 0,63 - 0.66 timd longd than widc, slighdy wrying eLriorly, wilh irs a lrior mdgin a lirtb @nqre, posterio. stnight, both ptovided eith small briltl$i disk black, virfi slighdy lighEr pyriforn iFpaioB, d.Bly Puba!4 ; htehl lob6 yellow. with extiene inferior m&gin liied wilh btoqnish, eending pct iiorly, Lrgs tlllowhh; tll fcmoo sli8lttly hord€d *ith b.own at api€: rnErior tibi& wnh a hrg., oval .xE ml tympatum. intrnal3idc wid only a deprsion or a rcry {l-

n VA"\A^ o\J

I l|i lf, W tt*t n inuc. reund.d orcl p6Erior f.nda strilt d with brcwi on both 3ids; pctcrio. libi& 0.80 - 0-82 times 3 long 4 femoR, qirl 6 - ? inElml, ? external spines, the former nighdy lon8.r and sloucr Os lhe lalI.r, bo$ ddken d at bs and apis, medioinrelEl apiel spus s long as or slig\ly lonler than suPerointeroalsi posrcrior bsir.rsi elongat . febly onPres4d, atnEd wnh 6 - 7 i ..ul, ? _ 9 dternd denrhl6, Elyrra dzrk brown, [email protected], 3.0E - 3.33 tim4 s loig a Ponotlm. 1.85 _ 2.0 rims s long s wide, @hing th. aPi of abdomni mirc. oval, 0.63 - 0 70 riB s lons d qide, divided behind middlebya curu€d vcin (Fig l0B)rchords sttonglv lst unn€d wnh niror by Mo Eiil.t!: harp wid 3 ohlique vciB; apical fEId plendng 6 uoitormlynispscd v.iN, tcriculatioo foroed of r.guld, alnml squaE cclhi laGBl ii€ld pale yellowbh, mtrsparenq provid.d with 6 rciN, Sc 3-bnfhcd (@ly 2).

Brcwn abov., yeuo*ish beMtb, with 3 f4bl. ddk bwn b.ndt oi doaun, ore in middle, orher rM on sid4. Cerci long, brown, pub*nt, C.nitalia very sinild !o $@ oi 7. ,!t ri sp, nov,

M*lrt|mts {ml: 3 d 4J-

3.03-3 33 I12 0.614 70 0.66 0.01 o30{-&2 0.32 0.01

Holotyp.: I d, l4JX-94, Abborbbad. P&t.tp6: Abborabad I d, l+1X.94; MaN€tn I d, l5lx-94.

fi. speimctr oa fiir sp@Ls E@ colLqcd fiom ln. ldI-litter and glls growo in a vcgerable fEld. Dislingunnlng .hamt r3l ThL 3Fcics h4 a cl@ @mbtz@ 6 T. kalMit 3p. w., but diffcB i" ib pronolal mking, dull @ipit l liM, cltt*frcnsl suturc lc$ aigulate, elyta llighdy @rowing anlcriorly a.d apacal rield with 6 veiB, Ir i5 ale cl6e lo t JalD..r6, blr @n 6ily be epdar.d by irs promcal markinSs, dull ccipital lifts, cl)?6-iromal suture less angulale and very sho wings,

Thi! sp@ics hs ben Mmed, ar n ha ben d*.ib.d for the fiBr tihc,

Tn ttF mat rial ha ben &pcir.d in $e Mueuh, [t€p.nm o{ Aglicll$ial Entomology, Univ.Biry of Agriculrure. Fabalabad, Pahisla!, Czlrdrlrlr Sjo6t dl t909. CalloqryllB Sjosr€dr, KilimandjeeMeru Exp.,31 105. 'r,tyc: Callosryllu AAo@tdjonc6 sjxt!,il A sinele @llatcd female @mpl.Ely as@ wi$ publishcd dac prioi (Choprd,

l. CalbgryUus or aneut sC, aor, (Fiss. ll ABC) FEMALE: SD. large (17.5 nn). Body stout, cylindricali colounrion palc tBhcmus_ Rounded, sbiiing black abole, 6 wide d prcDom; occiput with 4 obsolerc lines; frorr.l 6r!m 3,5 tincs s wide s lst drcnMljointr y.lld: fe Palcr dyp.cfrcmal sutuE sraigbt (Fig. l lA), obslet jn the niddle. Mdill.ry palpi Pal. bow., 5lh joini lon8.r thd 3rd, *idening aDd obliqrcly tru@r ar aFr.

Prorctum cylindriml, L4 timd broad.r thrn long. i.r anrerior mtgin €ry febly concave, pdterior suaighl disk browrish, provided with snall rcddish-brown brbtls, slighrly @nv€x, wilh sides dn6r slaight; latehl lob.s palc whitih, *nh 3eaigh of tc eoe @lor e thc bodyt anl€rior iibjac wnb a ld8c, oval .nernal and a v.ry ninuc, rounded inEr@l tyrl}dusi pdterior femora Fli'cr short, srout. 1.3 rim6 a loig a ribiae and 2.6 dh.s !s long d wid., pale wnh rcddbh tiisc on .xcrn l fac.i post rior ribi& wid 4-5 inErnal, 5{.xt rEl spioca: pcr.rior bailaRi wirh 4'5 irtenul, 6 ? exrcmaldent.ler.

Elyna very shon, reduced b lateal pads, sepdat€d by a widc Bap on th. n€dirn lin (F'g. llB): dorel field rdaigllar, pre!.itn8 3 oblique v€iN: lal.Blficld with 4 regularly spaced, alnost srraigln veins, Sc unbBnched.

Ycllowish, gadually tapsirg postriody, with a wide medid browr band and a few spors of d. sd colo* loq.d larenl sides. Ovilosiro. v.ry long, alm6r d lotrg r\ lnxly, nctoiot. i.5 tines $ knrg as F{crntr tnora. will snall. miiow, acurc

M.armedr (m): I 9 B.L. H.W. P,L, P.W. tr.L, g,F,L, H,F.W. n.T.L. O,L,


Holoty!.: | ?, I vll-93. PalBEtr ForB' ra'i''k (P6haws). 45-

r)'-' o \OP VO OV


Il& ll. .CaIoSrtUt t rat]ngu q.6. fG e; s, h-4 Fde d dJi.. r, do.d .4dr c, G ^, ..d ojr-.. h hs b*n @[email protected] frcn $e le incr urd.r a dcne rost Pl.nuion. Diningulehltrg chrmcreB: A very dislncl speies Nnidr resmbl.s C Pall76, but 4n cdilv be disinguish.d by its and slout body, lery wide fronlal roslrun shining blrck hed wnh j6l a s$phion of lines on @iput and very long oviPositor (Fig. I I C).

Th. Mmc of lhir tpeies hs b@n doivcd frch its ovipodit r, which b v.ry long-

Thc holoryp. fetrule hs ben dePositcd itr th. Ingt M@!m, D.9|rtncnt of Ag.icuhural Entonology, Univerny of Agricultur, Faisalabad, Palhhn

G€na C/t or'i,, ChoF.n ft17, erylods Sa@urc. Mem. Se. phvs. Hist El G.*ve.25:206' tnE. ery opsit Choped, Re- lnd Mus.,30: l3- T|l{f: Cryltula l.rr@&i sasuE (Chopdd A singl. tcmalc @tldtd entirclv confdEs o thc pnblish€d d4ciplion l%9: Saeed, l9E9) of $is geous.

l. GryIoPtk Pub.tcent Chnqt d gla. eryUoptis Prrdr..d Chopaid. R6 lnd. Mus 30: ll (1969) r[' h Bretly ttsbld lhe publtlEd d*dPtion of chopdd 're$ aMomiMl i.rgic. which d.ntrRty monl.d * h brM

Mesum.nt! {m)i I I B.L. H,rv, P.L, PW EL En.L. HIW HTL OL' 63 r05

It,w./r.w, P,LJP.W- E.LJP L ll T L /tr-F.L lr r'L /o L 0.933 oJt 0.161 0 650 47-

AbborBbad r ?, ll-vll-93.

lr 6 . @ry @ speics, ehich hd ben @ll.ct d fron ln. Pl..t d.lrir u'nc' v€ry Oick plankion alodg road side.

h ha b..n t$d.d for the fiBt tim from Pakill,r'

,'@ding ro CboPdd 0%9), it diffcA fion o$er meibcB of 6it SeNs in having snewhat de9es

C.!s @rrbr Linne6 175E. Cryld Litrmeus, Syst. Nar ed l0'l;425 l?70, ,,{.re,a F.bricic, sYst, E , P 2?9. la71- Lioldlhs sausur€, Mcm 56€.,?t: ll4 ft17. Eomlobl.nn8 Saussurc, Mem Soc. Cercv., 25:24?' l l. IrniSrylL.t ChoPdd, 86. 3?:2?0 TtT.'t eryIB ( deta) cahP'sttit t;n@ts

The specimens of a singl. sp€cies conpletelv r€snble 1hc Published dBcriprion (Chop&d, 1969i Ooe,nd C!dc, 198'|c: S.4d 1989) of thn scnus'

7. eq$ut blMculatut De cnr (Fiss- 2G.3CE l2A-C) 1173. Cryll6 bl@l4tus Dc Gcr. Mcm. Ia . l: 52r' 1115, Ach4to .aP.rjt Fabriciu syst. Ent ed. l0 l:281' 'nla. A.het biMulad H.rbs! Fu.$sly Archiv p l92' :o91. ery B eoperit Olivicr, Encvcl. Mdhod., lN 6:635 t8t3. GqlLa (A.haa) rur.i.o/iir Sloll' sp@F$ Grvll p'6 14:8l' trr36. eryI6 canp.stit 1n4, ar'd,.) Blarchdd in'u!ie'. Regm "im lns ' "48- tE55- G'|UB lrytbrit Stal. Oefv. rct. Aled. Forh., 12:351. 1869. AryUot itttinupt$ Walk€r, Cal. Demap. Saltat. &n. Mus., l:35. 1869. Grylllt ruqi@rs wNlL.., Idcm. Ibid., l:25. l8n, Liogrylts ,teda16 sawurc, M.n- Soc- c.rcv., 25: 139. The @llet d narerid entircly conforms to the publbh€d dsciption (AHu[an. 1955; Chopdrd, 1959; sa.€d, 1989) of t!! speica, bul difrcB fton otle .rd cadc (1984.) in tbe elyra, which e nore thm 3 tin$ a lon8 a prom$n lnd $. pcterior fcnm which @ 0.6ru.?91imd d long a elyur dd Lll - l,3O tiB d long al pGlerior ribire. G.nitalia (Fi8r, I2ABC). M6|lMEts(m):5d 59 Mate s.D.

5,5-?.3 0.33


''', 1.21.1 4>


Ilr. lr. W fu. r{.r.E r. -50-

hluabad I d I 9,8-VII-93| 2 !. ll-lx-94i Kalal l d,5nX,93; Zianr 6 d 2 9, IOX-83; Zhob I 9, l3-x-93; Pa.jgu 2 d I 9, l5-X-9li Abbonbad I 9, l+lx-94: Pdhawd I d, l-vlll-93r Bhulbd (Murc.) I 9, l3lx-94: Fab.hbad I 9, l4-vll-E8i 4 9, IGVII-88| Lahore 2 9, t5-VI,89i I d I 9, 25-VI-89i Murree I 9, I2-VII93; P3lpaMn I 9, 15 lV 89r I d, l+lv-E9i I 9, lE-lV-E9; Raerlpidi2 I, I4-VIII-88; I 9, l8-vlll-EE; Head SuLnanki (Bah.*almgd) 2 d I 9, l4'vl-93i Suktu I 9, 2l- X-93r Kdachi I ?, 2tx-93r l5 d 30 9, unlabell.!, ta&.D f@b ltudents' @lh.rion in $c De?dr!rcnt of ASricrlltuEl Enroml%y, Utrivsity of AEiolr!ft, F!i!:lab.d,

Il ir no( @nno! and widely disfiblt d 3pej6 found in grsy, rcil ciacts, crop ficlds, &ound towB and villaga ad moc oft.nly @ll6r.d or ligh!

Thb lpeica exlibit e@ @l@r vei2tioa, Nch a dE .lyF. @y la.k the chdac€rbtic ycllow spot!, 3hoa d e.rnely reddbh-ycllry @lou d thc my be partly reddhh or bl&kish. Atrotn r cmrkable vari.ry ir enrircly reldbh-brown wilh

h hd bcn @dcd a a erious p6t of @non. millels, oil{4& ard shi! ar th. ntrBhing fl@B in D. G. Khd divkion and its adjoining al@ in Pltilhl (Ano.., l9l-?3;YunB a di., l9&).

CerE r.&afrr[6 Chop&d l%t. T.koertlls Chopnd, Eo., M!dr., 3?: 2??. T}4ct err u Postiw \'t^tkq Thc .olleted mtc.ial SMdy tallid qirh plblhhed d*qiplion (Prdcu, l96ai One dd Alerander, 1983i Orl. and Cadc, 1983a) of drb geru the occiput shic[ is wiln or without yeuow liB a.d th. md!rcncnls of vdiou body pa.B, Ii is r.prsented by 5 spais ircluding 1he 4 new ond fron this rcgion, -51-

Key to th€ sp€cl6 of Tckogrtllts chopt d sid snall (bclow 16 nn)i posr.riot f.moia relalivel, lons Nnd 3bde. (le'gth

ro wid6 ralio grcater IlBn 3.25)i sPiql field of eltra with 3 v.ins. . . . 2 si4 l*g. {ahov. 20 m); pcErior r.llM elaiivclv sllorl a'|d 3to$ (l48th width .dio les ttd 3. t6)i .piol ficld of .lytra with 4 vciN

2. Head with 4 ptodinent ycllov lifts on @ip!t; clw€cfronral surure st'odglv angulater laicral flcld of elyra pal;, wi|h a darL ba.d along it! superin Fargini 8enr.l'a s rn figs. IIBCD. . . Hcad wilh 4 vcry fainlly visibl. tlllo* liG oi ciput: cltp4ftond sutuc atmost st.aighri laEnl ficld of clyra wholly ddk brown; geniiliz d in fi$, L4BCD .,...

3, Aody @lour reddish-btowni h.:d with Pronirenl vellow bandt along inrcrMl margi, of.yB ttw also slcnrb b.low and b€nnd dE lar.r: laLral lobca ot prcno$n for $e m6t palt ycllow...... ,olrdl sp.nov. Body @lout blackbh brcw.i head withour dv mekinS or with fe€bly visiblc yellow ban& only alons internal naBii ofey* aid on occiputi l.teEllob6 of proootun lnlncly bl&kish_brovn .- ,. .- ,. ' 4

Head {ithour .ny Mkins ircludiig thc occiputi dvm 3 long 4 atdomn (2.9 tin6 6 long as premtun)i apicd ncld of elvra very long (1.65 tim a long s mircr). ... . ptu..tut sp. nof' Hdd witl r fe.ble band along rhe inl.rftl nsgin alongwilh 6 rhort li6 on @ipul: .lytra slighly 3hottd tan aldontei (2 72 times 6 long a Dromtlm)i agicrl fi.ld ot.lyrB 3hort (1.29 dn6 a long a nnor)' .,,...- . .bngtidur L teloCryIus &h,r,r sp, tror, (Figs. l3A'D) MALE:

Si@ rathcr lmau (13 14 nm). CeneEl @louhrion brownish-ycllow or broqn.

Shiningjer bl&k occhur Nith 4 p@mirc.. bul short yellow lin6j .ye. blact, a@ behind ach yellowish. lalter @lour ,ko exrcnding narcwly alon8 $c intenal marSin of et6 up !o @lli: he bl&kish-brow., with da.dibl6 r.ddbh-brcwn; clypecftonhl 3u$rc angulat4 Palpi for rlE nol pan p.l. wiilbh, 5rh sghcnt of naillary palpielongale, witl' apical half brcwr, slighdywidenin8and obliquely truncak ar apex, Anrco@ Dowo,

ftonorum brcwn, more or les sport€d wilh ycllo*ish, sid.s brlging our medially, ant€raor odgin @Mve, pcErior fably sinuale, lirEd wirh ycllowish; larEl lob6 .lark browr in superio. part, dre emaioder y€llov, exr€n. i.f.rior nsgin black, asendine

tf,gs ydlowish. noded wirh browi; anrerior ribia. wirh rynpdum oi inner a.d outer t&es, $e lbrFer shall, roundcd, rhc lauq ldgc, elongater pGErior fedora r.larively long, slender, darkencd at apies, wnh oblique brcpn stri@. inrmp€d bt 2 longitudiod y.llow iripes: postdior tibi@ slighdy lhoner thd fchon, prcvidcd *ith 6 i.ner, ? outcr spins, l]]c fisr our€r r.latively sborr, nedioinr.rnal api@l spurs distirctly longs thln sup.roi.tcrnals; pdcrior baiBsi armcd wirh ? - 8 i.Er, l0 - I I

Elyra brownnh-yellow, with light humeral bands, dcnding ro th. apex of abdon€n: Dirror wellJevelop.d, obliqudy l.igde..d, almost s long s qid€, roundcd towards chords, divided behind &e middle by a cwed veini diqgonal vein nraieht !P to the anerior &dc of mnrcr, curu.d th.Hfi.r ar n@ly l@(Fie. l3A): c[ordr long, regul&ly cuped, very close ro diagonal vein; oblique v.iB 3, wcll- develoFd .nd sinuaEt apical ficld rcllievelo!.d, pKnring 3 vciE and rcricularion forn€d oi €loF almsr clongar. .@l&: fi.ld p,lc. r6Nluenr, eirh a ddk band -53.

f,l& lJ. rdottf,lz. IkNilt ry. d. *rn a; DD, rd|. dt B, C!-tr-, d..l c, D, '\!t|!. c4la, iid rd -54' aloig supcrior rurSin, plwid.d whh 6, wiB, S. b.arins 3 EiN (rftly 2). Wi.g3 3liddy longc. tlqn clytr..

Mod.d with bro$,n rd y.llowirn oi t.rg!m, iB licmun y.ll*ish, C!rci b|oM .t be, ycuqi3n ldstds alq. Cctriuli! (Figr. I3BCD) lEly snnih ro I. lorS?cnd, its.piphallw clonSlr€, cnding ii a 3ingle V{h6peit proccls, Brlting ftom a &!p natlw eDdginnion of rh. anErid nrrgiq dopffi clongaD ind fl6hy.

Meu|tlmts (m): 2 d


Holoatpe I d, lqvtrr,94, thasar (Toba Tck P.nt'p.: I d, |9-VIII-94, Bh.8r (1006 TGk singh).

BoO tlE rypc slcciruN h.w ben @tk Ert iion rhc tdf-lir.r Ed ronirg togg in a dc@ fo6r pl$iirion. Diningulshl4 cbrr.dN: This sp4ics is h0cl clm to T ttryiPantt, frcn ehich it diffeB in th' @louhdon ot lcgs,4 p.otnimnlycllow lin$on@iput, mitrcr altnoct.s lonS 4 widc. I obliquc veiB, lpic:l tield iho( with clos rcti.lhtion and glniral @nfisuratioo (Figs. 13 BCD).

Tte M. of thb sp@ict has b€en dcdvcd fo.m thc f.ct thar both the couetd sPeircG w4e fould ri..r rofiing lo$

The holotypc and paratlpc of ihi! speiB h!v? ben dcp6iEd itr dtc l'gt, Dcpanm..t of Asrbultuhl Enlonotogv Univ.Birv of Agricolorc. Fais'labad'

2. T.Losrrutt lrn tilt,ti.i (SN,elit) (Fis5. l4A-D) t571. OTUB to.Sip.nnis Su3sure, Md So.. GctEv' 25: 16l. l r. T.Lo|ryll!.t longip.n"i! Ctnp.'4 ElA'rtAt.'37.2n Th. @lle.Gd 3P@imens of rhit spei.s SEdv agi!' with thc Ptblishcd d*riprion or Chopad (1969). bu! direr in dE followinS chaFcEB: 15.61 lobcs of prcmluo with . Fllowilh spol at dtcrior dglB rh nArrwlv cxr.rds b4t alonS infcrior maryiE. Lces d&k rcddbh'b.Nn Elvt'i in tulc witl doMl n.d at bas., larchl fi.ld dik btwn ficld wilh 3 Eic rd a otld bdn 'picd i.rc8uld rcdcul.tioni dyn in fcmlc *ith dqsrl fictd p@ndng 3 fre vci tnd 4 hramh.t of Cu. wirg3 qud.t or vc.y tio( Ociitdia (Figt I4BCD).

Mesurnenls (m): 2 d 29 MrL slr, s.D. B.L.

3.30 0.10 €,L. 9.20 .56

I|g, ra, reg4bt lo.gbatnt dr|' dr &D, a-r.n a; x' #r+ d..rl +r C, ^'D, !r.r. .qL, uld -a -57-


9.8r ,0.J,0., ro,3t o03

o,@ oltt.t5

t.1n t.1l

0,93 0,03

0.8, 0,01 0.0,1 f; L12-1,t6 ht!d!.d2 d 2 9, ll-Ix-g,.. ftb!c: ThG of thb cr6 wcrc collaLd nm gare |'Idd r light !otE' Np€cims ''

Thi. !p.cl6 h6 bdn rccoftled br th. fiBl tioe fton Prkitirn'

3. T.bogtllltt Jontt{,'i sP. tuv' (Fist l5A-D) MALEI gody Siz. Itrg. (2.16 - 26.0 m). coldntion ndditb+rom. L!! Fht tut tst of rh. body. Bed! R.ddlth-bwn, shirirS, tliShdv flrwcr thd pret)olln, wi$ r co$Picuout isrow }!llN bcid dong ilt rnd mllh ot cyd, qlending th.oqgh brlnl 6dli rlong dc alda3 of roltrm aDd rld ioltjn8 th! tn!*F v€lld bodl ndi& oc'nB rhis band rl$ f:iltly dierd! ad b.hiid €..h .v.: fre !.lb*!ni dvP.o_fionDl -58- surur. srarghr. Eya yellowish, spon!.d wnh brcwn. Mdiuuv palPiv.llow nn !.8rc qnh widcning. obliquely rundle and f.tbly da*.iitg ai apex Amenn& brown cdg6 of their s@ke$ blekish-brc{n

PronooF duch widcr ihln lon8, slighdv *id.ning dEriorlv. with forc mdgio @nqve, hind sinrac, bofi prcvid:d with dcNe rcws or small brisd$i disk rcddisb' brown, d.6ely pubcsen, ehh 3na!l hair: lallrEl lob6 v.llow. *iti suFrior Mgin Mrcwly ddk b.own, ql'lme inferid md8in lined wilh bl&k pmdued psEriorlv irs anterior angl. alnost roundcd. pal. ycllowbh, pubenti 4lt"rior libiae providcd with I tvnpuum o' boo h@s, iind one small ad rcudcd, oul4l onc v€rv largc and @ali pcr'tior t?moh 6ick - tines as lo.g d wide, f@blv sriabd wi0 brown on aid 3tour, 3.02 3.16 'xErml sid6i port rior tibi& yellow, Ptovided with 5 -6 imr' 6_?out. tron8 aPlqllv cuNed, bmwi sPiEs: spu.s long. mcdioit€rtal 0.71 tim es long a Pderid b4ilzrsus, tlF latt€r ptovided wi$ 3 _ 5 irrc., 5 _ ? outcr denttlB Elyt.a rcrching to th. ip of abdoncn ddL rcddish{own tdslwnt; mir'q loiger $an side, Ll4lin6 $ lotrg d wid. feblv dal divided slighllv h'tow middle by z sinlat (Fig. l5A); diaSonal v.rv loog and sraighi; chords long' feblv _ cun d, lsr uniLd *ilh diagoml vein bv 2 _ 4 veinlc6: hdps witn 3 4 min, oblique _ 2 vitiblc ssrllcr orcsi fi'ld !ho't' sinu& veiN a.d ofleo Nith I f@bly 'Piql pr€senri|lg 4 vei6 and EricularioD rormed of.erlv elongatc @lbi latcral field blown' Wing3 lnh lO- 14 fdbly bd.egllulv{paed vcic ldt 4 ' 6 beins br@h6 of Sc very loflg, erending wll byond the elvtd

Bl&kish-brNn above, ycuowish b.@ln. c€rci long vellowish'bto*i Ccni|alia pcErior pi@ wirh ddp (Figs.l5BCD) vi$ .Piphdlus .tonsaE, fomed ofa.inslc ' I blunl a erior cnsginadon and sinuak larenl sidca. is lip gnduallv Mrow'd forminS medirn Poi.t. with 4ropmn rB €longat ad n*hv

FEMALE: It rallis *ith th€ nal. cxccpt ih. followi.g chd&t 6: .59-


Ft. ls. t riofltllat Nantll ?. Er r\ dttt dt FD' iali.lL dt B, iolDhdrt!, rbd.l C' D, phdk @!14, tdr.l Dd -60.

H..d s wid. 6 pmmtln. EyB bla.k. Promrum disrimdy wnbning in fto.t. L€gs ycllowbh, wilh lieht brcqnbh 1inge. Elytta rcddish-bro*n. {ith a pale hln al bandi donal ield provided vith 3 rie veins, lst dilided into 4 - 5 bhnchq, Cu wit 2 - 3 bramh4, rs!t& veinl.B nun rcu5. forFing aguld dmr tqur. ells: lat 6l field brcwn. wnh 12 - 16 yellow lircs,lsr6 _ ? br.nches of Sc. OvipGior rcrv loog. alnost d lons s body. its apial valves sMll, smooth, laMolatt and acutelv

Meslrhcnts (mn)r 4d s9

s,D. s.D.



r.03 25.G29.3

,r.nro.t ',;" "*

23-Vlll-94, changa 9, 22-vlll-94. cn n8. {l- P..rtF6. Ahag{ (roba'rek SinSh) I 9. l9-Vt U-94i Cha.g! MmSr (r'.s!r) 2 d 3 9, 22-vlll'94: 1 d I 9, 23-vlll 94.

Tnc ftmb.6 of thi5 rp@i6 wrc found in t[c laf-lircr ad rcsing logs undcr a deNe forc6t plantstion Nnd lighr soure Mr a for6t.

Dininglishtng choadeB: h h6 r very cl@ G*dblaE io t drtar6, but diffds in lnc follNing

He.d wi6 @nspicuols yellow band sloig interulmargin of @h evci promtlm wi$ latd.l lob6 nosrly y.tlryish. vnh a wry blo*i band on sup.rior mdsin: dimr loucr l|lan wide, laEral field *nh l0 - 15 veim, lst 4 - ? being bd@llat of Sci wnss very loogi nale gcnitalia (F'es.l5BCD).

Tk Mm of dit sp€i.s h4 b..n .Ltiv.d an€r $c MrD of Dr. Muhdmd Yousul {ho n an enirc laotomisr in Paldnan-

Thc rypc m4cri.l hd bee. d.posit d in lhe Ins@t Museun, Depa(n"r of Agridhohl Erbnology. Uni*Rity ot Agriculbrc, Faidabad Pakisr.n.

4. Ll@{ruut Pocq8 sP. noL (Fiss l6A_D) MALE: sie lqrye (21.0 nn). Gcm6l body coloueion bl.c*ish-brNn. s wide d pronotum, blackbh_brcwo, witlDol anv orM.n|.tFor tace emn€ly €ddish-blwi, wni anteltTeus yallowish; clvpefre.n! sutue stligh! E B pale yellowisb, febly spottcd with blrck Ocelli *hitisi latcral two alnosl rounded median lengthened laterally. Muillary palpi ddt brown Antenre wnh lst €goent bhct, rst b.own, thcir skeh yell@ish, ckcl.d with bl&k. -a

Pronorun nuch eidd the long, with sides very reebly b!l8ii8 out, ant dor ma.eii slightly @Mvq pdt rior sinuaE, both &n d eitt dee rows of brbdBi dist @nvcx, bl&*, dc@ly plbceni; latcEl lob6 of 0E sne @lour d |h. llrt r' but slighrly faint at antcrior egle, inferior mrgio ending polerioly. tlgs conolorou sith !ody; s€rior tibBe [email protected] with a brge, oval and a sh,ll. dndcd inrnEl tyip@nr Pdt .iq r.no6 shon, $ick, siolt, fccuy lishr @lorcd, sniacd virh ddk brown, fi€ iomet i €rupt d by two mrcw, lonsitudinal stips on cxt rml pqcrior tibi& tlightly shon r th& f€noB, provid€d '€llowiin win E dierEt, 7 int mal tttlng spiB, which N h@k d d !pi6: .pi6l sp6 long and stMg, superoi ermls 0.81 tirus ns long s oedioi.Ei.als, the laltcr 0 7? timB d loDg $ pct .ior bsitaEu, n diaxt tnals 0 44 tibB a long s tl. lllt r, which is previdcd with 5 inlcml, 9 eit rMl denticlB. Elylra exEnding to ti. apex of abdom.n, brown, witi light laleral al6i nirror much lonsd than wide, aldost oval, divide

Bl&kish-browo abovc, y.llovisn bcnath Ccrci long. btoenilh, l.2E imcs d long 4 clyrra. G€nislia (Fi8s. 16 BCD) simild 10 t ,!n but slighdv differentl epiph.ltus in dorsl sPet rcuSltly V-sh.Pd, sn! a 3iiglc pcErior .ldgarion tid6 bulging oul n.diauy, thcftli.i Eroqcd abrupdv 10 hold a f.itlv long median oroi.ction. which in turn is narow€d abruptly, apiellv forning an obtuse n€dia! dp 5l-

It. 16. t t4ttt lat tmc@ a @.l, drh 6; DD, r!a.b dj i'.r.*l!., da.l.r.d: c, q !LD. odd-, r.i.l rd '64-

M.smDo|ts (m)! | d r,!, tt.w. P.L. P.W, E.L, W.L, M.L M.w' l.f.L. A.r.w' H.LL 2t 5.7 a.5 6.0 r1.2 U.2 2.9 2l t..S '.16 tl.5 H.W/?,W. P.L/I,W' A.LJIL M.LJM.W. ll.T.L/ll.F.L o.ts o.?l 2,9t l,t8 0.7, Mia.rl.l q|ndncd: HohaJp.r I d, 22-vlll94, ChdSr Mdt. (Krs"r)

A sinslc n l. of tn! w tpcc€s hB ben colld.d tun dE Lrf-lina urdd I

Dblnrubltq.n!!rcle|ll ThG s.iitli. of d!i! lp.cias lh dFn cb.. finitv with d$.c of I. !m rrom whict tl|cy 6n @ily b. !.PDrd by O. following cotrlbinttion or chlr-E r: gody coldr bhckish-btM: hdd wi0ort vcuow cvc insi h.. l$ rddilh- brcsn: Glyr.r with .pkal ticld ttry lon8, 2 93 tiB s long 3 Prenoun: po.Erior f.n@ 3,15 titu s lon8 s wiiL; P6r.rid ribir eitt 6 irEr, 8 dEr !tiB; &nidir (Fi8!. I6BCD).

Th. n.eof thi! 3p@i6 hs bei d.littd frei! it!.pitl f.ld of .lyrn *hich

Tic holotypc nEb h$ ben in tlE ht€ct Musutn' Dclu!trcnl of Agrbslur.l E onology, uniEBiry of Agddl$E, Frbdrbld' Prtill|n.

5. T.Lotrtuut lggetdtt .9' tor. (Fi8s l?A-D) MALE: Sir. ldg. €3.0 hm). GcF.l bodv colddtio. ltEbdiDg dB! of lc$ -65-

Blackish'brown, wi6 a faindy viribl. yellow band alotg $. inrerial megin of €y*, which €xtcrds ihrough l{.rNl @€lli alorg thc si&s of ftonol rocEuni adput adomed with 6 vciy faint yellowLh lin*r face dark r€ddish.brdn, Pr.sntiry beneath rhe sterior @lhs a dim tcllow lirc; clyp+frc al sutuE sraighr, Ey6 brcwn, sFttcd qnhbhck. Palpibo*n, the mdilla.y with eloogate s.gmc.6, 3td lnd 4th ndlycqul, sth nuch lorgcr, febly wideninS. obliqocly lruMt . bl&t !t ap.x. AnEn@ brcwn, witb lst ahd 2nd segnen6 blek.

Pro.oNm suugly develop.d, in front. its ant rior mrgin fe.bly @ndve. pdr4rio slighdy einuL, bot tmed witl rcddbh-brcwn brisd6; di![ bl&k, slighlly @nv.x, prcvid.d with silky brownish-rtllo* p!b€s4@r lltct.l loba @n@loro6 wio lhe dhk. infedor mSii de.ding backwatd. Llgs unicolourour, bre*n with blackisb tinSc; ankriot ti6i& wi$ !, ov.l exterMl rynpanun, *lrici is rcducEd 10 a sraller, rouoded one on int rtul fei poneiior femon short, srout, bleck at rpex, 3,07 lio6 s long a wide, sri.Ed eith MN, obliquc yellowiih lir6 on ext rrtl siddr PGt rio. tibi&. Psenting 6 i.ner. 6 ? ourer ipin6, vhich ar€ hmted at $.ir apiclei api€l spu6 wry long, sup€roincrMl! 0.91 tins s lons 6 nldiointernals, *hkh te 0.E2 tin.s s lonS $ pd@rior b4i(iBB, supccxt rnals 0.69 rim* s long a nedioinlcrFh, ehicn tr. 0.57 times d lorg s pdterior bditarsB; thc latrcr dned wilh 5 - 6 imer, 6 - 7 ou0cr

Elytra shorter th.r .hdohen, rerching thc atq of eiehlh abdoriEl tergum, ra6luc.nt, brcwn, wi6 pale lal.El bandsr ninor snall, aln6t oEl, slithdy lone$ 6an wide. divided at niddle by curueil veini diagoMl vcin sLahht. ft€bly cwed at

aorcrior angle oa mirrori lsr and 3rd chords lceblt and r.glldly, while 2nd st onely

cutued, lsr unh.d by a small vcinlei dcl) with diagonal vcid dd mirrorr harPs wnh 5

obliqu.v€ins, firer 3 shngty sioua€, {cUi.velop.d,6t f4bly vhibl€,.lh6tsttaighti apiql fi.ld w.lldcvelop.d, 1.29 tiner a long 6 dc mircr. presenting 4 v.ins, icriculation aormed ol Mnow, clonsal!, almd r.guld cllr (Fig. l7A): la@dl6eldPalc brcwn. wirh a dat brown bdd along slpcrior olrgin, prcvided wi$ ? cle, rcgulrly_ 3pac.! veiE, S.3-brNrched. Wing! rery !mll. shorter than.lytr.

D&k brcwn above, yeuowish-brown b.neath. Csci dark browi, very long,

I -6 rim6 s long d elylra. Ccnitdlia (Figs. ITACD) sinile to th. [email protected] +@ia. blt difllr in havins thc p6Erior median pojction shod, b@d .nd neo*€d abtuPdv fonnin8 an ohuse n dian point.

Me$u.denls (m)r 1 d B.L H.W. P,L, P.W. tr.|-. M.L. M.W H.F.L. H.T.L 6.0 lz.5 27 25 lr'3 a5 los

H.wJf.W. P.L./P,W. E,L,/P,!. M.L/{t{ W. H T L/H rL 0.95 077 2.72 1.03 0.16

tloldype I d. 2t Vlll-g4, Lrl Sol'dF (B.[awlpur).

A singl€ nalc of this sPei6 bd b@n coll@Ed trom thc lcaflirl4 under a d€ff' fore$ pra.tation of sufaida (Ercqltptlt cawldaldsis) Dletingulsbing ch.roct.B: h sh@r i|5 clc. l!@blare b T.ko|rylrs pN.N sP. @ . fiom which ir diffeB in lhe following ch3@B: Head pres.nling a fably yellN band alon8 thc int€rml margin of eves: ccipur ]!irh 6 sholi, f@bly visibleyellow linesr elyrasho €r than abdoheo,2 72 tim4 d long as p.onotuni nirct I.08 times 6 lons a! wide apial field compdairclv sho , 0.28 lire s long 6 clytra: €piphallB wi$ shon ad widc m.dian p6Lrio. psjdrion lFig. l78).

