E - z i n e

Volume 5 Issue 3 15 December 2013

RRGJGJ MuseumMuseum aawardedwarded HeritageHeritage LotteryLottery FFundund supportsupport PPageage 1111 A Product of Hard Work

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E - z i n e NEWSLETTER Volume 5 Issue 3 15 December2013

FOREWORD Contents by Page Title Brigadier Hugh Willing CBE 3. Foreword 4. RGJ Museum Shop Chairman of the RGJ Regimental Association Christmas 2013 6. Forecast of Events Regimental ringtones 7. RGJRA Contact List 8. From the Editor 9. The History of The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum 11. The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum Ba le of Waterloo Brigadier Hugh Willing CBE Bicentenary Exhibi on 13. She’ll miss me This edition of the E-Zine will be the last in our thrice-yearly series. From 2014 14. News from the Branches we are reducing the number of publications to one E-Zine to be issued each 26. The Royal Green Jackets summer – probably in September, and the annual fl agship magazine ‘Swift (Rifl es) Museum and Bold’ which is published each year in March. Please help the editorial 28. KRRC Tapestry team by continuing to send in your interesting articles and updates by the 29. 3,000 mile Campervan Tour of respective deadlines. 31. Wiltshire Branch Revisit The Rock of Gibraltar Next year will also see the launch of the RGJ Museum Appeal seeking 32. The platoon in C Coy 1st support for the Battle of Waterloo Bicentenary Exhibition and Learning Green Jackets that went Space project. The Heritage Lottery Fund has contributed £100,000 towards chasing pirates in 1963 the cost of the exhibition, which includes a refurbishment of the Waterloo 37. The Scent of History – Frankincense model and the fi rst fl oor of the Museum to incorporate a Learning Space, 38. Soldiers of Oxfordshire ready for the Waterloo Bicentenary in 2015. The Appeal is to raise £100,000 to Trust (SOFO) match the HLF grant. The Association committee has fully endorsed General 40. Ri fl esdirect Christopher Wallace’s proposal and encourages all Rifl emen to support this 41. In Memoriam most worthy and fi tting fund-raising Regimental project. “Why the Poppies?”

Once again thanks and congratulations are in order for the excellent Editor: arrangements made by the Winchester Branch for this year’s Veterans Day Kevin Stevens Gathering in July. Whilst the weather might have been too hot for comfort, all those who attended much enjoyed the good fellowship and tall stories that Copyright 2013 © RGJRA such a reunion will always bring. Make a note in your diaries for next year’s This publica on contains Gathering – Saturday 12th July. offi cial and personal contact informa on. It should therefore And fi nally a warm welcome to Lieutenant Simon Booth-Mason as the be treated with discre on by Deputy Chairman and to Major Michael Leeming as the President of the the recipient. Central England Branch. The Branch goes from strength to strength and The views expressed in the ar cles in this journal are those is organising the ‘Greenstock’ Music Festival for Rifl emen at Bramcote of the authors and do not Barracks near Nuneaton during the August Bank Holiday 2014. necessarily refl ect the policy and views, offi cial or otherwise My best wishes for Christmas and 2014 to all fellow Rifl emen. of the Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on or the Ministry of Defence. Hugh Willing

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 3 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

RGJ MUSEUM SHOP CHRISTMAS 2013 Special Offers available - on-line or telephone only - 11 November - 20 December All prices exclude p&p. Total p&p charges are shown at check out -

For the Green Jackets enthusiast The Regimental gift package Shop price £31.24p – NOW £26.00p or buy individual Shop price (Silk Tie) £34.49p – NOW £30.00p items Shop price (Polyester Tie) £25.59p – NOW £20.00p or buy individual items

Rifl es book £3.99p, Rifl es CD £9.99p Rifl es DVD £12.99p

Mug £4.50p, Socks £6.00p, Polyester Tie £10.50p, Silk Tie £19.00p

AND ... have you ordered your Christmas Cards?

Pkt of 5 with envelopes £3.75p

4 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on WWII memories for Grandad Winter Warmth Shop price £21.49p – NOW £16.50p or buy Shop price £46.97p – NOW £40.00p or buy individual items individual items

Tea £4.00p, Notelets £2.00p, Mug £5.00p, Magnetic memo £4.00p, Humbugs £2.00p Ski hat £5.50p, Scarf £8.00p, Waterproof £28.00p

Make a note of Veterans Day at Winchester in the Museum 2014 Calendar. £10.00p.

The calendar focuses on regimental Victoria Cross winners. It is a page a month depicting different recipients whose award was made for gallantry in that month, with a photograph, thumbnail sketch of his life and summary of the action leading to the individual award of the Victoria Cross included. With plenty of space to record daily appointments and with additional pages for birthdays, anniversaries and notes, this is an historically fascinating and very practical calendar.


E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 5 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on Forecast Of Events 15 December 2013 - 31 March 2014

Date Event Contact 2013 December 17 Turning of the Pages Ceremony (1055 hrs) Winchester Cathedral RHQ 25 King’s Royal Rifl e Corps Regimental Birthday

2014 January 16 Anniversary of the death of Sir John Moore – St Paul’s Cathedral, London London Offi ce Wreath laying at Evensong Service 29 tbc RIFLES Trustees Mee ng

February 1 7th Anniversary of The Rifl es Forma on 15 Deadline for input to The Editor for The Chronicle

March 15 Herefordshire Offi cers’ Dinner Hereford Shrewsbury Offi ce

Regimental Ring tones

Our small selection of ring tones are becoming increasingly popular. The website team are able to provide the following regimental ring tones. Reveille – High on a hill – Last post – Mechanised – Ox and Bucks March – RGJ March – Rogues March – Battle sounds.

We are planning to add to this list in the new year together with a small selection of more humorous ringtones, we can offer at the moment “Smurfs in prison”.

You cannot download these directly but they can be sent via email for you to transfer to your mobile phone by data cable. If you would like any or all of the above please contact me using the following email address: [email protected]

Kevin Stevens Website Manager

6 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association Contact list as at 15 December 2013

President Maj Gen Jamie Balfour CBE 01962 828524 admin@rgjassocia Chairman Brig HGC Willing CBE 01962 828524 admin@rgjassocia Vice Chairman Lt Simon Booth-Mason 01962 828524 admin@rgjassocia Secretary Lt Col J-D von Merveldt 0207 491 4936 london@the-rifl Members Secretary Mr Mike Marr 01235 548018 @the-rifl Webmaster Mr Kevin Stevens 01865 452813 webmaster@rgjassocia Dep Webmaster Mr Mark Adams 01442 380713 [email protected] Database Manager Mr Roy Baillie 01488 658681 membersdatabase@rgjassocia Webmaster RGJ Photographic Site Mr Seamus P Lyons 01992 550605 Seamus.lyons@rgjassocia

Branches Australian Maj Gen Andrew Pringle CB CBE Mr Chris McDonald +61 (0)408 937 165 [email protected] Aylesbury • Mr Alan Grant 01296 426765 [email protected] Band and Bugles David Timms Mr David Timms 01304 820910 [email protected] Central England Major Michael Leeming Mr Peter Page 01922 694733 [email protected] East Midlands • Mr Mar n Coates 01623 747817 mar nswi [email protected] Gosport & District • Mr Ian Ski lethorpe 02392 423336 ianski [email protected] London Col GF Smythe OBE Mr Gary Driscoll 01708 442662 [email protected] Milton Keynes Brig MR Koe OBE Mr Gary Brewer 01908 218715 g_brewer@b North East Brig NM Prideaux Mr John Cheetham 01915 480189 rgj.north.east@b N. Ireland • Mr Len Cook lenny.cook@b North West • Mr Ray Gerrard 01744 732501 [email protected] Oxfordshire Brig Nigel Mogg DL Mr Mike Marr 01235 548018 oxford@the-rifl Shropshire • Mr Tom Fairclough 01691 777172 [email protected] Suff olk Maj RD Cassidy MBE Mr Gordon Pilcher 01394 215925 [email protected] South East Kent Brig James Plastow MBE Mr Glenn Ternent 01843 297069 geordie_t@b Wiltshire Brig G dv W Hayes CBE Mr Gary Byrne 01985 211279 [email protected] Winchester Capt John Fritz-Domeney Mr John Harper 01962 882481 [email protected] Yorkshire Brig PJ Lyddon MBE Mr Stuart Anderson 01757 617056 li [email protected]

Notes: Any amendments to the above contact informa on should be sent to Roy Baillie. • Indicates that a Branch President has not been appointed.

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 7 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on From the Editor

Welcome to the December issue of the E-Zine.

It does not seem that long ago I was writing my previous editorial and bemoaning the fact we, as a website team, had had such a poor 6 months. Since that time I am pleased to say that our database manager, Roy Baillie, is back on his foot, Mark Adams who looks after all guest books and bulletin boards and had severely cut his hand is now able to type with two lollipop sticks which is a defi nite improvement and I am recoveringwell from my back operation although with a few unexpected complications. I was also delighted to receive an email recently from Arne Bergsand saying he was once again well enough to re-join the team. Arne has been responsible for the building of this edition while Seamus Lyons, who has remained disgustingly well all year, has been concentrating on a complete rebuild of the main website.

The branch websites which we control have been given a completely new look and we have welcomed the Gosport and District branch into the fold. Seamus has now taken over responsibility for the maintenance of all the websites. There are plans to add another formerly independent website to the list of centrally run websites in the new year if things go according to plan.

Once again the e-zine contains a wide variety of articles in addition to branch reports. We always welcome the interest stories as they have a tendency to generate further stories as people think “I could write one of those”. Please keep them coming.

You should be aware by now that we have taken the decision to reduce the e-zine from 3 issues to 1 issue per year. In making this decision I have taken into account the fact that those who contribute are volunteers as are the website team and it can be very diffi cult to fi nd something to write about every 12 weeks. I have, however, decided we will produce 2 editions in 2014, the fi rst at the end of June and the second at the end of October meaning we can give full coverage and support to the museum in this very important year for them and also cover the reunions.

So as 2013 draws to a close and we begin to welcome in 2014 may I, on behalf of the website team, take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

Best wishes

Kevin Stevens Website Manager RGJRA Editor E-Zine and Swift and Bold(To be con nued on next page)

8 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on THE HISTORY OF THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS (RIFLES) MUSEUM

The origins of The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum date back to the aftermath of the First World War.

