PPI (Investment Partnership Program)


Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description The privatization of Espirito Current Status: Santo Port Authority (CODESA) Feasibility aims to attract investment to studies Decree No. modernize the operation of the Espírito Santo Port ES Privatization 9,852, from state’s ports. Authority (CODESA) Bid Notice

June 25, 2019 Forecast: Ports in Vitória, Capuaba, Praia 2nd quarter Mole and Barra do Riacho are 2021 part of the project. Current Status: Feasibility Decree No. studies This project privatizes the Organized Port of São 9,972, from Organized Port of São SP Privatization Sebastião August 14, Bid Notice Sebastião/SP, as well as related

2019 Forecast: public services. 1st quarter 2022 Current Status: This project, to privatize the Santos Port Authority Decree No. SP Privatization Feasibility Santos Port Authority and its (CODESP) 9,972, from studies related public services, was


August 14, added to the PPI via

2019 Bid Notice Resolution No. 69, issued by Forecast: President Bolsonaro on August 3rd quarter 21, 2019. 2021 Current Status: This lease is for an area of Awaiting 25,726 square meters publication of dedicated to movement of Decree No. bidding notice liquid bulk in the Port of , IQI 03 - Liquid Bulk 9,972, from MA Lease State of Maranhão. Terminal – Port of Itaqui August 14, Bid Notice It is a brownfield and 2019 Forecast: greenfield project, with an 2nd quarter expected CAPEX of 58.7 million 2020 BRL. Current Status: Awaiting The Project is for the lease of a publication of brownfield port terminal Decree No. bidding notice primarily for the movement of IQI 11 - Liquid Bulk 9,972, from MA Lease liquid build. It has an area of Terminal – Port of Itaqui August 14, Bid Notice 33,607 square meters and the 2019 Forecast: CAPEX of the project is 65 2nd quarter million BRL. 2020


Current Status: Awaiting This lease is for an greenfield publication of area of 34,184 square meters Decree No. bidding notice destined for movement of IQI 12 - Liquid Bulk 9,972, from MA Lease liquid bulk, specially fuels in Terminal – Port of Itaqui August 14, Bid Notice the Porto f Itaqui. 2019 Forecast: The CAPEX for the Project is 2nd quarter 177,3 million BRL. 2020 Current Status: Awaiting publication of This is a greenfield Project for Decree No. bidding notice the lease of a port terminal IQI 13 - Liquid Bulk 9,972, from MA Lease with an area of 32,078 square Terminal – Port of Itaqui August 14, Bid Notice meters, for movement of liquid 2019 Forecast: bulk. 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: This Project is for the lease of Awaiting an area of approximately Decree No. approval of 190,000 square meters in the ATU 12 – Solid bulk 10,138, from Federal Audit BA Lease Porto of Aratu, State of . terminal – Port of Aratu November 28, Court The terminal is for movement 2019 of solid bulk, mainly fertilizers, Bid Notice copper and minerals. Forecast:


3rd quarter 2020

Current Status: Feasibility studies This lease is for terminal of PAR 32 – General cargo Governmental area of 6,651 square meters for terminal – Port of PR Lease announcement Bid Notice movement of general cargo in Paranaguá Forecast: the Port of Panaguá. 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: Feasibility It is a terminal for the studies PAR 12 – Vehicle Decree No. movement of general cargo

terminal – Port of PR Lease 9,059, from (vehicles and their parts) in the Bid Notice Paranaguá May 25, 2017 port of Paranaguá. The area Forecast: has 120,000 square meters. 1st quarter 2020


Current Status: Feasibility It is a brownfield area studies dedicated to movement of STS 08 – Liquid bulk Governmental SP Lease combustible liquid bulk. The terminal – Port of Santos announcement Bid Notice CAPEX for the project is Forecast: estimated at R$ 264.35 million. 1st quarter 2021 Bid Notice: The project is a port terminal Decree No. Published lease, dedicated to the STS 14 – Cellulose 10,138, from movement of cellulose SP Lease terminal – Port of Santos November 28, Auction: (general cargo). Investments of 2019 August 28th, approximately R$ 133.9 million 2020 are planned. Bid Notice: The project is a port terminal Decree No. Published with an area of approximately STS 14-A – Cellulose 10,138, from SP Lease 34,975 square meters terminal – Port of Santos November 28, Auction: dedicated to the movement of 2019 August 28th, cellulose. 2020

Current Status: This is a brownfield project, Ongoning Governmental intended for the movement SUA 01 PE Lease studies announcement and storage of vehicles and roll-on roll-off loads. Bid Notice