The name ofthis sp@ies hs ben dcrived tios th. faintlv vEibl. vellow lin$ *[ich are present on th. occiput and along $. inErnalMgin of.vs 47-

I,r& 17, f.lotAgtt WC&4 4,r.A,drlt a; &D, rrrd. d; x, dtLr+ dd.l.{.d; C, D, ,bl!. odcld, t dd .d {E-

Th€ holoryp. nrL of Lhh specics hd ben deporiEd in the ltr4i Mueur. Depdlme.t of Agricultu6l Enbmology. Univ.rny ol Agncul$re, FsLalabad. PaIsah

GflN ftdts"/llr Cbop.'d t r. Plate,rllrt Chop{d, EG, M!d...3?:2?5. 'trlEt GrJIhu qudnnisatw SN9rt. Aftording to Ot! and Cade (1984^\, Grylld Walkd, ued s $e ryp. of this genus by ChoPdd (1961 , 1967) and Rud€ll ( 1964), i! a prinury homonvm ot G. Sral, So, it snout bc rcplacld by th. onlv availrblc svmn n ol C. qu4dtisdsata urdd this senu. This genus h rcPlee cd by 3 epeics, which gtotlv hllv wilh.he publish.d dcscriprion ot oltc and Cade (1984a) excefl $e Iatedl ocelli, which are rd€lv @nn4i'd wnb rhe yellow sldpe, f@ snerims yellowbh, elytra cxt nding up to fte tip of .bdomcn i. both cxd and slidt difrdng in l|BftnoE,

K€y to rh€ slqies ot I'l4ttyfuls Chop,dd L body @louorion shrnrng black: he$ *ilhout an, mdkrng ..,... h.ladoc.phafut (SedllL) CeEral body @lNltid brewn d bL.IBh+own; h.!d with b@d doBun d shon li6 on @iput.

z, Body sonewhat deprcsedr head with 6 shon, longiodinal, vellow lin6 on eciplq clypo4ontal suture strongly ugulaEi ovip6itor sbon, with aPrc{l vall6 bh.t.t.pd (Fis. l8D) Dad.,t (S.us6an) Body clong.Ei hed with a dow, tr.Nwe, ycllow bAln bc$q cUi .nd a broad brnd on v.rEr; cllTeqftontal sulure feblv a.gulale; ovipGilor verv 'ong, wirh lpical valveq naiios, acurcly poinEd (trg. 19D\. -69- L naq,r'rn(s D.bnoc.rh.t6 l*.aflcl 1838. Aryus [email protected]^ SeNillc i@ salsurc, lE??) lc. O n., P. 342 196l- PlatygrJllut n bn6.ph4l8 Cbog&d, E6, Madr',3?:275, Thc oily fcmale colla€d sp@iftD gddy taUis wilh lhc publish.d dscription (Chopard, 1969) of thir spcciB cxept thc lae and marillarv palPi, which arc brcwnish- blek, elytr. d long ar O. abdomcn in fcMle atd Sc 3 _ /t braMhed.

Mesuremntt (mm): I 9 B.L. H,W. P-t- P.W. E,L. g,r,L H.D.W. d.T.L OL 3.lo 2..r 4 30 9 0 9.0 6.10 9.50

H.W./P.W. P.L./P,W. E.L,/P,L, H.T.L./H,! L. E.r'L /O.L 0.63 0.60 3.10 0.71 0x

tsldabad 19. I l-lx 94,

A sirglc f.&le of this speiq *6 coll4Fd fiom gra undr a light eurc!-

This spdia3 h4 ben @dcd rd tlE fiRl tiD ftod P.litra..

Chopdd (f967) shified dis sp.ci6 frcn C'y4t{t 6 PldtsttUus, b$OntarJ Cade {1984a) mcnrio..d n a a doubdul mcnbcr or $is &nu

2, PlttrmllB ,,ar&n (S.@) (Fit! l8A'D) t817. AryIs bwi Si6uG, M.n- Se. G€eve, 25: l?0. lgtl, Achad fwny, SB, Atad, r,/ti!s. wien. ll6i 288. l9O7- Ach.ta Uwti Kdny. lden. lbid.. 116:289. 1943- CryUul6 ,nrt.t Cho?&d, Orth, Aft. N., P. 190 1964- Pl4ttgt U6 ,@ti R&xlel, c{t d. Ent., 95(12): 159E.

The @llecEd material largely confoms to the Publisbed descdPtion (ChoPud, .?G

hl!!xFl|d!d4& D

rt. rE g#,ffi#3#iilffi -? l.

1969r sac.d, 1989) or Ot speci6 ehich hart 4 - 6 htrP3, ni.lor 0,83 - 0.89 tim€s as long a widc, 5 - 6 venB and Sc b.ring 2 - 4 blafth6. Gcnitalia (Fi8s. I6ABC ).'tm):5d 59

s.D. s,D.


Khuzdd 2 9, ?Jx-93i Kohsl I d 2 9, 3-vlll-93i Pshswe I 9. l_vu-93; 7 d 3 9, 2-Vllt-93: TarMb (Pshawat 2 d 1 9, lTlx-9ri D.ta Isdil Kha. I ?,

26-lx-94: Bhagar CToba Tek Sinsh) 3 d 2 9, l9'VUl.94; Changa Matga (Kdut I l, l5'Vl93:5 d,22-Vlll-94i ! d 5 9.23-VII!-94: Faisalabad t 9, l4_Vll_86: I 9, l6-vll88i 5 6, ?lv-95r Cut*ala (Faisalabad) I d I 9,2l"vl_93i LahoE I I, 72

25-vl-89r Lal Sohaora (B.hawalpuo 2 d 4 9, 2t-vlll94; Layyah I 9, 25-vl-89i P.kpauan I d, l0-VIl-88: Rawalpindi 19.5-Vlll-88i 3 d 15 9,7-V|U-8E:2 d, 8-vll!E8: I 9, g'vlll88; I d I I, l5-vltlES: I d. 20-vlu-88i I !, 23 Vlll-8Ei | 9, 25-VIll-8Ei Sialkot I 9, 25-VI-89.

It is th. mct abu.dlnt sp@iB found in dlc [email protected] utdd deN fot6r pranhrioN of shahm (Ddlb.ryia tit@), !{4t{ eopr!6 rpp.), bdb@, lDatd@atdis stictit),s!f^\d^ lErco\ptw conaurl%k). ett lt wa aho @ll4rcd along r@d sid6. in h.dg.s lnd on grues d.t light su@s.

All rhe above ldalitiB Fakalabad, Palpattai, RawalPindi atd Sialkot,

Chopdd (1967) shiti.d dn spei6 fton Cryl&r to Pl,tteryllla, [email protected] cadc (!984a) ncntioned it a! 'Nomim Dubia'dre m ftc non{vailabilily ofde nal. type sp€cinen. The lp@ioers coll@ted from this rcgion difiet tom lh€ Publishcd dNriprion (chopdd, l%9) in a few B. bur a fie mal! gcnitalia detly ro lne publishcd fieurc oa ihii sp!.i6, $ey dc plaed undd $e @e 3Fci.s.

3, ndts.tAus blconpaa sp. not. (F'g!. lgA-C) MALE: Sire nediun (16.5 nm), Body elongal!, with brown @lolEtDn.

gl@k, prolid.d wih two ra6vers. ycllow bands, oe b.twen latcral @lli and the other on vcrtcx betq@n lhc upper m&gin of €yes (Fig. l9A)r t@ yellow, qith a rdisv€e, bown paEh bcl* the clr?@frenal sunte. which k feblt @nvd, the lau* @lo!r.xt nding er.riorly in the fo.m ofa lic up to the scdian @llu$ fiont l rcsiruin blackish-brown; ch.ek aM bandiblB yellow, EyB pi.kish-ycllow. Marillary palpi long. yellNish-brcwn, wnh 5rh stm bl&kish-bNn, obliqlely trundoe at aFx, Ante.@ bown. witn l$ *gm.nt Fltw. febly monlcd with b@n. -73-

Prcmtun, 0.?0 tincs 6 loig a w'de, sligldy wlbning in iionl, anErid mdgi! vdy febl, @@ve. port fior dndt straighl; disk nat honled wiin y.llry ad brow., Ery iEly pubcsnt d gla!ru; lailr.l lot s *irh uppd half brown, loftr y.llow, €xtrere iiferior maBin black, febly ending poatcriorly. L,gs y.llow, d.Nly pubsent. 8pou.d wnh brcwni dnt iior tibis. amed wi0l a snrall, @unded inncr and a lug., oval out r lymtdnudi antcrior and niddle hrsi provid€d wi$ rwo rows of stull brnds on v.rEal sidq pdt rior lcmda addned *ith obliqle bw; !t i& on both sid6, incmpt d qid lwo lonsitudind y.llow liH on cil. nal surf@i po6rdie tibie.nEd with 5 im., 7 8 old spi6, ncdid eical spur of bod sids lorScr thd; polErior baitarsi0,4? riEs a long a tibiar. Elytra l' lobg a abdohen, li8ht bowr, aln6t u_aNpd. ; mirror ndly @al, much wider rhan lo.g, divided slighdy bcloq middle by a curyed veini diagonal vei. !e.y cguldly spaed. curvcd, lst metitrg $e by a stull v.inl€q h.rps with 4 febl' sinut 06liquc vciB;,pidl fald anhcr lMU, provid€d vilh 3 veiN, ..ricul|rion foded of nrcglld, oide @lls (Fig. l9B); lncrd lEld Pal., eirh upp.' dargin brown, prcvided wirh 6 - 7l@blyap@d, rcsuld rciB, Sc b4ii8 3 branches, Win$ vcry lon8, @!dlt.,

B@wn dov., tcllo*ish b.Mrh, Cqci blek. Cenialia (Figs. I9EFG), epiphallus rilobr! apcr, dEdd bor&. dccply lnd nllrwly eMgi@l!, wi$ ultriu dN cuN.d upd&, p6t riq @Ci! wi! la|.nl lobcs 3horr, rn ftdiat &rslly @wcd: @logaraGGs short, dilided i o two lobca ait riorly, hidd€! b.ne3o a'phalB in

FEMALE: Il exatly t llis witlt ihe nalc .rept ttc follosing ch,rei.B: P.onoru.t 0-70 - 0.?4 tiB s long s wide, its lat ral lob6 lrrgcly blwd, with a narcw y.llw bsd at iiferior Dargin. Poskid tibia. prwid.d wnn 5 - 6 inrcr, ? outer spind, Elyua s long s or h{dly longcr thd abdon n; dotel ileld providcd c

Fig. 19. Plattg.lAut bi@nptas sp. w. rc d; B, dnn d; c. .h. !.4 e; D, .npodror trtt-r E4,^i rolrtl| dr E. +!tdtE, ird Grd; P, G, lrdrk 6ndq rdnl .nd t !-d *< -75- wirh 4 fr* EiN, Cu 5-brarFb.d, Eguldly obliquc dd c{uatly dbonr, tr$!vcr!. ltinlcB nun€rour, fnnilg in g!ld, .lo.g . elb; ldcnl ficld l,ith 6 EnB, Sc s-bflehcd. Ovipo8ito. sy lon8, .uiight, iB apbl wlver long, ffiow, & poi .d (Fi!. l9D). M.dttto.!.s (m): ld 39 Md. sD. t3,0 0.t2 3,5t

|-t2 o.31

,,-*rr,o ,1,, ";

92-tO.2 t1.31


l d, 2l-utr-94, Ld Sol|,rnF G.taedpu)- I 9, 2l-Vltr,94, L€l Soham (B.hawalpur). 2 9 , 2tVnI-94,ld Soh|ra (B.lbulpd).

Thc sFcih.d of rl ! rp@i!. *@ @llal.d liln dE lc.fl'0.r unda d.|!. -16- foBI pldladd of suf.ida lE|uqpt6 .arsAub8i:, td shehh (

DbdrSubtirg chrrad€E: flr goiLlia havca cl@ rd&nbtare to rh@ of Plalttryttd b@n,btnn dif€B signifi@ndy in th. folloping body [email protected]:

Body .longarci had sith two t dBw.s. y.llry bdki cl!?.o.fionul sururc sliShtly angulate; mnror dislincrly widd than lonS; h.rys wirh 4 obliquc vciBr 6piql ficld with 3 wins; {icld eirl 6 ,7 wirs: ovipcior very lorg, irs rdvB

Thc Mc of thir lpabs h6 ben deriv.d fton Oe prc!.@ of tso r.sdsc

Th. rt?. naocrial ha b@n d.Fsircd in rhc Inser Musun, D@dtmcnr of Agriallunl E tonoloSy, UaiveBity of AgriculiuE, Faielab.d, Parbun,

CaB Ph.Uolobatut stu @a. TJP.I Phat obbosE ad.ntibialis 9.n ... Np. N. This gerus , *hich ir [email protected] in Pakisld by rwo mv sFci.!, is.rccEd oo rhc bdb of ndc sedr.lia. tt tcys our in R.!d.U (t954) ben"ea ptatsryUb sd A@nthotryllB, but diff.6 fion, the forner in endopramcr.s, which e withour mNvce panncEl Eu$lc apodcG, rrd rhc laiEr in msal lob6, which rh.i. .pies betw@n the apies of el.9&do6. Thc c,piphall$ show! il! clsc affinny b lhat of Achao, blr ir @n 6ily be ep&ard fon rhc latir g.tru by rhe folowing

Epipbatlus diltiDcrly vidcning p6r.riorly, ati€lly b.arins fivc tobd (orc b.twen thc mcdiao ard hr€nl lob6 or @h sid. and v.ry fe!!y liriblc), basat ponion prcduccd upwads giviig it a dc.?ly cup{haped appwa@; inrcrtul anr.rior apodems -71- ve.y longr 4lotemG vcry snall, wid inEml .nErior pro!.lioN v.ry long, thc lauer oriljMting nar thc ba6 of th. formcci nesal lohs wirh then spic4 bdwen dc api6 or $e et p@mcc: eldopa6re6 C-shrpc! (Figr. 20BCD).

Othcr diagndtic fcaruB de Body @lou. Eddkh-bben or broM; hcad with or without a yellow band bctsEn @lli or ycllow lia oi @iputi premtln 1.43 - 1.67 limcs d yid. a long, ils lnerior margin diltircdy coMv., posterior alnost slniShti .lytra r.:chir8 to the ap.x of abdond, oirro. alwaF widd rhan lory. dividcd by a single veinr wings lcry lonS; adorior libiac FrforaEd on bolh sidesi posrerior tibi& dd.d wilh 6 inq, 7 @l.r spi6.

The me of lhis g.tru h.3 ben ddiv.d ftoh ihe .piphallu. which i! provitl.d wid 5 !ob6 o. [email protected] margin,

Key to the spe.i6 oa PhaUolobosut gen, Nr, l. Hcad wftout traBErs ban

l, Phallalabos^ a.Lrinbialit sO, noL (Figs. 20A D) MALE:

sib mediun (16 mm). cen€tal body colou ntioo rcddbh-brc*n, with brcwnish-

Slighdy widd $an premtun, addilh-brcwr. shiiingi @iput ado ed wi1h 6 faint. ycllow limC, rhe formcr strcngly convex; vcn€x alm6t flau.ncd; facc @ddnh- brcwn, dcp.e$.d b.low postclDclrr clyp@frcotal sutu.c nroogly angohE. Eyes dark -7E- browi, mottled wi$ black. t t ral @elli rounded, ycllowish, th. antEdot lllltauy l.ngthercd, Mdillary p.lpi bwi, 4th s.grc sho q rlu 3rd and 5dr. O. l.tEr feebly widcning a.d truncnte at aper, A enMe b@n, with firsl two slgdenb reddish-

Pronorum wide! than long, dislioctly w'deoing in front, ns anterior margio ltronSly @n6vc, pGr.rior str.i8ht, lne lan4 lin d with )tllwish: diik almd flar, dek bro*n, *ith reddish-brcwn pyriforn impBions, and ! yellow 3pot nd p6tctGlaldal atrgl€s: lat ral lobd ddk brown, wi6 a @rcw y.llow linc along inferior Mgin of th€ antcdd angle, tlt? larl. MSin &nding pct riorly. kgs of th. sne colou a! $e bodyi anlcrior libia. with . rynPanuE on inner aid otrt.r i,6, inier one smaller, roundcd. olllt onc very h8c. elongat r PosErior legs rarlEr shoa, Lmora thick. rtrong,2,46 tim66lone s wnk, srialed with fcblv vhible ycllow lines oo eiterMl facs, more promiftnt rcar ba. add alonS lower nargini posl. iq rib@ r.latieely sho(, 0.66 dnas 6 long a! posErior fcnoB, povidcd *ith

6 inner, 7 oul€r strong spiB, slp€toinrcrnals al6Gt eq@lto ncdioiitcmab, which arc 0.8 tims d loDg 6 posl€rior bdnatsus, dE land prcsenting 6 - ? inner, 8 ouGr smau

Elytra extending lo thc tip oiabdomen, brownbh_y€llow, spon€d wilh brcwni mnror nuch widcr th& lo.g, it!€s almdt round€d eic€pt $E oucr oft, divid€d a lifite behind niddtc by r cw.d v.itr (Fig. 20A): di.goMl vein rct ltaiglt. iliShdy bcnt lo*ards ln chordr chor& regululy curved, lst alnolt touching thc mi.lor near ioner mglei hlpr wilh 4 obliq@, linuaB vci6i ,pical ficld weltievcloP€d, pr*stinS 5 veis. reticulaion formed of almct pe lgon l. ircgllar ellsi laEral t.ld bl4kisb- brown, provid€d with 7 8 fably and rcgulely spac€d veiN, Sc 2 ' 3 br@hed wings greyish-whirc. vcry lor8. l.?l rim4 4lor8 d clyra

Bhknh-brown abovr'. ycllowish-brown bcneith. Ceici dek eddish-brown. verv loog, O.E2 tims s long s poicrior fenon. Genillli. s dc$riu undd 8cnB. wilh epiphallu having sidcs sraighr (Figs.zoBCD). rt.2!. Pr,/&J,dotut tdaultttb !4. . t. d. & ittr dt tD, !rr.n dr 3,.dotI!, ac-l .a.ct C, D, ,Lrc d.eLr, ndd rd llr.l .t d. EG M€surcment! (m): I 6

P.W. E.L. rV,L, M.L, M,W, Ii,F,L, H.F,W, H,T,L, 16.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 r0.5 13.0 3,7 6.0

II.WJP.W. P.LJP.W. E.LJIL M.L./M.W, II.T.Ltr'X.F.L t.0 060 1.50 0.35 0.6

HoloitDe I d, l4-Vll-88, Faislabad.

The only h6 hc.n @ller.d frcm light n@ thc culrivared f'cld!. Distinglbhing cha4cres. h ldb iimild to Ptot!8ryUB btuM.n, bnr 4ifid3 in dE followiig chdar.B: Bodt reddbh-brown, with yellorish-brcwn elyn; ptum$m widcniog in front. wid anrc.ior rusin rt ongly @Mvc, pGfiior $Eign! mind l.l7 rimB a wide a longt 4 harp vci6i apical fi€ld vi$ 5 veinsi gcnilalia (Figr. 20BCD).

This specid ha! b@D named afier thc tosLtior tibie, which de very shon-

The holotr?e male har ben dep6ilcd in il'e lnsr Musum, DcPdlncnt of Ag.icuhural Entonology, UniBity of AgriculluE, Fabalabd, Pakb|.r,

2. PhoUolobotus ehwe8b sp. tor, (Figs.2lA-C) MALE: Sit n€diud (l?.5 mn). Gcrchl @loontion bwn, but lcgs f€lbly rinscd wiri

ShininS bl&lq witt lwo i.aNv* yeuow baid!, one oa.row and on fronral rcsEum, dt ndinS rhough latml @lli up to.yes, orh.r wid.. fccbty bcNen opFt mdgin of cta. lhis cx&nding b.hind @h ey. rhrougn chak up ro mandiblesi f@ yellowbh, wiO posrlypeus brownarniddl€i [email protected]!r!rc fcbty rt.2l. Ptulblob$r nt M.nrb !o. .. rp. e, A, d}rn 3; a c, -rrn. a, 4 dlLla darl C, ,hl!. .qla, -82- angulaEt forlal rostrun brown berwen .nEnna.. Eya blat- Anterio. eltu! y.ltow, witn { small vcnic.l line of lhe sln colour bcMrh n, joining a *id. Eans@ ycttry b&d abovc clyp+frcntal sutur.. Palpi brcwn, with 3td and 4rh @illary 3cgne . nearly equal, 5th clongrtc, aebly vidcning, obliq&ly mul. and bl&k ar aFr. Anlcn@ bbwn, their s.ckea ringcd wirh rhe enc @lour-

Prorotun wnbr dian long, its 3ide mildly bulgiit our niddl., anr.rid @gin concave, pdterior suaiShti dbk sligh y @nvcx. very pubMcnt, daik brcwn. f€bly motdcd wi(h glowbhi l.LBl lota wilh iupdhr p.n drrk brcwn, irfcdd tcllow, l|lc lalcr @lour wid.ning et riorly, .ntelior argl.s rounded, inferior mgin sliehtly

t gs @n@lorous, pub*ent; amcrior ribi& with .xtefinl rymparuh lsg€, oval, inr.rml oN vcry rmll, rcudcdi pGGrior fcnora clon$r., 3.5? ric s torS s wid., sfiiated wirh i,row yellowish lines, iot ;up€d by a longitldiMl yellow li in lowcr nalf on cndml surface: pqlerior ribia sned wirh 6 idernal, 7 exErnr! rriEs. Elyfd r@hiDg up !o thc b6s of @rci, uulus@or, brown. with vcry nat venationt minor much widc. rban long, aDrcrior and posrerior !ngl6 atmt .oud.d, dividcd b.hind middlc by r cw.d veir (Fig.2lA); dilgoial loDg, be.t.r anrcrior an8l. of nircrt chords f..bly dd egul.rly cuded, Irr unird eirb di.gonit rci! 6y a smll veiolet and rcnol. fron irrcr anglc of mn.ori harps pr6eding 3 disdncr. ore ot rwo obliter.t v€iDs; api€l 6eld prcvid.d wnh 3 veiN, fortud of l&g.. clorlar. eltsi lai€61 fjcld tra6lu*n1. yellowiih,brown pracndry 6 rcgubrlyipa..d v.iE, Sc 4- bdnched, Wings nuch long€r than €lytra, 1.55 rin€s s long 6 rhe latter.

Tergites biown, mor€ or I6s spon d *ith ycllowhn, !rcrnioc! yeltow, wi$ b.wnish ting.. C.ici long. d&k rcddisn-brwn, | , | 2 nn6 a ton8 d po3cric fcmo6, Ceniulia sinild b rhe t?€ of rhe 8cnus except epiphallusi which is eirh febly @mpes.d sidd (Fics. 2 IBC). Msu|@6r.lM): ld

M,L, M,W. B,r'.L. |l.&W. Hr,L, 2.t 3.0 to.1 r.0 9.0 -83.

H,W,/P.TY. P.LJP.W. E.L/P,L, M.LJM.W. E-T.LJII.F.L 033 0.?0 3.67

Holottpe I d, 2l-Vlll-94, Lal SohaM (Bahasdpuo,

A siiSlc n'.le of rhis sFct s ha h€n @llctcd fon tn b.f-lirt.r ud.r a d€e foiest prantltion of sufaida (t a.LrptB comArt^k). Distinauishiog chulcae6:

The g.nihlia of tht rFci$ show close afiiniry with lh. tt?. ol $. Ccnus. bur differ ir head markibgs. clyp.qlioDlal sutue, which h febly anguhte, bulgitrg promtun al hiddle, .longaE pct rior le8!. yci6 of api@l fi.Id. its rericulnion.nd

The Mrc of thi! speis ha ben dcrivld fion tft. ttP l@lily, Ld Soham, hrving a fordt plaotation and 30 kn aMy from tn f.dous cily of Bahrw.lpur.

The hololype nalc of drk speis h6 b€ei &posited ia fic lnst Mueum,

Depadnent of Agricultlhl Enlomolo8y, U niv€trily of Agricrlrue, Faislabad, Pakiskn.

G.trG rlbftlB l?75. .{./r.,a Falricius, Syet. Enr, ed. l0,l:2?9. 1906. Cryl6 Kirby, Symn. Cat. Onh.,2: 27. 1935. C.rl&r Uvdov, Ann- M.g. Mt. Hhr., (10)16,320- Type: Gryl6 (A.h4o) doneiica!r Thc @llccted ncmbss of 2 spei6 dnform to thc publish.d dcgiPriot (walkc.. 1869i Ra|]d.ll, 1964i Otte add Alexander, 1983) oftis genus.

Key to tbe spei6 of ,4.r.rd F.bri.iB t. Prorctal dark mdkings neither extending to lh. anterior Bargid nor (Fis- 224)i .lyra eith ari@l fcld shdl (Fig. 228) (l6s lan 1.2 rin6 a lo.g d th. mircri epiph.llus i. do*al dp€ct roughly quadrare. . . . -6/L

PMoral drk Mkine! cn ndin8 io tlE dt !io. dgin ald dimlatdlly (Fis. 234); elytn with apicsl fEld long (Fig. 23C) (mor. thin 1.3 tibe3 a! long a$e mKor): tPphallB in doMldprr dirnrcrly tilobrtc.

r. A.h.t b^.ttt$ (rjr,',rul lFist.224-E) 1758. GryUa (Achaa) domrt.a! Li.@B, Syst. Nar. ed. l0,l:428. 1161, Gttlla dowttic6 Lin@us, Fauna Su@. €d. 2, p- 236, 1175. Ach.ta dotustiM Falriciu, Sy!r, EnL ed. l0,l:280. r87r- Gryll4t [email protected] walld, C{L Ddmrpr Sal6t. Mu., suppl. 5, p. 6. 1y35. Gry ll8 dar6ri.6 Uaov, Ann, Mag. mt- Hbt-, {10)16:320. Tne olleEd speines cntiely asr.. with the publBh.d dsripdon (Abdulld', 1955t Chopsd, 1969i Sieed, 1989) ofthB specis eftpt thc n.duFmcnB of v&ioug body prrs, Cenitalia (Fi8s. 22CDE)- M.6||l!H.s (m)r 5d 39

5,D. s,D.


,";,,., "; 3.3{' 'E5-

Ir8.22. A.te tua$dntt A r-d -d FldE a, d.-t s; a, drtn d; C.E, ireb dr C, .etDbe., drnt .rdj D. E, pedk oprd, v-rrl .d lsdrl ro.dr. -86-



Fahalabad I d 1 9, l2-vl'EE: I d, ?lv-95t Kharewal 2 d, 18-vl!88i Palram I I, l5-Vl-E6i 3 d I I, ul.b.lled, hrci fiod siud.tra colletion h rh. Dcpann.nt of Agricul$nr Enionology, UnjrcBity of AgriculruE, faisalabdd, Fati.tan,

ft is n6dy found in hu'm dwcllings ard @ly in 8By hwB, on lid6 ard

It b @nsidcr.d to h. a co'non, widely dboibuEd .id *rious pet of m.ny crops (Ahmad ed Ullah, 1949i Kha!, 1949; Yunus ,r al, 1980; S.ced, 1989) in Paf,istan, but the ethor hd @lleEd it only fton a f.w ld.litiB ad huntr babitrtion- Saeed (1969) placed 124 specimens undd lhis sp.cis, but th. dbs@tion of male geniklia in ihe pqcnt 3hrdi6 rdal.d rhat only 5 ip@ihe6 rc€ &hally of A. dowtti$ abd rh. rc6 probably h.long.d to lne ctosely el.r.d rcw sFcks (4. thot@ico). h n tnthq i^l! 6tins !o note that Abdluah (1955) lid Saced (19E9) @llded thc lau.. Mdy fioD ligha i! dr cultivatd fEldr ard tn. F*nr aund, ioo, @llcted i large populatioo of diis rew rFci6 fron the 6clds, It rnows $at rhi3 mw spei.s is rcurny a pBt of cllrivared crogr and duc !o irr v.ry cl@ rBcmblane it is niside ifad 4 ,,1. dru"rtirG by rhc ptcvioB wdtc^. Th! ida is funnar supDorud by Chopard (1969), who rcmadcd $a1ir iE rath€r lurprbing rhat tne htl. spei.s hd b@n @ordcd a a p6t of cropr in Parbh ( hmad and Ulla!, l9l9).

2. Ach.u thoturi.a sD, no\, (Figs, 234 F) MALE:

siz n€dium ( 15.4 - 2l.E mm). Body rcmcwhar depEled dd brovni5h-y.llow. -87-

Bl&kilh-brown, 0.95 - 1.04 tin€s a! bt@d d prcnotur!, with a Miiow ycll band bdwcei ledl @lli, anoth* bed om on d. venex, dt nding behind thc cts up lo chdbr f@ dst bmenr clrT.o-frontal suturc cuncd (Fig. 238). Eyca darL. Mdilldy palpi y.llwish, qith ldt sgnent duk md and obliqucly ruMlc at aPex.

Pbnorln r.asv.rsc, 0.51 - 0.@ tim d long s broad, iB dl.rior 'rutgin slighrly concavc, pos€rio. alm6t sEaighrr disk n 2Jly fla1, with two laige dart brdn spors on pyrilorn impE$ioB, .xLDding att riorly and anterolatcrally, alm6t0oucltiq lhe dErior mngin, amrhcr small brewtr spor b.hind @h ioprcssion (Fig. 234)r hE6l lobs yellop, with a b.o.d b@n band i! sup€rior pan. Legs yellow, pith ddk pubesen@r aftrior tibiae witt ! larg., oval exdMl, and a small, rolndcd in&lnal tyFpaoumr pdtc.ior tibiae arned with 5 _ ? inErnal, 6 - 8 qllrn l spin6. superointerMl tpiel spuu d long 4 nEdioint rn L; p6terio. bditaBi long (4 mn), enh 6 inl.hal, E [email protected]. Elytra 4.12'4,?E tih* as long s pbnotum, extnding to the apex of abdoneni mnror 0,91 - l.15 imes s long 4 br@d, dividcd alm$ in niddle bv a curverl vein {Fig. 23C)r hdps with 5 - 6 obliqu. v.isi lst chord unit d with dugoial vcin bv 3 snall veinleBi apicd fi€ld rcry lotrg, 1.35 - 1,58 riB d rone 6 nmor, p@ntmg 4 - 5 veiN, wi$ elongat€, rcgular r€ticulatiorr lat ral 6eld 9alc, alm6t tJadpar.nt wih broqn band rloig supeior lnafgii, provid.d with 5 ' 6 veiE, Sc 3 - 4 baichcd WinSs long, mEn bnga ths.lytra,

Broqn above, yellowish ber41h- Cdci long, yellowish, verv hairy. Subg€niial plar slightly conpressd nar tipi epiphauus ttilobed, i$ n.dian toleriq poj@tion lons, bi@d at bse. ab.oPtly u.owing ne Pd€ior Mgin and rorning rn &ucrv poinred. dorslly curv.d apcxi laEral poj@tio6 slightly 3ho.t r than lhc m€dian one (Fis.s. 23DEF ). -E6-


tu. 23. A.h.ta tho@ha .D. noy, A. bad dd D.wrd a' d.r..l B.lG dr C, .lyh d; Dr, 8Efrdi d; q.olle.n!' 4..4 E, F, phdn. ond4 Edrr .'d l|hl .rt dr' -89' T'EMALE:

Sinihr io Dlc exc. in! fouwing ctEn GB:

Elyta wi$ Egulely, obliquc vciB. {irh 3 fte, rhc Cu [email protected], tnnrwe reinlen nun rG, fmiig wid., ovipo6iio. lon8, snrigh! wirh [email protected] vrtit.. Ms||tears (br)r 5d 59 f,'.L s.D.

t2.y t9.1l,.8 2,t5

,.nro,o ,.*

H.ktyp.: I d, l9-vt-93, Fairalabad. Alottpe. I 9, lM-93, F.lrlrD€d, Puttp€s: Lab.h2 d,9-lX 93; Zhob I d 3 9, cx-93; Sibi r d r 9.7,D(,93j r\nuzde d, I &IX 93; Abbo&bad ! d t 9, t+D(-g; (oh.r I d, IGD(.94; ziet I d 3 e, l?-lx-94; Bsherlpur I 9, l5,V-89; Fabrtsb.d 3 d, l4vn-88;20 d 2i Q, tcvrr-88; -9G

I d. I7-vll-EEi3 9,29-Vlr88r I d, l7-v 92i 9 d 19 !, l9-vl-93; Gojla (Ioba T.k Sincn) 2 9. 28JX-EE: Kh@ul 3 6 20 9, lE-vll-EEi 2 9, llvll-EE; tdrorc 2 !, 2-VI88rtyyahIdIt, l5-VI-89i Id3 9,4-X-88; Mitha Tawm (Kh6h.b) I I, l+X-94;2d, IGX 94; Mulai I I, lt-V-9; Mune I 9. l3-Vll-93; Muafiargrh I d 23 9, 20-vll88; Pakpaun 2 9, l5-VI88r I 9, 29-vl-88; I d. 8-Vll-6E: 2 9, }Vll 88i I d, lcvl-6E:2 9, l5-vll-88r I 9. l5-V-E9i I 9,29,V1,89; Rajanpu I d, 22-Vll-E8i Hed Suldn.nli (B.n.walM8&) I 9, l4-VI,93i 4 d, unlabellcd, taken froo snld6l5' @Uc.ioi ii 0E Depanttrc of AgriculrDal Enomology, Univesity of Agricultur€, Fakal.bad. Pakirta.,

A very common and widcly disriburd sp.ciqs, nosrly collccrld on liSh mar rhe cultiv.t.d fiel& of whar, oil s.rds, v€gellble3 .rd also und€r ga6, lafliller sd

Dislingnbhbg cbmcc6:

ft h6 a cl* r*nbla@ b ,4. d,u6ria6, iiom which it dife.s mainty itr th€ @nfigrarioo of ml€ S.nitalia (Fiss. 23DEf), pronohl mkinss (Fis. 23A) ard ! long apiel Il.ld.

s@d (1989)pl@d many specinens of $is sp@i6 under ,1. do@$icu, onthe b6is of rheir clGe body rsnbtaD ro de larrcr, bur the aMtysis of thcn g.niblia reval€d 6 thcy &tully belong.d b rhh re* spei€s. Tle sp.cine6 of this new spaia @UeEd in or n4 $c cutnvaEd fEld and ot fie thr.shing fl@6 by th. pr.viols worteB rnd rhe p6cnt author ni8hr bc the of a8ricultural rcps dd w.r€ Dlidentified s ,,1. doroticB, wlicn is , *orld-wide

TIc Mmc of lhi! speics hr h*n dcrivcd fron iE prcmtll MkirSs, which m quite diffcrcnt from thos. of ,.1. doarri.6,

Tbe typc malerisl ha ben dcposircd in the lngt Mu*um, Depann nr of ASricultual EnonoloSy, Univdsiry of Ag.iculruE, Faielabad. p.kir6n, -91-

G.nB PLr.t 3ry?&r R{dell Rfid.ll. carad. Enr.,9(12)r 1597. Typ.. Gryll$ pbbejq S^wurc sFcincN of a lingle ncw sp€ci6 geady lalty wirh thc original (, 1964) of rhii scn6.

l, n b.Iogrt $ tuittgr.latit q. nor, (Fiss. 244-E) MALE:

Sia dtediun (13.5 - 15.0 mm). Body colounlion bl&**n, wirt bNnkh,

Shining bl&k, wnnour any qmcnrtion: fe bl..k. wirh sligh.eddbh dnge: clypeo-fronu I sulure 3rronS ly . ngulat , Oce|lilined with brow.ieh-yettow. Patpibrown. maxilldy wirh 4|h sgmcnr shorcr than 3rd aM 5$, th. taod tong6r, widoEd. obl'quely trun€t d ar ap.x. Arlenn& blwn.

Porctuo black, Mowins anEriorly (Fis. 244). 0.E4 - 0.89 rios s sid.6 pdtfior hargi!, anrerior margnr smnBty @nave. narmwly terrugimus. posterior n@ly suaiSht; disk aldo$ glabrols or v€ry fiEty pubenri laE6t lots bl&k, wnh iDf.tior nrgin stongly a@nding bekwdds, L4s blekbh-brovn, wi6 slight rcddiih ting., uni.olourous, wirho .ny odtings; rnleric ribi.. FrfoErcd o, both sid6, wirh a tdgc, Mt, .rcrEl ard a small. rolnded inter@l whirhh rynpanuni pdt rioi femon short, strong, tincly pub*enq pdterior tibilc dm.d wirh 5, 5 - 6 ert rnal poirred 3pici pGt rior bai|'Ei wid 4-6 inl.rnal,6- ?€xbrn d€ntict$, Elyth slighdy exrending b.yond rh. abdomeo,,yelto*, wnh . pale latcral band, thc lstar.le cxcrdinS inweil ar te; nnmr diJrirctty wjder do tong, wirl idunded olllior nargiri, divid€d behind middle by a curved veh (Fig. 24B)r diagoml vcin longi lst chord unifornly fand.d, zod and 3rd 3hnAty siolaE; h.rp6 with 3 obliquev.iB. sinlaF, Egllsty-ea@d; aph5tfi.ld short. prcvid.d wnh 4 v.iN, -92- trsver'. leirlct forrnlng alMt Ggular, I@ly rccidgul$ celbi laldal fald *irh 6 - ? r!8ul.rly{&.d @i!4, Sc baritrg I - a bnnch6. wirgr lolg, cddar.

