JUSTITIA 012 I JANVIER 2019 / 1 Visitez Le Portail Du Ministère De La Justice Discover the Website of the Ministry of Justice
MAGAZINE D’INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES DU MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE I CAMEROUN JUSTITIA 012 I JANVIER 2019 / 1 visitez le portail du ministère de la justice discover the website of the ministry of justice www.minjustice.gov.cm 2 / JUSTITIA 012 I JANVIER 2019 MAGAZINE D’INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES DU MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE I CAMEROUN s.e. paul biya Président de la République Président du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature President of the Republic President of the Higher Judicial Council joseph dion ngute Premier Ministre, Chef du Gouvernement Prime Minister, Head of Government Laurent ESSO Ministre d’État, Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux Jean de dieu momo Minister of State, Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals Ministre Délégué auprès du Ministre de la Justice Minister Delegate to the Minister of Justice Doh Jerôme Penbaga Secrétaire d'État auprès du Ministre de la Justice chargé de l'Administration Pénitentiaire Secretary of State to the Minister of Justice in charge of Penitentiary Administration JJUSTITIAUSTITIA 012 012 I I JANVIERJANVIER 2019 2019 / 3 ▣ EDITORIAL narrow the gap that has been existing for long between these two entities who are bound to move together. Numerous mechanisms have been put in place to improve the relations between the public service and the citizens. In Cameroon, between the reform of the administrative prac- tice, the improvement of the service rendered to the public, investments of all kinds, no sector of the administration is spared by this trend of bringing the public service closer to citizens as directed by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, so as not only to establish more sere- nity and trust between the public service and the citizens, but also to change the attitude, behaviour and the opinion they have about the public service.
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