Congressional Record-House
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1844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE J ANU.AR'i 1 'l been very true to it and has been very patient, and has allowed To be capta,ins the Senate to consider the treaty unmolested. The Committee First Lieut. Russell Conwell Akins, Infantry, from January on Appropriations has done the same thing. It comes down to 7, 1929. the fact that there are nine more of these large appropriation l!,irst Lieut. Henry Hapgood Fay, Infantry, from January 8, bills which have to be acted on, or we shall be in disgrace. 1929. I nm as anxious to see the Senator from Maine make progress First IJieut. Rudolph William Propst, Air Corps, from January with his cruiser bill as I am to Eee any other business of the 9, 1929. Senate pushed forward, but I ean not annoy him all the time First Lieut. Peter LeToney, Infantry, from January 12, 1929. and ceJ:tainly he ought not to and will not, I am sure, annoy l!"'irst Lieut. Robert Louis Renth, Infantry, from January 15, me so long as I am in charge of an appropriation bill. But I 1929. must have the cooperation of the members of my committee so First Lieut. Donald Campbell Kemp, Signal Corps, from that when they get notice of a meeting I may have their pres January 15, 1929. ence or else an acceptance of what the two or three of us who To be first lieutenants do attend the meetings may decide upon. Second Lieut. Emil John Peterson, Corps of Engineers, from I presume the Senator from Wasllington [Mr. JoNES], who January 7, 1929. has offered the amendment, wishes to make some observations Second Lieut. Gordon Edmund Texter, Corps of Engineers, concerning it that we may consider before morning, but I would from Jauuary 8, 1929. like to have all those who desire to discuss the amendment be Se<:oncl Lieut. Everett Chalmers Wallace, Coast Artillery here when the Senate convenes so that we may get along with Corps, from .January 9, 1929. the business of the Senate. Second Lieut. Vernum Charles Stevens, Coast Artillery Corps, l\fr. JONES. l\lr. President, I do not care to speak to-day. from January 11, 1929. Mr. HALE. 1\Ir. President, I stated this afternoon that I MEDICAL CORPS would ask the ·t-nior Senator from Kansa [l\Ir. Cun'.rrs] to move a recess to-night until 11 o'clock to-morrow. I will say To be captain now that I haYe talked with the Senator from Kansas. and it l!'irst Lieut. Fletcher Emory Ammons, 1\Iedical Corps, from has been found impossible to carry out that suggestion on January 17, 1929. account of certain committee meetings which are to be held in CHAPLAIN the morning. So I shall be entirely agreeable to the request of Chaplain Thomas Louis Kelley to be chaplain, with rank o~ the Senator from 'Vyoming. major, from January 16, 1929. Ex-ECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair, in accordance with an HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES order of the Senate heretofore made, refers to the appropriate committees the Executive messages transmitted to the Senate THURSDAY, January 17, 19~9 by the President to-day. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. RECEss The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered 1\fr. "\VARREN. I move that the Senate take a recess until the following prayer: 12 o'clock to-morrow noon. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 5 o'clock and kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 10 minute-s p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Friday, Janu Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our tres ary 18, 1929, at 12 o'clock meridian. passes, as we forgive them who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is NOMINATIONS the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Exec-utive nomi-nati.Q11s received by the l~enaJe Janua!f"1] 17, 1929 The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and CoLLECTOR oF CusToMs approved. Louis M. Hall, of St. Louis, Mo., to be collector of customs for MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE customs collection district No. 45, with headquarters at St. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, Louis, 1\Io. (Reappointment.) announced that the Senate had passed a bill and concurrent UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE resolution of the following titles, in which the concurrence <Jf the House is requested : Edward K. Massee, of Hawaii, to be United States district S. 5240. An act to extend the time for completing the CfJnstruc judge, district of Hawaii, vice William T. Rawlins, deceased. tion of the bridge across the Mississippi River at Natchez, Miss. CmcmT CoURT JUDGE S. Con. Res. 31. Concurrent resolution to print the briefs of Charles S. Davis, of Hawaii, to be third judge of the circuit counsel and transcript of record filed with the Supreme Court court, first circuit, Territory of Hawaii, vice Edward K. 1\Iassee, of the United States in the St. Louis & O'Fallon Railway case as a Senate document and for extra copies thereof. nominated to be United States district judge. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the APPOINTME.!.~TS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes QUARTERMASTER CORPS of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 15569) entitled "An act making appropriations for the Capt. Rene Edward de Russy, Coast Artillery Corps (detailed Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary, and in Quartermaster Corps), with rank from September 20, 1928. for the Departments of Commerce and Labor for the fiscal ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT year ending June 30, 1000, and for other purposes." The message also announced that. the Senate agrees to the First Lieut. James Eugene Bernard Mcinerney, Infantry (de· repmt of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes tailed in Ordnance Department), with rank from May 22, 1928. of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the INFANTRY bill (H. R. 15089) entitled "An act making appropriations for 1\Iaj. George Matthew Halloran, Chemical Warfare Service, the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and for other purposes." with rank from July 1, 1920. COMMITTEE ON THE MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Mr. WHITE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, by authority of the To be col@el Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House, r... ieut. Col. Walter Schuyler Grant, Cavalry, from January I ask unanimous consent that that committee may sit dudng sessions of the House for the purpose of conducting hearings 15, 1929. To be lieutenant colonel upon radio legislation and for consideration of such legislation. Mr. CLARKE. Reserving the right to object, do I understand Maj. George Cornelius Charlton, Infantry, from January 15, this includes hearings on the Crowther bill? 1929. Mr. WHITE of Maine. It includes hearings generally on To be majors the subject of radio, although the hearings are immediately di Capt. Robert Ellsworth Phillips, Coast Artillery Corps, from rected to another bill, but the whole subject matter is under January 7, 1929. consideration. Capt. Allen Frederick Kingman, Infantry, from January 15, Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. As I understand, the gentle 1929. man asks this by direction of the committee? "1929 ". CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE 1845 Mr. WHITE of Maine. By direction of the committee; yes. year ending .tune 30, 1.930, and for other purposes, submit the ·Mr. LAGUARDIA. Reserving the right to object~ Mr. following statement in explanation of the effect of the action Speaker, may I ask the gentleman if the committee will give agreed upon and recommended in the accompanying conference any· consideration to revision "of the shipping laws and to a report, as to each of such amendments, namely: change in the limited liability provision of the shipping law'? On No. 1: Makes the allowance for clerk hire at United Mr. WHITE of Maine. I can Iiot answer that question defi ·states- consulates available, as proposed by the Senate, for the nitely. The committee bas already voted to take up two or payment of salaries of clerks during the period of transit to three matters of legislation. As soon as these are disposed of, and from their homes in the United States. it may be possible to take up the matter to which the gentleman On Nos. 2 and 3: Strikes out the increase of $10,000, pro has directed attention. posed by the Senate, in the appropriation for transportation -The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gen of Diplomatic, Consula:r, and Foreign Service officers. tleman from Maine? · On Nos. 4, 5, and 6: Makes technical corrections in the bill There was no objection. in three items under the Department of Justice. OLEOM.ABGAIUNE On Nos. 7 and 8, I:elating to the administrative appropriation for the aeronautics branch of the Department of Commerce: Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, I desire to make an announce ment. Several Members have-spoken about their interests in a Makes tbe allotment for personnl services in the District of bill that bas been reported from the Committee on Agriculture Columbia not to exceed $263,21.0, as proposed by the Senate, in stead of not to exceed $229,570, as proposed by the House, and familiarly known as the oleomargarine bill.