Abdom .td eEi stolly bLt. Crnirdir (Figr. 24 CDE) ri6 ?itt XB roushly quadrat , iE a dior M8in deeply eld broodly emargin E, sidc! iiNat!, wirh v.ry fccbly viliblc lal..d lotd. Mtir witl . r'D[, lpsrrdqild, bluldy- poinEd. median lobe; c.6putn!r.s slighly vitiblc b€tl t! .pbhdlu! in (hr.l r|Pect.

[email protected] (ml: 2 d

s.D, rr.5n5_0


| rr.73 o.u



llo|dr?.: I d, unbtcltd_ P.nt'pc| t d. unrdEtted. -93'

w.a. Eegtfut t6t OlaB {.u.& bar.dFd- d, dd.r !p.d; B, dtrn di ct, rd!. dr c, d..d !r.d; D, E, pt lll. odd, v.d.l.Id lrL..l .!r.d. -94-

BotI mal6 rere akeD from re studenb coll*tion in the Dep.rtn of aglicuhlral Enlomology. Universiry of Agricultu.., Faisalabad, Palirrao,

Dlsrhguhldng clDdsl Thir sp@id h6 a d@ @mblu.c to Platsry't" wh@phaus subcqucntly dsrib€d by ChQard (1969), bur diffds fton n in $c touo*ins

Muillary palpi brown; api€l fEld of .lyt *ith regule .ericllarioq lacd fi.ld wirh 6 ' 7 veins; abdom.n whol,y bhcti cpiphallus without t unotcd po6t rior malgi" (l:ir.24C). h is !1rc fairly dislimr frcn P, 8d,eal,r, qkh which its geniblia tu a littlc

Thc Mm of thb sp@i6 hs bEn deiv€d tron thc criculario. of lh. alical iicld of clytn, which is .cgul&-

Th. rne nat€rial ha bccn d.?osicd in d. la4t Moeum, D.9.rtdctrl or Agliclltural Entonology. UniE6ity of Agrhllorc, Faislabad, P,kislan.

C.nus Crr{rd.! Srusrc t874. OryUodes Saussure, Miis. sci. Mexique Amei. enr. Rsh. Z&1..6: 409. lW6. (;ryllol4tutrcvu Bolivd. Voy, ltodMhild, lns4tes, p. 196. T]4t: edUB ttS LtB \ dk r Th. @tlerd mr4rial of a 3ingl. sp€.i6 entircly agrd wiih $c publish.d dsriptioi (Chop.rd. 1959: Ou. and, l9E3; Sa..d. 1989) of thi. scnu!.

I edlbd$ ertlrat (tu|}e.l (Fig3. 25A_C)

1859. t\pplic^ walker, Arn. Mag, Mt,liisi,. (3)4:221. t869. CrylLts nun6 Walker. Cat. Dcanapr. Saliit. B . Mos-, l:?14. -95-

1869, eryIB p6ttlip6 Wdk r, ldcm, lbid,. lr 51. 1469. Gryl!.t tiEill4t6 Walker,ldcm. tbid,, l:46. t869. Cry 6 suppUcM wallEr,Idcn.Ibid., l:36. t814. Grylloda poryi sassurc, Mbs. Mexiquc. ol$., p.420. 1817. CophoerynB ndlt?ri Sau$uE, M.n, Sc, Cercvq25:233. t811. Orlloda p6,!lip4 Sausurc, ldcn. lbid., A: 210. t811. erlbds r:gilit6 SaNUrq ldcm. Ibid..25: 210. 1811- Pi.stodacttl$ ,tlM SaBurc, ld.m. lbid.,25: 531. 1895- kop.ip.d6 lMinotuB Boliv&, Aii. Sa. .ni. Fr., p. 3E6. t899. HoMlosryll$ irr'i.G Bolihr, Ibid.,68: 800. t90t. MioSrytLa ttue, ala scudder, Psyche,9r?57 tq05, GF,llod.s ,@xr Krby, Synof. Ca. Onh..2: /J. 1912. OryUod$ &r4pr.r6 Chopdd, An.. soc. ent. Fr.,8l:4O1. 1922. CryIoldtdt M a4$d't r Bolivar. Voy, Rothschild, Itu.. p. 196. t925- Gryllod.s aE4i Chopard, Ann. Mag. Mt. Hist., (9)15:511. 1925- GryAoda rrppr'@ Chopdd, ld.n. lbid., (9)15:510. 1926. Achao to* Okaati, Dobu|su-Ky@i Korcgi, p.206. Thb widcly distribut d spei.s gr.rdy |!lli4 with the publish€d d.scription (walkc!, lE69i Chopard, 1969; Sa..d, 1989) ofthi! spei6 exept th. p6t rior tibi&, which ar€ wilh 5 spines on @h ndgin ( with 4 or 6on intemalFdgin), nnror with 2 dividint veins (v€ry @ly undivid.d) and wings very shon. Edued to IaleEI pads in micopr.rous f€nal€s. Gcni6li. (Figs,25ABC), M.sultmntl (m): sd 59

B.L. ,9G

hlanabad I 9, 8'VIl-C3r 6 d. lljx-94r Pujgli 2 9. &lx_93r Sibi4 9, ?-lX-93: Zhob I d 3 9, CIX-yJ: Dd llmil Klr.n I d 4 9, 2'lx_9l: Kohx I I, 4-v!ll.93i Mingoa (sMo I d 4 9, 5-vll-9]: P6haffi 2 d. l-vlll-g3:3 d 3 9, 2'Ix-9lr I 6, l?-x-94; Ch-gt Manga (Kltuo 2 d, l5-vl-93:3 d | 9, 22lX'94; F isalabad t4 d 12 9, lcrv-88; Gutftl. (Feiehbad) I d, 2l-vl_96; H.!d M.tda (Sialkor)? I, l?'vl 93i Lil Sohaora (Bduwalpur) 1 d, 2l_VIII_93r Mian}tli I d I 9, 4-x-88t Mu.@e I 9, l3-vlll-93i Pakpatar 3 d l0 9, l5-vl_EEi 3 d 2 9, l6-vt-88r 3 d I 9, ll-x-88; 1 d,25-v-89i I 9, ?-vll-89; Rlwalpindi L 9,20-vlll88r I C,2-lX-88:19, +lx-88i I 9, 8-lx-88i I d I I, 9lx-88r 3 d I I, 9_VIl_93r Sl8odh! I ?,25-V-8Ei Sialkol l 9, !5-Vl-93; Badin I d 2 9,24_X-93; Hydcrabad 2 d 3 9. 25-x-93: sukkur 4 d I 9. 2GX-93: l0 d 25 9, uilabell€d, ntc! fton sMcnG' @lletion, D.pdtDeit of Agricultudl Entomology. Uni!6ity of Agdcultu€,

h h qidely dislribut d thtolghoul PrldsLn atd is ee*ially found in ho$€s 4s@iarion wnn numn hrbitation, oely @uring in $e leaf-lilt r, *ith macropcrou fotns @ll@ld fron lighl!, -9-

r,r& 25, Wd.t tuptdN. A1, d t dt dlob|||a dd.l !o.dt I, C, lllll .rara, td.l d 5t^, r 196. -9&

Cryllda eppliM eM e. liSi tt6 wrc prcviou3ly coBidred lo b. No diftirenr species by Chop&d (l%9) ($is fauia qs win much bclbre 196?, but published i. 1969)- ln 196?, nc aymnyd5.d rhe formr wirh rtr hr4r, bur @ rdyb n, Kevd (1960) claiD.d thai O. supplica$ haA prioriry ov€r O. rlsi{or6. Ouc (198?b) .6rorcd ihen sht!3 s scpsac speics du€ ro $eir hotorype fcnalB deeribed from difcr.rt @Dr.iB and lbe stignr diffcrc{e in hate gcnii.tia s poinr.d

Thc .bov€ vi.w I de nor hetd good by som. erkd, who ctained rhat d.y *er. two lolms of lhe saEe sp€i€s. For .xample, rhc ndopt roB individuh *cG produc€d irom $e nicroprercu! parcotl under onro cd laborabry co niom (Chouri and McFarlanc, 195?c, 195&, b; TonE, I93) and de by a @mbiMtiotr of f&roB, 3uch s crowding aod hiSh protlin di€t, rmpenrure, rclative humidny aM day !o nighr arcs (Mekiand Otan., 1963i McFstae, t964t Mathad and McFdlare. 196€). The larter idea h also supported by the presenr reFarch, whicb r.v€h rhar te mrle genitalia in bod lhe forB w.rc exacrl, sinild, Kevan (1980) funher slarcd that rh. m&ropt rous rbrms have fu y d.r.lop€

C€nc larlaroa.rlzs TorbiNkii r94O, Tonarea.Jlld TarbiGkii, Salr. Orrl. 16, Aarb., pp. 18, ll4, Typ.: Gqlld kroro Sausuie Tl'c @lldad of a single speis r*mbl. rh. publishcd d*ription {Randeu, 1964t Gorokhov. l9E) oidris 8.nN.

l. Tqt@muut tattare lsts!ft1 (Figs. 26A-E, 2?ABC) Sausure in Fcdch., voyage Turk6r. Orth-,2(5): 14- v. orJ.!ro Uvmv, Enr. nomhly Mag., ?r 50, -99.

1934. Gryltus tanM arsator Uv.a, 86, lo:al. 19{6. Olltt i[.nt di6 Ctq.rd, AM. Soc. o . Fr.. 109: 164. l9!o. Tindbmlla ,4,t ro TadiNkii, Sat. onh. Ic. AErb., p. I14. 1943. GttIus tnt tut4ta Chopdd, Onh. 4ft. N., p. lE4. 195t. Grylbt tt tM Rmnq Min. el. Mu. Be'lin, P. 382, t954. Acha. @t@ Chc?!.d, v.lh. otlrf. G6. B.!.1, 55: 47. $5a. Achrt nnM Krnbag, Olth. Frun. TwkBiaD. p. EE. A ein8l. colldt d pan @nforB lo th. publith.d de'ption (Clorcldtov, l97E) of rhb so6ck! crc@r tlE ccrotcra@r6, *[h[ e mndly poililil .t lpk!3. Gc.ihtia (Fi8!. 2?ABc). Mesuremml! (w)r ld l9


;, 1.2


I 9, qVII-EE, fit r. lot tfu ,res l'n' d; !, ha d tr-- d, |.tal ..p..1 C, .lrln dt D, O. a It I, dlt .b. rlq! .l0l-

r\.27. I@ubttjL. bata.. A4, d.r. d, re drhb, ddrd q.dr D' C' F[|. ..4Lr, r.dtrl .od lC.l .{d. _ta-

aorh the sp.cimeB of thh spei6 werc @lleEd on lighl!

This spdier has b@n rccorded for fie nBr rin. tom Pakisran,

G.nur rororr.rrlr S.NUrr 187?. ldo6le,n,,&t Sa!$E, Mem. Soc, Phrs- Hirt. nal. cercvc,25:249. lrT€: Luobkw .q@rii SaNur. Thc collet d madi6l Fprenting I I spdi.s .x&dy i.llks wnh rh. publisn d d*tiption (Chopad, I%9t Saeld, l9E9) of lhis genur, bul diffe$ fron olte a.d Alender (l9el) in pr@nting tympatum on both.id6 of dllrior tibir..

K.y to tle spEl6 ol lrrorLM SaN!rc l. e8m.nt in Mlc will'out i proc€ss or dcmd (Fi8. 32E). 2 sgn n! in male *itn a pl!)6 on cxl..Ml aigl. (Fig. 388). 9

2. Epiph.llu wirh pcl.rid mediar !06. d@ly norchcd ar rp.x (Fis. 29C); tu|. .lylra 3.66lihcs or nor. d long a pronoom, l Epiphallus qith pdreiior mediao lobe witlDut a dbtirct no0ch at arcxi dyh 2.78 rind or ls E lotrB a p.omm. l. sia ldge (16.0 nn or more); frcoral rdrum in mle srongly p'ojccrins {nen h.rd lcngtl3.z4 mm) (Fis.2EA)...... -.... r@ai S.|src -. Siz! small {15.0 nm or lesti fronhl r6Fum i male slishtly prcJering (nean herd l.ngtl' 2.38 nn) (Fig.29A). .,.. -...... rcolrptB sD. aoy

Epiphalhs with pqterior nedid lobe alnct ti!&ale or wnh jut a suspicion m.dian mr.h (Fis.3rc). 5 EpjphallB whh po$erio n€did lob€ neith.r ttuMre nor m.diauv mrched, 1 -103-

5. Hc5d nlch wider {4.6 nn or norc)t frontd Gt uE mo@ ttd 4.55 dm! rhe width of lst aniermlscgn ni .,,,,,,... -...... ,.,,.. 6

Hc.d drcwer {a.3 m frcnt l Bttum 16 tnd 3.65 im6 thc aidd of bl orenril segne , , . . . , , , . . , . . , .- .. robrdr.rri, sp, nor.

6. Hcad *idth 4.65 - 4.95 mm (mon a.E0 nn); clyfr 2.6 tiB a lorg d prrtlnwines nuct th.r .lylia, , ...... dolidtop.4Dis s0,nd. _. width 5.0' 6.25 nn (Mn 5.71 nd); elylra 2.0 tinci a! long ar plonotum; wings nuch shortq rhan .lytr ...... n.lbc.ph4Lt.9,^or,

1. Epiphallus wid nediri lobe !ho( rounded at apcx (Fis. 34B). . . . .8 Epiphauus wilh median lobe long, fiianguld ar apex (Fig. 338).

E. Siu larSc (12 14 nn): lronbl r6rum |ffi th2r 4.0 tim6 a wid. a lst arr.nMl cgmen! hce lebty .xehcd...... @r&!6 rP.nov. Sia 3roll (9.0 nn); ftodal tGtrum l€s rhan 3.5 rim a. ud. .s lst antcnEl rgmcnt: f@ almrt nitt md.

" l t:":'1':T::TllTll ltl'1 1'll ll lll] lj,H;; AntlnnEl plt)6 disdrcdy cuiv.d inqard!. longer $an l5l ..Ennd (Fig. l7A). l0

t0. Anicnnal ptrB ! lidl. longcr thd lsr and 2nd e€nnrl s.Shen$ (Fig- 3?A): sennalia wi$ Ndian lobc alno6t ru@le d vcry f..bly chdsiDtc at apci (Fig. 3?C)- hanirsqulut sg. no1 Anre.nal pr()6 much lon8.r ttan l$ ud 2nd antetml egmcot3 togcthct (Fig. 388)i senialia {ith median lob. disdrctly nobh€d at apcx (Fie. 38E), -104- r. Ltur.t BM ta.rJ SrBm (Fig! 26A-E)

ttn. L<,r.'bLMt ,a.ri S.usurc, Me& S@. Ccnev., 25: 256. Th. @lld.rt mrerirl €@dy rc!.Ebls rh. publishcd de3cdFbn (Chopd.r, 1969; Tlrdon id Shithodi., lCn) of rti. .peiB. wirh r[. .ddirioE of fo[owiig


H.!d 1.20 - 1.45 rin6 s lo.s d proetun: @b adorn d wirh 4 Flw ti,.s, a br@d b.nd of dr s. 6lou or .!.h sidc, dt.dina etc.idly up ro eyc. Etyri wi$ niftor undividcd {Fig. 288); lsr chord unirld with rhe la!.r usualy by 2 vcinters Gely by I or 3); spicrl fi.ld provihd wirh 4 vcinr. (Fis.28CDE) wirrr .piphalllr luving lntlrior cd&eiErioa bredty y{h4.d, wilh 3irnu!. ErgiB, posterior .rnargindion broadly U4haped. with a pan ot shon, danSular proc.s!., ar rhe

FEMALE: *iih ftonrat ro(Fun lB produc€d; f@ alb.or flat, a liltl€ @nvcx.

Prcrc$n witn posi!.ior nugi! s[orgly 3ir@r.. Elytr. ptwrrilg 9 i.gularty{Ep6.d, obliqE vciB, Ovbositr lrdigbt, wirh rpiol vrlv6 sdll, @G .r spd. M6unocnts(@):5d 59 Mrt.




,,*".* IE. 2'. I@bLtt4, h@rt ]|, baa..dFttu r, rH.p.c & dth 6r c+, Fr.n. d; c,.dpr.[!, &,-r grd; D, E, DI!||l. &0b, ud tar.t.n d& '.dnt -loc


1,02-r.l l o.r" .*

ch.hga Musa (K6ur) I d, I5-Vl93t ,auhdrbld (Khuhab) 2 d I 9, l+X-grri 8 d 9 9, l?-X-94r Mi$! T.9m (Khulhab) 2 d 6 9, l4X-94: l t d ? 9, IGX-94,

All dE spei,n B of this specilr reE @ll4€d frcm dE lerflitrer und.r fdst planiatiois, chiefly of lufaida (E catlrB @nalduL6it).

A Abdulhn (1955) and S&.d (1989) did mr cpod rhi! +oci4 n ts bcn @@rded for the Ii^r time fton Pakiran,

2, IttubLn^ut .ucalrptut q, ao\. (Fi8i. 294-E) Msle: . (14.0 - 15.3 mn), Body @louradon brown.

0,95 - !,04 tin s as br@d d prcnorum, fiftly pub*enrr @ip!r atd a brud bard on *[ snh, wnici.xleids .nr.riorly !p ro ttE @nrex, sligndy ptojeri.e. wirh a traawne y.llo* band bcrwan -107- the lalldl @lli; chck b@n, with a y.llow liNi fu narcEd, rely a Ind. co@ve. ddk brown up lo the, rhc r4i ,lllowishi clypcofbn|.l su$rc st.righr, AnErior oclllus ycllow, &o!nd itfably depesd, Palpiyellowbh, the nuillary nuch .lon8{., ldt sgn nt longsl, ddLcn d ar aFx .Jd llonB inM Mair. Ani.n@ brown, wirh lstsgn.nt rm@(h, wnbour.ny prlEa.

Prcrctun l] with aloost pdauel sidcs, iE a erid md8in e litde @@vq pct rior alnGl rt .idt, both pdidcd with ..ddbh-b@wn brisdBr dbk aln6r flat, yelbwnh, mouled eith bNn spots .nd dots, proeid.d eith si&y pub$c€re ad small rcddhh brhdes: laEnltield brovo, with a ldge y.llowish spor at ant rior angle, exrem. infcrior mrgin bown, iebly endjng pct riorly, L4s rrll@ash, mnlcd eith browtr, sttongl' pubd..nti dlerior tibia. pmvid€d with a ldgc, crEnrl ald a rmall irt rml rympanunr p6r..ior femoo eith oblh@ brown sEize on extcrnal facesi posr.rior tibi& an€d wilh 5 y€llowish spin.s on @h side, thcir bss bl&k, api6 brcwd, dediointenEl api6lspurs a lntb bnger lnd$e suprior ona. 0.?4 1in* a long d pGcrior bsitarsus. tlE latd provid.! wi|l| 4-5 inte.nal, 6 cx|emldenticlcs, l6t tanal scsmcnt brcwn. Elyra re&hin8 ro rhe apex of abdomcn, brcwn, t.aNlu@n1, wirh prominenr venarionr ntrcr loren8.{h.p.d, uodivid.d (Fig. 298); cho.ds lohg, 2nd srongly sinuate, lst f4hly roud.d. uniEd with dc Dirc. by l-2 soallveinleE; dilgoml vcin almo$ sraigh( harps with 2-3 obliquc wiBi apical ficld ldge, pr*ntinS 3 veiN, reticulaiion formed or clongare, alnost r.8uld @lls; IateEl field pal. whiftn, its sup€rior n.rgin bown, poviden sith 5 disBndy-phen bownbhveiB, Sc bariog l-2 brarchd (@cly 3). Wings long, 1.85 - 2.05 rin6 d lon8 a cltra.

Sl&kish-brown aboe., yellowish benath. C€rci loog,0.8? tim.s a long a posterior fcmora, yello*bh. pubenl, with stull bl&k md large whitlh hair. Subsenilal plate b'Nnr gcniElia (Fi8r. 29CDE) with p6l! iq ndsin of cpiphallu rilobac. ancrior edargimtion broaily V{hap.d. wid g.ndy bisinuo$ m&gis. pcterior v*y sballow, broadly U-shaped, bearing a very small nedian lob., the latte. deply notched at apexi latedl lob6 acut€ly poiftd and upqardly curled at apex. Itt. 29. LtoiLr'[ .t,&ttut q-e. A, bddFldrd, dorsr a.c, 3, drb. d' c-D, 3drd. 3! q c!n.I!, .4r.dt D, E, tndr. o!rd, *dEr &d lerl !p.di "ord {0} I'emale: It h sinild ro bale, blldifrca in iie folloeing chraccis: Frce fla1ien d, a lid. convei- Prorc.un wnD pcteriq! fcbly @rvd at middler dbk srongly 3pou.d wirh brown. Elyrr{ brown, prele,ltlng 9 rcgululy+pec.d, oblique v.iB. fably onvcrgi.e rryetd! aper, i.svcM v.illcl! tM@a, foming .lon8.t , n@ly @8uhr @lL. Wings 1,94 - 2,06 riB d lona a clyri. bl! tilh on sidcs in rcp*, Ovipdilor long, straiglt, with.piol valve nlmw, !n@lh, &!r. n

[email protected](ih):5d 59

s.D. 0.53

3.?3 0.13 16.JGr9.0 "." "l

6.201.2 639 ,llG

ItoldtF: I d, | 7.x-91. lauhebad {Xhuihab,. Allotrae: I I, l7-X-94. Jauha.abad (Khushlbl, Prratlps: Jauhmbsd 2 9 , l4-X-94; I d. l7-X-94i Mhha Tawana (Khusbab) I d. | 9, l+x-c4,2 d, t6x.94.

Ir ha ben coueied fbn lhe laf-lin . un

lrs !.ri6liuslDw {rn {Ii ny *i$ rw ol L. /tuuxi lior w[ich il ditliB irr rebly pbdued rioiral cttum, alnost flarcftd fc and snallff body sie.

The m. of thii sp@ie h6 b..n 4.tivei frcn Erc4tptut, s all rhc speimcB w€E coll€ct€d u.dcr it! arll.n l4v6-

fte DF mat rial hal b€n d.pdit d in de ltrst Meum, D.?.nmnt or Agricuhural Enlonology, UniveBiry of ASti@ltur., Fai!.iab.d, Pakisitn.

3. btobLffiw pot4hqtatA sp. Nv. (Fig! 3041) MALE: Sia m.diun (13.0 - la.E nn). Crrcdl @lourrtid drk bwn, with lieh.r

Det btun, 1.04 1,4 tim* thc lnrerid eidth of pronotuFr occiput.dd'Ed wirh 6 6hort, longitldioal, y.llow linBi doBun wi$ a raosv.d. r.ddish-y.llw band benv4n lal.6l @lli aid a lndc thc apcx of ftontal rdtrum (Fig. 30A). the lan r l-38 - 1.90 im.s th€ idinom width of lst ant inal joi, fcbly @tEx and ro'ded ,|lI,

,pically; che.ks b@wni i@ longer than wide, feebly deF€sscd. dark rcddisb-bro*n ut b potclt!.s; labrum, mE lyp.u ad tid6 of porlypcu! trllo*irh; clyp@fronral suore sraight. Eycs marked with black and brcwnish. Labial palpi y€llow, tn. mdiuary brow|li3h, witl 5th scgmnr nuch enldgcd, widening and obliquely rruMl! !t .p€r. Anrenna€ brown, wirh lsr Fgmem ptaio,

Prcmoo febl, {ideniry dl€riorly, with frcir n&gin a litrl. co@ve, p6Erior straight. bolh provided wirh smallbrhrlsr dhksligh yoilex, bl&kish-broun, spotted with yellowbh, thickly puhcsnri lob6 bl&kish brc*n, *irh r paL tpor tr anlerior anglc. ext cm. inferior hargin srcngly as@nding posreidly.

tagr ycllwish, lEorSly nottlcd wi$ bro*n; anEdq ribi& p.donled with an oval, extemal tynpanun, which is reduc.d to a snaller oft on inlerMl f@i pdterior lemora ilickly sriacd eirh bbwo on eltlrnal surfls, darkercd on rpi6r pslerior tibi& arned {ith 5 pubc!@m rpiB on @h side, hc lan r brown dd [email protected] at apies, black at bs, sup..oinE ml spuB alndt.qu.l 10 dE niddlc, the l.ror 0.?5 'licd tim.s ar lon8 a5 posr..ior b6irara; rhe laft.r dncd above wirl 4 i €rnal, 5{ .xrcmat

Elyr. lhoncr rhan abdon.n. mund.d apically, b@n, *irh a I i8h. hunchl b6d; niro! angula. anteriorly, roundcd pdteriorly, dividdd behind niddlc by rwo cuNed veiB (Fi8. 308): cho.d! fcbly !i'ule: p@nriig I v.iB, $e tBr two sinur., thtrd almost stEighit apical field shon, piovided wnb 3 vei6, fotming Ethcr tdge tEguld @lkr lateral f'eld ddk brewtr pGenting 4-5 Egulely leins, Sc plair or having on. bBnch, wings caudale.

Arown above, y.llowbh bc@lh. Cdci lon8, dcNely pub*anr, bl&kish-brown, 0.98 rin6 & rong a pclerior f.nora. ccnialia almct sinild 6 L. .AichopMit


h is similar !o hale qept the follwing.haoftn: -lt2-

I nr !4, Itu'.r''& d,d*!,{nrr, +-.4Hdl-- -l l3- Hc.d ndly 6 wi& tt ptuorunr chelc tlllowilhi ftonr.l crun 3hdr mt produced b.twen the ant n@: fae almodt flanecn. Eyd bl@k. P.lpi brcwn Prcnoum with sid$ pddlcl, ili pdtorior mdgin fe€bly .iouate. Etvra nuch shortr tlEn aHoer, ddk bro*n, witt lidcs lid€r, P@n!n8 3 fi@ vei6, C! 2'bdEIEd: s€ plain, Wings w.y long. Ovipcitor long, alm6t sFaight, with api@l Elvs small, feebly flat ned, sn@ti, eul€ at aPex. M6!@. s(M):5d 39



..;, -l14-

HoloatDc. I d,z-lx-EE, RaMlpindi. Allotyp€: I 9, lllx-94, klam.bad. Prmtyp6. klahabrd, 29, ll"lx-94; RaMlpindi, I d, 2Gvlll-68i I d, 25-Vl -88,

AU $e speircB of this rp@iB hiv. hen olleLd fton g'is undd a lighl

Dletlngulshing cirrocters: lr n very simil& lo ,, .lolictoryaait sp. tuv., l@6 snicn n ody diff.6 in lhe ddk scrcEl oldntion ard l*r width of hed and fton|'l Bttum.

Saeed (1989) idcitifred 4 malcs frcn R.walpi.di a L detect6. Btt tt9 prBcrce of 6 lird on @ip!1, shon brown .lytra, 3 hdp vciB, shon api@l fl.ld a.d Sc plain or turdL 3hw.d lhal thcy qcrc nirid.ntified atd &rually bdong.d to ! rcw

fte me of tis sp€cis hs be.n d.riv.d ftom Polohu. a faoou g€lglehial region or Pakis(an. All fie cou@rio. lo.rlitid fdl undei thk re8ion.

Thc typc rut risl h6 ben dcp6n d in |h. I'gr Mueun, [email protected] nr of A8ricol$ral E o,nology, Unive6iry of Agricultu€, Faislabad, Pakisl4

4, larobl2nnw dourhope^n t sD. nor. (Fi8r.3lA-€) MALE: Sie Eediun (14.5 - 15.5 nn), C.ncBl c.touraion tufaLsladus or y.llowbh_

widd rha. pronorun, 1.09 ' 1.24 iM a *id. a pom$n, ..ddilh-brewnr ,lt5-

@iput *irh 6 short. longnudiralpatc nrip.s, rh. outer rMon 4h sid. joined by $ G"liquc lift: doBun wirh a dbtilcr palc @k 0rin8 b€t*@n tc taleEt oce i clGc ro $c fron|rl r6t um, $e latler very wid., nildly a.d egulsly @Nq, rilh egutalc sid€s: fa@ r litUc @ruvc, l-16 rimes s long as widc, feial rhield browl natdibla. labrum. mc.lyFus, sida ofpcrlyp€ur y€llowisli clyp+fre alsun]rc atnoi snaighr

(Fig, 3 | A), Ey* b@n- Fllpi vcry long, pal., 4th e8mcnr of de nuillary shdt r rhln 3rd and 5fi, |he lal{.l elorgal.. sronsly pi&nins, obliquely runqr., d&k ned.r aFr. Ant€nnae light blwn wnh firsr 2 joi.a d.rk bowi.

Pronorum slro.gly widetrirB ib front, aoterior rwgin feebly convex, l l? times as wide d posrcrior, the latler staighti dhk rranslcse. nonled virh pale yelloq and brown, pubese.ti laEhl lob6 ddk brown, with . pale spol at dllrior anglei .xr.hc inf.rb mdgin bl&k, a@nding pqtlriorly, pale. nonled sid brcwn. dlMly pub.cir dErior ribhe pcrfmt d wiih .n ovrl, .xrerMl ryhparun, which ir r.dlcd io . sh.ll.r one on inr.rnal f@; p6r.rior lbrnoE shdl, rhick, sr.iared eirh bro*n, iil.ruprd wirh ryo longnudiMt yeuos tincs on .xlcrnal fae. thei. alic€s ddlq poct rior ribi& arftd wirh 5 dendq ad fcbly hook d spiB on @h sidc, n€dioi .rral .pical spus sligndy bng.r rha. superoinr€rulrj p6terio. baillrsi fcbly, provided wiln 3-4 intcrMl, 5{

Elytra light brown, witi a ycllowtuh hurcral ba.d, shorter than abdoEcnr niror disposed r@ lhe apex, nady 6 wide a! loog, aogulale i. fton!, rou.ded post riorlyi divided b€hind niddle by t*o v€ins (Fig, 3lB), vry 6ely wi$ onq chords tably roundedr lwps qith 2 3 obliqlc vciNr apiql field shon, p.ovidcd wft 2,3 v.ins, rcriculaion formed of a few irc8lld cell3i lareBl ll.ld pale. rspmnr, brewn al be atrd along slp.rior n&gin, dh.d wnh 5 lc8uldly spaed veiN, S. plain or om- ba*h.d. Wiry) va lon8, wfinish ar he. palc bown |E at@

Ddk brewn on doBun, rllovish bcMth. Ccrci dark brcwn, c.niralia (Fig3. 3 | -llG CDE), with AiphdlB hlviDg V-rlE!.d rli.rix chrgimiid, po.L.iar drrgin rilobal.. ncdi.r lob. shon n,|lw, fcbly rcEh.d at.Fx, Lcnl lc'b6 lon8, poinicd, curvcd ine;6, benl mar8inJ sinuci c.toparm.rls 6hor( v!ry fc.bly viriblc bctwen riuario, t*ra rto ot in doBal sp€.t. "piplalu TEMALEI It is sinile io ml. .xcept the following Head rcrf,d, d sidc a prorD$nr fionEl ct ur mr 3troDgl, projerd b€lwe.n the ant n@, alnolt ounded; fa@ almt fla! vcry f..bly @nrcr. Prcmom pdallcl sidcd, .arcly fc€bly cnldged in tron! ia amcrior rnd po$sior rargi raaight, Elytra crF ing !o $. niddlc dqsl ficld pte iig I fie EiB, Cu 3- branchcd; latc6l field with 5-5 veia, Sc plain. Ovipdilor rFaishr, wit lpiel valvB snall, acutely poirt d al apd- [email protected](om):5d 59

,.ort.u ,,' ";'

": ":

,**t -ll?-

e.L.lP.L. t.2l H.T.L./H.F.r,. t.t+1_23

Holotrp.: I d, 2GVIII-88, Ra*alpindi, Allotrpe I 9, 20.Vlll-88, Rawalpindi.

P.etyt6r lsldb.d 3 9, L llx-94: P6haw I 9, l-Vlll93r Changa M gr (Kisur) I 9, 22-VII| 94; Raealtindi 2 d, 3-Vlll-88: I d I 9, 5-VIll-88: I d I I, E-vlU-E8;l 9,9-Vlll-88r I d 19, lO.VIllE8r2I, l5-VlU'88iIdI?. l&Vlll-E8i 2 9, 3GVlll-EEi I d.7-lX-E8.

fte spcineN of rhb spaiB wrc @Uel€d from tE l4f-litt r undei dcNc plantafions of sufaid! (Eucaltpt$ c@naAubtui!) and other for€st tr6. They wce al$ aburdant on lighr h@ culrivaEd ficl&. Dlstinguishiog .h.ractesi This spei€s lery closcly resembl* L, @ephaL6 and catr be eparatcd lrom t by rhc lighl body @lomtion,less width ofhcad and fro alr6t!m, fakly long caudat pinsr rnd the epiphallus eith pdtcrio. mcdir! lote @ow, f..!ly Nt h.d at

The [email protected] 6lle'.d nigh al.irudcs iion nlow6ire I'rv. ddk r @ld6tion $an $os. coll@ted in plaiB. Saed (1989) plac€d enc sp€imens of $is *w spdi6 nndet L. Mrcb.cphifut due ro $en cbse rcsenblai@ witn thc hroer spaics. Sut oi cl@ ad wciul eemimtion, lhey p.oEd io belong to thB Nw !pei6.

The Mm. of tbis ha ben dcived from its hiod wings, which are

Tne type malerial of Ois specia ha b€eo dcpBircd in fi. lnsr M!s!m. of ASricultudl Enbnology, Uriv.Riry of A8ricllrute. Fai8labad, P.kii&n. -ll&

Itg. Jl. l^o .nnB dou.h.f..nk a. w. C-8, rEi.!. d, C, dph|l6, rloar .&f-, rd!!r rd rrd r.rd. -ll9 5. latublcMus ne.lio@phalut se. ao!. (Fi8r. 324-C) MAI,E: Size ncdium (13,2 - 14.8 nn). Ceftdl coloualion b@wnbh,bl&t, r.rely

Very large, much wid€r than proiotum, 1 ll - 1.25 tin€r d eide s ant rior Dargin ofpronorum, ddk reddb[b@wn on doBum, finely plbesnq occipul prcvided with 6 shorl t.llow liB, ih. out :r two unn d by m obliq@ lirc on ach side, @hing op to the post.rior IEgin of .yB (Fig. 32A); do*um wid a Fav.^. .!ddi5h-y.llN band slightly b.low rhe apex of fro al roarrum, th€ lat€r v€ry b.qd. 4.58,5.08 rincs a {ide $ l3t anEnnal joinr, febly @nvcx wilh @iDcd .dg6i chek eddish-brown; f@ [email protected], | ,20 tiru d loog a widc, d,rt brown. sitn r€ddiih rirgc; hbrus p6lc y€llowish: clyp.cftoflal sutuE abse.t !r niddle, ftin8 or sid6, Siviig conov. app@aoe {Fig. 32D). Eycs bl@k. Ant rior @Uus whnish, pla.€d a lirue b€low the s!.r of ftondl ruhn. Palpi long, y.llowish, thc Millary with 4ih jo'nt dbtimdy shoner than 3rd and 5th, th. lltier srongly wid. n8, bownish, obliqely nuMt d.r aper. Anlcnna€ wilh firt two eens$ da* brcu, $c Esr lidr brownish-yelloq.

