Director of HOUP

Katerina (Kate) Papari



TEL. NO: (+30) 210.0080974

E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]



2010-2015 Doctorate in Contemporary History at the History and Archaeology Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Thesis title: “Greekness and bourgeois intelligenzia in the Interwar period (1922- 1940)”. Advisory Committee: Emeritus Professor A. Liakos (supervisor),

Associate Professor Effi Gazi, Assistant Professor Vangelis Karamanolakis. [Grade excellent, 10/10]

[Thesis defence date: 8/2/2016, Doctorate awarded: 18/2/2016]

* The doctoral thesis can be found online at the National Archive of PhD Theses

2003-2006 Graduate Programme in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology; joint programme by the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Division of Humanities, Social Sciences and the Law, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Stream: Philosophy of Sciences and Technology. Title of thesis: “The Causal Theory of Action in Donald Davidson” [Grade excellent, 8,92/10]

1998-2003 Bachelor of Arts in Modern and Contemporary History at the History and Archaeology Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Specialization in Modern and Contemporary Greek History [Grade very good, 7,21]



Freie Universität, Berlin Post-doctoral research at Centrum Modernes Griechenland (CEMOG) Topic: “Societies of Knowledge, cultural wars and civil society in postwar : A comparative study of the Great Greek Encyclopedia”, supervisor Professor Miltos Pechlivanos (2019-2020)

University of the Post-doctoral research, School of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Social and Education Policy

Topic: “The Liberal School ‘Askraeos’ (1936-1940): the history and educational policy of a free university in Interwar Greece” supervisor, Professor Effi Gazi (2020-2021)


Scientific research for IME GSEVEE on “Literature and professional artisans in Greece”, August-December 2019.

Research Program co-funded by EU and Greece (ΕΣΠΑ-ΕΔΒΜ 34), April 2018-January 2020 Topic: “Transgressing National Boundaries: Philhellenism, Antiquity and the European Idea (1880-1930)”, academic in charge: professor Effi Gazi, historians-researchers: Kate Papari, George Giannakopoulos.

Research in Centrum Modernes Griechenland, (CeMoG), Freie Universität Berlin [Forschungsförderung Ausschreibung], January – December 2016. Topic: «German and Greek intellectuals’ reflections on Antiquity as a remedy for the cultural crisis in the interwar period; the case of Ioannis Sykoutris»



University of Patras Department of Education and Social Work Spring semester 2019 Courses: “Modern and Contemporary History”, “Byzantine History”

University of Crete, Rethymno Department of Primary Education Winter semester 2017-2018 Course: “Modern Greek History”

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (SECONDARY EDUCATION) History, Literature and Courses in private secondary education (2006- 2016):


2018-2019 Fellowship in research program at the University of Peloponnese. Title: “Transgressing National Boundaries: Philhellenism, Antiquity and the European Idea (1880-1930)”, academic in charge: associate professor Effi Gazi, historians- researchers: Kate Papari, George Giannakopoulos.

2016 Centrum Modernes Griechenland [CeMoG], Freie Universität Berlin [ January 2016-December 2016], independent research. Title of the research proposal: “German and Greek intellectuals’ reflections on Antiquity as a remedy for the cultural crisis in the interwar period; the case of Ioannis Sykoutris”.

2013-2015 Leventis Foundation Scholarship for the completion of doctoral thesis.

2011-2013 Propontis Foundation Scholarship.



“Representations of professional artisans and merchants in Greek literature from 19th to 21st century”, collective volume, Aspects of the History of GSEVEE. Identities, demands, representations in art and culture”, edited by Dimitris Bacharas, Athens: IME GSEVEE, 2020. “Rethinking Hellenism: Greek intellectuals between nation and empire (1890-1930)”, co- authors Effi Gazi, George Giannakopoulos, Modern Intellectual History (in print, May 2021). “The plurality of Greeknesses in the interwar Greece: A matter of culture or politics?” Historein, 17(2), doi:

“Panagiotis Kanellopoulos’ ‘anticommunist discourse of salvation’ in the 1950s”, Istorika, vol. 67, April 2018, pp. 211-234.

“Historicism’s crisis and neo-Kantian’s philosophy of history correlation with nationalism in the interwar period”, History Research, vol. 5, no 3, July-September 2015 [available at:]

Κ. Papari, T. Tympas, E. Chatzimichali, “Understanding new technologies”, in “Knowledge, Use and New Technologies”, Topika Ι΄, Nisos publications, October 2005.


