The Selsdon Gazette Volume 72. No. 812 February 2020 THE SELSDON GAZETTE Editor:
[email protected] Website: Updates paused - under construction Advertising Enquiries: Carlo Rappa,
[email protected] Advertising payments and Treasurer: Mrs Choi Kim,
[email protected] Distribution: Enquiries to Wendy Mikiel,
[email protected] 020 8651 0470 Copy for the Gazette should reach the Editor by 20th of each month and email attachments should be in Word or PDF format. Advertisements must reach the Advertising Manager by 15th of each month, with payment in full received by close of business that day. There is no August Gazette. The view expressed by contributors to the Selsdon Gazette are their own and are not necessarily those of the Editor, the Selsdon Gazette or the Selsdon Residents’ Association. All letters printed as received. The publication of advertisements in the Selsdon Gazette does not imply any warranty on the part of the Selsdon Gazette or the Selsdon Residents’ Association as to the quality of services offered by the advertiser. Residents should make such enquiries as they think necessary about any provider of goods or services. Front cover image credit: Littleheath Woods November 2019 by David Pinkney Advertising Space Available 1 SELSDON RESIDENTS’
[email protected] ASSOCIATION Executive Committee 2019/2020 President: R. H. R. Adamson Vice-Presidents: P. Holden, R. F. G. Rowsell. Chairman: Sheila Childs, 6 Cowley Close CR2 8LU 8651 2285 Vice-Chairman: Linda Morris, 48 Ravenshead Close CR2 8RL 8651 4010 Hon. Secretary: Janet Sharp, 16 Brent Road CR2 7NR 8651 6882 Hon.