Promtud storyly wid.ning dt riody, dc@ly pub€$.t, iE .nt rior o{gin tuebly convcx, pdtlrior almGt straight, both pNided wid reddih-brosn b.kdcli dilk valiegetcd wid brcNn and lclloqishi laEnl lob€s bla.k, with a pal. spot ar infeiior maqin @wdds aleritr !n81.. rhi latrr margin endine p6r.ridly. Lrgs y.lldhh, rpott d wnh brown, puh6e.ti .nr.rior ribilc prBenring a lrgc, ovalerlerMl, asmau rounded interMl tyntanun; portcrior femoo ralhs $ick, skong, striatd with b.o*n on erlernal fa6, intcrMl fr@ fe.bly sportd wiih brwn, dlk ncd ar api6, p6r.rior tibi& a.n.d sith 5 spiM on bo$ side, @h disin8 iiom a bl&klsh pi!, sup.roint hat apical spure al66tequalto medisrpGterior baitai comprcsd, da.kcned ar apiB, dh.d with 4 i dEl. 5{ dLbrl ddticlet. Elyh slbndy snorur lhm abdoo.o. bl&kish. trarslu@nt, fircly pub.snr, chi.i'ly on v€iN; niror M y in apical position, 0,9?-1,09 tim a long d eidc, -r20- rcund.d pdrdidly, oeuh. lnr,iorly, dividcd b.hind nlldlc by l-2 cunrd (rcly fu.catc) ycio!; lst chord unir.d qith miru by 2 v€irlcB (ndy 3), oic nd anador. the oth.r rM inner ugle, 2!d chod suonSly 3inurcr harps wilh 3-4 obliqu., liNare vei6 (Fig- l2D: apid fi.ld rcry shdl, p@nnng 3 v.ia, with. fcw iEguLt ellsi laar.l 6.ld povidqd wi$ 5-6 Egul&lyip@d !eis, Sc tuMr. (tucly plair), Wines

a|&l abovc, yeUowbh-brown beMth, pubscnt. Clrci long, blactbh-b|lM. pubes4n, aln6t $ lons as pqteior fcmora. Gcni|llia (Fis. 32o) v.ry crose lo r. dolichop@it +, Nr.i epiph^llw *ith dr.rior @gimtion bMdly U-shrp.d. m.dio p.sterior 106. a lird. btuc&r, ekally dn6r Eunar., hchl 3idB mor. srongly sinuarei ecloDarameB sinild to the lalt r rEci€s. Female: h t similar to mal€, but difi.R in th. followine [email protected]: Ce.eralcolouration a little lighrcr. Head notat allenlargcd in fioft (Fi8.32C)i ircnlal r6E!m shon, br@d, mt prej{ting betwetr rh. .meMr che.k tluowilhi f@ flar, yclloebh, febly difiBcd wilh browni clyFGfronnl sutur€ straigh Plonoun a little enlarged in front or parallcl sidedi lateral lobB ldSely yellowisb, with a namw brown band along 3up.rid Mgin. Elyr..xr.ding to rhe middl. of abdomn; doMl field bNi, wnh r yellNisn humeEl band, prdidcd *irh 3 fE reitu, Cu 2,1 bmnch.dr lateral field prseoting 5 rcellady{p@d vciB, Sc Dlatu or fuete. Abdoned browtr dove, y.llowis[ be@th, spo rd will) rhe land @l@r on doBun. Oviposiro. long, str.ighr, irs lplll valv6 snall. lan@hG, rcur. !t ar.x. Mealreo..ts (m): 5 d 59

Ma! S,D. l].G15.50 14.10 1.03 H,L, r.4t2.25 t.91, 0.22 3.6S4.45 4or 0.29 -t2l

9.r4 0.7s r.}r.?t 0.29 0,4J 6.3G3.r 1.n 0.46

golotyp.: I d, l?lx-94, Tamb (P*hawd). Allotyp.: I 9. l?-lx-94, Tun b (P6hawd), Prn.Jp€: lslarrbad I 9, lGlX,94:2 d l7 9. lllx-94i Khuzdar 2 d, 8JX-93i Sibi2 d 2 9, 7-rx-93r Abbothbad 6 d 3 9, l4-tx-94i 2 9, l5jx-94: Maeha 3 d 139, l5lx-94; Min8oh (Swrt I ?,5-vlll-93i P*haw 3 d 3 I, 2-Vlll-93r Tamab 3 d I19, t?-lx-94; Bhagal (Toba Tet 2 d 5 I, l9-VIIt-94r Chanea Manga (kNur) 4 6 6 9,22-ylll-9416 6 lt9,23-Vltt-94r Mith. Takna (Khushab) 2 d 2 9, l4-X-94;2d, I GX-94i R.walpiodi I d, ? Vlll,88; I d,25 vitt S8l I 9,3{X-EE; I 9,slx-EE; I 9,9lx,88i Ayub PaiL (Ra*dpirdi) 2 d 5 9. l&tx,E8: Rawal L2ke (R.walpidi) 2 d 9 9, ll-lx-94.

rr r very common and widelydistribuEd sp€i€s, col.cted frcm oe tsfliucrof allknrds undcrdcnse planhdons, chiefly in for€srs, oichdds, parks and along rcad 3idcs. h prefeA hunid pl@s having dense cover of grNes. Dini.auisning cn mcte6: It hA a cl@ affinity io L. dolichop.rnis sp. m. from which i @. 6ily be epa.ll€d by lhc dark colourarion, huch *ider hed a.d fronnl r6r!m, very shon winss and se.ilal coifisuratiois (Fig. 32C). App&endy, ir may bc misut€n with L. tucrocephalut, but differs riom ir in dE laEral loh€ of pronorun which is with a -t22-

b nE w

II!. 34. LrotLlua &.f,ttlg q. rl'd.ldFldr J, ard rac! B, l!. rrl' lrE -.l qdr C, rf,. @ 9t D. t6 a' & Lr r@l r.d d, r, dth Ji G,.phrdla -123- pale spol ar rhc .nt ,ior .n8lc, .lytra sit! 34 hatp rciN .rn tlc goiialia will! poslerid median lobe n*dY lilNat. ar aper.

Sa@d (1989) id.ntifi.d oi. nale.nd many fcrEt4 ts L. Md.phal6 d@ ro th€k close tesemblane qi$ th. laner. B a close dd .dful e&r.iMtion dal.d then a a w specis, with th. above difi.enc The sp.cimens @ll{Gd al high cltitude have darkct ololdtion $an tnosc

The mm. of lhis sP@b ha ben dertud fon lhc widd of he.d which i! lnterm.diak b.tw4n L. [email protected] tnd L doltdlopMit tp Nr'

The rypc maErjat of thb sp€ics has b@a deposiEd in $e In€t Mueum, Departmeri ot Agriclhural Emomology, U rive^ity of AgdcultlE, Faieaiabad Paki$an

6 btobleMut adaut4ws sP. no\. (Fiss. 33A-D) MALE: si& n.diun (l1.0 ll.5 nn). C.reral @lountion blacL.

Blelq 1.25 1.29 tine! a! wide4 Pro.o$mi eciplt prcsenting 6short, f.eblv visibl., yellryirt liBi dcun enh a wrew, |raBrc&, rcddish'v.llry band te'ren lalenl o@lli; froffal rosrum very wid!, 4,00 - 4 2 tiE4 the naximun width of Ist anl! Mljol.t, f..bly @ns, r.gulely rdnd.d !Fr: chcb su@th r€ddith-brwnr face deply cx@uted, da.k brcqn in superiot hdfi tabru6, ant€lvpcu, sida of postlt?eu reddlsh-y.llN. Eycs rcddilh-brcw., wilh blick mdkingt Palpi ttllo{ish. 4rh maillary 3egncnt shoner than 3rd and 5th, tbe latt r nuch widening, obliquclv mnotc, brownisn at.p.L A.tcnMe ddk bro*n.

Promium, enldSed in ftont. its adr.ior and Pooterior mtgiB alDost smighl, botn prdi.Ld wi.h r.ddish+.@r bristl*; di.k slaeldy onvex, Pub€snt blackish-brown, l*bly spon€

Lrgs tellowirb, l&gely spond wirh bNn, de@ly pubcsfl: rlr.rid tibir. perfoarcd, wirh a laig! exterMl aid a smll i .mal rympanuni posrcrior remon sniated wnh bwn m outr $da6, drkercd ar alicqt, p6lrior .ibia. srn€d wirh 5 inE, 5-6 outc. rpiM, ncdioiniernal api@t sputs 3liShtly loiga rhan supdiosi 0.8 tinB 6 long d post€rior b6ilar3B; dic laner shon, deely pubdc.r. ai,ncd abow vith 3 incrml, 4-5 erErD,l d.nrid6.

Elytm €xlending !o lne b6s ofer.i, dart bown, pub*e.r in apical p&t and o. Eitu; dimr 1.03 - l.2l riM s long s wi&, egltare r, reund.d posteriorly, dividcd behind middh by a sinSle clNed vcin (Fis. 33A); cnords f@bly and reSulely cuoedr h{ps wiu 3 lioure, obliqu. veiBr api@l sho.t, pr*.lring rF v€'ns od a wid. rericuhtior; ficld dat bbwr, Fovidcd wirh 4-5 veiB, Sc ptaij or fuMte. Wings very shon.

Bla.l(hh-brown above, yeltowhh benath, Cdci brownilh-yello*, thickly pubes@ , 0.9 rins s lorg a p6lcrior fcnoh. Epiphaltu eirh cMgi..lion brddly V-shated, with gendy bisinuou mdgin, p6t rior Mgin tritobed, nErti.o lob€ short, br@d. abrupdy Miiowi.g lowlrds median apical poiDi, @d apex. e|opeamaB witl' apiB b@dly rclnd.d (Fi$. 33BCD). FEMALE: Ir is sinild io @le ex.?t do following ctratd: Hed nornal, 0,99 - 1.05 lidca s wide d promrum; front l rcsrob !ho( febly produ@

  • Ft, J!. l8obbdrut 4gabt8 q, sr. A, drr. ,r &I\ rFrd. di E, .rt-&., d6l r.Fi c, D, !a{..ddd, !d.l .!d 12G


    ort "."".* "t"

    ,; .;


    Eoloty!.: I d, IGIX-qt, Ayob Part (R!srtpi!di). Allotrp.: I 9, IGIX-94, Ayub pdk (R.walpindt. P.dttt€: AFb Plrt I 9, l0lx-94: Blu6a. (Mu@) I d, l3-IX-94; Mittr T.q@ (Kh$hab) I d, l+X-94; I d, lCx,94.

    h ha bei colh.r.d Aon.rh. laf-tin ! oadd &@ ptrotb6 of $hj.t lEu.atlptas caMAd.,|lO. Dldlngnirhlq .brn rds; Tn. couedd sp@imc.! k y out ir chop.rd ( 1969) with a. l.rct4d, but dir.r fton r in lhe follNrn8 chtrectr: Frcnul rcslluD not angula in frcnti @iput dmcd with 6 yeuow lifts; chaks 3n@th: laEml lob6 of porcrlm wnh ! pll. spot at antliior anglq ocrio ribi& prB.nring tydp6num on borh silB: cly|ra with 3 harp v.iN.

    The Mm of lhis e@i6 h6 derilcd lroh tn. $reriu n.dis lobc of cpiphallls, which is Eiangule at rpcr.

    The twe mterial hd bccn dcpGited ii thc Inwr Museun, Dcpanmc.t of Agricukural Entonology, Univebny of Agticuliurc, Faisalabad, PalisLn

    7' bto .nnqt .r4t!t!! sP. oov. (Fi$ 344_D) MAI,E: Sir trEdim (12.0 14.0 mfl). G.mral olouanion bhknb'bwn, w,$

    Lrge, l O? - l l8 rin s .t widc &s dLtio ddgin of Forctun: eiplt p.cFnri.g 6 shon loqitudinal y.!lw li6, th. outc. two unit d bv e obliqu. lirc ot rhe san€ @lou on ach sidei ftontal rosftm oundlv @ns 4.0 _ 4 2 tin's thc nax ihun widd oJ lst aobnnal seghenlr chc.tJ br4!, exftne p6teior h&gin b.hind subgcna€ yellowi f@ sliShlly longd than wid., f€ebly e@lded shining r.ddish' b.own in supqior pdq @ &ound .ncrior ocellus. labtum, antcclvpeus. sidd or pGtclypeus yellowish. Ocelli whitish-y.llow, laE6l two joitrd bv a EanJv€rs' v'lloe band slighrly b.hind the ftontal t6rlm. Es broqn, with a fe{ blekish ipors. Prlpi ycllowish, thc odillary feblt tinged wnh bown, !p.x or 5rh s8tunt b@n. obliqoclv run@rc. Anlen@ b@wn. with lst td 2|d egdents bla.kish-bwn th. formc'

    Prorctun smngly {idening in frcnt, i6 antcrior Mgin f4blv mndve at -t2a- niddh, pmrerior straightt dilk a lnde @nvq, ycllowish, lalgely sponed with rcddbh browr. fircly pubecnri laehl lob6 for rh. nsr pan blek, srerir anglc wirh a yellow spot, inf.ior ndgin d@idiig pGreriorly, t4gr y.Uowish, spod€d wjlh bown, pub6enr; arcior ribia! pcdoErad wirh a smau, lounded inner, and a large, oval outer trmpdnuo; pGierior femorn sho( a.d tnick. p4nring brcwn obliqu !ri& on dllrEl rid6, brown al r+B; posl! id ribie slender, brownish a1 Ocir bsa lnd apic$, &ned wir[ 5 apicdly-h@ked spircs on c&h negin, sup..oiiicml apical sp!6 alm6r egu.l lo nedis.0,8 rirc s tong s posrerior bdilarsus; thc larer shon, f&bly compBsed, provided widr 3-4 intemal, 4,5

    Elytra a linlc ahoder thai abdom.n. bown, wirh a yellowhh hun€ral bandl minor Ery clorc io rFx, aln6r a si& 6 longi dividcd by 2 vciN: hcps wiih 2-3 obliqu. vei6i apical ficld shott, pEsenti.g 3 v.ins and a few 3mall nr.gular @lls (Fig- 34A)i larehl 6eld of rlE se mlour 6 rh. do6ur, pr*nling 5 e$i&ty*pac.d veins, Sc furcate. Wings v€ry shon.

    Black abov€. yellowish beftalh, prcvideil wirh a fcw ycllow spo6 otr dorsum. Cerci long, d.@ly pubcs , 0.94 ri@ a long s pdllrior fclt@. ccnir.tia (FiF. 34BCD) very sinil{ to L. noctuc.phdt8, bur €piphallu qhh ant rior cmdgimrion sinuarely V{balcd: elopenerB qirh th.n.pic4 l* poin d.

    M€NurcEors (m)r 5 d



    E,L. -tzy


    Itoloart : I d, t4.X 94, Mitha Trwlm (KtBhab). (Xold d, 3 vlll.yj; MrNln I d l5lx-gt: Bhtgn P.rttr!6 Faqi.iEd I ' (Tobr TGI Singh) t d, llvln_g; bl.Mbid 2 d' t ux-gt'

    otr Ir r!5 f@od in the l@f-littcr undd d.N fordt PlalaiiE ald occrsiodllv s$$4 undd li8lt.@@. DLtltri slini char.deFr MtoctPhalut' Th. 8.niLlir of thi! speid 3lDw clo!. rfiinilv to lh@ of L' wih bur 6 .r.ily b. [email protected] by it3 nuch tmattd tit later'l lob's of Prcto|um r yelloe spot .r dErin .!glc, .ly!: with 2-3 htrF and goiulh with |nrdkr cmqrSinrtioo linuilc at|d blcdlv V{h.pcd (Fig. 318)

    Thii rr@icr hs ben Ef.d .ff.r il! clo.. @DbLG !o L' netuc'Plults L. rutlloc2Ptat4t +.@Y. ^nd oi Th. typc tn.l! ial hs b@n dcpoditcd in thc lnsl M@un' D'Ptnment Agiiclhuml Entomology, UnircBitv of fudculnlr' Fajehbad Pltishn .I3G

    n8. J4. L.tabhMlt codu8 lp. or, A, drrn d; FD, |.!ni.rb! A' C!6d||l' d.a.l A.dr C, D, ,t llL orrra, rdd rd -l3l- A, Utud.nM duntubt sp. Nr. (Fi$. 35A-E) MALE: Sia snall (9.0 6m). O.renl olouhlion bl&Lisl-bown, wid ycllowih lcgs.

    Daik rcddhh{rown, 1.05 d66 a! wide a prcmruFi @iput wirh 6 shon ycllow linesr doBum with a tra.svers band of the same color betwe.n latenl @elli (Fis.35A)i fronralr6F!o 3.,14 dm6 d wide s lstail.nMljoint, slishtly prcjdtins. wirh mErior mdgin febly 6nvex, a lide rcund.dr ch4k yelbwnh-bmwni faa alnosr flart rcd, dut brown in superior pan up ro pGtclypcusr labruD and antccltTrus tellowishi clypd-frontal sutlre su?i8hr. Eyes blacL. AnLlior @Uus a litdc below thc ar.r of frcnhl mhm. P.lpi yellowish, odillary wi0 a litd. bmwnish ting., 51h scgnent cntdgcd, wiihning, obliqNly truMie ar aP.x, Anlen@ bown, with lst

    Promtun trdv.e, sliSldy wid.ning in frcnt. itr .ncrior and pcErior MgiB sraighq dist srongly 6nv.x, blekish, wi$ ycllowish spolJ. ycry spaely Pobecntr lareral loba blact, *iih a l.qe yeuowish spor along inf.rior ndgin, th. la et sPot broadening..Griody, eftar. inferior marSin Mndiry brckwed. t!8s y.llNish, f..!ly Aoned with brown; dE ior tibh. p.rfoBcd d dErMl f@. with a large, dal rrmpanui, th. intlrn l onc s@ly visiblei Dost rio. f.nora elongate, 2.68 tim4 d long a wide,provid.d wibobliqle, bown sfiatiots on eiternal tGi pdt rior tibi& dlkcmd al ba aid eci, rnEd with 5 rle.dd, pubes@rr sPiNs on @h margin. +i€l spurs long, puba4nt, m€dioi dMb aln6t.qu.l ro suFriq ones, 0.8 timer s IonS ar posr€rior bdiralsu, the lattcr. litde @mpBsd, prcvidcd {nh 3 intemal, 5 ex€nal dcnticles. Elylr. r@[ing ald6t to de .xrr.hity of abdomn, bl&Lish-brown, shiringl dimr a lntb bnger tnan widc, angulr in fronr, roudcd pod.riody, divid.d behind rhc by a cwed vcin (Fig. 358)i Ist and 3rd chods febly, whil. 2nd sulngly. 'niddle sinuate, l3t united wnh thc miftor by 3 snall veinl€Ei harps wi$ 2 promiient. sinut . oblique vei6. 3d small. febly vBible ru_aigh! apiel &.e shon. prcvid.d wirn 2 veiB '132' and nEglld rcticllation; laEral 6cld black, pr*nring 4 rcguldly{pa4d rciB, Sc oF branched, Wings shoner 1ha. elytra.

    Black Nbove, y€llowhh b€nath. Ceici blackhh-bown, dcNly pub*!nt, 0.90 times d long s psi.rior f€nora. Subgeniul plalt lege, bl&h genilalh vcry closc ro L. (Figs. 35CDE), cpiphall$ wi$ antcriq e@sination brcadly v- "@M.pha!6 shap€d, posrqid nedian loh. nuch 3horcr than th. latlBl oH, rourd.d: .clo9&rm.d

    M6uM.rts (m): I d

    B.L. A,W. r"R,W P.L. 3.0 041 L55

    E,L, 1.50 1.15 6.7

    F.R,WA.W' H.WJP.W' P.L./P.W- E.L/P,L, M.L/M.W. H.T.L./X.F.L 3.4 r 05 0.70 r.03 0.16

    tlolotyper I d, l0lx-94, Ayub Park (Itawalpidi).

    A snUh mzl€ of this 3p4ies wa @llecrcd fron th€ ldHtue! und.r a dense

    Dlnhgulsl rg .hirrct€6: Th. Senilllia of rhis speies 3hN thcn affinity 10 th@ of L. M.Ph.lB, blt diffc. fron ir in a nnnber of body che..m, seh a mrch sDilld tiz.. drowd b6d ard fronlal dl|m. f€elrlt enldgcd promtln, wnh a pd. spot alor8 infcrid marErn of B latsal lobes and fanly bng.lyh, srb I harp v.iN. lik.yso in Choped {l%9) b.t*an L. .qucstis utA L. ni8ii..Pr. hdiffcB iiom re tbmd in ancn@ with lsr s€gm.nt sm@tlr ad without thc d€ntiforn projection and ftom $e latEr in having 6 yellow lims on thedciplt, mnror divided a.d Ftr. 15. ,ttotlN4t .'.ara,u |r. E. A iad d ftlrt! d, eEr lpdr B, drrd Jr c.Er rEft.r. dr c,.r'sbnd, rtoB.l -tdr D, E' t-||] ..dda, dd.r Da L!r.t r.dr- -13+

    Tnis sp€cia ha bc.n mm€d aftlr irt v.ry sdrll dy si4,

    TIE holott?e oi thh sp@ier tu b€en d.po6il€d in $e Insal Muelm, DeparrFeor of Ag.icultuhl Ent mology, U.ircGny of Agftultur., Falrlabqd, Pakk|!n_

    9. IirobbMat pilk na sD. aN. (Figr- 36,{-D MALE: Sia sm.ll (9,5 - 10.4 mm). Body @lou6rio. Gddish-bwi, wirh lcgs rt owish.

    qirh Reddbh-brcwnr aciput 6 rhort yellow liB, a rasv.Bc bard of rhc s. @lour *t nding b.reen lhe @Ui sliSlrly bchid rhc ap.r of fionnl rosFun (Fig. 364). th. lartci @r vcry broad, 3.75 - 3.91 rims as wide a tsr anrlnBtjoior. almcl ruMre, with rourdcd anglsr chelc brcwn, with yettwbb lin : faa ddk bown in superior part; l.brun and $tr.typeur yetlowi.h; ctyp.cfrcnbl 3ulure ,tr-aighti pmElypea wirh sidcs f4bly p6j.crcd posrcriortyt a@ b.lwen ancnnal s@k rs and bas of nandibla wirh f@bly depr6s.d inpr.ssione on borh sides, Ey6 d.ik. Ant rid Gllus y€llowhh, aB around it f.ebly deprc$ed. palpi yeltowish, vith 5rh ndjuary $gn m d{

    Ponotum ilatlsrtrs., panll.l-sidcd, its rfleiior ad poslerior naryiN srright. borh Mrowly tii€d wilh brbrt6; disk JcINish d.Ety pubcsnl, sp@ty drt.d with brown, hedjan line brown, lhe t{|er @lour wid.ning p6tc.iorly: t.r,eBi lobd brN! i[ supenor par, lello*ish in inferior pan, te iofcrior hdSin almct snaighr, Llgs ycllowi$, a liftle spoLd wio brownr oEris ribi& p.rforac{t with . ta4e. oval exrcrnal, tud a sroll, rouod.d inrlrDl tympanuni posocrio. femda short, 2.58 _ 2.95 tih6 d long.s wllc, striarld wirh blwn o! a,6. dart.ncd at aDie: pon€rlor tibi.e &o.d above vidr 5 spiE on @h !ide. apidl spuA .! -135 long d m.die oB, 0.9 rin4 s tong 6 p6t rior bsirarsu: rtc laftcr 3hon, f€bty cohprs.d, provided with sho( deidcle3 and tongef.eddish brcwn bri$tes. Elyra paL yellowish, [email protected]. .xr.'{iis a tide beyod ih. bsb of @rci; nirror slightly longer $.. br@d, undivided, ansular! dl.riqly, i.tlly ,ounded p6Eriorlyi lsr chord rlighlty @nded. joining lhc mi@r by l_2 vcintcr!, 2nd srongly sinuaE, 3rd almost sFaighti harps wilh Z-3 slighrly sinuate, obtique veiN; api6l fietd wcllne!.lop€d, wirh 3 veiN, rcricutation v..y ieal atm6r E8ula. (Fig, 35C): tsr.El palc Iield whirish, wirh a Mrow brown band ltong supsio, rhegin, arned wnb 4 dhh veins, Sc on.-b6rched. Wings very long, t.B-2,2j tim.s ar tong s.tyrB.

    Bown aboe, tellowish b.@$, Cdd tong, y.uowish, rhicktyput sm,0.95 trD4 a long d posl€rior feFoB. ce ratia lery sinild lo lhor. of L, hmihamut6 sp. @v. {Fi8s. 36DEF). €piphlltus wirh aoteior emalgiulio. v{hap.d. pcl.rior mcdian lobe sho.t, n*ly lruneE or tebty mrclled at ape. Mesunmentr (mn): 4 d

    t3.33 r,3l .136-

    0 56{.63 0.60 0.01 3.53-4 19 1.31 0.27 l.r?-r.3t t21 0.05 0.714.16 0.01

    HolotrD.: I d, 2qlX-E8, coja {Faisalabad). Prralyps: Faislabad I d. l6-vU-8E; Baharalpurr I d,25,VI-8E| Sa4odha I d, GX,88.

    All 3pccim.N of rhk spei6 werc olle.Ed fron lighr in culrilar.d fi.tdr. 'lE Dlsrlngubhidg chlmler.:

    k hd r cloi. r.scmblare ro t. rnkm.r',6, bur difi.B Aon ir by rhe pmcss, which i5 lmalld thd the lcnglh of lst snlen@ljoin! miftor undivided, h&ps wnh 2-3 obliquc vcins and m6!En nls of krioc body parll. Thc genitllia of his spai6 snov dgn {finlt! to lt@ ol L. h.nihtwlus sp. iov., frod which it diffeB in much shoner anrenMlpl!)B snd fronl.l6rum, the l.ner not .pidlly thickqEd, wi0! a bdd a linl. bchind i(! ap.x and f..! wnh fccbly proj@ting tronbl roshm.

    This spe.ies h6 b@n inconecdy id€nlined a! t. oreuatl$ by Sac.d (t989) due io its clos. rsenblrc with lhc lar.r. Bur rhc abovc diff*n6 show rhar n was a cl@ly .elated ncw speia.

    This sp@ics ha b... un€d be!!e of i|3 difiere r@s fon r, i .tulirc and L. hdihatulu sp. N.

    Th. typc mateial of lhis speci.r hd ben defsiEd in rh€ lngr Muscun, D.prtncnr of ASriculrual E ronoloCy. Univ€*ity ol Agricultu.c, Faielabad. P.tbDn. -13?' flfi w I

    n& 36. Loata.ffit pln ru rp. Dr. A, h-d rd Fflra a, &ril 4dr & rt .dd *a!d 6t C, dttr. dr Dl' *lh r; D, Crbh' .h.-l 4dt E r' ,bl[. oqaai rir'l Da rari r{d. -t38-

    10, htoUehlkus h.athanulus sp, aot, (Fir!. 374-E) MALE: Sir smll (9-25 12.00 nn). Bod, @l@Etion y.llowish, veied *ith brom.

    Slid y wider.han prcno{un, 1.03 - l.2l rin4 the dlerior width or dE lnt r, wnh doBun brcwli 6ipd with 4 ycllow liEs and a wid. @t$ bond of the sNm. colour, $e l.rter extending antcriorly up ro th. polt.rid nargin ofeyes; fiont l t6F!n widc,3,60 - 3.92 rins d wide a lst artenMljoirt, ib apidl ddginslightly thickcmd, with a raNvere yellow baod conn@ting tbe latctal Mllir chelc brown, with a yellowish line: tu e shioi.g brown, whh labrun .nd y.llow, feial thjeld Uar, wnn sdongly proj4ting frontal rosrun .M f..bly @nvei sid*, @ bctwen anl.nEl @k ts and bM of nandiblB wilh . d.cP inprNion on @h sidci clvp.o- liontal sutue straight. obtuE at niddl. (rc.y naly d..ply €mbedded), {ith both iida proj@ting on p6rlr.6. EyB bl&kilh-brcwn. Palpi y.llowhlt, 4th mdill..v *gd.nt dasri.cdy sho.H tha 3.d and 5l|): th. lattcr dTl.Nd, obliquelv ruMEd ar aper' Anlen@ *ith Isr Fgftm bwn, cxchal.i81. vid a elaivclv thql lhin bwnish' un*gme €d, slctrder pilx*, *hich is inwdlv cuNed tikc a hoo& (Fi8- 374).

    P.o@tun srongly ratsv.*e, slightlybulgiE inlhe diddle, wiih aoErior mdgin tlcbly @neve at middle, poste.ior sraiSht, boih nnelv liE! wnh brownr disk a lide convex, colered witb silky Pub4cence and long ruious bristlg vcllowish *ith a m.diah brown lirc and nunetous b.own rpoBr laErd lobes brown in supeno. Pdl whirisb i. infdior pan, thcir irf.rior marSiB bown, al@t shrght. t gs yellowirh, nonlcd with brcwn, thicklv plb€snr; ant€rid tibi@ p..rorer'

    Elylr! long. trdl@n! €rEnding ro dE apex of rnbSpdit l PlaL. y.llowirh, *ilh promircnr b.own EiN; nimr sligtuly longd thd widc, aryul.t in frcar, h.!ly .ouodcd pct.rioily, undivid€d (Fig. 378)i chords long, lst at

    Btackllh-bdn abovc, y.llwilh, b.Mth, dcNly pubdccnt. CcEi brcwn. dictly, 0,89 tima s lon8 s pdErior feno6. G.nibli. v.ry close 0o L. haNwt \FiEs.37CDE), with pqterior nedian lobe alnost rlMt at ap€x, or with only a suspicion or nedian notch, a crior emrgiurio! v{hsped FEMALE: It hs thc se g.renl char&i.riltht 3 U. nale, but diff.B in the following

    H€d wirh frontal 6Eun shon, bund.d, not dbtimdv produc.d in fronq chcks yello*bhi face tlatte*d. Ani.n@ wilb lst egment plain, witho cxl€ml process, Pronotum paiallel-sid€d, i!! {ntelior nargin stnight, postetior i€ebly sinde

    Elyra prescnring 9 obl ique veiN, of *hich firsl 3 &e ft4, traisvcsc vcinlc6 num€rcus ibming elongatc elb. Oviposnor bn8, stBight, its aPi6l valves 6mall, lalt@lale. smmrh, acorly poim.d at ap.r. M.stltmtr (lm)r 5d s? Md. s,D. -l,lS

    l.atr.3t l_7r 0, 14 2.e|1.0 2.41 0.t5 5.n 0.53 r2.614.m 13.33 0.?9

    2_0t2.15 2.Zt

    3,gB.n 1,77 o-to 1.03-1.21 Ll2 0.06 0.55461 0,J9 002 r.35-{,00 1.12 0.21 r.o 0.05 0.7r.0.30 0.?3 0.02

    Holottp.. I d, 8,VIt-9t, htadbad. Alloty!.: I 9,8-Vll-93,IstaDbad. Praryp6: t3'am.bad 5 d, E-VI9li perhawd I d, 2-VI[-93i curMla (Faielab6d) t d. 2l-Vt,93; co.i6 (Tobs Tek Sineh) 4 d 2 9,2E-tX-88i2d39, (R: r.r lx I rhnre I ,l . 25 Vl 88: Mi.nwiti 4 ,1 2 9. 4 X-BB: Sareodba I d, 5-X-88: 2 d I 9, 6-X-88,

    Thn speie is connonly found on tight !E cultivaEd fi.l& md forsr plan$tion!, but in lne taf,lirtf under deBe pl.nhtDB. Distingoirhiry chaEd€n: rr hs a very clc€ @nbtae |o {,, /@&U.a bur qn b. epdated by i|3 smaller body sie, ahrertul prdH3 and eeniralja wirh nd,an posLnd lobe atndt -14t-

    H A \d

    LbtLw rdit utls 4"i.4, tirlElqld d; B' drrn itr C-t, !..rdir a ; C, .!qntr!, dodt rp.d; D, E, !6.llL u*x, r&rr .nd Lrd r0..l!. -142-

    Sa@d (1969) idc iticd onc mal€ rron coja dd 3 mla. @h fon Faisalabad. cojn md sdSodha, .s L. eque$ns Z. dcorr Bp@rircly, bur ! c{re{ul ^nd ex.miution of their aniennal proc!$ and o6er body chtrscren rcv@lcd that both the specia w€re miridentificd duc lo lhe brekc. dt nDl p|6*, .!d acnElly all the srecnrens wcre of this re* specia- Ir wa lurrhef slppon€d by th. dbsecrion a.d adltsb of tlE balc gcnitalia which *!rc quiE iiom the larcr speiar.

    rhe saFe autl'or (l@. cn.) placed dro@ully a lars. numba of lp@imcB ondcr L. [email protected], bot tE, tte bcloog€d ro thi! ew spei4 on $e bais of th. abov.

    Tt. nlne of this spais ha beD d€rivrd fon lh. ancnnal orlxB. which i5 snaller than rhar of !. /larrly'.r.

    Tbe type dat rial of this! ha be.i d€pooircd id the lEcr Museun, D.part@nt of AgriculluFl E ohology, UniveBityofAgricullurc, Faisalabad, Pati$ar,

    rl. Iitoblehd8 honuwer CboDtd (Figs. 38 -F) 1969. LoroblwN /[email protected] Chopa.d, FauM of India, Cryuoid, p. , lzE. 1949. laoblM Jinahise\ M.&, rh6is. Univ- Agric. Fai!.l.bad, Pak.. p.88. fi. couel€d m{t ri,l of rhh sp€cies grady ag.6 with th. original d.s$iprion of Chop&d (l%9) and des.riptior of Sae€d (1969), but dificB in thc

    L.8s pal., yellowish; elytra widi l st choid uniting dE nnrcr by o@ s@ll veinl€t (@ly wi6 2) (Fig.38c): wings lorg,2.0- 2.2Elire 6longsclyrai gcnir.lia wirh ant€rior edargiDlion bradly V{hrpcd, pdtaior dedian lobe dirrimrly mrchcd (Fi8s. 38EF). TEMALE: Il is a rew allott?e qhich r*nbl6 .n! mdc, bur difr.B in rhe following -t43-

    Had 0.95 - 1,03 line! s wide s pronotuni liontat rostrun shon. febl, conwx, uniformly roundcd, mr uEriorly prctong€d ard rhictcncd ar &.r c[.et! ycllNishr f@ flatr.n.d, wiri labtuo, ctyPe8, nuldibt6 yclwish. er brown; ctyp4 frontal suturc a linlc @nvcx in thc niddt.. Ant nMc wnh r3r segnent smoolni witholr any dt hrl pc6s. P.orciun eirl po6crid Ddgin fe€bty sinuE. Etytra ercdi.t to lhe bes of erci, wi$ 8 resul&ty obtique veiir, firsr 3 fre, [aDsvcrs veinld! nunero$, fordilg.tongai. (Fis_ @lk 38D). Winss tonc, 2.08 _ 2.34 dm.s s tong 19 ycllowirh, .lyt a. C.rci pubesc.nt. Ovip6iro. tons, snaight, with rpt6l vatvc. utrow, la@olale, acu0e ar apex, [email protected](n!):5d 59 Mrt.


    lr.sGl6.50 D ni. 3t, btotLn$t lwslrq. r, lad.d Fldo a, , { a, ir drdr .td.dr c, d}tn ,r D, tt e l; E, C&rr, da.r 4dt I, !bo. oeda, r.E l .4d. _145-

    AllotyFr I 9, &x-EE, Faiel.bad. Pmrypes: Islamabad 2 d l? 9, 8-vtf93i Abbolnbad I d, l5lx-94; Bal'awalpur I d,29lv-88r I d,29'v-89t F*alabad 1d l0 9, 1GVII-88: I 9, r9-Vl9Ji | 6, l+y194:2 6,2!VI-93; Goja Oob! Tek Singh) 5 d 15 ?, 2&rX-8Ei l2d 15 r,29JX-88i Hc.d Marala (Sialko, I 9, L?-VI-93; L:hoE 1 d,25-\.1-E9i kyyah 2 d,29-V-89; Mimsali 6 d 6 9, +x-88; MDfhrgeh 4 9,20-vII-881

    Palparbn I 9, IGVI-88; I 9,E-vll 88; I I, qVIl,88: I 9, IGVII-EE; I d, 4-X 881 19, ll-X-88i 1d 2 9. l2-X-E8; Rawdpindi I 9, l7,VIII,88i 2 d 19,20-VIII-88r I d, 3lx-88:ldllq8lx-8E: I I IGIX-88i Sdgodhr I d I !. 5-X-88; 5 9, 5-X-88- Hrblrtt:

    It h.s been couectd mainl, on lights @r cukiuted fields and forsl plsladoB, bur.ely in thc l@fiioe. undr fo6t plurltioN.

    sae€d (1969) describcd a holorype male from Ravalpindi 6 L. jitushi, bll a@lrsis of $c anEnrai snd gcnilalia prevcd i6 Disiddnificarion drc ro dE brok.n antenEr pr@ss a.d proved dat ir &tully bclong€d !o L hanalila, tercfot. synonymiz.d wnh the lattr,

    New auotype femalc of this spaie hs beln dcsdib.d for rhe lml tin. fron rh. typc l@lny. h ha b€en rccordcd lor thc fiBt dne from all lhe abovc [email protected]. Edlier, 0969) .Lscdh.d it frcs Faisl.b.d s'd sae.d (l 9E9) @lleI.d fton b.d, Cojn, Miewali, Pakparran, Rrwalpindi and Sargodh..