Greekness and bourgeois intellectuals in the Interwar period. P. Kanellopoulos’, I. Theodorakopoulos’ and K. Tsatsos’ political program, Asini publishing, Athens 2017


“We are rooted in History”, (retrospective dedicated to Tony Just), The Book’s Journal, 101, September 2019. “From Timariona to Ferik Ibrahim Pasha: the labyrinths of the imaginary reception of the nation in literature from the Middle Ages to modern era and its postmodern version”, book review, Chronos magazine, no. 37, May 2016 [available at:]



«Societies of Knowledge, cultural wars and civil society in postwar Greece: A comparative study of the Great Greek Encyclopedia», ανακοίνωση στο ετήσιο colloquium µεταδιδακτόρων του Κέντρου Νέου Ελληνισµού στο Freie Universität, Βερολίνο, 22 Απριλίου 2020 [η ανακοίνωση θα πραγµατοποιηθεί µέσω ψηφιακής πλατφόρµας στις 19-05-2020]. “The entanglement of cultural principles and political aims through Greco-German transfers, 1900-1940”, Greco-German crossings from the German Empire to Vermacht’s intrusion in Greece (1871-1941)”, 24-27 September 2020, Athens. “Representations of professional artisans and merchants in Greek literature from 19th to 21st century”, Conference IME GSEVEE: “GSEVEE, 1919-2019, a century of mediumsize enterprizes, a century of claimings”, 13-14 November 2019, IME GSEVEE.

“Imaginary Europe and Narratives of Europeanization by Greek Intellectuals in the 1930s”, Europeanization, What Else? Ideas and Practices of (Dis-)Integrating Europe since the 18th Century, International Conference, University of Graz, Austria, 13-15 June 2019. “The Collapse of the Great Idea: From the national imaginary to the national trauma and the slide of Greekness to an ‘empty signifier’”, International Conference: Balkan Worlds IV: The ‘Great Ideas’ of the Balkans (18th-20th c.), organized by Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia in collaboration with Association Internationale d’ Études du Sud-Est-Européen and Laboratory of History of the Department, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, November 29th-December 1st, 2018.

“Greekness and Germaneness in the Interwar period: An entangled history of the colonization of the past”, Mediterranean Europe(s): Images and Ideas of Europe from the Mediterranean Shores, 9th Annual Symposium of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe, Istituto Italiano per gli Studio Filosofici – Naples, 4-6 July 2018.

“Socio-political conflict and intellectuals’ propaganda during World War II; the paradigm of the Spiritual Recruitment drive in Greece”, The People’s War? The Second World War in Socio-Political Perspective, Second World War Research Group Annual Conference, 14-15 June 2018, Strand Campus, King’s College London.

“Historiography and globalized history; a new paradigm or a ‘Trojian horse’ back to the old historicism?”, Theorizing Historical Culture Conference, Hellenic Open University, Athens, December 2017

“Do crises in history entail crises in historiography?”, Theorizing Historical Culture Workshop/ Historein, Athens, May 2017

“Antiquity, normativity and ethics in the interwar period: the case of Ioannis Sykoutris”, annual colloquium of Ph.D candidates at the Centrum Modernes Griechenland, Freie Universität, Berlin, May 2017

“‘Hell are the French’: bourgeois intelligentsia against bourgeois spirit in the interwar period”, lecture in the seminars of EMNE Mnimon, commentators: Dimitra Lampropoulou and Ilias Nicolacopoulos, Athens 3rd of May 2017

“Political power and apocalyptic discourse: hermeneutic schemes of Greek and German intellectuals for the interwar crisis”, invited lecture in the History Department at Ionian University, Corfu, March 2017

“Historicism as epistemology and as theology”, invited lecture in the undergraduate module “History and Imagined Worlds: Utopia-Revelation” (instructor, prof. N. Kokomelis) at the History Department, Ionian University, Corfu, March 2017

“The first chair of Sociology in the University of Athens: Panagiotis Kanellopoulos’ career as a sociologist and his ideas for the role of the sociologist and sociology in the 1930s”, lecture in the first seminar circle of the National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ), [spring semester 2017] on the topic: “The first chairs of Sociology in the interwar period: University of Thessaloniki 1926, Panteios 1931, University of Athens 1933”, lecturers: Professor Alexandros Kyrtsis, Kate Papari, Athens, March 2017