Forecast: Undefined

Current Status: Awaiting This is a new terminal for the publication of movement of general cargo in Governmental bid notice SUA 05 PE Lease the Port of Suape, State of announcement . It is a greenfield Bid Notice area of 269,000 square meters. Forecast: Undefined Current Status: Awaiting approval of Federal Audit This project is a port terminal ATU 18 – Solid bulk Port Governmental Court lease with an area of 51,562 BA Lease Terminal in Aratu announcement square meters, destined to the Bid Notice movement of solid bulk. Forecast: 3rd quarter 2020 MAC 10 – Liquid bulk Governmental Current Status: This project is a greenfield port AL Lease Port Terminal in Maceió announcement Awaiting terminal lease with an area of


approval of 7,7932 square meters, destined Federal Audit to the movement of liquid Court bulk.

Bid Notice Forecast: 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: Awaiting approval of This project is a port terminal Federal Audit lease of 3,136 square meters MCP 02 – Solid bulk Port Governmental Court dedicated to movement of Terminal in Santana AP Lease announcement solid bulk. The CAPEX for the

Bid Notice project is estimated at 42 Forecast: million BRL. 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: Feasibility This project is a port terminal studies PAR 50 – Liquid bulk lease in a brownfield area of Governmental Port Terminal in PR Lease 85,616 square meters announcement Bid Notice Paranguá dedicated to the movement Forecast: and distribution of liquid bulk. 4th quarter 2020


Current Status: Feasibility studies This is project is a port terminal VDC 10 – Liquid bulk Governmental lease with a brownfield area of Port Terminal in Vila do PA Lease announcement Bid Notice 162,856 square meters, for the Conde (State of Pará) Forecast: movement of liquid bulk. 4th quarter 2020 Current Status: Revision of feasibility Decree No. MCP 01 – Wood chip studies This project is currently being AP Lease 9,059, from Port Terminal in Santana remodeled. May 25, 2017 Bid Notice Forecast: Undefined Current Status: Feasibility This is project is for the lease PAR 07, PAR 08, PAR XX studies Governmental of areas located within the Port – Grain Port Terminals in PR Lease announcement of Paranaguá dedicated to the Paranguá Bid Notice movement of solid bulk. Forecast: Undefined Airports

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description


This concession is for the expansion, maintenance and operation of 22 airport terminals: South Block: 1. International Airport, 2. Foz do Iguaçu International Airport, 3. International Airport of Navigations, 4. Londrina Airport, 5. Airport, 6. Current Status: Bacacheri Airport, 7. Public International Airport, 8. consultation 6th Round of Airport Decree No. Uruguayana International AC,AM,GO,MA Concessions—South, Ordinary 9,972, from Airport and 9. Bagé ,PR,PE,PI,RS,R North I and Central Concession August 14, International Airport; North O,RR,SC,TO Bid Notice Blocks 2019 Block I: 1. Forecast: International Airport, 2. Porto 3rd quarter Velho International Airport, 3. 2020 Rio Branco Airport, 4. Boa Vista International Airport, 5. International Airport Cruzeiro do Sul, 6. Tabatinga International Airport and 7. Airport of Tefé; and Central Block: 1. Goiânia Airport, 2. São Luís International Airport, 3. Airport, 4. Palmas


Airport, 5. Petrolina Airport and 6. Imperatiz Airport. Current Status: Awaiting feasibility studies The 7th round will include, 7th Round of Airport Governmental among other terminals, the Concessions Announcement terminals of Congonhas and Bid Notice Santos Dumont. Forecast: 1st quarter 2022 Current Status: This concession is for the Awaiting expansion, operation and release of maintenance of the public infrastructure of the 20 airports Ordinary Governmental consultation Rede DAESP SP managed by Daesp. It includes Concession Announcement report the airports of São José dos

Campos, Barretos and Bid Notice Guaratinguetá, which are Forecast: currently operated by . Undefined


This disposes of Infraero's equity interests in—49% of the Current Status: share capital of—the Feasibility Decree No. concessionaires of the Brazilian Company of studies 9,972, from following airports:1. Guarulhos Airport Infrastructure MG,RJ,SP Sell of Shares August 14, International Airport (SP), 2. (Infraero) Sell Forecast:

2019 Confins International Airport 2nd quarter (MG), 3. Galeão International 2020 Airport (RJ),4. Brasília International Airport (DF). Highways

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description The stretches to be part of the concession are the following: 1. Current Status: Highwat BR-470, between Feasibility Navegantes/SC, to the border studies of the states of Concession of the Decree No. and ; 2. Highways BR- Ordinary 9,972, from SC Bid Notice BR-282, between the 153/282/470/SC and SC- Concession August 14, Forecast: junction with the BR-470, until

412 2019 1st quarter the junction with the BR-153; 2021 3. Highway BR-153/SC, between the junction with highway BR-282, in the municipality of Irani, to the


border between the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul; and 4. SC-412, in the stretch between Itajaí, BR-101 until the entrance of the municipality of Gaspar.

