What is ?

The Deanery Synod is part of the way the gives people at different levels a chance to discuss key issues and organise the church's ministry and mission. It sits between the parishes with their Parochial Church Councils (PCCs), and the with Diocesan Synod.

PCCs elect their lay All clergy licenced by the representatives to Deanery and residing in the

Synod, and the amount they deanery are members of elect will depend on their Deanery Synod. One electoral roll figures as of the member of clergy with PTO last renewal in 2019. in their deanery (for every ten) will also be a member.

Deanery Synod should promote in the deanery the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical

Please consider standing for election to your local Deanery Synod and encourage your fellow PCC members to consider standing. Deanery plays a vital part in the governance of the Church of England and are a forum for parishes to work together in their local contexts.

What do Deanery Synods do?

• Consider matters concerning the Church of England

• Bring together the views of the parishes of the deanery

• Act as a channel of communication between parishes and Diocesan Synod

• Implement decisions made by General Synod

• Raise matters with Diocesan Synod

• Elect representatives to Diocesan Synod and General Synod

• If parishes are concerned about the decisions being made by General Synod or by Diocesan Synod, they should do everything possible to elect people who will represent them and make their voice heard.