Published by the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association July 2014

ll Garden Tour goers must pick up their map A HUGE thank you to everyone that has and admission sticker the day of the event a l r eady purchased tickets. We look forward to Aoutside Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, 420 seeing many friends, neighbors and visitors on South Cedar Lake Road, downtown Bryn Mawr. July 12th. Questions? Contact Garden Tour Coor- dinator Carolyn Bastick at Discounted tickets bought in advance are only [email protected] or (612) 619-4929. $10 each (tickets will be $15 on the day of the Visit or on Facebook at event). We sold 333 tickets in 2012, let’s make that w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / B r y n M a w r G a r d e n Tour for all 444 in 2014!! Garden Tour details. Buy … Online: Visit, click on the Garden To u r logo on the home page. In person: Bassett Creek Arts, 416 Penn Avenue South. Hours: Tu e s d a y - T h u r s- day 11am-5:30pm; Friday 11am-5pm; Saturday 11am-2pm. Telephone: (612) 377-2242. What you get … S a t u r d ay, July 12 10 gorgeous and unique gardens both sides of I- 394. $1.00 a garden!! 9 a m - 1 p m FREE drawing to win fun stuff, no ticket purc h a s e Held rain or shine re q u i r e d . Bryn Mawr artists displaying their work in select g a r d e n s . Master Gardeners present at the sales area fro m 9am-Noon to answer those pesky plant questions. Shopping and fine food right here in Bryn Mawr!

Minneapolis scored strongly on all P a r k S c o r e rating factors. With 94 percent of residents living within a 10-minute walk of a park, the city received especially high marks 2014 Ice Cream for park access. The city’s strong parks budget also boosted its ParkScore rating. Second- place finisher New York fared slightly better S c o o p - O f f on park access, with 97 percent of re s i d e n t s living with within a 10-minute walk of a park. Tu e s d ay, July 22 H o w e v e r, New York was hurt by its low Retains Title as Nation’s median park size, just 1.1 acres compared to 6:00-8:00 pm Best Park System on The Trust for Public Minneapolis’ 7.1-acre median. L a n d ’s 2014 ParkScore® Index “This top rating is a wonderful tribute to all On Cedar Lake Road in front of inneapolis, MN - Minneapolis took of the individuals who, for the past 131 years, Bryn Mawr top honors on The Trust for Public have made the park system what it is today. I MLand’s 3rd annual ParkScore® index, want to assure the people of Minneapolis and Pre s by t e r i a n e a rning a perfect “5-park bench” rating fro m the Twin Cities region that we’re not done C h u rc h the nonprofit organization. Minneapolis yet. We are committed to opening new public remains the only city park system to earn the g r een spaces, and improving parks that coveted “5 bench” score on the ParkScore a l r eady exist,” said Liz Wielinski, President of Index, as the city held on to the top spot for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. he BMNA sponsore d the second consecutive year. “ We ’ r e thrilled that Minneapolis defended its Ice Cream Scoop Off is P a r k S c o r es are based equally on three fac- P a r k S c o re title for the second consecutive year. Tuesday, July 22. This won- tors: Park access, which measures the perc e n t - We ’ r e a city that loves our parks,” said Susan dT e r ful event begins at 6pm on Cedar Lake age of residents living within a 10-minute Schmidt State Office Director for Road in front of Bryn Mawr Pre s b y t e r i a n walk of a park (approximately 1⁄2-mile); Park The Trust for Public Land. “However, we can- C h u r ch. Come and sample the various flavors, size, which is based on a city’s median park not rest on our laurels. As our city grows and enjoy the music of “Lovers on the Balcony” and size and the percentage of total city area dedi- draws families to new neighborhoods, our park socialize with your neighbors. Vote for your cated to parks; and Services and investment, system must evolve. At The Trust for Public favorite flavor and shake your booty! The winning which combines the number of playgro u n d s Land, we’re working especially hard to incre a s e flavor will be revealed at 8pm. Feel free to bring per 10,000 city residents and per capita park park space downtown, along the riverf r o n t , a donation to assist with cost of the event. spending. In addition to the national ranking, and in underserved neighborhoods thro u g h o u t each city receives a “park bench” rating on a Minneapolis. That’s what it will take to stay - Patty Wycoff, Neighborhood Coordinator scale of zero to five. number one into the future,” added Schmidt. 2 The Bryn Mawr Bugle July 2014 on the web at