In 1917, before even the First World War had ended, the British Government decided that a National War Museum should be set up to collect and display material relating to the Great War. The interest taken by the Dominion governments led to the museum being given the title of the Imperial War Museum. Established by Act of Parliament, the museum was opened in the Crystal Palace by King George V on 9 June 1920.

The creation of the Imperial War Museum was the catalyst for many regiments in the to start accumulating their own collections of war artefacts and archival material. The antecedent regiments of The Royal Green Jackets – The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire , The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps and The Rifl e Brigade - all did so during the 1920s.

The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Museum was created in 1925 in a room in the Offi cers’ Mess of the Regimental Depot at Cowley Barracks, Oxford. By 1938 more space was required and it moved into a barrack room. In 1968 the museum moved from Cowley Barracks to Slade Park Barracks, Oxford, where it remained until the barracks was closed in 2008. Thereafter the collection was placed in storage at Bicester for three years before being moved to Woodstock.

For many years The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps and Rifl e Brigade collections were housed wherever space could be found for them in the buildings at The Rifl e Depot, Winchester. It was not, though, until after the rebuild of Peninsula Barracks in 1964 that a semi-permanent home for the collections was established on the fi rst fl oor of the Depot headquarters building, the building now occupied by The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum.

The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps and Rifl e Brigade museums in the 1980s

In 1986 the opportunity arose, with the closure of Peninsula Barracks as a training depot, for The Royal Green Jackets to establish a permanent regimental museum in the former Depot headquarters

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 9 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on building. The Ministry of Defence approved and in 1989 The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps and Rifl e Brigade collections were united in a single Royal Green Jackets Museum occupying one half of the ground fl oor and the whole of the fi rst fl oor of the building. The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry also contributed by lending a signifi cant part of its Oxfordshire collection for display in the museum.

On 1 December 1989 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Green Jackets, opened the new museum.

Since 1989 there have been a number of changes within the museum, including the introduction of new displays and exhibits. However, the basic layout and space available have not changed.

The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry became part of the museum in 2004

In 2004 the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry transferred ownership of its collection in Winchester to The Royal Green Jackets Museum. In 2007 it transferred ownership of the remainder of its collection in Oxfordshire to the museum. The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum, therefore, owns the museum collections, including the archives, of all the former regiments of The Royal Green Jackets. The Oxfordshire collection, however, remains in Oxfordshire available to the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum Trust for use and display in the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Heritage Centre, Woodstock, which is due to open in 2014.

Change to The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum in 2009

In 2009 the Museum’s trustees decided that the title of the museum should change to The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum. The change refl ected the desire in Government and within the Ministry of Defence that museums should ‘connect our past with our present and our future’. The inclusion of the word ‘Rifl es’ does this by identifying The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum with the history of the British Army’s fi rst Rifl e regiment, The Rifl e Brigade, through the present to the future as a part of today’s regiment, ‘The Rifl es’, into which The Royal Green Jackets was merged on 1 February 2007.

The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum Peninsula Barracks Romsey Road Winchester, Hants, SO23 8TS

10 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS (RIFLES) MUSEUM BATTLE OF WATERLOO BICENTENARY EXHIBITION It was a great day when, after two years of preparation and planning, we heard that the Trustees’ applica- tion to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a grant of £100,000 to part-fund a Battle of Waterloo Bicen- tenary exhibition in 2015 had been successful. The news was released to the public on 17 November. A huge amount of work is now in hand to ensure that the exhibition is ready to open on 25 March 2015, three months in advance of the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June.

The items in the display case shown in the a achment belonged to or related to the Duke of Wellington: Court Dress coatee worn when Col-in-Chief of The Rifl e Brigade Garter Sash Embroidered waistcoat Tie pin and two studs Le er from the Duke Ink stand made from one of his chargers hooves Statue e of the Duke of Wellington 3 x medallions rela ng to the death and burial of the Duke of Wellington Lithograph of the funeral procession 2 x illustra ons of the funeral from the Illustrated London News (copies) B/W copy of the pain ng ‘The First of May’ B/W copy of a portrait of the Duke of Wellington by Phillips

There are lots of reasons why the Trustees have and remembered. chosen to invest a large amount of time, effort and money in this exhibition. Thirdly, two of the antecedent regiments of The Royal Green Jackets, the 52nd Light Infantry For a start, the bicentenary is expected to attract and the 95th Rifl es, played a pivotal role in the considerable national and international attention battle. The 52nd LI initiated the rout of the French and we want some to be focused on our Museum. Imperial Guard that led to the defeat of the French, Currently no other regimental museum in the while the 1st/95th contributed signifi cantly to the country has such ambitious plans as ours. defence of the vital ground forward of the Mont St Jean crossroads. Waterloo was undeniably a major Secondly, Waterloo was a defi ning moment in event in the Regiment’s history with the battle European and British history. The causes, course honour ‘Waterloo’ proudly emblazoned on The and consequences of the battle, some of which still resonate today, deserve to be better understood (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 11 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) in 1797 and the Experimental Corps of Rifl emen in 1800; the introduction of the Baker Rifl e; Sir John Moore’s camp at Shorncliffe and the designation of the 43rd and 52nd as light infantry regiments (1803-6); and, of course, the part played by all the antecedent regiments of The Royal Green Jackets and The Light Division during the Peninsular War (1808-14).

There is, too, a very important, third element to our plans. In addition to the new displays covering the ‘Road to Waterloo’ and ‘Waterloo’, we intend to create a multi-functional learning space to seat 60 people with walls on which to display to much better effect than at present the Museum’s important collection of paintings and portraits relating to the period 1800-15. Teachers are already excited at the prospect of using this space as an ‘alternative classroom’, one where they can bring their pupils for a full or half day and, with the facilities on offer, conduct classroom work on the spot with objects and subject matter experts to hand.

For those familiar with the Museum, the Bicentenary Exhibition will result in two-thirds of the fi rst fl oor display space being stripped back to bare walls and new displays being created in their place. The Waterloo diorama will remain a central feature. The area affected is shown in approximate form on the diagram accompanying this article. This may change once the exhibition designer is appointed in mid-January.

Ultimately the Museum’s Trustees are looking to create a new experience within an existing experience, an exhibition that stands to be more modern and, quite probably in content and Royal Green Jackets’ cap badge. presentation, different to the displays in the rest of the Museum. In particular, we want the exhibition Lastly, the Trustees have long wanted to improve to excite and inspire members of the public of all the conservation and presentation of our very ages and backgrounds and to appeal to children popular, but somewhat tired 24.5 m2 Waterloo whether visiting as a school or family group. diorama, with its 30,000 model soldiers and horses. Marking the bicentenary of Waterloo with in But all this comes at a price. The £100,000 HLF major exhibition provides admirable reason to grant will cover just under a half of the estimated introduce state-of-the art technology and methods £210,000 project cost, but we know this fi gure of interpretation to the diorama, and to bring to does not cover some elements which we consider life the battle and the stories of those who were important and would dearly likely to see included. there. The Trustees, therefore, will be launching a £100,000 Waterloo 2015 Appeal on 16 January in the But this is not only an exhibition about Waterloo. hope that not only will the target sum be reached, It will also be an exhibition about the ‘Road to but that it will be exceeded. Indeed, it is critically Waterloo’ covering the period from the French important that it is reached if the Museum is not to Revolution (1789) to Napoleon’s exile to Elba in default on its commitments to the HLF. 1814. This is a key period in the Regiment’s history giving rise to the formation of the 5th/60th Rifl es (To be con nued on next page)

12 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) potential sponsors. Once launched, the Appeal will run for nine months to 31 October 2014. The logo designed to publicise the Museum’s Waterloo 2015 Exhibition and Appeal is featured at The Museum’s Trustees are particularly grateful the end of this article together with the HLF logo that the RGJ Regimental Association Committee which the museum is obliged to display alongside has endorsed the importance of the Museum’s all publicity material about the exhibition. The strap Waterloo 2015 Appeal by designating it the line ‘History Matters’ is not only highly pertinent Association’s main fund-raising effort in 2014. There but the title of Hampshire’s Secondary History has not been an appeal like it since the Museum Teachers’ biannual magazine. was created in the 1980s and there is no intention of initiating another in the foreseeable future. It Details of the Appeal and how to contribute to it will is very much hoped, therefore, that, when the call be publicised on the RGJ Regimental Association comes, members of the Regiment will contribute as website on 16 January and subsequently as widely generously as they are able. In anticipation, thank as possible using every method available. Branches you. already have a good idea of what is planned. Approaches will also be made to individuals, Lt-Gen Sir Christopher Wallace supporters of the Museum, grant-giving trusts and Chairman, RGJ Museum Trustees

Waterloo 2015 H I S T O R Y M A T T E R S The Royal Green Jackets (Rifl es) Museum Trust (Charity No. 1009691)

She’ll miss me I miss her, my mum. These wet, and cold streets are no place for me. I'm out later than she likes me to be. Standing on street corners, with my mates nearby, if she saw me now, I know she would cry ... I miss her, my mum. We're walking off now, together we go. Shoulders all swinging. Putting on a good show. They watch us coming, signalling our route, waiting to see which one they will shoot ... I miss her, my mum. Cars fl ash past in the rain, coming and going. Again, and again. I tense at each one, watching them leave, wiping mist from my sight with my glove or my sleeve ... I miss her, my mum. I'm here, eighteen! I'm a man! I struggle to be as brave as I can. My mates - they are better - good soldiers all, they'll make sure that none of us fall ... I miss her, my mum. What was that fl ash? What was that bang? Why are they shouting? Why am I numb? Please someone, PLEASE! Go get my mum! I miss her, my mum. I see my mate Tommy, he's stroking my head. But I'm looking down? Does this mean I am dead? I'm shouting! Listen lads! I'm ok! I'm alright! Why can't you hear me? It's quite silent tonight ... She'll miss me. My mum.

Ken Pettengale

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 13 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on GOSPORT AND DISTRICT BRANCH

Just a little update from the newly formed branch here is Gosport Hampshire.