The stretches to be part of the concession are the following:

Current Status: 1. the stretch of Highway BR- Awaiting 163/MT, between the PA/MT Concession of the release of Border to junction MT-220, in Highways BR- Decree No. public hearing the municipality of Sinop; the 163/230/MT/PA – the Ordinary 9,972, from report MT, PA stretch of Highway BR-163/PA, Stretches between Concession August 14, between the junction with BR-

Sinop/MT and 2019 Bid Notice 230/PA and the PA/MT Border; Miritituba/PA Forecast: and 3. the stretch of Highway 3rd quarter BR-230/PA, between the 2020 junction with highway BR- 163/PA and the Tapajós River crossing.


The stretches to be part of the concession are the following:

1. Highway BR-262/ES, in the Current Status: Concession of the stretch between the junction Awaiting Highways BR- with the BR-101(B) - Viana/ES - release of 381/262/MG/ES – the to the ES/MG border; 2. BR- Decree No. public hearing Stretches of BR- 381/MG 262/MG, in the stretch Ordinary 9,972, from report between ES,MG between Divisa ES/MG to the Concession August 14, and Gov. Valadares and junction with BR-381/MG -

2019 Bid Notice BR-262/MG/ES between João Monlevade/MG; and 3. Forecast: João Monlevade/MG BR-381/MG, in the stretch 3rd quarter and Viana/ES between Belo Horizonte/MG to 2020 Governador Valadares/MG.

The stretches add up to 672 km. The stretches selected for Current Status: Concession of Integrated study add up to more than Feasibility Highways of Paraná - 4,100 km and connect the port Decree No. studies BR- of Paranaguá, metropolitan Ordinary 9,972, from 153/158/163/272/277/3 PR Curitiba (29 municipalities), the Concession August 14, Bid Notice 69/373/376/476/PR and western and northern

2019 Forecast: Other Related State of the state and the Amizade 2nd quarter Highways Bridge, on the border with 2021 Paraguay.


Current Status: Waiting for the This concession proposal start of Concession of Highway Decree No. covers the stretch between the feasibility BR 364/RO/MT – Porto Ordinary 9,972, from junction with the BR-174 (A) in MT, RO studies Velho/RO to Comodoro Concession August 14, Comodoro/MT and Porto

/MT 2019 Velho/RO (Access Ulysses Bid Notice Guimarães), totaling 806.3 km. Forecast: Undefined The project includes creating and paving BR-158 on the longitudinal axis of the State of , which will be Current Status: important for transporting Waiting for the grain crops and which will start of require an installation license Decree No. feasibility for its implementationLocated Federal Highway BR- Ordinary 10,138, from studies MT between the border of the 158/MT Concession November 28, states of Mato Grosso and Pará

2019 Bid Notice and the municipality of Forecast: Ribeirão Cascalheira/MT, the 3rd quarter highway will be 417.80 km 2022 long, and pass through the eastern contour segment of the Marãiwatsédé Indigenous Land.


The project connects Rio de Current Status: Janeiro/RJ and Juiz de Feasibility Fora/MG. It is the main road Concession of Highway studies corridor between the states of Decree No. BR – 040/495/MG/RJ Ordinary and Rio de RJ, MG 9,059, from (Concer) – Juiz de Fora Concession Bid Notice Janeiro and an importantt

May 25, 2017 to Forecast: stretch on the radial highway 3rd quarter that connects Brasília and Rio 2020 de Janeiro. It will total 180.4 km. This 402 km long project connects the two largest metropolitan regions of the Current Status: country ( and Rio de Awaiting Janeiro). The highway is also approval of the main link between the Federal Audit northeast and the south Concession of Highway Decree No. Ordinary Court sections of the country, BR – 116/465/101/SP/RJ RJ, SP 9,059, from Concession passing through 34 cities.

(Nova Dutra) May 25, 2017 Bid Notice Forecast: In the pre-feasibility study, the 4th quarter scope of the project was 2020 increased to 635 km: 346 km on BR-116/RJ/SP; 266 km on BR 101/RJ/SP and 23 km on BR- 465/RJ.