- A police camera will be perm a- a policy and bring to Board. Man- 1 1 . Standing Committee Report s nently installed at the Penn/Glen- agement practices regarding inde- BMNA wood intersection to look for crime pendent contractors need to be C o m m u n i c a t i o n s related issues. i m p r oved. BMNA should re c e i v e - Google Apps- Dennis has cre a t e d Reporter invoices and time accounting fro m a domain for BMNA Board use by B RYN MAWR NEIGHBORHOOD Neighborhood Coordinator- Patty and JoEllyn or any contract o fficers and Board members. Mail A S S O C I ATION r e p o r t: Patty Wycoff workers. The financial reporting is will have a tag at the front of the Bo a rd Meeting Mi n u t e s - Water hydrants are connected and ok. BMNA should-have control over subject field indicated the alias. We d n e s d a y, June 11, 2014 ready for use. The cost is $200 for funds and cash and offers pro t e c - - Jeneen Hartley Sago is moving to tion for BMNA Board and individu- 7:00– 8:45 PM two of them. Seattle and has resigned as the Chair als regarding money handling. Bryn Mawr Pre s byterian Church - All membership materials have for Communications. Jay Peterson been mailed. Generally, financial matters are in good shape, but suggestions will be v o l u n t e e r ed to replace her. Call to Order & Introductions- I- ce Cream Social is planned for Schools: Jessica Wi l ey July 22. A band has been sched- made to the Board to improve the Call to order. Kevin Thompson , The Co-Chairs proposed a slate uled to play. BMNA may have to policies. Dennis moved to accept P r esident of BMNA Board called the p u r chase some of the ice cre a m . the report. It was seconded and for the BMNA School Committee meeting to order and intro d u c t i o n s Volunteers are needed for scoopers, passed. The report will be membership as follows: Area 2- w e r e made. set up or clean-up. uploaded to BMNA website. Lynda Shaheen and Kevina Attendees are as follow s : - The Secretary of State Non-Pro f i t Munnich, Area 4-JoEllyn Jolstad; Kevin Thompson-President, Jessica Annual Renewal was filed by Den- Bugle Report: JoEllyn Jo l s t a d A r ea 6-Liz Everton. A re p re s e n t a t i v e Wi l e y - V ice President, Sandra Gay- nis. No action necessary. for Area 7 is needed. Jessica moved S e c r etary, Dennis Fazio-Tre a s u r e r, Looking for a volunteer to possibly - Resolution to change signature take over Dave Logsdon’s column. Dave Holets-Area 1, Dennie Juiller- authority on bank accounts-Dennis to approve the slate of Committee a t - A r ea 3, Joanne Michalec-Area 4, moved to change the signature Members. It was seconded and City of Minneapolis Impound Lot authority on Sunrise and other insti- passed. Beth Boyle will no longer Beth Tu rn b u l l - A r ea 5, Jay Peterson- U p d a t e / D i s c u s s i o n A r ea 6, Vida Ditter- A rea 6, Barry tutions to new President. Seconded serve as a Committee member and S c h a d e - A rea 6, JoEllyn Jolstad-Bugle Comments from the public are due and passed. the Board thanks her for her six E d i t o r, Patty Wy c o f f, Neighborh o o d June 16 regarding three pro p o s a l s years of service. C o o r d i n a t o r. p r esented at public meeting. Garden Tour Update: Ke v i n Guests: Impound Lot will shrink by 6 acre s . Thompson for Carolyn Bastick R e p o rts from BMNA Representa- Lisa Goodman-City of Minneapolis, Police holds have been moved to - Garden selections are complete- tives to affiliated gr o u p s Landin Kgellny, Claudia Egelhoff . u n d e rneath 394. Some neighbors T h e r e will be ten, some on each don’t want the facility to remain in side of 394. The Steering Committee has hired a A p p r o val of today ’s age n d a . its’ present location. The Minneapo- - All mailings have gone out and consultant for the Penn Avenue Cor- lis City Council has mandated it online postings are in place. ridor Committee. Agenda approved with amend- remain in same location and shrink. MSHS and Friends of Eloise Butler m e n t s . A recommendation will be made to Wildlife Garden will be selling A c k n o w l e d gement of Va r i a n c e Minneapolis City Council. Com- A p p r o val of minutes of last memberships as the only non-tour Requests ments go to table at the event. m o n t h ’s meeting. E l l e n . D o s d a l l @ m i n n e a p o l i s m n . g o v . - Art in the Gardens- Jeff Wa l k o w s k i - 2020 Cedar Lake Parkway New sin- Minutes appro v e d . of Area 7 is working to find artists gle family on Cedar Lake Parkway. Treasurer Report/Action Items to participate. - 296 Vincent Ave. N. Developer has City of Minneapolis: - Tax filing-Dennis made a motion - There will be a drawing for some bought lot. Councilmember Lisa Goodman to approve and recognize the State fun prizes. and Federal tax re t u rns. It was sec- - A new banner will be placed in All are encouraged to call Min- Discussion Items, New Business onded and passed. f r ont of the BMNA hedge designed neapolis 311 to report incidents. Updates and A n n o u n c e m e n t s - AG Registration- Dennis made a and time donated by Larry Skov. - There is a city wide composting motion to approve signing and filing The banner was paid for by BMNA. - Solar Garden-Barry and Claudia plan. Hennepin County is selling of the Charitable Organization Initial - Ticket sales are slow. They are a r e looking into Solar Gardens. The compost bins for $45. Check county’s Registration and Annual Report form available on line and at Bassett 2013 Legislature passed a bill allow- website for ordering inform a t i o n . for the BMNA. It was seconded and C r eek Arts for $10 (advance sales) ing communities to create solar - No Lunch with Lisa in June and p a s s e d . and $15 on day of event. arrays. Neighbors can invest and July. An August public open house - Audit Findings- written by Michael - There are designated volunteers but get a reduction or credit on their is planned for presentation of the Wilson- The summary states the additional help would be welcomed electrical bill. The benefit to the Nicollet Mall design. o r ganization could improve some by Liking our Facebook page & post- - There have been a large number practices including document re t e n - ings, buy tickets, help with commu- BMNA Board will be $50 for each of calls to the City about the Service tion and the Conflict of Intere s t nity gardening , trash pick-up and s h a r e that is sold. Station at Cedar Lake/Penn about statement which is the disclosure donating cash, prizes or gifts. - Yonathon Guthman-The Board is noise and disturbance. It has abat- statement signed by Board Mem- - Contact Carolyn Bastick for more grateful for Yonathan’s service. He ed thru’ City action. bers. The officers will put together i n f o r m a t i o n . has resigned as NPP Coordinator and a new volunteer is needed. Sandie resigned as Mayor’s Rep for ROC and Vida will look into finding a n o t h e r.

A d j o u rn by 8:45 p.m.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: We d n e s - day, July 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, base- m e n t

UPCOMING EVENTS Garden Tour; July 12 Ice Cream Scoop Off, July 22

The BMNA invites and encourages participation by every resident to each program, service and event o r ganized by the BMNA. Should you re q u i r e an accommodation in order for you to fully participate, or if you re q u i r e this document in a d i f f e rent format, please let us know by contacting our neighborh o o d coordinator at o r g a n i z e r @ B M N A . o rg at least five days before our event. 6 1 2 - 8 67 - 67 0 3 j i m k a l i t o w s k i @ r e m a x. n e t © 1996 James Kalitowski, Realtor. 4 The Bryn Mawr Bugle July 2014 on the web at /solid-waste Recycling (612) 673-2917 From the Editor

Bryn Mawr Recycling Schedule really wanted to write today of the graffiti and send it with your about the many wonderf u l report along with the location pro- Monday Tuesday Ithings that happened this past vided by the GPS on your phone. month and are coming soon. But I - Using Area 1 July 7 just don’t have enough time to do w w w . m i n n e a p o l i s m n . g o v / g r a f f i t i . July 21 it justice. Plus, I had this very Re m ove it i n t e r esting item that I could not It is the property owner’s re s p o n s i- Areas July 14 squeeze in anywhere else. So, bility to clean up graffiti. All Min- enjoy and until next month... 4W, 5W, 6, 7 July 28 neapolis fire stations offer free graf- - JoEllyn Jolstad, [email protected] fiti removal solvent to Minneapolis p r operty owners, and the City web- Areas July 15 Free Graffiti Cleanup Solvent at 2, 3, 4E, 5E July 29 site has instructions for graff i t i Minneapolis Fire Stations re m o v a l . Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without. Recycle. inneapolis residents and Pre vent it p r operty owners are encour- The best way to fight graffiti is to Maged to help Minneapolis p r event it. There are ways to make wipe out graffiti. Last year graff i t i your property less of a target for cost the City just over $1 million, and g r a f fiti. For instance, a wall with a 8,180 cases of graffiti were re p o r t e d . But it has other costs too. It makes mural or plants in front of it is less n e i g h b o r hoods and commercial dis- likely to be tagged by a graffiti van- tricts look and feel unsafe, and that dal. It can also help to add lights to can harm property values and re t a i l your pro p e r t y . revenues – especially for small, The City is getting the anti-graff i t i n e i g h b o r hood businesses. message out in June with an infor- Left alone, graffiti attracts more mational video in English, Spanish, g r a ffiti. Graffiti that is not cleaned Somali and Hmong; a public service o ff or covered up promptly is more announcement (PSA) airing on likely to re t u rn . Comcast Cable channels in Min- Re p o rt it neapolis; and digital billboards dis- If you see someone vandalizing played by Clear Channel Outdoor. p r operty or committing any other crime, call 911. The public service announcement Anyone who sees graffiti in their time is donated by Comcast, and n e i g h b o r hoods should report it to the billboards are donated by Clear Warm COMFO RT FO O D … . . the City by: Channel Outdoor. - Calling 311. For more tips on fighting graff i t i , THE WAY to - Using the City’s 311 smartphone check out: your HEART app, which lets you snap a picture w w w . m i n n e a p o l i s m n . g o v / g r a f f i t i . - Since 1965 On the Corner of Glenwood & Logan Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Calhoun Square (612) 827-1606 3001 Hennepin Ave. S. Fax (612) 827-1635 Minneapolis, MN 55408 July 2014 The Bryn Mawr Bugle 5