The Branch is going from strength to strength with regular meetings being held at the Gosport Royal British Legion on the fi rst Thursday of each month at 1930hrs. Our fi rst major event was the attendance at the Winchester Reunion in July this year which was supported by a large contingent and as we all disappeared off to our homes plans where already being put in place to attend next year.

A small section headed off to the remembrance parade in Gosport at the invitation of the Lord Mayor of Gosport and our Chairman Roger Forder placed a wreath at the War Memorial in remembrance of those who had given the ultimate sacrifi ce. Our entertainments team are planning a Battle fi eld tour to the SOMME in March next year there are a few places left so if any one wants to attend please contact the secretary James at [email protected] or via the Royal Green Jackets web site.

NORTH EAST BRANCH Hello Brother Rifl emen, was posted to and while there, he was part of the Support Company Rugby team that won the Welcome to the North East Branch and we hope Cyprus Rugby cup. you will all enjoy reading what we have been doing since our last e-zine entry. We held our last meeting Dave then decided to change his career somewhat on Friday 27th September with 31 Rifl emen on and joined the Mortar Platoon where he went to parade and 18 apologies due to other duties. The Jordan (another holiday) before returning to ATR details for the Remembrance Weekend were Winchester. When this posting was over he became fi nalised, others matters were discussed and we a Corporal in the Regimental Police at Bulford. then moved upstairs to enjoy a social evening. Dave’s Army life did not end here, he joined a Our fi rst pleasurable event of the Autumn was the civilian fi rm who participated in a new concept marriage of Serjeant Dave Sproat and Suzanne for the Army as a sponsored reservist driving the Stephenson on the 26th October 2013 (the same newest tank transporter which meant he had to weekend SAFC beat NUFC 2-1). We hope it didn’t re-badge to the Royal Logistic Corps. This Dave spoil their celebrations too much! describes as an eye- opener when he was in and Afghanistan but he still made lots of new David and Suzanne were childhood sweethearts as friends, never forgetting his roots as a thinking well as lifelong Newcastle fans (doesn’t make them Rifl eman. bad people) and have been together since1981. Our main event of the Branch’s year was the Dave Joined the RGJ family in November 1981, Remembrance Weekend for which we had been going into 10 Platoon at the Rifl e Depot. He was working and planning since May. I would like to one of the recruits that were trained by a certain take this opportunity to publicly thank Jake and Sjt J Cheetham with Lt Col Nicholas Prideaux as Liz Cheetham for all their hard work along with Commanding Offi cer. Dave’s training was the best the other Committee members who assisted in the as we all know with lots of show parades and boots preparations. Also, I wish to thank our sponsor for being slung out of windows, before passing out as his continued sponsorship of the Branch; without a trained, thinking Rifl eman in March 1982, when his generosity we wouldn’t be able to host such a Dave was posted to the 1st Battalion in Northern prestigious event. Ireland. The weekend celebrations started on the Friday Dave went onto the JNCOs’ cadre in 1986 and was afternoon when numerous Rifl emen and WAGS, promoted, becoming the Company Commander’s from all over the country and Europe, began to driver. 1988 Dave attended the Section arrive at the various hotels and guest houses within Commander’s course in beautiful, sunny Brecon. the local area of Roker and Seaburn. During 1990, Dave saw the amalgamation of the Battalions and he was posted to 2 RGJ. In 1992 he (To be con nued on next page)

14 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) tune of our era. The auction raised a total of £740 which was The lamps started to swing and the sandbags were donated to our own Rifl es “Care4Casualties” re-fi lled and Keith ‘Dog’ Hudson started to sell The charity. George Barrs and John Toolin are seen North East Branch calendar for 2014 and a very below onducting the auction. Also shown below are good job he has made of them as well as other RGJ two tables full of Raffl e prizes, these were kindly regalia. donated by our members throughout the year and thereby ensuring that an enormous number of Friday evening passed all too quickly but that tickets were sold. just meant that Saturday had arrived and our long awaited function could commence and what The evening was a huge success and all our guests better way to start the night off than with the Bugle enjoyed themselves and spoke highly of the food section from The Durham Army Cadet Force and entertainment. As the night drew to a close, (Rifl es really) playing a selection of Bugle calls we went our various ways to prepare for the which brought back so many memories and making most important part of the weekend, the Sunday the hairs stand up on the back of our necks. morning Parade in Sunderland to honour our fallen comrades. Once the Buglers, under the skilful and amusing direction of WO2 Derek Corbett, had concluded On a beautiful sunny but cold Sunday morning, their spot Jake thanked them on our behalf and we started to meet up in our usual place, William released them to return to their other duties at Jameson’s bar and after having had a hearty the nearby Seaburn Centre. Jake then invited our breakfast, we made our way up to the Civic Centre, Branch President Brigadier Nicholas Prideaux where the parade forms up. to speak. He welcomed everyone, refl ected on the Branch’s activities and achievements during the We fell in in three ranks to the command of our past year and thanked everyone who had organised resident CSM from the Coldstream Guards; he the evening which was always greatly appreciated received the usual light-hearted banter of bleating

by so many people especially our Branch members, sheep and other jokes which he took all in the spirit their guests and those from other Branches. of fun. The hardest part of the march was trying to After the formal introductions and presentations keep step to the heavy brigade drum beat but we had been concluded, we were entertained by a arrived without incident directly opposite the War very good local group called Triple Vision and they started the evening’s merriment with many a good (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 15 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) from a room of grateful Rifl emen who were moved to tears by her actions and presence of mind on that Memorial where we awaited the chimes of Big Ben fateful day. On 2nd December, Claire’s Birthday, and the start of the Two Minutes Silence. Liz Cheetham and Kathy Bradford took her out This is a very emotional moment across the nation to Lunch and presented her with a mounted RGJ when we all remember our fallen commrades blazer badge as proof of her Honorary Membership of the Branch. throughout the years of numerous confl icts in the last century and into the present:the Two World Our new Branch room in the Royal British Legion Wars, the Korean War, operations in Borneo, Club in Sunderland was opened on 14th December Malaya, Cyprus, Northern Ireland, the Falklands progress thus providing us with a place to call and Gulf wars and currently Afgahnistan. home for the North East Branch complete with a full array of RGJ memorabilia. The crowds surrounding the Parade observed the silence impecably across the city’s boundaries True friendship: A Sentiment from George showing their total respect and support for our Barrs Armed Forces, past and present. Many years ago I met a group of special people, at We marched past and to the sound of the Bugle, the time, they were young boys, who with training gave our salute to the Lord Lieutenant and His grew to be “chosen men”. Worship The Mayor. As we went by and received the eyes front, we changed our step to our As the years passed by we all went our own way, Regimental pace which was a great relief to the 100 but never forgetting their faces or the memories Rifl emen on parade. It was a fantastic march past we shared together in times of fun, laughter and and the cheers and support from the crowds were extreme hardship. You spend some time away from superb. them and then meet up again and the years roll back, even though physically they have changed the We returned to the Roker Hotel for our Lunch; we special bond still remains. were joined and the honoured guests, the Mayor and Lady Mayoress and a very special guest, in the True special friendship is always present wherever guise of our own Regimental “Mary Poppins“ life may send you and I know I have met “some Miss Claire Neal.Brigadier Nicholas explained to special people” and they become part of your everyone who Claire was and how she had become extended family and that family is “THE ROYAL involved with the Regiment. For those of you that GREEN JACKETS”. do not know, Claire was a Nanny looking after children in London in 1982. On 20th July she was These people travel the length and width of the approaching the Bandstand in Regent’s Park with country to meet up with old comrades which shows two of her children just as the IRA bomb exploded the spirit of true friends. I would like a special with such devastating result. Without any thought mention to Jake, Liz, John and Malcolm and the for her own safety, she left her children with a remainder of the North East Branch Committee for Policemen and went to the aid of those Bandsmen all their hard work, dedication and hospitality when who were dying and badly wounded. Claire organising functions on our behalf. We all enjoy immediately gave fi rst aid and help by tearing off these times and they will only get better as the her petticoat and even some of her dress to make years pass by but one thing is for certain the RGJ bandages. When she had done as much as she will never die. could, Claire retraced her steps to fi nd her children and melted into the crowd. It took the Metropolitan Once again I would like to take this opportunity Police three days to discover who she was and the to thank everyone for sending me the pictures extent of her actions. She subsequently was given and articles to be included in our e-zine and wish two bravery awards for her courageous and selfl ess all RGJ and serving Rifl es personnel regardless action. of rank a very Happy Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year. As a further tribute to Claire, the President formally confi rmed that he had made Claire an SWIFT and BOLD Honorary Member of the North East Branch. A bouquet of fl owers was t presented to her on behalf Malcolm Donnison of the Branch and she received a standing ovation Editor, North East branch newsletter

16 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on NORTH WEST BRANCH

It has again been a quiet year this year. Our Liverpool and a detachment of 40 ex Royal Green membership has reduced slightly but this has Jackets marched onto the cenotaph where a happened before and we have recovered. Our poppy wreath was placed by Bill Evans. We even membership for 2013 stands at 31 paid up members, noticed that this year we had ex-soldiers of the 12 Country Members and 8 people remain on Rifl es with us who joined our ranks when we our mailing list. We expect that next year our marched on. We then attended a short memorial membership will improve as we have one or two service at the Northern Ireland memorial which things in the pipeline. is in St John Gardens at the rear of St Georges Hall. The annual dinner this year attracted 26 members and guests. It was held on Saturday 9th November It is with sadness that we have to say our farewell 2013 at the Royal Hotel, Marine Terrace, Waterloo, to Geoff Morrish who passed away in September Liverpool. It was held in the Waterloo Suite and this year. Geoff was a member of the branch as the name suggests the room is themed around for many years. At his funeral there was a good the Battle of Waterloo. A good omen for the 200th turnout of many ex Royal Green Jackets. anniversary in 2015. Again the reputation of our annual dinner must be spreading afar as this year I am sure you are all well aware that the North we had people from the Isle of Mann, Dorset and West Branch is making a coordinated effort to London attending. We even had Vince Wellington raise funds to provide a headstone for Peter attend the dinner who we passed off as the great Uden. You may ask why the North West Branch great great grandson of the Duke of Wellington but is making this effort when he is buried in I don’t think many were fooled. A very good night Winchester but Peter had many friends here was enjoyed by all especially as a free bar was laid in the North West and visited friends here on on. occasions.