“Aspects of the conservative intelligentsia’s anticommunist narrative in the 1950s: from philosophy to theology and from anti-humanism to demonization”, invited lecture for postgraduate students and doctoral candidates of Ass. Professor Despina Papadimitriou, in the Department of Political Science and History, Panteio University, Athens, January 2016

“‘We are on a dangerous slippery slope…’: aspects of the nationalist intellectuals’ narrative on the Civil War in the 1950s”, Conference of Contemporary Social History Archives (ΑΣΚΙ): Trails of the Past: Civil War in Historiography, public history and memory, Ionion Centre for the Arts and Culture, Athens, 2-3 December 2016

“The interwar crisis and bourgeois intellectuals”, lecture in a series of seminars organized by Asini publishing, Periplaniseis bookstore, Mets, 26 May 2016

“Hellenism in Europe: the quest for Hellenism by conservative intellectuals in the interwar Greece”, International Society for Intellectual History Conference, University of Crete, Rethymno, 3-5 May 2016

“The problem of Greekness and the (re)definition of tradition in the interwar crisis. Bourgeois intelligentsia towards the language question”, Konstruktionen der neugriechishen Kutlur Workshop, “Schemes of Modern Hellenism”, Freie Universität, Berlin, 27-28 June 2015

“Historicism’s crisis and nationalism in the interwar period”, International Conference on History and Historiography in the 20th century, University of Peloponnese, Department of Social and Education Policy; University of Athens, Faculty of History and Archaeology; International Network for the Philosophy and Theory of History; Historein, Athens, June 2015

“Greek bourgeois intellectuals in the interwar period: ‘elective affinities’ with contemporary academic tensions in Germany and the (re)definition of Greekness”, Research Act ‘Excellence’, 1st Workshop, Social and Education Policy Department, University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, October 2013

“The ideological legitimation of Metaxa’s dictatorship by the interwar conservative intellectuals”, 3rd Conference of the Forum of Social History: “The 4th August regime and the Greek society: an experiment towards fascism?”, Panteio University, Athens, September 2013

“Greek bourgeois intellectuals embrace and criticism of the Weimar Democracy”, postgraduate student workshop, History and Archaeology Department, University of Athens, Athens, June 2013

“Can we sufficiently define agency? Features and forms of agency from Davidson to Bratman”, Crossing the Aegean, 1st Athens-Boğaziçi Universities, Graduate Conference in Philosophy & the History of Science, University of Athens, Athens 2007

“Universal machines between French clothes: Engendered presentations of the electronic computer in Greek Journals and Periodicals”, Tensions of Europe Conference, Session: Machines as Mirrors of Europe, Budapest 2004


Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Workshop “Phil/Hellenism(s), Antiquity and the European Idea in Modern Greece”, Athens, 1-3 February 2019. Organizers: Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of the Peloponnese, Hellenic Open University, Historein Journal.



2016-2018 Editor at Asini publishing


Ν. Carey, Junk DNA. A journey through the dark matter of the genome, HOUP, Athens 2020. E. P. Thompson, The moral economy of the English crown in the eighteenth century, HOUP, Athens 2020. P. Frankopan, The First Crusade. The call from the East, Alexandria Publishing, Athens 2019. [,_Peter] M. Abensour, Democracy against the state. March and the Machiavellian moment., Stasei Ekpiptontes Publishing, Athens 2019. D. A. de Santillan, A libertarian imperative, v. 2: State, war, and revolution, Stasei Ekpiptontes, Athens 2019. G. Kokkinakis, The biotechnology of the crisis, Asini Publishing, Athens 2019. S. Lapatsioras, D. P. Sotiropoulos, J. Milios, The financial system in contemporary capitalism, Angelus Novus Publishing, Athens, 2019 [in print]. S. Stavrides, Common Space. The City as Commons, Angelus Novus Publishing, Athens 2018. Ν. Manitakis, S. Jollivet, (ed.), Mataroa, 1945: From Myth to History [Ματαρόα, 1945: Από τον µύθο στην ιστορία], Asini Publishing, Athens 2018 [Biblionet entry:]. Aglaia Kasdagli, British Marxist Historians: Unknown Stories, 1950-1960, Asini Publishing, Athens 2018 [Biblionet entry:]. Erik Olin Wright, Envisioning Real Utopias, transl. Loudovikos Kotsonopoulos, Elena Papadopoulou, Asini publishing, Athens 2018 [Biblionet entry:,_Erik_Olin].

D. Malesis, “… n’ anapsi I epanastasis”. The Great Idea and the army in the 19th century, Asini publishing, Athens 2018 [Biblionet entry:].