The City h t t p : / / w w w . c i . m i n n e a p o l i s . m n . u s

o provide even better service and access information on their to residents and visitors in own, without needing to reach a TMinneapolis, the Minneapolis 311 agent. Through the mobile app, 311 contact center is adding week- folks are able to report a number of end hours. Now, callers can dial 311 issues to Minneapolis 311, including: for City information and services •Abandoned vehicle • G r a f f i t i f r om 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday •Bike lane Issue •Parking meters and Sunday. •Debris in the stre e t • P o t h o l e s Since April 2010, Minneapolis •Parking violations •Tr a f fic sign re p a i r 311’s contact center has answere d • Tr a f fic signal timing calls from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday • B r oken street light Eight Bryn Mawr Moms on the Search for Good Books & Fo o d t h r ough Friday, but not during the • Tr a f fic signal tro u b l e The Elephant W h i s p e re r, by Lawre n c e after the author passed away the ele- weekends. Those who called 311 Anthony with Graham Sp e n c e phants he interacted with for many after hours or on the weekends The mobile app is free and avail- hula Thula is a private game years instinctively traveled many, w e r e able to leave a message, and a able for download to iPhone, many miles to come and mourn him contact center agent helped them reserve in Zululand, KwaZu- A n d r oid and Blackberry smartphones. lu-Natal province in South at the place where he died. the following business day. Just recently, Minneapolis 311 T Africa. It is part of the Royal Zulu The writing, even with the help of In the last few years, Minneapolis passed an important milestone: it B i o s p h e r e. The Zulu name Thula a journalist, lacks elegance. But pol- 311 vastly improved its online serv- a n s w e r ed its three-millionth call since Thula literally means peace and ished or not, the harrowing descrip- ice options, and it developed a 311 it began service in January 2006. tranquility. Our latest book, The Ele- tions of elephant charges, encoun- mobile application in 2012. These Source:Ward 7 News, June 2014, phant Whispere r, written by South ters with crocodiles and rhinos, and self-service options make it possible Lisa Goodman African author and conservationist flash floods made the book a com- for more people to request service Minneapolis City Council L a w r ence Anthony, along with jour- pelling re a d . nalist Graham Spence, tells the story What the Moms are reading now : of a herd of wild African elephants Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn relocated to Thula Thula. The herd is destined to be shot for dangero u s Lake & Irving, www. l a k e a n d i rv i n g . c o m behavior when Anthony intervenes 1513 W Lake St reet, Mi n n e a p o l i s From Scratch… to try to save their lives. ake & Irving, open since last CINNAMON and Whether or not you are passion- fall, provided a great venue for ate about animal stories, this book La meal for six who wanted to CARAMEL ROLLS will draw you in with the true tales talk books and catch up on each - Since 1965 of incredible interactions between other’s lives. There were no tin ceil- animals and humans and the con- ings so we could hear, and lots of On the Corner of Glenwood & Logan servation issues that challenge South choices of small plates to share. We Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM Africa. Although not explore d really enjoyed the shrimp tostada deeply, there are intriguing descrip- with guacamole. It was so crisp and tions of the African politics that con- had a re f r eshing melon sauce. The servationists face. St. Louis ribs were plenty for 6, and Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Anthony chronicles the loyalty and the Asian slaw was a wonderful side. devotion elephants have for one Our entrees were good; spicy but- Welcomes You! a n o t h e r. Their instinct to protect each t e rnut squash with the smoked pork  other is unwavering. There is a chop, excellent sauce on the crab We Worship Each Sunday poignant story of a baby elephant crusted snapper, lots of veggies with @ 10:30 a.m. who is not able to survive after birth the pan seared NY strip. Nursery available for children 5 years & younger and the memorial she is given by her We were disappointed that the m o u r ning family; they continued to Ahi was cooked on the salad special  visit her bones. It’s not just a Dr. and that the dessert menu was limit- All Are Welcome Here! Seuss phrase, elephants have extraor- ed, but it’s an experience we highly COMPLIMENTARY ADVERTISEMENT In Exchange for BMNA Meeting Space dinary memories! It was reported that re c o m m e n d .

Call Minneapolis 311 Weekdays 7 AM - 7 PM Weekends 8 AM - 4:30 PM 6 The Bryn Mawr Bugle July 2014 on the web at

BMNA will be greatly appreciated! Here are Garden of Hope and ways to donate: 1) You can donate money directly to Healing Update! one of two GoFundMe sites. Simply fter the tragic shooting at Accent type GoFundMe into your browser OR Signage in 2012 a committee of go to: And ABryn Mawr residents formed to when you get to the site, you can c r eate a garden of hope and healing on s e a r ch for either Keith Basinski or p r operty adjacent to the Accent Signage Bryn Mawr Garden of Hope and Heal- Company. When tragedy strikes a com- ing. Funds raised from both sites will munity, the community has an opportu- be dedicated to the Garden of Hope nity to decide how it will move forward. and Healing It could choose bitterness, fear, or simply T h e r e is a link to the GoFundMe site on try to forget what happened. This garden BMNA Garden page. OR is a reflection that in Bryn Mawr we are You can donate directly by writing a choosing hope and healing as we move Find us (and like us!) on Facebook. check to BMNA Garden of Hope and forward towards that end. Our goal is to Healing and mail to: Help us get to 200 Likes! c r eate a contemplative and serene place near Bassett Creek for the neighborh o o d w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / B r y n M a w r G a rd e n To u r and surrounding community to enjoy. BMNA Ga rden of Hope and He a l i n g Please stop by the ticket tent at the Gar- Post Office Box 16437 Minneapolis, MN 55416 We sold 333 tickets in 2012, den Tour to view our plans. We are excited that UPS has genero u s - let’s make that 4 4 4 in 2014!! ly donated $10,000 towards the cre a t i o n 2) Please share the GoFundMe inform a- of an ADA accessible path from Chestnut tion with anybody you know who Ave. down to Bassett Creek. In addition, might be interested in supporting our Keith Basinski’s son, Brent, has joined n e i g h b o r hood as we create this gar- our committee in the role of lead den. Finally, we are looking for dona- C O O R D I N AT O R C O R N E R f u n d r a i s e r. You may have met him as he tions of materials and/or labor fro m My name is Patty Wycoff and I am the Bryn Maw r has been out canvassing the Bryn Mawr individuals in the landscape construc- Neighborhood Association Coordinator. n e i g h b o r hood for support. We have tion business. Feel free to contact me at raised $11,600 towards our fundraising [email protected] or 612-239-1710. goal of $50,000. Help us break ground by spring of We invite you to help us with this 2 0 1 5 ! e f fort? Any amount you can contribute - Kathryn Kaatz, Area 3

Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association Calendar - July 2014 All meetings are open - everyone is welcome. Neighbors are urged to attend and participate in meetings and activities of special interest to them. Bryn Mawr Ne i g h b o rhood Association and its committees meet at Bryn Mawr El e m e n t a ry S chool during the school ye a r, (Summer Recess June 6-August 24, 2014) unless otherwise noted. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 BMNA monthly 9 10 11 Bryn Mawr Garden12 meeting, 7pm, To u r, 9am-1pm. basement of Bryn Tickets available at Mawr Presbyterian Bassett Creek Arts C h u r c h and

13 14 ROC monthly 15 16 17 18 19 meeting, 6pm, Harrison Community C e n t e r

20 21 Ice Cream 22 23 24 25 26 Scoop Off, 6-8pm, Cedar Lake Rd in front of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

27 28 29 30 31 A u g u s t 1 A u g u s t 2 July 2014 The Bryn Mawr Bugle 7 FREE Music in Theodore Wi r th Pa r k

h e r e’s nothing like settling unique with its own natural won- into a lawn chair or spre a d i n g ders. The concerts feature some- Ta blanket on the hill to listen thing for every musical taste, includ- to music in the great outdoors. ing Jazz, Latin, Big Band, Folk, Rock, Bluegrass, World, ballet and Every year the Minneapolis Music in much more . the Parks concert series offers over For more information visit 200 free perf o rmances featuring w w w . m p l s m u s i c a n d m o v i e s . c o m . h u n d r eds of talented local and regional artists. Wi rth Park Concert Schedule The award-winning picture s q u e Glenwood Ave & Xerxes Ave N Band Shell at Lake Harriet is the sig- Tu e s d a y, July 15 n a t u r e venue for daily concerts. Ye t 7 : 0 0 - 8 : 3 0 p m park-goers can also catch free live Michael Monro e music at least twice a week at A c o u s t i c Bryant Square Park, Father Hen- Tu e s d a y, August 19 nepin Bluffs, Minnehaha Falls Park, 7 : 0 0 - 8 : 3 0 p m Nicollet Island Amphitheater and ill chemistry T h e o d o r e Wirth Park. Each venue is C a rnage & Desdamona B r yn Mawr Resident Leading Habitat for Humanity team to Bogo t a , C o l o m b i a . October 25-November 1, 2 0 1 4 ou are invited to join a team Global Village sends volunteers to of a dozen volunteers fro m build with Habitat for Humanity pro j - Ythe to impro v e ects across the world. Get your an informal settlement in Bogota, hands dirty on the worksite, meet the Colombia. Build housing for four families whose housing situation you families, improve community infra- a r e improving, experience the coun- s t r u c t u r e by helping pave roads and try like an insider and do it all along- meet with local government off i c i a l s side a team of like-minded volun- to tell them about Habitat’s solutions teers. No experience is re q u i r ed! This for safe, decent housing. A r ea 3 re s - build is your next step with Habitat ident Chris Davis joined Habitat’s first to make the world a better place. team in Bogota last year and is You can contact Chris Davis at re t u r ning as a co-leader this year. He 612-703-7165 or email him at invites you to take this opportunity C h r i s t o p h e r _ T _ D a v i s @ h o t m a i l . c o m . to make lasting improvements for an For more information, please e n t i r e community. Google GV15233 8 The Bryn Mawr Bugle July 2014 on the web at

