Plants of Avis - Keck (Rocky Hill) Reservation

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Plants of Avis - Keck (Rocky Hill) Reservation PLANTS OF AVIS - KECK (ROCKY HILL) RESERVATION Common Name Genus species Family N/I WIS HABIT Clubmoss, Tree Dendrolycopodium obscurum LYCO N FACU FERN Fern, Bracken Pteridium aquilinum DENN N FACU FERN Fern, Christmas Polystichum acrostichoides DRYO N FACU- FERN Fern, Cinnamon Osmunda cinnamomea OSMU N FACW FERN Fern, Hay-scented Dennstaedtia punctilobula DENN N FERN Fern, Lady Athyrium felix-foemina ATHY N FAC FERN Fern, Marsh Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens THEL N OBL FERN Fern, New York Parathelypteris noveboracensis THEL N FAC FERN Fern, Royal Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis OSMU N OBL FERN Rock Polypody Polypodium virginianum POLY N FERN Avens Geum ROSA N FORB Bedstraw, Smooth Galium mollugo RUBI I FORB Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh Galium tinctorium RUBI N OBL FORB Bittercress, Sand Cardamine parviflora BRAS N FACU FORB Bluecurls, Forked Trichostema dichotomum LAMI N FORB Blue-eyed Grass, Strict Sisyrinchium montanum IRID N FAC FORB Bluets Houstonia caerulea RUBI N FACU FORB Buttercup, Bulbous Ranunculus bulbosus RANU I UPL FORB Cinquefoil, Dwarf Potentilla canadensis ROSA N FORB Cinquefoil, Sulphur Potentilla recta ROSA I FORB Clover, Hop Trifolium aureum FABA I FORB Clover, White Trifolium repens FABA I FORB Cow-wheat Melampyrum lineare OROB N FORB Daisy, Ox-eye Lecuanthemum vulgare ASTE I FORB Dandelion Taraxacum officinale ASTE I FORB Dock, Bitter Rumex obtusifolius PLGN I FACU- FORB Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium APOC N FORB Enchanter's-nightshade Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis ONAG N FACU FORB Evening Primrose, Little Oenothera perennis ONAG N FAC- FORB False Solomon's-seal Maianthemum racemosum RUSC N FACU- FORB Flag, Blue Iris versicolor IRID N OBL FORB Fleabane, Daisy Erigeron annuus ASTE N FACU FORB Goldenrod, Canada Solidago canadensis ASTE N FACU FORB Goldenrod, White Solidago bicolor ASTE N FORB Goldenrod, Wrinkled Solidago rugosa ASTE N FAC FORB Hawkweed, Mouse-ear Hieracium pilosella ASTE I FORB Indian Cucumber-root Medeola virginiana LILI N FORB Indian-pipe Monotropa uniflora ERIC N FACU- FORB Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum ARAC N FACW FORB Knotweed, Japanese Fallopia japonica PLGN I FACU- FORB Loosestrife, Purple Lythrum salicaria LYTH I FACW+ FORB Loosestrife, Swamp Lysimachia terrestris MYRS N OBL FORB Loosestrife, Whorled Lysimachia quadrifolia MYRS N FORB Mayflower Maianthemum canadense RUSC N FAC- FORB Milkweed, Common Asclepias syriaca APOC N FORB Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare CARY I FORB Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris ASTE I FORB Mustard, Garlic Alliaria petiolata BRAS I FORB Nettle, Stinging Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis URTI N FORB Nightshade, Climbing Solanum dulcamara SOLA N FAC- FORB Partrideberry Mitchella repens RUBI N FACU FORB Pink, Deptford Atocion armeria CARY I FORB Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantago lanceolata PLAN I FORB Selfheal Prunella vulgaris LAMI N FACU+ FORB Prepared by Walter Kittredge Page 1 email: [email protected] PLANTS OF AVIS - KECK (ROCKY HILL) RESERVATION Common Name Genus species Family N/I WIS HABIT Sheep Sorrel Rumex acetosella PLGN I FORB Shinleaf Pyrola ERIC N FORB Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus ARAC N OBL FORB Speedwell, Common Veronica officinalis PLAN I FORB Speedwell, Corn Veronica arvensis PLAN I FORB Speedwell, Field Veronica agrestis PLAN I FORB Stichwort, Grassleaf Stellaria graminea CARY N FACU- FORB Thistle Cirsium ASTE FORB Touch-me-not Impatiens capensis BALS N FACW FORB Twinflower Trientalis borealis MYRS N FAC FORB Vetch, Bird Vicia cracca FABA I FORB Violet, Hooded Blue Viola soraria VIOL N FAC- FORB Violet, Marsh Blue Viola cucullata VIOL N FACW+ FORB Violet, Northern White Viola macloskeyi ssp. pallens VIOL