The project involves the BR- 116/RJ stretch (Santos Dumont Highway), located in the containing the municipalities of Duque de Caxias (from the Current Status: junction with BR-040/RJ), Feasibility Magé, Guapimirim, studies Teresópolis, São José do Vale Decree No. do Rio Preto and Sapucaia in Concession of Highway Ordinary RJ 9,059, from the State of Rio de Janeiro, and BR –116/493/RJ/MG Concession

May 25, 2017 Bid Notice extends to the border with Forecast: Minas Gerais, near the city of 3rd quarter Beyond Paraíba. 2020 It involves an extension of 142.5 km, and the project is managed by the Rio- Teresópolis Concessionaire (CRT). Current Status: The stretches to be included in Awaiting the concession are the Concession of Highway approval of following: Ordinary Governmental BR – GO, TO Federal Audit Concession Announcement 153/080/414/GO/TO Court 1. Highwau BR-153/TO/GO, between Aliança do Norte and Anápolis; 2. Highway BR-


Bid Notice 080/GO, between Gurupi (BR- Forecast: 153) and Assunção de Goiás 3rd quarter (BR-414); and 3. Highway BR- 2020 414/GO, between Assunção de Goiás and Anápolis.

Current Status: Feasibility The project aims to guarantee studies the continuity of operational servies and construction work Concession of Highway Ordinary Governmental DF, GO, MG for the ecovery, maintenance, BR – 040/DF/GO/MG concession Announcement Bid Notice monitoring and improvements Forecast: of the Brasilia - Juiz de For a 2nd quarter route. 2021

Railroads Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description This railroad covers Current Status: approximately 4,400km, from Feasibility the Litoral Norte Fluminense to Concession of EF-354 - studies Ordinary Governmental Boqueirão da Esperança /AC. Midwest Integration GO, MT Concession Announcement

Railway Bid Notice It was added to the PPI via Forecast: Council Resolution No. 41 on Undefined July 2, 2018.


This 53 km long railway extension project will connect Perus in São Paulo and Manoel Feio in Itaquaquecetuba, an Current Status: area adjacent to the circuit of Feasibility the Rodoanel. It will allow studies cargo movement from the Concession Tramo Norte Ordinary Governmental SP interior of the state to the Port do Ferroanel de São Paulo Concession Announcement Bid Notice of Santos, as well as the Forecast: passage of trains between the Undefined interior and the Paraíba Valley.

It was added to the PPI via Council Resolution No. 41 on July 2, 2018. Current Status: The 933 km railway Decree No. Awaiting extensionwill connect the 9,972, from of release of grain producing region of the August 14, public hearing Midwest to the State of Pará, Railway EF-170 – MT/PA - Ordinary 2019, altering report running to the Port of MT, PA

Ferrogrão Concession the Decree Miritituba. Also planned is a 32 No.8,094, from Bid Notice km Santarenzinho extension September 4, Forecast: between Itaituba and 2013 4th quarter Santarenzinho, in the 2020 municipality of Rurópolis/PA,


and an 11 km Itapacurá extension. FIOL will be extended by1,527 km, between Ilhéus/BA and Figueirópolis/TO. The total current investment planned for the works of stretches 1 and 2 Current Status: of FIOL (Ilhéus/BA - Caetité/BA Awaiting and Caetité/BA - Barreiras/BA) approval of is on the order of R$ 6.4 billion. Railway EF-334/BA - Decree No. Federal Audit The Railroad is important to Ferrovia de Integração 8,916, from Court the ore runoff corridor in Oeste - Leste-FIOL (the BA Subconcession November 25, southern Bahia (Caetité and Stretch between Ilhéus/BA 2016 Bid Notice Tanhaçu) and the grain

and Caetité/BA) Forecast: industry of western Bahia. 2nd quarter There is also the possibility of 2020 future integration with the North-South Railway, meeting the objective of integrating the railway networks and improving the country's logistical conditions. Urban Mobility Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description


Current Status: Ongoing Decree No. studies This Project was added to the Brazilian Company of 9,999, from PPI via an announcement by AL,MG,PB,RN Privatization

Urban Trains (CBTU) September 3, Bid Notice President Bolsonaro on August

2019 Forecast: 21, 2019. 2nd quarter 2021 Current Status: Studies have Decree No. not begun This Project was added to the S.A. Urban 9.998, from PPI via an announcement by RS Privatization

Train Company (Trensurb) September 3, Bid Notice President Bolsonaro on August 2019. Forecast: 21, 2019. 4th quarter 2020

Energy Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description AC, AL, AP, The proposal for privatization AM , BA, CE, aims to reduce the Federal Decree No. Current Status: ES, GO, MA, Government’s shareholdins in Privatization 9,351, from Studies have MT, MS, MG, Eletrobras' while maintaining

April 19, 2018 not begun PA, PB, PR. PE, veto power related toissues PI, RJ, RN, RS, that would impact the country.


