Information Bulletin on Variable Stars

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Information Bulletin on Variable Stars COMMISSIONS AND OF THE I A U INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Nos March November EDITORS L SZABADOS K OLAH TECHNICAL EDITOR A HOLL TYPESETTING K ORI ADMINISTRATION Zs KOVARI EDITORIAL BOARD L A BALONA M BREGER E BUDDING M deGROOT E GUINAN D S HALL P HARMANEC M JERZYKIEWICZ K C LEUNG M RODONO N N SAMUS J SMAK C STERKEN H BUDAPEST XI I Box HUNGARY HU ISSN COPYRIGHT NOTICE IBVS is published on b ehalf of the th and nd Commissions of the IAU by the Konkoly Observatory Budap est Hungary Individual issues could b e downloaded for scientic and educational purp oses free of charge Bibliographic information of the recent issues could b e entered to indexing sys tems No IBVS issues may b e stored in a public retrieval system in any form or by any means electronic or otherwise without the prior written p ermission of the publishers Prior written p ermission of the publishers is required for entering IBVS issues to an electronic indexing or bibliographic system to o CONTENTS E PAUNZEN G HANDLER Pulsation of HD and HD :::: E PAUNZEN WW WEISS R KUSCHNIG Nonvariability among Bo o Star I ESO and Data :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PA HECKERT Photometry of SV Camelopardalis :::::::::::::::: M WOLF L SAROUNOVA P MOLIK Period Changes in V Ophiuchi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RM ROBB MD GLADDERS Optical Observations of the Active Star FF Cancri ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: U BASTIAN E BORN F AGERER M DAHM V GROSSMANN V MAKAROV Conrmation of the Classication of a New Tycho Variable HD is a Day Cepheid ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G OPRESCU A DUMITRESCU P ROVITHIS H ROVITHISLIVANIOU New Times of Minima of the Eclipsing Binaries i Bo otis and VW Cephei ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T BERTHOLD New Elements for the Eclipsing Binary ZZ Cnc ::::::::: P ROVITHIS H ROVITHISLIVANIOU A KRANIDIOTIS Minimum Times and Period Behaviour of the Neglected Eclipsing Binary WZ Cygni R KUSCHNIG M GELBMANN E PAUNZEN WW WEISS Nonvariability Among Bo otis Stars I I SAAO CTIO and IAA Data ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : C STERKEN N VOGT RE MENNICKENT On the Peculiar Flickering Activity of HR ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: DD BALAM Optical Observation of SN C in MCG :::::: LA BALONA L BREGMAN BA LETSAPA BT MAGORO SE WALSH The Pulsation Frequencies of CMa ::::::::::::::::::::::: AV KUSAKIN DE MKRTICHIAN Multip erio dicity in Pulsating Lambda Bo o Star Cyg HD V Cyg ::::::::::::::::::::::: AP ANTOV R KONSTANTINOVAANTOVA E SEMKOV N BORISSOV Tsv GEORGIEV V UMLENSKI New Deep Minimum of the Cataclysmic Binary KR Aur in ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: KN GRANKIN Rotation Periods for Four LowMass Stars in the TaurusAuriga Region with CaI I Emission :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: F CAMPOSCUCARELLA J GUARROFLO JM GOMEZFORRELLAD E GARCIAMELENDO Photometric Observations of the New Bright Classical Cepheid SAO HD : E PAUNZEN G HANDLER New Photometric Data for HD and HD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: GA RICHTER J GREINER NSV and RX J ::::::: J VANDENBROERE New Information on V Cas Type and Period R DEMARTINO D KOCYLA Ch PREDOM E WETHERBEE Accurate Positions of Variable Stars Near the South Galactic Pole :::::::: R DEMARTINO D KOCYLA Ch PREDOM E WETHERBEE Accurate Positions of Susp ected Variable Stars Near the South Galactic Pole ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: F CAMPOSCUCARELLA J NOMENTORRES JM GOMEZFORRELLAD E GARCIAMELENDO NSV a Low Amplitude RRab Star in Camelopardalis ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J VIDALSAINZ JM GOMEZFORRELLAD E GARCIAMELENDO The New Overcontact System GSC in Andromeda and a Star Showing an Optical Transient :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FU JIANNING JIANG SHIYANG Has the Delta Scuti Star AD CMi a Companion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: LIU QUINGYAO YANG YULAN GU SHENGHONG HANG ZHANKUI AH Flare on UV Piscium :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S OZDEMIR M TANRIVER UBV Photometry of V Per ::::::::::: M TSVETKOV E SEMKOV K TSVETKOVA V HAMBARYAN Observations of the Flare Star V Cygni :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: L DAHLMARK New Variable Stars in Cygnus Lacerta and Andromeda M BOS G HUDSON R HUDSON E BUDDING UBV Observations of AB Dor Late ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : SL KIM SW LEE HD a New Eclipsing Binary in the Op en Cluster MNGC :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: F AGERER W KLEIKAMP W MOSCHNER E SPLITTGERBER V Cassiop eiae is