N OBL FORB Wild Indigo Baptisia tinctoria FABA N FORB Wild Oats Uvularia sessilifolia UVUL N FACU- FORB Windflower Anemone quinquefolia RANU N FACU FORB Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris BRAS I FORB Wood Sorrel, Yellow Oxalis stricta OXAL N UPL FORB Yarrow Achillea millefolia ASTE I FORB Grass, Fowl Blue Poa palustris POAC N FACW GRAM Grass, Kentucky Blue Poa pratensis POAC I FACU GRAM Grass, Red Fescue Festuca rubra POAC I GRAM Grass, Reed Canary Phalaris arundinacea POAC N FACW+ GRAM Grass, Rosette Panic Dichanthelium acuminatum ssp. fasciculatumPOAC N GRAM Grass, Sheep Fescue Festuca ovina POAC I GRAM Grass, Sweet Vernal Anthoxanthum odoratum POAC N FACU GRAM Grass, Timothy Phleum pratense POAC I GRAM Grass, Velvet Holcus lanatus POAC I FACU GRAM Rush, Soft Juncus effusus JUNC N OBL GRAM Rush, Wood Luzula multiflora JUNC N FACU GRAM Sedge, Brownish Carex brunnescens CYPE N FACW GRAM Sedge, Pennsylvania Carex pensylvanica CYPE N GRAM Sedge, Swan's Carex swanii CYPE N FACU GRAM Arrow-wood Viburum dentatum var. recognitum ADOX N FACW- SHRUB Azalea, Swamp Rhododendron viscosum ERIC N FACW+ SHRUB Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ERIC N SHRUB Blueberry, Early Lowbush Vaccinium pallidum ERIC N SHRUB Blueberry, Highbush Vaccinium corymbosum ERIC N FACW SHRUB Blueberry, Lowbush Vaccinium angustifolium ERIC N FACU- SHRUB Current, Red Garden Ribes rubrum SAXI I SHRUB Euonymus, Winged Euonymus alatus CELA I SHRUB Hazelnut, Beaked Corylus cornuta BETU N FACU SHRUB Holly, Mountain Ilex mucronatus AQUI N OBL SHRUB Holly, Winterberry Ilex verticillata AQUI N FACW+ SHRUB Huckleberry, Black Gaylussacia baccata ERIC N FACU SHRUB Juniper, Common Juniperus communis var. depressa CUPR N SHRUB Maleberry Lyonia ligustrina ERIC N FACW SHRUB Meadowsweet, White Spiraea alba var. latifolia ROSA N FACW+ SHRUB Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans ANAC N FAC SHRUB Rose, Multiflora Rosa multiflora ROSA I FACU SHRUB Shadbush Amelanchier ROSA N SHRUB Steeplebush Spiraea tomentosa ROSA N FACW SHRUB Prepared by Walter Kittredge Page 2 email: [email protected] PLANTS OF AVIS - KECK (ROCKY HILL) RESERVATION Common Name Genus species Family N/I WIS HABIT Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia CLET N FAC SHRUB Viburnum, Maple-leaved Viburnum acerifolium ADOX N SHRUB Withe-rod Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides ADOX N FACW SHRUB Birch, Gray Betula populifolia BETU N FAC TREE Birch, Yellow Betula allegheniensis BETU N FAC TREE Buckthorn, Glossy Frangula alnifolia RHAM I FAC TREE Chestnut Castanea dentata FAGA N FACU TREE Elm, American Ulmus americana ULMA N FACW- TREE Hickory, Shagbark Carya ovata JUGL N FACU- TREE Maple, Japanese Acer japonicum SAPI I TREE Maple, Norway Acer platanoides SAPI I TREE Maple, Red Acer rubrum SAPI N FAC TREE Maple, Striped Acer pensylvanicum SAPI N FACU TREE Mountain-Ash, European Sorbus aucuparia ROSA I TREE Oak, Black Quercus velutina FAGA N TREE Oak, Red Quercus rubra FAGA N FACU- TREE Oak, Scarlet Quercus coccinea FAGA N TREE Oak, White Quercus alba FAGA N FACU- TREE Pine, White Pinus strobus PINA N FACU TREE Sassafras Sassafras albidum LAUR N FACU TREE Spruce, White Picea glauca PINA N FACU TREE Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima SIMA I TREE Tupelo or Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica NYSS N FAC TREE Dewberry, Bristly Rubus hispidus ROSA N FACW VINE Dewberry, Whiplash Rubus flagellaris ROSA N UPL VINE Grape, Fox Vitis labrusca VITA N FACU VINE Woodbine Parthenocissus quinquefolia VITA N FACU VINE Keys to Abbreviations - Categories (Habit) Ferns Graminoids (grasses, sedges, and rushes) Herbaceous plant that isn't a graminoid Trees Vines Wetlands Indicator Status (WIS) OBL = Obligate wetland plant FAC = Facultative plant FACW = Facultative wetland plant FACU = Facultative upland plant UPL = Upland plant Native/Introduced (N/I) N = Native I = Introduced Prepared by Walter Kittredge Page 3 email: [email protected].
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