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Weather Distribution Today Teraperatore « 7 «.m. e dt- rea. Cloudy today, tonight and BEDBANK tomorrow with occasional drizzle 18,900 or rale. High both d»y» In tie npptr tti. Low tonight hi the MONDAY THM/UOH ruoAY—tirr. an low Uf. See weather page 2. Dial SH 1-0010 a dally, UonUu turoujli FrliJajr. Second Cl»»i RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1962 7c PER COPY VOU 8k, ^O. 145 at Red Bank ana al Additional Milling PAGE ONE Formal Charges P/an"erfMan-in-Space Shot In KeansburgPolice Probe ^ i i 7^ * TT Says 2 Chiefs Suspended5 9 Lohsen On 'Laxity Evidence Only Critical Delayed 24 Hours KEANSBURG — Charges are expected to be filed either today or tomorrow against the Borough Police Trouble Department's two top men and a patrolman, suspended Of Action Friday. KEANSBURG — Council- Found In The three, Police Chief Alphonsus McGrath, Deputy man Martin C. Lohsen yes- Chief Theodore Loder, and terday said he "could not Checkout his brother, Patrolman Fred- condone" the suspensions erick Loder, were sus- Friday of the police chief, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. pended by Borough Council deputy police chief and a (AP) — Troubles with the on the recommendation C. patrolman as the result of a "Friendship 7" spacecraft Bernard Blum, borough manager. probe of irregularities in police today forced a one-day Although specific details of the department records. postponement, until Thurs- charges were not disclosed, Mr. Lohsen said that a more day, of an attempt to rocket George E. Ostrov, borough at- thorough investigation, possibly torney, said they stem from "al- Martin C. Lchsen by the prosecutor, should have John H. Glenn Jr. into terations and inconsistencies been conducted first. ound-the-world orbit. found in police records." The councilman did not attend Officials indicated that • the Word of the delay came from the meeting Friday at which time charges against both Chief Mc- •eliable sources. The National Chief Alphonsus McGrath, Deputy Grath 8nd Deputy Chief Loder •eronautics and Space Admin- would probably involve neglect Chief Theodore Loder and Patrol- istration has not officially an- and dereliction of duty in fail- man Frederick Loder were sus- wunced a tiring date and there- ing to properly supervise the pended. ore had no comment on the keeping of records—in particular, He conceded that "there are •eport. time and sick leave data. irregularities in the police blot- The exact nature of the trou- ter," but he said he felt that a Check Records ble was not learned. It turned up more detailed .probe was in or- For the past two weeks, the during a checkout of the capsule der before formal action was tak- attorney has been reviewing po- early today, the sources said, lice records, especially payroll Chief Alphdnsus McGrath This is the fourth postponemen: 'A lot of papers were thrown records, to determine if there ing improperly filed so as to )f the launching. It originally was evidence of payroll padding. at me," he said, "and there were was set for Dec. 20 when offi- show overtime not actually changes on time sheets." Mayor Louis T. Collichio said worked. cials felt there was a chance to Mr. Lohsen said he conferred yesterday that he wanted it made The attorney said other mem- achieve manned orbit flight in with George E. Ostrov, borough 1961. But when this was deemed clear that both Chief Mcfirath bers of the department may also attorney, on Thursday to discuss CANCER RESEARCHERS — Betsy Madsen of Devon Ct., New Shrewsbury, prepare* impossible, the shot was put off and Deputy Chief Loder are in be suspended after an audit of po- the records. intil Jan. 16. volved in the matter only to the lice records for a two-year period to inject a white rat with cancer cells. This is a part of a research project sho Is extent that there is "apparent is completed. Records In Olfice carrying out in her biology class at Monmouth Regional High School. Observing Problems with the Atlas hoost- laxity and inefficiency in the su- The councilman questioned that x resulted in another week de- pervision of the force." The preliminary probe covered are fellow itudant Arthur Illmensee, right, Water St., Now Shrewsbury, and their only a four-month period. fact that Mr. Ostrov had the rec- lay, and minor capsule diffi- "He said the evidence uncovered ords in his office. He said he teacher, William E. Musgrave. Teacher Robert M. Dixon, left, assists. The students culty pushed the launching back In the probe does not connect (See KEANSBURG, Page 2) Louis Collichio knew of no formal council action above are two of the 30 sophomores in the regional school who are engaged in :till another day. them with the actual payroll authorizing the removal of the News of the postponement