JFIZ Had Affair with D.C. Artist, Smoked 'Grass ' Paper Alleges 7,3, 7E by Don Oberdorfer Murder but Was Acquitted
JFIZ Had Affair with D.C. Artist, Smoked 'Grass ' Paper Alleges 7,3, 7e By Don Oberdorfer murder but was acquitted. said he had been told of the Washinaten Fast Staff Writer The Enquirer said Meyer affair by Meyer at the time The National Enquirer al- kept a diary of her romance and that he kept notes on leged today that President with Kennedy and that the what he had learned. diary was destroyed after Kennedy conducted a two- her death by James Angle- Truitt told the Post corre- year love affair with a ton, a Central Intelligence spondent that Meyer and Washington artist and Agency official and friend Kennedy met about 30 times smoked marijuana with her of the Meyer family. from January, 1962, to No- in a White House bedroom. vember, 1963, when Ken- The principal source for nedy was assassinated. He The Enquirer account the Enquirer story is James said many of the meetings identified the woman as Truitt, a former editor and took place when Mrs. Ken- Mary Pinchot Meyer, a long- executive assistant at The nedy was out of town, and time friend of Kennedy and Washington Post who lives that Meyer, then 42, was his wife. Meyer was shot to in Mexico. Interviewed driven to the presidential death Oct. 12, 1964, nearly.a there by a special corre- mansion by White House car year after Kennedy's assas- spondent for The Post, and taken by private eleva- sination, while walking Truitt confirmed the sub- tor to living quarters where along the C&O Canal tow- stance of his Enquirer state- Kennedy did not permit the path in Georgetown.