Su n d a y, July 6 Early Bi rders 1 - 1 : 3 0 p m Family Garden Ramble This program is designed for individuals who 1 - 2 p m Dragonflies and Insects have some experience with field guides and Parks binoculars, and wish to practice finding and iden- w w w. m i n n e a p o l i s p a r k s . o r g 5 - 5 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k Tu e s d a y, July 8 tifying birds. We will focus on birding by ear, 1 0 : 3 0 a m - 1 2 p m I n t r oduction to Honey Bees** bird behavior, and bird habitats. Bring binoculars Eloise Butler Wi l d f l o w e r $ 3 5 / p e r s o n and a field guide or borrow ours. 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike Family Ga rden Ramble The summer days are here and the days are Garden & Bird Sanctuary T h u r s d a y, July 10 MID-SUMMER MAGNIFICENCE AT THE W I L D- 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike longer! Enjoy the blooms in the wetland and the prairie and look for dragonflies, butterflies and F LOWER GARDEN! 6 - 7 : 3 0 p m Medicinal Plants of the Garden** other insects. Come often for a short naturalist oin us for a mid-summer foray into the fore s t s $ 1 5 / p e r s o n and fields at the Eloise Butler Wildflower Gar- led walk to see our Garden blooms in the sum- Fr i d a y, July 11 den and Bird Sanctuary. Stroll under the dense m e r. J 8 : 4 5 - 9 : 4 5 p m Full Thunder Moon Garden To u r * woodland canopy to escape the summer heat Full Thunder Moon Ga rden Tour $5 per person/$10 $5/person; $10/family or walk through the sunny prairie and enjoy the per family Pre - registration re q u i re d many blossoms there. Watch birds flit about busy Sa t u rd a y, July 12 Take a twilight tour of the Garden and discover feeding their young. See evidence of pollinators’ 7 : 3 0 - 9 a m Early Birders the magic of being in our Sanctuary long after e f forts as flowers turn to fruit; many berries and 1 1 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m Family Garden Ramble the sun has set. We will look for bats and listen seeds begin to ripen throughout the Garden in 1 - 2 p m Prairie Wildflower Wa l k for owls. Meet at the front gate. Pre - r e g i s t r a t i o n July. Enjoy the longer daylight hours with an 4 - 4 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k re q u i r ed. evening walk along the trails. It is a beautiful time Su n d a y, July 13 Ga rden Highlights Na t u re Hike of year to enjoy what the Garden has to off e r. 1 2 : 3 0 - 2 p m Native Bee Survey L e a rn about the current blooms, bird sightings, Every weekend and on Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 1 : 3 0 p m Family Garden Ramble and animal antics in the Garden while hiking the evenings Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden Natu- 1 - 2 p m Quaking Bog To u r trails with a Naturalist. The Garden Highlights ralists offer free Garden Highlights Nature Hikes 2 - 3 : 3 0 p m I n t r oduction to Honey Bees** Hike will focus on what is of interest on the day at the Garden. Learn about the latest blossoms $ 3 5 / p e r s o n that you visit, so each hike will be a new explo- and birds on these fabulous (and free!) explo- 5 - 5 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k ration into the most up-to-date curiosities and rations of the Garden. Each Saturday morning at Tu e s d a y, July 15 wonders of the Wildflower Garden. 7:30am a free birding program is off e red for new 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike New Moon Cre a t u re of the Night Ga rden Tour $5 per and experienced bird watchers. It’s a wonderf u l T h u r s d a y, July 17 person/$10 per family Pre - registration re q u i re d opportunity to spend time in the field with a sea- 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike Experience the Garden at nightfall. As darkness soned group of birders. Fr i d a y, July 18 washes over the Garden an array of sounds, Themed tours on a variety of natural history 4 - 5 : 3 0 p m I n t r oduction to Honey Bees** smells and sights greet our senses. Be on the look topics are available on weekends. These pro- $ 3 5 / p e r s o n out for bats, nighthawks, owls, and breathe in the re f r eshing evening air. Meet at the front gate. grams will delve a little deeper into particular Sa t u rd a y, July 19 subjects like Minnesota native tree identification, 7 : 3 0 - 9 a m Early Birders Quaking Bog Tour The bog is home to many unique plants with birding skills, wildflower identification and more . 1 1 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m Family Garden Ramble i n t e r esting adaptations for survival. Discover the Special classes take things a step further bringing 1 - 2 p m Wildflowers of the Wetland & Prairie characteristics that make a bog uniquely a bog local specialists into the Garden to teach you 4 - 4 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k about the wonders of nature within the Garden and take part in hands-on analysis of the water in Su n d a y, July 20 gates. Please see the calendar and pro g r a m the bog. Learn about what is being done to pre- 1 - 1 : 3 0 p m Family Garden Ramble descriptions for more inform a t i o n . serve this special habitat. Meet at the Quaking 3 - 4 p m Birding Basics Bog parking lot. 5 - 5 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k P r o gram Reg i s t ra t i o n : Summer Wi l d f l ower Tour Tu e s d a y, July 22 Go online to to re g i s - Summer is unfolding in flowers at the Eloise But- 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike ter using ActiveNet, stop in the Martha Crone Vi s i - ler Wildflower Garden. Join a Garden Naturalist 6 - 7 : 3 0 p m I n t r oduction to Honey Bees** tors Shelter, or call us at 612-370-4903. All pro- to explore the blossoms of July in the wood- $ 3 5 / p e r s o n grams begin at the Shelter unless otherwise noted. lands, wetland, and prairie. We will explore the T h u r s d a y, July 24 Garden trails while learning about the natural his- Garden Information and Inquiries: 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike tories of the plants flowering during your visit. To ask Garden related questions or to inquire Sa t u rd a y, July 26 Summer Wi l d f l ower Wa l k about plants in bloom and recent bird sightings 7 : 3 0 - 9 a m Early Birders Join a Naturalist on a short wildflower- f o c u s e d please stop by the Martha Crone Visitors Shelter 1 1 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m Family Garden Ramble tour of the Garden. You will have a chance to or call 370-4903 during Shelter hours. 1 - 2 p m Dragonflies and Insects walk the Garden trails while learning about and 4 - 4 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k looking for wildflowers of July including Tu r k ’ s Garden Hours: 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0 p m New Moon Cre a t u r es of the Night* cap lilies, bee balm, and more . The Garden is open daily from April 1st to Octo- $5/person; $10/family Wi l d f l owers of the Wetland and Prairie Tour ber 15th from 7:30am to 1/2 hour before sunset. Su n d a y, July 27 Join a Naturalist on a wildflower-focused tour of Ma rtha Crone Visitors Shelter Ho u r s : 1 - 1 : 3 0 p m Family Garden Ramble the Garden. You will have a chance to walk the Monday to Saturday: 10:00am to 1 hour before 1 - 2 p m Wildflowers of the Wetland & Prairie Garden trails while learning about and looking sunset; Sunday: Noon to 1 hour before sunset 5 - 5 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k for wildflowers of mid-summer including prairie Tu e s d a y, July 29 dock, cone flower and more . Directions: 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike The Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird We d n e s d a y, July 30 Special Classes Sanctuary is located 1/2 mile north of I-394 on 1 0 : 3 0 a m - 1 2 p m I n t r oduction to Honey Bees** Na t i ve Bee Su rvey s T h e o d o r e Wirth Parkway. Metro Transit bus ro u t e $ 3 5 / p e r s o n Sunday, July 13, 12:30-2pm 9 stops at Glenwood Avenue and Theodore T h u r s d a y, July 31 Volunteer with an entomologist from the University Wirth Parkway, just a two-block walk to the Gar- 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike of Minnesota’s Bee Lab to gently catch, identify, and den entrance. release bumblebees. Find out how many bumble bee N a t u ralist Led Hikes and To u r s species are in our Garden and search for the sel- dom seen rusty-patch bumble bee! July 2014 Public Programs and Tours Bi rding Basics Tour In t roduction to Ho n ey Bees with The Beez Kneez Tu e s d a y, July 1 This program is designed to assist beginning bird- Tues, July 8, 10:30am-12pm 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike ers develop techniques for rewarding bird watch- Sun, July 13, 2-3:30pm T h u r s d a y, July 3 ing. We will learn tips to increase ease and Fri, July 18, 4-5:30pm 6 - 6 : 3 0 p m Garden Highlights Nature Hike usability of binoculars and field guides and will Tues, July 22, 6-7:30pm Fr i d a y, July 4 spend time in the field discovering how to suc- Wed, July 30, 10:30am-12pm 1 1 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m Garden Highlights Nature Hike cessfully identify birds. Bring binoculars and a Cost: $35/person 2 - 2 : 3 0 p m Family Garden Ramble birding field guide or you can borrow ours. Learn more about honey bees, why they’re dying Sa t u rd a y, July 5 Dragonflies and Insects and what you can do to help.... all while wearing a 7 : 3 0 - 9 a m Early Birders L e a rn about the pesky mosquito, the beautiful beekeeping suit and safely exploring a honey bee hive. In each class, we’ll put you in a beekeeping 1 1 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m Family Garden Ramble dragonfly and investigate other incredible insects. suit, we’ll open up one of our Beez Kneez hives and 1 - 2 p m Birding Basics Join a Garden Naturalist on an insect filled tour we’ll learn about what bees do and how we keep 4 - 4 : 3 0 p m Summer Wildflower Wa l k of the Garden for families! them. Meet the queen, see the brood, and if the hive July 2014 The Bryn Mawr Bugle 9 is ready, taste honey straight from the the Garden. Check out our butterf l y bees. Perfect for all ages (5+) and backpack or our bat backpack! experience levels. You can also borrow one of our **The Beez Kneez will lead the pro- Garden Scavenger Hunts for a fun gram and provide the necessary way to explore the Garden with p r otective gear MINUS footwear so your family. please WEAR SHOES OR BOOTS T H AT COVERS ALL SKIN. Came to the Garden and forg o t Medicinal Plants of the Ga rd e n your binoculars? No need to worry, Thursdays, 6-7:30pm we have binoculars for you to bor- Led by Cynthia Thomas row! Ask at the Martha Crone Vi s i t o r s Cost: $15/person Shelter for more details. July 4, 2012 High 101º. My sister’s dock on White Bear Lake bare l y Women’s Herbal Medicines – July 10 reaches the water. Low rainfall and pumping from the Parking Information: The Garden Take a walk through the woods, underlying aquifer for human water needs seems to be parking lot is a pay lot with metere d wetlands and prairies learning the the pro b l e m . historical and practical uses of plants parking and permit parking. If you July 12, 2014 Full moon, the Ojibwe Midsummer moon. especially for women’s health. have a Minneapolis Parks Parking P e r mit sticker, you may park in any July 15, 2013 G r eat horned owl hooting at the corner of Hawthorn e E x t ra s n o n - m e t e r ed parking space. If you and Upton at 9 am. M o r e likely to hear them at dusk. The Garden has Family Adventure park in a metered space, you must July 16, 1980 T h u n d e r s t o rm with many trees down. Power out for 40 Backpacks that you and your family pay in quarters (75 cents buys an h o u r s . a r e welcome to borrow during your hour of parking time) regardless of July 21, 1998 98º on the first day of the “RAGBRAI” bicycle race acro s s visit to the Garden! These back- whether you have a parking perm i t I o w a . C o rnfields intensify humidity by protecting farm packs are filled with activities your or not. The Garden does not pro- soil from sun and wind, increasing yields. family can do together while visiting vide quarters for patron use.

