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MONITORING OF CHEMICAL AND ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS OF GEOTHERMAL WATERS ALONG THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY SELİN SÜER IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SEPTEMBER 2004 ABSTRACT MONITORING OF CHEMICAL AND ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS OF GEOTHERMAL WATERS ALONG THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE Süer, Selin M. S., Department of Geological Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nilgün Güleç September 2004, 140 pages This study aims to determine the chemical (anion-cation) and isotopic compositions (δ18O-δD-3H) of the geothermal waters along the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and highlight any possible seismicity-induced temporal variations during the course of two years (2002-2003) monitoring programme. The geothermal sites are alligned along a 800 km transect of the NAFZ and are, from west to east, Yalova, Efteni, Bolu, Mudurnu, Seben, Kurşunlu, Hamamözü, Gözlek and Reşadiye. The thermal waters of NAFZ are dominantly Na-HCO3, whereas the cold waters are dominantly Ca-HCO3 in character. The highest temperature (72.3°C) is recorded in Seben. The hot waters are slightly acidic to alkaline in character with pH values ranging between 5.92-7.97, while the cold waters are comparatively more alkaline with pH values between 6.50-8.83. iv Both hot and the cold waters are meteoric in origin. The hot waters have lower δ18O-δD and tritium values suggesting higher recharge altitudes for aquifers and longer residence times for waters, respectively, in the geothermal system (compared to the cold waters). Temporal variations are detected in both ionic and isotopic compositions of the cold and the hot waters, and these reflect seasonal variations for cold and seismicity-induced variations for hot waters. Although no major earthquakes (M>5) occurred along the NAFZ during the monitoring period, temporal variations recorded in Cl and 3H, and to a lesser extent in Ca and SO4 contents seem to correlate with seismicity along the NAFZ. In this respect, Yalova field deserves the particular attention since seismicity induced variations were better recorded in this field. Keywords: North Anatolian Fault Zone, Seismicity, Geothermal Waters, Isotopes, Chemical Composition v ÖZ KUZEY ANADOLU FAY HATTINDAKİ JEOTERMAL SULARIN KİMYASAL VE İZOTOPİK BİLEŞİMLERİNİN İZLENMESİ Süer, Selin Yüksek Lisans, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Nilgün Güleç Eylül 2004, 140 sayfa Bu çalışma, Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı (KAFH) boyunca yer alan jeotermal suların, kimyasal (anyon-katyon) ve izotopik (δ18O-δD-3H) bileşimlerinin belirlenmesini ve olası zamansal değişimlerinin, 2 yıllık izleme çalışması (2002-2003) süresince, sismik etkinlikler ile ilişkilendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Jeotermal sahalar Kuzey Anadolu Fayının 800 km’lik bir hattı boyunca yer almaktadır ve bunlar batıdan doğuya doğru Yalova, Efteni, Bolu, Mudurnu, Seben, Kurşunlu, Hamamözü, Gözlek ve Reşadiye sahalarıdır. KAFH’ nın termal suları egemen olarak Na-HCO3, soğuk suları ise egemen olarak Ca-HCO3 karakterindedir. En yüksek sıcaklık (72.3°C) Seben sahasında kaydedilmiştir. Sıcak sular, 5.92-7.97 arasında değişen pH değerleri ile hafif asidikten baziğe doğru eğilim gösterirken, soğuk sular 6.50-8.83 arasında değişen pH değerleri ile daha baziktir. vi Hem sıcak hem de soğuk sular meteorik kökenlidir. Sıcak suların, soğuk sulara oranla daha düşük δ18O-δD ve tritium değerlerine sahip olması jeotermal sistemdeki akiferlerin daha yüksek seviyelerden beslendiğine ve suların yeraltı dolaşım sürelerinin uzun olduğuna işaret etmektedir (soğuk sularla karşılaştırıldığında). Zamansal değişimler, soğuk ve sıcak suların, hem iyonik hem izotopik bileşimlerinde izlenmektedir ve bunlar, soğuk sular için mevsimsel değişimleri, sıcak sular için ise sismisite-bağımlı değişimleri yansıtmaktadır. İzleme süresi boyunca KAFH’ nda önemli (M>5) depremler olmamasına rağmen, Cl, 3H ve bir ölçüye kadar da Ca ve SO4 bileşimlerinde kaydedilen zamansal değişimler, KAFH boyunca gerçekleşen sismik etkinlikler ile deneşmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Yalova sahası, sismisiteye bağlı değişimlerin daha iyi kaydedilmesinden dolayı özel önem arz etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı, Sismisite, Jeotermal Sular, İzotoplar, Kimyasal Kompozisyon vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Nilgün Güleç, the supervisor of this study, for her technical support, guidance, criticism and encouragement throughout the research. I would also like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halim Mutlu for his help at various stages of the thesis study. Thanks are extended to the Isotope Laboratory of the Technical Research Quality Control Department of the Turkish State Hydraulic Works for their support with the isotope analyses. This study was supported by the TUBİTAK YDABAG-100Y097 project. I would also like to thank Dr. Fatma Toksoy Köksal, Jülide Yapmış and Şebnem Ökten for their support during this thesis study. Finally, I am appreciative to my parents for their encouragement throughout the thesis study. