Volume 14 Number 1, February 1987
'.:t ,. , ~, UNDERWAT~R VOLUME FOURTEEN, NUMBER ONE, January 13, 1987 SPElEOlOGY· The Malheur lava cave system in Oregon. Photos by Karl Anderson. See story page 5. "-:::;""'!+/! 2 UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY Vol. 14, No. 1 THE CAVE DIVING SECTION OF !'!!:!Q~!:!:!e!.~!: ~::1.1::!~1~Q1Q.9.!i is the off'icial r.ewsletter THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. of' the Cave Diving Section of' the National Spele P.O. BOX 95121, BRANFORD, FL 321211218-095121 ological 'Sc.ciety, lr.c. Sect ic.r. r~embership, whic(""" - BOARD OF DIRECTORS - ir.cludes subscriptior. to the r.ewsletter, is e.pe\, to all members in good standing of' the NSS a~ $5.1210 per year. Subser i pt i Or.S f'or r.or.;--rn.erobers are $1121.121121 per year. Membership/subscription i r.fc.rrn.at ior., appl icat iems, ar.d stat us may be STEVE ORMEROID Chairman: obtair.ed by writ ing to the Secretary-Treasurer 629 West 4th St. c/o the sect ion's peY'roar.ent address: Marysville, OH 431214121 (513) 642-7775 Jc.e Prosser, Sec./Treas. NSS Cave Di vi r.g Sect ior. Vice-Chairman: JEFF BOZANIC P.O. Bo)! 950 P.O. 80H 49121462 Brar.f'e.rd, FL 321211218-0950 Key Biscayne, FL 33149-0462 (31215) 666-121748 All eurY'er.t r.ews items, reports, art ieles, photo graphs, negat i ves, sl ides, carte.ons, or other submissions for the r.ewsletter should be sent or Secretary JOE PROSSER Treasurer: 741210 N.W. 55th St. telephor.ed ir.
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