Conservation and Development of Koh Kret Community Environment in Nonthaburi การอนุรักษ์และพัฒนาลักษณะสภาพแวดล้อมชุมชนท้องถิ่นเกาะเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี Srisak Phattanawasin ศรศี กดั ์ิ พฒนวศั นิ Conservation and Development of Koh Kret Community Environment in Nonthaburi Srisak Phattanawasin 15 Journal of Architectural/Planning Research and Studies Volume 6. Issue 2. 2009 16 Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University Conservation and Development of Koh Kret Community Environment in Nonthaburi การอนรุ กษั และพ์ ฒนาลั กษณะสภาพแวดลั อมช้ มชนทุ องถ้ นเกาะเกร่ิ ด็ จงหวั ดนนทบั รุ ี Srisak Phattanawasin ศรศี กดั ์ิ พฒนวศั นิ Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani 12121, Thailand, E-mail:
[email protected] คณะสถาปตยกรรมศาสตรั และการผ์ งเมั องื มหาวทยาลิ ยธรรมศาสตรั ์ จงหวั ดปทั มธานุ ี 12121 Abstract The expansions of urbanization and economic growth over Bangkok area generate rapid changes on several small communities surrounding Bangkok, especially on the potential ones such as Koh Kret, Nontahburi. Due to its unique physical, social and cultural virtues, Koh Kret has been promoted as an eco-cultural tourist attraction. This, to some extent, has impacts on Koh Kret’s physical transformations concerned with their original way of life and cultures, causing the difficulties between retaining the cultural heritage and modernizing the community area. This research had studied on both theoretical and related topics along with a field research, focusing on the studies for conservation and sustainable development of Koh Kret community environment related to the tourism. Two main issues were covered in this research, that is, the community planning and the vernacular architecture. In this study, the participating research was performed by using field surveys and questionnaires for gathering information on community attitudes toward the above issues.