RO, RR, SC, SP, The government’s reduction in SE, TO shareholdings will be achieved by issuance of additional shares in the company, as provided for in Bill No. 9,463/2018. Current Status: Awaiting The New Auction A-4 approval of Ordinance No. aims to meet the demand New Energy Auction A- Federal Audit Ordinary 455, from declared by distributors to 4/2020 Court Concession December 6, cope with the growth of their

2019 consumer market, within 4 Bid Notice years. Forecast: Undefined Current Status: The New Energy Auction A-4 Ongoing Ordinance No. aims to meet the demand New Energy Auction A- studies Ordinary 455, from declared by distributors to 6/2020 Concession December 6, cope with the growth of their Bid Notice 2019 consumer market, within 6 Forecast: years. Undefined



Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description This Project was qualified at Current Status: the 1st Meeting of the Awaiting public Investment Partnership Concession of hearing Program (PPI) Council, on CPRM Exploitation Mineral Resources Governmental September 13, 2016. Rights - Copper GO Research announcement Company Bid Notice The Copper project of Bom exploitation rights Forecast: Jardim de Goiás has 6,725.40 3rd quarter meters of perforations carried 2020 out. This Project was qualified at Current Status: the 1st Meeting of the Awaiting public Investment Partnership Concession of hearing Program (PPI) Council, on Mineral Resources CPRM Exploitation Governmental September 13, 2016. PE Research Rights - Phosphate announcement Company Bid Notice Miriri phosphate project exploitation rights Forecast: consists of seven mining 3rd quarter processes with a total area of 2020 7,572.84 ha. Concession of Current Status: Mineral Resources Awaiting public This Project was qualified at CPRM Exploitation Governmental RS Research hearing the 1st Meeting of the Rights - Coal announcement Company Investment Partnership exploitation rights


Bid Notice Program (PPI) Council, on Forecast: September 13, 2016. 1st quarter 2021 The CPRM Coal project consists of eleven research titles totaling 20,353 ha. This project is for the Current Status: concession of the exploitation Awaiting Concession of rights in an area with an Feasibility CPRM Exploitation Mineral Resources extension of 10,000 hectares, Governmental Studies Rights - Kaolin PA Research with a capacity of 520 million announcement Company tons of kaolin. The study Bid Notice exploitation rights considered two blocks with an Forecast: average whiteness index of Undefined 80%.

Sanitation and Sewage

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description Current Status: This project is for the Basic Sanitation in São Ordinary Governmental Feasibility investment, management and GO Simão Concession announcement Studies execution of sewage services in the municipality of São Simão.


Bid Notice Forecast: 3rd quarter 2020

Current Status: Feasibility This project is for the Studies Ordinary Governmental investment, management and Sewage in Crato CE Concession announcement execution of sewage services in Bid Notice the municipality of Crato.. Forecast: 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: Feasibility This project is for the Studies investment, management and Sewage in Volta Ordinary Governmental RJ execution of sewage services in Redonda Concession announcement Bid Notice the municipality of Volta Forecast: Redonda. 1st quarter 2021 Current Status: Feasibility This project is for the Studies investment, management and Sewage in São Gonçalo Ordinary Governmental RN execution of sewage services in do Amarante Concession announcement Bid Notice the municipality of São Forecast: Gonçalo do Amarante. Undefined


Solid Waste

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description Current Status: This project is for the Feasibility management and execution of Solid Waste – Studies Ordinary Governmental solid waste disposal services Consortium COMARES CE Concession announcement for the municipalities of the Bid Notice Municipal Consortium for Solid Forecast: Waste Disposal – COMARES. 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: This project is for a that Feasibility will be structured in addition to Studies Solid Waste in Teresina Ordinary Governmental the disposal of waste in PI Concession announcement landfills. It aims at recycling as Bid Notice much solid waste as possible Forecast: to be diverted from the landfill. 3rd quarter 2020 This project is for the Current Status: management and execution of Feasibility solid waste disposal services Solid Waste - Studies Ordinary Governmental for the municipalities of the Consortium CONVALE MG Concession announcement Intermunicipal Consortium for Bid Notice Regional Development of the Forecast: Rio Grande Valley - CONVALE. 3rd quarter 2020