    TIE auoryp! feoalc alongwitn odEr speid.N ha ben d.pcied in rhe tngr Museum, D€parthcbt of Agricrlrural 8nlomology, UrileBiiy of Agricult!rc, F.isatabad,

    GoN Y.Ldt rod Rfude 19n4. velsili.totu Randcll, C!Dd. Enr.,96(t2): 1s86. rW. S.apsip.da, SaNuc .t4c

    The colle.Gd trE&ri.l belonging io 7 steci.! q&dy r.llis wirh rhc original dcscriprion of R|ndell ( 1964) and subscquent dscription of vrl{rt .t ol. (t915) ot thits scns, bur diffcB fton Ou. rnd Clde (1983b) in lh. anErior tibi&, which ar! pcrfor.r.d on both sid6, .lyh i. n.l6 @hi.g alm6t !o lhc ap.r of ahdoo..! h fcmt6 neh short€r and in r*urenent! of veious body pdts.

    Key to tt sreid of Vdulfdttut Nn&tt l. Had with a lraBvlM yellow linc or band bctwdn la, . , . _. Head wilhoul a ralavm yellow lire or band betwEn l.chl @lli.

    2, Sia larg. (12.6 l?.4 nn)i postclior tibiac lonS (6.0 ' ?.7 nn): Mndiblca long (2.75 Dm o. nore), uy prcniEn1. .. -...... 3 siz. snrll (ll - 12 nn); pdrcior tibi& shon (5.2 5.5 m); frldibld $on (2.25 mm or l€$), wnhout aiy sp*ial @nformation...... 5 l. H@d sith a wid. ydlw bad b.tGn lat 6l clli; h@ .bruprly jBt b€low dtc aDlerior oceuus (Fig. 40A): .piphallN wilh posi.rior mcdi$ lohe les3 p@dued (Fic. {OB). . . - -.. - -.. - -..... - -...... -.. 4 Hdd eith a n.llw, feeUy vtible, reddbh{rown line b.tsE! lar.6l @lli: r@ abrupdy dcp.Bed clype,Iioocal sutue (Fig. 394)i eliphallu wior pcr.rior neditu lob. di5rimdy prcdued (Fis. 39C).

    Sia ldsc (!3.? - 17.4 nn); @iput d{k colourcd, with 6 yellow linBr

    prcrctlh enh hEral lobes conplcldy rlatk brwn, *ith only a 3tull ycllow spor at th€ ant rior an8lc. . . . 4qpdlr (Walkei) Si& 3mall(12 - 13.5 nn)i @iput liehl @lourcd, wilh 5 brNn ban&r prono$m vnh hErd lob.s drk bNn i. supdior pan, 6t light @louEd ilonS infcior margin, ,,.,,.,,.,..., lunlrotut sp, nor. -147-

    5. Hsd wilh a wide yellow b.nd betwn laicBl ellir @ip light @lourcd, viih 5 bnwn bandsi @iphallB wirh p6r.rior mcdian lobe shon, sliehrly mrchcd c apex (Fi8.42C). . . . . t ti4tud6 .9. Mr. Hrid with a very '.'jw, feebly visible, yeuow line b€ l*.ral @llii @ipur dtrk olou'!d, pNidcd with 6 prcEiFn ycllow liB: .piphalls with

    Posterior nedid lab. lone, lljghtly .nrgiME at lpcx (Fie. 4lC). . . , . . . . .omi.a,i sp. nov.

    6. Miror uodivided; .lrta wnh lat.hl fi.ld p!le, with a br{M meSiii AiphaUus *ith porr.rior ncdian mtch laqe (Fic. 44). elyre wi$ lNrr.l ficld llDlly dek brcwn; Aipndlu *ith noEh and lat Bl lob€! small (Fig.45C). . divtdlt .p. nov.

    r. v.ta'llictotut 4rr.o16 sp. dot. (Fi8s. 394-D) MALE: Sizenedium (14,Eno). Body@l@Etiondakbtown, withle8:liSIGr,sF .d

    Dst blrckbh brown, wider l]lnn Drcnolumi @ipulwnb 6 vcllow lirct' *nh a very nurow, iirely visible, median lirc, thc outer 1wo aln61 obliqu. @chi g ankriorly !p !o rh. pqterior Mgii of.y.s; fot.h..d proi@tiig belw*n st nna., abulptly deprssed nd cl}lcet onul slturc (Fig. l9A); f@ wilh slperior Pr d.rk shining bmwn up io p6t lyp.Lit, *ith a ycllov spot at dlddle ju$ abov. the &pGsionr chc*! fof ln. d6l pan yellowbh, d.a bclow .nd bcldnd eh eve b.wn. Evd sPo&rd wiu bt@k .rd r€ddish-bwn. Oc.lli y.llowilh, dE lat Bb uiEd with a rcrv nlrcw. .cildirh-b@n liE, which is fcbly angul.t !t middle Maldrbla! labruB r|d {n6ly!.s @mpletely ycllNish, th. fom.r {tongty elongaE (2-75 nn) naking he2d 2.0? tin4 d hign s Forctun, PalPi y.lloq, 6.sth Miultv brsd.ning trln€tc, with a lighl bownish tiiSc at aP.r' Arl.n@ brcsn -t48,

    Promtlm FaNGe, mrch widd rhtn lon8, .nlargcd in fiom. irs di.rior firgin fe.bly corcave, posldior 6loight, both provid€d with dcM re* dirt3lighrly conver, firely pub6&nr. povid.d sith ycllwish and bla.kijh spo6, eirhou ey r!@ of Eddish ti.gei laEral lob4 for the most pad yellw, in srp€rior maryin blackish- brown. qtd. infqior D&sin blek, sliddy ending ponerioily. LrSs tellowisn, sponed wnh bowni anE id ibi& prfonr.d wnh a ldg€, owl crterMl. .d a very oinlle, rolnded i.r..Bl .ympanunr pcLrior fcmod elongrc, striat d qilh biown, th. la$er inremprcd enh rwo longitudinal y.Uow tiEs: pct rior tibi.. med wilh 5 - ? inr.rnal, ? , 8 dcrDl, y.llowbh, apicdly curycd spin*r post€rior bGit si wirt 5 inl€rul. 6 err.@l [email protected]. Elyfr brcwr, rmluent, .lb6t t@hing to lhe bsls of ercir nirw lozcig.- shap€d, divid.d o@ly al niddl€ (Fig. 398)i chord! slightly cuN.d. unir.d with ni@r by . sinSle vcinlct .@ lrl.rior angl.r harp6 wilh 2 wc ndebpcd, sirule, obtiqE verc. aod a small, alnosbfaight rein, {hich app.rB ro b. a bEmh of 2nd haIP; lpical neld shon (l.l mn), povided wid 4 vciB, relicula,rion forned of long, nar, rcgllar @lls: l.tc6l ficld paL, wi$ a ddk suFrior band, previd.d wirh 6 .quinLbfi, @gutd vei6. Sc b@ing i , 2 br@h6. Wings !hon.

    Blackilh-brcwn above, ,lllo*ish benarh. Cerci brewn, sr.aighr, clor€ ., 0,9? rin$ a long 6 pccrior f€nora. Epiphltls witl| erc jo Ddgir darly aln br€dly cmargrnate. lne pcterior trilobatc, *ith ncdh tobe b@d, odpuatirety tong, dc.rly ,plcn€4 at ap.x: etopemr4 pcEridly forhing long, heklike srlErE. eirh internal n&sinr almct rounded (FiBs. 39CD). Mslrctlenrs (m): I d

    B.L fi-W. P.L, P.W. E.I-. M.L. M.W. H.F.L H.F.W. H.T.I,. 11.30 4.70 2.50 4.50 7.3 1.95 2.30 9.40 3.15 1.7

    E,L,/P.L, M.LJN'.W. H,T.L./H,F,L -l49-

    D D rt. t9. V.brli.h@ dr.tlat .0. u. A, Li dd F{.6e d, L-tl .+dr I, drr. 6r c, .!*L. &rt edr D, ,a.n& ,l5G

    HoldtF: I d, l5-tx-91, Maeh6.

    A single nalc of this spei.s ha bc.n @UE|.d a dia fEtd having d.nsc

    Dbtiryubbiq .h.n t€Fl Thn spei.s !ho* iE d* afii^$y t/t V- Bpqt6, bul diffcB in 0E fa.ial deprc$iod, laG6l @lli conmcEd wirh avcry narbw tinc aod th. genilat onflglEtion (Figs. 39cD).

    fie namc of lhir speies h.5 b@n deriv.d iion i|. f&i.l d.pKion, which abrupdy shrb n6 tbe clyp.efronul sutur€.

    The holotyp. naL h6 b@n dcpositcd in tfflcr Mscun, Depetment of Agriclltunl Enromology, UniveBiry of A8ricllrui€, Faislabad, patb{!r.

    2, Veta4lictotit aqp./slr (Wrtker) (Figs. 404-D) t869. Grylrs 6pqsa Walkcr, Cat. D.mapr. Satat. Srit. Mus., 1r39. 1E11. Gry[oda ,.rtu46 sau$uE, Mcn. S@. C.mvc,25:205. l8n, Scaplip.du urz&lr!&tr SaNue, Mm. S(x, crey.,25:24'. 1924. GryIodcs 6?, 6 Uvarov, J. Aliai S@, Bergat, t5: 3l?. t925. G.tll6 b.nh.lts Choprd, Am, Mag, Mr. Hht., (9)15:510, p€king 1910, kaptipeda ap.6d Yin Chi Hrr, m. Hnt, Soc, Bult., jr 22, 1936. GryAulls 6rvn6 Chooard, Nota3 Ent. Chimie, 3:6,

    t964. velatif.totE 6p.dd Rrndeu, caMd. Enr., %(12): 1587_ 1964. Velorili<1otut @ndibubtit pAd.|, ld.n. lbid,, 96(t2): 1587. The couend nenbeB of thn sp€ies are grqrly linild lo lhe publish.d d€scriprion {Walker, 1869i Chopdd, 1969) of thi sp@ics, bur differ in de following -151,

    Prcnotal latcol lob6 brcwn, qirh a pale spol !r.ftrior lower aogtci mir.or dividd by a cuRed vcin, Sc bdjnS 2-3 bnnche3i ferulc clyra enedinS !o rhe ap.x of 4th abdomiul t lgit : wing! v..y shon in borh sx6. Gcnioli4 (Fi!3.40BCD). Me&rurenents (m): 2 d 39 ild. F@L


    ,,rro., ; ",, 3,33 7.5 9.Gr.3




    Artb Park (RasdpirdD 2 d 2 I, lGlx-94i MilE T.we (Khushlb) I 9, l6-x-94, H.blttt: All thc sleirctu of dris *r. coll{cd fton O.l@fiird lrdd dea. fb.csr plantatioB of s\f^id^ (E@otpt6 cmldllrBtr) aid si.sbao

    This spd! ha ben @ord.d for rhe fiBr dne frcn P.kb!an. -t52-

    c D

    I[t. 40. V.lstfi.bntt otaqfut. a, !.d.nd r.@to d, hrdd .r.d; l.D, Frd. d;r,a!5t la, ddrl4dr c,D,![.llL ...d-, r-!.1 rd L-J .,t rlr. -153,

    l, Velat .to@ tu/iaorb 3p. !oy. (Fi8!. 4lA C) MALE:

    Si& ncdiln (12.2 - 13.5 nn). C€nehl colouBtion lighr brow., wirh lcgs ycllowish. nore or l€ss sport d rilh brown,

    Dark brown, mwh widcr rhd pronotun; occipur lighr @lour.d, p@idcd with 5 brcwn bands, rhe olrer lwo snaller rhan the iore6; loEh€ad prcjccring betw@n rhe anlenm, rbruptly dcpBsd slth{y bclow rhe n.dian @lla (Fig, 4lA), rh. trttcr giving bdry a f€dly vjsiblc wow yeuow tinq che*! b@wq virt . paL aq b.hind cy6 aod on 3ubg€E€i l@ ddk brown up to rhe middle of clypcu!, liehr brceo on an|4lt?cls and labrun. Ey4 bl&t. Oc.lli FllN, ih. larcnt rm uiired with a palc t6Nvep badl. MadiblB jallN. sdongly lergd.!.d (t* rh2n V- otp.Mt,2.75 - 3,25 mm longi palpi palc, the mdillary wir! a IiSIlt bowtrth dngc, 5th s.gncnr le.g1hened, widening ard obliqu€ly trundre at apex. A.t rn& brown, wirh lsr s€gftcnr pde, spon d with browr.

    Plonotln wider $ad long, 0.56 - 0.62 tines a! long s wid.. ib derior margin febly @Mv., pGterior almGr strai8l , borh lircd with rcddish-bio& brisrj6, iid.s rcbly bllgan8 out in niddl.; disk monled wi$ brcwr spoa ad dors, pubdenr; larcnl lobcs *ith superio. pdt ddt'rllow, brwn, inferio.lighr colould, Ue qFeoc jnfcrjo. Dargin bl&k, slighdy ac€Dding b&kwdds. 143 y.llwish, dcly spotr.d wirb brcw!; &r.rior ribia providcd with r ldge. o$l tympdnlm on exl! nal face, the,l havi.g only a dcpr*ioi or rcry lmatl, febly vhiblc, .ou.ded oDci posr€fior sho , slout, srir€d with brcwn on crbrnal f@i poslerior tibi& &oed wirlt 5 lpicauy-h@k d spiB on .!ch |ndgin, eilh bas rnd apie d!l; p6Eior bsillrsj a lnd. @np6ed, provid€d win 5 - 6 int na!, 6.7.xt rnrl d.trti.lB.

    Elyt! c.tiEly lighr brown or donun; Diftor weu-d.velop.d, rcund€d posleriorly, divide

    E rtj' ar. Yl|{/r4,s tu+-.AHd:r-a, td o.q l! {h dr c' i*l' &d rd .155-

    the anterid mgL, 2nd .hod sEonsly bcnrr haQs with 2 obliqu vei$; .pi6l tEtd hrtr.r shon, pdidcd wir} 4 Eins, forniDg alMl sq@, idcguto ErkrLrion; t.r.ral fcld pale, with a ddk blnd aloDg rhc supcdor na€ini Fdp@Dr, prca.di4 5 slighrly distant veint, Sc bearing 2-3 bl@h4, Wings very sno(

    BrowD. Dotrlcd wilh pa1. spoB on doBun, ycll*bh b€ne:tlr Cdci brosn. Ceniralh v.ry cl@ ro th6c of V.!,J (Fig. 4lC); .phhrllu wirh derio! megin d..ply .rd b@dly .turgiEre, pGl.rior nitobed, Dcdi.n lobc vcry stM1, wid.. lebly mth.d in 0E niddlc, reo lne..t tot6 r tid. preloqed; doparmG modified p$crior lon8, hooL-likc attucrurcs, FEMALE: Il is siEild !o fuL, but diffe6 in rlE fouowing charcc6: Fae a lirtle @Mvc below forehead: chakr yc ow. Modibla notual. rheir yeuow @lour extcnding o. sid€s of lbe cttFu! up !o a.t nn t @kcts. prcnotun febty widcnins in {ion( latcr.l lobes for llte mo$ pan yellow, witt onty supcdor turgin turowly brown. Ligs and .lytra reddhh-brown. rhe lan r with a yellNirh humdl band, exEndilg !p !o O. 4t abdornjMl lcrgir.; dond fcld *irh f@bly obliq@, clos.ty, sp@d, r.guld rcitu, eaNrc.s rciolcE nundou!, fqnirg lorgi Mow caltri tacr.l field d.rl ir supgior h.ll sirh th. qi pal., Sc,boehcd t@ apex. (ripdiror tong, sraighr, wih apiM! valvcs ndow, larmlatc, snooth, poinrcd al apci. M€NNmotl (nD)r 5d 59

    6.D, R.!& Mtu S.D. 12,013.5 12.73 0,49 1.6-1.1 3,7J 0.19 2.5.?.53 2 0.0t 3.t7'| o. | | E,L. 4.2t4.5 a.53 0.13

    H,F,L. -t5G


    Holo.rp€: I d, l?'X-94, ,auhs$ad 6nushab) Alloqp.: I e. l4-x-94, J.uharabad (|(buhabl P.dryp6: JNhlabad 2 6, l+X-94,4 6 5 9. 17-X-94i Mith! Ttwe (Khshrb) I d 4 9, l+X-94;2 9, ItX_g.

    The spmin ns of tlis sp@i6 lttE fouhd in the lerf'lid.r undcr dc € fo6t pranratio$ of sufaida (Ercdt td c4tuUqlattb) .!d th8ehtu lDatbaeiq tk@)' Diltlrgohblng ch..r.t 6l it @n This rcw s!€.ia! 3lpw3 a cloe Fldionstip *ith v. atltB6' fron *hic! lcngthcrcd be s€parated by irs occiput, whEh ir liShl coloured, nandibt6 l*s snonglv produed a and rhc genihlia wi$ m.dian lobe of epiPhallus verv 6hod, slighdv 16! @nPf.d wnn y- 6P.64.

    Th. Mne of thh !P4i6 ha be€n d.rived fo,i its oeipul. which is li8!F

    Thc tyF dEriJ of $B ipdi6 hs b@D [email protected] i! rh. lDgr M@s Dlparlnc of AgriculoEl Enlonology, Univ.rsity of Agicll$rc' Faislabld, Palntan' Vi.tntut tu&.@tut s9.tur, (Figs. 424'C) MALE: Siz snau (11.0 - 12.0 mm), Body c.lounlioo brwn spofted wirh vellowish -157-

    DoBum dark breM. s wid. s or 3lidrly Mwd lha! prcnotun; @ip!t tiShr colour€d, prcvid.d wirh 5 bown ban&, rhc ou0er rqo uiird wirh u o6liq@ y.ltow ti*i a lnde produced b.tqen dlentu€. btunids srdudly @iovc jusl bcloe lhe a enor cllu (Fig. 424)r f@ . linl. flaftrd. brosn, ic shicld Dryid.d wirh a n dian ycllow ba.d, .iendi.C up to anFrid @llus: cltT.cfonhl suture f.cbty angulnc, Eyes bl&k. Oc.lliy.llowhh, lhe laEral rwo unit d with a tnorveGe band ot lbe um @lour. Mandibl.s y€llowjsh, nuch shond (2 , 2.5 mm) than $ce of y. 6p"6d, Ptlpi lighr bwn, th. luiu!.y wiih 4th s.gmcnr very short. 5I! .tongaE,, otliqu€ly ruMte ar aFr. Ancn@ bown. widr lsr egmnr pale.

    Ponotun tldvm, witt sid6 slighdy bulging out in rhc diddl., eGrior Mgin' 6Mvc, almdr 3raign! dilt wi! etun brown ald y.llowbhi lateral loba fd the ftosl pan bown, wirh a Mrw pale band along infcrid mdgin, wideuing arle iorly, cx[.ne i.fcrior Mein a@nding posLriorly, L4J pal? y.Uo*ish, nonled with browri a|lrlr iibi.E perf@lad on dErnal lace wi0 a ldg€, ovd tynptun, th. int rnal sitholt or with N vcry snall, rcund.d one: pot rior fcnora 3hon, s|oul, lris(d wnh brown, tne lati.r inrcruptd with rm longitudinal pale lircs or dlerBl surfa@; Fsreriq tibi& @cd qith 5 spin! o. eacn Mgin: pGariq bait$i with 6 i.r.nEl, 6 - ? cxl.mldeDrjcle. Elyra brcwn, .xt nding io lhc ap.x oflMohcni nimr alD6t $ long s wide, rou.ded posteriorly, dividcd at middle by a cwed vein, ill irte.nal margin Eror. frcn lsr chord (Fig. 424)i ih. larer unilld wi$ 6ir.or by a smU v.inlel n@ $e a .rior angl.. 2nd chord sEo.gly aB.d; h.rps sith 2 oblique veiB; .pic.l fEld 6dcr rhon, pr*ntin8 co.fused v.narioni lalchl ficld da.k. pt*nrine 4 - 5 dirhnt veitu, Sc b..rin8 2 bBnchcs. WinSs shoft,

    B@n, noulcd *ith on docuo, y.llwish blErh. brcwn. G€trihlia cxacdy simil& b thoF'rllN ot v. dpzttut, (Fig. 42C), wnh cpiphallus pGreriorly filobed, latral lobes a lidc ptolongcd, de nedio short, aln6r runote, wid a rnall oicd nolch. -15&

    rl, ar. VWat r*-t i. tl.a-aF-d, hr.qr,S rrc'.tl-'-lid,-, -159- TEMALE: Il is sinild ro thc q@pt thc following ch@t B: Face rcry littb nareledi ch.cls yellowish, a ddk brown band exlending b.!ow @h ey. up to thc mandibl6. Thc lartcr y.Uow, this dlour.xtcnding thr@gh sidd of cly!.us up io anicnnal sock€rs. Elym cxEnding !o tlE niddl. of aMoftn; do.el fEld b@n. with a ycllN huEnt bard, P@ning 4 f€. tcia, 2 bnEha of Cu, raBvce winlcb n!mc@s, forminS ift8ular, clonSrt! cclls, sc bding I ' 2 branches. Oviposioor su_aight, with apiel valvcs @row, lan@laic, ss@th Msmment! (m)r sd 59 Md. rdL n !3. Md S.D, ll.Gl2.o ll..O 0.37 3.G3.5 30 0.19 l.rz.2 2,06' 0.12 t.2-1.7 t.42 0.m 5.&1 .0 6.t2 0.t1 ,:' "j' r.ll 0.02 r.rl.9 r.76 0.10 1.U1-9 7,r3 0.39 2 4.2.9 2,62 0.17 5.2-3.5 5,44 0.12 ',_31 0.21

    0.59i 62 0.o 0.01 2.95,3.13 r.06 0.10 0?3 0.0.1 0.7G0.?? 0,12 0.03 t.t2 0.05

    Itolotyt : I d. I6-X-94, Midr Tawam Allotype I 9. l6-X-94, Mitha TaMna (Khushab). Ptoltpes: Jehelbad ((hBhab) 4 d 2 9. l4-X-94; I 9, l7-X-94r Mitha Taw@ 5 d 2 9, l4-X-94;2 d, IGX-9I. ,t@

    All the sp@idens of this spei6 qerc @ll@t d frcn $. l@f-litter und6 deN foGt pldlario|r! of srtaita (Ercarpta Marl^is) etd sl@t6n (Datbqsia

    Dhlngx&nirg chr.(t rs: This spdics shows il. affinity !o v. .4o.16, Aon qhich it €n 6ily b. s.p@t d by it3 ninor which i. divid.d at l*t in siddlc, *ith int rnal Mgin EmE fiom $e lsr cho.d, agial ficld with onfused vcmtiotr, latcral field with 4 - 5 distincr vcjB and the posrriG tjbie *ith 5 spiB on @h nrgir,

    Th. md. of thii speie. h6 b@n derived ftod iB €lyrrl venation, i! vhich tllc ls chord is di!6r liom lh€ incrnal Fdg'n of rhe mirror

    nE ryp. mat dal of thh s?e.ies his ben depGicd itr thc lM:r MtMm,

    Depatme of ASrjcul o ral Entonology, U n ivers iiy of Agr icu lture, Failalabad, P.kkran,

    5. v.ttllictorsi .,ir,n!an sp. nov. (Figs, 4lA-C) MAI,E: Siz€ snall (ll.?0 mn). Body colomtion s[inins bl&k, wirt y.llNhh.

    Dosun shining black, slighrly widcr $an pronoomi @hur adorn d wit 6 prenircnt reddi.h-yellow b.trd! ard e obns mcdid r.ddilh linc, O. @r.. ba.d on each sidc brcadly lnning dtlriorly qith $e posl! ior mrgii or €ach ey.i forelEad febly p@j@iiog b.ts€n dLnM., blek up io [email protected] 3ur!.c, pr.s€nriq beE$ the d€rior @llu a lnall y.llow li.q ehdk! black, wirh . y.llov bard, the lalr.r .xterdinS fton thc orcr n rgin of eF ro rh. our.r ho!6 or tnrt'dibt|. (Fis. 434); hci ..ddish-yellov: clyp@-fronral sutue roundly @Dvd, Ey6 bl&k. Ocelli yetlowilh. thc lwo unit d wilh ! nary, fdbly visibl., rEddirh-brcwn lirc, M.ndibb snqt, normal, Palpi broken. A.G'@ brown, -161,

    Protrotun0,73 tins a long a wide, slightly wideDiDg i. f@nr, its 3id€salnosr parall.l, dlerior trwgir fehly @Mvq Dor4.ior rraight, both providdl wid brbrl*r dist rc{ly fl.t, alm6t glabrcB, brownhn-bhcl, wirh f.w t€llwisl spots, th. two ftd p6!.iior latenl an8l8 dore proniEnti laEral lotr.s wi6 suFrior pdr bl&k, rhe intirior wi6 a ycllow bard. broadening ant€iiody, ext€rne infeior nrsin blek,

    L4s ycllNish. prcvidcd with sp.e bwn spo6: dl.rir tibirc wirh rymparun on both sid6, lhe ouer, laige, oval. fie in@r, v.iy snall, on.ded; posrdior fcmon thick, ob8t, 0.38 ri66 a vide a! long, $rhred whh brow., obliqu. lins otr cxtcrnal fa6; posictior tibbe dd |!rsi brown, t. fomer dmcd with 5 i erMl, 5 ercr..l spiB, 3uPcrcintermls {rd m.dioinrern ls .qual, 0.6? tin6 6 long s bdilaBus, the lalt r prdi&d witi 5 - 6 interdl, ? crcrnd de iclc.r,

    Elyka brovn (brok€n at apex) i nircr dividcd bchind middl€r lsr chord esuhrly coNcd, 2nd sro€ly situaE, 3rd alnGl st aighr, lsr !ni.d with niror by a singlc v€it'ld n@ anEdor an8lei hdps *ith 2 mdly snight vciB: apiel fi.ld vitl confus.d v.natjon (Fig- 434)i l.tenl fi€ld bl&k in sup€rior half, th. Bt liSht brwo, provided wilh 4 veiB. Widgr very slron,

    BlwnLh-bl&k on ddsuo, brcwnbh-t€Uow b.EA. Cqci brck.i. G.nimli. (wh.n viewed Aon above) very d* to thoe ol n aly@r6 sp. mv. (Fig.43c), dxcept the pcrerior m.lian lob€, which is long, M.ow, slightly eoarsina0c at ap.x a"d cndgiEtior enh a 3n ll rcdid michi eiop'merd wry rinild io those

    Mearurcme.ts (m): I d

    P.W. M.L, H.f.L. H,F,W. tt,t.L. 1.0 l-9 7.9 r.0 t.5

    E,L./P,L, M,L,/M,Itr. H,T,L./H.F.L -t5z-


    It! .3. u.a.W tu+t Ab.dd;ra, h-dt l,{tn drc'iF-r tH*. - t63,

    EoloF!.; I d. l5-vll-93, Ninbdl (M@). H.bir.r:

    A single malc wa @llfEd frcn gres lndcr a pine planftion. Dbtl4uitinr chulctes: It ba r d@ Ilsbla@ to V, c.!L,n

    H€ad brc.d.ri @ip!t witn prcmircnt y.llN li6i .pical field with @nnB.d v.natiod; laErd tield wirh 4 veiDs; gcniblia *ith nEdi6 lot lorg, n!l:w, sligntly

    Th. dd. of th! speis ba ben ddiled ftom rh. vcBtion of ihc.phal ficld ot clyra. Nhrh E irc8ular.

    Thc holotypc malc hs b@n dcpodird in th. It|scct Mu$[, ftPdlt!.nt of Agricultml Enioftology. UniERity of Aglicul0re, F.i!.bb6d. t'liiellr.

    6. v.Idriflcto Jdu6 (Cnopt .t) (fis 44) l9(i1. v.tarifcrow lall" chopdd. Onlopt. Cal', p$s 10, Gryll. p. 124. 1969. scapnpcdus taldx Chopard. FluM of India, Cryuoid p. ll?. A single couece! dlale grearly agt4 with 0E original dstiptioi (Chopdd,

    1969) of l[is sp€ciB, but difids in th. po6t rior dbia., whicn e anred ejth 5 spiG on both side., .lfr. dt tding lo th. !p.r of ?th aMomiMl |!t8il! ard thc long' eud.r. winrs. Ceoitali. (Fis. tt4).

    Melsumds (mm): I d B.L. H.W, P.L, P.W. E-L W.L M.L MW. II.F.L II.F.W lr'TL ro.5 2.95 l,' 3.0 6., lr.t 15 l.? 64 2-t 5 -164-

    Fk 4. V.lattt utu lala .eld.ll4 dd-l.t d. ,t65-

    8,L.1?,L. M.L./M.W. E.T,L,/E.r.L

    Mhn*ali I 6, +X-8E.

    A rj.el. hrL h,s b€n @llelcd iion [email protected].

    This specid ha betr cor

    7, V.lrtlict4n t ttbugt sP,\@. (Firt 4tA_D MALE: Siu snalt (l I mn). Body coloutation dart bNn, wirh lcst tluowish.

    Shining br{M. s widc s Prcnotuni @iP!l w 6 sbql, longitldild, v.llq tiB, rhe olF Im udited with 4 obliquc lir on erh sidq cheb d4t broM. wid pal. subscnal a@i frc sronsly @Mvc (Fig 45A), ddt brwn. E B bla.k. @ni y.llowish. Palpi {nne, l4t @iu&y s.8tunt long.el, wideni4, obliq@lv tnn rt. ar

    Proro$m harodsq 0,52 tinc! ar long 4 wid€ iB ei.tior and po .rior naryios stBighr, sid6 dightly bulging o!4 dbk . llde @nvei, ddk brown, alm6t glabrous. sids provid.d {ith b.i5ii6r lartal lobe blwn, wifi a vellow infctior batd' dtr.d. infdio( MSin @owly bl&k, drghdy agnding pdenoav. r.8s wiln et lid.!d ncdisn fcnoh bding N feq

    Elytu dek b@pn, shining. e&nding ro thc rip of abdohcn: niror loz€nge-shap.d, wnb rcundcd pGterior angle, divid.d nuch b.hind middlc by a cury.d vcin (Fig.45B)i diagooal vein very close to the ftsr cho.d; harps with 2 obliqle veitu; aPiol field v.ry 3hon, pr.scnting only 2 v.iN and I wide, ndty irEgutd rdicularion: latcral field d.rk brown, tnnslucenr, wirb 5 regularlyibi. v.ins, Sc bdi.g one

    Brcwn, wi$ cerci ycllowish-brown. Epiphattus wnb ncdiad tob. having a shallow. almost roundcd noich, ia latcr.l lob* shdr, blundy poinrcd (oedi.n mrh and lac6l lobca slighdy rhorld rhd those of y. /d{4r)i dr.?.tn'n.c, loi8, i.row, lr@ked (Figs.45CDE).

    M6umdtr (tm)r I d

    B,r, H,W_ P.L. P,w' E,L, M.L. M.W, H,F,L, H.F,W, H,T.L. |l0 3,4J 1.30 3.r0 2.o 7.0 2.7 5.0

    H.W,/!.W p.L,/p.W. E.L,/P.L. M,L,,nt,W. H,T,L_II.I.L r.0r 3.33

    Eolotyps I d,9,V111,88,R.walpidi,

    A sinelc male was @ll@red at tjShl nd . deNe vegcilrio. along rold ride. Dlningunhhg chrn t€B: y. It ha a very close rcsemblane |o tuar, bd @. ealily be epararcd by the br@d had. divided nnd, wnolly ddl brcw. lalcral fi€ld, wilh 5 r.Suldly,Aaed vcins ad the g.nitrl @nf8lntion. Th. larcr aho rhows ir! atfiniry lo rhar of y. lattl'd. fron which ir difi€c io rhc @iput, qhich is providcd wilh ycltow tiB, whitEh palpr, dym sllh 2 h$p verE and much 3horlq wrngs.

    saed (r9E9) enomouly ideotili.d ihis spai.s a S.aptipedd lallar. br on th. bdie of dE ahore diff.E'B 3h@ld b€ rcgddcd 6 a *w spei6, 't -167-



    tu.4s. V.b,{wk'Nt dlridu lp. u. A, h-'l rd !.!nodu d, blrd I, drr'. ar C-l' F|l$ d; C, .tbt tu, rlor.r .a.dJ D, F, phr. Mdd, r.d.l rd ltE l .{.4. -t6E

    Thc name of this [email protected] hd ben derirrd from its divided minor.

    Thc holotypc of rhis spei.s hs ben de96ir.d in th. Iiser MEun, D€pstnrcnt oi Aericuhural Entomologr, Univeuily of Agricuhur., Fai6.labad. P.kiltan.

    C.du il4od,.otrrrra C[op{rd 1951. Gry4rr Chopard, Re.. S. Ausral. Mus., 9: 1108- l l. Md[Eott llla C[opsrd, E6, Madr.,37:2?2. Tt?e CrylrB @dp.d6 Scha!6 The cou€.ted maErial cnrirely agrc6 wi$ O. publilh.d daription (otc ad, 1984b) of thi! gcnB ard Ls rcpEsnrcd by 6 3F.i6 in rhis rcgion.

    Ket to rb. $.{i6 ol todi4rsrt tur CboD.rd t. witho[ a yellowilh bard b!tw@ latlal @lli; genicali. wirh ! h.di (Fig . 468). 2 bad b€r@n la{.r.| Gllii gcnibji, wirho a mdtu (Fis . 4EC).

    2, Sv. small /lds dDn 10.5 nml: wirhout any mdking: .piphaltur s i a small, roudcd menian lob. (F'g,468), Sir ldge (gpt r than 13.0 mm)i head enh thre bmd brow! b.rd! on dciputi epiphalls witl a wide bedid lob€ (Fie.478). sisriarorr (wrDc.)

    J. Epiphallus wilh pGErior .@ginarion U{haFd (Fis. 48C,. Epiph.llB wid pckrior md!'Mtion V.rh.ped (Fig. 50C,. 5

    Occipu( br@dly dng€d wilh yelloq, wi$out .ny rukingi elytn wnh hteral field palc, provid€d wirt tEly sFaighr bur fdbly-spccrd vciN (Fis. 4EB): .piphrlta wi$ posictior emrSimrion deeply U shap.d, withour . oedor mrch (Fic.48'c). ,.....ntde (cboD.rd) -t69-

    Occipul black, wiih 6 short, ycllowbh lin6i .lytra wi$ latedl fGld snol(y.

    p@ided with sinuate, sidelyipac€d vciN (Fig. 49C); ep'phallu *ith pocr.rior *T:lll:1 " " l* ::::1 ::* :*:l*:il,..-

    5. Body srawolo!rcd; clyFcfron|ll 3uturc ltrongly angulate (Fig.50A), @ching almd clN !o fic aot.rior @ll6t cpiphallus wi$ posrerid endgiotion d..ply and finery v{har.d (Fig. 50C)...... - . . ..ot llu sp. Nr, _. Body ,rllNish-brownr clypco-fontll sutuF slighlly mgulale or I@ly stoiSht (Fis. 5lA)r epiphauus with posl€tior €maryiMdoD shlllow and broadly vihaped (Fie.5lD). . ,ttutuquit sp, noa,

    r. ModbogryUs ,Lrtrr (SrM) (Fi$ 46 -D) r9n. G,tvadd ,/!,M S.B!rc, Mcn. Soc. C.evq25:215. 1928- A,t at fl@ipa Cho?td, Spol. Zyl., 14: 197. 1931. Grr\uls ,/..&r ChQatd, Bull. Rrfll4 Mus., 6; Iro 1961. Modj@gry\tu ,lat[t Chopdd, Es, Madr'. ]7:2?4. 1969. Gryltut bL46 Chopdd, FauM of lndia, crylloid., p 55 It gr€dy lallies qi$ dE plblishcd dcscription (Chot&d, 1969i Sa€ed 1989) of ihis sp.ci6 ex@pt lhe p$tcrior tibiac which are wih 4 - 5 interml, 5 external spr6€s mirror 1.0? tin6 s long s widc (Fi8- 46A) a.d elvtta wilh lateral field in femlc pEsening veiN s dbiant 6 in nal.. Ccnii.lia (Figs 46BCD). MesuM.nts (|m): ld 39 M.|. s.D, E

    Ela.6. !tudt@grUt, thNB, A, drlr d, eD, rdi.rb di a, edlt llt4 do.-l !p.dJ C, D, phllc ooda, qarl rad .171-

    ,.;., ,; '; t.3-1.35 r.33

    Faisalab.rl 3 9, l5lx-E?r I d, urlabeu.d. l3Ln fon rhc srud.trB @[@rion al rh. DAa nenr of Agricultuhl E.tornology, UniveBiry of Agricutturc, Faisatabad,

    All thc sp€ciheN of rhis sp€cis were @llcFd ar tighr F{r cuhivar.d fElds.