c»me padding, cancer research in co-operation with the Sloan-Kettering Institute, Rye, N.'Y. records from borough hall. as astronaut Glenn, like a su- Mr. Ostrov said that there were 'I do not feel the investigation perbly conditioned boxer closing "hundreds of improprieties" on 1 New Command was handled properly," he oaid out his training camp, began fi- the police blotter. nal preparations for the flight. He went on to tay that discrep When apprized of Mr. Lohsen's Regional Sophomores A id •ncles result from time cards be- remarks, Mayor Louis T. Colli- He was scheduled to make one chio termed them "political dcu- more simulated orbit flight in a To Locate at Post groundbased capsule and then go bletalk." FORT MONMOUTH — One of supervision of the chief signa "Mr. Lohsen is trying to duck into a tapering off period. The Regional the new commands to be estab- officer, but will become the re out of the issue and in fact is try- Cancer Research Project final pre-flight days mostly will lished under a proposed reorgan- sponsibility of U. S. Continenta be taken up with medical checks, ing to make a political issue oul By Jane Morrow cancers will be studied and ob- ization of the Army will be lo- Army Command. This, of course, is a spur a final briefing, running on the (See LOHSEN, Page 2) served. cated here. NEW SHREWSBURY - A their interest and perseverance. beach to stay in shape «nd, In- Plan to Go The Continental Army Com- It is possible that one of these But the glamour jf the word The Communications and Elec- Monmouth Regional High Schoi exorably, wailing. mand, headquartered a> Fort 30 sophomore biology student students' experiments will (urn "cancer research" does no tronics Command, one of five In the past three weeks, he has Monroe, Va., will take over from Man Hit are engaged in cancer research up a substance that is useful in blind the young people to thi commands under the new Mate- the technical services—Ordnance, flown 60 theoretical flights, re- ToWoters This is not make-believe, ••bu the treatment of cancer. (See BIOLOGY, Page 3) riel Development and Logistical Quartermaster and Signal Corps hearsing every possibility that a serious, useful, project bein, NEW SHREWSBURY — Voters Command will have Us head- —the job of training their person- could be rehearsed, and in the By Auto carried out in co-operation wit in the Shrewsbury Township quarters at Fort Monmouth, a nel. CONARC already is respon process has landed in the At- the Sloan-Kettering Institute foi school district will be asked, at spokesman for the Public Infor- sible for training combat troops. lantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Cancer Research, Rye, N. Y. the polls, for their approval of mation Office said last night. On Rt. 35 County Conducts How does he feel? plans to regionalize schools here, Six operating agencies will re- MIDDLETOWN - Adam Me- The students are testing som but not on Feb. 13. port to the Communications and Kulchyck, 42, of Rt. 35 is in good of the thousands of new organi Calm, Confident Dr. Richard Swenson, president Electronics Command the condition this morning in River- compounds that come out of in "He feels pretty confident, calm of the school board, said yester- spokesman said. Index view Hospital with a fractured dustrial and other laboratorie! 'Readiness' Drill and collected," reported Dr. Rob- every year. day that the state commissioner They are the research and de- right leg and head injuries suf- ert Voas, psychologist and one Page Hundreds of Civil Defense, fire control center at police head- of education has just given for velopment laboratories at Fort fered when struck by an auto Any one of these compounds f the astronaut's training offi- Amusements ...10 and police personnel in 20 Mon- mal approval of the proposal to Monmouth, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; Saturday night while crossing the might have the property of slow- quarters. Fires were started in :ers. "I'm sure there has been put regionalization plans to a Births .' 2 ng down, or speeding up the mouth County municipalities vacant lots on Willow St., Karri- ;ome Increase in tension—you White Sands, N. M, and Fort highway. turned out for "Operation Readi- vote. Bridge ., .II growth of cancer. son Ave. and Riverside ave. :an't approach a great adventure Mead, Md.; the Materiel Manage- Mr. MCKulchyck was struck ness" Saturday. The commissioner ruled, how- ment and Procurement Agency, Classified IS near the Veterans of Foreign It takes many, many hands to Radchem teams were active in ke this without some ol that. ever, that this may not be done Philadelphia, and the Materiel Comics _ 11 Wars Hall on Rt. 35. test all the new compounds, and The drill was termed a success many communities, including But he feels well prepared.