Current Status: The services include Awaiting transshipment, transportation release of and final disposal of solid public hearing Solid Waste in Bauru – Ordinary Governmental waste and do not include SP report São Paulo Concession announcement collection services, urban

conservation such as sweeping, Bid Notice pruning and weeding. Forecast:

3rd quarter 2020

Public Lighting

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description Current Status: Feasibility The Project aims to modernize Studies the almost 23,000 points of the Public lighting in Patos Public-Private Governmental MG city's public lightning park in de Minas Partnership (PPP) announcement Bid Notice line with current technical Forecast: standards. 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: The Project aims to modernize Public-Private Governmental Feasibility Public lighting in Toledo PR the almost 23,000 points of the Partnership (PPP) announcement Studies city's public lightning park in


Bid Notice line with current technical Forecast: standards. 1st quarter 2021 Current Status: Feasibility The Project aims to modernize Public lighting in Studies the almost 32,000 points of the Public-Private Governmental Cachoeiro de Itapemirim ES city's public lightning park in Partnership (PPP) announcement Bid Notice line with current technical Forecast: standards. 3rd quarter 2020 Current Status: Awaiting release of The Project aims to modernize public hearing the almost 82,000 points of the Public-Private Governmental report Public lighting in Belém PA city's public lightning park in Partnership (PPP) announcement line with current technical Bid Notice standards. Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: The Project aims to modernize Awaiting the almost 50,000 points of the Public lighting in Public-Private Governmental release of SE city's public lightning park in Aracajú Partnership (PPP) announcement public hearing line with current technical report standards.


Bid Notice Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: Awaiting release of The Project aims to modernize public hearing the almost 61,000 points of the Public lighting in Feira Public-Private Governmental report BA city's public lightning park in de Santana Partnership (PPP) announcement line with current technical Bid Notice standards. Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: Awaiting release of The Project aims to modernize public hearing the almost 32,000 points of the Public lighting in Public-Private Governmental report BA city's public lightning park in Camaçari Partnership (PPP) announcement line with current technical Bid Notice standards. Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Public lighting in Public-Private Governmental Current Status: The Project aims to modernize RS Partnership (PPP) announcement Awaiting the almost 12,000 points of the


release of city's public lightning park in public hearing line with current technical report standards.

Bid Notice Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: Awaiting release of The Project aims to modernize public hearing the almost 10,000 points of the Public lighting in Franco Public-Private Governmental report SP city's public lightning park in da Rocha Partnership (PPP) announcement line with current technical Bid Notice standards. Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020 Current Status: Feasibility The Project aims to modernize studies Public lighting in the almost 10,000 points of the Public-Private Governmental Corumbá MS city's public lightning park in Partnership (PPP) announcement Bid Notice line with current technical Forecast: standards. 2nd quarter 2020


Current Status: Awaiting release of The Project aims to modernize public hearing Public lighting in the almost 112,000 points of Public-Private Governmental report Campinas SP the city's public lightning park Partnership (PPP) announcement in line with current technical Bid Notice standards. Forecast: 2nd quarter 2020

National Parks and Forests

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description Current Status: The Park is located in a Public nationally consolidated tourist consultation hub – Serra Gaúcha – which Ordinary Governmental Canela National Forest RS receives about 2.5 million Concession announcement Bid Notice tourists a year, close to the Forecast: municipalities of Canela and 3rd quarter . 2020


The Park is located in the region of Campos de Cima da Current Status: Serra and integrates the Public Region of Hortênsias which is a consultation nationally consolidated tourist São Francisco de Paula Ordinary Governmental RS hub – the Serra Gaúcha. It National Forest Concession announcement Bid Notice receives annually more than Forecast: 2.5 million tourists and has 3rd quarter several waterfalls, a set of lakes 2020 and historic buildings with potential for visitation. Current Status: The Humaitá National Forest is Awaiting a conservation unit managed feasibility by ICMBio, with an area of studies Ordinary Governmental approximately 468,000 Humaitá Forest AM Concession announcement hectares, of which Bid Notice approximately 310,000 can be Forecast: allocated to business 2nd quarter management. 2020 The Iquiri National Forest is a Current Status: federal conservation unit Awaiting Ordinary Governmental managed by ICMBio, with an Iquiri Forest AM feasibility Concession announcement area of approximately 1.47 studies million hectares, of which