    2. Motti.osrua slr{tra (wittq) (Fir3. 47A-D)

    1869. Grtllu sisnil6 walk r, car. D! u9r. Sal6r. Brir. Mu., tr 38. t961, ModieSryll$ ri,rir,@ Choged, E6, Madr,, 37:2?4. The @lldt4d nderi.l agrs wid th€ publish.d d*iiption (wattd, t869r Chopdd, l%9) of rhis sp@iB, but difien in ttc fouowins cnan as: Prom$m 0,59 - 0.53 rimes a tong a wide, stighrly @rcwiig ii frcnr, wi$ anbior MSin f.rbly @Mvci dnk witn 2 l&!c hl4El 3poB: pcEior ribi& emcd *itb 5 inrernal, 6 ext r.al3pin6t elyua id male wih lst chord uniritrg rb. mir.or by -tn- I - 2 @id.c (Fi8, 4?A), Sc brring I - 3 bleh6, *in$ p.cscrr d cciitaria (Fi8s.4?BcD) M.6lrtnn.s {na): 3 d

    2.2! 0.r2

    2,7t1,4 3.13 0,28

    Abbo6!.rl I d, ll-vll,93; 2 d, untilcltcd, Irl@n aoD dE sflttclB' @th.rion n rhc Dcpdtneni of Acriculhtrat Enlomlogy, UtrivcrNiry of Atri@b[., fa!.t.brd.

    A rii8le illc 3!c!imn h!. b@ coll@cd &on lighr rc& ! ithL foBt

    h n s b@r @Ucci.d fa rt fur ri@ filE Abbod.b.d. E rti.r, ChA$d (t96p) @oded it I'om Lydlpu (Fai!alab!d).

    Thc sp@iocB ollacd n hiSh aldndc in hrvc nor. d..k g.n.hl @lolrataon, with pronoral m&kins! hddly viiibl.. -1?3-

    nC. 4?. rrdrilt&ruat dgnito8. a,.rin d' FD, idrdb dr B, rF.d' C, D, p6.llh mDra, Errd ud Cd'rllutr 'l6d -t74- 3, Molli@muus .bMi (Cbopord) (Fisr. 48A-E) t%1. Crytta .hsad Chopad, E6, Madr.,37:273. 1967, Modiaeryll8 zAtdui Cnopdd, O !. C*, pes 10, Grrll., p. 81. The collcckd mlErial of dri! sp.ci4 csembla rhc published dcsciiption (Choprd, l%9) of tht sp@i6, bur diff6 in tn followins charclen: Proiotlm 0.58 - 0.63 tir6 6 lone 6 wide; pci.!ia{ tibia. with 5 i !rol,5 - 6 ert rnal spi6; nal. clyra a lorg d or a lildc shond dd abdoneni nircr dividcd a hdc b€hind niddlc (Fis. 4EA), Sc bding 2 branchs (ftrc1y o@)i fenale ctytra wirh lat .al ficld 6 in milc, Cennalia (Figs. 4ECDE).

    M.suttmnis(m):4d 39




    a; -175-

    F1!.4t. _MltLot4lu .h41 A.8\drh. d,,ro,l ud Lt r i*r{ e{5 FL5 d; q .rtLk {.4 D, r, lt.|rt tu0.a, rll.l .rd Lnrd -6. 'rrt -l1G

    FaqiBbad (Kohat) 3 d 3 9. 3-vlrl-93; Rawalpindi I d. ?-Vlll88.

    The spccincu of thk spei6 qft found in rhc rcil c@l! and on the lafli&r ud* dense plindions alor€ rcad sid*.

    It ha b@n @llcrcd for dE fisr ih. Aom F4inbad and Rrw.lpindi. E5li.r, Chopad (1969) descdbed ir rrom Maln (Karachi).

    4. Modi@s,rllat b@cut6 3P. Nr. (Figs 49A_n MALE: Sia d.dium {13.0 - 16-0 nm). Body bl&t. itP.ring pcEriorlv. Herd: DoBum blek, Mlyss wide a! Fonotumi occiPut &n€d with 5vellowttripa, de ol.r rwo unir.d *ith an obliqE; h@ bl&killr in sup.rior pan. b@nilh on ctypeus, labrun, and mandibl4i clp@Jonitl 3u0n .lm6l straight (Fis 49A) Evcs black. Oelli ylllow, Iar.ral two mnn4t d wilh a @nspicuou stiPe. Mdiuarv PNlpi ycllowisn, 4th sgnmt short r tha 3d a.d 5d $. latEr darLn d, s'd obliqucly ruMte ar aper. Antennac brcwn.

    Pronolln distinctly br@der tMt long. 0 54 - 0 60 tims d long 6 broad, sli8htlv itt anffior rcry teblv 6Mrc' pd!'rior staighl both widenins in frenr. 'ugin p.ovid€d with dlN ro*s of dist SeMllv dart bul febly par'rn'd with ycllo* and da* spots in $c posterior balf; lareBl lobee bhck wiil halfhlving 'ntctior a psre a na(ow ycllowbh ba(l !t cxrrem infcrior mdgin. eF.dna rcdued to sMll

    Llgs y.llowish, molthd witn a fcw dek spotsi anErior tibia. p'rforated w'$ a larB., owl oulct, and a sFrll rolnd€d itner tympeum; pdlerior r'non 0.91 - LO5 rims 6 lo.g s.lysa, with 3ttong ddk oblique strie on bdh sids, whidr - 0 80 arc inteiiuFed qith rso btoqtrish_tclloq loDgitudinal lin6r posrcrior tibiae 0 66 -tn-

    tid.s .e long s f.no6. dmcd rnh 5 i erMl, 6 cxt nal spinBi superoi lrol and medid apiml spuB alo6t equal, superexternals shoner lhan nedids. Elyua cxLndinS alMr to tnc aIEx of abdo&f, or a lndc ihon r, 3.24 - 4. l0 times s long a prcnotum, dbtjrctly ljp.ri.g post€riody, d&k brcwn pith lighr hun ral bands, almct uapdni dino. longcr rle side or rcry @l' a loig a wid.. with rounded pdtErior angl., dividcd in rh. diddle or sliSltly b.hind by a curyed vcini chor& acbly b.nq h.rF wirh 2 obliq@ v€iai apiql fcld wirh 3 4 e.ia. rdiculalion formed of alEot square, rery Egdd calls (Fig. 49B)i lsteel lield snokey, tllBpenr, wilh 5 d2rk.*t.c.d EiB, S. wirh I - 2 bl4h6 (Fig. 49C). Wingr @dra,

    Blek abdr, ycllNirh bcHtt. C.ri br'Milh lo bldl. Cditrlia (Fiss. 49DEF), wnh epiphallus H shared, havine a shallo* anterior, and widely u- rhated p6r.rior cMSiedon, $e larl.r pnid.d wirh r fG.Uy vilibt. dEdie mEhi api6 of lhe posbro-heral prcjetioB dd 6ropdmd6 cw€d upward, the latEr, ldB., .rending beyord rte hi.rd lots ri vilibL in rl'. doBal dpel. FEMALE:

    k is sioil& !o male. UE follwin8 char..Ers: Porctln wft sliddy sinul! pGt rior @gin. ElyEa a long d d stishdy longd thd fcnora, 3.53-3.78 tir!6 al l@B r! po.on; dd$l fEld wirh 3 fi4 vciB, 2 brarch6 of Cu, crc! vciB nuherou, fqnine rcguL., alnoll s4u@ a6t&i lrr.ral ficld wnh 4 * diitaot veiil. Wiirs small or dudare. Ovipsnor boc (2.01 ,2.15 uds 4 lonc a clytra), sEaighr, in.ok!l v.lv6 @r@, tamatatli rcur. at aD.x. MeauM@t! (m)t 5d 59

    s.D. s,D, a.L.

    ,:] "::' ,178-

    0,2! 5,2.6 2


    I, P.nttp6: klamaM 7 d 4 9, lt-tx,94i AbboroM 2 ?. l4tx-94; Faisalrbad I ?, lGvll8S: i d, r6-VI q3j Coja Oo6a Tck Singh) I 9, 29IX-EE: Mimwali 3 d 2 9, 4-X-6Ei Patpaun I d, l2-X-E8; Rljanp( I d. 2t VII,88: Rawalpindi 19, l2,Vltl88; I d, I6-VIII-E8; I 9,2GVIII-88; I d, l_tx-E8r I d, 3-IX-EE;3 d 2 9, untab.ttcd, rakcn Lom rh. stod.n$, oltecrion at rlE D.? ot ABricuh!61 Enlomolo8y, UnjveGity of Asricur$E. FaiJalrhad, palill.rr.

    qa! This sFci6 @nnonly folod in fie leaflnEr undcr dene iorcst ptdiatioB, a w€I a on gBs undd liShr stues. Di* ch.!.c.6;

    rk $dta Modi@eryUo !i46, itr Chopud (t%9), bur diff6 fioft rn published (he ferDle in h.ving @ipur with 6 y€Iow sr.ipe, a @row band or $e se corour beNceo latcral oc€|i ..d the piorcral dhk wtjch k dndr d.rk brown in its

    k is are very de.o M. tutu is inqtrgu|Ace (l9E4b), from wnich n @n 6rly bc sep.ral!

    nt. tlo.U.o8r]Jlllts ar C, '19. bonculu tc.n I, 16 & dtn d, tla-l rd l{.|| ndb DrF! dL d; D' Crt rs tb.rl ..0..! E, r! drn dnpL*, rei.nd @d .{..t'. ,180-

    Tfiis spdi* shows a stighr variation in body cotour. Som. spccimeN cxhibir blak @louarion, whit. thc olhcB ar. dighrly lighE. Sae.d (1989) pla@! sne speimeB hd.' Crylra Jisrpd duerotheirctw

    r*mbl.Jr€ with rhe lakr, B he abole show rhal t.y &rualy belong to

    The @Dc of rhir spei* hd her d.riwd fren irs occiput. which is provided

    Ti€ rttr nar.rial hs ben dcDditcd i. rh€ In@t Muslm, Depann€nr of Ag.iculrunl Enromology, Uriv.Bity of Ardcut$E, F.ietabad, prtijhn.

    5, MolLomUB cordllB sp. aor, (Figs. 504-E) MALE:

    SiE shdl {t2.0 B.j mDl. Aody s@w{dourcd.

    Ycll*ish, slighrly namer lhEn p,orcllo, @vded. w'rh v.ry Rre pub@: o@rplr sith 3 broad inkr and 2 mrrow out.r, shon, longitudinat brcwn bads; v.rEx w'$ a br@d, ransv€ac, broen band€e. eyes, a.d a s@nd onc of the sme cotolr otr lhc j.n coun.bov€ oed @lt$i froot l crrun febly swottcn b.r*@n rhe .nlen@; r@ wirh p6rctypcus brown. anrctr?cu, ,c *, Irbtud .rd mrdibte p,r. bDwn: clyp€cfronlal slrue srrongly angutal., [email protected] very cros. ro ancno, oclllls (Fig. 50A), Eyes bt@tish-brown, Mdi ey palpi ye ow, vilh 5rh seghert obliqucly rrunerd, brown ar ap.x, An€n@ y.uowBh.

    Pronoom 0.57 - 0.5E rjnB d long s widc, v.ry fably widc.ira in iionl. ir atrFrior ntrgin @nqvei poterior straightr disk atndr l!r, yeltow, wirt a nedian -l6l- longitudiMl brcwn line and 3 laise bioqn 3pots on @h lide alo.s mdid linei tareial lob.s brown, inf.ric D&gin eirh a !a!lw y.llry ba!d, widening rowrd! aar.rlr angle, the lauer almoskound.d, .xrrenc infe.ior f,dgin snonSly.e@nding backwards. t4s yeuowi ellrior dd n diu fen@ febly spored qirh bwni &arior tibiae FrlotaEd enh a l&ge, oval olrer and a small, iound.d in@r tympuunr pdErior timoa 0.94 - 0.99 tim6 e long s clyrta, yellow. v€ry ligttly holrld wio b.own; ponerior tibi& 0,68 - 0.69 tih$ s lo.g s fcm6, dftd win 4 - 5 inrcrDal, 5 external spiGi supftint .nal apiol spuB sliehtly loiger r'ro mcdiaN, hcdi@xarnds long.r ri,n o$cB, Elytra slightly shorEr thd abdomen, 3-60 - 3.?9 tiines s long 6 promrum, pale brcwn, t aBh@nt; nim 0.94 - 0.9? rin6 a long d widc, l@rtcihrp€d, rcund.d pdtetiorly, divided by a curyed vein slightly bclow rhe niddlc (Fig. 508)i diagonal vein aln6t st aighr; hdp! vith 2 obliqrc vciBi cndds fably cuNed, n@ly .pidl fi.ld ralhfi shori, pr4nting 3 v.iN, reticulation fomed of v.ry @guld, elon8.r. @llsi l.mal field p.le, e,i! a brcwn ba'd ir iuperio. p&t, pr*ni.g 4 fcebly dblatrt veiN, Sc witn I - 2 br@hB, Win$ long, eudlE. bl&k lbovc, ycllw bcn aln. C.rci ydlry. Subgcnihl pba b@n; epipballus with basal portion sliShtly produced dorso-poslliiorly, ulerior Mgi. broddly blt eeakly cMgidrc, pocleriq v€ry dccp ard rdrdly V,shap€d, la|.nl lobee very naiiow, shaaly-poinocd, upwardly{urycdr 4loparmeB loo8, biilrqrc ar ttEir bM, rhon r dm lgterd lobB iD do .l sper (Figs. 50CDE). FEMALE:

    It is rimilr 0o the malc cxept rh. following chdui6: Prcnotln with laEral lobB ycllor, prcvid.d with ! mow b@wn band in iB upper pdt, Elytra 3.21 - 3.63 rima d long s pronotum, pale, wi$ rcguld obliqu. vej6, F.nsErs v.inleE luncreus, foming long, namw, almr regul& @llr, Olipositor l 02 - l 19 tims s long 4 poslerioi fcnorai straight, irs apical valvcs raihe. sfton, wide, @ur. {r atcx- D

    Flg. $. Ndlatltll4t @.dtttt r. o. n . a; a, .trn a; C.r- rdr.r| d; c, CrEft, &rl^, r{.d, D, E, AIi. onDld, rdd !d La-rr ar.dt. -t83- Malllldr!(m):5d 59 Mn.

    3.051.5 3.2t 0.13 3.t-3.J 3.29 O.t3

    ,; ".,,

    IloidyF. I d, lcyll-88, Frieht d. Alorype I 9,, f.ietrbad. Prr..tF. Krlrr I d, Gtx-93r Frj.rt.lad 5 d t? 9, t6vtt{8: Cojn (To6a Tek Singh) I d, 2ElX"8Ei Muaffargdh I d 2 9,2GVlt,8E. Hrb|!ll

    A1l lhc [email protected] of this sp€cie, tle b.€n 6tte0cd froft lighr ncir cllrivlr€d 6eld5 .d along r@d sid6. Dlrthguirhlnt h is vrry crd. lo nd@{tnu Uwqt in Chop.rd (t969), bsr 6 d , -184-

    bc scpdr.d by i6 hed patr.rn, pon€rio. feoora wnhour b@wn sniatioB, mate.lyr6 wi6 lpicil field prcscnring 3 veiD aDd a quir. differe male gcniraj smcturcs. tt atso shoB ia close @nblan . @ M- bwdigatc8it, bur ,lighrty did.B in r!. ,nale gcnit lir fig!rcd by corcldov (t98) io havi'g the Aiphr u eirh poslcrior cm.reiMrion reu'dly Vihap.d, tn El lob6 wirh oucr sid.s .tndt sEeigh bclw rh. level post€rior of .Mginarion, ditrercne in eioparan B and lateEt view of the cpiphallc (Fis- 50CDE). (19E9) pl&ql a nmb.r of rFdreN of rhir lpccjcs ni lt .,iapr oi rhe bais of rhcir .tosc rsnbllEc ro ric l.n r, bur rhc abovc difLrc'B show $ar they !.ru|lly belonS b tht n€w sFci6_ De.iYrtioo of |raml The nde of this species ha b@n derivcd f.on thc swo .D fronol ,Ntium

    Thc type Micri"l of this speiB hd b..n d.poli€d in rtE Ller Meun, DcP3nft of Eotonology, Uniwciry of ASricutrurc, Faietabad, patishn.

    6.,tutt qtn titpsit .0. w. (Frgs.5lA'D MALE:

    snall speci* (9.2 - t2.0 mn). Body colouradon deK Drown_

    Shining ddk brcvn, nedly a! widc s pronotuhr occipur lighr colowed, with 4 rably vnibb r€llow tin6, rh. ladlr @tou al$ drediry behind cy6. a band or lhc en colou. dr.rdilg b.t@n larcmt @llir fae llighrly widfi 1hnn long, brwn i. suFrior pan, wirh r y.llw tine bcpdr nr.dirn o..Us, yeuowilh o,r clr?€ls and nourhpaisi chek ycltowi [email protected] slorc a..!ly aigutaL (Fig, 5tA), Maxiltary palpi y€llowish, sEcrines tighr brown in ddk r sp.cime6, Sd join dek ne

    Promtub 0.59 - 0,58 tine3 u loig a {ide, iB antlrior nrgin r4bly co@ve, ,osr.rior alm6t strlidt, sid4 sliddy bulsils ou! dirk n rrly nat, y.ll@ish, witn ddt brown paEh6. tlE r nuch norc dcvclopcd in ddlG rp@ibeN, pdid.d witlr squeF! sndl l.t hl loh6 blackish-brNn, wirh a E@w yellow band alone inf.rior mdgin ert nding $tEriorty, iB .ri!r@ inferiq mgh bl&k, rlighdy s@nding

    t gs yellowth, notdcd wiih browni anreior ribi.. p€rfoared with a Lrg., oval qr.hal, sid a sn ll, rounded inlerial tympanun; p6t do! fcmola slishdy tut ned at ap.x, 0.91 - 1.02 dncs d loig d elyra, prcvi{kn wnh dark, oblique sri& on cxtctul fM, thc lan6 in&trupGd by 2 ycllowilh longi$diml litcti p6terior tibha 0.69 - 0.74 rins as long d f.nota, prcvided eith 5 i .rn l, 6 dt rDal spiB, Eltt r s lorg 6 o. 3li8!tly shod.r thd atdonen, 3.2? 4,05 tiG a lory d Drcnotun, daik brwo, with light humcRlbdds: bircr lon84 thm b@4 l-15 - 1.35 rimes as lons s br@d, tounded p6tcriorly, divided behind middl€ bv a curv.d vein (Fig. 518)i ddgoml alMt staiSlttr chords tseblv cutued ndlv panll.!: hlps wirh 2 obtiqE wis; api6l fEld prdid.d wi! 2 I vei^t rcdolrtDn fortEd of !@lv sq@rc, cguld @Us: l.r.ral field traBpenl pale *itn bro{n band in sup'rior part. rrvingi (vdv 5 reglldly but nodedely{Pacc

    Bl&k6b-bre{n .bovc, vell4ith bcMtt c.rci v'llowisn-brwn in b'el halr' lhc rcn d.rk brow.. Gc.iillia (Figs 5IDEF) wilh cPiPhalhs haviog a eidc uleritr bridge; 3hallow ad brMdly V-thaped pcterior emargiMtion, forming a Nide epiphallic long. nrcly d.nlicuhted on intchtl dargin in a slighdv nd*ed €ctoparaftt6 'ndilg

    FEMALE: It exactlv rcs.nblcs the naL, cxepl thc following [email protected]: with H€ad qi$ proiouned lighi colour4liod on lhe aciput Pcterior tibia€ pr*tring r'Sularlv disr oblique ve's 5 ' 6 .x€rMl spi6. Elyra with dol,al fi.ld ' ransve6. vei e6 numeos fornins 6rew almct sqw' r'8dt 6tlt ovipGibr (Fig sbort, sftighr, with api€l valv6 soall @w euEly poi'ttd 5lc)' .1EC


    rt" 5r, Ud6E flat d@lt ?. d. A no dt 4 .lth 6l C, db&'l'tt Dl,ae d; DrdL!6 darrFr E, f. o@lB, rdd .d bi r4rdr. 't.[r. -t47. M6urEerts(ml.5d 59


    r.*.t ,',, 0,,

    Holotype I d, 2l-VIIt 94, Had klam (Vchei). Allo.yDcr | 9. 2l-vlll 94, Had kld (V.hdi). P..dyp..: Pshawd I d. 3l-VII-93i 2 d 2 I, l-VIIt-g3; Hqd Balloki (K6ur) I d, l5-vl-93; F!l!al.b&l I d, l2-vl-88;2 d 2 9, IGVII-8E; coj6 (Toba Tck Sinsb) 2 d, 28Jx'8Ei 3 d 3 9, 29-lx-88i Khi@wal 3 d 14 9, l8-vtt-8E; 1 9, rg-vfr-EE; Mi..Mli 2 6 2 9, +X-88i Mirha Tag@ (KljNlta!) I d, t4x,94i MuaffarSdh 9 d 19 9, 20-vll"88; Pakpatrao I 9, 16-VI-6E| E d 34 9, 8-vlt-E8;5 6 l? 9.g-Vll-EE; ll d 16 9, lGVl!-EEi I 9, l+Vll-88: I d I ?,25-Vtt-88: Hcll PanjMd (M@fi&8dh) I d 2 9, rx-93r R{jaDpu 7 d 6 9. 21-vtt-88i Rawalpindi I d,9-VIII-88; I d, lGvlll-88; I d, l5-Vlll-EEi I d,25-VII,88: S&godha 3 d, 26-V-88; Hydcrabad I d I 9, 22-X-93. Htbirrr: Th€ sp.cineB of |his€s Mre l88ely @llccled irom gr.sss undcr lieht -188,

    soures ntu cultivabd fields, rhe leaf-lirter lnd€r deisc foel planhtioN and the

    DinhgulhinS cluncr.6:

    ft hA a cl* rarnbla@ !' nr'. t$,bbtun t, bu si8nifi@tty diff.B in Mtc glnirlia {hich dc al@t 3init& ro rh* of ry. tietqpr, fren whi.ji ir difrcB in clyp.o-fro rl surorc aloGr lF.ight or rcry febty angllar.. Ir is als v.ry cl*ly jn rcta'ad $ M. brchdXa,botdiffeB rhe mate Seni|atia figwcd by corokhov (t9?8) in which the eropmmc.A rrc fircty.h iahr.d on inrlrn l m&gi. bur cnding in . dightly h@ked, iow{dly crN.d apex,

    Sre.d (1969) pla..d some speim.ns ofrhis speies urdc. G' tniobscuN dnc to ihcir close r€€nbl6@ ro rhe laner blt $e dkstion of nd€ g.niblia durin8 ft. pranr s$di6 reval.d rhcn to b. a icw spei.s

    Some or rhb sp€ci6 show almdr a bl&k Sencnt @ldntion ad rhB look Inore stronSly stoited whh brown on head, pronotun and lcgs.

    Thb sp.ci6 hd bai med h.c:ue of i6.nrirctt ditf.rcnr natc ftoh t\os. of M. smiobtaw, wi$ which ir hs closc appeefl r.sembta@.

    Tte tyF nanrid ha t€en dcp6iEd in rh. t'gt Mu.un, D.pan@nl of ASricultural EntonoloSy, Univesny of Agricuxurc, Faisalabad, Pakilta..

    Subfamily Nenobiinae Th@ spaid undcr two genera have b€en identif:ed in this subfanity,

    K.y ro tlE generr of N.oobiiDd | . Pcterio. f.non uaifornly pale-brown, wirhout ban&.

    P6terior fcnora y.llowish, with 3 rav€r6c bl&t bands (Fig. 52C). -t89' c6ts nnn tuUu J@bso a Bt.ictl t8r''5. Netub l' Fi€bd, Abhandl. Sohn. ccs., (5)3:40a. l9c4. [email protected] ,..obsi & Bimhi, Pr.n.i, L@hn, Rs. Imp., p.450. 1913. BMbn Mbiu H.bdd, P@, Acad, .ar, Sc. Philad-, p. 443. Type: Nenpbi6 Saussure Thc olldted nat .ial of . single sp€cies cuctly agB wi$ plblish€d deripdoi (Chopdd, 1969i otE and Al.xari€r, l9E3i sdd, 1989) of rhb

    r. [email protected] @n@b. (wdto,

    (Fier. SBDE)

    t853. GryUu! hzydeni(1. btuchtpr.fd) Fischcr, Orrh. Europ., p. lE5. 1455. N.tubiB lor.el,i C6.a, FAud Nap., Od. cduid., p, 37. 1E57. N.tubis he!d.4i lt. b@htpt..;) YeBin, And. Soc. cnr. Fr., (3)5: ?61. 1811. En.opt m .amlor Wdks, Cat. De.napt, Salhr Brit. Mus, Suppt,5, p. t0. la . NtuUB rarrt4r S.BuE, F.dsbento Voy. Tut6hD, Onh., p. 36.

    tEn. N@bia .?lori.(J SaBs!rc, Men. Sa. C.Eve, 25: E6. t8n. PEren Mbi6 ld.mtis Sauurc, Iden. Ibid.,25: EL l89a. N.tubi6 rerlrri Bun. Trd. en1. Sc. Lord.. p. 52. l9o4. Ptercn tubi8 rat@ Jrcober & Bi4ti, Prcm.i. tozhf,. RN. lyb. C)Edlph4 @n rlrr Kirby, Syron. Cat.,2: 81. 1906. Pt4ontubi6 .rrloricu (irby, IdeD. lbid., 2: 16. l9o9. N.@bi6 hat.Lni wt. rheMa6 (nu$, Dbch, ent. A!chr,, p,l, 1916. Ptron tubiB llztlc4i (t- bt@hl\erc) CigliGTc, R.dia, t2:286. 1917. EaoontuUB la.nlb rt. tlt.M Z.chd. c€ndfllg_ Drs.hl,. p, 244. 1911. NmobiB hnaw w, tch.lkowikovi Sbchelkabo-vtz.v, Bull, MB.

    1922. Pkrdtubiw eii.ntti B.rland & Ch@dd, Bull. MB. Hi5r, nar. Pri!, p. 235_

    1y26. Pt.rcntubia cotolot Uvarov, R.v, R. Enr, 20: 153. l9G t926. N.mbiu ktt nlit rt- tdt l@&ori Uvarov,ldcn. rbcd., 2Al t63. t931. Ptnu@bius corcolor Choprd, Butl. RrfflB M$., 6: 134. 1935. Pt @r,, us ru@i Uv.d, E6, ll: 8t. ttA6. Ptdna'bbia ldazln w. ,tcw Wll,,,tu,ZLn. h io0axy 6rfonn! !o ihe publilh.d dB6ipdon (Choplrd, 1969; Sr..d, 1989) of

    MeEllmds(m):5d 59 Mrt

    t,Gl_3 3,13 0.3r 2,5-!_6 3,U 0.11 3,t1.2

    !,83 0.21 ,.ru.o


    lsbmabad I 9. lux-gri Hrnnr rilc (Qucn ) 2 d 2 9, ltx-96r t^bcla I d 4 !, 9JX-93i Matnn Cqr 4 d 2 9, IGIX-93; Zid.l I d, l0-lx.93r Bhagd (Toba -l9l- Tek Siigh) I d, l9-vUl-94; I 9, 2l-VUl-94i ChdSa Mang! | d, 23-VIII-94: I 9.

    22-vlll-94i Frisalabrd I d, l2,vll-EEr CojB (Toba Tek Sinsh) I 9. zElX 88i 2 6 2 9,29rX-E& H.{d hlm {Yehdi) 2 d | 9,2t-Vut-qri Had Ma6tr (si.I@t I d 2 9, u-vl'93: Mianwali I d, +X 88; Muzfiar$rh I ?,2Gvll-EE; M!@ I 9, l3-Vlt-93i Pakpanao I d, 9-VII-88; 1 d, ll-Vll"8Ei I d, l2-X-88i I I, lGVll-EEi 2 I, ll-X-88: RawalpiMi I 9, 5-Vlll-88i I 9, E-VlU"88r 1 I, qVIII,88r I 9, l4-Vlll-88; I d I 9, ls-Vlll-EEi I 9, l6vlll 88r I 9. l?-Vlll-6Ei I 9,2o-VU-EE: I 9,22-VIII-E8r I d, unlat lled, talcn frcn thc srudc s' collErion, D.Panftfl of Agriculru6l EntonoloSy, UnireBiry of AgricultuF, Fai5alab.d, Ptlisi.n.

    h is a vcry cohhod ed g€ually hydrQhilou spei$ found or snall Egeblion abog &. banks of rive^, strotu, wai.r chanmh, uDdd dqd lev.s and on ofcn swi6 or $c wat r surfa@ tu sne tin . Ir i! alio a C@d Rid ed thus ldgcly olleled oi lights.

    AII rhc abow l@litis. Earlic.. s@d ( 1969) @rl@t d it frch Faielebad. Goja, Mianwali, Muaffaisdh, Pakpalt.n and Rrwalpindi.

    Choped (1969) nE ioEd rhar rhc nicrcpErcB rdB or rhi3 speies w@ slft, b( Oe Mt.rial from this egion sho*s l|ift r}|, co$tituc n@ rhd 50* of rhc totrl olbcrcd populatun of this sFcics. ft ir lirdnq add.d rhrr rh. lpcim.B otleEd rrcn mountaiB de 6rch dark r in ecmr.l cololEtion rhan $* jn pldB.

    CinE Drr.rorilr Vicla.J l9?3- Dianehobis vickery, cirld. Enr., 105(3):419424. Type. Encopt tu foipd wztka Th. @llcicd mat rial .niicly @nform lo $e publish.d d.scripion (vick rr. Io?l) ofthB g.nus and a,epresencd by 2 sp6B In lhu re!'on. -tn- Key to the sFcts of Dih^obiw Yl&ery | . Antdior and media. f.nor. paE wnidrh, provid€d wi$ vo t .svcM blaclish batds. Mdillaly pdpi with ldt teo sshcnE nor whnbh. P6E id ribi& with 3 exEtnal and 4 i lrnal spin* in feMls...... crrhn Ooh.r) _. Ant .ior lnd m.dian fem@ whnish in bul hall brewnbh in !pi6l half and wibour dy bul- M{iU&y palpi wilh l$1 two Fgm s whitir[- PosEriot ribiac wid 3 spitur o. both sid.s in fcnales. . - ...... /@.4,.r (walker)

    r. Ditr.nobius .tili Oonv$) (Figs. 52A-D) l9ol. Nwbi6 .riki 8otiw, zichy, Zool. Ergcbn.. 2: 243, 1925. [email protected] 6 rt Chopdd, Am. Mag. nar. Hbt., (9)15:50?. t9at. Dian.Mbi8 .ritn Corckhov, Vesm. Z@1. 0(2)r 2l-26. Thc @ll@t d [email protected] loklly led *ith th! publilh.d dsigtion (Chopa.d, 1925, 1969r S..rd. 1989) of thb spei4, with the addition of de followiDg ch$&t s: Th€ neropt rous femalB show tully devclo?ed clyFa, which dc rcund.d apically (Fi8. 524), shilc tl'c btuht?r.ou ford hav! t.n clyE! dcdinS a lnrb beyond lh€ niddle or abdonen .'d Mry [email protected] al ald (Fis. 528). M€sureNnrs(m).2d 39


    n.u.r., 01,' otu -193-



    Fts. 9. Dlaa.@Utt .tiL& A, drb. oftr. &drrtqlB r r B, drh oft& b.drt.6r 9i C, paHa f@ ar D, !...t- dla a, -19t-


    0794.91 0,35 0.06 0,76{.92 o,34 o.o7 0,63{.''1 0.67 0.04 0.5it{.63 0.62 0.06 3.0{-r.ll 3.r9 0.r5 r_77t.N 2.27 0.16

    H.T.[,m.f.L 0.76i.79 0,73 o.O Oj'4JA 016 o.g' I|.F.L./O.L. l.2Gl.rta 1.32

    Shae Goba T.k Singh) 2 d 2 9, ICV I-94i Kh.eval I p, IE-VII_EE.

    It ha! b.c. @lt@0cd frcm the pt@s klr rotting logr, while I single o.dopi.rous f.hsle wa fou.d on lieh. Ed a culrivakd fEtd.

    llris sp@is hd ban @I@ted fo. lhe tiBt ri6e non Bhagt. pr.viosly n wd @lleccd frcm Kharcwal by secd (1989).

    2. Dian.@bits f6.*B (w*ai) 1E69. Ereopt.tu JMip6 v/etk6, Car. De.@pl. Salur. Brir, MB., l: 6?. 1871. Eneoplerc altoam (f. [email protected]) walk r. rbid., Suppt.,5: ll. 1871. NtubtB ndao S.ucaure. Mem.,2i: e5 1893. N.tubiB nietbientr8 B@nM, Am. Mul. c.ftE, J3: 196, 1904. N.tubig [email protected] Mr$unuE, Tlou. rs. Jap., tr l3s. 1906. CJndipha atboana g. b@rt pteft) Kirby, Syno& Car. Orth., 2; El. t9M. c\nqipla lMipa Knby, rden. Ibid.,2: 81. 1921. rene@bi4 yin p.kin! n lucipet Chi Hsu, Soc. Mt. Hi.r., BuL, 3: 30. 1924. Pterch.Nbi6 /r: nb Clmpdd, R.c. tDd. Mur.,26: l&2, 1925. Pt tuE@bid atboattu (1. ha.n ChA&d, AD. Md. et, Hisl., (9)15:5m. 1929. Nenobi6 prc. f6cip8 C,F.Wu, na1, Hist. S@, Fuldcn Chrisr, Univ., p_ 25. 19?3. [email protected] lsci\s Viclrery, CaMd, E ., lo5(3)r419_424. _195_

    Th. dllat d nar..ial gi.{dy r*nbl6 ih. publilh.d dBcriglion (ChoPlrd, 1969i Tandon and Shisndia, l92r S.ed, l9E9), but diffes fon rhc d*riprioi (walk.r, lE69) of rhi6 specics in rhe fotlwing chdcr.n: Oeiput with fu pale liB (dcly ab&d: @iltary palpi win bsl t$ kgdcnls whnilhi poli.rior tibi& in nab wnh 3.xErMl, 4 inErul lpin s: 6rci black, wirh a yelbwnh riog Dd. b.!e, M€aoftheds (m): sd 59


    t.50-2.6t 2.06 0.33

    L$ I d I 9, 9-tX-91; Maka. Ctut 2 d 2 !, !GIX,93; Abbonabad 2 9. l4{X,9r: MaMhn I 9. l5{X 94: H6d Batroki (Ksur) 4 d, l5,vt-93r Cltansa Mrnga (Kdur) 19,22-Vlll-94j ld2 9,23-VIIt-94tt3lanabad 2 d I9. ll.tx_94; Rlwal -l9G L*e (Rlsdpidi) I 9, lGVIt93; Mu@ 2 d 2 !, l3-Vlt-93r pa&ctsl I 9, 25-VII-E8; Pawalpindi 19,3-Vlll-88;t d I9,4-vtttSEt I ?,5-v[t-88i r d39, lo-vlll-E8; 2 d I 9. l5-v -88: I 9, lcvllt,88: I d, 23-vttt-88: I 9, 4,rX 88i Sanela Hill (Sheikhupula) I d, 22 X-93i Sukhcki (Fabalabad) I 9, 26.V,94; 2 6 3 !, unlabeued, ratcn irm dlc stud.nn' coltcctioi, of Agri@tiural Edomtogy, Unilereity of ASicujturc, Faislabad, Pakistan.

    It is gcfthUy hydrcphilols md coll@Ed froF snalt vcgeEtion along $e benkr or riv.E, la**, st@m, Mr.. ch2mh, und* lavB in foBtr ald fton rhc righ6

    x a.oomor 3paja, which wa @ll@d for lhe nrsl d@ from aU th€ abov. 's l@liti4. Earli.r, S...d (19E9) [email protected] n nod Raealpindi and pdqand, whilc Abdnllah (1955) from an uirnopn locality-

    h M 8.rerally obw.d during rhc pr* studies tur rhe sicrogt 106 sp@inca of this sFciB werc more @nnoq will rh. f€oatc etyra alodr Elrer. .p'crlly s @mpared wirl' Oc rEcroprc@u fchalB, eirh their €lyra rcdly routd.d !r apex. Fuder, U€ speineB coll@lld frcm high alfiuds e slch ddlcr in rhcir gcneral bod, @lounlion rhan rIN Aom plaiB.