WE E K LY ME E T I N G S O F AL C O H O L I C S AN O N Y M O U S a re held at Bryn Mawr P re s byterian Church , Cedar Lake Road and L a u rel Av e n u e,on Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m . All interested people are invited to attend.

AIR CONDITIONING Summer Car Care Pkg R E - C H A R G E $4 6 9 5 $6998 plus R-134 Freon

Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Plus tax, shop supplies & environmental fees. Expires 8/1/14. Plus tax, shop supplies & environmental fees. Expires 8/1/14. Plus tax, shop supplies & environmental fees. Expires 8/1/14.

Break Special We Have All Brands We Repair All Ve h i c l e of Ti r e s Ty p e s 1200 Glenwood Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 15% Off Call for a Stop in for a On All BRAKE Work Q u o t e FREE estimate Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 8/1/14. Be part of the Bugle! BUGLE NOTES • WILDLIFE WATCH • PHOTO FEATURE • OUT & ABOUT • YOUTH & SCHOOLS • PARKS • ENVIRONMENT • GARDENS Email your neighbor news to [email protected] or drop it in the Bugle Box at the Bryn Mawr Market. 10 The Bryn Mawr Bugle July 2014 on the web at Walk in Honor of Amy Morr i s Youth & Schools n June 3, 2014, undeterre d by a rain delay of one day 2014 PTA Plant Sale event that builds community and we the entire student body at O he Bryn Mawr PTA wants to hope continues to be a Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr Elementary School tradition for many years. walked though the neighborhood as thank all of our neighbors for part of their Physical Education Be Ttheir support of the plant sale. Contact Information For We pride ourselves on the quality of Well Program coordinated by Community Schools teacher Anita Chavez. The students our plants. It is our biggest fundraiser Bryn Mawr El e m e n t a ry (Pre K - 5 ) walked in memory of parent, neigh- and the money goes to support field 252 Upton Avenue South b o r, and past PTA president Amy trips, curriculum and other opportu- Morris who passed away last sum- nities for kids, many of which would 6 1 2 - 6 6 8 - 2 5 0 0 m e r. The route was from the school not be possible without our commu- b r y n m a w r. M i n n e a p o l i s . k 1 2 . m n . u s along Laurel Avenue to Queen nity’s support for the PTA. Minneapolis Kids School-age Childcare Avenue and back to the school. While we couldn’t control the (at Bryn Mawr School) weather this year we really appre c i - 6 1 2 - 6 6 8 - 3 8 9 0 ate everyone showing up in the m p l s k i d s . M i n n e a p o l i s . k 1 2 . m n . u s / pouring rain to pick up their plants. Anwatin Middle School (6-8) We also appreciate people’s In t e rnational Ba c c a l a u reate and patience as we tried a few new Spanish Dual Im m e r s i o n things and had new volunteers 256 Upton Avenue South l e a r ning the ropes this year. 6 1 2 - 6 6 8 - 2 4 5 0 Thanks to Bryn Mawr Pre s b y t e r - a n w a t i n . M i n n e a p o l i s . k 1 2 . m n . u s ian church and Mill City dentist Jay Anwatin Community Ed u c a t i o n for letting us use their lawns for the 6 1 2 - 6 6 8 - 2 4 7 0 after sale. The plant sale is a fun w w w . m p l s c o m m u n i t y e d . c o m City of Minneapolis Curfews Ag e Su n - T h u r s Fr i - Sa t Under 12 9:00 pm 10:00 pm 1 2 - 1 4 10:00 pm 11:00 pm 1 5 - 1 7 11:00 pm 12:00 pm D i s n e y ’s Beauty and the Beast is 15th Annual Musical at A n watin School n May 30 and 31, 2014, every day for eight weeks with pro- m o r e than 80 of Anwatin fessional artists and quality sets, cos- OMiddle School’s 6th, 7th, tumes, props, sound and lighting. and 8th grade actors and technicians The school musical is one of the p e rf o rmed the Disney musical Beau- key ways in which Project SUCCESS ty and the Beast with pro f e s s i o n a l - helps students build confidence, ism, grace and energy to audiences gain new experiences, stre n g t h e n of hundreds. Students re h e a r s e d relationships and learn more about themselves and each other thro u g h the power of theater. F e a t u r ed perf o rmers of local inter- est were Alex Wilson, Area 6 as Chip and Eloise Boigenzhan, Area 3 as one of the Silly Girls. Abby Smith, A r ea 6 and Jack Stillman, Area 3, w e r e in the ensemble. P r oject SUCCESS motivates and i n s p i r es young people to dre a m about the future, helps them take steps to get there and gives them the tools they need to achieve their goals. They have been working with students at Anwatin Middle School since the 1999-2000 school year. July 2014 The Bryn Mawr Bugle 11

 Graduations 2014 Austin Demko , Area 5 Annika Leitch Lodge , Area 3 ustin Demko graduated fro m nnika Leitch Lodge (18) ASouthwest High School on Agraduated fro m S o u t h w e s t June 3rd. He was the fourth gen- High School on June 3rd, 2014. eration in his family to attend She is planning on attending Bryn Mawr Elementary and also Marist College in Poughkeepsie, attended Anwatin Middle School. New York in the fall. Annika has This year he was captain of the been accepted as a fashion SWHS Lakers Golf Team and City design major and will continue Champ for the third year in a with her passion for fashion row. Austin will be attending the t h r oughout college. Her pare n t s University of Minnesota Morris in a r e Katie Leitch and Charlie the fall. He is the son of Cindy Lodge of Area 3. and Steve Demko in Area 5.

