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LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY PUBLICATION: 15 SEPTEMBER 2017 DEADLINE FOR CALL-IN: 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 FOLLOWING THE CALL-IN PERIOD, DECISIONS INCLUDED IN THESE MINUTES MAY THEN BE IMPLEMENTED WHERE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN SUBJECT TO A CALL-IN. * DENOTES KEY DECISION At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held in the Authority Chamber - No. 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP on Friday, 15th September, 2017 the following Members were P r e s e n t: Metro Mayor S Rotheram Chairperson of the Combined Authority (in the Chair) Councillor P Davies, Councillor B Grunewald, Councillor R Polhill, Deputy Mayor A O'Byrne (Substitute for Mayor J Anderson OBE), Councillor M Murphy (Substitute for Councillor A Moorhead), Councillor T O'Neill (Associate Member), Councillor F McKenna (Substitute for Councillor I Moran), Jane Kennedy (Co-opted Member - Criminal Justice) and Councillor L Robinson (Co-opted Member - Transport). Mayoral Advisors in attendance Janet Beer (Higher Education) Reverend Canon Dr E Loudon (Voluntary and Community Sector) 66. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Mayor J Anderson (OBE), Councillor A Moorhead, Councillor I Maher, Mr A Hamid MBE, Councillor I Moran (Associate Member), Luciana Berger MP (Mayoral Advisor – Mental Health), Kate Farrell (Mayoral Advisor – Homelessness), Sara Wilde-McKeown (Visitor Economy), Gideon Ben-Tovim OBE (Mayoral Advisor – Natural Environment) and Barbara Spicer (Mayoral Advisor – Social Housing Growth). 67. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST It was reported that no declarations of interest had been received. 68. MINUTES OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 18 AUGUST 2017 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held on 18 August 2017 be approved as a correct record.
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