    Femily Trigonidiidle 6lal nunber of four sFciB dd subsFciB hs b.€n idcDrified undq th@

    Key to tlp gum of ftigoridinb. l Elytra glabrcu or alnosr elabroB, widi veinr alhGt p&alcl (Fi8!. j4B, 55)

    Elyta cole.ed wi$ firc pubes@Dce, wi1h veiB Dorc (Figs. 53Bc). panicuLtly -t97,

    2. Body bl&k, with Lgs yellowirhi cly@ 6rnerus, ulh principal v.iB (Fi8. 548). Body and leSr palc broNnish-ydlow; dyh mcmblfuG, *irhout frle v.iN bet$eo lhe prircipal veiN (Fig. 55)-

    cffi Awtut B'l)|'@ votr wrtldrtl 1E93. ,liutut|A Btunftr v- w., Ann. M!s. mt. G.mE,33:212. 1925. Ponnariphd Chopard, Ann. Mag. Mt- Hi!r., (9)15:530. T'!p.: Ahuuteut ttlvB Btnnnq \-w. Chopdd (1966, t969) @Bidc..d A^*48 !"tea BrurM a tt symnym of oc.!%ioa.t walka and rl$ dai8dt d it 6 the 0?e of th. 8.nus. Bu1, co.fgry b it, O1t. and Aldindci (1983) ncntioncd that e udMid8 h hoo Ceylon rd .,i- Jtlvd frem srh.rn Bom, e rh.y @ tut bc thc ry@!yn! de io tn€ disbne.nd wter bdric^ involvcd thc two t,?e l@liti6. Thc @ll@Gn spein B ofa siD8l. rew sp@id evcdy @nform to llle publhhcd dsciptiotr (Chopdd. 1969) of this g.iu.

    1. A^usurgtt kmtu6 sp, N, (Fiss. 2c. 534_D MALE: SDc small (5,75 - 6,5 nn). Body @loution ra$er unifornly yellNhh.

    Hc.d 0,8E - l.l0 tiro d widc a nuinun {idth of prorctls &rG .y6. a litd€ slopinS at venex, previded with r.ddish poinB, @h b€ain8 a brisd.i ftontal osrum n4rowly prcdu4d berwen tic ant€me, shoner than lst a ennaljointi f@ and chcks cflircly ycllowit. Ey6 palc brown. !€niolly lensthc!.d, st olgly bulgin8. Artenr trd p6lpi ycllow,5thjoi of dE @iU.ry longerthd4th, disriE{y eid.ning ar ap.x, almo$ iridSular.

    Pronorum 0.55 - 0.70 tin* a loog d vidc, feebly drowing in font, il5 -t9& anterior margin straight, posterior produced brckwards in middlei dist sligbrly convexi unifo.mly ,clloeish, provid.d wi0t fin. pub€ge. qi|h small rcddisn tub..cl4, ach h€dng a brbdc, panicululy alons pct rio. mdgin (Fig. 53A); htlnl lob6 of rh. s.ft

    Le8s 6iobou! wilh $e body, dcNely pub.sntr ant rior tibiac slighdy dilated at be to [email protected] large, oval rymp.nun on @h sid.: pGrerior f.sof pale yellow, elon8at€. MrNing towrds ap.x; ribie sl.ndcr, poid€d wirh 3 deliare. pub*ent spirEs on ach side (Fig.2C)t i tetual apic.l rpus long, exrcrnal very smau. thc me

    Ycllowilh-brc*n, Ccrci yellow,0.63 tire a lora a pcl.rior CcniElia (F,gs. t3EF), *rO ld.6l ap,@lpr(E.g 'nwadlyrured. FTMALEI It i5 simild lo halc id geneol lhape and @lolEtion, cxept in $e followins

    Elyto alnost raBp@or, iB dosal field pB.nting 5 marly sraiehr rcgllarly dh6hr vcins, raEvc4. v.inleB ouncrols, forminS Bthcr snall@lb in belhalf aid rclarively l.rg.r in apicll h.lf(Fi8.53C). OvipGitor shon (2.5 hm). i9gdin pcd, iB apiol valrts @upying almost half $c lolal lengd. born v.ry fiEly d..ticulatad, sp*ioB wnh 10, inferios qith 5 srong teeth (Fig. 53D). M6uEnenrs (|m): 4d l9 .19B-

    4.?4.35 4.?6 0.05 s?.9.0 s.9o 0,r2 r.2-r.35 1.25 0.06 0.414.65 0.5r 4.t5.0 4.77 0.21 r,0,1,15 1.0, 0.06 4.3-5.2 5m 0.16

    0.39r.r0 r.o3 0.r0 0,5t-0.70 0.64 0.06 4.915.39 5.16 0.lg t.92:r.67 2.26 0,31 l0r-r o r.05 0.01

    Ilolotrp€: I d, t5-Vt-1953, Dapttr. Allotipe t 9, t5,Vt1953, Daphar. Pdtrt$ 3 d, l5-VI,1953, Daphd. All lbe specihea have ban htcb from rhe sludenB' @ll4tioni D€p&tm.[ of Agricukual Enbnology, UnivcBity of Agriculru.c, Fairtabad, pakisria,

    Disli.guisbi.g drrerc: h h$ a close reeemblanc€ 6 A. ozd@roid6, bur lh. geniBlia &e quit and close to d@ of ,,1, /rd.u l!r. fton wiich i! en @ily be s.rarar.d by d. following .onbiMrion of chder^:

    F@ and chcek unifornly yellow; pionotun with tai.,al tob6 con@loroB wirh rhe dhk: elyra vnhour laErd d&k b!dr; gcnihlia (FiCs. 53ED.

    The sp.cim.B of rhir st@ks w.rc ptuiovty iilfJarirqds A@ipha brtipzans aiA. nlonotat by At/dutrstl (1955) aid (t9s9) But rhc prene finc prbesc€@ of on elyra, absene of ctaccut nirrcr and anrl field, morc or less andtohos.d vcMtion of$e doetttctdand maL g.rii.lir slDws thlr &ru:lty itc -2W

    F'a. Al. Arassttg Mat * N. A, [.d rd 9.ute d, ac.d; B, dnn Jr c,lh. .D 9i D, o'ltdr.rt E, F, Dhr. @el4 aodl rd Err.l I'.dr. :20t qcrc rpEimeE ofa Dw lpccis ud.r lhe Senus ,in&r!€6.

    Tl s spaies hd ber nm€d drcr ia body @lourarion, which h onifornly

    The type mtef ia! of thb neq lpcci* hd ben deposio.d in dr IMct MGUm, DQdtme.t of Agricuhnl Ento@logy. Univeaity of Ag.iculiurc, Faisdabad, Palt6l,

    G€nc lrtr@inu, Rlnbr 1839. TnSohuiam R@bur, Faue Anld., 2: 39. 1839. /t@b S.dille, lis. Onl-, p. 350. 1853, Ce.atinopt.M Ficber, tltos. 3: 232. 'lr"p.t Tngonidi6 ci.ind.loi.l6 R^nbrr The @llet d oal.rial ftom $i! rcgion conprising i sp.cks and a subspeiB ex&tly resemblcs the publbhed ds.iption (Cnopdd, 1969; Sac.d 1989) of rhb genB.

    K.y to lt sFci.. ol Tigoni.liun *Mb6r t. A erior tibiie unpdfoErdi clyra srongly @nvcx in la@ral pronb (Fig.54A). _ ...... _ ...... a0d.ronh Rdbu _. Anr.rior ribiar [email protected] or borh si&sj clyrn dMt $nidr d slidrlr @nEx in ratral prof:lc (Fig. 54C). . . , . cirtrdelou.t ,lnrr'diuuD (SrNru)

    l. Tt goni.lian .i.itul.bda RMnv (Figr. 54ADD 1839. TiSondit n Bnbur, FNac Annil-,z:39- t839. Tnsondi@ pa&dlcola Seryillc, 16. Oni., p. 351. 1853, CerotinopErus .icind.loidet\ lar'os.3t 232, tE6[. TnconiAW o/@pfd@ Slal, Eugeni.: Rs, Onn., p- 316. 1a6o. Tnqoni.litln nltrirL Shl, Id.m, Ibid-, p, 316. 1469, kle/opt.tB .r.. Walker, Car. Dertupl, Salhr,, Mu., l: ?4, rE1E, lttu aipha ci.i"d.loi.1es guia.@. Sasurc, ldcn. Ibid,,25: 4?3. D


    .i.iutalouai A, afir a' Latn ftg. 54. olrr.r &nd ..d Etr.l 4.dt, B, drtn 6, don l tlddt c, tL dt' -2Q3-

    1418. Htuediphg cicind.loid8 hanbenian|n SaNslre, ldcd. lbid,, 25r 458, ln8. Hotucuipha .al@pr'u&a Sausurc. Mem. S@, cercv., 25:472. lE1a. lb@@iph6 tlrtit Sausu€, ldem. lbid., 25: 413. l8?E. fngonidiun z6dedr@ Sarssur€, Iden. lbid.,25:464. 189J. Pkttuiphw ririolB K&sh, B€rl. enr.,38: 152, lE]6. M.tioeh. ci.itldcloud guin Mc Kirby, Syrcn. C!r,,,z: 78. lE)6. M.tioehe cicindtbids hanbaia'un Kirby, lden. lbid.,2: ?9. lm6. Metioehe coleoptrutun Kirb!. ld.n. lbid.,2: 79. 1906. M.tioch. riairL Kirby, l&8, Ibid..2: 78, lv)6. Maio.h. dr'ial, Knby, Id.n. lbid.,2: ?E. l9t)6. Trigori.titn /rttum Knny, ucn, tbid.,2t 11. 1925. Ttigonidim cicindcloida &ir..6e choPdd, Bull. Mus. Hi$. M. Pd6. p.445. t92s. Tngnidith .ici Lbid.t ChoPard, Atrn. Mag. nar' Hist.. (9)15:525. l9y. PiBldiphs anbL. Uvad, Lini. S@ t. zool ,36: 594 The colle&d spccincB 8@tly agrd wi$ lhc PublislEd d*ipdon {Chopad, 1969: TaMor and Shishodia, 19?2! S@d. 1989) of this speics .xcepl the followins

    ANlrior and ncdian feson yellowish, sith a Eddish tingc in .pk!l harri posterior bbirarsi ligbl oloure

  • B.L.


    rl,T.L. -204-


    Mak.rn C@5t 2 d 3 !, !FlX-93i tsbela t d 3 9, 9lx-93i Panjsur I d I 9. .}lx-93: Abbo[abad 2 d I 9. l5-lx-94: P6hase I d. l-vlll-93i 4 9, 2-vlll-93: TarMb (Pcshawu) E d 6 9, l?-lx-94i Vek (P6hawu) | 9, l-Vlll-93i Cfianga Mansa (KN!ur) I 9. l5'vl 93i I d 3 9, 23-vlll-94i Faisalab.d I d I ?, l2_vl-88i Rawalpindi l?,7-vlll88rldl9, I l -lx-94r Sargodha 7 d 2 9,6-x-8EiBadin I d I 9.24-X-93i Karachi 2 d,26-X 93i Sukkur Bairage I d I 9,20-X-93.

    Thc apeimec of diis spei6 have ben @lleEd from s@ll gtds6, l@ itl€i, Egeabl6 rcd moirt pla6 ard lights n@ cultivar€d al6.

    h E vcry @mnon a.d distribucd sP€ci6, which i5 rccordcd ror the ns! rimc from all the atrove l@aliti6, Earli.r, S@d (1989) @lletcd I ftom Faisalabad, Rawalpindi ard Sdgodha,

    2. I:tico'.Aiun cicw.toas hunbetlid'n ls.Baftl (Fi8s. 54BC) r81E. Hoha.onph8 cicir.l.loi.l6 hanb.niMun sa6surc, M.n. sc. G.n ve, 75.468. \9n6. M.ti@h. cici".l.loid4 hunb.nian@ Kirby, Syrcn. Cal Orti ,2r ?9 1925, Tripnkttun ciciadcbld$ hunb.niu@ ChoPard, Ann. Mag. n.t Hist. (9)15:525. lr largely r.Fdbl6 ttE plblish.d deriptoi (ChoPUd, 1969i Saad. 1989) of T., erc.p. tl,e w ings which @ ontunl, .udin.ntary. -205- M*u|m.n6(nm).5d 59

    M.*m C@t I d I 9, lelx,93i Ahbotl!!8l I 9. l5-X-94; P6hlwr 2 d, 2- VIll-93;3 d I I, l6'lx-94r Tamb (P6hawd) 2 d 3 9, l?lx-gar VaBar Osluwu) I 9, l-vlll-93; ChanBa Manga {Ksur) I I, l5-VI-93t I d, 2l-vllt-93i cojia (Tob. Tel Singh) I ?. 9-IX-EE; I d, 29lX-88; He.d Mlrala (Si.lkot I d. l?-vt-93r Palpaurn I 9. l6-VIl 88i Su*ur Be6ge t d t 9. 20 X-93. H$t.t. It is a conmn !p@i6, vhich i! msinly collccEd Aob r|ig, wg.l$l*, l.d- littcr nw noilt plac6 and fiod lights near te cultivahd fFlds,

    It is wi.hly disEibur! a'd B ollerd for $e 6Rr lin tion aU thc abov. lcalni6. E!li.r, saeed (1989) rc@dcd n frcn Coja and Pakplttan-

    Chopdd ( l%9) (thl! fauE % wrirEn much bcioE 195€, blr publLh.d in 1969) and Sed 0989) raEd it a a sepdalc rFci.r, bur 6e fomc. in 1968 lowercd i$ -206 slalu to a 3ubspei.s of r. cicidedd.s. dn to its ct@ @nhtre in a .unbs of chardr.E including rhe geniralia lo rh. talter sp.cies,

    coN drc4,,t SrNun 1814, /lnaipha Saussure, Mis. Mex., Onh., p, 3?0. 1818- ,1|6iph6 SaNurc, M€n. Se. Cercvc, 25:475.

    l9o7 . CJ'lqipho Kmy, SB. At. Wiss, Wi.n I l5/l , p. 264, T]IE: A.hera dleao S^y A singlc @ll.crd f.malc ei&tly i'lli4 wirh dE publbh.d dedption (Choped, l%9: Ott and Alcxaider, l9E3)of$issenus.

    l, Ar6ipha loneiN^nb lsalllal (Fig. 55) t839. ThSonidirh tar8,iNM. Scdill.. lB. Oni.. p. l:.. t818. Ctndiphrs lrrsA?rrir Sau$!e, Mcm. sc. Ccnev,25:464. t$E. qndiphG pdr'lar Sr6ur., Idcn. Ibid.,25:486. 1889. qdxiphut p6ri(a Bolivd, An. Se. .rpan. Hi!t. nar., t8:475. 1893. qndiphus rrl4drd6 Brun..r, Ann. Mus. Oenova, 13:211. t906. Cyndiph. l,,a4r.e6 Kirby, Syrcn. Cal. Orrh.. 2: 8l- 1906. Ctrtuipho r'arilla Ktby, Iden, Ibid., 2: 81, l906. CtnEipha ttr@iarb Knby. td.n. lbid.,2: 82. 1923. Awipha pBilla B!(on & Uvaov, 8ull, Sa, R. .nr. Eg,, p. l8l, 1924. Atl6ip\a lou8'r?rrir Cbopad, Ra- hd, Mus.,25: 188. A singl. ollaEd rpeitun onpl€lcly conforE io $e plbtish.d d*riprioD (chopard, 1969i Otc and Alcxander, 1963) of rhis sp@ics cxcepr in m6urcmcn|3 ol

    M.du@ots (m): r 9

    [.L. II.w, P.L, p_w. E.L. H,F,t, F,r,W. tr.T.L. O,L, t.0 a.0

    ll.wtr?.w, P.LJP.W, E.L./P.L. H.T.LJH,eL. II,F,L./O.L. 0.67 3,39 Lm 2.35 -2gt-

    Flg. 55. A4siph, lortlp.^ntt, artn e. -208-

    (BalEw.lnagar) I I, l,t-VI-91,

    from wild 8rd6 grcwn n@ dmp plag,

    Tnis sp€B [a b..n r@rd.

    Family Phalangopsidae

    Trc ew spei6 in a singl. g.!B havc ber idemifi.d urdq rhis fMity.

    c@B M.bnNAhd t4tt|dg 1810. Meloltutpha Wdtcr, Cal. D.rm. Salt. Brii, Mu_,3j 46E. 'ttjc, M.toimryhd cinctico n Wat!€l Tlte @llerd Mr.riat htli6 {! wfti rhc pubtished dMiprion {Chopdd, l%9) nt rh. een6 [email protected] ercept the mimr. which n divid.d by 2 3 veiE, Chopaid(1968)sy.onymir.d,l-trlritutpha vnh HorveoEryltd ne ioiing2sp4i.s unds ihe larcr f@n lndia. rn .onrary lo ni Desund_Caid@hs (p.eial poiire

    K€r to tte spet6 of M.toi@Ora Wrtk . AncnMe whnish L up to ihc niddle, Br brown, wiih@t eeulatioN, , .

    Anlen@ alr.rDt ly an.utared witt brownish ad y.ltowish al bd. ad in hali, in qlrirish. ....,,...... ,...... , ann!@ ,0. -?09-

    l. t|IoboAhd Mutonot4 sp. noj. (Figs. 21,56A-F) MALEI

    Si& latg.04.6 - 18.5 mm)_ Body otoudtion dek brNn.

    Small, d.rk b.owni @iput vith 3 brcad, ycltNish baods, wirh t*o anErior yellow'sh 3pots on dorsum: verFx stopinS, povidcd wnh 3halt bt&ti$ b.jstta up b iiontal rostrunt the latrer much udover rtDn lsr anlenMt segncnr; chccb and fae dark shinirg browtr, 3morhr dyFcfrend sutuc febty @ndcd. Ey6 jnongly prolruding, vali€lly leng0encd. btact, Palpidrk broM, thc naiill&y v.ry lorg, 5rh * widcning ard obtiqocty rlncatc at ap.x. Anrcinae wirh first n! egnenB bl&*hh, whnish up b lhc nitdtc, rat brwn.

    Promrun brMbh-black, pubcsm, irs anrcrior half prevlt€d wirh 4 targ. bownnh-l.llow lpor llong the Fedian turiow, p6Lrio. half wit 5 ,m.ll. rounded, prohineni3pots in $e forn ofa cuRc (Fis.56,{). anrerio. maryin vcry sti8hrry 6n@v., p6rerior alnsl sraighr, bolh pdid.d wirt sda brbrlBi t.rdt tob€. of th. h. colou.6 ihe disk, wirh angl€s athosr rcundcd.

    Llgs long, sl€nd.r, of rhe sn 6tour s rh. body, all feDm. tilrt€ liShEr towards b4s; anterior ribi@ brown, prclidcd with sma[, ov.l tyopanuh on both f@: frrddleaM poeetior dbi& patd ye owhh, wi$ bes and api* browrtpGcrior libiac dm.d wirh 3, pub.$ent spi6 otr borh sijs, inl.rnati . linL ihdid Od externals. irrcrnal api@l lpu4 long€r $an exrrmls, medioinrerMts 0,4 rihes s tong s pos0ior bairnRus, th. tan r etongar., fe.bty @mpNcd; E sat ctas mr

    ElytB ext nding much bcyond lhc abdomen, vcry broad, 0,58 rinB 6 b.oad d long. dek brewn, wirh tighcr veiN; minor reIjev€toped, 0.71 - 0.?8 tiB s tong wide, , a divided by 2 3 veiB, de hrter srrc,gty converging rowtrds ext rDl anBle (Fig. 564)i lsr chord angutai. in lhe niddt.. lnn€d wirh rh. dino, by a smau !.in,t -21{L

    anteriot ar8le. 2ft1 rcguidly hnded, 3rd aln6t 3Eaighti halpi *irh 6 - ? oblique veim, nBt 3 'dly p&allcl, cunrd ar bsc, oth.^ sinuEr api6t ficld sho! pa.nting corfused vcBtiotr, ells ir.gulr; talehl fietd targe! panly @erin8 rhc body, Sc wirn l? - 22 bErchd. Wing. shorFr rhan.tyi-a.

    Dark b@wtr. C.rci y.llry, pubcsir, 0.88 rin6 $ lolg s posrerior fcnm. Cenitalir wnh epiphallB rilob{€ at po crior margin,lar.hl tobs long, robusr, mcdian shon, blundy poincd, sliBhdy cuNcd ar atex; ciopmm.r* n.dificd i. rhc iorn of loiS poin€d hooks (F gs. 56DED. FEMALE;

    It difi.6 fron $c oal. in lh. follNing charu86: Prom$m wnh posErior 6aBin febly conv€x. Elyt4 blactish, with nied yellowish veiB, Cu dividcd tE Diddlc. r.asvcrsc veinlds tru@rs, yellmilh. moc or l€ss.nastonq.d. fornirg irGella cclls (Fis.56C); latcalfield wirh Sc bdins lt - 12 Wings long, 1.67 rima .! lorg a clyra. Subg.niral pbi. ft€bty mrtEd. Ovip6itor long, strdght, sl.nder, with apici] vdB mrow, snooo, l@lare aid

    Mes!ren€dte (m): 5 d l9



    ,no -2l|-

    Eolotper I d, l5lx 94, Abbona!.d. Allotype: I I, l5-Vlll,88, Ramlpindi. PlntJDs ? d, l5lx-94. Abb.ttabad,

    TIE mal.s of rni! sp@i6 *crc collctcd .t nieht frcn a grury lawn whil. suidllating and a singl€ fcn le from ligh nqr a deae for6t pLntalion. DililtrguiititB ct.nd.6: It hA a cl* rescnbl@ to M. japo ca, from which it can 6ily bc separgt d by 0'! hsd aod poootal Mking!, anien@ brown in dktal half, mkror divided with 2 - 3 reiN, Sc bdins 17 - 22 barchB and stiihlia (Figs.56DED. which are closer to thol. of M, ciacti@mit,

    Tte arlorype fcn L of thn spei.s B idcntificd and .cdcqibcd I H. jd?oricts by S&ed (1989), but, id vicw or the above differcnces, il appcarcd 10 bc a ftw spcciB, wtich is sinil[ io ma16 @ll-ed from Abbou.b.d.

    The .ame of thb spc.ies ha b4n ddived fron it pronotun, which is providcd with r baulitul parFrn of y.llNish !pot!.

    The type roEriel of rt! sD.!i.s ha b.!n deposiicd in 6c Insdr M!*!m, ol Agi@hinl Enbmoloty, UnircBny of Ag.tllruE, Fatalabad, Paki$an. z c>.-s \ o7o,#r=

    Ft. 56. M.tolturpha M.ulo@la .D. e, A, haddd Dr.!a@ d, do.d.rd; r,drrr,; C,lt s 9; Dr, aEt'r. d, CLttt o'e|d'illnr|'Ydrd.ndb{.rl!'.d!. -2t3'

    Z. M.LtnoQhd amlArz sp. nov. (Fig. 57) FEMAH:

    Sia m.dium (13-5 nn). Body olollaton blekish+rwn.

    Snatl, bNnt @iput lighr colound, wnh slighrly visibl. 3 teltqth b.ndsr ve ex sloping, mert with ltu trllosish spots.nd small brisll*: fronral rdrun v.ry lurcw, qith a row of bl&k b.htlcs on int rnal sidc of @h antenml sock€r. thus making I fumsedi ch@ks dark brown, sm@th; face broNn, wi1h y€llowish tiDge rt clypcBr clypecfontal Nture feebly rouid.d. Eycs black, distinctly prcrudinB, vedc.lly leoSdeied. Palpi da brcwh, nnely pub€s@nt, lhe @ill&y rcry long, witb 4th s.gnent slighny shoid rhan 3rd and srh, th. lattcr Prdeniry, and obliqwly trlmated at apex. A eo@ vili fiRl t$! joiil3 bl&kbh, rioged widr al@re brwnhh aM yellowhh ir rhe bel pan and apiql hdl Bt whirilh,

    Prorctun tap.dng dcidly, d&k brcwn, Pub.snt, iE ui.rior hdf eilh 4 yellow sp* along nedian liH, Dosi.rioi halfwith 5 snull. reunded, obtuF spots in th. forn of a cune. aturior marlii co@ve, porloiot fcebly onv€x, bolh [email protected] snh a row of snall brhdsi lateal llcld detp broqn, ending posEriody- t4s sligblly lighter than body, pub*ent, aU fenolt ddher in apical lEli antclior ibie brow., Pefotatd with sBall, ovaltymplnum o. both sid6; niddlctibiae ycllow, with bases and aPic* bown; Poterior fcmo.a sl.nder, wnh filifotn aPidl Pel, ribie dark brown ar bde, ..d in apical hali .csl y€llo*hh'brown, emed wnh 3 smll spin.s on @h n&gin, lst itt rMlv.ry3mall: apiel spuB 6, cxLrml I short, inl.rul 3 long. mediointerMl spurs longe$ on 4h side, 0.4? rins d long d p6!.rid b6iu6N. rhc latrer onh rupqio| rur8in d.nticulet d. Elytri @Ner, exta.diig kll beyond thc cd of abdomn, bl4ki5n. wnn 6i*d ftlowith vciN, nsv* rcinleE Is aBomos.d forning i.rcgulu etls in batal lElf aF1 alhost r.gulu. clongat @Us i. aPiol half (Fig. 57): :r,l+

    It, 3' ,W e t '.arne. -215- latenl field virh Sc having 9 - l0 bhrchd. WinSs lotrg, r@ning rhe rip of oviposiro.. 0.74 tirne! a5 lo.g as the elytr.

    Da.k brown- C.r.i y€llow, pubescent, 0.94 tiN a loog d pdlerior femom. Oviposnor lo.g, nraighl, with rpical valvcs sm@th, Mrcw, ldeolaoe, @ut ar rFx.

    Mesurem€d(! (m): I I

    P.W, E,L, W.L. H.r.L. H.f.W. ILT,L, O.L. 2.5 2.0 3.75 13,5 20,2 1225 2 r5 t2.5

    lt.w./P.w. P.L./P,W. E,L,/P,L, ll.T.L./Ir.F,L, x.F,LJO,t, 0.67 0.53 6.75 t.Ol

    [olotne: I l, ll-lx-94, hlambad.

    A single female s @ll.cted f.on light D@ a deR plo|rtion along .@d ride. Distitrsrisnhs chdd€s: ft is very close b ,{r. MtloNtd,sp. Mr.lrffi*hich it en only be spmEd by rhe a.cnMe, which arc disti.ctly annllaLd vnh yellNbh a.d br@h, oboe pronoul spoE and slighdy sn ller sie. Ir also sfiows it afUnity to M, circticodis a.t M, baSi@ait, Wr dittec nom boih in hed and Fonotal markine!, wins length and nea$re@na ofveioN body

    Tn€ Dame ot $is spe.i.s hd bccn d*ived ircm ia a €n@, which arc ainulated with brownish and yellowish.

    Th€ hololrT€ f€oale of thb spei.s ha b@n d.po3itcd in $e IBet M!*um,

    Department of Agriclltural Entonology, U nivcBny of As.iculrur., Flbrlabad, Patbni. -2t6- tr'amilJ En€opieridoe lr is repr.s. .d by rtu sp..i* undcr wo gemr. ad two subhmitics.

    Key to it!. sublilniti6 of EneoDtqtdre

    l. Poslfior ribiac wirh mod.rar€ty tong dr.rmt.pi:r sius, rh. mcdian much long.r thln orh.a (Fig. 588); pct rior bsitani tong, M.ty d tong d ,! rcxt rwo *gochls rogerhcr...... Eneopte.ioe _. Posterior tibi& {irh !hon, subequat external apical lpuB (Fig. 598)i p6r.rior banasi grarty shorcr rhatr de rext rm s.gnlcnts logerh.r,. . pod06.irritr&

    Subfsmily Eneopterln!€

    The cou€ct d spaiincns fau in a sin8te spccks uMd a sinSte g.nB.

    c.nus .Xrrr8rr&r Botrs 1890- X.nogryUu Bolivar, Jorr, Sci. Lisb@, (2)l:232 1E93, DionlM Brunftr v. W., Ann. Mus. Cenova,33: 213. 'fypct Xeno|ryuw BFitiyt The @llcrd mrial of a singtc spdis trcltly .6embles $e pubtished d*riprion (Cho?atd, l%9r Sa!.d, 1989) or this senu uE nKori which is divid.d by an anlulac v€in (Fig. 58A).

    t. x.aosry a, ranr.d6 (w.lla) (Figs. 2BF, 58A_C) 1869. PlatrdutytB rrdrrv.frk watker, Car. De.mpr. Satlal. Arit. Mus., l: 88, la7'. Cadiod@ryLB ,r@yr66 Sausurc, Mem. Soc. c.ev, 25:525. 1893. Dio.rM .aLrad Brunn r v, W.. Atrn_ MB. c.neve,33r 213. 1906. MadNtmna rr.tuvdrub Kirby. Synor Cir. Orrh,,21 94, t%8- xe@tryt\s 'arrar66 Chopard. Orrh. Cat.. lO, cryll., p. 350. n @mtlcaly .gB widr $c pubtished dcsqjpri,on (Walkr, rE69; Chop.rd. 1969i Sa€€d, 1989) ot dis spdi6 except rhe Sc, whbh I pbvided widr l? - 21 b.amhcs in nates.Dd t2 - 13 in the f.mat*, Ceniulia (Fie, 58C). :tl?-


    t. 5r. lq,* a:,rr,. a,.irr ar a,FJtbr-t- er c' ddn ddrh r, ald d, -2ta- M.enmn.s(!M):5d s9

    ,r.oo.o ,;n o;

    hlm.bld 8 d | 9, l0 tx-94i Ci&ga Gsu) 3 d, I 9, 22lx_94i2 23rx'94; Mirha Tawana (Khlsbab) I d r 9, l4-x-91: p:*ltpitdi I d, 2_vlt-88i 2 9, 4-Vlll88; 2 9, s-VIll-8Aj I d, 6-Vttt-6E: I d. -VIU-E6| t 9, tE-Vl[_ESr I l9-VIIl"88; I 9, 2l VUI{6i I ?,4-tX-8E.

    It v$ collered fmn densc bushs and sdkanda (L../tarunr ,/.) white sinsint at nigh. and on li8hrs n@ lore* ptai'rios.

    All thc above lqlilics erepl Rawalpindi, f@m whm ir ss prcviously @dcd by Saccd (1989). -2tv Subfamily Podoocirtina€

    lr is* rd by a ringlc spai6 uider a sinSle Ercrrtlr CHin-M.revlll. 1844. EBqn6 Cu€rin-M.mvill., l@i. R. anim., lns.. p. 314. 1814. E6cin6 Sau$uE, Mis. Mcxiqu., Onh,, p, @, 'typ.: Euytdu riutldru Crcin-McEvillc

    The speiocN oi a si.Clc ap€cia @npt€t ly agre whh lhe pubtishcd d€scription (Chopaid, 1969) of thb geiB.

    l. 6at!,1us .oaciarus (HranJ (Figs. 59AB) tU2. C,rU6 ( orcrrr$ Hdn, Tcmoirck Velhlndt. Oflh., p. 231. 1874. EeinB .r.ciaB SaNurc, Mem. Soc, Cnev.,25t 626, 1889. Eactnw ."d@6 Botivar, An. S@. span, Hist. qr., t8:430, It r*nbl€s wcll wilb rhe pubtilhcd d6diprion (Chopard. t969)ofrhirspei.s. but diftls in rh€ followinS chaact sl Head son ri@ wirh prominent brown bands; po3rcrior fe,noa pale, dillus.d wi$ browD on exr.rnrl fM; pct..ior ribj& &mcd wjrh 7 , 9 .rErMt, E - u inr.rnal, with inrcrEl mgi! fd rhe mr p|n having srnt*ioB ihc spiB (Fi8- 59A); clyh brownisn on m.diao ti* in d{tc. speiDcN, M.a@mnar(m).5d 5!

    B,L, .*


    Il& t Wt .,/rtutt \@6t drE,.F.?bry, -221-

    Tahab (P$hawd)'t 619, t1-tx-g4t Vdrat (pcrhawd) I 9, l-Vflr_93l Chahea Maiga (Ksu) prwd I d I 9,23-vI94; t*e (RasllphdD 5 d 6 9, rGvrr-93:8 d r0 pdk ?. ll,tx-%iAylb (Rawalpindi)2 6 2 g,g-vlt_%i,t 619, l0-lX-9r1.

    It w.s foud in dleiation with giasshopp€s and @lle.Ed frcn tong grag .ror8 *arer couesi ponttli srens, .a_

    Thir spei6 ha b€ln r.@rd€d id rhe tiBr rioc fron patBhr

    Famity O€crnthid!€ rr a ftp.*ncd by rhce sp€ia ordcr a singt. gcnB.

    cenls O..o.rntu Sqtile 1831. Oea,tth,.t Sdi[€, Ann, Sc. iar,,22:38. 1435. Aeaithw 8tu ., Hist, Nar, tN.,9: I74. 1837. GFJllon ia Scidt, Weit nrveb.r B€itr, Ce!, Natut. H.Iwis,, l: 212, .fr,?c: Achaa ir.ti@ F&ricir, It. iFcireB exaoly la|ly wirh rh! pubtishcd 1967; On€ ard Al.xander, l9E3) of $t 8e,us, bur diffcr koo S@d (1989) ii th. nirrcr, which is divid.d by 2 veiB. 222-

    Key to lhe rp€cl6 of Oacdrrr8 SeFill€ l. (14.6 nm or ls)i sridltaro'y 6tc rerh 33 - 3?r t.ngft of ctyra lN. - ...... _ _ . . . _ ...... hdns SrrssE (15 Fn or norc): sridulatory nle t €tn 43 - 53i rcngth of elyna

    ...... 2

    2, Stidul.ttrt fil. te..h mE di.r 50: ,honcn wirhour d-k b@n mid{o6al stripq B.nir.lia with mdid lob€ rctchc! al apei (Fig.62^r. ...,..,...... , c.e|ottlus 6p. \or, l4s tian 45; abdomcn *ith d.rk brown mid-dorsrl slriE: lob. mr mahed (qln6i iu-aisht ar sFr (Fig. 64/{)...... d.ntotp6u tD. nor,

    l. O.cadtar hdtls StNUn (Figs. @A,D) la18, Oe.otth6 r'rdi.6 Saulsue, Mem. Soc. cencve, 25i 454. TIe coll.cted haleriat entncty agr4s with lhe pubtbbed dscripdoi (Chopard, 1969r Tandon and Shishodia, r9zi Saed, 1989) or !hi! speis, wftn $e addition

    Eyes febly prorrudins. venielly tetrgrhcnali ndiltdy patpi stend.r, wi$ 5rh joinr.longat€, longer than 3rd and 4rhi p*Erior ribhe arm€d pith 3 - 4 internal.3 .(.rnar sp'Gi sr.idutabry vein pnided fith 33 - 37 reth (Fig, @A): tdmt field with Sc luving l0 - 12 brarchgr erci pub6ent, slightty linucr gcriiati! (Fiss. 6]0BCD) uirh cpiphattus rritobcd, mcdiar lobe li$ty 6drc{r. M€surem.nts (@)t 5d r9

    2.2 :223

    l2.5Gr5.O 13.94 0.99 ,:" 3.55-3 $ 1.71 0. rl 7.0G7.30 7.14 0.10 0,3t-r.0 0.97 0.06 7.5-3.20 ?.90 030

    r.55-r.?3 1.62 0.06 r,3l 0.9Gr.0 0.93 o.nt 0.3+1.02 0.0,t 5.I.6.00 s.6l 0.3r r67.1,3t r.05-r.09 o.0l


    Abborhbad I d, l5-tx,94r Ayub palk (Rawatpiidi) 19, l0lx-94r coja (Toba Tck Singh) I d,8-IX-88; Mutlan I d, l8-tv-92;2 d, untabelt.d, l.Ln fiom rhc nudenK @Uerion. D.panmefi of Agriculruat Enbmology, UniE6iryof Agricutrue,

    Tlis spoci€s was gemhuy cotla0ed fton tong grasra and shrubs, bur nrcly on lighr Mr a dcnF for€lrpl.nlalion.

    lr h6 ben recordcd for thc fiBr tirc frcm Abbon bad, Rrwatpindiaxt Mutr.n. E3rlier, Sac.d {1969) co €crld it ody frcn Colla.

    The endE @tt.ct d masial of lhis genB h[i$ with rhc pubtGhcd d.srhrio. ofA td,.1,r. a carctut cxamiErion B of dE lr.irutdory fit. r.€th ad matc Beniulia sbow€d th.t ir ws &hdly . spei€s @npLr. N* lhe probten *s which oE betonS.d to o. indiM, b€@Be nenhq rhe ds.iption of file Eetn nor rhc diasram of Date genitaiia {d av&ilablc for tis sp6i.s, HNev€,, trle body m6 glandula! projection of a group of sp€im.ns g@tty ag@d with t6c of O, rnd,c6, to *hich rhe aurhq hd dsigftd Oe eme Mn.. '274' .,\. ,/i ))Ttttt4l;xrn'-tt::!-zirtr.fia,.*


    I c

    -r'- D h,o, at et tu a.*r!.aitx,*.; B c, ,E o4&a adl .!d n!.1 rt .la D' F ot rb 225,

    2, Oeceth$ cwottlut sp, aor, (Figs. 2DH, 6lA1], 62A,c) MALE: Sie ldgc (15 - l? mn). Body @lq6tion yellwth-whi0., slighdy tingr! with

    Elongat4, whnish, diffusd wirh light b@n on n.dian liE; frenral Grln namw, slighrly Mowcr dEn l$ driml s.gmenq fa@ vhir[h; clyp.o-fiona] suturc eligltl, rounded. Eyes fe€bly proruding, reddish-brown, longer tha. wide, Mdillary palpi lons, sl€nd.r, eith tat sesmefl a hrtcswotlei |oMds aFr. AnE.ia. whirc.