Jesse Hilden, Area 6 esse graduated from Southwest Jhigh school and is looking for- ward to the next chapter. He will be attending MCTC with hopes of transferring to the U of M with a Top Row Left: Top Row Right: P r esident and Vice President of the possible emphasis on health or sports medicine or management. Nicholas Bauer, Area 3 Cooper Smith, Area 3 SWHS chapter of the National Honor Society. In the fall, Harri- He is the son of Kari Hilden and icholas “Nico” Bauer, son of ooper Smith, son of Matthew son will be heading to Appleton, Gary Martin of Area 6. Richard and Rebecca Bauer, Smith and Lauren Stringer, N C WI to attend Lawrence University, graduated on June 1st from Min- graduated from Perpich Arts High and Julian will attend Denison Uni- nehaha Academy where he was an School where he focused on film, versity in Granville, OH. Advanced Placement (AP) – “Schol- photography, visual arts, and ar with Distinction.” Along with dance. His films were featured in Bottom Row Center: his academic rigors, Nico also par- the Walker Art Center, Twin Cities ticipated in football and track, let- Youth Media Network Showcase Nathaniel Gilsdorf, Area 3 tering in both during his high and the Cine Youth Film Festival in athaniel “Nat” Gilsdorf, son of school care e r. Nico is a certified Chicago, and his photographs were NRie and Dennis Gilsdorf, grad- lifeguard for the City of St. Paul at f e a t u r ed in the Congressional Fifth uated from Avalon Charter School the Highland Park Aquatic Center. District Arts Competition. Along in St. Paul on June 5. During high Beginning this fall, Nico starts his with his academic and artistic pur- school he served as Facilitator for college career at Marquette Univer- suits, Cooper has practiced circ u s Avalon’s Student Congress and sity in Milwaukee Wisconsin, and is arts for twelve years with Circ u s Feminism Club, and p e rf o rm e d considering a degree in journalism. Juventas, America’s largest youth with Avalon’s Improv Team as well c i r cus school. This summer he will as with Brave New Wo r k s h o p ’ s Top Row Center: p e rf o rm the role of “Hook” in the p r e - p r ofessional Youth Impro v R yan Marita-Dav i s , Area 3 C i r cus Juventas production of Nev- Team. Nat completed a 400-hour Lila Pa ge , Area 3 erland. Cooper was accepted to the senior project entitled “Midnight ila K. Page, Area 3, is a 2014 yan Marita-Davis, son of Gre g École Nationale de Cirque, in Mon- Movies: From Critical Catastro p h e s graduate of Orono High Marita and Chris Davis, gradu- L R t real, Canada, where he will contin- to Cult Classics,” which included School. She will be attending the ated on June 3 from Minneapolis ue professional training in the cir- teaching a quarter-long seminar for University of Rhode Island fall Southwest High School where his cus arts. fellow Avalon students. Nat is 2014. Her parents are Ann Forster favorite subjects were biology and headed for Hampshire College in Page and Jeff Page. She is also the p h y s i c s . Ryan was a Nordic ski Bottom Row Left & Bottom Row Amherst, MA, where he will pursue niece of Jenny & Deacon Wa rn e r racer for Southwest and was the Right: a degree in a uniquely tailore d ( A r ea 6) and Katy & Paul Con- 2013 Minneapolis Nordic ski cham- interdisciplinary major. nors, (Area 5). p i o n . He also ran track and cro s s H a r rison and Julian Barber, c o u n t r y . Ryan is certified in open Area 4 water and deep-sea scuba diving. arrison and Julian Barber, sons In the fall Ryan will pursue his Hof Haven Stephens, graduated i n t e r est in marine biology at We s t - f r om Southwest High School. B o t h Congratulations to all the Graduates and their families. e rn Washington University in e a r ned International Baccalaure a t e Good luck in the future as you pursue your dreams! Bellingham, Washington, where he Diplomas, lettered in soccer, played has been named a Marine Scholar. in jazz combos, and tag-teamed as Are You New to the Neighborhood? Contact Your Area Representat i v e for a Welcome Pa c k e t !

R a t e s : $4.50 minimum (4 lines, approx. 40 characters per line), $.50 per additional line. FR E E ads for lost, found, free items, pets & youth Want ads. Due Date: 20th of preceding month. I n s t r u c t i o n s : No ads over the phone please or accepted without payment. Drop off in the Bugle Ads Box at the Bryn Mawr Market or email [email protected].

Be sure to check re f e rences, State Agencies. BBB, etc. and inquire about bonding when using any new service.

