A Collection of Works Illustrative of the Dance of Death in the Library Of
PLATE I. FROM Chertabloris “La Maniere de se bien Preparer a la Mart." Anvers, 1740. G. E. SEARS LIBRARY. A Collection of Works Illuftrative of Hi)? Ilanrp of LA DANSE MACABRE LES IMAGES DE LA MORT IMAGINES MORTIS LE TRIOMPHE DE LA MORT ICONES MORTIS DER TODTEN TANZ. IN THE LIBRARY OF GEORGE EDWARD SEARS With Photographic Reproductions of Rare and Curious Title-Pages and Plates Selected Therefrom HeU) STortt PRIVATELY PRINTED 1889 artists antt Snoraaers WHO ARE KNOWN TO HAVE DELINEATED THE SUBJECT. Hans Holbein, Hans Lutzelberger, H. Aldegrever, David Denecker, Eberh. Kieser, Jobst Denecker, Jobst Amman, Anton Sylvius, Wenceslas Hollar, Otho \Cenius, Ch. de Mechel, Matt. Merian, Andre Trost, M. Rentz, Rudolph Meyer, Conrad Meyer, I. R. SCHELLENBERG, Callot, Chodowiecki, Geo. Cruikshank, Grandville, D. Deuchar, T. Rowlandson, Thos. Bewick, R. Dagley, M. Frenzel, J. SCHLOTTHAUER, Byfield, Bonner, Alex. Anderson. ®anc£ of NAME given to a certain class of allegorical representations, illustrative of the universal power of Death, and dating from the fourteenth century. When the introduction of Christianity a first banished the ancient Germanic conception of a future state, a new description of death mythology arose, partly out of Biblical sources, partly out of the popular character itself, wherein the Last Enemy was represented under simple and majestic images, such as that of a husband- man watering the ground with blood, plowing it with swords, rooting out weeds, plucking up flowers, or felling trees, sowing it with corpses ; or, of a monarch assembling his armies, making war, taking prisoners, inviting his subjects to a festival, or citing them to judgment.
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