approximately 883,000 can be


Bid Notice allocated to business Forecast: management. Undefined Current Status: Awaiting The area totals about 165,000 feasibility hectares, of which Ordinary Governmental studies Castanho Forest AM approximately 120,000 can be Concession announcement allocated to business Bid Notice management. Forecast: Undefined Current Status: The Council of the Investment Awaiting Partnership Program of the Decree No. feasibility Presidency of the Republic Jericoacoara National Ordinary 10.147, from studies issued Resolution No. 79 of CE Park Concession December 2, August 21, 2019, in which it 2019 Bid Notice calls for the inclusion of the Forecast Jericoacoara National Park in Undefined the PPI. The Council of the Investment Current Status: Decree No. Partnership Program of the Awaiting Lençois Maranhenses Ordinary 10.147, from Presidency of the Republic MA feasibility National Park Concession December 2, issued Resolution No. 79 of studies 2019 August 21, 2019, in which it

calls for the inclusion of the


Bid Notice Lençois Maranhenses National Forecast Park in the PPI. Undefined Current Status: The Council of the Investment Awaiting Partnership Program of the Decree No. feasibility Presidency of the Republic Nova Iguaçu National Ordinary 10.147, from studies issued Resolution No. 79 of PR Park Concession December 2, August 21, 2019, in which it 2019 Bid Notice calls for the inclusion of the Forecast Nova Iguaçu National Park in Undefined the PPI. The Aparados da Serra and Serra Geral National Park are Current Status: conservation units managed by Awaiting ICMBio, which have a shared approval of management, sharing the Aparados da Serra and Decree No. Federal Audit same work team, advisory Ordinary Serra Geral National RS, SC 10.331, from Court board, Management Plan and Concession Parks April 28, 2020 administrative headquarters. Bid Notice The Aparados da Serra Forecast National Park has 13,141 Undefined hectares and the Serra Geral National Park has 17,301 hectares.


Fishing Terminals

Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description The Terminal is located in an area adjacent to the Port of Current Status: Cabedelo. It contains the Public structure of a floating pier to consultation support operations of the Decree No Cabedelo Finishing Ordinary artisanal fleet, 3,600 m2 of PB 10.383, from Terminal Concession Bid Notice built area in its various May 28, 2020 Forecast: pavilions, as well as an effluent 2nd quarter treatment unit and external 2020 area with drinking water, artesian well, access ordinance, and vehicle maneuvering yard. The Terminal has Current Status: approximately 40,000 m2, and Awaiting is located in the Tapanã district feasibility of Belém. The land faces the Decree No studies Bay of Guajará and is located Ordinary Belém Fishing Terminal PA 10.383, from 120 km from the Atlantic Concession May 28, 2020 Bid Notice Ocean. Forecast: 3rd quarter In the Terminal region there 2020 are several fishing landings ports, focused on both


artisanal fishing and industry. The built area is 14,000 m2, with an additional area of 5,000 m2 destined to the mooring pier for the vessels. The Manaus Fishing Terminal of Manaus has a reception capacity of 200 t/day of fish. Current Status: Awaiting The main pavilion of the feasibility Terminal contains, on its Decree No studies Ordinary ground floor, the units of Manaus Fishing Terminal AM 10.383, from Concession reception, processing and May 28, 2020 Bid Notice dispatch of fish, fish Forecast: conservation chambers; 3rd quarter basement with changing 2021 rooms and toilets. The upper floor consists of administrative area, pantry and toilets.


Project State Model Legal Basis Status Description


The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Decree No. Presidency of the Republic Post – Brazilian Post and Current Status: 10,066, from issued Resolution No. 68 of Telegraph Company – DF Privatization Studies have October 15, August 21, 2019, for the ECT not begun 2019 inclusion of the Brazilian Post and Telegraph Company (ECT) in the PPI. The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic Decree No. issued Resolution No. 17 of Current Status: 10,054, from August 23, 2017, in which it National Mint DF Privatization Feasibility October 14, calls for the inclusion of Studies

2019 privatization measures related to the Brazilian Mint in the PPI and in the National Privatization Program (PND). The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Decree No. Presidency of the Republic Telebras - Current Status: 10,067, from issued Resolution No. 67 of Telecomunicações DF Privatization Studies have October 15, August 21, 2019, in which it Brasileiras S.A. not begun 2019 calls for the inclusion of the privatization of Telebras in the PPI.


The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic Current Status: issued Resolution No. 83 of Federal Data Processing Governmental Privatization Studies have August 21, 2019, in which it Service (SEPRO) Announcement not begun calls for the inclusion of the privatization of the Federal Data Processing Service (SEPRO) in the PPI.

The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic

Social issued Resolution No. 84 of

Security Technology and Governmental August 21, 2019, in which it Privatization Current Status: Information Announcement calls for the inclusion of the Studies have Company (DATAPREV) privatization of the Social not begun Security Information Technology and Information Company (DATAPREV) in the PPI.