an RR Lyrae Type Variable :::::::::::::::::::::::::: M WOLF L SAROUNOVA GSC a New W UMa Type Eclipsing Binary in the Field of GG Ori :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J WINTERBERG A BRUCH Light curves and Periods of the RR Lyrae Stars SU Cha and SW Cha ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C LLOYD KW WEST Observations of LowAmplitude Late Type Variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: F MONTAGNI M MAESANO R VIOTTI A ALTAMORE M TOMOVA N TOMOV Photometry of the Active Phase of AG Dra ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: R DIETHELM GT Aquarii New Elements ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J GREINER JM ALCALA CI Aquilae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EH SEMKOV Photographic and CCD Photometry of V Cephei ::::: T HEGEDUS IB BIRO T BORKOVITS ZS PARAGI Photo electric Minima of Eclipsing Binary Systems ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: N TOMOV M TOMOVA Photo electric UBV Observations of EG Andromedae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: SV ANTIPIN New Variable Stars in the Herculis Field ::::::::::::::: SV ANTIPIN New Variable Stars in the Coronae Borealis Field :::::: SV ANTIPIN New Variable Stars in the Ophiuchi Field ::::::::::::: SV ANTIPIN Nine New Variables in the Ophiuchi Field :::::::::::: T KIPPER VG KLOCHKOVA The Sp ectrum of FG Sagittae in CE LOPEZ HS LEPEZ Improved Positions of Variable Stars in Ara I P MARTINEZ Discovery of min Oscillations in the Ap SrEuCr Star HD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: R KUSCHNIG M GELBMANN E PAUNZEN WW WEISS Photometric Variability of the Bo otis Star HD :::::::::::::::::::: Erratum ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: MD GLADDERS RM ROBB Discovery of the New RR Lyrae Star ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: GSC E PAUNZEN G HANDLER WW WEISS Nonvariability among Bo otis Stars I I I CTIO and McDonald Data ::::::::::::: L KOHOUTEK HBV a New Variable Star in Hercules ::::::::::::: Ch WETTERER R GRASHUIS R KUNKLE K BOUDREAU CCD Photometry of CN Tau V Lyr V Cyg and GS Lyr :::::::::::::::: GV WILLIAMS Indentication of Dahlmark Variables ::::::::::::::::: K KRISCIUNAS KD LUEDEKE Photometry of Orionis Octob er to April ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: A GARRIGOS SANCHEZ NSV an RR Lyrae Type Star in Ophiuchus ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: NI DOROKHOV TN DOROKHOVA Great Optical Outburst of AV Tauri :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: B PAULEY B CARRIGAN J FRENCH MI IN LOOI RG SAMEC UBV Light Curves and Period Behaviour for the SolarType Eclipsing Binary V Aquilae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : JD GRAY S WOISSOL RG SAMEC BVR I Light Curves c c of the Southern Very Short Period Eclipsing Binary V Centauri :::::::: SV ANTIPIN Nine New Variables in the Herculis Field :::::::::::::: SV ANTIPIN New Sup ernova on Moscow Plates :::::::::::::::::: EF GUINAN JA MALEY JJ MARSHALL Eccentric Eclipsing Binary Stars as Test of General Relativity the Case of V Cygni ::::::::::::::: JF BURNS EF GUINAN JJ MARSHALL New Apsidal Motion Determination of the Eccentric Eclipsing Binary V Cygni ::::::::::::: JM GOMEZFORRELLAD E GARCIAMELENDO NSV is an Overcontact Eclipsing Binary Star :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J NOMENTORRES E GARCIAMELENDO The New Overcontact Eclipsing Binary Star NSV ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: R HAEFNER A FIEDLER S RAU CCD Photometry of Eight Susp ected Cataclysmic Variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DL DUPUY RH BLOOMER New Observations of Four Galactic Cepheids ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: M MIKOLAJEWSKI TV TOMOV D KOLEV L LEEDJARV CH Cygni a Tenth Magnitude Star :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO The Sup eroutburst of RZ Sagittae ::::::::::::::::::::::: RW ARGYLE Photometry and Astrometry of Variable Stars ::::::::::: PA HECKERT BVRI Photometry of CG Cygni ::::::::::::::::::: T LEBZELTER F KERSCHBAUM HD a New Semiregular Variable ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: C HEERLEIN LongTerm Behaviour of the Eclipsing Binary PX Cephei RM BRANLY ME BELFORT PA FRIEND W VAN HAMME RJ HIGGINS A New Ephemeris for ER Cephei ::::::::::::::::::::::::: LN BERDNIKOV OV VOZYAKOVA VV IGNATOVA Photometric BVR Observations and New Elements of the Cepheid HD ::::::::: C LN BERDNIKOV OV VOZYAKOVA VV IGNATOVA Photometric BVR Observations of the Peculiar Cepheid V Lyr :::::::::::::::::::: C LN BERDNIKOV OV VOZYAKOVA VV IGNATOVA Photometric BVR Observations and Classication of NSV :::::::::::::::::::::: C R WASATONIC EF GUINAN Photo electric Photometry of the 1 Red Sup ergiant Her
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