D. Samiou, Etaireia Meletis Ellinikon Provlimaton (EMEP) and its contribution in the struggle against dictatorship (1970-1972), Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

N. Hill, The Nix, Alexandria Publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:,_Nathan].

B. Letsios, M. Martzoukou, The Finland traveler Oscar Emil Toudeer in Greece and Hisarlik (1881-1882), Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

F. I. Mouratidis, Greek admirals and generals of the Russian Navy, Library of the Centre of Greco-Russian Studies, Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

M. Perakis, Crete, the island of adjustments. Economy and society during the 19th century (1830- 1913), Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

T. Moutsopoulos & K. Vasiliou (eds.), The Space Age. Electric and Electronic Art in Greece, 1957-1989, Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

S. Argyriou, The national movement of Greek-Cypriots during the last period of English rule (1950- 1960), Asini publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

Cl. North, First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, Alexandria publishing, Athens 2017 [Biblionet entry:].

D. Tzanaki, The history of non-normality. Introduction in the history of effeminacy, hysteria, masturbation, homosexuality and prostitution in the Interwar period, Asini publishing, Athens 2016 [Biblionet entry:].

Z. Lialiouti, The Greek anti-Americanism, 1947-1989, Asini publishing, Athens 2016 [Biblionet entry:].

M. Mazower, No enchanted palace. The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations, Alexandria publishing, Athens 2015 [Biblionet entry:].

Angel de la Calle, Tina Modotti, Kapsimi publications, Athens 2013 [Biblionet entry:].

B. A. Vasioulin, The Logic of History, Kapsimi publications, Athens 2013 [Biblionet entry:].

J. A. Hobson, Imperialiasm. A study, Kapsimi publishing, Athens 2013 [Biblionet entry:].

C. A. Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914, Alexandria Publishing, Athens 2013 [Biblionet entry:].

C. Laskos, Ε. Tsakalotos, 22 things they tell us for the Greek crisis and they are not true, Kapsimi publishing, Athens 2012 [Biblionet entry:].

Ε. Bitsakis, A specter is haunting, Kapsimi publishing, Athens 2011[Biblionet entry:].

C. Laskos, Ε. Tsakalotos, No return. From Keynes to Thatcher. Capitalist crises, sosial change, socialism, Kapsimi publishing, Athens 2011 [Biblionet entry:].

N. Ferguson, The Ascend of Money: The Financial History of the World, Alexandria Publishing, Athens 2011 [Biblionet entry:].

R. Bessel, Germany 1945. From war to peace, Alexandria Publishing, Athens 2010 [Biblionet entry:].


Α. Syriatou, (ed.), Mastering the Waves. Aspects of History and Historiography of the British Empire [Εξουσιάζοντας τα κύµατα. Όψεις της Ιστορίας και της Ιστοριογραφίας της Βρετανικής Αυτοκρατορίας], transl.: Spiros Kakouriotis, Yannis Sideris, Katerina Papari, Asini publishing, Athens 2018 [Biblionet entry:].

P. E. Ceruzzi, A History of Modern Computing. From ENIAC to the Internet, Katoptro publishing, Athens 2006 [Biblionet entry:].


Subject Matters of Modern Greek History: History Direction in Humanitarian Studies C Class high school, vol. A, B, Savvalas, Athens 2020.

Sources Analysis Methodology, Theoretical stream, C Class high school (Unified Lyceum), Savalas Publications, Athens 2010. [Biblionet entry:].

In the Byzantine era, history textbook, E Class, elementary school, Savalas Publications, Athens 2010 [Biblionet entry:].

Modern and Contemporary History, history textbook, C Class middle school (Gymnasium), Savalas Publications, Athens 2010 [Biblionet entry:].

Medieval and Modern History, B Class middle school (Gymnasium), Savalas Publications, Athens 2009 [Biblionet entry:].

History of the Modern and Contemporary World (1815 until now), history textbook, C Class high school (Unified Lyceum), Savalas Publications, Athens 2008 [Biblionet entry:].

Ancient History, A Class middle school (Gymnasium), Savalas Publications, Athens 2008 [Biblionet entry:].

Subjects in Modern Greek History, Theoretical stream, C Class high school (Unified Lyceum), Savalas Publications, Athens 2007 [Biblionet entry:].

Greek History: The main landmarks from antiquity to today, Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (, Lifelong Learning Centres, Α. Α. Livanis, Athens 2006.