This year we changed the date from the last For those of you who knew Peter I am sure weekend in November to the weekend of the you will agree that he was a man with a large remembrance parade. This was at the request character and heart. He was well known of some members and people from afar who throughout the RGJ family and extended his would like to attend the remembrance parade the welcome every Veterans day in Winchester by following day. This seemed to work well and we are opening up his home to anybody who wanted to considering the same date next year. Is was also, by attend his popular barbeques. coincidence, Gareths birthday which he thought we had all forgotten about until we presented him with If every member of every branch donated just £1 a cake near the end of the night. As we may hold to this appeal we would have enough money to the dinner on this night each year don’t expect it to provide a headstone for Peter that his wife could be renamed Gareth Dixons Birthday Bash. be proud of. To date we have raised £165 and that is in just a couple of months. The North West The annual remembrance parade was held at the Branch Dinner raised £125 and another £10 was cenotaph at the front of St Georges Hall in handed to me on the remembrance parade. We have no timescale to this appeal but we would like to raise the money as soon as possible for his wife Joyce. At out dinner it was announced by C/Sgt Dave Crossley that the Sergeants mess of the 4th Battalion the Rifl es are now considering making a donation thanks to his efforts.

The North West Branch are coordinating this effort so any cheques can be made out to the RGJ Association NW Branch and sent to 18 Rolling Mill Lane, Sutton, St Helens WA9 3GB.

Here is hoping we all have a better 2014.

Gareth Dixon and Dave Crossley. Gareth Dixon and Ray Gerrard

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 17 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on OXFORD BRANCH Reunion 2013 Although the attendance at both Turning the Brigadier Robin Draper thanked the Band and Pages in Oxford and the Oxford branch Reunion Bugles, and was happy to announce that in at Abingdon on Saturday 10th November was not the past year the Rifl es had suffered no fatal quite as impressive as last year, it was still good. casualties in Afghanistan. He also mentioned Extra chairs were needed at the ceremony in the that Major Charlie Helmn, the PSAO of ‘A’ Regimental Chapel at Christ Church Cathedral, Company 7 RIFLES and chairman of the RGJA and the names were read by Major Paul Allington Oxford branch , would be retiring next year. of The Rifl es ACF for the Oxford & Bucks Light Brigadier David Innes, who is a Trustee of SOFO, Infantry, and for the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire briefl y repeated his request for volunteers to Hussars by Jo Rider, widow of the late Major join SOFO’s Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry Bob Sheldon, who had been scheduled to do the research group at the Museum. reading. As well as the ‘Old and Bold’, there were a number of members of ‘A’ Company present, and an interesting innovation was a presentation by L/Cpl Alex Oates. Alex, who is a student at Oxford University, spent 9 months from April to September attached to ‘B’ Company, 4 RIFLES, operating out of a patrol base in Afghanistan, and the old comrades present were interested in the details of his experiences in this particular combat zone.

Following the presentation, Alex spent some time in conversation with 91-year-old veteran Sam Langford, who was telling the young reservist about his exploits in WWII. Sam served in the 52nd in France, having landed with the Royal Rider and Paul Allington reading the names in Christ Church Cathedral. Berkshire Regiment on Juno Beach on D-Day and volunteering for the Airborne a little later. We were pleased to see centenarian Lawrence He took part in Operation Varsity – the Rhine Belcher in attendance, and those who gathered Crossing – and was wounded. Our photographs in the Priory Room for sherry were treated a song show Sam (Northern Europe 1944) talking to rather than a recitation from him. Col Tim May, Alex Oates (Afghanistan 2013) and with Geoff Vice-Chairman of the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Day (Cyprus 1956/7) listening. Trust, announced that the new Museum at Woodstock is fi nished and that from the end of November the Research Centre will re-open for business by appointment. First contact should be by phone at 01993 813832 or via the website at It will be opened to the public next spring with a formal opening in the autumn by an eminent person. Presumably that will not be Peter Jay!

There were about 45 old comrades at the Reunion at Edward Brooks barracks that evening, and they enjoyed the usual impeccable performance by the Waterloo Band and Bugles of The Rifl es. Perhaps the high spot of the performance was a display of Irish dancing by the well-built Bugler L/Cpl Alex Oates, Sam Langford and Geoff Day. Gary Boardman – an obvious candidate for Strictly Come Dancing! (To be con nued on next page)

18 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) of Michael Massy-Beresford. We were pleased to see Brian Hill, who had come all the way from Exeter for the Reunion, and to As usual the conversation never fl agged and welcome Les Smith as a new member of the there was plenty of reminiscencing of times Oxford branch. Les had served in the Regiment past. The evening was rounded as usual off by in Germany in 1954/5 and had been a member of the traditional curry. the Nijmegen Marches team under the command

SOUTH EAST KENT BRANCH Memorial Parade in Dover

For the fi rst time in many a year chosen men again marched at the head of the remembrance parade in Dover. On Sunday the 13th November 2013 just one year on from the South East Kent Branch’s formation members where at the head of the parade.

We set out our plan to march with the parade Marshall in September with our request to march in the Dover parade, we explained to him our unique drill order (as he was ) and produced a cunning plan, the area the parade covers outside the cenotaph is very small 30m x 15m and we were only allocated a frontage of three men, our drill plan was to take up the extreme right fl ank of the parade. On the morning of the parade (true to RGJ traditionleave it to the last moment) we met up in our HQ (Dover Sea Angling Club) at 0930 hrs for meet and greet drinksthen at 1000 hrs all those who wished to march were asked upstairs for a briefi ng on the parade, once we had formed our marching men we then set off “nontac” to the Start point by Marks and Sparks, Mr George Nash was despatched as our Left Marker ready for our men to march onto. At the start point we stood around basking in the attention of the Press and camera’s concentrated on our fi ne body of men resplendent in their blazers, medals and berets, at the given time we lined up behind our front rank consisting of Mr Andy Redman, our wreath layer Mr Tommy Love and Mr Tony Killelay, the plan was to step off at a moderate pace then at a point on the march (McDonalds) we would increase our pace for the last 50 metres.

From the command “by the centre – Quick March” we were in full pace and looked and sounded fantastic with the heels of our highly polished shoes digging in to the pavement as one, as we moved to the parade area we right wheeled and halted facing front onto our marker Mr Nash, it was quite remarkable as the halt seemed perfect and once we had our breath back we “close ordered dress”, Mr Redman moved off to join the line for those laying wreaths, after a couple of minutes the remainder of the parade turned up and we came under the command

(To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 19 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page)

of the parade marshall who had us coming to attention and standing at ease at the appropriate times, The Padre and dignitaries gave their speeches but alas to our dismay the padre mentioned every confl ict apart from Northern Ireland, Then the wreath laying began but with no real organisation it was very long and at times arduous for some the elderly veterans, ( we have since spoken with the parade marshal to address this issue for the next remembrance parade), When the Royal Green Jackets name was called to lay our wreath we as a unit came to attention and watched with pride as Mr Redman laid the wreath, saluted and rejoined the ranks.

At the end of the parade we fell out to our HQ for warm up drinks, ( Once we had fi nished the contents of the many and varied selection of hip fl asks that had miraculously appeared during and after the parade) we then meandered along to the India Memorial, this is the memorial erected in Camden Square after the Indian Mutiny,” IN MEMORY OF COMRADES WHO FELL DURING THE INDIAN CAMPAIGNS OF 1857, 1858 and 1859. ERECTED BY THE 1st BATTALION 60th ROYAL RIFLES AUGUST 1861” , Whilst this should have

(To be con nued on next page)

20 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page) been a short walk through the underpass it wasn’t, the underpass was fl ooded and not passable, this meant t hat men women and children having to cross 4 lanes of trafi c and over railings and road barriers, once at the memorial we formed up in a semi circleand carried out a wreath laying ceramony with Mr Don Whitehead laying the wreath, once he had fi nished his salute Mr Tresadern, our bugler sounded last post, after falling out we gathered for a group photograph then back via the obstacles to the HQ for Hot food and a raffl e (still using Mr Gordon Vachers racing team donations).

To end I would just like to say how proud I was at the Remembrance Parade, my heart was fi lled with so much pride I was close to popping the black buttons on my blazer, The chosen men of the South East Kent Branch did themselves and the RGJ Association a great service that day, we all immersed ourselves in the comradeship and emotional remembrance that such parades evoke and afterwards thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Glenn Tenent

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 21 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on WILTSHIRE BRANCH Remembrance weekend saw many of the Branch we still wait to fi nd out our total but early indications Poppy collecting in Warminster Waitrose on both lead us to belive it will be well over £600, all of course Friday 8th, and Saturday 9th, we set up on both days going to a good cause. Our Branch Chairman is at 09:00 and went through till 16:00, as we go to print also Vice Chairman of The Royal British Legion, Warminster Branch, so we had a warm venue with plenty of tea and coffee laid on.

On Remembrance Sunday 11 of us went for Sunday lunch at Ruby’s in Warminster High Street, just a short walk from the war memorial, where many members of the Branch and families met up at what is now known as Green Jacket corner, for the 15:00 hours service, Branch Chaiman Brian Darvill marched with the Royal British Legion, and Bill Tyson laid a Regimental wreath as part of the service, then later we made our way to the Conservative Club for a warm drink and beef curry, as in other years this went on into early evening.

As the year draws to an end we have the following event coming up:

Thursday 9th January 2014 Poppy collec on photo, le to right: Ted Peckham, Lee Massey, Brian Darvill, Phil Ashby, Gary Byrne. Branch AGM, Warminster, Conservative Club at Collectors not in the photo: Bill Tyson, Bob Holcombe, Blanche Darvill. 20:00 hours.

22 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 23 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on WINCHESTER BRANCH REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY IN WINCHESTER 10 NOVEMBER 2013

The bronze statue of a First World War Rifl eman of The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps that stands on top of the War Memorial opposite the west door of Winchester Cathedral

Each year members of the Winchester Branches of The Royal Green Jackets and The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps Associations gather in front of the KRRC War Memorial opposite the west door of the Cathedral to remember the fallen of both regiments and of The Rifl es. Lest it be forgotten, within the Cathedral, too, are housed the First and Second World War Rolls of Honour of The King’s Royal Rifl e Corps and The Rifl e Brigade.