    Pronotuo elongare. $ongly Mrowing in tront, ik daior mddn srlienr Pdt rior slighiy conv.x; disk alm6r fl . whitisht larlral tobcs smalt, iofcrioi nrSin sinuare, dcs@ndins pGreriorly. Meirnoral gt&dutar pit provided wirh r sFo.gty devel@ p6'[email protected] angutd prejerio, ilc la .r @row.r ar bac, noch b.@dly rcunded at ap.x (Fis. 61,{)_ r4s slend€r, pate yeltowbhi anErior tibie stroigty ditated ar lo amEmod.te $. ertrcnely ldg., ovat ryopanum on borh !id6; pcr.rior f.noa tong, rrcnd.ri posler,or tibi& erEd wirh 4,5 inr{ul, 3 4 .xlc.Mt 3tuI spiB (Fig, 2D), aprel spurs 3 on @h side. the supdior longer on bolh sid6: epi@t jpurs. !pin6 dd denticles blact at apies; posreiior bsilarsi sroDgly conpr.s$dr tr6at ctaws

    Elyrra ratupocnt, p{te gBnish, qr.nding much berond abdomenr miftor nuch lon8er dan wid., routdd poEriorly. almsr angul& anteriorly, divid.d by rwo veiD (Fig. 6lB)i barps with 3 roatl veins; tateral fi€ld wiih Sc ll - 12 branchedi sfidula6.y lil€ proyid.d wirh 52 - 53 rcth (Fig.6lC). Wings tong, LIE - t,2O dnB s long 6 dc

    Tergit6 pal€ yclloqish i[ bsat hali, brcwn iowalds ap€r. Cercipale yclowBh, sfionEly pubegm, 0.66 tam6 d tong d porrcrid fenon, ceniDlia with medi.n lob. dis.rcrly mtched at ap.x (Figs_ 62ABc). :zx-

    ..1,, ,1...,rainrr1iti;;rtii:ii9rti tli:iii+ rila4**


    Fl.6r. M.t .!@tthtt t d. A' abatb td ., L trdra'.Fr ar C'-*t rd. zn-


    nl.6l. m .trad!, + t'ra' af al /T'' f- o@lr* &.rl d t-.t * C' F dO. E r.t -228. M4Elqprs (|M): 2 d

    s.D, 13.21

    l,tGl,59 t.55


    Eolottp.: I d, P.rrayFr | 6, l5{X-94, Abbotibrd.

    Thc holotype oa thb !p€i.! w @tlcclld iion lorg gBlB in a v.gctable fi.ld, shile thc p@9?. fron f.@ during lnidubrion ar nighr, Dblinru&llrg ch!r0.t6l

    It hd a d@ r.s.dblac b O. iidn6, bur ditrc$ filb n in blvilg rbe tdse b€dt siE, gr.ab Nnber of filc reth ard rbe mte 8.nitdb with mdiln loh. no!c!.d ar 8Fr (Fig3.62,\B). -229-

    The na@ of ihis 3pei6 h3 bei dc.ircd lion rhe n.did lob. of iB e?iph.ll6. which is not heil at aper.

    Th€ type ma€.ial of dris sFcics ha! b*n depGitld in the l.s4r Mueum. D€pannent of Agricul$ral Entonologr, Univ$sity of AgricuhuE, Faislabld, Pakirlan.

    3. Oecuthut d*t tpa6ut sp, no!. (Figs, 634 C, 6444) MALE:

    Si& large (15,5 - 17.0 mm), Eody @lou. palc yellowish.

    Elongatc,slightly wider dEr anterior width of prorlorun, yellqishr ve ex wilh wo v€ry clos. loogitudinal rows of bben dors in th. middle, a sMtl blact lim behind DdErGint.rn l hargin of €ch eye; fronral Guun huch wowcr rhan Irt er.nml joini face paleycllowihr clyp@-frontal slNie rlnosr sFaiBht, Eycs black, ting.d wirh reddish-broM, venkally l€ngdEncd. Palpi pale, lh. darithry elonglle, slcnder. Anreo@ pale ycllowish rcd b6e. bro*n iowds apex.

    P.omtum.longac, wiih sr.igt ei.rior, febty coovq p6re.ion @gini dkk pale yellowish, sliShtly convex, with 4stil,like, f*bty vbible, ligbl reddbh-brcen sporr towrtdr l.t al cdgs rcd 4h @rEr; laE6l lob6 v€ry tow, int rior ourgin tEbty sinoate, M€ndiDg an|4riorly. Mclami.l glaiduts pit pmvidcd with . psr.dorly dn@cd l€ss strongly develop€d projerion, (hc laner febty bed.r apex (Fig. 63A). t!8s pal. yeuowiih, wirh brownirh ringe on po6r..ior femoB; aErio. ribi& strc|rgly dilat'rd n6 base, prolided wnb v.ry large oval lympanum oD both sides: potcno. ranoa v.ry @rcw, pscrio. tabi& {m.d wirh 4 - 6 inierul. I 4 exrcrEl small spin6, apiel sp!6 6, slp.roinbnuls tongcr d.n orhcs; ponerior basiraEi srrcngly conpl*ed, so@rh, -a3D

    . ,tr ii\ ))r'*ruuiu'1-1tdt'*tI$I'fl

    c lla3. l* E- +t-t*.d- ar C'.r15-4. -atl.i :23t-

    Elytd nwh loryd thd.bdont ni t.nsporcnt, p.lci nircr much long6 0r$ wid., rouflLd pGr.riorly, divid.d by t*o Fr.lLl ; drgpnal vrii srdgiq dodt with 3 obliqu? veim, thc last vtuy smau (Fig. 638); fcld taBpent, of tha ffi colour a doBal field. Sc bdiig 10 - ll bBnch$; eriduhtory til. p@idcd eith 43 - 44 r..rt (Fis. 63C). wirg! Err long, 1.20' 1.35 tiB a lotg |. tlE.lrm.

    Ycllo1lhh, fe.bly spotted with light bwn, dorun pwided w[h a ndrroo mid- doiel brewn bad. C.rci ydlN. pub@nt. loi8, 0.?9 tiB it loiS 6 po.Erior fcnffi. SubScnirl plar la4r, bwnilh-ydlw; gcnitrli! witb ncdi lot .ln6t nuMo at apet (Figs. 54ABC). Ms|tt|roas (@): Sd B

    Flg.64. O@tltt&t tt tu tw tp. d. Ac' ttrr' d' a. f,, .llk dr&r donrl dd rdd ot dt; c $a orr" :23t

    Holotyp.. I d. 7{V-95. Fahalabrd, Prntyp6: F.ielabad 6 d, 7-lV-95; Htd.r.lEd I d, 2l-X-93.

    All the speincN of thi speics hwe b@n colla&rd frco hcdsB at 3 - 4 fet aboec grouod while stridulatng .t nisht. DisringuhhiDg cb{l.teB: This sp@i6 3ho$ iB d* @^bla@ tlt O. crtutrl4t sp. N., br en e6ily be sepdatd by thc fewer numbd of filc tcdh. abdoncn enh a nattN nedian bowi band on do um aid senitalia with dedian lob€ alm$t trumdre at

    This speies has b4n named afr.t its stridulalory fil. wbich is ptdidcd vnh

    The qT. maErial of di5 spai* ha! ben depGit d in rn In*t Muqi

    D.p.nmcot of Agr icultu ral Enlomology. U n iveB ilv of Agr icu lture Faislabad' Pakista'

    Family Mogpplistidre

    h is ep@tt d by . sn'gL mw 3p€ks under a linglc eenu!.

    G{u Cotv.rd4 Do[v$ 1927. G.otw.rniq Bolivd, Es, M.dr.,3:247. 'l|'IP': Gots.dia disPar Boli!4 A single pan ofn ie* sp.cies comPlelelv reeembles the PubliEhed d*riPion (chopad, 1969i Secil, 1989) of this 8.n8. with thc follo*ins additioir: Pmmton in mab slightly poduqd b&kMr& almcl r@hing to $. sfidllarorv vcin of .lyra (Fie. 65D). -234-

    L Cotw.ndla qratuinactllt4 sp. aoa, (Fiss. 2E, 654-E) MALEI Siz. small (6.8 mm). Body broen wifi pal€ yeuowish legs. cover.d wirh dcNe

    Brcwn, .ln6t s wid€ a thc dtcrior width of Fo@tumi @iput @nExi rcrl.x sloping op !o die frcnral BFun (Fig. 558): rh€ larrer M'l, 3 lida a wid. ar ls! anrennal joint very st orSly produc€d b.twen anten@, t un@E ar apex *nh rcundcd arslls, v€ry 6Rly turo*€d ar middle (Fig. 654): chel6 yeuowi gena. a'rd subgeMe bo$ wirh a black spot belo* .yes; lac€ shon a|ld widei clyp@frontal Nturc teebly angulare, with two dark spors slighny above lhe suture on bod sides of the mcdiar furow oiiro al ro3trud. Eyc6 felbly bulging, dep brcw., Mdillary pllpi brown. *ilh fitsl l9o segn€ s r€llowbh. 4th sliShtly long$ da. 3rd ald 5$. th. l.rtd sliShrly, trunqt d ar rpcxi labial Palpi v.ry shon- AnteM brown, *i$ Palc

    Promtum 0.?3 aod 1.0 rins d loog a its ant4ior aid pccrior widtht €sp.ctivcly, disdrclly nm*ing in front. iL3 anterior ndgin stongly ondvc, Pdc.ior almosr luai8ht or very slightly poduc€d pdteriorly al middl€i dbkatm6t flal, Provided wirh scaucled whnish sqles, unifomly brcwn, anleriot half with 2 blmk dob along fte sides or the median linc (Figs. 65CD)r lat Bllob6 snall, drker than the disk, anSlqs .ound.d, .xtrcne i.fedor hargin v.ry ti.bly sinuat . Llgr prl€ yelflnh, nuch liSht r than body, pub.wni, d.r.d with abunda.t shirirh and gayish sls; utqior lnd m.diu fenm unifdnly @lour.dr mt no. ribia. pedodcd wid a t&gc, dal lyBPdun on inmr sid.; 6rti lont, bai|! ti lon8.r da. lhe rcxr r*o $gn.n$ iogclhcri PGErior fcmh 2.99 tim a5 lonS as eid.. bwn .t apcx, ribi& hther shofllr, f@bly widening losd{L apd, providcd {ith small d.nricles on both 3ids (Fig. 2E), adcd wi$ 3 aPrdl spun oi boh sida. th. mcdia! hrger hn otheni pG€rior balimrsi lhick. srcn8. @mpEsscd, 0 41 tihca $ lon8 as ribiae, prolided wi$ ? - 8 inl.rnal, l0 - ll externaldenticler :235-



    u A, nt dr E r'd rt.65. #jiH,sl$"3nffi,'liC'.,'r.da ot tt'it ale { "d i .hd.|E 9, tlodl .tt c. -23G Elytla b@d. 0.93 tim6 a widc a lons, op6q!c, it! aricil n&gin ad sids diffBed with brown, almo$ glablous enh t@s of fift pubcs@re nelr apical @gi[, rigbr elyron overlapping fte lert oner mir.or obliquc (Fis. 65D)r do un finely oiiuSat dr lallnl f'cld blackbh, wi6 sup.rior naigin whitish. ant d wnh ! single blackish Wing! vdy shon.

    D.rk brcwn, d.presd. cerci yellowBh, dottcd with brown. c.nitali!dissat€d,


    ll is sinild !o $e male. but dirTeN in $e tbllowitrS chd&tets: Aody d2rk brwn, wilh a Eddith tinge, @vq.d wih abundant whitilh and gnyish s€16. Prorctum O.E3 ad 0.91 tine 6lona s iE dt rior d p6t rid widds. lery fecbly narcwi.g ii frcn! tloth antcrior and posierior margiN @ncNvc (Fi8 65E) P6rerior remo6 elongate,292 rim$ a long d wide Elvlla and wings abseir' Abdonc! strongty dcprecd, @recd wnh sl6, mtc stotglv on 3ide C'rci *idour bmwn doB, panly btol(cn. OvipGitor .t!agtt. *ilh valv6 Eddish'blek. lanc@lare, snoo$, suoryly acule at aP.x. M€sunruots (m): ld r9



    ;, 1.35 -231-


    H.T,L,/H.RL It,F,L,/O,L '.]'

    I d, 22-VU-88, Rajaipur. I r, 22-Vll-88, Rajaipur.

    goth $e sp@imea hrve bcen collatcd fioF a cotto! field havins c@kl and

    DinlogubbiDA ch&.ct E: Thi! sp@is hd a clc. r*nblsme to G dlrip.rtrir, ftom whLh it diffcs in 6e following chtut€^: Premtum nuch wikr pBr.riorly thd i!5 n dir length; dirk pnid€d with 4 blek doui l€gs unjfmly p& y.llo*ishi clyci cp.qE. ting.d wid blwnish at.p.x and on tidd, t. riglti on ov..lapping th. lcfi, doBl li.ld ahtost gla!|@, la&ral iEld bl&kish {ili bLck rciNi erci ycll*ish. dott d with bwn and thc nduenent! of

    $€rd (1989) idcnrificd t*o speim.N 6 C. alr,r'.a6, but the ahove diff€renB snow dEr lh.y wdc of a rclat d ncw speics. H. ale idcnrificd a fenalc foo $. sam. l@lity s Nw Wr.i.s 1i... Prchron biu bjdput Bis) on ^ the bais of wpcrfmted micrior ribia. and frc .l rootilm, which h nor thd twie 6 wide 6 lsr antenEl joinr. Bu ii, und.v.lopeil body chareteB sho* thar adually n was an immat!rc female oi some $known spe.ies.

    The name of thB sp.cics h6 b€n d.riv.d frcn ils pronotun, which n provided with 4 bl&k dol5 in both scxca,

    The ryF oacrial ha! b€n d.p6ited in $. lMct Meum, D.petrc of Asricultual Entonology, Univctsiry of AgricultlE, F.iehhad, Palisldn- -238-

    Fsmily Scleropterids€

    A single spaics ha! b@n id.ntifi.d under a siigl€ gena.

    Gdu S.r.roprrer H.rn 1E42. Scl€ropterus Haan, T€nniok Vcllundl. onb., p. 232. Typ.t Grrl6 (s.LtuptM) @[email protected] HN A single @ll@cd f.n l.l&gcly ullia wilh rhc publbhcrl d*iption (Clropdd, l%9) of this genu depl thc suFrior rugi. or pdllriot tibi&, qhich i5 smlalld or deiliculacd (F'g. 66D).

    l. S.!.mpt M dcr4r8 Bnnre. v.w. (Fi85. 664'D) 1E93. kleftpterus /lr.rarrr Brunncr, v. w., Ann. Mu Oenove. 33r 204. The only f.nale .grs wi6 the published d€scripdon (ClDPnd 1969) of lhir speica .xc.!t lhe following chaEcle6: AnEnoae wi$ t whithh ring a litd. bevoid dc middle; P.onotll mcdiat drination dore prcniF nar aftriot !d pdt rior mdSiBi elvca Aicnding w€l! b.yoid abdomen, spacd b.twen veiis fill.d wU nrcsult u' vcinlcE oP !o $e middlc atd Id the apcr, lhe Bt covct€d eith ECUlatl, Pdailcl' r.slce veinleB qdml {Fig. 66C): wing. very long; pccrior tibie dftd with E interdl, 16 ' U small d.nricle. ovipdilor valves wnh l0 _ 12 snall te$

    M.suren.nls (mn)r I 9

    B-L. H,W. P.L. A.?.W. P.P.W. eL W.L lt.F.L 9.4 2.t5 2.75

    H.W./A.P.W. P,L./P,P,W. E.L./P,L 0.94 0.31 x.36

    rslamabad I 9, 8'VIl-93. -z3v


    Flg.66. S.|mpttu pun64rn. A, lEd [d FMo ?. dod rrdj B, ri6 9t C, Crh 9: D, !..fld dlt 9. . -u0- Ihblt tr Ir wa @lleled fon gras undd a light source,

    This spcciB alongein thc family Scldopt ddae ha b.€n .@dcd fd lh. n6l

    & n diffe6 fton the publirhcd ddghtion of t puttldg in ntnh[t ot ^ ch.fui.E, it might be a w spcciq. A1 pr*nt. ir is ientatively plaed ond* rhi! sp.cias and its shrus will be 6ully [email protected] afiq lh! @ll@tion of iB nalc.

    Iamily Grylloaalpidae

    It ir Epr€enl€d by thrce rpeci* under ! single genu.

    Gqts erytublry t'at . ltoz, Gt l!o@!pa tiftille, HL!r. nrr. Crur. lB,,3: )?t, lEl5, C!r,/i" oken. L€hrir. Nat.,3: ,|,15, 1913. A8nohtpa Mjohdg, Ent. Tid!kt., 34: 30. rr!€: GtruB lA.hrto) g,rlk alPa Lilll@s Thc @ll@cd [email protected] e cdy ully with the published desfiPrion (Cho9ard, 1969i Ot€ and Alexander, 1983r Townend, 1983; Saeed, l9E9) ofOb

    Key to th€ spcl6 ol G4uot4ltd l'{fmilb l, SFidul.bry l4th 30 - 42. M. sp8.d * @nier of thc fdc (Fit 57B).

    _. SrduLiory t cth 50- t5,16 uddy 3P3!d r1 @nier ofthc nlc (Fis.6EB) 2

    2, Si& snau {20-5 21.0 mo)i stridulalory tcelh 50 - 52 n4l& Bum.ld.r _. Siblalg.e (27,0 3l,0mn)i sridulalory l*th 55 -75. patitrano -ut- L Arylbt.lpt odtnttUt B|J'mlde. (8i8! 67,{8) l$9. A,lUotoJpa onaralir Burn ilt r, Ha.db. E.t.,2:739. TIE @lld.d mt iial gretly r.ui6 with thc plblirhcd det6iption (rowscd, 1983)of o. Lr ir, exept slight kriation in m4urcmcnts of wiou tody Pdtr. Tow$.nd (1983).i.tcd rhat O d.r'ln h morPholosiqily itdiltiasubhrblc frcm C- on.tualb !d t!u! tlFy b. lyrcnymou!, Ifto, tl* lftar *@ld bc thc 'nay o^ly twi.. ot GryUotalpo @nnon lo thc Afrotropiel rnd orhnol r.8ioa. A5 O drrri&t ds nol @ur at pr6!ft in th. ori.nt.l n8ion, ti. lp4imB rccordcd fren thii Fgion probably bclonS io G ,n nrdl.. M6!lt!Mr5 (@): !d l9

    77.1t 2.49

    ";" ";,.,.

    5.23 0.21

    t.2l-1.23 t.22 0.0r :r42-


    a*bat4-l*t-tt rr lr. W. ','b -243-

    F.h.labad I d, l4-VI-94i I 9, l5-VI-94i 2 d 2 9, unilbdlcd, t kei from $e $udenB @lldion, Depanmnt of AgdculuEl EritomobgJ, Uni!6ny of ASriclhuE.

    H.bit.t: h wa @Uet d fon dc mobt sil along th. b.nk of w.t r chels and frcn

    ClDpad (1969) and TowNeod (1961) menriorcd that A dti@ does rct l:M. in tuia and i is app@ntly!.d by G, o,i.tualit.

    2 GryUotalPo ntuuta Bln w{ (Fi8s. 68A8)

    1E39. GryUdalpd nhuta BuincisEr, Ha.db. Ent,,21 740. 1906. Curtilla ninaa Kirby, synotr Cat. Onh,.21 6 tv25. Gtllotalp4 ni4ma vd. Chopdd. Boll. MN Hist ml' Puir' P.442' Th. tm slle&d nals fmm $ir region gdrlv @nfmd !o thc plbtish'd d€scription (Towieid, 1983J of C d.biUt, b diffcr in the nunb.r of sridulabrv c.rh, whicft arc 50 - 52 lnd lB widclyiw€d eit r or thc fiL (Fig 688)' @nfus.d *ith o' burdifleR Towns.nd (19E3) ert d th.t c. d.r/{ E '!i&'4 chiei'ly in thc fcwcr Dumb.r of stidularory 1eerh (hcrn 31 5)' which e 63 in the holoryF of rh. laner. Hc lunhd mentioncd lhat C nnlra is 6nmon in tic Ori'nt'l rcgaon, but dG mt (Er in Aftid, In vi* of the above Enakr, lhc sp.cimN colle|.d fron rhis rcgio. arc idcititicd d C tirlr4 fd th.v core cl*r lo the

    M6uEMls (m): 2 d

    B.L -*


    n!,44. alrtL|'fr. 245-

    2.t! 0,t3

    t.:26 o.ul na 2.O 0.01

    Fdsalabld I d, 2GYI-94| I d, unlab.lled, lrLen aom th. ttud.lls @ue.tion,

    Iteplnrn nr of AgricuhEal E romoloty, Univ€rstty ofAgrtllirc, F.j$hb!d, Pakji.D

    ll h|. @lLcsd fiom vcty sa loil in a nltrrv.

    mi! 3pEis b6 ban @ordcd for thc fiBt linc fdn lhlilt !.

    3. ArflottlP. PcA$M sp.t$. (Fi8r. 24, 694-D MALE: Si& LrSe e?.0 - 31.0 nn). Eody coloun6o &tl br*! wilt l|g!t rqH![ rirs., nrcly U&k!h+@n, d.iicly Puh*ctnr

    Smll. 0.6l - 0.68 tiB s wid. r! prelotm, stronglv onicd, bl&kish+rcM Mouthpins with labruB brown, clyFu ycllowi lMiuarv FlPi with fi$l 2 toi s 3E ll' y.llNirh, 3rd b|oM, llr86t, widdiog lo$!flb 4.r, &n.!d 5th ulcqEt 6lh v.rt sn.ll, dMr rcld.d; lzbitl FlPi !!dl. Eyd p@rrding, bl*l(' m.tlv reuDd.d. Oelli -216- trc. laBe , o!!l, y.lld (rely cd in bl&k$). Anten@ btdt, with !€8mnis ro!nd.d, havily puhsc.nt,

    Prerctln !ary., aln6t oEl, @.owing lticriorly, 3id4 ra.d.d. atlicrior @8in depty concavc, pcr.rior r.Suldly @und.di dbk coN.x, Elv.ty, *ith a chafut rirlic pattcm in niddl. (Fig. 694); lot ! fc.bly y.Uowbh dong i.f.rid Mgin,

    Lls3 d.ely pub@nti thc a.tlrior sPeializ.d fd dirgiDr (Frr, 2A), blwn, rinScd with tlddirhi mildle lcg! sFall, y.ltowth: p6arior fcmo6 r .long 3upcriot hall rhc rclt liShar; po6t rid tibi& shon, rrmd with 4 sPiGr o! idc.n l naryit, Tirl P'rB ? (4 icr, 3 orr) (FiS. 59D), 6{Foi ..nd! ldU6t, strDr! rdv ildt Eltta m@h rlonq th.n abdomni sridul.lory aE oblo.t, ! 96 - 2 25 tima &! long ai {idq dia€or.l vein sligldy cuN.d Fe b.ei r.diu divid.d dbally i , & aid & (Fit. 698), trltlEe Einlct! 16 pmnimnt, fqdiig.loiUra elk h apiel f'cld: 3nidularory filc with 55 - ?5 l4$, lcss 3P4.d n diddlc (Fi8 69D; lll.til fEld wiln sc bcuiry 7 - E b.rnch6, .ll Pointing lovrrds wi[t fiP. lst nldnlr barh.d, t aEv.E vcinl.b P@nt along qlr.tu itfcrior ffi8in. wing! neh longer th2n abdomcn, 1.95 - 2.25 dme. as long.s .lyt6

    Robu$, brdn .bov.r y.llowish bcMO. ccrci bns. brown, plb.sent with loiS Mir. G.nihlia shon, wilh peud.PiPhall6 r.fowly @diforn, bti.8 Mw b|4h6: vcntBr pr@rs rarh.r 3hon ad &urc (Fig. 69F). FEMALE: It is 3imilu to m.le th. followi!8 chdollE. Elyta qith doMl Rcld having r ncr disb Eia, fc.bly cwcd al b.e€3, .lndt

    Egllady spNccd it .Pic.l hatfi usvqle lcinlcts Nncd3, fdDi!8 ld8. @Us in basal half, llongal. ltd wow @ll! in .pi6l ndiu lom.tiG divii.d dilhllv into R' a d R, (Fis. 69C). Post rior libia. dn.d.bovc wnh 3 _ 4 ryiB on irE nal d.rgin. l+t Fa. 69, tub.-drd t,r'dttutt F. d. A',.n.4 'k & ;, d.;l .!d Lld'l .ad' c, t|i u tr D' !4qrq tlbb J! f,, fih Jr F. pLllc o4|.r d. &d -24V M.GltEot3 (Dn)r 5d 59

    27.G31.0 26.G3t,3



    2.29 0.13

    3,t0 042 l,l3 O.,l{ 2.12 0.19

    Lta-l.32 r.t6.t.x

    ll.LLr,It.F.L o?l o0l

    Hobr!?e I d, t&lv-9, Mllra. Allolyper I 9, lElV-9, Mutlan. PattE6: B.[.sdpu I 6, 2GVl-EEi r2rnrt | 9, l6vt-Eq Mdrrn, !?-V- 9i Murcc I 9,21X-88r Srrgodha I d,s-x-EEi Siatkor I !,2E-vtrr-8Ei l0 d 8 9. u.labelLd, irtd ftdl rhe' co .clion, D.p.tuEnt of ASriqjtu rt Enionotogy, Univcsity of Agiq urc, F.isrlabad, Pakhran,

    Thc ape.i* ha! be€n conbonly colt@t d on lighB and rarcly &om the banlc of w.tcr chanmlr 4d eals. -24v ttdlsut'bItrg.Drres: It kcy! our ir Tow cnd (t983) eirh G rrrrd4,bul ditren froE it! pubtiNh.d .leeription in th! NEbq of srilul*,ry fil. Edh, stid u. td *i&ry-rF..d i! o"e anrlr. h is dlo wry clse b c. dn.ara, but difiqs in mr bavinS the ch!rcicrisdc mlc S.nitrlir ai in rh. Lc.r !p@as ad ale in rhc nunbd of snidutatory fde EcO.

    sud (1969) cfrFtllly id.nrifi.d 3 mat6 rd I f.n L a! c. foto. t n 4 rentJ6 a A. 1lJ.1. Th. a!!lr!i! of th.i. trelc gcnindi. ald numbq of f,te ccth during the pr.l€ii r1udi6 r.v.ded d[r rhcy &tudty b.tong.d ro a n w

    Tle nan€ of this ha! bdn dcriv€d from prkilcan, rhe mme of rhir

    Th. typ. EErid n8 be. d.po.icd in rts Mru. [email protected]! of Acriclltlral Edto@logy, UniEsity of ASicul&r., Faisajrbsd, pstbtan. SUMMARY CIIAPTER V


    Thc adult crict b wcrc @ll4l.d the ytus 1991 lo 195 fron 46 bcalnis of$e four clirstic reSjotre of Pakisljin. The @ll@tioN *e@ suppLmcnicd with sEiftN of the ldiou3 eork.* 3 wll 6 dE snddt'' ouetion of dE D€perrnenr of Agrioltuil Enbmlogt, Uni*6ity ol Agri.ulbe, Falalabad, Pa*BBn Th. sleincN wc ideiftlcd inb 6E tpe.b ad 3ub6p@i6 b€longinS to 2E 8cn.a ir 8 fanilis unds th. sup.rhFily Crllloida our of rh* o.. gcnu PholliLbot6, 31 s|6ies, riz,, TutabgryUls kaLw6is, T. buUahi' T. ^nd ptodiM, coto8ryhd oviLryL!, Tele%ryU!$ li8nd6, T to66, T. [email protected] T, lnneuidd, PlotreryUlA biconptrc, malblobosu adoitiualit, P tuh4\r.Bi' A.heta thotrcica, Plcb.iosrtUut t tit.Eubnt, lsoblefu u.aqpLt' L. potohtrcNi!, L. dolichop.nnis, L. L Ms4low, L .ot$6u' L "Edior.Pluka, dMl6, L. pi&46, L. hmihMalat, V.l^tifcro6 4lveol6, v . Ilni,ot6 V. dn tuN. V. @tuirt6, V, .livd6, bo@14, M. cotdtttt M, ttlodispaB, AM$B kanalu, M.A@,Pha n@ Mla M. @nul'1t', O@th&J crcnortg, O. t!4nupo6u' Cntw.&ia qudn"verlata td GoUototPa paristaaa, e w t4*C@.'flr..lld.ypcLhaLof Loxoblew hM tu haalh ben d@ibed for rhe iBt tide fron its lype l@lilv lr addnion, the f.nily S.l.toptcttnte, 8 E n n (C4lloeryl6 T.Logt tIlB, -251- Plcb.iotryllB, TananSryUut, E tcytr6, AMutsut, Anatipla, S.ktoptewt, tl sp.cies, such as G,tlaptit Ubetcen, T.boguUB lontip.Mit, Ptatsrytu Mlaw.phal6, TanarcEryllB hnatu, I^oblzw ho@i, V.tttifidot$ 6p.66, v. Ialkt, Ahuipha toryip.nni!, Eu.t !tt6 condnM, ScLtoptet$ padat6. GryUotalta ninut4 a afia|'ol Ta'riNkicltg pon. oflrr &c [email protected] tbr the fi6t tim. iroF Pakilhn. The cotr4t idcntifrcadon of l7 sp€cks. which erc prcvioBly niridenrifi.d by Sa€cd (r9E9). is siv.n. A singl. holo{r?e n.l. dcrrib.d as [email protected] jindti is synonynized rifh L. hanzlif.L me ideairc^ion or Cophos'lqut btuiry ^rA trE n* statc of P@Jttonabi8 tui@1pu6is d sivcn by dE alove wort r e doubtful, a $.y de bo.d on v€ty ihmatue spc.imeN, which l&t rh. inpoll!

    Th. charccrs of dE fdily,goup mt be. ircluded, for they @ 6ily a.essible in lit rarur., b kcys for both lhe higher and lower t ta have bcc. pr€p.r.d in oder lo facililale thc future idlndfiqtions. The deviarioN frcm th€ publish€d dscriptioa and rh. addnioEl cbd.E6, il any, of all rh€ g.I@ $d speiB e included- The ncw g€nera, species atrd allotypB hale bei d$sibed in delail, The n*urcnenls of variou aromniqlly iopona body .lorawith lheir hngc, meansi sllnddd dcviatiom and ratiq havc been wo*ed out, Thc iuusrr.rioB ofdiffcEnl body pats alon8wilh lhe g. lalia ard dhributional nrps ol aU ric sp.ci6 de lls .Ihc giv.n. lalitu&, loogitud., mu.l mean bnperaoE and annualav€68. prccipiution ror almct all th. oll4tion l@liri* have beo aDoended- CHECK LIST CHAPTER 1I


    Fs$[Y GrYIU&e . Subf.n Y GrYliDre C6E Trturd.tdlr. G.r.Ltov L l ,ot4roi6 (Lrc[e! Galt Eltta'r&t Mrh 2. A dior (Cl'q6rd) Go6 tt ltott l&, Tdu6rt t. T. tdtiMtw (t ifct Alghlr) 1. r. pa*itt,,ut (Chourid Ahtr'ld) 5. T. ItlMit q,N, 6. T. tullahi .P. w. 7, T. pmdi.6 3p. nw C€nqs C4lbrryrr,rt Sjocledl E. C ovriL'AA sp. nov, Gdu! Cttlrt rit Cbop.rd 9, c. p.rdca CIFf6rd c.r'6 C'l&, u|ltlas lo. G- biwtldtt D.c*t G.nG td.olt rr$ Clop.d ll. r lied 3P. w. 12. r b44att t ($!$u|l) 13. r )ea4t ry. mv. 14. T. prmns sp.w. 15. T. hrsr us q.N :u3-

    Ga|r3 flrrtlrter Choprtd 16, it ttwdetur (sctaitt ) t7. t8, ftulolrrorlr sq. nor. ad.ntibialis sp. t$\. Acl.r. rrbri.iE A. doMtticw (Linwa)

    Ge.a t.r.r4rrl&r Rfl.bll P, Bieautuit sp. w. C.nur O.rrbd.r Sr6W A. suWUcM {wat} O lolt4Dlrr4s T&ilBkll Gou! IerL@ S.|Ec

    L. pddan6is q. oDv. L. doli.hopntis sp. ia!. L. n dt@c$attt sp. nov,

    L. h.nihwht q.w. G.!6 Y.L'f.rom R.lddl 31. 38. 39. 40. V. r.tiQ@t6 W. ^q. 42_ Y. /rrh (c!oprd) 43. -25+

    G€nu ttod.or.r&r Choprd 44. M. ,lrrM (Sau$urc) 45. nt ri8rt a (Walt r) a6. M. .ht@ lcf6p.rd) 17. M. b@tlB sp, w, 44. M. @n lts V. w. 49. ll. ttldispdis sp. ft|t.

    Subfcmily Nemobiinae G.aa [email protected]!,3 J.@h6or el Bi.a.H 50, P. @r@/r. (walt r) GenE Dlar.ror!6 llcke4 51. D. .rilli (Bolivsr) s2. D. f@ipa lwalkct)

    FaEIt TrtgoDiliidee Cinus ]{r!lr4!, E|t,!!F @ Wdtdritl 53. A. kanatg q. N. G€nu! lhigorlt D Rsbu 54. T, ci.irdzL.kta Pablr 55. T. c. hMb.niarun lsureveJ i@hl4 s.|sn 56. 'r. basip@n!' $wnb)

    Fdaily Ph.lngoFnd{€ C.!0i lr.r.aiot rd wdr.r 57, M. @lotata +.w. 58, M. anttTa q. w. F.mily beo@idae sublss0y Eaeotserinre Gsxu Xdoltt&|, Iotrt.r 59. X t r,lrwBn (Wa|r.i)

    Subfam Y m@irtinte Galt &rct t Gcttu{.a L 60. R.o,tci'ru (H!rn)

    F.sily Oe.r| Didr€ G.dt6 o..-crt!, Sdt{r. 61. o. '62, O. 63. O.

    F.Dily MotoPlhdd.e G.!u C,o,!td, Eolitrr e- $dtitulld. q. w.

    F.nily Sc-l€mDf.rfdr€ G.r!s tct roldtt s|! 65. J. ,lrrddB Bruds v W

    F.nilY GrY Dtrhitlre G. E @/.be$. rdD! 66. c. ottatalis Bvafirts a. 68. LITERATURE CITED CTIAPTER VII


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    M.p2D. G.rll,/Ie tTtt uoattu!!, v.tadfiatttu dn

    I r44u3& uud (nurEj )1 vtblilttury dFu (wttql .'L'pdduek4M' I + ddd,P$is . L r@drLg 'e.nvI. w. xMdia'414d|'ru|s'v'!rc'

    6. M DtlCj'r'tt re.8t. t3. v.b,iteu tu;L, 4. w -261- N

    DErrtbudoD of N.oobiilre i! hcw@da adot (,!bn

    Di,n6dh4 tdcirs N$r..n -268-


    Dlrtrlbuttd oa TrtSontdt.rr. b p*bt !,

    2d'\''1M4Bk'n.,gb'M' r. r c h$.dd,ree) ., a@pr. rdat.tu (edio!) -269-


    Mlp 5. Distlburio! or Pb.hlsopdd&, Mosodbd.r.G ud sdq!! ln P.&ru |'.|.ibDr.n'd'fu6.M' z. u{,e,'' tud44 b.;N 1..*'.b.e'&.'fua'd -270-


    M.D 6. Dtutdbdbn or Eidpaqld& ln P.$r.a l. lr.16&. ,iur8 ($/ {) 2. Prc(r& dfu 0|I!) -271-


    Mrp ?. Irdrlhrtlon of O.crrtddr. lr Prl|nu.

    2'oc||'|d'bE'a- ''o'.e,.,ga'a' N

    Mrp E. Dr*dbutlo! of cry|roa.tddr. h rrUrt r. q'dd.t, ' dde elde '.c''dfu4'M' APPENDD( LJntdq lddrtd4 dlltud., .drc.rE .rd tn a.ll oa l!. oU.rtio le|nG d Prl&rr



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