
28th J llllE'' 19·16. THE SOUTH AFRICAN JEWIBR CHRONICLE. COLOSSEUM PLAZA Odeon c (African Con olidatcd Theatres, Ltd.) Tinion Tbeatre11 Ltd. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture•. SEA POINT To-day and To-morrow at 10.15, 2.30, 6 and 8.45. Daily at 2.30 and 8.15. Saturdays and Holidays, WYNBERC 1HE YEAR'S GREAT LAUGII RIOT! 10.15, 2.30) 6 and 8.45. First South African Release MON DA v NEXT. 20th Uentury-lfox presents: Hilarious! l!p-to-clate l o '!'rue! N 0ro Film present GE 0 R GE RAFT "JUNIOR MISS" Lovely June Allyson, Robert Walker, Hume Cronyn, Audrey Totter, Eddie "Rochester" in trouble up to hi: gun hilt Starring AVA GARDNER Anderson in "Just ::\larrie

ROYAL UNIONTHEATRESLTD. ALHAMBRA Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures. To·day at 2.30 and 8.1!5 - Final Screening (African Consolidated Theatres, Ltd.) LAST THURSDAY'S CONCERT AN To-. Hat. nt 2.30. 0.415, 8. ~.). OUTSTANDING SUCCESS! "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES." with The Brilliant Young Violin Virtuoso C'ornni. , atur "VAC TION FROM MARRIAGE." the Atomic· NPw Sc·rPen Peri-ionalit~· in NEAMAN SECOND CONCERT "TO HAY AND HAVE NOT" \\' ar1wr Bro ·.' Pow •rf nl Ac.lnptation.of En1cst CITY HALL Hemingway's Dari11g Story. THURSDAY, 4th JULY, Plus - Extra Special WITH JOHN PRITCHARD "HITLER LIV S?" The Imaginative Young British Pianist at the Piano PHOUHAM.ME: 1. Sonata m D mnjor ...... Ilaudc•I 2. ( 'cllH'<'l'to in G mi1101, Op. 26 ..• lax Bnwh rntl'r\'al. Yfrah Neaman. :l. PoP11w for Violin :111d Piano, Op. 25 Cl11111 on I. l'iauo , 'olo . fl. Andaluza ...... Grauada ~ Yfrnh i 0:1111a11, tl1<• yo1111g Pall' ti11i.111 ,·iolini. t, La Fo11ta111P d' \retlll11't' ... , Z\'m011ow ki \\a,· ac1·ord1d n gn nt re< pLion , t th" ( ity Jlall 'l'amL011ri11 ( 1hi11oi:-; ...... : .. l ~rei l<'r 111 t 11iglit for hi Ill illiant pla:i11g. ( npriC'l' eu Fo1·111p de> \al " Sn int-Ral•n:-Y. a)..!;l' ArrangPments hnve heen nuHI( for .:\fr. Neaman to girr> another <:oncPrt, and this will takl' place PRICES: 13 /4 - 9/4 - 6/- (Inc. Tax) You are urged to Book your Seats now at on 'J'hursda~· llt'.-t, •1th Jul', also at the City the Alhambra and all African Cons. Theatres Hall; when hi: prngl'amnw will includ 1 : Ronn.ta i11 D major (Hanrll'I); Co1wc•rto in G minor, Op. 26 (. a.· BrtH·h); Pns with glimpses RACES AT ASCOT 1. Buy only as much bread as you of tlw Au ·chwitz honor camp and depicts heart­ need. rendi11g scPnes of C'rtwlt~· and suffering. This is 2. Remember that it is wrong- and follow d h · seen s in Pal0stinP wher0 the J cwish SA'.TURDAY, 29th JUNE. unfair to yourself-to sift meal. Brigade formed. It ·ho" s how great was the w~s :3. Don't cut off nnsi.s. SEVEN EVENTS, including enthu ia. m of the hundreds of JL'wry's vouth who 4. Don't feed bread to RQ.imals. made up that all-Jewi8h 11nit. ·eqn('ntly it £ s,;b 5. Don't slice bread up before a meal. 7 5 0-Milnerton Handicap was attnches with needed. a servie • of thanksgh·ing in Dachau, that notoriou · £1 DOUBLE TOTE on the FOURTH and FIFTH 6. Cut thinner slices. camp wlH'J'e thousand of were done to d0ath RACES. 7. Keep bread fresh, so that each loaf 11.v the Nazis. A tribute is c.lne to Mr. N. Lourie lasts as long as possible. Trains: 10.32, 1'2.'28, 1'2.46, 1'2.59 and 1.9. who gn.n' the C'ommentar~·. 8. Don't use fresh bread for making R. c. LOUW, secretary. puddings or other dislrns. DON'T WASTE BREAD~ PLAZA~ DWBl7 \ Cape Town's Popular Rendezvous! There mu:t he many who will W<'komc the new re-is~me of that exc~ptionall~· fine:> musical film, "The G10at ·waltz," the n0xt attraction at tho! Plaza Th<.'atre. For sheer spendour an next Plaza attraction.