24 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on This year the Remembrance Service followed the pattern of previous years with Association members joined by a large number of cubs and scouts from the 12th Winchester (Green Jackets) Scout Group and by residents from Green Jacket Close. Brigadier David Innes, The Rifl es’ Winchester City Colonel, was in attendance.

The Act of Remembrance took place at 9.30 a.m. in advance of the Cathedral’s main Remembrance Day Service and parade. Major Roy Stanger, Chairman of the RGJ Association Winchester Branch, organised the participation of the padre from Worthy Down and the presence of two buglers from The Rifl es to sound last Post and Reveille. He also acted as usual and in his own inimitable way as Parade Marshal.

As always, Association members were smartly turned out in berets and blazers and, although early in the morning, their presence in front of the War Memorial soon attracted the attention of a large number of bystanders.

While the main purpose of the Act of Remembrance is to remember our own fallen, this annual service also helps to remind the citizens of Winchester of the Regiment’s close links with the City and the Cathedral reaching back to the creation of The Rifl e Depot in 1858.

At the NI Memorial on Remembrance Sunday 2013


e-mail: [email protected]

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 25 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS (RIFLES) MUSEUM Thanks to better than expected visitor numbers On 29 October the Museum was delighted to host in October, the Museum is on course (just) to a visit by veteran, Frank Bourlet. achieve its target of 13,000 visitors by the end of A full account of the event is on the Museum the year. Shop sales are also up 4% during the website at year. The number of website visits, however, has news/news_044.asp disappointed with the monthly average of 3,233 falling well short of the target of 3,400. The Museum has been pleased to add a number of items to its collection in recent months. The period since the last Ezine has been as busy Among these has been a pearl earring which as ever with a great deal of staff time devoted to once belonged to the queen of Delhi and which planning refurbishment of the Museum’s First was acquired by Captain Sir Edward Campbell, World War displays in early 2014 and delivery of Bt., of the 1st/60th Rifl es during the ‘legalised the Battle of Waterloo Bicentenary Exhibition looting of the captured city’ in 1857. The full in 2015 – see separate article. To allow the staff story is at to focus on the curatorial aspects of their role object/obj_0035.asp without distraction, the Museum will be closed on Mondays between January and March 2014. Bar the unexpected during the fi nal weeks of 2013, it looks as if this year, thanks to the A busy programme of events is planned in 2014 herculean efforts of the museum staff, will fi nish with the Centenary of events associated with up being a very satisfactory year for the Museum. the First World War being the central theme. A whole raft of challenges, however, lies over the These events are being coordinated with others horizon. 2014 promises to be a particularly active planned in Winchester and across Hampshire. and challenging year.

Pegasus Bridge veteran, Frank Bourlet.

26 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

To contact the Museum, telephone or e-mail the Curator, Christine Pullen. Tel: 01962 828549 or e-mail: [email protected] To purchase items from the Museum Shop, for information about forthcoming events, and to read interesting articles about the Museum, visit

OPENING HOURS Christmas/New Year Closure - The Museum will be closed for Christmas and the New Year from Friday 20 December 2013 to Monday 6 January 2014 inclusive From January 2014 the Museum will be open: January to March: Tuesday to Saturday 10a.m. to 5p.m. (Last entry 4.15p.m.) April to December: Monday to Saturday 10a.m. to 5p.m. (Last entry 4.15p.m.)

Sundays: The Museum will be open on Sundays from 29 June to 14 September 2014 inclusive. It is closed on other Sundays and over Christmas and New Year. Visits to the Museum’s archives are by appointment only.

ADMISSION CHARGES (From January 2014) Adults: £3.75 Senior Citizens: £3.00 Children (16 and under): Free Students: £2.00

Serving personnel and Friends of the Museum are admitted free. Members of The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association are admitted half price.

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 27 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on KRRC Tapestry

Edward Stoten

This tapestry was made by Mr Edward Stoten whilst serving as a Prisoner Of War in Pozna (Posnan), Poland, during the Second World War, from materials he could fi nd/scavenge.

Mr Stoten (Army No: 6844388), whilst serving with the 2nd Bn KRRC as part of 30th Motor Brigade, was sent to Calais in 1940 where he was injured and taken prisoner of war by the German forces, prior to being sent to Pozna , Poland. In Pozna , probably at Stalag XXI-D, he together with fellow pris- oners suffered during the particularly harsh winter of 19040/41 with no extra clothing, blankets, or fi res to keep them warm and with only a daily ration of cabbage soup to eat. Forced labour activities included digging trenches, unloading coal and fi lling bomb craters.

During his time as a prisoner, he was bombed by the RAF whilst convalescing in hospital and strafed by the US Army Air Corp whilst awaiting repatriation following the arrival of the Red Army in 1945. Mr Stoten, who now lives in Bournemouth, Dorset, was born on 3 Aug 1912 and joined the KRRC in 1930 aged 17 years, after being turned down by the RN for being under age. Prior to the outbreak of war, Mr Stoten served in India and Burma with the 2nd Bn KRRC.

28 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on 3,000 MILE CAMPERVAN TOUR OF GERMANY

- in June 2013, following Germany’s worst fl oods in 100 years. Acres of fi elds were fl ooded by the River Aller, and the campsite at Winsen was closed i.e. fl ooded. The next site was open and we just got in before the gate closed at 10pm. German campsites are marvellous - clean and orderly, and the toilet blocks have all mod cons. It was 29degrees C on 7th and 8th June when we explored CELLE where Roger was stationed about 43 years’ ago towards the end of the sixties.

First stop was the old Trenchard Barracks - very nostalgic for Trenchard Barracks band block. Roger. The place has been locked up for a year but is still in Gordon Belcher Rhythm Guitar, restaurant looked like an adult tact. We took lots of photos and Howard ? Drums and Paul playpen in an array of coloured Roger excitedly pointed out A Matthews Vocals, as cheap booze small wooden chairs with lots of Company block on the left-hand fl owed and fags and smoke model chickens. Whilst ordering side where his room was. On created that familiar atmosphere his Bratwurst, Roger struck up a the top fl oor, A Company built a of the time. Unfortunately on conversation, in pigeon German, bar in the loft area from bamboo inspection the next morning, with the man behind the counter and wood to give it a Caribbean the budgies were found at the Yes, it was the very same 9 year theme. To set it off and give bottom of the cage expired - due old boy, now well grown-up and it authenticity, above the bar to passive smoking. God knows running the café in place of his was a large wicker basket bird what it did to everybody else! parents who had subsequently cage containing several brightly Opposite A Company was the died. Then it was on to the War coloured budgies. The opening block that contained the band Cemetery near the River Aller. night was a great success. accommodation where Roger was It backed on to the M.T. part of Roger’s rock band “The Flunky” during his time with the band. He the barracks where Roger could played with Roger Lead Guitar, recalled that, prior to a gig, whilst see the A.P.C. garages where an they were waiting on the square unmentionable incident happened to board a coach that was still i.e. some private cars were stored manoeuvring, somebody slid his which unfortunately got squashed trombone case behind the back under the tracks of an out of wheel and someone shouted, control 432. Oops - I wonder how “Is that your trombone?” as the that happened! coached backed over it, to the amusement of all present. Celle, like many old towns in Germany, is very well maintained, At the end of the road was the with 16thC tall terraced pretty Sissi Grill. Roger said originally houses with shops and outdoor there was a quick snack (snell cafes on the ground fl oor. We imbiss) wagon there. A couple walked around the streets and with a son about 9 years’ old into the 14thC St Mary’s with its used to run it, and it was popular artworks. It was Friday and entry with the troops. Anyway, Roger to the Museum and Castle was curiously went into the new place Trenchard Barracks. and I followed. I thought the (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 29 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page) Festival. Wow, the Germans Leaving Celle, the rest of our tour certainly have fun. The event included Hannover’s free. The Museum had loads of started promptly at 6pm. Two Herrenhausen Garten, Potsdam’s old artefacts and utensils, plus a bands played on bandstands and Sanssoucci and Cecilienhof big old kitchen, and we visited s about four other bands marched Palace, Berlin’s many sites, ome of the state rooms in the around the streets, intermittently including Hitler’s Bunker, then large austere 13thC Castle. Then stopping to play outside various Dresden’s Frauchenkirche, Gorlitz it was back to the pedestrianised bars. The Rue d’Anvers ‘Foreign on the Polish border, Colditz streets with rows of outdoor cafes. Legion’ band were hilarious - their Castle, Bayreuth, Nuremb and We settled for an ice cream conductor strutted about in a kilt, Munich, plus lots of apple strudel. sundae, chosen from the menu white spats and pith helmet, whilst In Nuremberg, we just happened which had pages of exotic, mouth- the May Day band fl irted with girls to stumble across the Zeppelin Field, found an open gate and amazingly, with pomp, spectacle and ceremony, we simply walked along across the massive Rally Ground where 200,000 Nazi soldiers marched in the 1930’s! Then on to the Grand Stand where we stood on the very spot where Hitler delivered his speeches! In Munich I happily drank a whole stein of delicious dunkle beer in the Hofbrauhaus, whilst the Bavarian band played and people revelled - a fantastic end to our trip.

Sandra Downtown

Celle streets. PS watering ice cream concoctions. and encouraged them to limbo- Roger was inspired to buy a At 5pm, close to the Rathaus high dance under two playing trombone, and he’s practising as on the front of an old building, trombones! I write. the glockenspiel played, the box opened, and little statues paraded round in a circle. And fi nally, the hunt for Alten Cellar Feld where Roger had a new house as married quarters. It’s now very built up and he didn’t recognize his old home.

The next day we visited Belsen Cemetery and Documentation Centre, plus the Railway Ramp and Wagon. Next Roger managed to locate Silbersee - a lake he used to drive to from the camp. (Liaisons with fraulines, I daresay!) It’s now a commercial campsite - and the trees are taller! The evening was spent back in Celle at the Trad Jazz Street Celle Castle.

