Chapter Two: Activist Agendas and Visions Before Stonewall (1965-1969)
Chapter Two: Activist Agendas and Visions before Stonewall (1965-1969) Documents 19-26: Homophile Movement Debates, 1965-1966 The documents reprinted in The Stonewall Riots are “The Year Ahead: A Forecast,” Mattachine Review, Jan. 1965, 19-22; Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, “Does Research into Homosexuality Matter?” The Ladder, May 1965, 14-20; Florence Conrad [Jaffy], “Research Is Here to Stay,” The Ladder, July 1965, 15-21; “Positive Policy,” Eastern Mattachine Magazine, May 1965, 23-24; Franklin E. Kameny, “Editorial: On Picketing,” Eastern Mattachine Magazine, July 1965, 20-21; East Coast Homophile Organizations, July Fourth demonstration flier, 4 July 1965, reprinted in Kay Tobin [Lahusen], “Picketing: The Impact & the Issues,” The Ladder, Sep. 1965, 4-8; Richard Conger [W. Dorr Legg], Editorial, ONE, Sep. 1965, 4; “Interview with Ernestine,” The Ladder, June 1966, 4-11. For related sources, see Kay Tobin and Barbara Gittings, “Part Four: ‘Act or Teach?’” The Ladder, Feb. 1965, 13-17; Franklin E. Kameny, “Appeal!” Drum, June 1965, 30, 32; Franklin E. Kameny, “Emphasis on Research Has Had Its Day,” The Ladder, Oct. 1965, 10-14, 23-26; “Highlights from ECHO Conference Speeches,” Tangents, Nov. 1965, 11- 13; Editorial, Mattachine Midwest Newsletter, Dec. 1965, 7; “Homosexual’s Worst Enemy,” Cruise News & World Report Jan. 1966, 1; Editorial, Tangents, Jan. 1966, 2; Franklin Kameny, “Readers on Writers,” ONE, Feb. 1966, 17-19; Gene Damon, “Together—Toward A Common Goal,” Tangents, Mar. 1966, 16-18; “National Conference Adopts Statement, Launches Projects, Mattachine Midwest Newsletter, Mar. 1966, 5; “Homophile Planning Conference: Agreement in Kansas City,” Cruise News & World Report, Apr.
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