Decree No. Current status: The Council of the Investment Asset Managing 10,008, from DF Privatization Feasibility Partnership Program of the Company (Emgea) September 5, Studies Presidency of the Republic

2019 issued Resolution No. 65 of


August 21, 2019, in which it calls for the inclusion of the privatization of the Assets Managing Company S.A. (EMGEA) in the PPI and the PND.

Current status: The Council of the Investment Studies under Partnership Program of the discussion Presidency of the Republic Decree No. Brazilian Guarantees and between the issued Resolution No. 62 of 10,007, from Fund Managements Privatization teams of the August 21, 2019, in which it September 5, Agency (ABGF) Ministry of calls for the inclusion of the

2019 Economy and privatization of the Brazilian the Secretariat Guarantees and Fund of the PPI Managements Agency in the PPI) and the PND. This project resumes the

privatization of the Supply

Centers of Minas Gerais S/A Supply Centers of Minas Governmental Current Status: MG Privatization (CEASAMINAS), which was Gerais (Ceasaminas) Announcement Feasibility included in the PND through Studies Decree No. 3,654, of

November 7, 2000.


The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic issued Resolution No. 81 of Company of Warehouses Decree No. Current Status: August 21, 2019, in which it and General Warehouses SP Privatization 10,045, from Feasibility calls for the inclusion of the

of São Paulo (CEAGESP) October 4, 2019 Studies privatization of the Company of Warehouses and General Warehouses of São Paulo (CEAGESP) in PND and the PPI. The Council of the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic issued Resolution No. 66 of August 21, 2019, in which it calls for the inclusion of the Decree No. National Center for National Center for Advanced 10,065, from Current Status: Advanced Electronic Privatization Electronic Technology S.A. October 14, Studies have Technology S.A. (CEITEC) (CEITEC) in the PPI in order to

2019 not begun study possibilities for privatization and increased operational efficiency with a view toward ensuring its financial economic sustainability.


Current status: This project is for the GEEE-GT BNDES is in the (a 1,267.27 MW generation State Company of Power process of and transmission generator Distriution (CEEE-D) and Governmental hiring a service park) and the State Company of Power RS Privatization Announcement provider to CEEEC-D (the distribution to a Generation and design the market of 1724.1 customers (in Transmission (CEEE-GT) privatization thousands) of 6789 model GWh/year). Current status: The DF government This project will serve a market has hired of 1080.9 customers (in Governmental CEB DF Privatization BNDES to thousands) with Announcement provide the 5581GWh/year from a 682.07 technical MW generator park. support for the privatization Current status: Awaiting the This project will serve a market MME Governmental of 204.9 customers (in CEA AP Privatization announcement Announcement thousands) with 1053 of the auction GWh/year. of hiring a new concessionaire


Current status: This project will serve a market A privatization of 8,427.1 customers (in Governmental CEMIG MG Privatization proposal will be thousands) with 7474 Announcement presented to GWh/year from a 6,100 MW ALMG generator park. The auction will be divided in four bands: 700 MHz; 2.3 GHz; Current status: 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz, totaling a Awaiting the spectrum equal to four times National that currently available for 5G - Auction of the radio Telecommunica mobile networks in the spectrum for fifth Ordinary Governmental tion Agency country. generation Concession Announcement announcement The 3.5 GHz band is the main telecommunications regarding the average band harmonized for networks Technical Study 5G on a global basis and will of Pricing of the be offered in 2 blocks of 100 object MHz and 1 of 80 MHz national and 2 blocks of 60 MHz regionalized. It is a basic industry, producer of custom capital goods, which NUCLEP – Nuclebrás Decree No. Current Status: operates mainly in the area of Equipamentos Pesados RJ Privatization 10.322, from Studies have heavy boiler, having among its S.A. April 15, 2020 not begun main products large equipment and carcasses for the oil and gas, nuclear and


naval areas. Among its clients are the Brazilian Navy, Itaguaí Construções Navais (a consortium formed by Odebrecht and the French COMPANY DCNS, with the participation of the Brazilian Navy), Petrobras and Eletronuclear. The recommendation for the company's qualification in the Investment Partnership Program for the purpose of studying alternatives to partnership with the private Current Status: EBC - Empresa Brasileira Governmental sector, as well as to propose DF Privatization Studies have de Comunicação Announcement efficiency gains and results for not begun the company, in order to ensure its economic and financial sustainability, occurred on 11/19/2019, through CPPI Resolution No. 98/2019.