30 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on Wiltshire Branch Revisit The Rock of Gibraltar Six couples from our branch and one guest late, however they were on holiday. We were couple (RoyalArtillery) who live in Warminster met by Gail Francis who was Miss Gibraltar recently spent a long weekend in Gibraltar. For in 1985, won Miss World that year and is now some it was their fi rst visit, others had been the Manager of The Gibraltar Tourist Board stationed in Gibraltar. The Royal Green Jackets who along with Andy our driver/guide took served twice in Gibraltar. The 2nd Battalion in us on a four hour guided tour of The Rock of 1975 – 1977, the 3rd Battalion in 1989 - 1991. Gibraltar. We visited all the tourist attractions, St Michaels Caves, The Great Siege Tunnels On arrival the group were welcomed by brilliant and the Barbary (Rock) Apes which now roam sunshine which carried on throughout the quite freely around the whole of Gibraltar even weekend. The new all singing and dancing down to the Main Street Area. Gail also took us Gibraltar International Airport looked very into the new Cruise liner terminal and showed impressive compared to the old which was us a cruise liner which is currently being waiting to be demolished. converted into a 5* fl oating hotel which when completed will be moored in the new Ocean Village Marina.

A visit to South Barracks which is now a school brought memories fl ooding back as this was where The Rifl e Companies were stationed. The drinking haunts of the Wembley Bar and Edinburgh Arms are still there as if time has stood still.

Europa Point the most southerly point in Europe had recently had a facelift, however now that Gibraltar has been accepted into UEFA this will be the site for a 38,000 seater Football stadium.

That evening a reservation had been made The people in the group photo are: at The Waterfront Restaurant on The Ragged Back row. Phil Ashby, Gary Bryne, Andy (tour guide), Bob Holcombe, Staff Marina to celebrate the 25th Wedding Dave Richards, Bob Maddocks, Dave Caws, Alan Robinson, Gail Francis Anniversary of Dave and Maggs Caws and (Gibraltar Tourist Board). Front row: Val Ashby, Elaine Holcombe, Dawn Richards, Jan Maddocks, the 30th Wedding Anniversary of Phil and Val Maggs Caws, Jane Robinson and Chris Byrne. Ashby. The setting and location were excellent. Saturday was a day for couples to explore the It was then all aboard a mini-bus with suitcases Rock for themselves. Gary and Chris Bryne, in a trailer for the short journey to The Bristol Phil and Val Ashby and Dave Caws tackled The Hotel. Check In was swift and painless. A quick Mediterranean Steps via Lathbury Barracks. unpack and then down to Main Street for light The Gurkha Regiment had refurbished The refreshment in The Star Bar followed by a meal Steps in 2007 and what an excellent job they in The Horse Shoe pub. had done making it easier to climb. Bob and Jan Maddockswent to fi nd their Private That evening two taxi’s took us to Devils Tower hire fl ats which they had lived in as Married Camp the home of The Gibraltar Regiment Quarters in the Seventies. The remainder Bob where we were met byWO1 Gary Mitchell, and Elaine Holcombe, Alan and Jane Robinson, Gibraltar Command Warrant Offi cer who hosted Dave and Dawn Richards and Maggs Caws welcome drinks and a bite to eat in the WO’s & stayed in the centre of Gibraltar and visited the SR Mess. You cannot beat a good old Military new Ocean Village complex. style curry and lasagne. On Sunday the group met back up with WO1 After a continental breakfast on Friday all Gary Mitchell who is one of the Military Tunnel were on parade for our Rock Tour. Bob and Jan Maddocks were nearly Show Paraded for being (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 31 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on (Con nued from previous page) Tour guidesand he took the group on a three hour tunnel tour of the Second War World Tunnels. For some it was their fi rst excursion inside the rock. There is over 35 miles of roads insidethe tunnels 16,000 troops could have been accommodated within the Rock during World War 2. Most of the infrastructure,cookhouses, hospitals, accommodation and command centres can still be seen today, it is amazing. Unfortunately Monday came too soon and somehow Easy Jet had split the group on two fl ights. For some it was a leisurely Breakfast then off to the Airport. Others had time for a Cable Car Trip to The Top of The Rock to see the brilliant views across Spain and Morocco and then lunch before the short transfer to the Airport.

An excellent time was had over the long weekend visiting old haunts and seeing the development of Gibraltar. A number couples are already planning a return visit in October Phil could end up with a monkey on his head! 2014.

The platoon in C Coy 1st Green Jackets that went chasing pirates in 1963

The article explains how a platoon of rifl emen ended up chasing pirates in the South China sea.

A year ago, in December 2012, around 60 old rifl emen from years was missing from the faded snapshots, probably the 1st Bn gathered to commemorate the fi ftieth anniversary because only a tiny group of us had taken part in it. But of the deployment from Penang to Borneo during the Brunei it was the most memorable few months in my service and revolt, and the following two years we spent facing off the when I’ve occasionally mentioned it to people, you can Indonesian ‘Confrontation’. We’d gathered together many sense them thinking “oh yeah, another old war story, swing old photos of our younger (and slimmer) selves, covering the lamp, somebody”. But it was true. a wide range of locations in Borneo and the various operations we’d been involved in. But one period of those (To be con nued on next page)

32 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page) or Moors, although they were many thousands of miles from Morocco. Neither the Spanish nor the Americans, In the aftermath of Sheik Azahari’s revolt in December 1962, after they seized the Philippines, were ever able to really it was clear to both British and Malayan Governments that control those islands and the Philippines Government still Indonesian leader Sukarno was determined to prevent the struggles today.. bringing together of the remaining two British colonies and one protectorate in Borneo with Malaya, to form Malaysia. After WWII, the spread of powerful outboard engines What was less clear was what form that opposition would gave a new lease of life to inter-island travel, whether for take. As by that stage there were a considerable number trading, smuggling or straightforward pirate raids. By the of British and Gurkha infantry plus supporting arms in early 1960’s, the combination of the Brunei revolt and the Borneo, rather than hauling them all back to Malaya again, move towards the setting up of Malaysia accompanied as it it made sense to spread them out across Brunei, Sarawak was by Philippine claims to parts of Sabah and the hostility and what had been British North Borneo but was becoming of Indonesia towards the whole idea, created a degree of Sabah. That way they were on the spot if and when trouble uncertainty that the Sulu pirates took advantage of. The broke out again, and it gave them a familiarity with the model was simple: a streamlined boat typically 10 metres ground and the problems of fi ghting in mountainous rain long, with twin outboards and a crew of up to twenty men forests and coastal mangrove swamps. armed with war surplus US army weapons (in a few cases including a .50 Browning machine gun) would approach a 1st Greenjackets got the Sabah option, with rifl e companies small coastal village at high speed. They’d loot the shop if being deployed to the larger towns. At the time, there were there was one, rape any young women who hadn’t had time almost no roads in the interior, and those that existed were to escape into the hills, take anything they fancied from the land-rover tracks impassable for much of the year. In village, shoot the headman or anyone else who was foolish Borneo, people travelled by boat or they walked. So the enough to get in their way, and then take off at speed. Many towns were on the coast, usually at the mouth of the large of the shops were run by Chinese traders and they got a rivers that were the route into the hinterland. C Coy found particularly hard time at the hands of the raiders. itself in Sandakan, on the north east coast, and although it was a small place, it had a long history as a trading port, As the raids escalated, an effective response was diffi cult. with the faded set of buildings that the British Empire built Some smaller Royal Navy vessels were diverted into to administer their far-fl ung possessions. There had recently patrolling the islands but there were many shallow inlets been the most devastating fl oods with many lives lost and that were impossible to navigate, and the small, fast pirate within days of our arrival a kampong on the outskirts of craft could hide amongst the hundreds of small islands. Sandakan was swept away by a mudslide. Together with But the matelots tried – that Spring, the destroyer HMS local people we dug frantically, unearthing the tragedies Barrosa intercepted a suspected pirate vessel and launched of whole families that had died together, but not fi nding a her whale boats to pursue the raider amongst the atolls. The single survivor. The aftermath of the fl oods were evident pirate crew opened fi re and killed a sailor - it is not thought for the next couple of weeks of patrolling, as the debris of that any pirates survived the follow-up. The brains at GHQ ruined villages, with drowned people and livestock, came came up with a new idea – stick a few squaddies in a local swirling down the muddy currents. craft and send it trolling round the islands, as a visual deterrent and to show the fl ag. Enter C Coy, grumbling … Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum … Early in 1963, a short while after C Coy arrived in Sandakan Kudat was a nice little town. It had a few bars, street in Sabah, my platoon was told we were being moved to vendors that sold the best Satay I’ve ever eaten and our Kudat, an even smaller town on the northern tip of Borneo quarters were a row of wooden bungalows along the beach, where there had been an increase in pirate raids on isolated surrounded by trees laden with papaya. We’d sailed from villages. Sea raiding had been a way of life for the people of Sandakan on a Clyde-built (circa 1890 I think) steamer this part of the world for centuries and during the early part that although sadly weather-beaten, had once been part of the 19th century, fl otillas of dozens of galleys, rowed of the fabric of the Empire. Even at the time, we realised by slaves and with hundreds of fi ghting men on board, that we were on a ship that had probably carried British regularly seized large merchant ships, usually killing the North Borneo Police Field Force contingents on similar offi cers and enslaving the crew. British and American missions 50 years before. Once we’d settled in our fi rst warships had broken the power of the largest pirate clans by mission was to confi scate fi rearms held by civilians. Out the 1850s but old habits die hard and pirate boats continued in he jungle were many logging companies, with much of to raid down the archipelago from the southern Philippines the labour drawn from Kalimantan, the Indonesian half of to north Borneo. Under Spanish rule most of the people of Borneo, and it was suspected that amongst them were agent the Philippines had adopted Catholicism, but the people provocateurs waiting for a signal to start an uprising. of the southern Sulu Islands, under the Sultan of Jolo, remained Muslim, and were known to the Spanish as Moros (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 33 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page) We towed lines with large hooks behind the boat and large fi sh queued up to impale themselves. Flying fi sh rose from So off we went to the kampongs around Kudat, picking up under the bow, and dugongs and turtles were commonplace. an assortment of rusty single barrel shotguns and Japanese In the days before carcinoma had been heard of, most of us rifl es ‘acquired’ as the war came to an end. The most had amazing tans, to the annoyance of our Section lance- memorable trip was to the house of an elderly Englishman jack, Eddie Bright, who being very fair-skinned with nearly who’d been a District Offi cer in the 1930’s. When the white blond hair, had to keep his shirt on.. Japanese invaded he took to the ulu and raised a force of tribal guerrillas who harassed the Japanese throughout the Initially excitement was pretty low key. The island was occupation. He was by this time a little the worse for wear home to a range of monitor lizards, ranging from the length and clearly liked a drink. He had an extremely beautiful of your forearm to nearly two metres. The smaller ones young companion who seemed to have invited her friends lived in the attap roofs of our huts which didn’t bother and family to share the house so there were a large bunch of anyone – except our cook. One evening sitting in the shop rather surly young men who were playing billiards on a full in the glow of a tilley lamp, drinking pints bottles of Anchor size table that had suffered from damp and termites. But he beer, our tranquillity was abruptly broken by several long had a very fi ne hunting rifl e, a pair of what had been high bursts of automatic fi re. After the confusion died down, it quality shotguns, a .38 revolver and a Colt .45 automatic. turned out that Noddy the cook had gone to bed after a few He wasn’t really clear why we were taking them, but we beers and decided he’d had enough of the resident lizards dutifully followed orders. I have wondered what happened and opened up on them with his SMG. He missed of course. to him, with his curious ménage. A few days later, while we were sat by the sea cleaning our But within a week my Section was despatched on our weapons, we saw what seemed to be a very large warship main mission, to discourage piracy. A patrol base had been emerge from behind one island and a few minutes later established on Banggi, a large island at the very tip of disappear behind another. No fl ags or identifi cation were British/Malaysian waters, and separated by a few miles of visible and in high excitement we radioed the mainland sea from the most southern Philippine island of Balabac. and reported this. In reply to our queries about what navy The plan was that each rifl e section would do a stint on this might belong to, some joker told us to consult Janes Banggi then rotate back to Kudat, and our transport and Fighting Ships and further instructed us not to engage it. the method by which we would patrol was a kumpit, a As our best piece of ordnance was a 2” mortar, this seemed local boat developed to handle inter-island trading. It was like good advice. around 7 metres long, with a small hold below the deck and a cabin superstructure. Broad in the beam and with a It was probably on our next spell out on Banggi that we relatively shallow draft it was ideal for inter-island trips but were told that it was thought that there might be raiders not so good for deep sea work. Ours had an elderly diesel moving down the islands in our direction and therefore to engine with a top speed of maybe 7 knots. It had a crew of be on high alert. Sure enough, the day after, while we were three and with a rifl e section of seven or eight, he cabin was crossing a wider stretch of water between islands, our crew ‘cosy’ on the nights we spent aboard. became excited and pointed out a boat a couple of miles away that was moving towards us at considerable speed. But of course the idea was that we didn’t spend night aboard, We weren’t about to out-run it so we chugged along towards but rather patrolled slowly round the islands, stopping our next landfall, with most of us in the cabin or lying down at coastal kampongs to show the fl ag and win hearts and behind the low bulwarks. As we were wearing either shorts minds. This wasn’t too hard actually as it seems that British or sarongs, it was our numbers rather than our appearance colonial administration had been popular and everyone was that would have alerted the approaching vessel to the fact scared stiff of the Sulu pirates. Our crew were good guys that there was something unusual about us. and between us we had enough Malay to communicate and on most trips we had a local policeman along as well. Our It looked as if the visitor was steering to cut close across base was a tiny hamlet with a general store run by a pleasant our bows and at around 100 metres we could see that young Chinese couple, who had themselves been victims of there were a number of men on her deck, some carrying a raid a few months before. A long bamboo jetty rang out fi rearms. At this point our Bren-gunner (Barney Green I across a sandy bay and completely clear blue sea. In every think) popped up from behind the bulwark near the bow, direction there were small islands fringed with coconut plonked his bi-pod on the rail and fi red a longish burst into palms – it was a tropical paradise, although as the village the sea immediately in front of what we were now sure WC was a shack halfway along the jetty, it was advisable to was a pirate. I think their boat sailed into the last round swim up current. or two but in any case the effect was amazing as they performed the maritime equivalent of a handbrake turn And so we chugged around the islands, offered hospitality everywhere, with gamelan (gong) orchestras serenading us. (To be con nued on next page)