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM.................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………... iv ÖZ…………………………………………………………………... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………… viii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………...…..... ix LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………….. xi LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………........ xii CHAPTERS 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………...... 1 1.1. Purpose and Scope………………………………………...… 2 1.2. Materials and Methods………………………………………. 2 1.3. Layout of Thesis…...……………...…………………………. 5 2. CHEMICAL AND ISOTOPIC TECHNIQUES IN GEOTHERMAL INVESTIGATION: AN OVERVIEW…………... 7 2.1. Chemical Components of Geothermal Fluids……………….. 7 2.2. Environmental Isotopes in Geothermal Investigation……...... 9 2.2.1. Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes………………………... 10 2.2.2.Tritium………………………………………………….. 14 2.3. Geothermal Fluid Compositions as Seismic Precursors…….. 18 3. THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE: TECTONIC SETTING AND RECENT SEISMIC ACTIVITIES……………….. 24 3.1. Tectonic Setting……………………………………………... 24 3.2. Recent Seismic Activities…………………………………… 25 4. GEOTHERMAL FIELDS ALONG NAFZ……………………… 33 4.1. Geologic Setting and Regional Geology….............................. 33 4.2. Geologic and Hydrogeologic Outline of Geothermal Fields... 35 ix 4.2.1. Efteni-Gölyaka…………………………………………. 35 4.2.2. Yalova-Termal…………………………………………. 36 4.2.3. Bolu-Town Center……………………………………... 38 4.2.4. Mudurnu-Babas (Bolu)……………………………….... 39 4.2.5. Seben-Kesenözü (Bolu)………………………………... 42 4.2.6. Hamamözü-Amasya…………………………………..... 44 4.2.7. Gözlek-Amasya ……………………………………....... 46 4.2.8. Reşadiye-Tokat ………………………………………... 50 4.2.9. Kurşunlu-Çankırı …………………………………….... 52 5. METHODS OF STUDY…………………………………………. 55 5.1. Sampling…………………………………………………….. 55 5.2. Analytical Techniques………………………………………. 62 6. HYDROGEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS…………….... 64 6.1. Results of Chemical Analyses……………………………….. 64 6.2. Hydrogeochemical Facies…………………………………… 75 7. ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS………………………………….... 83 7.1. Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes……………………………... 83 7.2. Tritium Contents…………………………………………….. 85 8. TEMPORAL VARIATIONS AND RELATION TO SEISMICITY……………………………………………………….. 99 8.1. Temporal Variations in Temperature and pH Values……….. 99 8.2. Temporal Variations in Chemical Compositions……………. 103 8.3.Temporal Variations in Oxygen-18 and Deuterium Compositions………………………………………………… 111 8.4. Temporal Variations in Tritium Contents………………….... 114 8.5. Comparison of Thermal Waters From Springs and Wells…... 116 8.6. Concluding Remarks……………………………………….... 123 9. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS………………. 127 REFERENCES……………………………………………………… 131 x LIST OF TABLES 3.1. List of earthquakes that occurred between 04.01.2002- 1.11.2003.…............................................................................. 28 5.1. Data comprising sample locations, sample numbers, UTM coordinates, temperature, pH and sample types....................... 60 6.1. Results of chemical analyses for all sampling periods comprising all fields (concentrations are in mg/l).………...... 65 6.2. Water types of samples belonging to each period................... 81 7.1. The results of the isotopic analyses of water samples (δ18O and δD values are given in ‰,; the errors for δ18O and δD are 0.1‰ and 1 ‰, respectively).………................................ 87 7.2. Results of tritium concentrations given as TU together with the associated analytical errors.................................................... 89 xi LIST OF FIGURES 1.1. Distribution of hot springs in Turkey together with major tectonic and volcanic features (Şimşek and Güleç, 1994)... 3 1.2. Location map of the sampled geothermal fields along the NAFZ (after Çemen et al., 2000).………………………… 4 2.1. δD-δ18O diagram showing isotopic compositions of different water types and the effects of physico-chemical processes on the water compositions (meteoric water line- Craig, 1961; magmatic waters-Taylor, 1974; Sheppard, 1977; metamorphic waters-Taylor, 1974; Sheppard, 1981; fossil waters-Taylor, 1974; magmatic biotite and hornblende-Taylor,1974).……………………………......... 11 2.2. δ18O and δD values for meteoric and thermal waters in several geothermal fields (Ellis and Mahon, 1977).…….... 14 2.3. Origin and distribution of tritium in the hydrologic cycle.... 15 2.4. Annual change in tritium in Ottowa precipitations (DSI, 1996)....................................................................................