South Wales Railway. NOTICE Is Hereby Given, That Application Is
4005 South Wales Railway. sannor, Llanharry, Llanharrcn, Llanilitf, church otherwise Eglwys Llangrallo, Coychurch OTICE is hereby given, that application is higher, Coychurch lower, Pencoed, Peterston N intended to be made to Parliament in the super Montein otherwise Capel Llanbad, Llandy- ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize fodwg otherwise Eglwys Glynn Ogwr, Saint the construction and maintenance of a railway or Mary Hill, Llangard, Treose, Penlline otherwise railways, with all proper approaches and con- Penlywynd, Colwinstone, Ewenny, Saint Brides veniences, and with such piers, basins, break- major, Saint Brides Lampha, Soutfcerndown, waters, landing plaeeBj and other works, as may Coyty, Coyty higher, Coyty lower, Saint Brides be necessary in connection therewith, commencing minor otherwise Llansaintfred, Ynisawdre, Llan- by a junction with the Cheltenham and Great gonoyd otherwise Llangynwd, Llangonoyd higher, "Western Union Railway, at or near the point Llangonoyd lower otherwise Boyder, Llangonoyd where the said railway crosses the turnpike road Middle, Cwmdu, Lalestone, Lalestone higher, from Gloucester to Stroud, at Standish, in the Lalestone lower, Trenewydd otherwise Newcastle, county of Gloucester, and terminating on the Newcastle higher, Newcastle lower, Oldcastle, north-western shore of the bay or harbour of Fish- Bridgend, Merthyr Mawr,. Tythegston, Tythegston guard, and near to a point there known by the higher, Tythegston lower, Newton Nottage, Pyle, name of Goodwic-pier, in the county of Pem- Sker, Kenfig otherwise Mawdland, Margam, broke; which said intended railway or railways, Hafod-y-poth, Brombill, Trissant, Kenfig, Abe- and other works connected therewith, will pass rafon, Michaelstone super Afon, Michaelstone from, in, through, or into, or be situate within the super Afon higher, Michaelstone super Afoii several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial lower, Baglan, Baglan higher, Baglan lower, or other places following, or some of them (that Britton Ferry, Glyn Corwg Blaengwrach, Neath, is to say), Standishs Oxlinch.
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