34 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

(Con nued from previous page) what look like the hatch to the boat’s hold. It’s still very clear in my mind now – he stood sideways on but his face and set off in the opposite direction at an even faster speed had turned towards me. He wore jeans and a yellow T shirt than their approach. Our crew were clearly elated though with some sort of advert on it, a red baseball cap and a very they indicated that we should have fi red everything we had straggly moustache. He wore a side arm in an open holster. into the pirate. On our onward voyage we debated this over We stood in this sort of frozen tableau for what seemed and over but the reality was that they hadn’t been fl ying a like 10 minutes but probably was 10 seconds, looking at skull and crossbones or whatever Moro pirates fl ew, and each other. There were faint background noises but I could they hadn’t fi red on us. It might, someone said, have been a only clearly hear my own breathing and it seemed like I Philippine Government fi sheries protection vessel and that could hear his as well. Then the background noise came would have been embarrassing. into focus and I realised our copper was shouting nearly hysterically at the pirates, and real time resumed – my man We were destined to have one more and even closer encounter put his hands up and I saw another man standing close to before we had to leave our little bit of south seas paradise. him that I’d not really noticed let go of a US M1 carbine We were at the end of an island patrol lasting several days that he had been holding in the ‘order arms’ positions and and had stayed in a particularly friendly village, where the it fell to the deck. I remember thinking that it couldn’t have meal that was cooked for us had gone on late. Some of us been cocked or it would have gone off. had stayed in the village and others were sleeping back on the boat but in the morning we were up, dipping in the sea And that was it really. We radioed Kudat and within a day and making tea when one of the village leaders came up at police reinforcements arrived and took the pirates into a trot and spoke urgently to our policeman in a mixture of custody. While we waited, guarding the fourteen or fi fteen Malay and a local language. It was a kind of action replay prisoners, we searched the boat and discovered that aside of our pirate incident of a week or two previously and from piracy, they seem to make their living smuggling. The presumably something that was all too familiar to fi shing holds were stacked with tens of thousands of cigarettes villages along those coasts. Far out to sea but with a wake and from their cartons, originally from an American you could see even at that distance, a black painted boat PX. There was a fair amount of liquor and much more was heading for the village at a rate of knots. mundane things like soap and shampoo. Our policeman was sure there would be gold aboard but we couldn’t We’d rehearsed how we would handle such an event based fi nd it. We gave the villagers anything they wanted and I on our last experience, so we piled onto our boat and tucked think that a few handguns may have gone awol as well. ourselves into the best cover we could fi nd. I noticed the I’ve spent 50 years wondering if he’d put his hand on his villagers getting off the beach and into the trees as fast as pistol would I have opened fi re? The answer is probably they could so it was clear that they had no illusions about but actually at that moment, the real risk he faced was if fi sheries protection vessels. There was a realisation that on another of his party had decided to make a fi ght of it. I was this occasion we couldn’t make them sheer off by a short convinced that someone else would open fi re and when that burst as they were going to be arriving on the other side of happened I knew I was going to start fi ring at once. But a fairly narrow jetty. I couldn’t see the approaching boat but they didn’t so neither did I. I could hear its engines throttling down and then going into neutral and the excited voices of the crew, seeming very close indeed. Footnote: Banggi Island is now on the international tourist map Then Eddie said ‘now’ and we all stood up with our weapons as a diving centre, with boutique lodges to stay in. in the fi ring position. It took maybe a second to see the man But I’m sure its not the same anymore so I think I’ll nearest to me on the other boat and I focused my aim on hang on to my memories. him, at the back of my mind hoping that everyone else had found someone different to aim at. He was maybe three or Dick Muskett four metres away, across the width of the jetty, standing on 1 GJ/1 RGJ 1962-68

Malaysia is a federa on of 13 states and three federal territories. These are divided between two regions, with 11 states and two federal territories on Peninsular Malaysia and the other two states and one federal territory in East Malaysia. Governance of the states is divided between the federal and the state governments, and the Federal government has direct administra on of the federal territories. The 13 states are based on historical Malay kingdoms, and 9 of the 11 Peninsular states, known as the Malay states, retain their royal families. The King is elected by and from the nine rulers to serve a fi ve-year term. Each state has a unicameral legislature known as the State Legisla ve Assembly. Each state is further divided into districts, which are then divided into mukim. In Sabah and Sarawak districts are grouped into divisions. Sabah and Sarawak have considerably more autonomy than the other states, most notably having separate immigra on policies and controls, and a unique residency status.