L AW N S E RV I C E : Lawn mowing, spring & fall cleanup, SE RV I C E S tree & shrub trimming. Premier Lawn & Snow, Inc. pro- THE BRYN MAWR ARCHITECTURAL & GARDEN DESIGN: viding reliable service with quality results for SW Min- Time to increase the “Appeal” of your house or yard & neapolis since 1987. For prompt estimate call Dennis NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION bring new life to your residence? Renovations, addi- (952) 545-8055. tions, new construction, gardens, landscaping, outdoor PAINTING SERV I C E S. Julian the Painter & Crew, spe- PO Box 16437, Minneap o l i s, MN 55416 living areas, residential & commercial design. Aw a r d cializing in beautifying “vintage homes”. Exteriors, interi- winning experience. Bryn Mawr resident. Larry R. ors, wall & ceiling repair, wallpaper removal, enameling, B M NA Board Members B u g le Corp s Opelt Architecture & Design. Registered Architect, LEED color consultation & FREE estimates. Best rating on A P. (612) 377-9670 or A n g i e ’s List. Lic/Bond/Ins. A Bryn Mawr staple since Pre s i d e n t : email: [email protected]. 1994. Call (612)710-7071 or (612)377-9925. Kevin Thompson, p r e s i d e n t @ b m n a . o rg 6 1 2 - 2 9 6 - 5 4 0 9 Editor JoEllyn B. Jolstad 612-377-8968 Band instrument lessons from your friendly R E M O D E L I N G . Windows and doors replaced. All types Vice Pre s i d e n t : professionals. Years and years of experience with all [email protected] of siding installed/repaired. Fences and decks. Custom Jessica Wiley, v i c e p r e s i d e n t @ b m n a . o rg 6 1 2 - 3 7 4 - 3 4 8 1 ages and levels of ability. Call Greg & Rose Lewis at tile installation, sheet rock, taping, and finish carpentry. Tre a s u re r : Neighborhood Coordinator (612) 377-3751. Local references, free estimates. Tom 612-824-1554 Patty Wycoff 612-239-1710 Dennis Fazio, t r e a s u r e r @ b m n a . o r g 6 1 2 - 9 1 0 - 6 6 1 1 Busy life? No time? Retired Bryn Mawr res. available [email protected] Scuba Dive on Your Honeymoon, vacation, or dive Se c re t a ry: for light handyman, maint., chores, errands, dog walk- locally! Learn how to scuba dive from your friendly, Sandra Gay, s e c r e t a r y @ b m n a . o rg 6 1 2 - 3 7 4 - 4 6 0 6 Police Liaison CCP/SAFE ing, driving, etc. Can’t / d o n ’t want to do it? Call Brad experienced, Bryn Mawr neighborhood, Master Scuba 612-812-9694. Prompt, reliable, honest. Diver Tr a i n e r. Private pool for instruction in Maple Grove. NPP Coord i n a t o r : Rowena Holmes 612-673-2833 [email protected] Cleaning - Professional, efficient, and diligent. Learn to dive now! Call Gary @ 612.209.9728. Also O PE N certified to teach CPR/AED and First Aid. Ad ve rt i s i n g 20 years experience. Call 612-803-1374. Area Representatives Deryck Jolstad 612-377-8968 C O N C R E T E / B R I C K / S T O N E / M A S O N RY: Repair or Spring Forward Home Organizing: Help with 1 G reg Froehle, g r e g p f r o e h l e @ g m a i l . c o m 6 1 2 - 9 2 6 - 2 8 8 2 [email protected] New - foundations, driveways, sidewalks & steps, reducing clutter, moving, downsizing, storage ideas; all areas of your home or garage. Bryn Mawr resident, free Dave Holets, h o l e t s @ u m n . e d u 6 1 2 - 9 2 2 - 8 2 7 4 Subscriptions garage slabs, also kitchens & bathrooms. Call Gary 6 5 1 - 4 2 3 - 6 6 6 6 . consultation. Barb 612-377-9467 2 G e o r ge Seebach, g p s e e b a c h @ g m a i l . c o m 6 1 2 - 6 7 0 - 4 1 1 1 Kevina Munnich 612-374-1854 Total Lawn Care-Mowing, Trimming, etc. We e k l y, [email protected] CONTRACTING BY RON JOHNSON: Lynda Shaheen, l y n d a . s h a h e e n @ g m a i l . c o m 6 1 2 - 3 7 4 - 4 2 0 1 Monthly and Seasonal billing. FREE estimates! Susan Ve r rett, l e o v e r r e t t @ a o l . c o m 6 1 2 - 3 7 7 - 7 4 4 7 The handyman who can do all those projects at your Mailing Ad d re s s house that you don’t have the time to do. Large or Keeping Bryn Mawr “Picture Perfect” 3 C a r ol Hejl, h e j l x 0 0 3 @ u m n . e d u 6 1 2 - 9 6 5 - 6 1 4 9 P.O. Box 16437 small, almost anything. Over 20 years as a Bryn Mawr Call Tim 612-381-5927/cell 763-639-6987 Minneapolis, MN 55416-0437 Denny Juillerat, d w j 5 7 5 7 @ l i v e . c o m 6 1 2 - 8 5 0 - 5 6 5 8 resident, and contracting experience. Many Bryn Mawr TREE & SHRUB TRIMMING: Premier Lawn & Snow, Drop Off Box and local references. Will take emergency calls. Call Inc. providing reliable tree and shrub trimming with 4 Christopher Etz, c h r i s t o p h e [email protected] 6 1 2 - 3 7 8 - 2 9 8 7 Bryn Mawr Ma rket, 612-501-4470 or email: quality results for SW Minneapolis since 1987. For Joanne Michalec behind the counter R o n d i v e s @ c o m c a s t . n e t . prompt estimate call Dennis (952) 545-8055. Matthew Stark Web Si t e Drafting & Design Services: Save money on your b m n a . o r g next home improvement project by owning your own VO LU N T E E R OP P O RT U N I T Y 5 Beth Tu r nbull, b e p p i e m i r o @ a o l . c o m 6 1 2 - 4 2 3 - 3 0 3 3 we b m a s t e r @ b m n a . o r g design & plans. Invite competition to your project. Cer- 6 Vida Ditter, v y d i t t e r @ v y d i t t e r. c n c . n e t 6 1 2 - 3 7 4 - 1 4 8 1 tified draftsman with 34 yrs. experience in exterior/inte- Volunteer tutors are needed to teach Adult ESL & rior design. Kitchens, baths, entertainment/family GED classes one day per week at Sumner Library. No Jay Peterson, j a y a . p e t e r s o n @ c o m c a s t . n e t 6 1 2 - 3 7 7 - 4 6 7 7 rooms. New & existing construction, electrical/lighting previous experience necessary; full training provided. Barry Schade, b a r r y s c h a d e @ m a c . c o m 6 1 2 - 3 7 7 - 8 1 5 2 plans. Bryn Mawr resident for 26 yrs. Call Wa y n e Must be able to commit to a 3 month period. Crooker at 612-377-6648 or email: For more information, please call John Ashby at 7 St e ve Ha rve y, h a r v e 0 0 8 @ u m n . e d u 6 1 2 - 3 7 4 - 3 6 1 3 w e c r o o k e r @ m s n . c o m 612-377-5399 or jashby@mnliteracy. o r g Ed Erickson Construction: Decks, porches, room The Bryn Mawr Bugle is an open-fo r um newspaper published by the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood A s s o c i a t i o n . additions and interior remodeling. Carpenter and YO U T H SE RV I C E S Content is based entire l y on volunteer submissions which may be emailed to [email protected] . A rt i cles and let- licensed general contractor. Nineteen years Bryn Mawr t e rs to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the Editor.The Bryn Mawr Bugle is published eve r y month resident. Local references. 374-1618. BABYSITTER Experienced, responsible: 15 years old, loves kids. Call Merideth (612) 377-8968. ex c ept Ja n u a ry.Distribution is free to Bryn Mawr residents; copies are also available at the Bryn Mawr Mar- Gutter cleaning service ket, Bryn Mawr Mobile and Cuppa Java. Subscriptions are $21 per year. Opinion art i cles rep resent the opin- G u t t e r M a i d s . c o m Babysitting, dog walking, petsitting, and plant ion of the wri t e r, not necessari ly those of the Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association or the Editor of the Bugle. 6 1 2 - 5 9 8 - 1 3 1 8 watering: Bryn Mawr resident, 14 years old. Jasmine The Bryn Mawr Bugle will print letters to the editor as space allow s . L e t t e rs may be edited for length without Bloomdahl, [email protected] or (612)-250-6099. a l t e ring the letter wri t e r ’s message . L e t t e rs must be signed by the person who wrote them. Under the law, l e t - Hardwood Floors - Buff and coats, sanding, staining, ter wri t e rs , l i ke journ a l i s t s , m ay not commit libel, be obscene, reveal names of juveniles accused of cri m e , repairs and new install. Fully insured. References avail- B r y n Mawr Resident (Southwest High School stu- i nvade personal space, or incite to ri o t . able. Call Bryn Mawr resident Jeremy for free estimate. dent) Will mow grass, water plants/gardens, pet sit, 6 1 2 - 2 6 9 - 3 6 4 9 . walk dogs, etc. Contact Jesse at 612-834-4543. C o py deadline for the August issue is Ju ly 2 0 ! House Cleaning - Detailed, proficient, and DOG WALKING & PET SITTING: great with dogs professional house cleaner. Call me for an estimate: and pets, reliable 16-year old available for walking your Display & Classified Ads are due August 20th. Ads must be pre-paid & camera ready. 6 1 2 - 8 0 3 - 1 3 7 4 dog and pet sitting, life-long Bryn Mawr resident, call Harry at (612) 245-2785. Call Deryck Jolstad at (612) 377-8968 or [email protected] for rates. Is your child having reading or writing difficul- GENERAL ADVERTISING POLICIES: All ad copy is subject to approval by the paper, which reserves the right to t i e s ? Are you concerned about dyslexia? Are you inter- reject or request changes to an ad. Ad placement does not imply endorsement by the BMNA. The advertiser, not ested in maintaining skills over the summer? If so, the paper, is responsible for the truthful content of the ad. Readers use service/product providers at their own please call Jackie 612-374-9435. Bryn Mawr resident. risk and are solely responsible for checking re f e rences, state agencies, BBB, etc. References available. Sliding fee scale.