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 35 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

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36 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on The Scent of History – Frankincense By Brigadier Hugh Willing

When I was posted to Oman in 2002 as the Defence valued as highly as gold and even the gift of kings. Attaché in the British Embassy in Muscat, one of Frankincense, which gets its modern name from the the fi rst tasks I was given was to procure a sizeable Frankish crusading knights who discovered its use quantity of frankincense for St George’s Chapel at in the Byzantine churches of the Holy Land, was Windsor. I was unfamiliar with the ‘Bells and Smells’ used in staggering quantities. According to ancient rituals of the Church in England, thinking that this was documents, the annual consumption of incense in the a legacy left only for the Catholics or Monastic orders. temple of Baal at Babylon was two tons. Some 3,000 But procuring frankincense in Oman was one of my years ago, Dhofar was reported to export hundreds simpler tasks as the souks of Oman are still awash of tons of the raw incense every year, mostly taken with the stuff . Not only is it easily procured in Oman by camel caravan across the ‘Empty Quarter’ to the but it is also a surviving symbol of one of the very markets of the Mediterranean.Whilst frankincense has fi rst traded commodities in the developed world. Its a wonderful fragrance, surely the quintessential aroma recorded origins go back to the Pharaohs of Egypt, at of Arabia, it is hard to understand rationally why the least two thousand years BC, and certainly to the time great cultures of the Near East and Mediterranean of the Queen of Sheba, who ruled over one of the most valued it so highly. The answer is both philosophical important and ancient civilizations in the known world and functional. The ancient world believed that the a thousand years later in the Hadramout (modern-day smoke of incense carried their prayers to heaven. And Yemen) which included the Dhofar region of Southern frankincense had a practical function as well. It was a Oman. kind of antiseptic used to embalm corpses. When the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was opened in 1922, Frankincense, or Luban in Arabic, is a gum that is one of the sealed fl asks released a perceptible whiff tapped from a strange-looking tree (Boswellia Sacra) of incense even after 3,300 years. During the time of that grows in a small and specifi c coastal area of the Black Death from 1603 to 1666, it was noted that South-eastern Arabia and on the island of Socotra, the embalmers did not fall prey to the diseases from which is touched by the Hareef or the southeast which their clients had died. Whilst not understood at monsoon. It can only grow in a very dry climate taking the time, the perfumers of the period were immune its moisture from the warm mists that blow in off the to plague since they were constantly surrounded by Indian Ocean. It can’t be grown artifi cially from seed incense and oils. nor can it be transplanted; only nature knows how to propagate the Luban tree, and the best frankincense Today in the palm-lined souks of Salalah, the comes from the Dhofar.There is nothing about this stallholders selling frankincense are doing a brisk non-descript tree to suggest that it is the source of a trade. And it is good to know that its royal and religious substance which, for at least fi ve millennia, was one connections – and not just in St. George’s Chapel, are of the most prized substances in the civilized world, obviously still alive and well to this day.

Jane Willing and a Frankincense tree.

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 37 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Trust (SOFO)

The new SOFO Museum building in Woodstock is now almost fi nished on budget and more or less on time. It stands in the grounds of the the Oxfordshire Museum in Park Street and opposite the Bear hotel so it is easy to fi nd! The gate of Blenheim Palace is only about 400m away. There are still a few things for the builders to complete but the research centre and the archives of the two County Regiments, the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and the Oxfordshire Yeomanry (Queens Own Oxfordshire Hussars) have moved from their temporary quarters in the Old Tannery into the new building and other artifacts now in store in Upper Heyford and elsewhere in the county will soon be coming to Woodstock too..

Fitting out the new building and setting up of the initial displays will start soon and it is hoped that the museum will be open to the public in the late Spring 2014. The aim is to be fully up and running by the time that we get to the anniversary of the start of the First World War and the 70th anniversary of D Day, Pegasus Bridge and of course the Normandy beaches where the 1st Bucks Bn was much involved and Lt Col Sale won his George Medal.

The new museum, an ambitious and privately funded venture, is going to be important to the Rifl es. Certainly it will tell the wonderful stories from the History of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry – the opening displays will include Bunker hill, Waterloo, Nonneboschen and Pegasus Bridge – and draw a direct line to the Rifl es to-day. In addition the museum will also refl ect the impact of confl ict upon the people of Oxfordshire over time and this county in the heart of England has seen plenty of that.

So what needs to be done now? In addition to needing more volunteers, the main requirement is, of course, more funding. In order to complete the fi t out as fully as this superb new building warrants we need a further £180k. We have been lucky to securestrong support from the Armed Forces Community Covenant and some grant making trusts and the Heritage Lottery Fund have given some support for specifi c exhibitions. But we get no support from either the Government /Ministry of Defence or the authorities. You can help by becoming a ‘Friend’, £5.00 per month, or a ‘Praetorian’, £30.00 per month. To discover more please contact at the address below or use the attached leafl et.

SOFO Museum.

38 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on support the aims and the sofo prætorians are a vital z understand how Conflict and Service have affected factor in the achievement of these Oxfordshire and its people over recorded history z interpret and make accessible that understanding to purposes of aims, particularly that of financial the widest possible relevant audience z do so by competence. while all other means Permanent and Temporary Exhibitions in its Museum soldiers of of income generation are being and elsewhere in the County, by Research and the publication of its results and by becoming accepted pursued, an income stream from oxfordshire as a centre of learning and information about conflict the regular committed donations by all concerned with education in Oxfordshire z and of prætorians as well as a growing maintain a regular programme of relevant Public Lectures, Battlefield Tours and Social Events z recruit panel of friends will energise and further develop an enthusiastic team of volunteers become a the confident planning of an covering all relevant subjects z understand and appropriate programme of future develop particularly the histories of Oxfordshire own prætorian Regiments, the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light exhibitions and events. Infantry, the Queens Own Oxfordshire Hussars and Oxford Univesity Officers Training Corps as well as the many of sofos' purposes are well history of Regular Formations of all Armed Services, including those of our Allies, while operating in, or on the way to being successfully stationed in, the County z support and be a link achieved, and their growing team of between todays regular and reserve Armed Service keen volunteers are ready to move formations and the County that is their home z be financially competent to achieve all these purposes. into the museum currently under

construction in woodstock.

conflict & county

Become a Friend, and grow the new Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum

The support of those who agree to become Prætorians will be recognised by:

● Invitations to “Openings” of future exhibitions.

● Invitations to public lectures organised by and relevant to SOFO.

● Invitation to annual AGM style meeting and accompanying social event in an interesting County location.

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E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 39 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on

Welcome to Rifl esdirect the Regimental Shop of The Rifl es Rifl esdirect is owned by the regiment - managed and run by the regiment - for the benefi t of the regiment - with all proceeds returned to the regiment to support benevolence and welfare. Inside our shop you will fi nd a comprehensive catalogue of Rifl es uniform accoutrements and a good selection of Rifl es branded general merchandise including a small selection of regimentally branded products from its forming regiments. All of our products have been extensively sourced, sampled and authorised by the regiment to comply with the Regimental Dress Code and Rifl es brand with regard to quality, durability and design.

You may fi nd similar products cheaper elsewhere - but not many. More importantly by purchasing from your own regimental shop you are assured that not only is your purchase everything it should be regimentally, but is also helping to support our Rifl emen for which we sincerely thank you. We can provide RGJRA Members with OBLI/KRRC/RB/RGJ - Cap Badges, Cuffl inks, Tie Slides, Lapel Pins, Ties, Umbrellas, Rifl e Green Berets, RGJ Hat Ribbon, RGJ Plaques, Blazers, Book ‘Swift & Bold’. Telephone order:- 0845 6434584 or view online at http://www.rifl Would you like speak to and see someone face to face? 0844 873 0000 Well now you can as Rifl esdirect is available on Skype Mon - Fri 0900 -1600 GMT.

You can talk to us via Skype for free from anywhere in the world.

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40 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on Obituaries Please be aware that our publications, Swift and Bold and the E-Zine carry brief details of all those members of the regiment who have died regardless of circumstances.Deceased members of the former regiments and The Rifl es are included within the published Obituary In Memoriam lists. The degree of detail shown in both Stg FGJ Bailey MM 70 KRRC/1KRRC Swift and Bold and the E-Zine s limited by the space available and only brief John Beerman RB 3RGJ 12 Oct details are posted but with direct links, Dave Crook 1RGJ 30 Sep as is the case with the E-zine or, as in the case of The Swift and Bold Journal, Mrs Andrea Fox 1 Oct the Internet address showing where the Col Peter E Gerahty CBE OBLI 1GJ 15 Nov full details can be seen on the website Bulletin Board at http://63196.activeboard. John Gillman MM 1KRRC com/forum.spark?forumID=63196. All Major P C Greenwood RB 3RGJ 15 Oct such occurrences, even those with the briefest of details, are recorded on the Tony Hands 2RGJ 6 Nov Association database. Nicholas Robert Hennessy 3RGJ 2 Sep L/Cpl Paul Holland 1 Dec A M Jarrey RB 3GJ 3RGJ 2 Nov LEST WE FORGET Geoff Morrish RB 3RGJ 17 Sep Lt Col Anthony (Bob) Pickford 1RGJ LI & The Rifl es 24 Sep “They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old; Lord Robin Plunket RB 16 Nov Age shall not weary them, C/Sgt Patrick Swi 3 & 2RGJ, Royal Irish 31 Oct nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun Rest in Peace and in the morning; We will remember them.”


Not long ago, a friend of mine, who also served in the Royal Green Jackets, was buying poppies for his young grandchildren prior to Remembrance Sunday. Being their fi rst experience of such an event, they asked “Grandpa, why the poppies?” He answered the question by writing a booklet with an account of what led to the outbreak of World War I. He describes the major events during those four years of attrition followed by the build up to World War II and the key elements of that war as well. He has called this booklet “Why the Poppies?” (40 pp). I have played a small part in its production. The booklet is written for all readers, and is particularly relevant as the centenary of the outbreak of World War I approaches. Field Marshal The Lord Bramall KG GCB OBE MC has written a Commendation.

On next page is an order form from which you see that all profi ts will go to he Rifl es “Care for Casualties” Appeal. The Appeal Organisers have decided to offer Why the Poppies at a minimum price of £10.00 per copy; out of this comes the cost of printing, packing and postage of £3.75 leaving £6.25 to go to The Rifl es Appeal Fund. If you would like to make an extra donation in the space provided on the attached fl ier/ order form, it will be gratefully received.

John Bendit

E-Zine 2013 Volume 5 Issue 3 | 41 The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on "WHY THE POPPIES?" By Peter Spira

The Author served as a National Service Rifl eman in the King’s Royal Rifl e Corps (KRRC – 60th Rifl es) in 1949. He was commissioned into the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (43rd & 52nd) which became 1st Bn. Royal Green Jackets in 1966.

In aid of “CARE FOR CASUALTIES” ORDER FORM “WHY THE POPPIES?” To purchase this booklet for minimum £10.00 per copy (incl. £3.75 p&p) please complete the form below and send it with your payment to: Why the Poppies RHQ The Rifl es Peninsula Barracks Romsey Road, Winchester SO23 8TS Cheque payable to “The Rifl es (Poppies)”.

Or, if you prefer you can pay on line by logging onto and click on the “Why the Poppies?” icon on the right hand side of the page

Number of copies required: ……………… @ £10.00 per copy plus a Donation: ………, if desired.

Total Sum enclosed: £ ………………………

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………...... ….

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………...... ….

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42 | Volume 5 Issue 3 E-Zine 2013